The Panther ISSUE 3
Advocacy Pro-Israel
YULA delegation attends AIPAC Conference in D.C.
Tz i t z i t A n y o n e ?
Rabbi Glass’ Six Year Tenure Comes to an End By JOSH KOHAN ‘13 and ELON SWARTZ ‘13 Panther Editors-in-Chief On Feb. 28, Rabbi Heshy Glass, Head of School, announced that he would not be returning to YULA Boys High School in the coming academic year, and that Rabbi Dov Emerson –– current assistant principal at DRS Yeshiva High School for Boys in Woodmere, NY –– would be succeeding him as the new Head of School. As students learned of Rabbi Glass’ departure, many reflected on his role in improving YULA over the years. “He changed the school in so many ways,” one senior said. “It’s a radically better institution than it was when I first got here.”
Leading the life of an entrepenur, YULA Junior starts his own business.
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Board Appoints New Head of School
Varsity basketball team places third at Red Sarachek.
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News RENEWED GLORY! YULA wins first place in YU’s National United Nations Competition.
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Sports PEANUTS & CRACKER JACKS A new coach joins YULA Baseball Team ushering in a new era for the sport at the School.
| Architect’s depiciction of YULA’s planned state-of-the-art gymnasium, underground parking facility, and additional classrooms. In 2007, the YULA Boys High School administration and board –– led by President David Nagel –– decided to hire Rabbi Glass as the new of Head of School. According to the School, Rabbi Glass made the transition with his family, moving from the East Coast to Los Angeles, joining YULA Boys High School’s administration. Rabbi Glass has been an educator and administrator for over 30 years, according to the School’s website, “As the head of school he oversees all areas of academic counseling and mentoring and coordinates the activities of all the administrative team,” according to his biography on the site.
During his time at YULA, Rabbi Glass coined a new motto, which ultimately became the template for Rabbi Glass’ changes to the school. “At YULA,” Rabbi Glass said at the 2012 Student Orientation, “We emphasize the sanctity of person, place, and time.” Rabbi G l a s s c r e ated this m o t t o See
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Arts PAINTING WALLS Ben Krombach ’13 designed and produced a unique mural in the hallways of the campus.
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Technology ENGINEERS IN THE MAKING YULA’s newly found robotics team brings home the gold.
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YDS Performs 12 Angry Men A New Type of Production
| YULA Boys Drama Society’s performance of Reginald Rose’s 12 Angry Men.
By ASHER NAGHI ‘14 Panther Contributer The death penalty awaits a young, nineteen-year-old man on trial for murder. The question is: Is he guilty? Reginald Rose’s 12 Angry Men tells the captivating story of twelve jurors who contemplate sending a young man to death row. Only Juror Eight opposes the almost unanimous vote of “guilty,” and as the play progresses, the jurors’ personalities and motives become clear. Though the actors’ performances were no less than inspiring, the production could not have achieved the success it did without its intimate seating –– the chairs were
arranged in a large circle around the jury table. Audience members, along with the jurors, gasped in horror as the blade of the irate Juror Three came painstakingly close to Juror Eight’s heart. “The play was so engaging because I could see the sincere expressions on the faces of the actors, and I felt like I was part of the play,” said YULA grandpare n t , D a n i e l Yo u n g . See
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