Elon Around the World

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Study Abroad:

The Learning Experience of a Lifetime



New Zealand







South Africa




Costa Rica






South Korea


Ireland Mexico

Turks and Caicos India Islands Scotland Singapore Dominican






and beyond



Claim Your Global Citizenship

Claim your global citizenship College is a time for learning — but no one said you have to do it all in the same zip code. Or even in the same country.

Spend a semester studying in Singapore. Or Paris. Or Australia. Enroll at universities in Japan, France, Ghana, Argentina and many others. No matter your major, there’s a program for

Spend a Winter Term, a summer session, a

you. Universities and organizations around the

semester or even an academic year studying

world offer courses ranging from literature to

abroad and your worldview will be forever

mathematics, and from biology to international

changed. Elon’s 65+ programs are your

business. Hone your communication and

passports to immersive experiences in

critical-thinking skills as you learn what it

international culture and will prepare you

takes to become a global citizen.

for a lifetime of global understanding and exploration. Trek across the Andes analyzing Peruvian language, archaeology and environment. Travel to Beijing, Shanghai and a host of other cities charting China’s path to modernization and global influence.


Elon is among U.S. master’s-level schools in the number of students studying abroad.

Elon is a recipient of the Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization from NAFSA: Association of International Educators.

The choice is yours: Study for a Winter Term, semester, summer or an academic year Elon offers innovative programs during Winter Term, the most popular time to study abroad. These intensive three to four-week courses are taught by Elon faculty. Courses range in cost and include international airfare; all accommodations and transportation abroad; and entrance fees for museums, cultural sites and events related to the course. Plan to study abroad for a semester or a year if you’d like to immerse yourself in another language and learn to live in a different culture. Choose in-depth study in China, Spain, Chile, South Africa, Egypt, Austria or many other locations. Some semester programs can be financed for the regular cost of tuition, room and board, plus airfare and spending money. Need-based and research-based scholarships are available. Some outside scholarships are available as well. For details, visit www.elon. edu/studyabroad or contact the Isabella


More than of Elon seniors study abroad at least once .

Cannon International Centre, 336-278-6700.

Explore your world Winter Term is a three- to fourweek term in January. Students have the opportunity to select from approximately 25 to 30 study abroad options.

Spain: Lessons From the Past: Christianity, Islam and Judaism Explore the rich cultural legacy produced by centuries of religious tolerance on the Iberian Peninsula.

Italy’s Heritage: Past Is Present Gain an understanding of Italian history while visiting the ruins of Pompeii, the Colosseum and Forum in Rome and the cities of Spoleto, Assisi and Sienna.

WWII in Europe: Life in a Time of War Study the events surrounding World War II as you visit historic sites and examine the war’s continuing impact.

Australia Indigenous Studies Examine the rich mix of Australian cultures through excursions to Esperance and Perth, and meetings with Aboriginal leaders.

Australia Ecotourism Find a new awareness of cultural diversity while exploring the impact of tourism on Australia’s economy and natural habitats.

Field Biology in Peru Learn about the Amazon tropical forests, tundra and desert through observation of local plant and animal communities.

Barbados: Culture, Sport and Media Compare the roles of men and women in contemporary Bajan society during this exploration of colonialism and its effects on the country’s education, art and music.

Business in the Pacific Rim Experience three distinct societies through the lens of business and cultural activities. The influences of economic development and global business are examined. Mexico: Advanced Spanish and the Maya Worlds Further develop reading, writing and conversational Spanish skills while exploring the cultural contributions of the Maya in Mexico.

India: Science Education and Development Bring the wonder of science to Indian middle-school students with a service-learning project designed to strengthen local science programs.

Cathedral: Messages of Power Tour the medieval churches of Europe in this course, which analyzes the Christian cathedral as the equivalent of a modern corporate headquarters. European Union: The State of Europe Study the effect of economic cooperation as a peacekeeping tool by examining the European Union and its lasting impact in Europe.

Costa Rica: Language, Culture and Ecotourism Live with local families and visit rain forests and volcanoes during this course combining language, culture, society and the environment. The Call of South Africa This service learning program focuses on how literature and communication affect a land with a history of oppression and a resilient spirit. Ghana: West African History and Culture Study the development of freedom and democracy in the first African nation to gain independence from Britain. Meet with African writers and attend a traditional tribal ceremony. Hawaii: Nation or State? In Search of Hawaiian Identity Explore the traditions and beliefs of Hawaii’s indigenous peoples through literature, writing and reflection. Ireland: An Introduction to Its Literature, Culture and History Study Irish culture through the eyes of 20th-century writers and visit historical sites such as the Aran Islands, Sligo and Dublin. London: Field Studies of London’s Immigrant Communities: Through Photographs and Words Investigate and research the many immigrant communities comprising modern London as tourists, ethnographers and visual anthropologists. The Business and Culture of New Zealand Study the hospitality and farming industries of this South Pacific island nation, including their impact on economy and culture. Peru: The Living Heritage of the Andes Delve into the history and culture of Peru in this interdisciplinary course covering archaeology, language and the environment. China: The Flying Dragon Compare cultural and historical sites such as the Forbidden City and the Great Wall to modern cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Xian. Italy: Fine Arts Explore museums, historic monuments and cultural centers throughout Italy. Rome, Venice and Florence are just a few of the places your studies will take you. Costa Rica: Jungle Service Help preserve the Osa Peninsula through service projects such as helping to build a library in an indigenous village, working on a farm reserve or helping village families in Sierrepe. Honduras: Social Entrepreneurship Learn about Honduran culture, language, politics, history and economy through a service learning program in collaboration with Proniño and Hope for Honduran Children Foundation. Greece: Classics in Context: Ancient Greece Explore this country of ancient philosophers, artists, athletes and scientists and discover the vibrancy of this ancient culture still alive in the modern world. Japan: Debunking and Confirming Media Stereotypes of Japanese Culture Immerse yourself in Tokyo and Kyoto’s fast-paced urban rhythm as you investigate the fascinating interplay between the mass media and national culture.

Gutenberg to the Web: The Impact of Media on Western Society Visit European cities including London, Heidelberg, Mainz, Munich, Salzburg, Berlin, Wittenberg and Prague as you explore the impact of mass media on Western Civilization through the lens of three historic periods: the Reformation, Nazi Germany and the Cold War. Business in the Caribbean: The Cayman Islands Contrast traditional island culture with the influx of the global financial industry. Learn about the financial services industry as well as the rich culture and spectacular environment of this British territory through visits, excursions and lectures by leading figures within the Cayman Islands. Holocaust Journey Travel through Amsterdam, Berlin, Warsaw, Cracow, and Prague touring concentration camps and meeting with Holocaust scholars and survivors. The journey ends in Nuremberg and includes opportunities to visit Jewish museums and archives, synagogues and Jewish cemeteries. The Italian Comedy: Literature, History, Performance and Its Legacy Study the past, present and future of the human comedy in Italy with European master teachers and Elon professors. This course examines comedic function both creatively and critically, wedding performance practice with considerations of theory, history and literature in an exciting, hands-on environment. Great War: The Culture of the Great War Travel through England, Germany, France, Holland and Belgium while analyzing the impact World War I has had on culture in the modern world. Winter Term offerings vary annually.

“Visiting media sites and speaking with professional Japanese journalists was a highly enriching experience. I’ve always wanted to go to Japan, and as a journalism major, this course was the perfect fit. Prior to leaving, I learned Japan has a very high newspaper readership and an increasingly innovative online presence, but not until I was in Japan could I fully appreciate that knowledge.” Ashley Barnas ’10 Japan: Debunking and Confirming Media

Semester programs Elon Centres Abroad

These programs offer Elon-developed courses taught by an Elonfaculty member and local professors. London, England Experience one of the most dynamic cities in the world by choosing from more than five semester-long courses as well as excellent internship opportunities. San José, Costa Rica Explore the natural beauty of Costa Rica while studying the social, political, economic, cultural and environmental changes that face much of the developing Latin American world. Students live with host families and study Spanish, as well as other courses taught in English. Florence, Italy Spend a semester living and learning in the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance. In addition to studying Italian, courses include general studies, art history, literature, political science and contemporary Italian history.

Affiliate and Exchange Programs

These study abroad programs are offered in conjunction with a host university or college program. Beijing, China Learn Chinese and study in English at The Beijing Center. Subjects include Asian studies, business, political science, art, natural sciences, religion and more. Visit historical sites such as the Silk Road and the Ancient Capitals. Copenhagen, Denmark Delve into Nordic mythology and other special topics during this Scandinavian program that also includes such mainstream majors as international business, humanities and communications. Seoul, South Korea Study in English with students from around the world at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU). Choose from a variety of subjects and learn the Korean language while examining the ancient cultural treasures found in the modern city of Seoul. Baja, Mexico Spend the semester studying sea lions, sea turtles and other extraordinary marine and coastal animals and plants in this threatened natural refuge. San José Costa Rica Enjoy small, hands-on classes at the Center for Sustainable Human Development, an institution that focuses on Central American issues, environmental studies and Spanish language courses.

Perth, Australia Special courses in Aboriginal studies are coupled with classes in business, science and many other subjects at Curtin University in Western Australia. Brighton, England Attend the University of Sussex, a renowned British university that offers a wide variety of courses for study. Toledo, Spain Students with upper-level Spanish skills can expand their training with literature, history and philosophy courses in this beautiful World Heritage City. Buenos Aires, Argentina Spanish, international relations and political science are the focus of this interactive program, which is taught in Spanish and pairs students with host families. Osaka, Japan Study business, social sciences, art and Japanese language at the Kansai Gaidai University. Kenya Examine native wildlife at one of two field stations and see how management techniques help local cultures and economies in Kenya. Paris, France Study language and culture at the Sorbonne Institute, a world-renowned center for learning, while living in one of the most vibrant cities in the world. Santiago, Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile offers Spanish language, international relations and social science courses. Courses are taught in Spanish, and students live with host families. Turks and Caicos Islands Examine marine habitats and get involved with the local Caribbean community through the Department of Environmental and Coastal Resources and the National Park Service. Örebro, Sweden Live with Swedish and international students at the Örebro University as you study international business, communications and social sciences. Legon, Ghana Study at one of the best universities in Ghana, a country striving to incorporate democratic principles into government and society. St. Andrews, Scotland Choose from a wide variety of courses at the third oldest university in the United Kingdom, the University of St. Andrews.

Quito, Ecuador Live with host families while studying at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, where all courses are taught in Spanish. Heidelberg, Germany Study the German language in a historic city on the Neckar River that is bustling with a wide range of cultural activities. South Africa Examine issues related to ecology and conservation through field study and research exercises in an area with abundant wildlife and rich diversity. Singapore Experience all that Singapore has to offer as you take courses at Nanyang Technological University. Cracow, Poland Explore this dynamic Polish city in the heart of Europe as you study business and international relations at the Cracow University of Economics. Wiener Neustadt, Austria Reside in the heart of Europe while taking courses in business, economics and other disciplines. Dominican Republic Live with host families and strengthen your language skills while taking all-Spanish courses in history, literature, communications or the social sciences. Lyon, France Enjoy the benefits of living in France’s third largest city as you develop French language skills by taking courses in a variety of disciplines. Aachen, Germany Choose from electives in business, international relations, philosophy and the social sciences at a bilingual university in western Germany. Dublin, Ireland Discover the depth of this capital city as you take courses in Irish culture and society, business, philosophy and communications. Madrid, Spain Choose apartment-style housing or live with a host family while taking classes at a university near Spain’s capital. Seville, Spain Spend a semester taking classes taught in Spanish in this enchanting city that offers an array of cultural attractions. Kristianstad, Sweden Join more than 7,000 Swedish and international students who take courses in the social sciences, math and science, business, the humanities and other disciplines.

Alicante, Spain Deepen your comprehension of Spain’s language and culture as you take courses taught in Spanish, as well as electives taught in English. Alicante is one of the fastest growing metro areas in Spain. Cairo, Egypt Study at the American University in Cairo, the premiere English-speaking university in the Middle East. Select from a broad range of classes and spend your free time exploring one of the major cultural and political centers of the Arab world.

Summer Abroad

During the summer Elon students participate in international internships, research, language programs and independent study programs. Course offerings vary annually.

“Studying abroad for me means exploring yourself through the eyes of a different culture, re-examining the way you see yourself and understanding how you got to this place in life. It is a profoundly influential academic experience because to learn about the world, you must experience it. You must talk to the random taxi driver in Quito, the day laborer in Honduras, the poor farmer in the Dominican Republic or the Kichwa musician in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Globalization, capitalism, cultural change and other theories on the contemporary human experience seem profoundly abstract and empty until you meet them face to face. “ Chris Jarrett ‘11 Chris has studied in Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Ecuador. He has conducted independent research in an indigenous community in the Ecuadorian Amazon, worked with ex-street children in Honduras and constructed homes and taught English in the Dominican Republic.

For more information, contact the Isabella Cannon International Centre at (336) 278-6700 or visit www.elon.edu/studyabroad.

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