Elon Fellows Programs 2010-11

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The Elon Fellows Programs Premier academic & scholarship opportunities for exceptionally motivated students.


Prepare to Excel


he Elon Fellows Programs are tailormade for a student like you. You value mentoring relationships, an expansive global perspective and meaningful service experiences. And you need an academic environment that will keep pace with your

work ethic. You’ll find it all (and so much more) at Elon. Maybe you’re certain about a major. Or perhaps you want to explore several options. The seven Fellows Programs offer outstanding faculty support, scholarships, study abroad and research grants, and peer networks that will challenge you to set and achieve your goals.

The Elon Fellows Programs combine all the elements of an active collegiate lifestyle with dynamic curricula that provide opportunities to study business in China, publish research in an academic journal, and live and learn with students who share your passion for knowledge. Design your own major, produce a nightly newscast or present a leadership legacy project that will leave your mark on the university long after you graduate.

The opportunities are here. It’s up to you to set the course. Read on to learn more about the benefits of the Elon Fellows Programs. Discover how Elon can shape the next four years of your life and give you a jump on your plans after graduation.

ThE ChOiCE is Yours 7 Challenging programs honors FEllOws


for students in any major*

Elon collEgE FEllOws


for majors in the arts and humanities, social sciences and mathematical and natural sciences*

BusinEss FEllOws


for majors in accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, management and marketing

coMMunicaTions FEllOws


for majors in journalism, strategic communications, media arts and entertainment and communication science

TEaching FEllOws


for majors in education

isaBElla cannon lEaDErshiP FEllOws


for students in any major who want to maximize their leadership potential*

inTErnaTional FEllOws


for international students in any major

*Students who major in engineering have a specific three-year curriculum that precludes participation in any of the Fellows Programs. The International Fellows Program is the only exception.








laithal-majali ’05

jonathanmahlandt ’10

Toridavis ’09

Breannadetwiler ’09




lon Fellows graduate with so much more than a degree. With that diploma comes knowledge that crosses several disciplines and a greater appreciation for the complex world around you. The Fellows Programs are built around both formal and informal shared learning opportunities.

Faculty mentors work with students to develop projects, conduct research and make presentations; some professors even invite their classes over for dinner. Upperclassmen help you adjust to the rigor of the Fellows Programs, and you’ll quickly befriend other Fellows who share your passion for learning. The four years you spend here will be among the most intensive and invigorating of your life. And just

wait until you learn what comes next . . .

Laith al-Majali ’05 edited and produced “Captain Abu Raed,” winner of the 2008 Sundance Film Festival’s World Cinema Audience Award. The film was the first to emerge from his native Jordan in 50 years.

Jonathan Mahlandt ’10 conducted research on implicit learning while at Elon and during a semester abroad at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. Jonathan is pursuing his Ph.D. in experimental psychology and neuroscience at the University of California at San Diego, one of the most competitive and highly ranked programs in the field.

Fellows Change the World As you cross the stage and join the ranks of proud Elon alumni, you’ll find your Fellows experience is a springboard to success. Fellows alumni are: Fulbright recipients teaching in Spain, Ph.D. students at universities across the nation and around the world, leaders at international non-profits, innovators at major corporations including IBM, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young and Credit Suisse, reporters and correspondents breaking news across the globe. Elon Fellows often choose to further their studies at prestigious graduate schools such as the University of Chicago, Rice University, Duke University, University of Virginia, Boston University and University of Connecticut.

Tori Davis ’09 is a Fulbright Scholar who researched Japanese value diplomacy at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan. She is now pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of St Andrews in Scotland.

Breanna Detwiler ’09 is a Truman Scholar, Udall Scholar and Mitchell Scholar. She is studying for a master’s degree in environmental management at Queen’s University Belfast.


honors FEllOws

Chris wrote, directed and staged the musical, “i.d.,” which tells the story of a woman with dissociative identity disorder. He is now a graduate student at New York University in the Tisch Graduate Musical Theatre Writing Program.


chris staskel ’10


ighly motivated students who want to expand their perspectives and challenge their own perceptions find themselves at home in Elon’s

honors fellows

Honors Fellows Program. Discussion-based classes target critical thinking and writing skills, while strong support from faculty men-

tors prepares you for the highlight of your academic journey – a project of professional quality that culminates in a published volume archived in Elon’s Belk Library.

While You’re Here Select a country and study abroad for a Winter Term, summer or semester. Elon offers more than 65 study abroad options. While studying outside of the country, past Fellows pursued thesis projects such as an award-winning documentary on an HIV/AIDS activist in Namibia, media coverage of terrorism in India, the Ancient Maya in Belize and Ecuador’s indigenous movement. Choose to live in one of the two beautiful learning communities reserved for Honors students. Share house dinners with friends and enjoy having a faculty member as your neighbor. Go on off-campus trips – hike the Appalachian Trail, ride roller coasters at a nearby amusement park and work in the community garden.

“Living in the Honors Fellows learning community was an awesome experience because it gave us opportunities to take the things we learned in our Honors courses outside of the classroom and into our everyday lives. Through the Honors Fellows travel grant, I was able to study abroad in Italy for Winter Term. Elon believes in making us global citizens and gives us opportunities to find out for ourselves what that means.” – Melanie Chun ’12

Spend two years working with a faculty mentor in your major to develop a project that culminates in a published volume archived in Elon’s Belk Library. You will also have the opportunity to present your work at regional and national conferences. Past Honors theses include topics ranging from creation of an original musical and a documentary film to studies of cognitive responses to exercise, vampire literature and residential water use. Successful completion of the Honors thesis has helped past Fellows win national and international scholarships such as Fulbright and Truman awards, obtain significant stipends for graduate and professional degrees and launch professional careers. As an Honors Fellow, you’ll enjoy a curriculum designed to challenge your worldview. It all starts in the Honors section of Elon 101, a one-semester faculty-led class that serves as an introduction to Elon life. As you tread deeper into the program, you’ll take teamtaught classes led by professors from different disciplines.

Scholarships All Honors Fellows receive a $10,000 scholarship renewable annually based on academic performance and program participation as well as a $1,000 study abroad grant. This is in addition to the Presidential Scholarship of $4,500 annually, bringing total scholarship funding to $14,500 each year, or $58,000 over four years. In each class, one Honors Fellow is selected as the William R. Kenan, Jr. Honors Fellow and receives a full tuition scholarship renewable annually. Honors Fellows who plan to attend medical school may also apply for Jane M. Baird Pre-medical Scholarships that provide an additional $3,000 per year.

Ready to Apply? Students who have taken a demanding high school curriculum, have a GPA of at least 3.8, rank in the top of their class and have a combined critical reading, math and writing SAT total of 1940 (ACT 30) or higher are encouraged to apply. Each year, 40 students are selected as Honors Fellows based on their high school records, essays, teacher recommendations and interviews. Honors Fellows may pursue any major offered at Elon with the exception of engineering.

Melanie Chun ’12


Elon collEgE FEllOws 6

While at Elon, Lauren studied nursing students and midwives in South Africa to document HIV-related knowledge and attitudes toward those living with the disease. Only two months after graduation, she presented her research at the International AIDS Conference in Vienna and is now living in England while completing a master’s degree in reproductive and sexual health research at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

lauren taylor ’10


ou’re fascinated with anthropology. intrigued by phi-

losophy. Biology and the inner workings of the human

mind never cease to amaze. You learn because you want

Elon collEgE FEllOws elon.edu/elon_college

to know and you won’t settle for an education that is anything less than enlightening. students like you have found the rigor, challenge and diversity of learning experiences

they demand within the Elon College Fellows Program. Professors employ cross-disciplinary techniques that teach you to think like a scholar, ask questions from multiple perspectives and prepare for the excitement of producing an original project in your field.

while You’re here

the perFeCt Fit

Produce a professional body of work as the culmination of a two-year mentorship with an Elon professor. Present your scholarly work at Elon’s spring Undergraduate Research Forum, the national Conferences on Undergraduate Research or another conference, exhibit or performance hall. see the arts and sciences in action as you study in washington, D.C., during your fi rst winter Term. Travel to national monuments and enjoy behind-the-scenes visits at historic sites such as the supreme Court and the FBI as you’re introduced to the process of academic inquiry.

when you’ve decided on a major, you’ll branch into a more specific area of study:

“When we left Elon we were merely students, but when we returned I felt like each of us were friends. Not only was the class one of the most challenging courses I encountered, I also learned to perform research, question my surroundings and correctly compose essays.” – jonathan citty ’10 Use the $1,000 Elon College Fellows study abroad grant to support an international experience. Travel to india and help manage a science center, explore west African history in Ghana or immerse yourself in the culture and literature of ireland.

Elon hosts a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s oldest and most prestigious academic honor society. Only about 10 percent of the nation’s most selective colleges and universities shelter Phi Beta Kappa chapters.

arts and humanities Fellows are dedicated to the study of Art, Art history, Dance Performance and Choreography, English, Foreign languages, Music, Music Technology, Music Theatre, Performing Arts, Philosophy or Religious studies. Appreciate, understand and contribute to the exploration of the creative arts as you work within a dedicated community of learners with a guiding hand from distinguished faculty. Recent student projects include: original, choreographed and performed monologues based on The Onion, the communication of psychological struggle through dream ballets and a study of the impact of e-mail messages in the 2008 presidential race. social sciences Fellows specialize in the fields of Anthropology, history, human service studies, international studies, Political science, Psychology, Public Administration or sociology. Delve into the complexity of human behavior, social constructs and cultural strife as you chart humanity’s approach to global issues. Recent student projects include: a study of the impact of e-mail campaigning during the 2008 presidential election, analysis of a student mentoring program in a public school and an assessment of the political power of the severan women of ancient Rome.

Mathematical and natural sciences Fellows pursue the study of Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Computing sciences, Environmental studies, Environmental and Ecological science, Mathematics, statistics or Physics. Explore both the abstract and concrete structure of the universe across the scientific spectrum. Recent student projects include: oxidation of high density lipoproteins relative to heart disease, seasonal patterns of vocal mimicry in mockingbirds and the effect of drought on soil bacterial communities.

sCholarships All 50 Elon College Fellows receive scholarships valued at $3,500, which are renewable annually as long as the student remains a Fellow in good standing. This is in addition to the Presidential scholarship of $4,500 annually, bringing total scholarship funding to $8,000 each year, or $32,000 over four years. All Elon College Fellows receive a $1,000 study abroad grant. Elon College Fellows planning to attend medical school may also apply for jane. M. Baird Pre-medical scholarships that provide an additional $3,000 per year.

readY to applY? students who plan to major in the arts and sciences should apply. students should rank in the top 15 percent of their high school class, have a GPA of at least 3.7 and have a combined critical reading, math and writing SAT score of 1930 (ACT 29) or higher. Fifty academically talented students in the arts and sciences are selected based on their high school academic performance, interviews and essays.


BusinEss FEllOws 8

The time I spent as a Business Fellow really underscored the value of leadership and teamwork in the professional environment. I was challenged and now I put those classroom lessons to work each day in my career. As a student, I visited the New York Stock Exchange. Now I work on the trading floor every day.

carla madeo ’05

associate principal examiner, risk oversight and operational regulation, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority

Elon’s Martha and spencer love school of Business, accredited by AACSB international, offers majors in accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, fi nance, management and marketing.

BusinEss FEllOws elon.edu/elonbusiness


he Business Fellows Program puts students on the fast track to excel in the competitive and exciting world of business, government or nonprofits. spend time in conversation with one of the legends of Business speakers, enter an innovation challenge, compete in a national ethics competition, collabo-

rate with a professor on an organizational management issue, intern at a Fortune 500 company or hone your skills as a financial trader –

these are just a few of the options available to Business Fellows.

while You’re here spend your first semester settling into Participate in one of two capstone experi- Elon, and your fi rst four-week winter Term ences during your senior year. Fellows can acclimating yourself to the world. Freshman manage a portion of Elon’s endowment, deter- Fellows study emerging economies by travmining objectives and selecting stocks. Past eling to Mexico or Poland. junior Business teams have consistently outperformed the Fellows travel to new York City where they S&P 500 index. Fellows involved in consulting visit wall street firms and other major corpoprojects might fi nd themselves conducting rations, and network with Elon alumni living market research or managing a complex eco- and working in the city. nomic analysis project that determines the future direction for a business or nonprofit organization. Take one course each semester offered exclusively to Business Fellows and taught by leading teacher-scholars in the Martha and spencer love school of Business. Courses emphasize responsible business leadership and develop analytical abilities while giving you a strong foundation of professional skills. Through “Personal Mastery,” a course in professional development, you’ll polish your resume, participate in mock interviews, develop your networking skills and produce “The Mexico trip was a tremendous experia professional portfolio. The course prepares ence. In Merida we were able to experience you to find and succeed in an internship that an authentic Mexican city far removed from fits your career goals. Business Fellows have the influence of tourists. We toured El Diario recently interned with companies such as de Yucatan, a Coca-Cola bottling plant and Bank of America, Credit suisse, IBM, KPMG and ASERCA (an organization for the advancePricewaterhouseCoopers. ment of the local agricultural trade). We had a home stay in Tinum. It was truly humbling to witness how simply people live in less economically privileged places of the world.” – conor Danielson ‘12

sCholarships seven Business Fellows will be awarded scholarships valued at $3,500 to $4,000, which are renewable annually as long as the student remains a Fellow in good standing. All Business Fellows receive a $1,000 study abroad grant. This is in addition to any Presidential scholarship received.

readY to applY? students who have sharp analytical skills and plan to major in accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, fi nance, management or marketing should apply. students should have a GPA of at least 3.5 and a combined critical reading, math and writing SAT total of 1850 (ACT 28) or higher with a minimum of 600 on math. Twenty-five Business Fellows are selected annually based on academic criteria, business interest and experience, essays and interviews.


coMMunicaTions FEllOws 10

Eugene and other Elon students covered the 2009 Internet Governance Forum facilitated by the United Nations in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. The students interviewed Tim BernersLee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, and Eugene spoke on a panel about the role of youth in Internet governance. The Broadcast Journalism major has also interned at “60 Minutes” and presented original research on Internet governance.

eugene daniel ’11

The School of Communications is accredited by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC). Elon is one of only 18 private colleges and universities in the nation with an accredited communications program.


communications fellows elon.edu/communications

ly to Egypt to interview one of the Internet’s founders. Document the lives of Namibian children living with AIDS. Publish your research in the nation’s first undergraduate communications research journal. Enter (and win) national competitions that put you in the media spotlight.

Communications Fellows do it all. And then some. Students work

hard to apply classroom lessons to real life situations. Professional equipment and state-of-the-art facilities maximize Fellows’ opportunities to play an active role on campus through the student-run newspaper, the campus radio station, Elon Student Television, the student public relations agency and feature film and documentary production.

While You’re Here Spend Winter Term getting a behind-theNo need to wait for an internship to work in a scenes look at media outlets and agencies. professional TV studio. Elon Student Television Recent Fellows Winter Term courses have is home to several student-produced and visited sunny California or the Sundance staffed shows. Elon’s student-produced sports Film Festival for an insider’s look at the entershow “The Elon Phoenix Weekly” is perenni- tainment industry, meeting directors and ally ranked the #1 college sports show in the producers, watching tapings, and networknation. The broadcast airs weekly on ESPN2. ing with Elon alumni in the industry. Studios Meet high-profile personalities such as such as Paramount, Fox, Warner Brothers, Anderson Cooper, Thomas Friedman and Universal and Television Cities have opened David Gergen. Fellows have the chance to par- their doors to Communications Fellows. ticipate in Q&A sessions and news conferences with visiting speakers. Alumna Update Stretch your media-savvy mind with courses such as Communications in a Global “The rigorous coursework, well-rounded Age, Digital Media Convergence and senior curriculum and exceptional opportunities seminar. The classes are great prep for your available in the Communications Fellows capstone experience—a final project that Program gave me the tools I needed to might include original research, investiga- compete for the journalism industry’s tion of a media or communications topic, the high demand jobs. My employer has been creation of original programming or a perfor- impressed with the multifaceted skill set mance presentation in your area of interest. that I brought to the office from day one. I know I can pin my success at work on my Elon education and Fellows experience.” – Olivia Hubert-Allen ’09, online producer of PilotOnline.com and HamptonRoads.com at The Virginian-Pilot

Olivia Hubert-Allen ’09 traveled to Wilmington, N.C. to document the first American media market transition from traditional analog to all-digital television broadcast.

Scholarships Five Communications Fellows will receive scholarships valued at $3,500, which are renewable annually as long as the student remains a Fellow in good standing. This is in addition to any Presidential Scholarship received. All Communications Fellows receive a $1,000 study abroad grant.

Ready to Apply? Students with related experience who plan to major in journalism, strategic communications, media arts and entertainment or communication science should apply. Students should have a GPA of at least 3.5 and a combined critical reading, math and writing SAT total of 1850 (ACT 28) or higher. Twenty-five Fellows are selected each year based on high school academic performance, involvement in communications-related activities, interviews and essays.


TEaching FEllOws 12

Being an Elon Teaching Fellow provides me with opportunities that I know will prepare me to be the best teacher I can be. I spent my first Winter Term at Elon with my cohort of Teaching Fellows, traveling up the East Coast and exploring historical sites of the American Revolution. Through experiences such as the History Study Tour, the Elon Teaching Fellows program illustrates the importance of learning outside the classroom in order to help students learn inside the classroom.

alyssa brown ’13


lon’s outstanding teacher education curriculum has produced national and state Teachers of

Teaching fellows elon.edu/education

the Year and is the perfect place for students who yearn to improve the world by sharing knowledge. Observe a veteran teacher from a local school in your first year, and benefit from visits to sites such

as a bilingual elementary school and an education center for children

with special needs. The Teaching Fellows Program emphasizes a solid classroom learning experience led by supportive faculty mentors coupled with an intensive list of special learning opportunities. By the time you graduate, you’ll enter your own classroom with a wealth of ideas and confidence in your own abilities.

The Next Four Freshman Get real classroom experience early and often. You will begin observing veteran teachers in local schools your first year. During Winter Term, you’ll travel by charter bus up and down the East Coast to visit socially, culturally and historically important sites. Explore cities such as Philadelphia and Boston, where learning will come to life. You’ll study and analyze history as you begin to understand its importance in improving the present and future.

Junior Spend Winter Term in Washington, D.C., for a 3-week Leadership Seminar at The Washington Center. Discuss politics, the media and the inherent qualities of the American democracy with national experts. Learn from prime-time reporters, White House personnel and politicians. Your time in the nation’s capitol is an excellent way for you to learn how your understanding of information dissemination is instrumental in instructing your students to become informed, active citizens.

Senior Sophomore Pack your bags for a semester in England, Costa Rica or an appropriate country if you’re a foreign language major. You’ll continue your own education and also intern at local schools. Take note of similarities and differences in the teaching systems as you construct a repertoire of creative teaching methods. Elon pays for airfare, and Fellows pay regular tuition, fees, room and board.

Elon is widely recognized for the success of its teacher education program, which is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, and is one of five private schools in the state selected to offer the prestigious N.C. Teaching Fellows Program.

Step into your own classroom as you complete a student teaching experience with a veteran instructor who will serve as a mentor. All that you’ve learned at Elon, in seminars, and study abroad, will provide the framework for your lessons.

Alumnus Update “The Teaching Fellows Program made for a seamless transition from student to professional. The experience granted me the tools to successfully interact with the daily challenges of my career, and it has energized me to make a positive impact in my community. I cannot recommend Elon enough, and the Fellows Programs are the greatest path any Elon student could ever travel.” – Preston Williams, Jr. ’09, Diane Kent-Parker First Year Teacher of the Year for Wake County, N.C.

Scholarships Teaching Fellows receive a $6,500 Elon University scholarship, renewable annually for four years, provided the student remains in good standing with the program. North Carolina Teaching Fellows receive an additional $6,500 from the N.C. Teaching Fellows Commission plus the N.C. Legislative Tuition Grant ($1,850 for 2010-2011). Teaching Fellows must be U.S. citizens, and N.C. Teaching Fellows must be residents of the state. N.C. Teaching Fellows must teach at least four years in N.C. public schools after graduation or repay the Teaching Fellows Commission’s portion of the scholarship with interest.

Ready to Apply? North Carolina students may apply for the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program. Apply online or see your guidance counselor for an application, which is due in mid-October. Out-of-state students who rank in the top 15 percent of their high school class, have a GPA of at least 3.7 and have a combined critical reading, math and writing SAT score of 1850 (ACT 28) or higher should consider applying for the National Teaching Fellows Scholarship. Complete the Fellows application and submit it to Elon University by January 10. You apply to either the N.C. Teaching Fellows or National Teaching Fellows depending on state residency. You may not apply to both programs. N.C. Teaching Fellows are selected in a statewide competition conducted by the N.C. Teaching Fellows Commission. Applicants from outside North Carolina may be selected to compete in the Elon University Fellows and Scholarship Weekend described in this booklet. Elon may admit up to 25 N.C. Teaching Fellows and one National Teaching Fellow for fall 2011. note: Music education majors must also complete an audition in conjunction with their admission to Elon.


isaBElla cannon lEaDErshiP FEllOws 14

I have been in small group discussions with Madeline Albright, Dee Dee Myers, and former U.S. Ambassador to South Africa James A. Joseph. Classes such as Group Dynamics and The History of Social Activism, which included a Fellows class trip to Washington, D.C., and New Jersey, have given me the opportunity to learn about leadership and its context in history in the company of my 25 classmates.

alison schii ’12

isabella cannon leadership fellows


ultivating the skills and attributes of a responsible leader will help translate your goals to reality and set you apart in the workplace. The Isabella Cannon Leadership Fellows Program takes you on a journey of exploration to uncover the dynamics of leadership and discover all the

ways you can be a source of positive change. Leadership Fellows participate in program-specific coursework and develop leadership Dan Hanson ’05

skills through the Isabella Cannon Leadership Program.

While You’re Here

Learning to Lead

Make yourself at home with special orientation events just for Leadership Fellows, and prepare for a fall retreat where you’ll identify leadership styles. Gain a sense of the global impact your talents can provide as you live, learn and lead in countries such as China, South Africa, Italy, Argentina and New Zealand. Get involved with Elon’s 150+ campus organizations. Leadership Fellows also venture beyond campus for service activities and internships with companies such as Duke Children’s Hospital, Voice of America and Motorola. After spending three years learning to lead, it’s only natural that your senior capstone project will focus on those skills. Coordinate the “How to Lead” retreat, complete a community project and present your leadership legacy paper as you prepare to make a meaningful contribution as an Elon graduate.

Leadership Fellows participate in all four phases of Elon’s distinguished Isabella Cannon Leadership Program:

Freshman Year: Emerging Leaders (Self) Participate in campus programs and learn about your personal leadership style.

Sophomore Year: Phase II (Collaboration) Attend a “How to Lead” retreat and participate in a leadership laboratory experience with a professor or administrator.

Junior Year: Phase III (Change) Plan and coordinate group sessions for the Emerging Leaders Program, complete a personal and organizational change project, receive training in facilitation and attend a leadership conference.

Senior Year: Phase IV (Common Good) Make a positive impact for the common good by coordinating the “How to Lead” retreat, completing a community project, attending capstone discussions and presenting your leadership legacy paper.

Alumnus Update “As a Leadership Fellow, I learned that understanding my personal strengths and weaknesses would allow me to succeed professionally. I’ve also recognized that every role I assume provides an opportunity to lead, and that failures are sometimes the best learning opportunities.” – Dan Hanson ’05, senior consultant, Booz Allen Hamilton

Scholarships Five freshman Leadership Fellows receive scholarships valued at $2,500, which are renewable annually as long as the student remains a Fellow in good standing. This amount is in addition to any Presidential Scholarship received. All Leadership Fellows receive a $1,000 study abroad grant.

Ready to Apply? Students who are outstanding leaders in their high schools and/or communities and have held one or more leadership positions in organizations are encouraged to apply. Students should have a GPA of 3.5 or better and a combined critical reading, math and writing SAT total of 1790 of higher. Twenty-five incoming freshmen are selected annually based on leadership experience and potential, academic performance essays and interviews.


inTErnaTional FEllOws

edith veremu ’13

Strategic Communications and Independent Major (Advertising) from Zimbabwe

I’m really enjoying my time at Elon. As a student studying far away from my native country, Elon has allowed me to create my own home away from home. Getting involved in co-curricular activities, including The Pendulum student newspaper, EFFECT* and Catholic Campus Ministry, has allowed me to develop meaningful relationships with other students and given me the opportunity to have my voice heard.


*Elon Feminist for Equality Change and Transformation

experienCe the united states through eduCation and Culture


inTErnaTional FEllOws

xplore U.s. history through travel, get an insider’s look at the government and immerse yourself in American culture. with faculty leadership and in the company of other international students, spend four years creating your experience in the U.s. as you learn about the influences that have shaped the nation and culture.

while You’re here international Fellows take a multidisciplinary course freshman year focusing on U.s. culture. During the one-month winter Term, Fellows take a short course on campus and then explore the heartbeat of the nation—washington, D.C. There will be visits to government offices, meetings with national leaders, opportunities to explore national landmarks and experience the complexity and diversity of the capital. as a sophomore, you’ll travel south during winter Term to cities significant in southern U.s. history – Charleston, savannah, Atlanta and Birmingham. The American south is fertile ground to study regional influence on national history through topics such as the Civil Rights Movement. junior year you will be immersed in your major field of study. You will have a $1,500 grant to use toward a study abroad experience, special research with a faculty mentor, an internship with a U.s. or international employer, or a special project you design.

By the time you are a senior, you will be well prepared to be an Elon leader. whether it’s in the classroom as an assistant for an Elon 101 class, as an expert planning international week, or as a participant in Elon’s Multicultural or Multifaith centers, you will have the opportunity to share your culture and heritage. And when you graduate, you will take with you more than a degree, you will have lifelong relationships with faculty, friends and a true experience of global citizenship.

sCholarships All 20 international Fellows receive one $1,500 Elon Experiences grant, and 15 of the Fellows will also receive a $3,500 scholarship renewable annually as long as the student remains in good standing. This amount is in addition to any Presidential scholarship received.

readY to applY? international students who plan to enroll at Elon full-time and seek a degree are encouraged to apply. These students must be either non-U.s. citizens or dual citizens (students who hold U.s. citizenship and citizenship in another country). Dual citizens must have completed the majority of their schooling outside the U.s., including all secondary/high school years and preferably in a non-English based curriculum. international Fellows may major in any discipline, including engineering. ideal candidates will have a strong academic record in a rigorous curriculum and an SAT score of 1700 or higher or a TOEFL score of 85 or higher. selection is based on a student’s academic records, the international Fellows application and essays, a teacher recommendation and an interview via telephone or skype. The international Fellows application is available online (elon.edu/fellows) and must be submitted electronically, along with all accompanying documents, by March 1. students will be notified in early April if they have been selected as a Fellow. A completed application for freshman admission and all required documents must also be submitted by March 1. note: international students who apply for another Fellows program and are not advanced in the competition for that program will be moved to the international Fellows pool for further consideration. no additional application will be required.



The lumen Prize Elon’s Premier Award Recognizing Student Scholarship Each year, 15 rising Elon juniors receive $15,000 scholarships to support and celebrate their academic achievements and potential. Awards can be used during the students’ junior and senior years toward tuition costs as well as research, international study, internships, equipment and supplies, and other approved expenses. lumen applicants map out their vision for their junior and senior years, developing a plan for coursework, research, creative productions or performances, service projects, travel, summer workshops or institutes, and international study or internships. Top candidates will articulate a set of goals that are clear, focused and scholarly, and demonstrate intellectual curiosity and originality.


Applicants must be in their second year at Elon and hold a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above. students must be nominated by a member of the Elon faculty or staff and must plan to remain enrolled at Elon for two more years. Every Elon student may be considered based on the stated criteria. The name for the lumen Prize comes from Elon’s historic motto, “numen lumen,” latin for “intellectual light” and “spiritual light.” The words signify the highest purposes of an Elon education. For more information on the lumen Prize and to learn more about recipients, visit elon.edu/lumenprize.

Additional Merit-based scholarships Engineering scholarships

Presidential scholarships

Music scholarships

Elon’s dual-degree engineering program offers students the distinctive opportunity to earn two undergraduate degrees. Graduates receive a bachelor’s degree from Elon and a bachelor’s degree from an affi liated engineering school. Elon students may major in engineering physics, engineering mathematics, computer science/engineering, chemistry/chemical engineering or environmental studies/environmental engineering. students who plan to enroll in Elon’s engineering program can apply for one of two $7,000 merit-based scholarships awarded annually to incoming students based on academic performance, an essay, interview and potential. These scholarships are in addition to any Presidential scholarship and are renewable annually during the student’s years at Elon based on acceptable academic performance. A special scholarship application is required and can be obtained from Elon’s website at elon.edu/fellows, from the Office of Admissions (800-334-8448) or from Dr. Richard D’Amato, program director (336-278-6240 or rdamato@elon.edu). Applications must be postmarked by jan. 10.

Presidential scholarships of up to $4,500 annually are awarded to approximately the top 15 percent of entering freshmen each year. The awards are based on high school course selection, class rank, grades and SAT/ ACT scores. no separate application is needed. scholarships are automatically awarded to students who meet the necessary criteria when the completed admissions application is reviewed. Presidential scholarships are renewable each year pending acceptable academic performance.

students who major in music, music education or music performance can compete for talent- and need-based scholarships on the basis of audition/interview. Band and choral scholarships are available to both music and non-music majors. scholarships range from $200 to $2,500 annually, plus one Elon Music scholar award of $8,000 annually. Contact the Department of Music at 336-278-5600.

Performing Arts scholarships students majoring in theatre arts or music theatre can apply for talent-based scholarships ranging from $500 to $7,000 annually. Awards are based on application, letters of recommendation and audition/interview. scholarships are renewable annually based on acceptable academic performance. Contact the Department of Performing Arts at 336-278-5600.

ROTC scholarships The U.s. Army and U.s. Air Force award fouryear ROTC scholarships that cover the cost of tuition and books, plus $100 per month for personal expenses. Elon provides free room and board to students who enroll with these scholarships.

Athletic scholarships Performance -based scholarships are awarded in all intercollegiate sports in compliance with NCAA regulations and guidelines. Amounts vary. Contact the Office of intercollegiate Athletics at 336-278-6800.


how to apply for the

undecided about a major typically apply to Honors Fellows if they wish to pursue the thesis option or to Elon College Fellows due to the breadth of majors offered in the arts and sciences. Note: The International Fellows Program is also not major-specific. Please see How to Apply for the International Fellows Program on the the next page. It is important to note that students who plan to major in engineering have a very specific three-year curriculum, which precludes participation in any of the Fellows Programs with the exception of the International Fellows Program. Engineering candidates should apply for the scholarships associated only with that major.

Elon Fellows Program Step 1: Apply for admission to Elon. Complete and submit an Elon University Freshman Admission application, along with the $50 application fee, official high school transcript, official SAT or ACT scores and the completed Counselor Evaluation Form no later than the following dates:

For how many programs may I apply?

For Honors, Elon College, Business, Communications, National Teaching Fellows and Isabella Cannon Leadership Fellows: submit the Elon Fellows application postmarked no later than January 10.

Students may apply for one school-based (Business, Elon College, Communications, or National Teaching Fellows) and one non-schoolbased (Honors or Isabella Cannon Leadership Fellows) program. However, you may participate in only one Fellows Program. You may not apply to two school-based programs because you are required to major in a field within the school sponsoring the program. For example, you may not apply to both the Communications Fellows and the Business Fellows because they are in two different schools. Because the Honors and Isabella Cannon Leadership Fellows Programs are not school-based, you may apply to both of these or to one of them in combination with a school-based program. If you apply to two programs, be sure to list your fi rst and second choice. Candidates selected to compete for Honors Fellows will be required to have a teacher recommendation submi ed on their behalf prior to the competition weekend. Recommendations must clearly state your name at the top of the le er and that you are being recommended for the Elon University Honors Fellows Program. All Honors recommendations must be mailed to the a ention of Sonya Sienerth, Admissions Data & Research Manager, 2700 Campus Box, Elon, NC 27244 USA.

For International Fellows: Please see How to Apply for the International Fellows Program on the next page.

What happens a er I apply?

early decision: November 1 early action: November 10 final deadline: January 10 You can apply online at elon.edu/admissions.

Step 2: Complete and submit a Fellows application no later than January 10 for all programs except International Fellows. International Fellows applications are due March 1. The application is available online at elon.edu/fellows.

All Fellows applications are reviewed a er January 10. Finalists for each program are selected by faculty commi ees. If you are a fi nalist, you will be invited one month in advance to a end Fellows & Scholarship Weekend, March 4–5, 2011. If you applied under the final deadline decision period, you will receive a decision about your freshman admission status at the time of invitation to Fellows & Scholarship Weekend. The Fellows competition includes a ending a seminar and writing a response, an interview with faculty and information sessions about the Fellows Programs. From this competition, Fellows are selected and notified by April 1.

An application for any Elon Fellows Program must include: Fellows application with all data completed on the form. Essays responding to the question for each Fellows Program to which you are applying. For North Carolina Teaching Fellows: obtain the special application online or from your high school guidance counselor. The application is due mid-October. Candidates are selected by the N.C. Teaching Fellows Commission in a statewide competition. Only U.S. citizens who are N.C. residents are eligible. You do not need to submit the online Fellows application.

Mark your calendar! Fellows & Scholarship Weekend

Elon Engineering Scholarships: a separate application is necessary. The Engineering application can be downloaded at elon.edu/engineering or you may contact the Admissions Office to have one mailed to you. The application must be postmarked no later than January 10.

friday-saturday, march 4-5, 2011 If you are invited to Fellows & Scholarship Weekend, you do not need to a end one of Elon’s Spring Orientation weekends. Please wait until you receive notification about your Fellows application to make reservations for an orientation program. Fellows & Scholarship Weekend includes many of the same activities as Spring Orientation, such as campus and residence hall tours. Also, you will want to fi nd out if you have been selected as a Fellow before you choose your freshman courses. Of course, you may a end both Fellows and orientation weekend if that is your preference.

How should I decide which program(s) to apply for? Fellows Programs are primarily school-based, so you should be planning to major in a field within the school sponsoring the Fellows Program. The exceptions are Honors Fellows, which is for students in any major except engineering, and Isabella Cannon Leadership Fellows, which is also not specific to a major field of study. Students who are



how to apply for the

Who is eligible for the International Fellows Program?

Elon International Fellows Program

Students who are non-U.S. citizens or dual citizens enrolled in a non-English based curriculum outside of the U.S. are eligible for the International Fellows Program.

For how many programs may I apply? Students eligible for the International Fellows Program may apply for one school-based (Business, Elon College, Communications, or National Teaching Fellows) and one non-school-based (Honors or Isabella Cannon Leadership Fellows) program in addition to the International Fellows Program. You may not apply to two schoolbased programs because you are required to major in a field within the sponsoring school. For example, you may not apply to both the Communications Fellows and the Business Fellows because they are in two different schools. Because the Honors and Isabella Cannon Leadership Fellows Programs are not school-based, you may apply to both of these or to one of them in combination with a school-based program. If you apply to three programs, be sure to rank your choices.

Step 1: Apply for admission to Elon. Complete and submit an Elon University Freshman Admission application, along with the $50 application fee, official high school transcript, official test scores (sat, act or toefl/ielts), and the completed Counselor Evaluation Form no later than the following dates: early decision: November 1 early action: November 10 final deadline: January 10* You can apply online at elon.edu/admissions.

If applying for an additional Fellows Program beyond International Fellows, please refer to specific instructions for those programs found on the previous page.

Students applying for other Fellows Programs (Honors, Elon College, Business, Communications, National Teaching Fellows and Isabella Cannon Leadership Fellows) and/or the Engineering Scholarship must submit their freshman admissions application by January 10. Students applying only for the International Fellows Program and a ending school outside the country may submit their freshman admission application a er January 10 but no later than February 10.

What happens a er I apply? All International Fellows applications will be reviewed by a faculty commi ee. If you are a fi nalist, you will be invited to interview via Skype or telephone. You will also be required to submit a wri en response to an article that will be sent to you via e-mail. Candidates will be interviewed mid-March. From this competition, students will be selected and notified by April 1. Students who apply for additional Fellows Program(s) and are selected to compete for a program other than the International Fellows will not be required to interview again. If you applied for admission under the fi nal deadline decision period, you will receive a decision about your admission status no later than March 1.

Step 2: Complete and submit a Fellows application no later than March 1. The application is available online at elon.edu/fellows. An application for any Elon Fellows Program must include: Fellows application with all data completed on the form Essays responding to the question for each Fellows Program to which you are applying.

Please note that if selected by multiple Fellows Programs, you may participate in only one Fellows Program.

Elon Engineering Scholarships: A separate application is necessary. The Engineering application can be downloaded at elon.edu/engineering or you may contact the admissions office to have one mailed to you. The application must be postmarked no later than January 10.



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Office of Admissions and Financial Planning 2700 Campus Box Elon, nC 27244-2010 800-334-8448 admissions@elon.edu

nAtIonAL RAnKInGS: Elon was name the #1 school “Focused on Their Undergrads” by U.S.News & World Report in its 2011 “America’s Best Colleges” guide. The guide also ranked Elon #2 among 118 southern master’s-level universities. Elon was named a “Best value” private university by both The Princeton Review and Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine. enRoLLMent: Elon’s 4,995 undergraduates come from 47 states, the District of Columbia and 49 other countries. Thirty percent of incoming freshmen rank in the top 10 percent of their high school class. Admission is selective. MAJoRS AnD DeGReeS: Elon offers 50 + majors leading to the bachelor of arts, bachelor of fine arts or bachelor of science degree. Elon has two dual-degree programs, one in business and one in engineering. Elon awards master’s degrees in business administration, interactive media and education; a doctor of physical therapy degree is also offered. The Elon University school of law offers the j.D. degree. FACULtY: Eighty-six percent of Elon’s full-time faculty holds the highest degree in their fields. The student-to-faculty ratio is 13-1, and the average class size is 21.

eLon eXPeRIenCeS: The Elon Experiences program encourages students to participate in study abroad, service learning, internships, leadership and research. Eighty-seven percent of students participate in volunteer service in the community, 84 percent graduate with at least one internship experience and 71 percent of students study abroad at least once before graduation. About one in three students hold leadership roles on campus, and hundreds of students conduct undergraduate research projects each year. See FoR YoURSeLF: visit Elon, tour the campus and sit in on a class or talk with a professor. visit elon.edu/visitelon to schedule a visit. Office hours are Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. and saturday from 9 a.m. to noon. Contact the Office of Admissions if you have questions. ConneCt teLePHone: (336) 278-3566 or (800) 334-8448 e-MAIL: admissions@elon.edu WeB: elon.edu/admissions Elon University Admissions » Like us ElonUAdmissions » Follow us

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