The Magazine of Elon, Fall 2012

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What did we learn?



No, the world won’t end on Dec. 21 (at least not because the Maya say so). Elon faculty shed light on the alleged prophecy and why so many believe it.


Nick Igdalsky ’99 and Ashley Igdalsky Walsh ’02 found Elon because of their late grandfather. Now, they’re integral parts of another place Joe Mattioli loved dearly: Pocono Raceway.


Elon’s botanical garden is much more than rows of pretty plants in a flower bed. Take an insider’s look at how the varied natural parts of campus help underpin Elon’s academic mission - and look good doing it.

Cover Story

 ELON & ELECTION  The 2012 presidential election offered students, faculty and alumni opportunities for engaged learning and unforgettable experiences on campus and around the country.

2 Under the Oaks 10 Phoenix Sports 26 Alumni Action 30 Class Notes 40 Making a Difference 41 Honor Roll

I AM ELON Born four months premature, Brian Delgado was not supposed to live, but the Elon sophomore is a fighter who embraces obstacles as a way to get stronger. Overcoming economic, academic and health issues, he is the first in his family to attend college. His mother, who is from El Salvador, began working as a teenager, and her sacrifices keep him motivated. “There are certain privileges I have that my family did not have. I have no excuse,” he says. Brian is an Elon Academy alumnus who credits a near collision with a pole at his high school for bringing him where he is today. Daydreaming, he dodged the pole at the last minute, but noticed a flier advertising the Elon Academy posted on it. He applied immediately, and says the program helped pave the way to the college education he wanted at a university he adores. He looks forward to a career as a school counselor after graduating. In the meantime, he is a mentor with the S.M.A.R.T. program, which pairs upperclassmen with first-year students for support and guidance. As a freshman, Brian benefitted from the program and says he’s been “dedicated from day one” to ensure his four mentees have the best college experience possible.

BRIAN IS ELON. Visit to see more of Brian’s story, part of our “I Am Elon” multimedia series featuring Elon students in their own words.




s we begin making preparations to celebrate Elon’s 125th anniversary next year, it is fitting that a central element of the Elon Commitment strategic plan calls for a reimagining of our relationship with our alumni body. For the past two years, under the leadership of Elon Alumni Board president John Hill ’76, past president Chris Martin ’78 and president-elect Julia Strange Chase ’84, the board, along with senior university leadership, has been considering how to create one of the most robust, involved, committed and active alumni bases in the nation.

{ Leo M. Lambert }

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For Elon, this is an especially complex task. Our alumni base is extraordinarily young, with nearly 60 percent of alumni in their 20s and 30s, very much involved in the early stages of their careers and beginning families. We often hear from graduates of earlier decades that the campus has changed so much, especially in the physical evolution of its 620-acre grounds and facilities. And yet, we hear powerfully and unequivocally that what is most important about Elon – the human transformation that takes place here, the close relationships between faculty and students, the extraordinary sense of community – has been constant for every decade of alumni with which I have been personally acquainted, from the 1920s to present day. We have decided to take a number of concrete steps toward our goal of building a vibrant alumni network. The plan will be guided by John Barnhill ’92, assistant vice president for university advancement, and includes the following initiatives:


We plan to reestablish the summer class reunion experience and envision other types of conferences on campus designed specifically for alumni, especially those that involve connections with treasured faculty and staff.


Most important of all, we want to encourage substantive engagement opportunities for alumni, especially in connection with the academic deans, faculty and staff. The deans have already begun to establish alumni awards programs within the schools and colleges of Elon to recognize important achievements of distinguished alumni and bring them back to campus. In the age of Skype, it is easy to invite an alum from afar to guest lecture in a class. Alumni also serve as mentors and internship hosts to current students. So many opportunities are possible to engage with Elon and be connected to the student experience on campus.


The Elon Alumni Board has commissioned Max Cantor ’09 and Tim Johnson ’10, creators of the highly successful new Elon admissions video (it’s hard to watch without a tear coming to your eye!), to produce a video about the Elon alumni experience, due for release in early 2013.


We plan to establish an alumni welcome center on main campus, a place that will be open year-round and staffed to offer tours, information and opportunities for alumni to reengage with their alma mater.


We plan to add to our alumni engagement staff. Following the model of admissions officers’ relationships with prospective students, we plan to add alumni engagement staff over the next several years to develop reconnections to Elon.

Why are alumni so important to the Elon Commitment strategic plan and to the future of the university? Great universities have great alumni networks. It is that simple. And, as I often tell students, Elon’s next great leap in reputation will not be based on new buildings or programs or rankings, but rather in very large measure upon the accomplishments of its alumni. For instance, Stephanie Newbold ’01 serves in the prestigious Supreme Court Fellows Program, learning firsthand the dynamics of the federal judiciary. In September, Matt Belanger ’05 won his third Emmy Award for news reporting and Mitch Pittman ’09 won his second Emmy. These are just a few of the many examples of alumni bringing pride to their university and helping to extend Elon’s national reach. I couldn’t be more proud. Leo M. Lambert President


TRUITTS, TROXLER RECEIVE ELON MEDALLIONS On Aug. 20, Elon benefactors Dolores Hagan Truitt ’53 P’85, John G. Truitt ’53 P’85 and Professor Emeritus George Troxler received Elon Medallions, the highest honor the university bestows on individuals for meritorious service to the institution. If you take a look in the stands at any Elon athletics event, chances are you’ll spot Dolores and John Truitt, who met and fell in love during their undergraduate years at Elon. As members of Order of the Oak, Elon’s planned giving society, The Elon Society and the Phoenix Club, the Truitts have given generously to the institution they love, and rank among Elon’s most loyal donors. Their gifts established the Truitt-Hagan Endowed Scholarship for deserving studentathletes and the Brock Darden Jones and Selma Gertrude Rawles Jones Scholarship for students with financial need. The couple also made gifts to support the construction of Rhodes Stadium. The Truitts have given just as generously of their time to help build the Elon Alumni Association. The couple

{ l-r, John G. Truitt ‘53 P’85, Dolores Hagan Truitt ‘53 P’85 & Professor Emeritus George Troxler } formerly served as co-presidents of Elon’s Golden Alumni Group and members of the national Elon Alumni Board. They are the parents of Melinda Truitt “Mindi” Reinheimer, a 1985 Elon graduate. George Troxler joined Elon’s history department faculty in 1969 and later assumed the role of dean of cultural and special programs. For more than 20 years, Troxler managed logistics for hundreds of major campus events, including Elon’s fall and spring convocations, as well as myriad visits from notable speakers, musical groups and theatre companies. He oversaw the proceed-

{ Professor Emerita K. Wilhelmina Boyd teaching in 2003. }

ings of Elon’s annual Commencement exercises, tending to every detail to make the event memorable for tens of thousands of graduates and family members. When he retired as dean in 2010, Troxler remained at the university, writing an updated history of Elon. Equally devoted to his community, Troxler has been cubmaster of Elon Boy Scout Pack 51 since 1975 and was named district commissioner in 1982. He has volunteered with the Boy Scouts’ state and local organizations, and in 2005 Elon recognized Troxler with the Periclean Award for Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility.

ELON DEDICATES BOYD SUITE FOR AFRICAN AND AFRICANAMERICAN STUDIES President Leo M. Lambert joined faculty, staff and community members on Aug. 15 to dedicate a special suite on the third floor of Alamance Building in honor of the late K. Wilhelmina Boyd, a beloved professor emerita of English and founder of Elon’s African and African-American Studies program. The suite houses the office of Prudence Layne, an associate professor of English and current coordinator of the African and African-American Studies program, as well as a spacious reception area and conference room overlooking Fonville Fountain. Portraits of distinguished Africans and African Americans who have visited

and spoken on campus over the years adorn the conference room’s walls. Boyd joined Elon’s faculty in 1987, when Elon was “a very different school,” Lambert said to the audience, which included Boyd’s daughter, Kay. During her 18 years at Elon, Boyd worked tirelessly to build what is today’s interdisciplinary African and African-American Studies program and made an indelible mark on the lives of her students. One of her students, Monica Rogers, attended the dedication ceremony and thanked Boyd for instilling a sense of family, faith and self-importance in her charges.

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The Magazine of Elon fall 2012 | vol. 74, no. 4 The Magazine of Elon is published quarterly for alumni, parents and friends by the Office of University Communications. © 2012, Elon University


Kristin M. Simonetti ’05 DESIGNER

Christopher Eyl PHOTOGRAPHER


Holley Berry Keren Rivas ’04 Eric Townsend STUDENT CONTRIBUTORS

Caitlin O’Donnell ’13 Jennifer Proto ’13 Sam Parker ’13 Gabriela Szewcow ’13

ELON SHINES IN NATIONAL RANKINGS Leading publications have again ranked Elon among the nation’s best in several categories as part of their 2013 college and university guides. Elon earned several top honors in U.S. News & World Report’s 2013 “America’s Best Colleges” rankings. The magazine named Elon the #1 master’s-level university in the South with “an unusually strong commitment to undergraduate teaching.” In its “Up-and-Comers” ranking, U.S. News lists Elon first among Southern universities “that have recently

made the most promising and innovative changes in the areas of academics, faculty, student life, campus or facilities.” For the sixth consecutive year, Elon ranked #2 among 128 Southern master’s-level universities, and the university appears in U.S. News’ “Great Schools, Great Prices” ranking. The 2013 Fiske Guide also highlighted Elon’s affordability, listing it among the nation’s 21 “best buy” private universities that combine inexpensive or moderate prices with four- or five-star academic ratings.

In The Princeton Review’s 2013 college guide, Elon’s study abroad program was ranked #1 in the nation. Elon also was ranked the nation’s best-run college, and the university ranked #19 among the nation’s best college theatre programs.


Daniel J. Anderson


The Magazine of Elon 2030 Campus Box Elon, NC 27244-2020 (336) 278-7415


Wesley R. Elingburg p’11 Greensboro, N.C. ELON ALUMNI BOARD, PRESIDENT


Britten Ginsburg Pund ’06 Columbia, Md. PARENTS COUNCIL, COPRESIDENTS

Clayton & Beverly Hollis p’13 Lakeland, Fla. BOARD OF VISITORS, CHAIR

Russell R. Wilson p’86 Burlington, N.C. SCHOOL OF LAW ADVISORY BOARD, CHAIR



William S. Creekmuir p’09 p’10 Atlanta, Ga. PHOENIX CLUB ADVISORY BOARD, CHAIR

Mike Cross Burlington, N.C.

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World-renowned poet, author, playwright and educator Maya Angelou headlined Elon’s Oct. 4 Fall Convocation program. She shared stories about her travels, recited poetry and offered the sold-out Alumni Gym audience advice for living a meaningful life. View video excerpts from her address at

We know that suns, moons and stars, and all sorts of illuminations, are always in the firmament. However, clouds can be so much lower that the viewer can’t see the possibility of light. But if the rainbow is put into the clouds themselves, through the worst of times, the dreariest, gloomiest and most threatening of times, there’s the possibility of seeing hope. … We have the possibility, the privilege, of being rainbows in somebody’s cloud. It’s amazing, the power we have, each of us.




{ ENG : George Orwell }


o teach an author course in Elon’s Department of English, a professor needs to be an expert on the subject. But how does one become such an expert? “You have to live a while and get old,” Rosemary Haskell says with a smile. For the third time during her tenure at Elon, the professor of English is teaching a class about George Orwell. Her interest in the British writer dates to her high school days in England, when she had an instructor who was interested in Orwell. Haskell began reading his essays, articles, letters and diaries – the latter, in particular, made her want to read more. “Here was an author who not only hated inequality and injustice in a theoretical or intellectual way, but also a man who would do almost anything to find out more about what that unfairness meant for the unlucky – and usually ignored – half of English society,” Haskell says. Because of the breadth of Orwell’s writing, she was very selective in choosing material to teach. “Orwell wrote so much journalism, so many essays, and in fact he wrote nine novel-length books,” Haskell says. “I pick topics he was interested in and then cluster some texts around them.” She encourages her students to use different


{ Rosemary Haskell }

critical approaches and literary theories to interpret Orwell’s texts. Papers, literary analyses and oral presentations of Orwell’s contemporaries are assigned to demonstrate the students’ mastery of the material. The Orwell course is high on Haskell’s list of favorite courses to teach, she says, adding that she changes the structure each time based on what’s happening in the world at the time. “There are some themes in the course [this year] that are quite fashionable at the moment, like imperialism and social inequality,” she says. “I look forward to finding a way to show [students] the different ways in which Orwell’s work continues to be relevant.”

A member of Elon’s faculty for 27 years, Haskell teaches a number of courses in the English department as well as The Global Experience course for first-year students. Her research interests focus on 18th- and 19th-century British literature and on works by Jane Austen and George Orwell.

RECOMMENDED READINGS Homage to Catalonia 1984 Animal Farm (All works by George Orwell)

PA PROGRAM EARNS PROVISIONAL ACCREDITATION Elon’s Master of Physician demonstrate the program’s Assistant Studies program ability to meet the ARC-PA took another step forward Standards, if fully implein September, receiving mented as planned. provisional accreditation. Elon will welcome the The Accreditation Review 38 members of its inaugural Commission on Education cohort in January. for the Physician Assis“The support by the tant (ARC-PA) has granted university and surroundAccreditation – Provisional ing medical community to the Elon University for this program has been Physician Assistant Program. instrumental to our early Accreditation – Provisional success,” said Mark Archamis an accreditation status, bault, the program’s director. indicating that the plans and “The quality of the faculty, resource allocation for the staff, facilities and charter proposed program appear to class of students has greatly

exceeded my expectations and raised the bar to a higher level than previously thought possible for developing programs.” Elon’s 27-month, full-time program is designed to prepare graduates to meet expanding health care needs in local and global communities. The curriculum will immerse students in active learning strategies through collaborative work with Elon’s faculty, scholars and practitioners in the field.

fall 2012



INAUGURAL GAP SEMESTER PROGRAM LAUNCHES Fifteen members of the Class of 2016 began their Elon experiences in August not Under the Oaks at Elon but in Lander, Wyo., at the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS). The students are the first to enroll in Elon’s Gap Semester Program, which enables students to begin their college education through a leadership, service and international experience for college credit during the fall semester. The three-pronged curriculum includes the wilderness leadership program at NOLS, community engagement projects and travel throughout the United States and a study abroad experience at the Elon Centre in San Jose, Costa Rica. Gap semester students return to Elon for Winter Term in January. “For me, touching, feeling and experiencing the world is the best

way to understand it,” said Danny Bavis, of Ashburn, Va. “An outdoor adventure, being immersed in a new culture and the opportunity to learn while helping others – this is why the Gap Semester Program is the perfect fit for me.” Associate Dean of Students Rex Waters welcomed the students with a bit of Elon tradition, giving each of them an acorn and delivering key points from President Leo M. Lambert’s customary address at New Student Convocation. “I enjoyed meeting each of the Gap participants,” Waters said. “Their excitement and apprehension were significant as they made their final preparations to begin their journey and their Elon University experience.” Learn more about Elon’s Gap Semester Program by visiting

FACULTY/STAFF SPOTLIGHT David Copeland, A.J. Fletcher Professor in the School of Communications, coauthored a book about the origins, growth and maturation of American journalism. The News Media is the product of a more than 10-year collaboration with a colleague at the University of Alabama and is available via Vision Press.

{ Lynn R. Heinrichs }

Associate Professor Lynn R. Heinrichs was named the 2012 International Association for Computer Information Systems Computer Educator of the Year. It’s the highest award given by the organization and recognizes Heinrichs’ exceptional research and teaching, in addition to her contributions to the international information systems community.

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Assistant Professor Duke Hutchings earned his second U.S. Patent for Scalable Fabric, a method of grouping and manipulating desktop windows on large-display computer systems. Hutchings, of Elon’s Department of Computing Sciences, shares the patent with three colleagues at Microsoft Research in Redmond, Wash. Max Negin, assistant professor of communications, joined NBC as a digital media manager in its coverage of the London Summer Olympics in August. It marked the third time in four years Negin was part of the network’s Olympic team, having also worked at the 2008 Beijing Summer Games and 2010 Vancouver Winter Games.

{ The first students in Elon’s Gap Semester Program began their college careers here, in Lander, Wyo. }

SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM WELCOMES NEW LEADER, EARNS RECOGNITION Sustainability has long been a campus priority, but its exact definition and role in Elon’s curriculum have been difficult to nail down. That’s what Michele Kleckner, Elon’s new Sustainability Faculty Fellow, will try to fix. Alongside Director of Sustainability Elaine Durr, Kleckner will work to better incorporate the university’s sustainability goals into its academic and research initiatives. “A lot of (faculty) are doing this already, but they don’t know it. They don’t realize there are social and economic aspects to sustainability. It’s not just environmental studies,” says Kleckner, a senior lecturer in the Department of Computing Sciences. “There are many courses and research opportunities. We need to identify those and strengthen them by educating faculty and staff as to what sustainability really means.” Kleckner will help Elon steward a program that the Sierra Club and the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) recognized in their summer publications. Sierra, the official magazine of the Sierra Club, ranked Elon #29 in its list of “Cool Schools” that value and promote sustainability. AASHE highlighted Elon’s Watson and Odyssey scholarship programs and the Elon Academy in its Sustainability, Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) quarterly review and blog, lauding the ways each program helped to advance the principles of sustainability. In December 2011, AASHE gave Elon a silver STARS rating, recognizing the university’s leadership in higher education sustainability.


Sylvia Muñoz has been a part of El Centro de Español since the very beginning. And the very beginning took place in the home of President Emeritus J. Fred Young, where Muñoz, a native of Costa Rica, lived while she served as a visiting international faculty member in the Alamance-Burlington schools. “I started coming to Elon a couple of afternoons to teach him Spanish and a few of the trustees as well,” she recalls. “That’s when we started talking about the idea of El Centro.” It was an unorthodox idea: to establish a program at Elon where students, faculty and staff could learn conversational Spanish and important aspects of Hispanic culture outside the classroom walls. Yet in its 15 years, what started as a few conversation classes held on the first floor of Moseley Center has grown into much more than a “center” – it’s a community that serves more than 100 faculty, staff and students each semester and supports initiatives such as Hispanic Heritage Week, holiday observances and much more. “It’s so great to see students that started with us their first year have continued for four years and can now communicate. To me, that’s very fulfilling,” Muñoz says. “Being at Elon makes it easier to be away from home in Costa Rica.” What faculty or staff member do you think is uncommon? Send a suggestion to

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hen Ed Davidson ’57 looks at college football today, then reflects on his experience as a studentathlete more than a half-century ago, he just shakes his head. “Nothing about our practices or games back then resembles what they’re doing now – except the football itself,” he says. Fellow football alumnus Bob Kopko ’58 remembers a series of miserable 100-yard sprints at the end of practice, followed by a half-mile trek from the field to the locker room – “and

Photo courtesy Bob Kopko

For information about how you can contribute to the Varney Scholarship and other existing athletics endowments, or to establish a new scholarship, please contact John Keegan ’96, director of development for athletics, at (336) 278-6800.


{ Top: The players pictured including Ed Davidson (48) and Bob Kopko (49) - were among the first recruited by Sid Varney in 1953. Bottom: The Varney Boys gathered in 2009 to see Elon host Appalachian State. Varney attended; he’s sitting right of the sign in a gray jacket. }

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we always had to run it in,” he recalls. Davidson and Kopko are two of a tight-knit corps of Elon alumni known as the “Varney Boys,” a moniker that honors their coach, the late Harry E. “Sid” Varney. Regarded as one of the toughest coaches ever to

roam an Elon sideline, Varney relied upon punishing drills and militaristic discipline during his tenure (1953-59) to build successful football teams, including Elon’s only undefeated squad in 1957. “At first with Sid, it was a little bit of fear and maybe even resentment,” Kopko says. “Then, he became a symbol. We became what he wanted us to be – a team. And then, it was love.” In 1990, Davidson, Kopko and scores of other Varney Boys sought to honor their revered coach and keep his legacy alive at the institution they love. Pooling “whatever they could give at the time,” Kopko recalls, the group established the Varney Scholarship, which supports a deserving Elon football player selected annually by the sitting Elon football coach and athletics department administrators. Annual and planned gifts over the years have pushed the scholarship fund past the $140,000 mark. “We remembered the situation we faced as students,” he says. “A lot of us wouldn’t have been able to go to school without football and a scholarship.” Varney’s teams produced “presidents of companies, executive vice presidents and Marine Corps officers,” Davidson adds. “Practically every one of us has been successful. We were set up for life situations we never would have been otherwise. And if you ask how that came about, inevitably, you end up with Sid.” Each year at Homecoming, the Varney Boys return

to campus for fellowship and football. The group invites Elon’s head coach and that year’s scholarship recipient to a Friday-night banquet. This year, the honoree is Jonathan Spain, a sophomore linebacker from Greensboro, N.C. “It’s a great feeling that Elon would consider me for this scholarship,” Spain says. “To know that there are people who went to school here 30, 40, even 50 years ago who care enough to support us is humbling. It gives me something to live up to, some motivation to do well in the classroom and on the field.” Kopko, who along with Davidson organizes the reunion each year, says the whole Varney era crew looks forward to meeting the selected student-athlete each year. “I think we all see a bit of ourselves in him,” he says. On Homecoming Saturday, the group takes in the football game from the Varney Suite – one of two stadium boxes that are privately named. When the university opened Rhodes Stadium in 2001, Varney’s former players raised $100,000 to name the space for him. As the years have passed, fewer Varney-era alumni make it back to campus for Homecoming. Often, they reunite for more solemn occasions – funerals of former teammates or their spouses. Last fall, many, including Kopko and Davidson, convened in Columbia, S.C., to pay final respects to Varney, who died at age 83. But Davidson and his teammates are confident their beloved coach’s spirit hasn’t departed completely – and hope it never does. “We’re proud we’ve had the ability to perpetuate Sid’s name, which perpetuates the era in our minds,” Davidson says. “It’s a bit of paying it back and paying it forward, and we’re delighted to have a chance to do that.”


THANK YOU! Elon is grateful to the following donors for their generous gifts to benefit university priorities. To learn more about these gifts and how you can support Elon, please visit

Elon received a 169,170 grant from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, a private North Carolina foundation that supports research in the biomedical sciences. The grant will support a sustainable gardening course for the students in the Elon Academy, a college access and success program for high school students. Twin Lakes Community of Burlington, N.C., will support graduate students in the School of Health Sciences with a 100,000 endowed scholarship, the Twin Lakes Community Scholarship for Health Sciences. The Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation has made a 170,000 commitment to the university. The foundation, an Atlanta, Ga.-based charity, supports women in nine Southeastern U.S. states primarily through scholarships and has an extensive philanthropic legacy at Elon. The organization received the Distinguished Service to Elon Award in 2002.

UNIVERSITY HONORS BRYAN FOUNDATION’S SUPPORT OF ELON LAW At an Aug. 7 ceremony held at Elon University School of Law in downtown Greensboro, N.C., President Leo M. Lambert and Jim Melvin, president of the Joseph M. Bryan Foundation, announced the foundation’s most recent gift to Elon – the title to the 84,000-square-foot H. Michael Weaver Building, Elon Law’s primary facility. The transfer of the building’s title brings the foundation’s total support for Elon Law to more than $8 million. “The support of the Joseph M. Bryan Foundation was foundational to the creation of the Elon University School of Law and continues to be crucial to the development of the law school as a national model of engaged learning in legal education,” Lambert said. He presented Melvin with a crystal gavel recognizing the foundation’s major gifts in support of the law school. In 2004, Melvin and Lambert spearheaded a campaign to raise startup funding to bring Elon Law to Greensboro. The Bryan Foundation and several other benefactors led the successful drive to provide the $10 million needed to supplement Elon funding for the launch of the school in 2006. “The achievements of Elon Law and the contributions its students and alumni make to the betterment of the profession and society are linked directly to the generous contributions made by these outstanding individuals and foundations,” said George R. Johnson Jr., dean of Elon Law.

I hope you see these four years of your life as not just a way to build a foundation to pursue your own professional and personal interests but also to gain the schooling you need to be of service to this world, because you are citizens of the world, and I hope you take that responsibility seriously. CBS correspondent Byron Pitts, speaking in McCrary Theatre Sept. 20 about the dangers of indifference in a complex world. Visit for video excerpts from his address.


{ Yasmine Arrington }

Sophomore Yasmine Arrington won Black Entertainment Television’s “M.A.D. (Making A Difference) Girl” competition, earning a 2,500 grant for a nonprofit program she created to give scholarships to high school students whose parents are incarcerated. Arrington, a native of Washington, D.C., is the daughter of a former prison inmate and founded scholarCHIPS (CHIPS standing for Children of Incarcerated Parents) to help “break the cycle” that can thrive in homes where parents are absent. A short film written and directed by Jay Light ’12 won the Consumer Choice Award in the national Sprite Films competition. The film, “Rocketeer,” competed against five other student-produced shorts. Light and other students involved in making the film were flown to Universal Studios in Florida to meet with company executives and receive an award.

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fter Elon’s football team wrapped up a practice session on a hot August afternoon, Head Coach Jason Swepson called his players together for a brief announcement. The following day, Swepson announced, he was moving their practice time to accommodate the schedule of one of their teammates. Walk-on freshman running back Thuc Phan needed to travel to Charlotte, N.C. to become a United States citizen. The entire Phoenix squad erupted in cheers, Swepson recalls. “They’ve all been so welcoming,” Phan says. “It’s great to be a part of a team I know has my back.” That hasn’t always been the case along Phan’s football journey. Born in Vietnam, Phan was 3 years old when he and his family emigrated to the United States, settling with relatives in Greensboro, N.C. Television was one of the first things Phan, who spoke little English, connected with. Not only did the tube become his greatest teacher of the language, but it also introduced him

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to American sports, and he found himself mesmerized by football. He asked his parents if he could play. Naturally, they had their concerns. “People would always tell me, ‘You’re too small,’” says Phan, who today stands 5-foot-6 and 160 pounds. “And in the culture I grew up in, sports aren’t that big of a deal.” But that didn’t stop Phan from strapping on the helmet and pads. At age 7, he joined a pee-wee league and a year later found his niche as a running back. His pee-wee team went on to win three consecutive city championships, and a few years later, Phan excelled at perennial football powerhouse Page High School in Greensboro. During his time at Page, he attended a North Carolina State University football camp, where he caught the eye of the Wolfpack’s running backs coach – Jason Swepson. Yet Phan’s size prompted NC State’s coaches and their counterparts at major college programs to pass on offering him scholarships. He received only one offer – from Campbell University, which plays

{ For Thuc Phan (36 above) no challenge - neither football, the college recruiting process nor the path to citizenship - has proven too much for him to tackle. “I never give up on the things I want,” he says.”I’ve learned through experience.” }

in the non-scholarship Patriot Football League. After graduating from Page and spending a year at a preparatory school in Massachusetts, he began applying to schools in the Carolinas as a student, not an athlete. Always strong academically, Phan focused on schools where he thought he could walk on to a football team, including Furman, Wofford and Elon. “When Coaches (Ed) Pinkham and (Scott) Browne came and told me about Thuc, I remembered him,” Swepson recalls.


“We gave him an opportunity, and after just a couple of weeks of practice, I believed in him so much, I gave him a partial scholarship.” “I’m comfortable here,” Phan says of Elon. “It’s closer to home, and I know I can accomplish what I want to academically and athletically.” Beginning the process to become a U.S. citizen was among the accomplishments Phan hoped to achieve for as long as he could remember. He applied as soon as he turned 18 and took his citizenship test in June. After several agonizing weeks of waiting, he received word in early August that he passed and should go to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Charlotte field office for his naturalization ceremony. The night before, just to practice, his Phoenix teammates and coaches recited the Pledge of Allegiance with him. “Thank God I knew it,” he recalls, laughing. Phan was the youngest of 38 people who became U.S. citizens in Charlotte that day. His older brother, who’d already completed the naturalization process, joined him, taking a photo as Phan received his certificate. Phan says completing the process was a huge relief – one less item to carry on his shoulders as he walks across the paths of campus or sprints down a sideline in Rhodes Stadium. “I feel like I get a lot more smiles now that I’m a citizen,” he says. “I guess that’s why they call it ‘naturalization’ – everything feels more natural, and everyone treats you more naturally.” Perhaps that’s why you could hear a chant of “Thuc” in Rhodes Stadium on Sept. 8 during Elon’s home opener against North Carolina Central University. “He’s become something like a folk hero,” Swepson says. “He’s a great kid, a hard worker, and I know he’s going to take full advantage of everything Elon, football and U.S. citizenship has to offer him.”


At about this time last year, Megan Gravley and two fellow seniors at Apex (N.C.) High School reached the home stretch of a big assignment in their strategic marketing class. Gravley, now an Elon freshman, and her Apex classmates Sydney Snedeker and Katie Godfrey intended for the project – a charity event called the Peak City Gala of Hope – to raise money for the Raleigh, N.C.based V Foundation for Cancer Research. The trio hoped to raise $10,000. The January 2012 event met that goal – and raised it by $20,000. “We wanted to end our senior year with a bang and make (school) DECA history,” Gravley says with a smile. “We did whatever was necessary. There was never a point in time where we thought it wasn’t worth it.” The gala project won first place at the 2012 North Carolina DECA Career Development Conference and finished first out of 123 teams in the “Learn and Earn” category at the International Career Development Conference in April in Salt Lake City. “I’ve been teaching for 29 years,” says Greg Murphy, an Apex teacher who supervises the school’s DECA club and taught Gravley’s strategic marketing course. “I’ve seen a lot of good DECA projects, but nothingg of this n’t seen anything that magnitude. I haven’t matches this.” ted the project while Gravley completed n and star player for the serving as a captain m and Triangle Apex volleyball team he estimates she Volleyball Club. She orked more than and her partners worked 30 hours per week on the project; nd for several every day in class and hours after her dailyy volleyball practices and matches. d the V Foundation as The trio selected heir project because the beneficiary of their of its headquarters’ proximity to Apex hat all funds donated High and the fact that er research. But soon go directly to cancer n planning the gala, after Gravley began ore personal reason she had a much more esearch. Her to support cancer research. ned she had breast mother, Mary, learned ember 2011. cancer in late September “I remember it vividly. I was or when my parents walking out the door alk.’ She told me said, ‘We need to talk. she’d had a routine mammogram and cer,” Gravley recalls. they found the cancer,

“I don’t know why, but everything happens for a reason.” She says her mother’s diagnosis “set off a spark” for her and her classmates as they worked to settle the details of the gala. They lined up Gravley’s father, WRAL-TV sports reporter Jeff Gravley, to serve as emcee, and North Carolina Auditor Beth Wood, a cancer survivor, to be the keynote speaker. A 10-minute video presentation featured remarks from Duke University men’s basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski and Elon alumna and North Carolina State Deb University athletic director Deborah Yow who lives were ’74, as well as local families whose changed by cancer. “My high school principal was w there, and aroun to see he during the video I turned around “ at’s when was sobbing,” Gravley recalls. “Th som we realized we were doing something that made a difference.” $30, All told, the gala raised $30,000 for the V Foundation. At about the same time, Gravley h was cangot more good news – her moth mother n treatments. cer-free after undergoin undergoing th h fall, GravArriving at Elon this go o vibes into ley has carried the good her first season with the Phoenix volleyball team, for w which she’s mem m become a pivotal member. Coach Graa Mary Tendler calls Gravley a great ha all-around player who halfway through Phoenii in kills. the season led the Phoenix “She’s passionate about things, n about and when she gets passion passionate ou u It makes something, she goes all out. a difference,” Tendler says says. “It made a d difference for the V Found Foundation, and it’s u ” making a difference for us. { Shortly after Megan Gravley (pictured with parents Mary and Jeff at the gala) began to work on the project, she learned of her mother’s breast cancer diagnosis. }

fall 2012 11

Elon faculty members explore facts & fiction of the Maya prophecy





olar shifts. Solar storms. Volcanic eruptions. It seems there is no shortage of interpretations for what may happen on Dec. 21, 2012, the date some believe the ancient Maya predicted the world would come to an end. A Google search on the topic can yield close to 2.8 million results depending on the search terms used. Books attempting to decode the mystery litter bookstores’ shelves. “The whole concept of 2012 is huge,” says Donna Van Bodegraven, associate professor in the Department of Foreign Languages. “It’s been taken over by New Age writers and popular culture” and blown out of proportion. As part of an upper-level general studies course

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she taught last fall, Van Bodegraven and her students looked at original Maya sources and compared them to interpretations presented in feature films, documentaries and books. She invited fellow faculty members to provide different perspectives for the class. One of those was Tony Crider, associate professor of physics, who cotaught a Winter Term course with Van Bodegraven in Mexico. They visited archaeological sites in the Yucatan Peninsula and encouraged their students to make connections between ancient and modern astronomy. The 2012 prophecies, naturally, were a topic of interest. “People want to believe in these things. They want a sense of mystery,” says Crider, a frequent lecturer to local audiences about Maya astronomy as it relates to the 2012 prophecies.

Because there is so much information and misinformation about the subject, it’s difficult to know what’s legitimate and what’s not. The Magazine of Elon asked Van Bodegraven and Crider to help us distinguish truth from fiction.

be read because of erosion. It does mention the descent of the “nine support gods,” and Crider cites Anthony Aveni, an archeo-astronomy scholar, who says the Maya likely viewed this as Westerners view the arrival of the New Year. “They would not view it in the way people viewed the year 2000 as the end of the world,” Crider adds.

How did this date become “doomsday” in popular culture? Who are the Maya, and what do we know about them? The Maya civilization traces its origins to preColumbian times. Descendants of this diverse indigenous people still live in parts of southern Mexico and northern Central America. The Spanish Conquistadors burned many Maya artifacts in 1697, but some manuscripts, artwork and monuments survived, giving us a fragmented account of their history, Van Bodegraven says. These include books written in the Yucatec Maya language that chronicle legends, predictions, almanacs and remedies. They also include the Maya codices, a collection of manuscripts written in hieroglyphic script that records astronomical tables, the Maya zodiac and prophecies.

What about the Maya calendar? Van Bodegraven explains the Maya developed several calendars for different purposes, notably the Haab’, a solar calendar of 365 days that kept track of the seasons; the Tzolk’in, a sacred calendar of 260 days that guides dates of religious and ceremonial events; and the Long Count, a cyclical calendar that counts linear time starting with Aug. 11, 3114 B.C., which scholars consider the Maya creation day.

Where does 2012 fit in? Van Bodegraven says 2012 appears in the Long Count calendar, but its meaning has been greatly misinterpreted. Dates in this calendar use units such as kin (a day), winal (20 kin), tun (360 kin), k’atun (7,200 kin) and b’aktun (20 k’atun or 144,000 kin). Assuming we have the conversion right, Crider says, 2012 marks the final year of the 13th b’aktun (the current cycle according to the Long Count calendar) but not the end of the calendar itself. At the end of a cycle, Van Bodegraven says, “you simply start counting again.”

What about the specific date – Dec. 21? While thousands of dates are written on Maya monuments, this particular date has only been found at two archaeological sites, Crider says. An inscription recently discovered at the site of La Corona in Guatemala uses the date to describe political history. Another inscription at the Tortuguero site in Mexico suggests something will occur on Dec. 21, but what that something is can’t

People with commercial interests such as the late Jose Arguelles, a New Age author and artist who wrote the 1987 book The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology, and director Roland Emmerich, who produced Hollywood blockbusters including “2012,” are the primary culprits. Because these cultural products include certain facts about Maya artifacts in their works, Crider says, many people accept their depictions as truth. Those are just two of many examples of misinformation about ancient artifacts from Mesoamerican civilizations. Crider also mentions the Stone of the Sun, an Aztec artifact that’s often mistaken for the Long Count calendar. The artifact is covered with carvings depicting the culture’s creation story and the water, wind, storms and earthquakes that ended Aztec cosmology’s four prior universes. Crider says many people incorrectly use this type of imagery to reinforce their apocalyptic views. “People start making assumptions that the earthquakes of late are related to an ancient prophecy, when in reality, they are following normal patterns,” he says.

So, is the world going to end in a few weeks? No. According to Van Bodegraven and Crider, Dec. 21, 2012 will be like any other day. “Buy your Christmas gifts and make your plans for the day after,” Van Bodegraven says.

Why do we believe? A May Reuters poll conducted worldwide found that one in seven respondents believed the world would end in their lifetime. One in 10 said they believed the Maya prophecy about 2012 would be the catalyst. Van Bodegraven and Crider say the debate over the Maya prophecy has been a useful tool for teaching students the importance of critical thinking. But it’s also been food for thought for faculty members in several Elon academic departments. Amy Overman, associate professor of psychology, says many people are fascinated with the doomsday concept because it gives them some sense of control over their lives. “We like to believe we can predict certain things and we can take action to influence the outcome. It’s comforting to people to believe they can predict when the world will end and how it will happen,” says Overman, who studies memory, aging and the brain. Recently, she’s focused on the concept of control beliefs and how they affect behavior and memory performance. Generally speaking, once people accept a particular belief, they tend to interpret and remember only things that support their existing point of view and discount any evidence to the contrary. In the context of the Maya doomsday prophecy, Overman says, people “will find all kinds of ‘evidence’ that supports that belief.” Doomsday prophecies also have strong ties to religious traditions. Lynn Huber, associate professor of religious studies, teaches a course about apocalyptic imagination and says end-of-the-world themes, prevalent in Judeo-Christian traditions, often gain popularity when things do not unfold as people expect. “The end of the world becomes a way of knowing that justice will come,” she says. She adds that while the commercialization of the Maya doomsday prophecies can certainly be negative, the public discussion of the phenomenon also presents an opportunity for people to investigate deep questions about how they interact with the world. “A lot of literature tries to prompt us to think about our behavior,” she says. “The end of the world has become a device to get us to think about what’s important in our life and how to live our lives better.”

fall 2012 13

Photo courtesy of Pocono Raceway

MOTORSPORT MOGULS BY ERIC TOWNSEND // Teresa LePors in Elon University’s Belk Library provided research assistance for this article

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Their late grandfather developed Pocono Raceway into an elite NASCAR venue. Nick Igdalsky ’99 and his sister, Ashley Igdalsky Walsh ’02, now work with their older brother to make the track the centerpiece of a Pennsylvania entertainment empire.


HUMBLE ORIGINS To understand the Igdalskys, you need to understand the man they called “Pop” but everyone outside the family knew as “Doc.” Born in 1925, Mattioli was the only child of first-generation Italian immigrants. His parents split when he was a toddler, and Mattioli spent his youth bouncing around Pennsylvania with his mother, at one point living on a farm with no plumbing. Mattioli was on his own by his mid teens, landing

work where he could while learning to spot business opportunities. After serving as a World War II naval medic, he returned to Philadelphia, married Rose and settled down to raise three children in the same house where he worked as a dentist in the basement. Rose, a podiatrist, treated patients one floor up. Within a few years, the work of running a dental practice had taken its toll. Vowing to focus more time and energy on family and investment opportunities that brought them joy, the Mattiolis bought out all the track’s original investors, and subsequently gave up their respective medical practices and moved from the city to the mountains. The couple involved their children in growing the enterprise and, eventually, the grandchildren would spend summer vacations at the speedway. One of Igdalsky’s first paid jobs was cleaning litter from the grandstands and bathrooms; Walsh got her start by painting the checkered pattern on the track each summer. The grandchildren were never given a car, and they never had an allowance. Igdalsky and Walsh say those summer experiences taught them the value of money. “This was my summer camp. It was work, certainly, but it was time with the family and we didn’t even realize how much we were learning,” Walsh says. “You had to work for every penny you got. One of my first jobs was picking up cigarette butts.” What Igdalsky and Walsh easily sensed as children was how their grandfather had become one of the most respected track owners in NASCAR. Though Pocono Raceway’s first years catered to the Indycar circuit, labor strife in the 1970s threatened the sport’s future, and Mattioli sought another revenue stream. As it happened, interest in stock car racing was on the rise, and NASCAR saw Pocono Raceway as a valuable site for growing its fan base. Today, the Pocono 400 and the Pennsylvania 400 bring the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series to Long Pond, Pa., every June and August, respectively. “Pocono’s uniqueness stands out, and its location plays a huge role in NASCAR’s ability to retain, embrace and grow its fan base in that area of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York,” NASCAR President Mike Helton says. “Every track has its own contribution, and Pocono was very much instrumental in getting us to where we are,

{ Nick Igdalsky ’99 & Ashley Igdalsky Walsh ’02 at this year’s Pennsylvania 400 }

Photo courtesy of Pocono Raceway

ts nickname is “The Tricky Triangle,” a 2.5-mile asphalt and concrete tri-oval ring built on an old spinach farm just a few miles off Interstate 80 in northeastern Pennsylvania, but stock car racing wasn’t on the minds of the men who conceived it. Each of the three turns that define Pocono Raceway was modeled on three popular Indycar tracks of the mid 20th century. When the facility first opened in 1968 as a three-quarter-mile dirt loop, it was the open cockpit style of racing that captured the imagination of motorsports fans in the United States. But by the time Pocono expanded with a paved circuit for its first Indycar race in 1971, the group of men who pooled $6 million to build “the Indianapolis of the East” realized they possessed little knowledge of how to manage it. One of those investors, Philadelphia dentist Joe Mattioli, did what any hardscrabble businessman would do when faced with the unknown: He studied everything there was to learn about running a track. If it needed to be built, if it needed to get done, “Doc” would make it happen. And after Mattioli’s death early this year, ownership transferred to his grandchildren, including Elon alumni Nick Igdalsky ’99 and Ashley Igdalsky Walsh ’02. Together with their brother Brandon, Pocono Raceway’s chief executive officer, the trio now calls the shots at the only familyowned track on the NASCAR circuit. “He always said that when he died, the grandkids would be running the place. When you’re told that at 7 and 8 years old, it sticks with you,” Igdalsky, Pocono Raceway’s senior vice president and chief operating officer, says over lunch with his sister. “His vision was of a family empire. … And with every major decision we look at, I ask, ‘Would Pop have done this?’”

but it can also play a huge role in getting us where we want to be down the road.” The university’s relationship with Joe and Rose Mattioli, and by extension with Pocono Raceway, predates the Igdalsky siblings’ attendance. Registrar Mark Albertson grew up in Pennsylvania less than an hour from the track. When Albertson’s father retired from running a popular local general store, Albertson contacted the Mattiolis to ask if his dad could drive the pace car in an upcoming race. Joe Mattioli responded with regrets, telling Albertson NASCAR arranges for that sort of accommodation and not the track, but Mattioli was impressed with the request. He told Albertson to keep in touch. About a year later, Albertson was in his office in Alamance Building when the Mattiolis surprised him in person en route from Florida to Virginia, where they owned another smaller track, South Boston Speedway. The Mattiolis were so taken by Elon that they soon started financially supporting a Winter Term course, The Business of NASCAR. Each year since the mid 1990s, the family has helped defray the travel costs of students in the Winter Term course who visit NASCAR corporate headquarters in Daytona Beach, Fla., as part of their studies (see p. 17).

fall 2012 15

FORGING IDENTITIES Despite the deep relationship between his grandparents and what was then Elon College, Igdalsky lacked interest in higher education. As a high school senior, he sought discipline in the U.S. Marine Corps. That wasn’t an option, his family demanded, and out of defiance Igdalsky intentionally visited colleges near the beach. He toured Elon during a quick stop on a tour of the South and, after the university accepted him early decision, he decided to attend. According to his college friends, it wasn’t obvious that Igdalsky was the equivalent of NASCAR royalty. He arrived on campus driving a blue 1987 Camaro with handcuffs and tassels hanging from the rearview mirror and a California Raisin stuck on the dashboard. His first-year roommate, Shawn Laidlaw ’99, couldn’t believe what he saw when Igdalsky

Boston Speedway. At the same time, Igdalsky joined the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business board of advisors, visiting campus periodically to support development of the school and its students. He returned to Pocono Raceway in 2003 to handle business projects and soon was named senior vice president to oversee track operations. Like his grandfather, Igdalsky has put down roots in the Poconos, where he lives with his wife and child (with a second one on the way). And for fun, he started racing in the ARCA Racing Series, a minor league of sorts for stock car drivers. He competed against Danica Patrick in 2010 when the high-profile female star first dabbled in stock car racing. Four years younger than Igdalsky, Walsh knew of Elon through her brother and planned to attend from the start. Though her mother’s remarriage took her to California for high school, she felt it was only a matter of time until she’d call North Carolina home. Unlike her brother, Walsh spent much

regardless of what she’s doing in life,” says friend Cindy Beidel Aitken ’02. “At all of the key moments in life, she’s the first person with a phone call to let you know she’s thinking of you.” For Mary Kate Carpenter ’02, Walsh’s firstyear roommate at Elon, that generosity was never more apparent than a few years after graduation, when Carpenter’s family took her terminally ill father on a vacation in the Poconos. A quick stop to Pocono Raceway was planned for what everyone thought would be a final goodbye. Walsh, however, insisted that Carpenter’s father strap on a helmet and climb into the passenger seat of a NASCAR driving school vehicle. “‘We need to get you around the track!’” Carpenter remembers Walsh saying. “We knew it was probably the last time she’d see him, though it wasn’t. She actually came down when he was in Hospice and spent part of a day with him.”


“[Pocono Raceway] gives our community national exposure, and national exposure is not something that’s easy to come by.” CHUCK LEONARD President of the Pocono Mountain Economic Development Corporation

stepped out in jean shorts and a navy blue Casper the Friendly Ghost T-shirt. “I’m thinking, ‘What am I getting myself into?’ Five minutes after talking to the guy, I knew we were going to be great friends,” Laidlaw says. “He really admired his grandparents growing up, and rightfully so. That wouldn’t surprise anybody. But his ability to be as fun and as outgoing and down to earth as he is? A lot of people are surprised by just how smart he really is.” “He has an amazing sense of humor. He’s self-deprecating, which I respect,” says another friend, Dan Haessler ’99. Haessler recalls how Igdalsky could flip an internal switch to be “very business-oriented,” which made him stand out among his classmates. “He understands that he has an important legacy to hold up.” Igdalsky didn’t move far from Elon after graduating with a business degree. For the next few years, he helped manage South

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of her time away from campus, working for vendors on race weekends to make extra money and partaking in hobbies like skydiving. Walsh also enrolled in the Winter Term NASCAR course. “She knew so much about NASCAR and racing. So often in the class I would look over and ask, ‘Ashley, is this correct?’” says Professor Emerita Janie Brown, the course’s original instructor. “She was just a really good person to have in the class. Even when we were traveling, she shared with other students in the class, and the students the year she took it really valued that.” Walsh graduated from Elon with a broadcast communications and film degree. She launched her career freelancing as an assistant director with SPEED, the Charlotte, N.C.-based television network focusing on motorsports. She returned to Pennsylvania in 2005 to help the family business. “The core of who she is never changes,

One of the highest profile projects taking shape at Pocono Raceway is The Village at Pocono, an all-season resort within sight of the racetrack. The resort was conceptualized, designed and built by Walsh, who now manages the property. When Walsh returned to the mountains from her job with SPEED, “Doc” tasked his granddaughter with handling the general contracting duties. The resort, decorated in the black, white, gold and red colors that Mattioli loved, features a tennis court, basketball court, giant play set for children, indoor pool, theater room, billiards, fitness room and lounges. This winter, Walsh will install an ice skating rink for guests, and the resort plans to host its first wedding in the spring. “I had to prove myself with this,” Walsh says. “I needed to read a million books on building and opening a hotel. I was selftaught, like (my grandfather). If I didn’t know something, I opened a book. … Who would give a 25-year-old with no experience a construction project? I worked extra hard to make sure it fit his vision.” The siblings also are planning several nonNASCAR-related projects. They’re considering bringing outdoor concerts, festivals, mud runs and other regional attractions to the speedway. A solar farm on the family’s 2,000 acres, approved by Mattioli before his death after encouragement from his grandchildren, powers the track. Excess energy produced by the solar panels is sold back to the grid to

light hundreds of homes across the region. And recently, Pocono Raceway partnered with Indycar, becoming the host for next summer’s high-profile July 4 race. Such variety is critical to the enterprise’s long-term success. Attendance at NASCAR events is declining, though Pocono Raceway has fared better than most tracks at retaining fans. The economy is hampering turnout and technology isn’t helping. Tracks work against high-definition broadcasting with countless camera angles both in and out of the vehicles, technological innovations that make watching races from home more convenient. Yet there’s a strong recognition of Pocono Raceway’s importance to the region. “It’s a critical asset to the community. You can’t overstate it,” says Chuck Leonard, president of the Pocono Mountain Economic Development Corporation. “It gives our community national exposure, and national exposure is not something that’s easy to come by. We have used it when we’ve had companies interested in locating in our marketplace, some of which are in the automotive industry. You have a venue where you can take people and have a great time; it’s exciting and it makes a statement about the quality of our community.” Igdalsky and Walsh aren’t the only Elon alumni contributing to the success of Pocono Raceway. Igdalsky recruited Ben May ’99 to serve as chief operating officer of Mountain Concessions, the family-owned food vendor that serves track visitors. More than a decade after joining the family business, May sometimes jokes with his boss and good friend, saying, “I’m here to work for your future!” Ultimately, Igdalsky and Walsh want to do for their descendants with Pocono Raceway what their grandparents did for them: Leave behind a family business with immeasurable potential for growth. It helps that both remain close to their grandmother, Rose, whose home isn’t far from the track. And it’s icing on the cake that the family business brings joy to hundreds of thousands of NASCAR fans each year who visit the Poconos or watch the races on television. “There aren’t many things in life where everybody is smiling,” says Walsh, who in October married an Atlantic City, N.J., firefighter. “When I walk around a racetrack, that’s all I ever see. People smiling. People making memories.” If the family has its way, there will be plenty of those to be made in the Pennsylvania mountains for decades to come.

{ l-r, Senior Lecturer Coleman Rich presents a plaque to Alivia Mattioli ’15 & Ashley Igdalsky Walsh ’02 to honor their late grandfather, Joe Mattioli. }

BUSINESS IS BOOMING FOR ELON’S NASCAR COURSE The late Joe Mattioli and Rose Mattioli made a big impact at Elon in recent years through their support of The Business of NASCAR, a course that takes students to Florida each Winter Term to visit the sport’s corporate headquarters in Daytona Beach. Led today by Coleman Rich, senior lecturer in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, the course explores the management, marketing, sponsorships and outreach of an American pastime second only to professional football in television ratings. For the students who take part, there’s no better way to plug in to the NASCAR juggernaut than visiting its nerve center right before the season-opening Daytona 500. “As fans, we sometimes complain about how NASCAR runs things. ‘Why is this done? Why do this? Why not try this?’” says Stephen Taranto, a sophomore sociology major and longtime NASCAR fan who took Rich’s course in 2012. “The trip to Daytona was a ‘Cinderella at the ball’ kind of thing.” The course began in the 1990s and originally was led by Professor Emerita Janie Brown. Over the years, national news outlets such as USA Today and NBC Nightly News featured Elon for its innovative look at the business behind the sport. “As soon as (the Mattiolis) found out I was going to teach the class, they made

contact with me and asked what they could do,” Brown recalls. Joe Mattioli suggested funding the students’ travel. “That was absolutely wonderful!” Rich inherited the course following Brown’s 2005 retirement and has since built a philanthropic component into the syllabus, requiring students to sell “sponsorships” of pinewood derby cars. Proceeds benefit former NASCAR driver Kyle Petty’s Victory Junction Gang Camp in Randleman, N.C., which hosts children with chronic illnesses. To date, students have raised 2,500 through the sponsorship assignment and other fundraising efforts. Following Joe Mattioli’s death in January, Elon honored the family’s generosity with a tree-planting ceremony in front of the Ernest A. Koury Sr. Business Center. Walsh and her cousin, Alivia Mattioli, an Elon sophomore, attended to represent the family. But perhaps the best legacy the Mattioli family has left at Elon lies in the experiences they’ve provided for a generation of Elon students. “It’s because of the Mattiolis’ contributions that this is possible,” says junior Ashley Bunting, a business and sport and event management double major who traveled to Daytona in January. “Standing in line to see (NASCAR driver) Kevin Harvick is when I realized how grateful I was for their gift.”

fall 2012 17

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artin Fowler has walked the brick paths of Elon’s campus more times than he can count, yet the lecturer of philosophy had never stopped in front of Moseley Center simply to admire the landscaping around Young Commons until this summer. One day he paused, noticing for the first time the multitude of bees and butterflies flitting around the flowers in the large oval planter in front of the building. Those particular plants, Fowler realized, were planted with that purpose in mind. And that is the whole premise of the Elon Botanical Garden. “It sets expectations for how we should interact with nature,” Fowler says. “It speaks well of Elon that the university is interested not only in the landscape’s aesthetics but also the educational value of nature.” To establish a botanical garden, an institution has to dedicate its land for that purpose. President Leo M. Lambert did so in November 2004, signing a resolution declaring Elon’s more than 600 acres a botanical garden. Once the dedication was made, the university was able to become a member of the American Public Garden Association. After the presidential botanical garden declaration, “there was an added emphasis on expanding the diversity of the plant collection on campus and finding ways to facilitate its use,” says Tom Flood, assistant director of Physical Plant and director of landscaping. “It also changed the perspective a lot of employees had of the campus. They’ve come to see many different uses for the landscape.” In general, botanical gardens must be open to the public, and they must be designated for educational, research or display purposes. Different pieces of the Elon campus landscape advance those goals. The Environmental Education Center on the Loy Farm property southeast of campus serves as an active educational venue. The wilds of the Elon University Forest north of campus offer resources for research in the sciences and inspiration for creativity in the arts. And the meticulously maintained main campus grounds provide an eye-catching display of diverse colors and species. “Elon’s campus is recognized as one of the most beautiful in the nation thanks to the great work by Tom Flood and his landscaping staff,” Lambert says. “In addition, many creative faculty working with students in the Elon Forest and on the Loy Farm property help make the physical campus part of the larger learning experience at Elon. ”

{ A large oval planter at Moseley Center’s Young Commons entrance offers an eye-catching display of plants and flowers designed to bloom at different times of year. } fall 2012


{ The area between Alamance and Long buildings features some of the most vibrant flowers, intricate designs and oldest trees on campus. }



If you’ve attended Elon, worked at Elon or had a child attend Elon, you’ve probably been marveled by the variety of flowers adorning the campus and perhaps even wondered how often they are planted. Truth is, landscaping crews plant flowers only twice a year, Landscape Supervisor Dawn Hensley says. The beds are planted to provide an evolving display of perennials, annuals and bulbs that bloom and grow at different times. Using the hundreds of tulips that pop up each spring as an example, Hensley says, “It looks like we just planted them – but we actually planted them in November.” Seasonal flower beds cover more than 10,000 square feet of Elon’s campus, with individual beds ranging from 100 to 1,500 square feet. Hensley is responsible for designing those gardens – including the popular Phoenix logo that appears occasionally in the Moseley Center’s large oval planter on Young Commons. She estimates her staff plants more than 8,000 bulbs per year, and in the summer, more than 80 different species of plants can be seen during a walk across campus. Recently, Hensley has focused on using more perennials in her designs to add texture and durability. But don’t worry – those showy tulips aren’t going anywhere. “You want that big ‘wow,’ that splash of color,” Flood says.

“The plants in bloom are what everyone talks about, but the history of Elon is in the trees,” Flood says. A plethora of species dot the campus landscape, including many native to North Carolina – see the Southern Magnolias and Brandywine Maples on Young Commons or the Longleaf Pines mingled with White Oaks in West Lawn. Those are among Arborist Wendy Williams’ favorites. “We’re fortunate to have so many mature oaks,” she says, noting that several oaks still standing predate the establishment of Elon College. “It’s nice that we don’t have to wait 125 years to have them grow.” Williams is Elon’s only arborist, though during busy times she has a temporary assistant. Much of her work involves crisscrossing campus to inspect trees, looking for potentially hazardous situations such as drooping limbs, falling branches and signs of disease. Then, there’s the maintenance. “It’s scary at times,” she says, pointing to the many hours she’s spent in the bucket of a cherry picker, chainsaw in hand. “But it’s exciting. It’s a new challenge for me.” Once or twice per year, Williams leads the planting of new trees around campus, usually to replace dead ones or populate the landscape around new buildings. “We try to expand the botanical garden whenever and wherever we can,” she says.

DON’T MISS: Moseley Center oval planter at

DON’T MISS: Cherry trees at Lake Mary Nell;

Young Commons; South Alamance flower beds

Class of 1938 Magnolia (southeast of Alamance

(between Alamance and Long buildings)

Building, beside the O’Kelly Monument)

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ELON FOREST & LOY FARM: THE ENVIRONMENT AT WORK Two recent, large additions to Elon’s botanical garden are the Elon University Forest and the Environmental Education Center at Loy Farm. In 2010, the Board of Trustees voted to preserve 56 undeveloped acres north of campus as the Elon University Forest, protecting the largest intact forest in the Town of Elon from further development. A valuable teaching resource, the Elon Forest allows faculty and students in the natural sciences to study plants, soil and water chemistry. But the forest’s educational value isn’t limited to the sciences, Fowler says. He brings students in his upperlevel philosophy course Animal Captivity to the forest to set the tone for their study of the many aspects of captivity in the world. He also brings his Elon 101 students to the forest on their first day of class to acquaint them with the area. “In less than a 10-minute walk from campus, they can walk among trees older than the United States,” he says. “It shows them that everything – the trees, the animals, everything – is part of our community.” On the other side of campus, agroecologist Steve Moore and his colleagues have begun to use the Environmental Education Center at Loy Farm for their courses. Covering more than 40 acres, the farm southeast of campus will allow students to put into practice their classroom discussions about agriculture, hunger and food sustainability issues. “We’re not going to make farmers here,” says Moore, a lecturer in the Department of Environmental Studies. “We are going to make global citizens who understand the complexity of these issues. They’ll have a solid understanding of what it means to work on projects like this and develop skills that are highly sought after by organizations such as the Peace Corps.”

LANDSCAPING & ARCHITECTURE: FILLING IN THE CANVAS When Elon announced its intention to build The Station at Mill Point, a new residential neighborhood for juniors and seniors, they weren’t the only ones excited. Flood was, too. The new development, featuring Charlestonstyle architecture, offered him a chance to design a landscape completely different from anything Elon has ever seen. “To create a sense of place, the landscaping has to reflect the use, users and architecture,” he says. Much of Elon’s campus adheres to a neatly trimmed, formal Southern estate landscape style, which complements the stately red brick and white columns of the university’s Georgian architecture. Mill Point, however, with its bright colors and broad porches, required a different approach. Flood says palm trees and hibiscus would look completely out of place planted in the middle of Scott Plaza, but the coastal motif of Mill Point actually calls for such tropical flora. “The change gave us a reason to look at a whole new set of plants,” he says. “It gives us a chance to try new things, and that’s what a botanical garden is all about.”

{ Palm trees along the sidewalks at The Station at Mill Point give Elon’s newest residential neighborhood a decidedly coastal feel. }

DON’T MISS: The Station at Mill Point streetscape; { Martin Fowler leads a discussion with his students in the Elon University Forest. }

the Elon Labyrinth beside Holt Chapel

fall 2012 21

ON & ECTION  Tampa, Fla. • Charlotte, N.C. • Washington, D.C. • The Elon campus.


o matter where you looked over the past several months, you could find Elon people learning about, working for, closely studying or avidly following developments in the 2012 presidential campaigns and conventions. With North Carolina among the election’s coveted swing states and September’s

Democratic National Convention held just down the road in Charlotte, the Elon community took full advantage of the engaged learning opportunities this year’s election cycle provided. In the following pages, see how our students, faculty, staff and alumni

took their civic duty to new levels during Campaign 2012.


Elon’s proximity to September’s Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., afforded students opportunities to learn about and participate in this important political ritual. A group of students traveled to the Charlotte Observer’s headquarters to attend an Elon University Poll panel on Sept. 3 (see p. 24). Three days later, another group ventured to the Queen City to partner with the alternative newspaper Creative Loafing Charlotte to report on the scene at the convention. Senior Jasmine Whatley, a political science major, attended the Elon Poll event and appreciated the chance to interact

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face-to-face with top political analysts and journalists. “It’s not every day that you get to sit down and listen to political analysts from NBC,” she says. “It’s the stuff political science majors dream of.” For fellow senior Edith Veremu, a strategic communications major, the event not only allowed her to see the results of her work – she has worked as a pollster for the Elon Poll in the past – but also American politics in action. “It was a great opportunity to see firsthand how the public can dictate the election,” said Veremu, a native of Zimbabwe. Later during convention week, seniors in Instructor Colin Donohue’s Multimedia Journalism course conducted interviews, captured photos, filmed video and engaged

Photo courtesy Natalie Dupuis ’13

{ Elon seniors Luke LeSourd (l) and Lindsey Kimble (c) spent a day in the Queen City covering the Democratic National Convention in September for the alternative newspaper Creative Loafing Charlotte. }

audiences via social media as part of their work with Creative Loafing Charlotte. Their Sept. 6 visit took place just hours before President Barack Obama’s party nomination acceptance speech. Elon students tracked down a variety of stories for Charlotte’s largest alternative weekly newspaper, ranging from hard news to lighthearted features about the types of political merchandise hawked at the convention – and why people decide to buy it. “This is really awesome, and that we wrote for a professional publication? That took it to a new level,” says senior Ashley Fahey. “It was such a large event, and we had so much freedom with our assignments. It was nice to go out and run with it.” Mark Kemp, Creative Loafing Charlotte’s editor in chief, says the organization appreciated the Elon students, who “brought an energy to the newsroom” of a publication that employs a small staff. “It was extremely helpful,” Kemp says. “We had beat reporters getting different stories, and I’ve been very impressed with what I’ve seen.” View samples of the students’ work at

FROM THE CONVENTION FLOORS Through the university’s partnership with The Washington Center, 11 Elon students

were selected to attend two-week seminars at the sites of the Republican and Democratic national conventions and take part in internships or assignments with organizations involved in each party’s convention. Two Elon juniors who participated in the program gave The Magazine of Elon a glimpse into their convention experiences.

Republican National Convention, Tampa, Fla. BY D. PATRICK BROWN

I’ve always been interested in learning more about politics and experiencing the process as often as I can, so I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend the 2012 Republican National Convention. During our first week, we took part in discussions led by distinguished experts including former Oklahoma Rep. Mickey Edwards, former CNN anchor Aaron Brown and several acclaimed scholars. Then I began my fieldwork with the Committee on Arrangements, which planned and organized the convention. I worked as a greeter, which gave me the opportunity to meet several dignitaries, delegates and citizens from around the country. Because of Hurricane Isaac, the first day of official convention business was post-

poned, so I had the day free. I explored the convention area and met many wellknown people, including former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, who happens to be an Elon parent. When he learned I was an Elon student, we had an immediate connection. As I sat in the convention hall observing the crowd listening to the speakers, the role of everyday citizens in the campaign became very clear to me. The delegates in the hall were just that – everyday citizens. They came from different places but, for this week, all were part of something important: nominating the person who might lead our country. I thought about how lucky I was to attend and how I wished more people my age would get more involved in the election process. The convention inspired me to promote student involvement in the 2012 Election. Already the chair of Elon’s College Republicans, I joined TurboVote, a program that enables people to register and receive absentee ballots online. Personally, the chance to attend the convention was an exciting and memorable opportunity, and it reinforced my personal goal to remain engaged in politics and, one day, attend the convention again – as a delegate.

Democratic National Convention, Charlotte, N.C. BY GABRIELLE MCCARTHY

My life can be broken into defining moments: the birth of my much-younger siblings, high

fall 2012


school graduation, enrolling at Elon and attending the Democratic National Convention. I am a political science major with a goal of working in the campaign circuit and for me, the entire experience felt like a dream. While I was in Charlotte, I worked as a production assistant for Fox News. Going into the internship, I had an interest in working on the media side of politics. For two weeks, I assisted producers and anchors filming shows and had a firsthand look at how issues are framed and presented to the public. I’m still interested in media, but the sheer excitement of the convention furthered my desire to work more directly with political campaigns. Three convention moments stood out for me. First was watching Michelle Obama address the nation. As the lights dimmed and the opening video rolled, I couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with emotion. Next was witnessing President Bill Clinton’s speech. For 51 minutes, time stood still as I watched a man I’ve respected nearly my entire life take the stage. He’s the only person I’ve ever seen make inspiring comments about the sitting Democratic president while eliciting the crowd to give the previous Republican president a round of applause. Finally, and most importantly, I stood on the floor of the arena as President Barack Obama accepted his party’s nomination. Never in my life have I felt a part of something bigger than I did in that moment. During his speech, President Obama said, “It is not about what can be done for us, it is about what can be done by us.” After my experience at the convention, I have certainly been bitten by the “campaign bug,” and President Obama’s words have inspired me to pursue an active path in helping move our country forward.

AN INSIDER’S PERSPECTIVE Charlie Cook, publisher of The Cook Political Report and an Elon parent, spoke Sept. 10 about the 2012 Republican and Democratic campaign strategies to a packed Whitley Auditorium audience. His chief concern moving beyond the November elections, he said, is that elected officials on both sides are not willing to take a middle road; that

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compromise has become a four-letter word, a sign of weakness or a lack of principle. To get things done, Cook argued, people need to begin pulling in the same direction, no matter what color jersey they wear. { Charlie Cook }

“My theory is that Democrats can screw things up and Republicans can screw things up, but it takes both sides to overly screw things up,” he said. He expressed faith that the generation of Americans represented by Elon’s students can help rectify this situation. “I hope more young to middle-age people who do have the skill sets and the intelligence, the personality to become effective leaders run in bigger numbers than in the past 20–30 years,” Cook said. “We haven’t done it so well. I hope your generation does better.” See more excerpts from Cook’s address at

A distinguished panel of journalists and political analysts gathered Sept. 3 in Charlotte, N.C., to dissect data from a special Elon University Poll of likely voters in the Tar Heel State just before the Democratic National Convention. Major media outlets, including Bloomberg Businessweek, The Washington Post, NPR, CNN, NBC and many others, used the poll’s results in their convention-week coverage. The panel included David Gergen of CNN; Charlie Cook of The Cook Political Report and the National Journal; Domenico Montanaro, NBC News’ deputy political editor; Rob Christensen of the (Raleigh, N.C.) News & Observer; Taylor Batten of the Charlotte Observer; and Anita Kumar, McClatchy Newspapers’ White House correspondent. John Robinson, Elon Poll’s director of communications and former editor of the (Greensboro, N.C.) News & Record, served as moderator.


Two days after graduation, I moved back home to Virginia Beach and started my first post-graduate job as a field operative for Tim Kaine’s gubernatorial campaign. That first job revealed how little I knew about how government works. It also opened my eyes to the wonderful potential career opportu-

nities of a professional political operative. These opportunities have led me through Virginia, Washington, D.C., New Hampshire, Iowa, Colorado and Ohio. I have worked as field organizer, analyst, campaign manager, strategist, cartographer, logistics manager, volunteer coordinator and political director. Now, I work at the leading edge of political discourse in 2012: the world of independent expenditures. Political Action Committees (PACs) have existed since 1944, when the Congress of Industrial Organizations (the CIO in AFL-CIO) formed a committee to support the reelection of Franklin D. Roosevelt. But since the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC, all we hear about are SuperPACs, those political action committees that are allowed to accept unlimited contributions from individuals, corporations and labor unions. Sometimes overlooked are the distinctions between SuperPACs and the type of organization I work for: a 501(c)4 social welfare issue advocacy group. 501(c)4s can take unlimited donations, like SuperPACs, but do not have to disclose their donors and must have a primary purpose of promoting social welfare, not getting someone elected. As political director for Patriot Major-

{ Brett Cooper ’05 }

ity USA, I help develop and implement programs that empower people to address economic issues here in America. We do this through having a presence on television and radio, utilizing social media and mailings, conducting polling and implementing grassroots programs. As a political operative, I am frequently working 15-hour days nonstop for six months, knowing that I will be unemployed after the election in November. But there are few other jobs where you have to use so many different skills on a regular basis to be successful. One day, I may analyze voting statistics. The next, I’ll work with a video crew to set up a shoot or write a speech that someone will give at a rally for which I spent a week building a 2,000-person crowd. And

WHAT ISSUES DOES ELON CARE ABOUT? At College Coffee Sept. 18, students, faculty and staff voted on their top issues of concern in the 2012 Presidential Election. The top three issues became the focus of an all-campus debate Oct. 25 in Whitley Auditorium. While debate details weren’t final until after press time (visit elon. edu/magazine for the recap), here’s a glimpse at how the university community ranked the issues: 1) Economy 2) Health care 3) International relations & same-sex marriage (tie) 4) Energy/oil 5) Sustainability/environment 6) Student loans 7) Reproductive rights 8) Immigration

all of that work could be scrapped if a storm hits on the other side of the world. It’s this variety and need to adapt that drew me to Elon in the first place and made my college experience so special. I got into politics to learn more about how things work in Washington and our state capitals. I have been successful in politics because of the skills I developed at Elon. I have stayed in politics because I don’t know any better, and because adapting to the everyday challenge of having almost nothing in your control provides you with an unmatched thrill when you get to watch it all come together on Election Day.


Electoral coalitions are not the same as governing coalitions. To win a presidential election, candidates must develop strategies that often have very little to do with leading the nation or managing a bureaucracy and everything to do with winning.

Given the stark divide between presidential candidates that characterized the 2012 election cycle, transitioning from an electoral coalition to a governing coalition will be a significant challenge facing whoever comes out on top. In 2012, the American electorate has been more polarized than at any time since the Civil War. Most voters decided whom they would vote for long before the elections, and after the nominating conventions, only eight states were considered “undecided.” In these swing states and elsewhere, each campaign deployed negative advertising – which survey research indicates stimulates voter turnout – further increasing the electorate’s divide. As with most presidential candidates, both Barack Obama and Mitt Romney “overinflated the possible” during their campaigns. They made promises to create jobs, lower the deficit and change the tone in Washington, but in reality, the president has few unitary powers. The greatest domestic power source of the modern presidency is in the power to persuade the public and members of Congress to embrace and implement his or her vision for the country. Unfortunately, once the November elections have come and gone, the sharply divided tone of the campaign will be evident in the president’s struggle to follow through on the promises made during the campaign. Representatives’ and senators’ obligations to constituents and supporting groups will make it difficult to build consensus on many hot-button campaign issues. Any new policy or reforms passed in those areas likely would come at considerable political cost to the new president. A president’s most valuable political capital is public opinion, and this is where the divided nature of the country’s electorate may have far-reaching ramifications. The honeymoon period for the passage of presidential policy preferences is shorter than ever, and few presidents are as popular at the end as they are at the beginning. In recent history, only Bill Clinton managed to finish his presidency more popular than he began. If the next presidency unfolds like those of the past, the president-elect’s most popular year – and thus, his best chance of addressing his campaign promises – will be his first. The extreme polarization of the 2012 presidential campaign will put both Obama and Romney at a disadvantage in that regard.

fall 2012 25



REENGAGE. Dear fellow Elon alumni,


here is an amazing energy in the air around Elon these days. It is impossible to walk on campus and not feel the excitement and passion from everybody connected to the university. It is simply unbelievable to see what has been accomplished at Elon since many of us have graduated. The vision of the board of trustees and President Leo M. Lambert has moved Elon to the national stage, and it’s only going to get better. President Lambert has made an unprecedented commitment to building a vibrant alumni network. It’s one of the eight pillars of the Elon Commitment strategic plan. Our first step has been a complete redefinition of the Elon Alumni Board. We needed to focus the intellectual firepower necessary to create a new vision for alumni engagement. It almost goes without saying that alumni are a vital part of a university, and to date, many Elon { John Hill ’76 } alumni have not re-engaged. Moving forward, there will be an entirely new focus on alumni engagement. It will start with a powerful new video that connects all of us, from the Elon of yesterday to the Elon of today. This focus includes opening an alumni facility in the heart of campus that will function as a welcome center and gathering place. We will have significant staff additions to the alumni engagement team to ensure a higher level of connection. A streamlined Elon Alumni Board leadership team is working in tandem with other key offices, including academic deans and the Student Professional Development Center, to dramatically expand networking resources and mentorship opportunities between alumni and current students. This is only a fraction of our vision. The Elon Alumni Board has an ambitious agenda, and we are fired up to reintroduce and re-engage those who have not had the pleasure of being a part of Elon recently. If you have remained engaged, we look forward to your continued commitment and encourage you to spread the word about the joys of being involved. Reach out to just one Elon friend and invite them to be a part of the new alumni movement. If you have not yet reconnected, now is the perfect time. All Elon alumni can be partners, advocates and investors in our alma mater! John Hill ’76 President, Elon Alumni Board

26 the magazine of elon

Voices for our alumni The university’s renewed focus on alumni engagement relies heavily on advisory support from representative organizations of Elon graduates. These four groups – the Elon Alumni Board, Young Alumni Council, Elon Black Alumni Network and LGBTQIA Alumni Network – are composed of dedicated alumni volunteers who work on your behalf. John Hill ’76, president of the Elon Alumni Board, gave you a brief overview of issues that body seeks to tackle. Below, meet the presidents of the other alumni advisory organizations. Reach out to them with your concerns and aspirations for the future of your alma mater.

Young Alumni Council Established in 2007, the Young Alumni Council seeks to strengthen connections between Elon and its graduates of the past decades. Currently consisting of 37 volunteers, we strategically work with the university and plan programming that benefits young alumni year-round. What are we doing that you might be interested in engaging in right now?


{ Britten Ginsburg Pund ’06 }

» The Top 10 Under 10 Awards are an opportunity to recognize young alumni for outstanding professional or service achievements. » The “Destination…” series provide an in-depth look at what life is like after graduation in a new place. Young alumni attend campus events in person or via videoconference. » IGNITE instills the spirit of investing in Elon’s future. All young alumni who make an annual gift to Elon are members of IGNITE. These are just a couple of examples. Our goal is to engage all young alumni in the life of the university, but we need your help. Let us know what programs you would like to be offered through your regional chapters and clubs, on a national level or on campus. Your input matters!

Elon Black Alumni Network (EBAN) The Elon Black Alumni Network (EBAN) is actively engaged in building partners, advocates and investors in Elon University. Among our top priorities is support for the Elon Black Alumni Scholarship fund, which was established in 2007 to assist outstanding black students with financial need. We’re seeking to raise $50,000 for the scholarship


fund in the next five years,  PRESIDENT and we’ll need your help to get there. Other priorities for EBAN include our annual Homecoming reunion, the K. Wilhelmina Boyd Book Club, mentoring support between alumni and current students, a golf tournament to benefit { Tracey Lewis ’93 P’10 } the scholarship fund and the annual Black Excellence Awards, which recognize outstanding black students at Elon. We’re looking to add to our strong, vibrant base of alumni volunteers to serve EBAN leadership committees. Please join us in taking our network to new heights in the next five years.

LGBTQIA Alumni Network

HOMECOMING HAS COME AND GONE … …but we’re already gearing up for our biggest one yet! Save the date for Elon’s 125th Anniversary Homecoming, Nov. 8–10, 2013. Updates forthcoming at


Our affinity group unites and represents the interests of Elon’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/ questioning, intersex and ally (LGBTQIA) alumni, undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff and families. { Hillary Waugh Bruce ’08 } We’re passionate about improving the campus climate for future members of the Elon community by advocating for LGBTQIA issues, partnering with individuals and organizations and promoting Elon’s commitment to an inclusive and respectful community. We just held our first Homecoming reunion as an affinity network in October. The reunion featured a ribbon-cutting and awards ceremony that introduced the community to our LGBTQ Resource Room. We’re looking forward to holding many more events like this one. To continue with our mission and create programming opportunities, we ask you to become a member, volunteer with our committees or invest in our scholarship fund. A new LGBTQIA Network website will be available soon, and we hope you’ll visit the page to learn more about our group.

Interested in joining one of our advisory groups? Have an idea you’d like them to consider? Contact Durice White ’09, assistant director of alumni engagement, at

{ l-r, President Leo M. Lambert, 2012 Top 10 Under 10 award recipient Melissa Will Banta ’04 & Director of Academic Support Jim Donathan }

Help us highlight our Top 10! It’s that time of year again – we’re on the lookout for our Top 10 Under 10! The annual Top 10 Under 10 Awards recognize alumni of the past decade who’ve enjoyed professional success, made a big difference in the community and/or loyally supported Elon. To nominate yourself or a standout graduate, please visit and click

“Alumni Recognition.” Award recipients will be announced via E-Net in February and will be invited to campus for a ceremony in early spring. Ticket information for the event will be available on the Alumni Association website. Please contact the Office of Alumni Engagement with any questions at or toll free (877) 784-3566.

fall 2012 27

28 the magazine of elon

championship game. Job well done!

from Boston University, the University of Pittsburgh and Tulane University on the way to the

earned a 7–1 regular-season record en route to a #2 seed in the playoffs. The team defeated alumni

including coach Sara Gould ’09, took part in the team’s games throughout the summer. Elon

time defending champion Emory, 3–1, in the network’s 7-on-7 soccer league. Seventeen alums,

Elon captured its first Capital Alumni Network sports championship Aug. 3, defeating two-

D.C. Alumni Chapter captures soccer crown

Minn. ¶ Congratulations to these two outstanding alumni!

a 2011 Emmy in the Video Journalist category. Pittman works as a reporter and producer for kstp-tv in St. Paul,

from the Upper Midwest Chapter of the natas in the Feature News Report: Serious Single Story category. He won

top honors in the Politics/Government category of the annual competition. ¶ Pittman received his award Sept. 29

Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (natas). A story he produced about welfare fraud in Pennsylvania earned

wgal-tv in Lancaster, Penn., received his third Emmy Award from the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the National

this fall in recognition of their excellence in the broadcasting industry. ¶ Belanger, a government reporter for

Elon graduates Matt Belanger ’05 (right) and Mitch Pittman ’09 picked up regional Emmy Awards

That’s some nice hardware!



¶ More

¶ Representatives of the Alumni Association and Elon’s Student Professional Development

Amanda joined Elon this summer from Loyola University in Maryland. A graduate alumna of Loyola and an undergraduate alumna of Xavier University in Cincinnati, Amanda is looking forward to working with Elon’s growing, thriving alumni base coast to coast. Her top priority? “I’m focusing on building a better representation of all aspects of the Elon alumni family – in age, diversity, professional background and affinity group – among the volunteers that lead our chapter and club boards so we can better serve alumni across the country,” she says. // (877) 784-3566

Who’s my contact? Amanda Robinson // Coordinator of Regional Alumni Engagement //

ANATOMY OF A CHAPTER Too far from campus? So busy you haven’t visited in years – yet you live in Charlotte? Don’t worry: Elon’s regional alumni chapters and clubs are the next best thing to returning to the university for a walk down the brick paths. Not familiar with these important alumni resources? Here’s some information to get you started.

What kind of activities are available? They host annual events sponsored by the Alumni Association, including the fall Welcome to the City events, winter National Networking Week and spring Month of Service. Each individual chapter/club typically holds other activities related to networking, lifelong learning, service, admissions, Elon athletics and socials.

Why do we have chapters/ clubs and who’s in charge? These groups of enthusiastic Elon alumni serve as ambassadors for the university in their communities and keep graduates connected to their alma mater. A board of alumni volunteers meets regularly to plan events and programs that benefit alumni in their area. Want to join your local board? Contact Amanda for details.

Our chapters/clubs are dedicated to serving alumni in every age and stage of their lives. Whether you’re a recent graduate seeking friends or professional contacts in a new town, a parent looking for Elon-related family fun, a seasoned professional interested in mentoring a student or young alum, or a graduate who simply wants a bit more maroon and gold in your life – we’ve got something for you.

Why should I get involved?

New York City ¶ Thursday, Jan. 31, Boston & Triangle ¶ More regions have events in development – please visit the website for the latest information.

Jan. 28, Philadelphia ¶ Tuesday, Jan. 29, Atlanta & Washington, D.C. ¶ Wednesday, Jan. 30, Baltimore, Charleston, Chicago & Then mark your calendar and plan to join us for an informative – and enjoyable – event! ¶ Monday,

students seeking internships, jobs and career advice. For details about the event nearest you, see the following list or visit

Center will be on hand to help you learn how you can plug into the Elon Job and Mentor Networks to support current

growing professional network.

and clubs will host events throughout the week of Jan. 28-31 designed to connect Elon alumni to the university’s rapidly

JAN. ,  // The Elon Alumni Association’s second national networking event is coming up. Local chapters

Gear up for National Networking Week

help expand and strengthen the Elon network in cities nationwide.

region made each event a great success. A big thank you to all of our volunteers who planned and attended these events to

than 600 people attended events in 13 cities (including Atlanta, pictured right), and dedicated groups of alumni in each

“hometowns” in August and September as part of the Alumni Association’s annual Welcome to the City series.

Alumni chapters and clubs throughout the country introduced the Class of 2012 and other Elon graduates to their new

Welcome to the City events draw crowds


Ann Jones sends us word that her mother, Marguerite Harris Waters, celebrated her 100th birthday on Oct. 20. Marguerite attended Elon alongside her late husband, Norman B. Waters, and counts marching in the 1999 inauguration processional for President Leo M. Lambert among her fondest memories. She lives in Greensboro, N.C.



Nell Flinchum Frye enjoys

spending time with her two married daughters, two married grandchildren and great-grandson. She remembers Elon as a campus with so many wonderful people, including Dean Boyd in West Dormitory.


Mary J. Boon Chesson re-


Elizabeth Holland Claytor

ports that she’s retired and the proud grandmother of an Elon alumna, Lesley A. Chesson ’01.

Bill ’66 & Mary Coolidge Ruth ’66 with Jessica Wockenfuss ’09

isn’t shy about declaring her “love and devotion” for Elon. After all, it’s where she met her late husband, John William Claytor Sr., and sowed the seeds of a 40-plusyear career as a middle school teacher and counselor. A proud mother of two and grandmother of four, Elizabeth fondly recalls Elon’s family atmosphere and concerned and caring faculty.


Sue Newcomb ’71

Liz Geer Goldstein ’82 & fellow Elon alumnae

met when Carl returned to Elon after serving in World War II. In July, the couple celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary with their four children, four grandchildren and great-granddaughter. “We treasure every memory” of Elon, Louise writes.


Carolyn Wright McDuffie ’64, R. Tyrone McDuffie ’66 and family

Louise Clayton Allen and her husband, L. Carl Allen Jr.,

Cliff Francis, Barbara Ann Haynes’ husband, writes on

her behalf that she’s very proud Elon’s growth in size and prestige hasn’t taken away from the closeness of its students and faculty. While Barbara’s current physical condition precludes her from returning to campus, Cliff writes that the couple think of Elon often.


Patsy J. Summey-Sellers only

attended Elon for a year but says she made many lifelong friends during her time. She says that, in addition to dedicating themselves to formal studies, students should learn all the life skills they can – even if it means

30 the magazine of elon

plumbing, electrical needs, carpentry and more!


Theodore W. “Ted” Isley says


Eddie C. Bridges, execu-

he’s thrilled about Elon’s growth over the years and advises current students to continue to study hard.

tive director of the North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation, says “My debt to Elon will never be paid in full.” That’s why he supports several Elon scholarship funds, including one that honors his former coach, the late Sid Varney. “As a person who came to Elon with two T-shirts and two pairs of jeans and an athletics scholarship, who went on to propose and develop programs that have generated more than $200 million for wildlife conservation programs, I am one who believes there is no limit to what Elon students can achieve,” Eddie says.


Harold M. “Harry” Faust Jr.

takes pride in being part of the only undefeated Elon football team in the school’s history and is thankful for the many long-lasting friends he made during the “best four years of my life.” ■ Robert S. “Bobby” Loy Jr. considers meeting his wife, Emily J. Loy ’61, the highlight of his college years. The couple’s son, Robert S. “Bo” Loy III graduated from Elon in 1989. Bobby is retired from the Virginia Beach, Va. school system.

For Carolyn Wright McDuffie and her husband, R. Tyrone McDuffie ’66, Elon is quite the family affair. The couple’s daughter, Elizabeth McDuffie Murphy ’96, and family members Charles Crews ’55 , Jo Ann Wright Crews ’56, Sally Wright Skidmore ’61 and Jane Skidmore Eldred ’94 all attended Elon. Elizabeth received an Elon oak sapling at graduation and planted it near Carolyn and Tyrone’s home in Greensboro, N.C. Though it’s been mowed over twice, it stands more than 20 feet tall. “Elon will forever live in our hearts … and also our yard,” Carolyn says.



J. Lowry Sinclair has estab-

lished an endowment for LGBTQ research at Elon, thanks in large part to his 69 1/2th birthday party at his home in Rehoboth Beach, Del. Friends who attended

raised money to help start the endowment, and he encourages others interested in contributing to contact him. Bill and Mary Coolidge Ruth were thrilled to see Jessica Wockenfuss ’09 head-


line the Cumberland County (Tenn.) Playhouse’s production of “Backwards in High Heels” in July. Jessica starred as Ginger Rogers in the production and took time after the performance to meet with Bill and Mary, who live in Pleasant Hill, Tenn.


Linda M. Shields is working


Ron W. Sink and Sylvia Way Sink live in Lexington, N.C.,


Robert L. Bridwell is studying


Hyman Sater is keeping busy


Annette Mayo Shaw reports

for Senior Connections, the Capital Area Agency on Aging, near Richmond, Va. She is working to pursue her passion for art, and encourages fellow alumni to visit her website, lindashieldsart. com, to view her work. She’d love to hear from Elon friends.

where Ron works in human resources for NewBridge Bank. The couple love spending time with their three grown daughters and seven fantastic grandchildren. Sylvia has retired and enjoys volunteering at local schools and hospitals. to become a permanent deaconate with the Catholic Diocese of Raleigh, N.C. He is scheduled for ordination in 2014, when he plans to retire as planning and development director for the city of Sanford, N.C. Robert and his wife, Karen, were married during his time at Elon and celebrate their 44th anniversary this year. ■ Sue Newcomb retired last year after a 40-year career in education. She and her husband, Harold J. Newcomb Jr. ’75, are excited to welcome their sixth grandchild this fall. They live in Hendersonville, N.C.

seven years into retirement. He’s still an avid runner and biker, all of which helps him keep up with his four grandchildren. He and his wife, Lizbeth, live in Danville, Va. that she and her husband,

Conrad A. “Conal” Shaw ’74, are

retired and enjoying life playing with their grandchildren. They live


in Roanoke, Va. ■ Mary Sexton Smith has retired from teaching public school music, most recently at Chowan Middle School in Tyner, N.C. She was recognized by Edenton Baptist Church in June for her more than 30 years as an organist and assistant music director. Mary and her husband, James, have three sons and two grandsons – and have two sets of twin grandchildren on the way!


Franklin H. McNutt III

completed a course in health information technology as part of the U.S. WorkForce Development Program. He has applied to join the Peace Corps and looks forward to relocating to North Carolina’s mountains upon his return.


Robert W. Black has

completed a Doctor of Ministries Degree from Columbia International University and is now pastor of counseling at Community Bible Church, where he oversees the Turning Point Counseling Center. He lives in High Point, N.C.

In 2010, Gregory E. Hicks retired from Orange County (N.C.) Schools. A longtime assistant superintendent, Gregory began sharing his experiences as a part-time instructor at N.C. State University, advising and teaching master’s and doctoral students. He and his wife, Marilyn, live in Hurdle Mills, N.C.



Over the past year, Mike “Radar” Robinson received

several awards, including the President’s Volunteer Service Award, a Meritorious Team Commendation from the U.S. Coast Guard and induction into the Chelmsford High School Hall of Fame. He and his wife, Nan Pearson Robinson, are the proud parents of two U.S. Coast Guard Academy graduates who are now active-duty officers. Radar and Nan live in Statesville, N.C. Liz Geer Goldstein, Brenda Strickland Gamba, Marty Burge Haley, Patty Jordan, Beth Murphy, Lauren DiJoseph Tawill and Mary McGimsy Wright re-


united for a long weekend in Charelston, S.C. The alumnae, who live up and down the East Coast, hadn’t seen each other since graduation. “It was as if time stood

still and we were all back at Elon!” Liz reports. Sarah Boone Travis and her husband, Johnny A. Travis, are proud to report their daughter, Chelsea, graduated from the University of North Carolina last year, is working for the Interfaith Food Shuttle and looking forward to entering medical school in 2013. Sarah and Johnny live in Raleigh, N.C.



Alan Wooten was named


William H. Drewry and Catharine Matlack Drewry

editor of The Daily Dispatch in Henderson, N.C. He previously served as editor of the Ashe Mountain Times in West Jefferson, N.C.

’97 welcomed a daughter, Virginia “Ginny” Anne, on 5/14/12. The family lives in Fayetteville, N.C. ■ Matthew Ramsey has joined Long Cove Club in Hilton Head Island, S.C., as chief financial officer. He lives in Bluffton, S.C.

The Virginia General Assembly unanimously passed a resolution commending Philip C. Strother, his business, Philip Carter Winery, and the Virginia Wine Industry in observance of the 250th anniversary of the first internationally recognized fine wines that were produced in Virginia by Philip’s family. Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell also presented Philip a Certificate of Recognition.



Liese Bouknight Faircloth

has joined AICPA as a technical manager for accounting and auditing publications. She and her husband, Dean, live in Raleigh, N.C. ■ Mark C. French is founder and owner of Minuteman Investigations, a private investigation firm; learn more at He recently published his first book. Mark lives in Bedford, Mass. Jeffrey L. Walters became vice president of sales and marketing for Toner Plastics Inc. in June. He and his wife, Betsy,


CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITIES CAN PROVIDE INCOME FOR LIFE a charitable gift annuity of $10,000 or more to Elon will guarantee you a fixed income for the rest of your life. With market interest rates near historic lows, a gift annuity is an attractive way for you to increase your income and make a gift to Elon at the same time. You will receive immediate tax benefits and can defer capital gains. The payment rate of a charitable gift annuity depends on your age at the time of the gift – the older you are, the higher the rate.

Anthony E. Holland {MBA 1995} has relocated to Holly

Springs, N.C., to join Raleigh’s Apogee Consulting Group as a project manager. He also is a parttime real estate investor.


{ Homecoming was always a showstopper in the 1970s. Majorettes led the Elon marching band and the annual parade through downtown Burlington, N.C. }

rates as of january ,  ONE BENEFICIARY






60 65 70

4.4% 4.7% 5.1%

60/65 67/67 71/73

4.0% 4.4% 4.7%

Annuity rates are subject to change. The annuity rate remains fixed once your gift is made.

To calculate a gift annuity for you, your spouse or a family member, visit

Talk with us today about how you may benefit from a life income gift to Elon and other gift planning opportunities. please contact: Carolyn DeFrancesco, Director of Planned Giving (336) 278-7454 • •

fall 2012 31


live in West Hartford, Conn., with their three children.


Erick P. Gill was recog-

nized twice by the National Association of County Information Officers’ Annual Awards of Excellence program for his work with the St. Lucie County, Fla., public information office. It’s the sixth consecutive year Erick has received an award from the organization. He and his wife, Colleen Batt Gill, live in Fort Pierce, Fla.

Russell S. Clark has joined M Yacht Services in Annapolis, Md. as a purchasing and inventory control manager. He and his wife, Brandy, live in Crownsville, Md. ■ Jennifer Burns Peden announces she has begun selling her crochet items on ETSY through her company, Jenny Lee Creations. Go to to see her products. She and her husband, Christopher M. Peden, live in Manassas, Va. ■ Jay D. Sheffer has joined Metrohm USA as a technical applications specialist. He lives in Parrish, Fla., with his wife, Bridget, and their daughter, Katherine. ■ David C. Strick and Martha Strick welcomed a son, Elijah “Eli,” on 6/11/12. The family lives in Chester Springs, Pa.



Christine Zellers Heckert and

Gregg Heckert welcomed a son, Zachary Aran, on 12/10/11. He joins big brother Reece. Christine is a reading specialist for Baltimore County, and the family lives in Millersville, Md.

David Strick ’96, Martha Strick & son Eli

Christine Zellers Heckert ’97, Gregg Heckert, & children Zachary & Reece

Kevin J. Barnes ’99, Sarah Barnes & son Parker

Meghan McGlinn Manfra ’98, Dennis Manfra & daughter Annabelle

Michael J. Scali ’01, Jessica Scali & daughter Sabrina

Melissa Dawley McCauley ’04, Larry B. McCauley ’02 & son Mac

Nicole Ham Nagy ’98, Thomas Nagy, & children Emma & Andrew

Julieanna Ullrich Wellman ’00, Kevin Wellman ’99 & children

Elizabeth Maury Adair ’02, Tommy Adair & daughter Tinsley

Jenny Brown Flaherty ’03, Matthew Flaherty & friends

32 the magazine of elon

Holly Burleson Dengler ’02 & children

Nicole Pfaff Jolly ’03 & Jason Jolly

Shawn Keefe and Andrea Keefe welcomed a son, Brady Charles, on 12/1/11. Brady joins older siblings Dylan, Brandon and Alexa. The family lives in Atlanta, Ga. ■ Meghan McGlinn Manfra and Dennis Manfra welcomed a daughter, Annabelle Marie, on 3/23/12. Meghan is an assistant professor at NC State University in Raleigh, where the family lives. ■ Nicole Ham Nagy and Thomas Nagy welcomed a son, Andrew Thomas, on 9/22/11. He joins big sister Emma. Nicole is an internal medicine physician in Malvern, Pa., where the family lives. ■ Brian A. Whitson and Michelle Whitson welcomed a son, Malachi Whayne, on 3/16/12. Brian teaches science at Salisbury High School in Salisbury, N.C., where the family lives.


Kevin J. Barnes and Sarah Barnes welcomed a son, Parker Fenway, on 3/6/12. Kevin has joined Bank of America Merchant Services as a project manager, and the family lives in Louisville, Ky. ■ Todd Wirt completed his doctorate in educational leadership from Wingate University in May. He is executive director of secondary education for the Mooresville (N.C.) Graded School District. Todd lives in


Salisbury, N.C., with his wife, Kelly White Wirt ’98.


Jonathan P. Lindberg has

joined BioDelivery Sciences International as a manager of contracts and project management. Jonathan lives in Raleigh, N.C., with his wife, Sarah King Lindberg ’02. ■ Stacey A. Mahoney reports she relocated to Seattle, Wash., in January. ■ Julieanna Ullrich Wellman and Kevin J. Wellman ’99 welcomed a son, Levi, on 12/15/11. The family lives in Burlington, N.C.


Aprille Moon Loflin and Matt

Loflin welcomed a daughter, Merritt Allyn, on 8/2/12. The family lives in Raleigh, N.C. ■ Michael J. Scali and Jessica Scali welcomed a daughter, Sabrina Noelle, on 4/5/12. The family lives in Whippany, N.J. ■ Karin Tatro Staschke and Scott Staschke ’99 welcomed a daughter, Maya Elizabeth, on 5/29/11. She joins older sister Faye. The family lives in Madison, Conn. Elizabeth Maury Adair and Tommy Adair welcomed a daughter, Tinsley Elizabeth, on 11/27/10. The family lives in Woodstock, Ga. ■ Allyson Marie Brunetti is an actress working in New York City. She’s currently filming “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” starring Ben Stiller, which will premiere in 2013, and she also will appear in the LoveCreek Production of “Once Upon a Session.” ■ Holly Burleson Dengler and Jason Dengler welcomed a son, Cooper Ronald, on 3/28/12. The family lives in Notitngham, Md. ■ Sarah Shelton DeYoung and Brian J. DeYoung ’03 welcomed a daughter, Lillian Grace, on 3/4/11. Sarah is a homemaker and Brian is a software engineer for Lockheed Martin. The family lives in Jamestown, N.C. ■ Matthew P. Haynes is a vice president of client services for Advocate Reinsurance Partners, LLC, in Dallas, Texas. In May, he graduated from the Elon MBA program. ■ Larry B. McCauley and Melissa Dawley McCauley ’04 welcomed a son, Mac, on 7/13/11. The family lives in Burlington, N.C. ■ Teresa A. Smith graduated in May with a doctorate in educational leadership from Liberty University. She is the linguistic competence coordinator for the



{ Linda ’91 & Geoff Leister }

WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE Alumna & family promote stormwater safety in Burlington BY KRISTIN M. SIMONETTI ’05


inda Leister ’91 and her husband, Geoff, moved to their home on Front Street in Burlington, N.C., nearly three decades ago. The property sits at the bottom of a gently sloping hill dotted by single-family homes. It borders Gant Branch, a tributary of Little Alamance Creek – one of Burlington’s significant watersheds. Whenever a storm blew through, the Leisters watched as the runoff swept unfiltered byproducts of suburban life – fertilizer, car wash soap, pet waste, etc. – into Gant Branch. Today, Little Alamance Creek appears on the Environmental Protection Agency’s list of impaired and threatened waters. Tests have shown that organisms indicating a healthy freshwater system just aren’t there. This is where Linda and Geoff have begun to make a small contribution to make the world a better place. Last year, the couple partnered with the City of Burlington and the Piedmont Triad Regional Council’s Stormwater SMART program to construct a model rain garden in their yard. “We’re kind of the guinea pigs,” Linda says. “Ours is the first one the city has done, and it’s the first one we’ve done. We’re both learning.” A rain garden is a shallow depression that can collect and absorb the first inch or two of rainwater using hardwood mulch and a specially designed bioretention soil. Plants rooted in the garden will absorb nitrates and phosphates from the runoff during active growth, while organic compounds found in oil, gasoline,

pesticides and other pollutants are absorbed by the mulch or broken down by the natural bacterial and fungal activity that takes place in the soil. The result: Significantly reduced concentrations of pollutants that reach storm drains and waterways. Most rain gardens are small, but the Leisters’ version, which receives runoff from more than 1 ½ acres, covers more than 700 square feet. “It was much bigger than we anticipated,” says Linda, who along with Geoff serves as a master gardener volunteer with the Alamance County Cooperative Extension. “This is what we like to do, so we can handle it.” The city and regional council supported the garden’s construction with funds and equipment. But the Leister’s family specialties – Geoff is a retired professor of botany and their son, Greg, works in landscape architecture in Asheville, N.C. – came in handy. The Leisters selected native North Carolina plants that would thrive in the partial shade of the yard and survive in times of dry weather and deluge. Because Geoff and Linda are avid beekeepers, they included species that attract bees and butterflies. “You’d never recognize it as a stormwater feature, because it’s such a beautiful garden,” says Liz Jernigan, education and outreach coordinator for Stormwater SMART. “People’s ideas of stormwater management are usually ugly retention ponds. We’re trying to get across the concept that we can treat stormwater and have an attractive yard feature at the same time.” Last May, the Leisters hosted more than

30 people at their home for a demonstration. Jernigan and Ethan Brodnick, an environmental specialist for the City of Burlington, attended to answer questions as Linda, Geoff and Greg explained how the garden came together. The Leisters’ garden faced its first major test during two days of soaking July rains. Storms dumped more than two inches of water, overflowing the shallow garden. But Geoff reports it successfully digested the “first flush” – the first inch of runoff that carries with it the highest concentration of pollutants. “It fills up in no time,” he says, “but as long as we can take care of that first inch, it’s served its purpose.” The Leisters make the garden accessible to friends, neighbors and community members. A handful have reached out to Jernigan and Brodnick for more information about how they can adopt the practice themselves. Brodnick says rain gardens are becoming increasingly prevalent stormwater management practices; they’ve been included in recent Department of Transportation projects and new community developments around Burlington. For the Leisters, though, it’s just a way to give back to their hometown. “It’s a little thing,” Linda says, “but every little bit helps.”

Interested in visiting the Leisters’ garden? Send an email to For further information: North Carolina Cooperative Extension: Rain Gardening in the South: Ecologically Designed Gardens for Drought, Deluge & Everything in Between, by Helen Krause and Anne Spafford Creating Rain Gardens: Capturing the Rain for Your Own Water-Efficient Garden, by Cleo Woelfle-Erskine and Apryl Uncapher

fall 2012



Alamance-Burlington School System and lives in Raleigh, N.C. Jenny Brown and Matthew Flaherty were married on 5/26/12. Alumni participating in the wedding were Courtney Wells ’01, Sara Beaty and Kim McInnis Boggs. Alumni in attendance were Marshall Glass ’00, Kylene Moore Beshore, Rory McAlister, Mike Trainor and Leah Baker ’04. The couple live in Brooklyn, N.Y. ■ Bret C. Jacobs finished a primary care sports medicine fellowship


Eric Berg ’04 & Beth Galloway

Charla Johnson Halverson ’04, David Halverson, & sons Brody & Landon

Sean McGurk ’04 & Elon friends

John Walker ’07 with Zachary Walker Beeson, son of Melissa Walker Beeson ’05 G’08

Michelle Payne Tolbert ’04, John Tolbert & friends

Alumni gathered for the wedding of Abby Lane & Matt Lane ’04

Laura Evans Guido ’05, Joe Guido ’05 & son Grant

Alison Montgomery Ligmanowski ’03, Mike Ligmanowski ’04 & children

Lindsey Guice Smith ’05, Bill Smith & son Jackson

34 the magazine of elon

Bobby Griffin ’05

Ellie LIghtburn Awdeh ’05 & Danny Awdeh

with Cone Health in Greensboro, N.C., this summer and has joined Penn State Hershey Medical Center in the Department of Family Medicine and Orthpedics/ Sports Medicine. He and his wife, Mathea Gulbranson Jacobs ’04, live in Lancaster, Pa. ■ Alison Montgomery Ligmanowski and Mike Ligmanowski ’04 welcomed a daughter, Molly Claire, on 9/3/11. Alison works as a pediatric physical therapist for Wolfson Children’s Hospital, and Mike is an athletic trainer and clinic manager for Cora Rehabilitation. The family lives in Jacksonville, Fla. ■ Nicole Pfaff and Jason Jolly were married on 7/14/12. Alumni in attendance were Ada Adele Arbuckle and Katie Previc Ballengee. Nicole is a teacher for Guilford County Public Schools and the couple live in Greensboro, N.C. ■ Kelly Smith Zern and Leidy Zern welcomed a daughter, Catherine Grace, on 7/10/12. Catherine joins big sister Natalie, and the family lives in Newnan, Ga.

McFarland, Kim Miller, Carrie Nicholas Moss, Kristen Payne, Ron Pukacz, Amy Ocheltree Schaaf, Allison Straw, Renee Trudeau and Amy Wellington. The couple live in Charlotte, N.C. ■ Katie Sherman was promoted to as-

sociate copy director at Conde Nast in March. She also launched, a fashion and poetry blog. Katie lives in Brooklyn, N.Y. ■ Lindsay J. Ward is practicing as a Clinical Nurse III and attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore. She is studying to become a pediatric nurse practitioner.


Melissa Walker Beeson {M.Ed. ’08} and Travis

Beeson welcomed a son, Zachary Walker, on 2/1/12. The family lives in Oak Ridge, N.C. Melissa’s brother, John Walker ’07, graduated in May from the Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine at Marshall University, and Zachary was on hand to celebrate the special day with his uncle. John will complete his residency at Eric Berg and Beth Galloway Marshall and lives in Huntington, W.Va. ■ Ben Brundred and were married on 5/12/12. Alumni in attendance were Chad Maia Matthews were married on 2/26/11 in Bethesda, Md. Alumni Britt, Jimmy Cassidy ’05, Bobby Jacques ’05 and Micah Behrend ’07. participating in the wedding were Reed LaPlante ’03, John Eric is a senior producer for BBDO, and the couple live in Brooklyn, Williams ’04 and Darris Means. N.Y. ■ Charla Johnson Halverson Alumni in attendance were David and David Halverson welcomed Henkel ’03, Jessica Courtney a son, Brody, on 7/10/12. Brody Henkel ’03, Katie Wicke LaPlante joins big brother Landon. The ’03, Kelly Koppenhafer ’04, Laura family lives in Madison, Wis. ■ Bartholomay Childs, Maggie Sean McGurk and Amy McGurk Sullivan Massaro, Sally French were married on 5/4/12. Alumni Winstead and Geoff Childs ’06. in attendance were Brian Gatto Ben is a communications consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton, ’02, Brian McGuire ’03, David and the couple live in Rockville, Denison, Matt Diven, John Md. ■ Colin Donohue and several Finucane, Erik Hansson, Brian fellow alumni – Brian DeYoung Kasabula and Brandon Kessler. ■ Erin Thompson Hinz and Brian ’03, Ryan Huff ’03, Tarrah Goforth Hinz have adopted a son, Sterling Huff ’04, Chris Spires ’04, Greg Patrick, from the Ukraine. With Karpinski and Michael Richards – the help of Reece’s Rainbow, a gathered in March for the wedding ministry dedicated to finding of Matt Lane ’04. Matt married families for orphans with special Abby Lane at Hidden River in needs, Erin and Brian welcomed Swannanoa, N.C., just east of Sterling, who has Down Syndrome, Asheville. ■ Bobby J. Griffin is a into their home in October 2011. teacher and coach at West Craven The family lives in Ocoee, Fla., Middle School in his hometown where Erin is a teacher. ■ Michelle of New Bern, N.C. Bobby says, “Helping the wrestling team win its Payne and John Tolbert were first championship and baseball married on 6/30/2012. Alumni win back-to-back championships in attendance were Shelby for the first time in the school’s Campbell, Anne Perrin Ellington, existence has been amazing. It’s Katie Hamilton Fitzgerald, Jill a great feeling to know that your Crawford Gadd, Heather Graf, name will be left in history for Blair Kropp McChesney, Bryan




{ Tom Mullen ’00 }

Passion, persistence lead alumnus to music industry success BY SAM PARKER ’13


hen Tom Mullen ’00 graduated from Elon with a broadcast communications degree, he headed to New York City with nothing more than 200, a few suitcases and a bag of bagels his mother gave him. “I had three job offers when I graduated, so I sold my guitar and drove to New York,” Mullen says. “I had three interviews in one day, declined two of them and decided to take the job that paid the least amount of money and didn’t offer health insurance.” Luckily, Mullen had a friend who had graduated before him and lived in the city, so he had a floor to sleep on, along with three other people. “It was a crazy, trial-by-fire decision,” he recalls of his decision to join Cornerstone Productions’ digital marketing staff. Though Mullen would only stay at Cornerstone for a few months, his energetic personality and experience in the music industry helped propel him to his current position as Sony Music’s director of digital marketing. “More people are listening to music now than ever before. Labels may come and go, and the way music is consumed may change, but there will always be bands,” Mullen says. “There’s some band now that I don’t know about that might be the biggest thing next year – that’s what motivates me every day.” From an early age, Mullen wanted a career in music. He remembers playing DJ as a child, playing a song and talking over it, making up call letters for his pretend station. Shortly after arriving at Elon, he began working in radio for real with WSOE, Elon’s student-run station. Mullen’s passion for music became clear to those around him on campus, and his dedication to the station opened the door for leadership positions. “He was always the 1 person there,” says

Keep up with Mullen’s blog at and find him on Facebook and Twitter by searching for Washed Up Emo.

J McMerty ’99, director of the Elon in Los Angeles program and classmate of Mullen’s. “He was unbelievably passionate about music; that’s what he was known for when we were students together.” Through WSOE, Mullen gained experience interviewing bands and artists and learned to ditch his starstruck reactions quickly. “When you get a chance to go backstage, you don’t say, ‘Good show!’ You say, ‘I want to help you,’” Mullen says. “That’s how I got to be more comfortable around bands. I’ll be at a show working with artists, and I have to ask myself, ‘This is work?’ I definitely take a moment to remember it is.” Throughout his career, Mullen has met and worked with artists of all genres, but one of his favorite experiences involved flying to Hawaii to attend a Willie Nelson show. “I got to hang out at [his] house in Maui,” Mullen says. “Willie was the first artist I had ever heard, so it was a full-circle experience. People say everything happens for a reason, but it really does. The stories of meeting these artists, who are crazy and so smart, drive

you and really help you continue your job. It’s motivational.” He’s also worked with artists such as Jeff Bridges, Norah Jones, Coldplay, David Guetta, Thirty Seconds to Mars and Coheed and Cambria. “Norah Jones complimented me on my coat,” he recalls. “I was really nervous. I’ve gotten to meet a lot of my idols; as a music fan, I’m able to restrain my ‘nerdness’ for the most part, but sometimes I just get super excited. I’m still a fan.” Though Mullen lives the life of a busy professional with a schedule that includes long hours filled with interviews, meetings and shows, he reiterates his love of music continues to motivate him. “I don’t sleep,” he says. “I am up until 2 a.m. all the time, and I wake up at 8. New York City is very much like that. I have a girlfriend, I have my job and I have my podcast, website and DJ night. It’s not much of a social life, but it’s something about New York that keeps you driven. My drive to do this stuff is based on the love of music.”

fall 2012



Fabyan Saxe IV ’05, Brittany Boda Saxe ’06 & son Fynn

Lauren Dance Stockslager ’06 & friends

Matthew Lardie ’06 & Leland Garrett

Dentistry of New Jersey. She began a one-year residency at Jersey Shore University Medical Center in July. ■ Jason S. Smith was promoted to associate vice president for enrollment management with the American Public University System. He lives in Charles Town, W. Va. ■ Lindsey Guice Smith and Bill Smith welcomed a son, Jackson Daniel, on 12/14/11. The family lives in Holly Springs, N.C.


Lauren Dance and Kevin

Stockslager were married on 6/2/12 in Baltimore, Md. Alumni in attendance were Kate LaVange Pendergrass, Carrie Morgan Van Es, Sarah Murphy Lane and Casey Brent Henderly ’06 G’09, Karen Clancy Baughman. The alumnae met on third-floor West their first day at Henderly ’07 & daughter Hope Amy Parker Vozza ’06, Tyson Vozza & friends Elon and remain close friends. ■ Steven C. Davis sends this story: “On the six-year anniversary of my graduation from Elon, I was leaving a grocery store on my way to a friend’s party. I was about to turn out of the parking lot when a black SUV turned in. She came to an abrupt stop beside me and must David Morrow ’07 L’10 (far right) with First Lady have seen my ‘Elon alumni’ plate. Michelle Obama (center) Andrew Rill ’09, Carrie Dilger Rill ’09 & friends She said, ‘Elon alumni? I just graduated from there yesterday!’ It was a chance encounter, but it will stick with me forever. Congratulations, Class of 2012!” ■ Matthew T. Gamble {M.Ed.} was named principal of Highcroft Drive Elementary School in Cary, N.C. He lives in Durham, N.C. ■ Brent Henderly Sara Moore Martin ’07 & Brooks Martin ’06 Nicole Quarles-Thomas ’09 & friends {DPT’09} and Karen Clancy Henderly ’07 welcomed a daughter, Hope Kaelyn, on 3/24/12. Brent is a physical therapist at Duke and Karen is a fourth-grade teacher at South Mebane Elementary School. something good and positive. ■ The family lives in Mebane, N.C. Laura Evans Guido and Joe Guido ■ Matthew J. Lardie and Leland Garrett were united on 10/15/11. welcomed a son, Grant Weston, Alumni in attendance were David on 3/24/12. The family lives in Chesapeake Beach, Md. ■ Ellie Weaver ’04, David Zell ’05, Jackie Lightburn and Danny Awdeh were Milazzo, Summer Schlesinger, married on 3/31/12 in Washington, Michael Purcell ’07, Eric Garren D.C. Ellie is a middle-school ’08, Justin Garren ’08, Jerome English teacher. ■ Christina Lewis ’10 and Aaron Michael ’11. Matthew is a freelance food writer, Melton and Adam Roman were and the couple live in Durham, married on 1/28/12. Christina is a N.C. ■ George K. Memory and special education teacher in Duval County, Fla., and the couple live in Jennifer Spillman were married Neptune Beach. ■ Fabyan R. Saxe on 5/19/12 in Winston-Salem, N.C. IV and Brittany Boda Saxe ’06 wel- Alumni participating in the wedcomed a son, Fabyan Richardson V ding were Tyler Brandt and Brian “Fynn”, on 5/5/12. The family lives Edmundson ’08. Other alumni in in Columbus, Ohio. ■ Rebecca attendance were Dan Brooks and Scott Christenbury, who served as L. Sieger received a Doctorate of Medical Dentistry in May from ushers; Ryan Hsu ’08, whose band, the University of Medicine and Fruit Smoothie Trio, headlined

36 the magazine of elon

the reception; and Scooter Brooks. George is a stock broker for Stephens, Inc., in WinstonSalem, where the couple live. ■ Over the past four years, Candra Nazzaro has worked on more than 20 reality shows as a freelance casting director and producer. Her credits include “Big Brother,” “Supernanny” and “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.” She loves her job because “everybody has a story, and I get to find it!” ■ Amy Parker and Tyson Vozza were married on 2/25/12. Alumni participating in the wedding were Quinn Trefsgar Laudermilch and Emily Walker. Alumni in attendance were Kellyn McLamb Harrod, Kirsten Kolb, Katie Lahti Lomax, Jennifer Papillo, Brad Pinkerton and Samantha White. Amy is an assistant editor with Golfweek Custom Media. The couple live in Orlando, Fla. Clayton Collins received an MBA from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business in May. He has joined RBC Capital Markets as an associate in Global Investment Banking and lives in New York City. ■ Lauren Nowlan Cook and Joshua Cook welcomed a son, Jeffery, on 6/30/11. The family lives in Winston-Salem, N.C. ■ Samantha Hoffmann has been promoted to human resources manager at the Aspen Skiing Company in Aspen, Colo. She lives in Snowmass Village, Colo. ■ Justin A. Kafka and Stephanie Marken were married on 6/2/12. Alumni in attendance were Alex Bodine, Katharine Howlett, Jim Knuff, Andrew Lichty, Ben Pierce, Lisa Bodenhorst ’08, Jennifer Chickey ’08, Bess Davis ’08, Jonathon Hatch ’08, Jenny Turner Wood ’08, Cameron Mulvaney ’09 and Jenna Levy ’10. The couple reside in Rockville, Md. ■ Sara Moore and Brooks Martin ’06 were married on 9/3/11. Alumni in attendance were Chris Pollard ’05, Jeff Duffy ’06, Michelle Kidder Fegeley, Ann Stuart Ray and Elizabeth Wood. Sara is an IT project manager for Photobiz, LLC, and Brooks is a physical therapist for Greensboro Orthopaedics. The couple live in Greensboro, N.C. ■ David Morrow {LAW’10} is an attorney with BuckleySandler LLP in Washington, D.C. Earlier this year, he met First Lady Michelle Obama at an Obama Victory Fund



{ Bryson ’02 & Emily ’02 Vogeltanz with their children , l-r, Evyn, Meyer & Nash. }



hen 2002 graduates Bryson and Emily Vogeltanz were Elon students, they had dreams of changing the world. Now, as leaders in a large, faith-based nonprofit organization focused on engaging young people in global service, they have the opportunity to do just that. The couple works for Freedom Campaign/Do Something Now, the social justice arm of Passion Conferences. Passion holds a large annual event, usually near its Atlanta, Ga., headquarters, to bring together and empower several thousand college students and young adults to be forces for good in the world. The 2012 conference and ensuing Freedom Campaign focused on modernday slavery worldwide. Participants in the January event raised more than 3 million to fund international slavery prevention, rescue and restoration efforts. The total drew the attention of CNN, which produced a segment on the conference that included remarks from Bryson and Emily. “We believe that this generation of young people and students have the ability to end slavery,” says Bryson, who serves as chief steward and pastor of global engagement for Passion Conferences. Bryson and Emily met during a freshman social their first week at Elon. While they shared a dream of changing

the world, they didn’t entirely know what that meant, or what it would look like in the scope of a career. Both were active in Young Life and community service. They also studied abroad – Bryson in Australia and Emily in England – and they say those experiences helped them realize their life’s passion lay in helping others. “Something shifts in your heart and life when you have an opportunity to see and explore the world, come face

are sliding further into the rearview mirror, Bryson says he and Emily see a lot of themselves in the college students they work with through the Freedom Campaign. “They’re asking, ‘How can we make our mark on this world?’” Bryson says. “This generation of 18- to 25-year-olds has amazing potential, but a lot of people don’t give them a chance. To give a million dollars in four days? Most people would have said they never could do it.” Bryson and Emily hope their work with the Freedom Campaign transcends the boundaries of religion. As Bryson says, social ills, such as slavery and human trafficking, aren’t solely Christian or nonChristian issues; they’re human issues, and no human being should be enslaved. “The Freedom Campaign is for everyone, not just Christian college students,” Bryson explains. “Anyone can participate in this work of justice.” The Vogeltanzes invite Elon students interested in getting involved to attend

Students constructed this 110-foot hand sculpture at the January 2012 Passion Conference in Atlanta, Ga., to raise awareness of modern-day slavery. Emily Vogeltanz ‘02 served as the art director of the sculpture, which is made of items that appear in a U.S. Department of Labor’s list of top 100 goods made by forced and child labor. To view a story CNN produced about Passion 2012, visit

to face with its many injustices, and get to know the names of people who are hurting, trapped and left feeling hopeless,” Emily says. “You are compelled to give whatever you have – time, money, words of hope or simply your presence. It changes you.” The couple married two weeks after they graduated from Elon and live in Atlanta with their children, Nash, Evyn and Meyer. Though their Elon years

the upcoming Passion Conference, scheduled for Jan. 1–4, 2013, in Atlanta. Visit for more information. “We believe these college students will change the world,” Emily says. “Bryson and I are grateful to have a front-row seat and the opportunity to serve students on that journey.”

fall 2012 37


Jeff Allen ’10

Jonathon Sweeney ’11 & U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn

Lauren Hess Cooper ’10, James Cooper Jr. & friends

Casey Hekker ’11 & Kyle Waggoner ’11

Catherine Melendez Ramsey ’10 & Matthew Ramsey

Brittany Corbin Clemmons ’12 & Blake Clemmons ’11

luncheon. In June, he received a Minorities in the Profession Scholarship from the American Bar Association’s Young Lawyer’s Division. With support from the award, David will attend ABA conferences, serve on a YLD board and receive mentoring. Kyle Andersen has joined WMAR in Baltimore, Md., as the early morning assignment editor, moving from a smiliar role at WFMZ in Allentown, Pa. His wife, Caitlyn Glascock Andersen, teaches at Woodside Elementary School in Glen Burnie, Md., and the couple recently purchased their first home outside of Baltimore. ■ Kellen H. Burgwin and Libby Kawa were married on 5/26/12. Kellen graduated from the University of Maryland School of Medicine a week before the wedding and has begun a residency with the U.S. Navy. ■ Kelsey C. Davis received a master’s degree in education, specializing in bilingual/bicultural education and English as a second language from DePaul University. ■ Alex C. Demosthenes has received a master’s degree focusing on economics and Latin America from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. He works for the International Finance Corporation at The World Bank Group and lives in Washington, D.C. ■ Toni Fiorello and Matthew Perilli were


38 the magazine of elon

married on 6/9/12. Alumni in attendance included Ryan Mimmo ’07, Allison Barbieri, Brooke Cavanaugh, Kaitlin Lannon, Meredith McCue, Ginie Messino, Katie Nicholson, Jessica Augustine Yanik and Melissa Mastropolo ’10. ■ Meredith Kay Thompson and Ryan Clark were married on 11/11/11. Meredith is a contract attorney with Motley Rice LLC, and the couple live in Charleston, S.C. ■ Matthew Thornell graduated with honors from the University of Texas McCombs School of Business with a master’s degree in technology commercialization. ■ Dwayne W. Waite Jr. received his certification to be a referee for the U.S. Soccer Federation. He lives in Charlotte, N.C. ■ Madeline Wear and David Hughes were married on 11/19/11. Kristina Eller participated in the wedding. Other alumni in attendance included Ali Ardington, Ashley Sumwalt Chastain, Matt Chastain, Jen Connolly, Tara Herbert Dahlem, Steve Dahlem, Kimberly Eller, April Kirby, Eileen Leonardo, Mark McHugh, Rebecca Porter-Orr, Brent Price, Cameron Rudder, Buck Russell, Cameron Scarborough, Brittany Sheehan, Scott Sobanski, David Wells and Katie Whitmore. ■ Autumn Welt received a Master of Fine Arts degree in dance choreography and performance from Smith College in May. She now lives in Orlando, Fla. Kevin A. Kline has joined KXAN-TV in Austin, Texas. He will produce eight newscasts per week, including three per day on weekends, for the NBC affiliate. He lives in Austin. ■ Andrew


R. Rill and Carrie Dilger were

married on 12/17/11. Alumni in attendance were Lauren Burgess, Shannon Cain, Ryan Stimmel, Andrew Wilder and Stephen Dilger ’11. Andrew is a student at the Palmer School of Chiropractic and Carrie teaches elementary school. They live in Daytona Beach, Fla. ■ Nicole Maria Quarles and Antonio J. Thomas were married on 5/19/12. They live in Atlanta, Ga.


Jeff S. Allen has joined

cloud-computing leader as a corporate sales representative. He sends big thanks to Assistant Professor of Marketing Michael Rodriguez for introducing him to the CRM/social sales space during his time at Elon. Jeff lives in Dunn Loring, Va. ■ Christopher T. Dorsey moved from Boulder, Colo. to New York City in March to join global advertising firm SS+K as an account representative. ■ Lauren Judd Hess and James Cooper Jr. were married on 4/28/12. Alumni participating in the wedding were Samantha Painer Adams ’09, Mary Lyons ’09 and Katie Owens Stroecker ’09. Alumni in attendance were Joe Adams ’09 and Megan Dempsey ’09. Lauren is an industrial engineer for Mary Washington Healthcare in Fredericksburg, Va., where the couple live. ■ Catherine Anne Melendez and Matthew Ramsey were married on 7/2/11. Alumni and students in attendance were Kristen Clements, Mike Duff, Meaghan Harkins, Melanie Herrmann, Krissy Lebeau, Elizabeth Rymer, Laura Smith, Angela Sparrow, Aly Speir, Justin

In Memoriam Hugh B. Johnson ’39, Raleigh, N.C. 6/15/12. Clifton W. Coble ’40, Burlington, N.C. 7/9/12. Jane B. Weisbecker ’43, Rye Brook, N.Y. 4/11/12. Nell Brittain Irick ’49, Santee, S.C. 7/12/12. William C. Tedder Sr. ’49, Fairmont, N.C. 5/7/12. James B. “Jim” Widenhouse ’49, Spartanburg, S.C. 7/11/12. Frank W. Steed Jr. ’53, Raleigh, N.C. 6/30/12. Ann Kukel Beamon ’73, Burlington, N.C. 5/15/12. Harold L. Thornton ’73, Mebane, N.C. 5/14/12. Sheran Link “Sherri” Lovell ’75, Newport News, Va. 7/14/12. Guy Vernon Smith III ’85, Kinston, N.C. 5/29/12. Maynard D. Hedrick ’88, Wytheville, Va. 5/31/12. Shirley York Ferguson ’90, Durham, N.C. 5/25/12.


Sposato, Sam Bianchetti ’11, Kim Campbell ’11, Caitlyn Yuschak ’11, Cody Lance ’12, Devon McGowan ’12 and Jill Hollis ’13. Catherine

works as a special agent for the Department of Defense, and this summer the couple moved to Japan for a two-year military assignment. Rachel L. Bertone has joined Journal Communications as a content coordinator in its agribusiness division. She lives in Franklin, Tenn. ■ Richard A. Blount graduated from the University of Mississippi with a


Help us keep you in touch with your classmates and Elon. If you have moved, send us your new address and telephone number.

master’s degree in accounting and has joined Cannon Wright Blount in Memphis, Tenn. He lives in Germantown, Tenn. ■ Casey M. Hekker and fellow alumna Kyle Waggoner spent the past year living and working in Paris, France, as au pairs. They enjoyed their time taking care of children, learning French and traveling around Europe. ■ Megan E. Wanner and Andy J. Leffler were married on 8/12/11. Megan is a director of social media and public relations for Dalton Alliances, Inc. The couple live in Oakland, Md. ■

Alana E. Read reports that less

than a year after graduation, she found her dream job in the field of arts management. She is the box office manager at Shenandoah University’s Conservatory in Winchester, Va., and says she credits her Elon experience with helping her land the gig. Alana lives in Leesburg, Va. ■ Since January, Jonathon M.S. Sweeney has worked as a regional field director for the South Carolina Democratic Party in the S.C. 7th Congressional District. Jonathon lives in Greenville, S.C.

Turn yourself in!

Stephanie A. Bement has joined Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory. She lives in Ellicott City, Md. ■ Brittany Corbin and Blake Clemmons ’11 were married on 6/9/12. The couple live in Greenville, N.C. ■ Amanda Maddalone is an AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteer In Service To America) at the University of Southern Maine. She is the mentoring coordinator in the school’s service learning department.


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fall 2012 39




om Grathwohl P’11 ’13 remembers exactly what set Elon apart when he and his wife, Darcy, helped their son, David Edge ’11, make his college decision. “The international studies program design was of interest to David and Darcy,” Tom says. “She had done some international study, and she encouraged him to attend Elon as a result of those opportunities.” David took Darcy’s encouragement to heart and chose to attend Elon. Shortly thereafter, however, the family’s world unraveled. Darcy became very sick, and the family was devastated when she died in February 2007. Tom felt a responsibility to honor his wife’s legacy for David and his younger brother, Nathan, now an Elon senior. He established the Darcy Craig Grathwohl Memorial


Scholarship for Study Abroad to support programs in the Isabella Cannon Global Education Center. “One of the things I wanted to accomplish was to identify a living legacy for Darcy,” Tom says. “It came down to the boys and the education that she dearly wanted them to pursue.” Tom endowed the scholarship with a cash gift and will support the scholarship in the future with a planned gift in the form of a bequest intention. Darcy’s parents, Jane and Frank Craig, have supported the scholarship by making a planned gift through a charitable remainder trust. For Jane, the gift honored one of her daughter’s long-standing wishes. “Darcy mentioned many times that if she ever had enough money, she would love to sponsor somebody and help them study

{ Because of the transformative international experiences sons Nathan ’13 (l) & David Edge ’11 (r) had as Elon students, Tom Grathwohl partnered with his in-laws, Jane & Frank Craig, to endow a study abroad scholarship to honor his late wife, Darcy (inset). }

abroad,” Jane says. “It’s a wonderful gift for the school and for her.” Darcy believed that international study could result in remarkable personal growth for her children, and Tom witnessed that type of development in both David and Nathan when they returned from their own study abroad experiences. “She was so intrigued by international study and the opportunities it could deliver to the boys,” he says. “That is why we wanted to create this scholarship in her name. It’s part of the legacy she wanted to impart to the boys.”

about how you can make a difference at Elon with a planned gift by contacting Carolyn DeFrancesco, Director of Planned Giving ■ (336) 278-7454 ■

40 the magazine of elon


The Elon Society




alk onto Elon’s campus and you will feel the energy and excitement of an academic community that is committed to transforming lives. Faculty, staff and students are focused on meeting the goals of the Elon Commitment strategic plan, which challenges us to create the nation’s preeminent community for engaged learning. This powerful style of teaching and learning, in which students connect their classroom experiences with study abroad, internships, undergraduate research, service learning and leadership development, enables students to discover their talents and passions, transforming their lives and the lives of the people they encounter. Annual gifts from alumni, parents and friends make these engaged learning opportunities possible and help distinguish Elon as one of the most innovative universities in the nation. Annual gifts also help keep Elon’s doors open to students from

many backgrounds through scholarship support and enable the university to keep costs low and preserve its best-value reputation in higher education. During the 2011–12 fiscal year, donors contributed $14.7 million in cash gifts to the university, including $5.5 million in annual gifts to support engaged learning programs, scholarships and other univer{ Leo M. Lambert } sity priorities. In this 2011–12 Elon Society Honor Roll of Donors, we recognize and celebrate donors who sustain this renowned learning community each year. Moving forward, Elon will continue to rely on private philanthropy – and annual gifts in particular – to meet the ambitious goals of the Elon Commitment strategic plan. Thank you for investing in Elon University and preparing extraordinary men and women for service to our world.

fall 2012 41


Elon Society 2011–12 Founder’s Circle $,+ Alamance County Economic Development Foundation Alamance Regional Medical Center Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Anderson Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous ◆ Anonymous ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Badavas Belk Foundation Blue Cross & Blue Shield of N.C. Dr. & Mrs. James A. Buie ◆ Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Califf The Cemala Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Chandler ◆ Robert A. Clohan iii Cone Health The Herman Dana Trust Dr. J. Earl Danieley ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Darling Louis DeJoy & Dr. Aldona Z. Wos Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Elingburg ◆ Mr. & Mrs. John Gaither Mr. & Mrs. Allen E. Gant, Jr. Glen Raven, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John Godfrey Mr. & Mrs. B. Kelly Graves, Jr. D.H. Griffin Wrecking Co., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hazel Mr. & Mrs. William Heflin Jay & Amy Hendrickson ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Hendrickson ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Hollis, Jr. The Hon. & Mrs. R. Samuel Hunt iii ◆ Ernest C. Hunt, Jr. The Hon. Bonnie McElveenHunter & Bynum Hunter Internet Society Mr. & Mrs. Maurice N. Jennings, Sr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Jennings, Jr. ◆ Estate of M. Camille Kivette LabCorp Gail and Beau Lane A. Michelle LaRose R. Scott LaRose Dr. & Mrs. W. Bryan Latham ◆ 42 the magazine of elon

Lincoln Financial Group Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lindquist Ikey Tarleton Little Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Long, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walker E. Love, Jr. ◆ Martha & Spencer Love Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Lyon ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Mac Mahon Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Mahaffey ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Martin Mr. & Mrs. James C. McGill, Sr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Dalton L. McMichael, Jr. The McMichael Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Norris P. Moses Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Neff William S. E. Neff Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Noiles Mr. & Mrs. Igor V. Pavlov John William Pope Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David C. Porter Estate of Margaret L. Rawls The Redwoods Group/ Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. Trapani Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Reifler ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Revson Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, Inc. The Riversville Foundation Dr. & Mrs. William S. Roberts Dr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Robertson ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Milton T. Schaeffer, Jr. ◆ Richard H. Shirley, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sklut Estate of Eloise E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. William H. Smith ◆ Mr. & Mrs. David Snow, Jr. Estate of Kathleen M. Stevens Tannenbaum-Sternberger Foundation, Inc. Rear Admiral Edward K. Walker, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Arthur T. Ward iii Arthur T. Ward iv Charles E. Ward Christopher V. Ward Dorothy M. Ward Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James Wilen ◆ Mr. & Mrs. W. Cecil Worsley iii ◆

Chairman’s Circle $,$, B. Charles & Jay G. Ames Family Foundation Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Howard F. Arner ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Dwight I. Arnesen Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Baker R. H. Barringer Distributing Co./ Mark Craig ◆ Raymond Beck & Dr. Deborah Hatton-Beck ◆ Andrew G. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Blalock ◆ Sally G. Blanco Mr. & Mrs. John H. Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. Jin S. Chung Mr. & Mrs. John R. Congdon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Correll, Jr. ◆ Soraya H. Cricenti & William Collins Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Cross ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Crouch ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence F. Cruise Mr. & Mrs. John Deford Dell, Inc. Barry S. Frank & Eugenia H. Leggett Mr. & Mrs. William A. Frank Charles A. Frueauff Foundation, Inc. Anna L. Gerow Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Giegerich Mr. & Mrs. Myles D. Gillespie Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Giordanella Golden leaf Foundation Herman Goldman Foundation Thomas J. Grathwohl Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hadden Dr. & Mrs. William N. P. Herbert ◆ Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hill Dr. Steven House & Dr. Patricia House ◆ The Hon. Jeanette Hyde & Wallace Hyde Julie Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Horace M. Johnson, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. George J. Kilroy ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Kirchen Dr. & Mrs. Leo M. Lambert ◆ Learning by Giving Foundation, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Jeffery M. Leiden Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Leith ◆

Carol Marrion Mr. & Mrs. James W. Maynard Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm L. McAllister John McCrary iii & Dr. Ellen Piwoz Mr. & Mrs. John McGovern Dr. Wayne T. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Moriarty Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Murphy ◆ The Rev. Joyce Myers-Brown Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Norris ◆ Dennis J. O’Connell Mr. & Mrs. David P. Osborn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Patrick Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Pennington Dr. & Mrs. James B. Powell Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Proctor Mr. & Mrs. T. Scott Quakenbush ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Warren G. Rhodes ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Harry T. Rose Frances F. Rufty Nancy Rutland Sapphire Foundation/ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Woods Mr. & Mrs. Steve J. Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Schuckenbrock Donald E. Scott Ellen Scott Scripps Howard Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James C. Showalter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Sneed, Jr. ◆ Dr. Patricia Soscia & Stephen Soscia ◆ David Spina & Victoria Mars Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Steers Mr. & Mrs. Gary Stevenson Hattie M. Strong Foundation Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David Tabor Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tadler Mr. & Mrs. R. Christopher Teter Mr. & Mrs. Brian Thebault Mr. & Mrs. James M. Theiss ◆ Triad Foundation, Inc. Dr. Martha S. Trout & Jack Trout F. Davis Turnage, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hans Wachtmeister Cynthia F. Ward ◆ Mr. & Mrs. W. Hunt Ward ◆ Nancy J. Watson Mr. & Mrs. H. Michael Weaver Mr. & Mrs. C. Grayson Whitt ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Brian Williams Mr. & Mrs. Russell R. Wilson ◆


{ Drew Steele ’13, Wallace L. Chandler Fountain }

Alan J. Young Mr. & Mrs. David Young Dr. & Mrs. Fred Young Youths’ Friends Association

President’s Circle $,$, Mr. & Mrs. Noel L. Allen Mr. & Mrs. J. Douglas Amick ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Armstrong, Jr. Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Avera Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Barnes iii ◆ Mr. & Mrs. James A. Barnwell, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. John M. Barry Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Bass iii ◆ David L. Beahm ◆

phoenix club


Mr. & Mrs. Clement M. Best iii ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Munroe Best, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bolden ◆ Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bollenbacher Mr. & Mrs. Alexander B. L. Brener Mr. & Mrs. Shaun Broderick Mr. & Mrs. Roberts W. Brokaw iii Dr. Janie P. Brown ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Burke ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Calio Camp-Younts Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Wallace L. Chandler ◆ Dr. & Mrs. Paul H. Cheek Adminta E. Coeyman Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Cooper, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Donald V. Covington ◆ Dr. & Mrs. Hugh N. Cox Mr. & Mrs. William S. Creekmuir ◆

Mary Hope Best-Crocker & Blain Crocker Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Dancer Dr. Lawrence D’Angelo & Dr. Dolores D’Angelo Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Davis Douglas J. Dooley Mr. & Mrs. James A. Drummond ◆ Mr. & Mrs. M. Kevin Dugan ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Edwards Patrick A. Elliott Dr. & Mrs. Bernard S. Esrock Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Foley Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Foresta ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fox ◆ Mike & Debbie Franklin/ Franklin Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gallagher, Jr. ◆ David R. Gergen

Mr. & Mrs. M. Lee Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur B. Goss ◆ M. William Grant ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Greene Ellen Gregg & Michael Lebo D. H. Griffin, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. William T. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Harris Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hearn ◆ Mr. & Mrs. James D. Henderson, Jr. ◆ Peggy B. Hinkle Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Holcomb Mr. & Mrs. J. Andrew Hollins ◆ Lisa Huntting Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hutchinson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hykes ◆ Jacklyn L. Inman Mr. & Mrs. William J. Inman ◆ Dr. & Mrs. G. Smith Jackson ◆ fall 2012 43


George R. Johnson & Linda Morris Leslie C. Johnson ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Peter Johnson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David B. Kay Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Keeny, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Keery Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. King Mr. & Mrs. William Kinsella ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Bradford A. Koury Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kundla Mr. & Mrs. Marc B. Lautenbach Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. LeBlanc ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Leonard, Jr. Estate of Dr. Cliff Lilly Agnes Lilly Mark London & Dania Fitzgerald Dr. Deborah T. Long & Dr. Eugene M. Long Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Malloy ◆ Mr. & Mrs. John D. Marshall ii ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Martindale ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Warner P. Mason, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Matthews Mr. & Mrs. John McDonald ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McGlinn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Middleton Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Moore, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Morrison ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Furman C. Moseley, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. David B. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Ocie F. Murray, Jr. ◆ Jerry F. Nance Mr. & Mrs. C. Ashton Newhall ◆ Byron Nimocks & Emilie Murphy Mr. & Mrs. James Nugent, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Scott P. O’Callaghan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Page Paycom Payroll, llc Dr. Richard Pipan & Dr. Barbara Israel Mr. & Mrs. David B. Plyler Caroline M. Plyler Premier Sport and Event Society Mr. & Mrs. David H. Priebe Mr. & Mrs. Charles Purse Mr. & Mrs. Elias S. Rauch Mr. & Mrs. Fairfax C. Reynolds ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Ross ◆ William G. Rudd, Jr. Gordon C. Russell Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Y. Safrit Estate of William Sellers Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sirabella Mr. & Mrs. William Smart Mr. & Mrs. Evan Solender 44 the magazine of elon

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sperry William M. Stewart ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Stuart ◆ Mr. & Mrs. David Sussan Betty B. Thayer Mr. & Mrs. David Thompson Dr. Richard Thompson & Dr. Peggy Thompson ◆ W. Campbell Tims Dr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Tolley ◆ Tom James Company Mr. & Mrs. John Tricoli iii The Rev. & Mrs. John G. Truitt, Jr. ◆ James P. Turner iv Henry M. Vinson, Jr. Pamela B. Vinson Mr. & Mrs. Zachary T. Walker, iii ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Weidenkopf Mr. & Mrs. Winston Weinmann Mr. & Mrs. William Westendorf Mr. & Mrs. J. Harvey White James W. White Dr. & Mrs. William E. Wilkinson, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Martin R. Wise Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge & Rice, llp Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Woodlief, Jr.

Leadership Circle $,$, Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Adams ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Robert Adriaanse Paul H. Amundsen ◆ Daniel J. Anderson & Janna Quitney Anderson ◆ Kara M. Anderson Anonymous ◆ Ben and Caroline Ansbacher Mr. & Mrs. Tom L. Armstrong A. Christine Baker ◆ Ian T. Baltutis ◆ William Bell & Pamela Thompson ◆ Amy Berry Mary Duke Biddle Foundation Kathryn Blanchard & Greg Ross Mr. & Mrs. David L. Blank ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Boone ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Barry A. Bradberry ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Branson ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Joel E. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Geoffrey H. Browne Mr. & Mrs. Bill Burke, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Reid Campbell ◆

Capital Bank Charitable Foundation ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Gregg K. Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Chandler ◆ Mr. & Mrs. John A. Chavis ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Marc Chayette Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Clark ◆ Clark Family Private Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William S. Coffman ◆ College & University Professional Association for Human Resources Dr. Glenda Crawford & Dr. Larry Crawford Dr. & Mrs. Mark A. Crissman Mr. & Mrs. James B. Crouch, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Davis iii ◆ Mr. & Mrs. William DePuy Dr. & Mrs. William P. Deschner Mr. & Mrs. James A. Di Perna ◆ Dr. & Mrs. F. Gerald Dillashaw ◆ Raymond Dorado & Kathryn Carson Mr. & Mrs. James K. Dorsett iii Dr. & Mrs. James P. Drummond ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Dunham Dr. & Mrs. Robert N. Ellington ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Tom Faries Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Flower Mr. & Mrs. H. Andrew Fox ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Foy iii ◆ Dr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Francis ◆ Fraser Roofing, llc ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Gannaway Mr. & Mrs. Roger Gant iii ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Frederick K. Gilliam, Jr. Golden Coast Mead llc Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Grant Mr. & Mrs. James W. Green Elizabeth F. Greenberg Miriam A. Greenberg Dr. & Mrs. Scott D. Gullquist Mr. & Mrs. D. Keith Hall ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Marc D. Hallberg ◆ Dr. & Mrs. James A. Harrell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Harris ◆ Dr. Nancy Harris & Dr. Joseph Harris Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hartley Dr. Richard Hawkins & Trena Griffith-Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Hedrick Mr. & Mrs. Christopher H. Heyn, Sr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Hill, Jr. ◆ Michael M. Holt Dr. & Mrs. Earl D. Honeycutt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. F. D. Hornaday iii

Mr. & Mrs. Niels Host Kathleen Hunsinger Mr. & Mrs. David C. Hunsucker ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Bassam N. Ibrahim Laurie Jarrett Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Johnson ◆ Darden W. Jones, Jr. Nathaniel W. Jones ◆ Mr. & Mrs. John D. Kilmartin Mary Ann Barnes Kimball & R. David Kimball Mr. & Mrs. John W. Kincaid, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Peter Klopman ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Kohler iii Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Koury, Sr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Koury, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Maurice J. Koury ◆ Dr. & Mrs. David C. Kowalski Mr. & Mrs. John N. Landi Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Lembo, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. LeSourd Mr. & Mrs.* R. Cruse Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Lindley, Sr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. David Lubner James E. Mahoney Yardley M. Manfuso Mr. & Mrs. Royce T. McDuffie ◆ Mr. & Mrs. A. W. McGee ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Hugh McKay Mr. & Mrs. David McKissock Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Menchaca Mr. & Mrs. Dewitt Methvin iii Dr. Nancy S. Midgette & Charles O. Midgette ◆ P. Scott Moffitt & Dr. Kristen Moffitt ◆ Mr. & Mrs. David R. Moore ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Bill L. Nall ◆ Mr. & Mrs. George T. Nall ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O’Brien Maj. W. R. O’Brien ◆ Dr. & Mrs. Patrick M. O’Malley Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Paone ◆ Margaret M. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Parker Richard Perlman Mr. & Mrs. William J. Pesce Mr. & Mrs. James B. Piatt, Jr. ◆ Anne B. Pipkin Mr. & Mrs. Paul Powell ◆ Mr. & Mrs. B. Clyde Preslar The Presser Foundation Dr. Jeffrey Pugh & Dr. Janice Rivero Mr. & Mrs. Zachary E. Pund ◆ T. Kevin Queen & Anne H. Pipkin


{ Kelly Smith ’14, Gerald L. Francis Center }

Mr.* & Mrs. E. Kemp Reece ◆ Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Reed Mr. & Mrs. William F. Reighley Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Reily Mr. & Mrs. Wesley B. Reynolds, Sr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. L. Michael Riccio, Jr. Ramona Rishi Mr. & Mrs. James E. Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Bennett B. Sapp ◆ Mr. & Mrs. George Scanlon Mr.* & Mrs. William Schuett David R. Sebastian & Nancy Barbe Mr. & Mrs. W. David Sellers ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Curwood Sessoms ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Kirk A. Shaw ◆ Dr. Alison Morrison-Shetlar & Dr. Robert Shetlar ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Jay B. Shipowitz ◆ Sallie Shuping-Russell Mr. & Mrs. Bill Simon ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Bradford T. Smith ◆

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Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Smith ◆ The Hon. & Mrs. James C. Spencer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Staten Katherine G. Stern Mr. & Mrs. David A. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Clay Stober M. Kent Strosnider ◆ Dr. & Mrs. John G. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Szyperski Lydia Tart ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Francis Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Marshall F. Taylor Dr. & Mrs. Robert Thomas Mr. & Mrs. John F. Treseler Emily L. Turner Garrett A. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell L. Varner ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Waesche, Jr. The Wagner Foundation ◆ Mr. & Mrs. David C. Weavil ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Clyde E. Welch, Jr. ◆

The Wells Fargo Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Gerald O. Whittington ◆ Mr. & Mrs. T. Evan Williams, Jr. Michael H. Yaffe Nancy C. Yaffe Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Yarwood Mr. & Mrs. Merle Yoder Dr. Deborah Yow-Bowden & Dr. William Yow-Bowden ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Philip Zachary Margaret J. Zint ◆ Diane Zissu

The Elon Society $,$, Dr. & Mrs. John Afshar Mr. & Mrs. William Albright, Jr. ◆ Susan Kearns Alderman Jane H. Alexander ◆

Mr. & Mrs. Reginald R. Allen ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Rick D. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Dewey V. Andrew ◆ Dr. & Mrs. Mark E. Archambault Mr. & Mrs. Tait P. Arend ◆ Edwin B. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. James Ashurst AT&T North Carolina Duncan C. Augustine Erica L. Ayala ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Ayre Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Baker ◆ Mr. & Mrs. R. Brian Baker ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Dexter R. Barbee ◆ Dr. & Mrs. James L. Barbour Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H. Barkman ◆ Mr. & Mrs. John H. Barnhill ◆ Dr. & Mrs. Laurence A. Basirico Mr. & Mrs. Ted M. Beal, Jr. ◆ Carl G. Belk ◆ Kyle A. Belkoski ◆ fall 2012 45


Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Bell ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Bell ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Ron Bell ◆ Dr. Rhonda A. Belton ◆ Katherine T. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Michael Benson Thomas A. Betzwieser David Black & Lizanne Thomas David & Amy Blumberg Mr. & Mrs. H. Thomas Bobo Dr. Constance Ledoux Book & Dr. R. Dwayne Book Mr. & Mrs. Major H. Bowes The Honorable James F. Bowman Bonnie A. Brackett Mr. & Mrs. James C. Brainard Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Bright ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert C. Brittle, Jr. R. Edwin Brittle, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Brodie Jefferson G. Brooks Bruce Brown & Susan Benfield-Brown Dr. & Mrs. Chalmers S. Brumbaugh iii Mr. & Mrs. J. Stephen Buckley ◆ Dr. & Mrs. Scott H. Buechler ◆ Dr. George M. Bullard, Jr. Michael G. Bumbry Dr. & Mrs. John J. Burbridge, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Mark Burgess Burlington/Alamance County Convention & Visitors Bureau ◆ Loura M. Burnette ◆ Dr. & Mrs. William J. Burpitt, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Paul Byerly ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Cady, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jay Caler Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Capel Britton Carter Dr. Arthur D. Cassill ◆ Jeffrey N. Casullo ◆ Mr. & Mrs. William E. Cavey Christ Episcopal Church, Roanoke, Va. Jonathon A. Chuk ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Clark ◆ Dr. Jim Clark ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Coats, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Barry Coffman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Conally ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Cone Donna L. Cooke Dr. & Mrs.* David A. Copeland Mr. & Mrs. James R. Copland iii Dr. Joseph A. Cote Douglas H. Cox Mr. & Mrs. Robert Crompton iii 46 the magazine of elon

Brett A. Crosby Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Cummings iv Mr. & Mrs. John G. Currin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James W. Daniel ◆ Cameron B. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Davis Allison E. Dean Zachary T. DeBusk ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Dominick D. Desarro ◆ Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dick, Jr. Roxann Dillon ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Terry Dobbins ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Jim Donohue Mr. & Mrs. John E. Doubek ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Liam Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Dunlap ◆ Mattie P. Edwards Dr. James P. Elder, Jr. Dr. A. J. Ellington, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. W. Benjamin Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Edward Eng ◆ Eden A. Esters Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Esters, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Evans Randolph Evans, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William D. Eydt Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Fadde iv ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Ryan J. Fairchild Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Faris Dr. Peter Felten & Sara Walker ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Jim Fields Mr. & Mrs. Hugh R. Fisher Dr. & Mrs. Richard N. Fisher, Sr. ◆ Dr. & Mrs. Walter L. Floyd Scott C. Frail ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Fulkerson Dr. & Mrs. Michael Funderburk Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Gabriel Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Gallagher ◆ Dr. Kathleen Gallucci & James Gallucci Mr. & Mrs. Edmund R. Gant Elizabeth Gant Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Gantos, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Gardner, Jr. ◆ Dr. John N. Gardner & Dr. Betsy O. Barefoot Jonathan D. Gardner Dr. & Mrs. Russell B. Gill Dr. Kerry J. Gilliland Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Ginsberg Mr. & Mrs. Magnus J. Gorrie Mr. & Mrs. John D. Gottwald Bobby L. Green ◆

Dr. Thomas Green & Catherine McNeela Dr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Grimley iii Mr. & Mrs. Ed Gund Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Guy Jaleh M. Hagigh ◆ Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hair ◆ Mark A. Hale Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hall ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Sherrill G. Hall ◆ Clifford Hardy & Judy Morris-Hardy Liz Harper Capt. & Mrs. Thomas J. Harper ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Chris B. Harrell June S. Harris Ellen W. Hartman Brandon P. Hayes ◆ Mr. & Mrs. William B. Hayes ◆ Matthew P. Haynes Mr. & Mrs. Eric Helman Dr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Henricks Ted S. Henson ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hickey, Jr. ◆ David A. Higham Brian E. Hooper ◆ Mr. & Mrs. David S. Hornaday Dr. R. Leroy Howell ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan G. Hunter ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Dan W. Ingle ◆ Mr. & Mrs. William C. Ingold ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Inzetta Margaret P. Isley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Israel Dr. Johanna H. M. Janssen Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey H. Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jepsen Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Jessup Mark S. Jetton, Jr. ◆ Barbara A. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. David S. Johnson ◆ Mr. & Mrs. James F. Johnson, Sr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Johnson Thomas Q. Jones ◆ J. Garrett Kachellek ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Kahle Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Kantlehner Mr. & Mrs. William A. Kantlehner George Katsoudas ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Keaveney Mr. & Mrs. John J. Keegan iii ◆ Linda C. Kelley ◆ Trevor W. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Dave L. Kennedy ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kennedy ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Trent M. Kernodle ◆

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ketcham ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Keziah, Sr. ◆ Jordan C. Kienzle Mr. & Mrs. James E. Killorin ◆ Dr. Charles B. Kime Carolyn L. Klasnick Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Klepcyk ◆ Mr. & Mrs. William E. Koffel ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Kornegay ◆ Sydnie C. Krause Mr. & Mrs. William Kuntz Mr. & Mrs. William E. LaCoste, Sr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Lotspeich ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Harmon L. Loy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Luce ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Lucente Mr. & Mrs. Dennis S. Lutes ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Edward Maguire Margaret M. Malloy Dr. & Mrs. Philip R. Mann ◆ Mr. & Mrs. William H. Mann, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Noble G. Marshall, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Marsteller Mr. & Mrs. James D. McCauley ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Larry B. McCauley, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Marcus McCoy ◆ Jacqueline McGraw Mr. & Mrs. David McLain Mr. & Mrs. John J. McMackin, Jr. John J. McMackin iii Eric S. Meredith Dewitt T. Methvin iv Mr. & Mrs. Eric Meyer Katherine L. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Michel ◆ Dr. Marvin Morgan & Dr. Mae Morgan Virginia Moriarty T. William Morningstar, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Morrison David L. Morrow ii ◆ Buell E. Moser, Sr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. James D. Moser, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. William D. Moser, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Moss Dr. Thomas Mould & Dr. Brooke Barnett James L. Myers iii National Educational Systems, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James C. Neal ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Michael Neal ◆ Harriet Nelson The North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Nowalk ◆


{ Kevin Hall ’14, Staley Hall, Colonnades residence halls }

Dr. & Mrs. Kevin J. O’Mara ◆ Mr.* & Mrs. Joseph M. Parker, Jr. Richard A. Parker ◆ Dr. & Mrs. Paul F. Parsons ◆ Dr. Jana Lynn Patterson & John Patterson ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Payne ◆ Mr. & Mrs. August L. Payne ◆ James D. Peeler ◆ Estate of Sybrant H. Pell Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Perkins ◆ Dr. & Mrs. John Perry, Jr. ◆ Dr. Rebecca Peters & Dr. Jeffrey Hatcher The Rev. & Mrs. Robert E. Peterson ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Casey S. Pickler ◆ Andrew S. Pou Dr. Linda Poulson & Bennie L. Poulson, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Powell, iii ◆

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Dr. & Mrs. Lacy M. Presnell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Pritchard Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Remenick ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Peter Renner Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Rhoads Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ricca Terrie L. Rice Mr. & Mrs. David K. Rich ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Crit Richardson ◆ Matthew W. Richardson ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Rinaldi ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Robson Dr. Elizabeth A. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Winfield S. Roney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Rose Michael Rosen & Leslie Gruss Mr. & Mrs. Warren C. Rouse Fredrick J. Rubeck Mr. & Mrs. Archibald C. Rufty, Jr. Gregory C. Rumley

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Russo ◆ Mr. & Mrs. John M. Sadler Michael J. Sanders ◆ Gavin Sands ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Scales ◆ Dr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Schirmer Mr. & Mrs. Greg S. Seelagy The Select Group llc Mary Leighton Sellers Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Shaw ◆ James D. Shepherd Kelly Shirley ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Shoe ◆ Mr. & Mrs. James K. Simmons, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Ross J. Simpson iii Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Sims ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Barry R. Sisson Mr. & Mrs. John H. Slayton Mr. & Mrs. Larry K. Small Mr. & Mrs. James H. Smith, Jr.

Kristin D. Smith ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Smith ◆ Peggy H. Smith* Christen E. Snead Estate of Walstein W. Snyder ◆ Vickie L. Somers ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Spangler ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Rick Spong Mr. & Mrs. Courtland Spotts Mr. & Mrs. Steven Starkey Derek B. Steed Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Steele, Sr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Charles Steele, Jr. ◆ Stephen F. J. Stone Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sullivan Chris Sykes Dr. & Mrs. Wonhi J. Synn Barbara Z. Taylor Dr. George Taylor & Dr. Rebecca Olive-Taylor ◆ fall 2012



Mr. & Mrs. C. Avery Thomas, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Thomas ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Barron L. Thompson Dr. Thomas Tiemann & Dr. Eileen McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Dustin M. Tonkin ◆ Dr. Michael Touloupas & Dr. Cynthia Touloupas ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tourtellot Dr. George Troxler & Dr. Carole Troxler ◆ Samuel P. Troy Mr. & Mrs. David J. Tucci ◆

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Turner iii Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Tyler Dr. Donna Van Bodegraven & Alan Van Bodegraven ◆ Mr. & Mrs. John H. Vernon iii Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Vetack ◆ Dr. & Mrs. Joel W. Walker ◆ Dr. Janet L. Warman Scott P. Warner ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Waters ◆ Dr. Shawn A. Weatherford Dr. Linda Weavil & Robert Weavil Meredith Webster & Michael Dunlap

Mr. & Mrs. Reich L. Welborn ◆ Kathleen L. Whidden ◆ Dr. & Mrs. Alan J. White ◆ Mr. & Mrs. J. Harvey White, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. White, Jr. ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. White Mr. & Mrs. Stephen K. Whitfield ◆ Mr. & Mrs. H. Scott Whyel ◆ Christian A. Wiggins ◆ Mr. & Mrs. William C. Wilburn ◆ William Wilkinson & Carolyn Hunt Ronald Willacker & Judith Maness The Rev. David & Mrs. Sarah Williams

Dr. Jo Watts Williams ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Mark Williams The Rev. & Mrs. Edward C. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Patrick H. Winston, Jr. Dr. Mary Wise & Jerry TerBeck ◆ Garrett Wofford & Andrea French Wofford ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Woody ◆ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Worrell iii Mr. & Mrs. Brady A. Yntema ◆ Zachary Piper, llc Mr. & Mrs. Greg L. Zaiser ◆

The Kresge Foundation LabCorp Gail and Beau Lane Robert E. LaRose ’62* & Gail Hettel LaRose ’64 Lincoln Financial Group Carl H. Lindner iii & Martha S. Lindner Robert Long Family Martha & Spencer Love Foundation John M. Lowry ’32* Thomas & Sarah Mac Mahon Family Foundation Mark & Marianne Mahaffey & Family James W. Maynard & Jo Anne A. Maynard Bob E. McKinnon ’62 & Ray Kirbo McKinnon Dalton L. McMichael, Sr.* The McMichael Family Foundation

Furman C. Moseley ’56 & Susan Reed Moseley Edna Truitt Noiles ’44 & Douglas G. Noiles James B. & Anne Ellington Powell T. E. Powell, Jr. Biology Foundation Warren G. “Dusty” & Margaret L. “Peggy” Rhodes Jerry & Jeanne Robertson Royall H. Spence, Jr. ’42* & Luvene Holmes Spence ’43* Hatcher P. Story ’38* & Louise Fletcher Story* Leon V. Watson ’25* & Lorraine Brubeck Watson* Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hazel Jay & Amy Hendrickson Mr. & Mrs. William J. Inman Mr. & Mrs. Maurice N. Jennings, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Kaplan A. Michelle LaRose R. Scott LaRose Dr. & Mrs. W. Bryan Latham Lorillard Tobacco Company Mr. & Mrs. Walker E. Love, Jr. William E. Loy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Lyon Phyllis S. Pruden

Donald E. Scott Ellen Scott Peggy H. Smith* Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Zachary T. Walker, iii Mr. and Mrs. H. Michael Weaver Weaver Foundation, Inc.

Cumulative Giving Societies Numen Lumen Society The university’s premier cumulative giving society, the Numen Lumen Society recognizes benefactors whose cash gifts to Elon equal $1 million or more. The Latin words “numen” and “lumen,” which mean “spiritual light” and “intellectual light,” signify the highest purposes of an Elon education. Numen Lumen Society members embrace the vision of Elon’s founders, an academic community that transforms mind, body and spirit. Alamance Regional Medical Center Bud & Suzanne Baker The Children of Roger & Bernice Barbour Irwin Belk & Carol Grotnes Belk The Joseph M. Bryan Foundation Isabella Walton Cannon ’24* Wallace L. Chandler ’49 Marvin Clapp* & Eva Burke Clapp* Edward W. & Joan M. Doherty & Family Richard M. Drew*

Wes, Cathy & Nolan ’11 Elingburg Allen & Denise Gant Glen Raven, Inc. William A. Graham, Jr. ’62* Sam & Vicky Hunt James W. Johnston* & Edwina Hughes Johnston* William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust M. Camille Kivette ’41* & Florence Kivette Childress ’37* Maurice & Ann Koury, Ernest ’40 & Ann Marie Koury & Family

Palladian Society “Palladian” is derived from Latin and means “pertaining to wisdom, knowledge or study.” Members of the Palladian Society have made cumulative lifetime cash gifts to Elon totaling between $500,000 and $999,999. Their generosity demonstrates their belief in Elon’s innovative approach to education. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Anderson Dr. & Mrs. James H. Baird Bank of America/Merrill Lynch Belk Foundation Booth Ferris Foundation Burlington Industries Foundation/ International Textile Group, Inc. 48 the magazine of elon

Cannon Foundation, Inc. Capital Bank Foundation The Cemala Foundation, Inc. Louis DeJoy & Dr. Aldona Z. Wos A. J. Fletcher Foundation The Hall Family Foundation/ Michael T. Hall


Aesculus Society “Aesculus” is an ancient Latin tem for “tallest oak.” Members of the Aesculus Society have made cumulative lifetime cash gifts to Elon totaling between $100,000 and $499,999, and their generosity has helped shape the university. aig United Guaranty Mr. & Mrs. Noel L. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Ameen Lucile Stone Andes Andras Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Howard F. Arner AT&T North Carolina Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Badavas A. Christine Baker Adrienne Livengood-Baker & Tony Baker Bank of America Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Bass iii Beazley Foundation, Inc. Mary Duke Biddle Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Blalock The Hon. J. Fred Bowman Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey & Leonard, llp Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bruns Kathleen Price Bryan Family Fund Anita L. Butler Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Califf Bruce B. Cameron, Jr. Capital Bank Mr. & Mrs. Damion Carufe Mr. & Mrs. John H. Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Chandler Robert A. Clohan iii Cone Health Mr. & Mrs. John R. Congdon, Jr. J. Randolph Coupland iii* Irene Hook Covington Mr. & Mrs. William S. Creekmuir Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Dancer Dr. Lawrence D’Angelo & Dr. Dolores D’Angelo Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Darling Arthur Vining Davis Foundations George L. Davis Mr. & Mrs. John Deford The Dickson Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Drummond Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Duke, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Edwards Dr. & Mrs. Robert N. Ellington Mr. & Mrs. John G. Ellison, Jr.

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Barry S. Frank & Eugenia H. Leggett The Stanley & Dorothy Frank Family Foundation Charles A. Frueauff Foundation, Inc. John L. Frye* Mr. & Mrs. John Gaither Mr. & Mrs. Edmund R. Gant Rose Anne Gant Golden leaf Foundation M. William Grant Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Haley Dr. Bernhard Hampl & Dr. Carmen Hampl Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hawks The Hearst Foundations, Inc Dr. & Mrs. Richard R. Henderson Dr. & Mrs. William N. P. Herbert Hillsdale Fund, Inc. Holt Sublimation Frank S. Holt iii Mr. & Mrs. George Holt Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Hultquist Ernest C. Hunt, Jr. The Hon. Bonnie McElveen-Hunter & Bynum Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Gordon P. Hurley ing Foundation Donald D. Jansen Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Jennings, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John M. Jordan Esther C. Kernodle Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. King The Thomas M. Kirbo & Irene B. Kirbo Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. William E. LaCoste, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Leo M. Lambert Mr. & Mrs. John N. Landi Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Lindley, Sr. Ikey Tarleton Little George W. Logan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Maroney Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Martin Dr. Joseph* & Dr. Rose Mattioli Mr. & Mrs. Harold V. McCoy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John McGovern Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. McInerney Della Vickers McKinnon Mr. & Mrs. Willard L. Mills, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Stewart P. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Moore, Jr. Dr. Wayne T. Moore William T. Morris Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. George T. Nall Mr. & Mrs. C. Ashton Newhall News & Record, Greensboro, N.C. Francis Asbury Palmer Fund Mr. & Mrs. David E. Pardue, Jr. Park Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Patrick Mr. & Mrs. Igor V. Pavlov Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Pennington John William Pope Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David C. Porter John Powell & Martha Hamblin Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Powell, iii Mr. & Mrs. T. Scott Quakenbush The Redwoods Group/ Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. Trapani Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Reifler Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Revson Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Neil M. Richie, Jr. The Riversville Foundation Dr. & Mrs. William S. Roberts Dr. & Mrs. Feliciano S. Sabates, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bennett B. Sapp Sapphire Foundation/ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Woods Mr. & Mrs. Milton T. Schaeffer, Jr. Richard H. Shirley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sklut Mr. & Mrs. William H. Smith Smith Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Sneed, Jr. Southern Conference, United Church of Christ Festus & Helen Stacy Foundation, Inc.

Joan Z. Steinbrenner Katherine G. Stern William M. Stewart Mary Behrend Straub Student Government Association Tannenbaum-Sternberger Foundation, Inc. Teagle Foundation Times-News Publishing Company Dr. Martha Smith Trout & Jack Trout United Church of Christ Local Church Ministries Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Vadini Mr. & Mrs. John H. Vernon iii Rear Admiral Edward K. Walker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur T. Ward iii Arthur T. Ward iv Charles E. Ward Christopher V. Ward Cynthia F. Ward Dorothy M. Ward Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ward Mr. & Mrs. W. Hunt Ward Thomas C. Watkins The Weezie Foundation The Wells Fargo Foundation Wells Fargo, Burlington, N.C. Western Electric Company Shirley A. White Mr. & Mrs. T. Leonard White, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William E. Wilkinson, Sr. Linda B. Williamson Wade Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Russell R. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. W. Cecil Worsley iii Dr. & Mrs. Fred Young Youths’ Friends Association Margaret J. Zint

Visit to view a searchable honor roll of everyone who made a gift to Elon University in fiscal year 2011–12. You may search the database by donor’s name or use the drop-down menus to search by class year, donor category (parent, faculty, friend, etc.), designation of gift (Elon's greatest needs, School of Law, Phoenix Club, etc.) or giving recognition group.

fall 2012



Phoenix Club IMPACT Circle The impact Circle is the premier annual giving group of the Phoenix Club and Elon athletics. Donors who make annual contributions of $5,000 or more to athletics or have made cumulative gifts of $1 million or more exclusively designated for annual, endowment and capital athletics purposes are members of the impact Circle. Mr. & Mrs. J. Douglas Amick Mr. & Mrs. Howard F. Arner Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Barnes iii Mr. & Mrs. James A. Barnwell, Jr. R. H. Barringer Distributing Co./ Mark Craig Mr. & Mrs. Clement M. Best iii Mr. & Mrs. Munroe Best, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Blalock Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Bolden Dr. Janie P. Brown Dr. & Mrs. James A. Buie Mr. & Mrs. James L. Correll, Jr.

Mary Hope Best-Crocker & Blain Crocker Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Cross Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Crouch Mr. & Mrs. M. Kevin Dugan Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Elingburg Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Foresta Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gallagher, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur B. Goss Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hearn Mr. & Mrs. James D. Henderson, Jr. Jay & Amy Hendrickson Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Hendrickson The Hon. & Mrs. R. Samuel Hunt iii

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Inman Leslie C. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. George J. Kilroy Mr. & Mrs. William Kinsella Dr. & Mrs. W. Bryan Latham Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Leith Mr. & Mrs. Walker E. Love, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Mahaffey Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Malloy Mr. & Mrs. John D. Marshall ii Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Martindale Mr. & Mrs. James C. McGill, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Moore, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Furman C. Moseley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. C. Ashton Newhall Mr. & Mrs. T. Scott Quakenbush Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Reifler Mr. & Mrs. Warren G. Rhodes Dr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Robertson Richard H. Shirley, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Sneed, Jr. William M. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. David Tabor Mr. & Mrs. James M. Theiss Dr. Richard Thompson & Dr. Peggy Thompson Dr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Tolley The Rev. & Mrs. John G. Truitt, Jr. Rear Admiral Edward K. Walker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Zachary T. Walker, iii Cynthia F. Ward Mr. & Mrs. W. Hunt Ward Mr. & Mrs. C. Grayson Whitt Mr. & Mrs. James Wilen Mr. & Mrs. Russell R. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. W. Cecil Worsley iii Alan J. Young Mr. & Mrs. David Young Dr. & Mrs. Fred Young

Grandparent Leadership Society Grandparents of current students and Elon alumni become part of the Grandparent Leadership Society by contributing $5,000 or more annually to the Parents & Grandparents Fund or other Elon operating funds, by making a planned gift valued at $25,000 or more, or by having made cumulative gifts totaling $25,000 or more to the university. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Boal gp’14 Beulah B. Cameron gp’94 Bruce B. Cameron, Jr. gp’05 Dr. & Mrs. Wallace L. Chandler gp’07, gp’10, gp’11 Robert A. Clohan iii gp’10 Irene Hook Covington gp’01, gp’02, gp’04, gp’07 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Craig gp’11, gp’13

Loretta Dancer gp’05 Dr. & Mrs.* J. E. Danieley gp’05, gp’10, gp’14 Roxann Dillon gp’11 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gabriel gp’13 Mr. & Mrs. Sherrill G. Hall gp’08, gp’12 Dr. R. Leroy Howell gp’10 Ernest C. Hunt, Jr. gp’13

Mr. & Mrs. Maurice N. Jennings, Sr. gp’13 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Jordan gp’14 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Kaplan gp’10, gp’15 Esther Cole Kernodle gp’05 Jean Killorin gp’07, gp’10 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Koury, Sr. gp’11 Eugene M. Lang gp’13 Mr. & Mrs.* R. Cruse Lewis gp’12 Dr. Deborah Long & Dr. Eugene Long gp’13, gp’16 Yardley Minnix Manfuso gp’08 Dr. Joseph Mattioli* & Dr. Rose Mattioli gp’99, gp’02, gp’15

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Maynard gp’13, gp’15 Mr. & Mrs. Norris P. Moses gp’13 Frances F. Rufty gp’15 Richard J. Schmeelk gp’13 The Rev. Dr. Walstein W. Snyder* gp’06 Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Steele, Sr. gp’16 Joan Z. Steinbrenner gp’10 Katherine G. Stern gp’14 Rear Admiral Edward K. Walker, Jr. gp’06 Cynthia F. Ward gp’11 Dorothy M. Ward gp’05, gp’08, gp’14 Shirley A. White gp’13 Margaret J. Zint gp’08

Louise C. Allen ’47 Noel Lee Allen ’69 Lucile Stone Andes Dewey ’63 & Susan Andrew Janice G. Apple ’53 Mildred Daniels Argyle Beverly F. Arner ’66

Howard F. Arner ’63 L. M. Baker John & Anne Barry Caroline S. Baskin Thomas L. Bass, Jr. ’67 & Sandra B. Bass ’67

Order of the Oak Established in 1988, the Order of the Oak recognizes donors who, through planned gifts such as bequests, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts, pooled income funds and life insurance policies, are securing the future of Elon University. The Rev. Donald J. ’71 & Carole Allen J. B. Allen, Jr. ’63 50 the magazine of elon

L. Carl Allen, Jr. ’48 L. Carl Allen iii & Peggy S. Allen


Walter H. Bass iii ’62 & Barbara D. Bass ’61 Barbara B. Bayliff ’70 C. Conway Bayliff ’70 David Beahm ’83 Raymond L. Beck ’75 Gordon S. Becker Louise Giovane Becker Leota Taylor Beisinger John W. Blanchard ’50 Birute Avizonis Blazevicius* Paul R. Bleiberg ’69 Mary Lou Chandler Boal ’63 Don & Billie Faye ’56 Bolden Elizabeth & Robert Bowater Barry A. Bradberry ’75 C. Merrill Branch Edith R. Brannock ’39 Madge O. Brannock*

Jolene C. Bray Eddie C. Bridges ’57 Gilbert C. Brittle, Jr. ’55 C. B. ’51 & Peggie Brown Eloise Stephenson Brown ’41 Dr. Janie P. Brown Pam & Chalmers Brumbaugh James A. Buie ’63 Vincent R. Bujan ’59 Samuel L. Burke ’89 Allen Bush ’68 James D. Bush ’91 Linda B. Byrd Beulah B. Cameron Roy C. Campbell ’68 Alfred I. Capuano ’60* Jane Aaron Carmichael ’68 Richard D. Carmichael Wallace L. Chandler ’49

Colleen Minnock Chulis ’04 Beverly A. Clement ’68 Robert A. Clohan iii ’67 Faye Danieley Conally ’61 Thomas G. Conally ’67 Angel & Luther R. ’55 Conger, Jr. Vera W. Congleton The Rev. John R. Corbiere ’70 Dr. Joseph A. Cote ’65 Dr. Alonzo Hook Covington ’73 Dr. Don ’75 & Ellen ’73 Covington Frank E. Covington Irene Hook Covington ’41 Patricia Bryan Covington Ray Covington ’86 Robert L. Covington ’79 Douglas Cox ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Craig Robert D. Craig ’80

Charles G. Crews, Jr. ’55 Jo Ann W. Crews ’56 Alan H. Crouch James B. Crouch, Jr. Florine R. Culbreth ’40 Howard C. Culbreth ’42 James Benton Dailey ’67 Jane Benton Dailey ’67 Drs. Lawrence & Dolores D’Angelo Edwin L. Daniel ’46 Earl Danieley ’46 Verona Daniels Danieley ’49* George Davis ’47 Joy & Leary Davis Robert A. de la Fé ’81 Virginia R. Dofflemyer* Rexanne A. Domico ’87 Kathleen Niple Donohue ’05 Ken Dudley ’59

{ Nick Martin ’13, Carol Grotnes Belk Library }

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fall 2012 51


Mattie Pickett Edwards ’39 James Perry Elder, Jr. ’60 Helen A. Ellington Dr. Robert N. Ellington J. Terry Emerson ’56 Gary W. Evans ’74 Patricia Russell Evans ’73 J. Michael Fargis ’58 Joshua Felix ’00 Helen B. Floyd Walter L. Floyd Margaret V. Foreman Matthew H. Foreman Oscar ’67 & Margaret ’66 Fowler John L. Frye ’43* Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Gabriel L. Alvin Garrison, Jr. ’67 A. Roger Gibbs ’52 Betty C. Gibbs Doris Clapp Gilliam ’48* Emery K. Gilliam ’48 Thomas ’68 & Willa ’67 Gold M. William Grant Thomas J. Grathwohl Kelly & Meredith Graves Adele J. Gray John Bowie Gray V Martha M. Grimson ’67 Bob Gwaltney ’64 Robert A. Hall Liz Harper Jeanne H. Harrell ’45 Dr. W. Kelly Harris ’78 Allison Connelly Hart ’98 Thomas R. Hart ’98 Mary Glenn Briggs Haskell ’63 Virginia Pruitt Hawks William A. Hawks Shelly Skeens Hazel ’78 Marje G. Henderson Dr. Richard Henderson Amy Thomas Hendrickson ’69 James A. Hendrickson ’71 Marsha T. Herbert Dr. William N. P. Herbert ’68 John R. ’76 & Lesley Hill Victor H. Hoffman ’61 Rachel Y. Holt ’64 Jessie Thurecht Hook ’46 William Andrew Hopkins ’51 Dr. Herbert W. House, Jr. Steven & Patricia House Dr. R. Leroy Howell ’51 George W. Hughes ’69 Catherine and Rob Hutchinson 52 the magazine of elon

Robert T. Inzetta ’68 Arthur M. Ivey ’60 E. Vennecia Bynum Jackson, M.D. ’81 Donald D. Jansen Dorothy B. & Geoffrey H. Jenkins Dina ’87 & Burney ’87 Jennings, Jr. Maurice N. Jennings, Sr. ’57 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Johnson, Sr. Thomas P. Johnson, Jr. ’66 John M. & Margaret C. Jordan

{ Camille Hill ’13, Hunt Softball Park }

John F. Kelley Esther Cole Kernodle ’36 Leslie Roessler Kernodle ’99 Gregory L. Knott ’67 Ernest A. Koury, Sr. ’40 William E. LaCoste, Sr. ’62 Leo & Laurie Lambert Gail H. LaRose ’64 Philip E. Larrabee, Jr. Mary Anne Elder Larson

Linda M. Lashendock Joe G. Lee ’68 Margaret A. Leister ’67 Loyce H. Lesley Barbara Lilienthal ’74 Jack R. ’56 & Dorothy C. Lindley Ikey Tarleton Little ’59 Thomas L. Lively ’72 Evelyn P. Lloyd Vincent ’47 & Eleanor* Long


Walker E. “Dub” ’48 & Ann W. Love Amy V. Loy ’74 Lee Loy ’71 William E. Loy, Jr. Yoram Lubling George C. Ludden Mark T. & Marianne D. Mahaffey E. Boyce Maness ’63 William H. Maness ’38* Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Martin, Jr. ’58 Christopher P. Martin ’78 Mr. & Mrs. David S. Massey ’83 Sally O’Neill Mauldin ’70 Dr. Harold E. ’41 & Jolene C. Maxwell C. V. May ’67 James W. & Jo Anne A. Maynard The Rev. Richard W. McBride Donna G. McCauley ’96 James D. McCauley ’59 Robie W. McClellan James G. McClure, Jr. ’68 Tim McDowell ’76 Charles O. Midgette Nancy Smith Midgette Carol A. Miskelly James R. Miskelly Dr. Beulah Mitchell Louise Bemis Mitchell ’56 Jane B. Moncure Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Mooney, Jr. Krista H. Mooney ’94 Michael A. Mooney ’93 Dr. Wayne T. Moore ’49 Dick More ’62 Shigemi Morita ’59 Michael A. Morris ’65 Furman C. Moseley, Jr. ’56 Ann Watts Moses George T. ’56 & Jerolene K. ’60 Nall Janell Otis Niebuhr ’02 Alex W. Oliver ’68 Virginia Moorefield Ortiz ’62 Sunshine Janda Overkamp John P. Paisley, Jr. ’70 The Rev. Dr.* & Mrs. G. Melvin Palmer Joy Pamplin David E. Pardue, Jr. Dr. Richard E. & S. Diane Park J. Rankin Parks ’32 Paul & Mary Helen Parsons Edna O. Paschal ’64* John K. Patterson ’59 Susan Morgan Patton ’02 Stafford R. Peebles, Jr. ’70

Sybrant H. Pell ’39* Donald S. Pennington ’54 Helen Hodge Pennington ’52 James Patrick Pepe ’66 Edward T. & Nan Phipps Perkins The Rev. & Mrs. Robert E. Peterson Dr. & Mrs. Edward F. Pinn Anne E. & James B. Powell Ed Powell iii Esther Stuart Presnell Lacy M. Presnell, Jr. ’51 Richard E. Pugh ’54 Rosalie I. Radcliffe ’62 Janie C. & E. Kemp* Reece Dusty Rhodes Peggy Rhodes Neil M. Richie, Jr. Rosemary B. Richie William Wynn Riley ’60 Norman J. Rinaldi ’54 Dr. William D. ’43 & Helen B. ’46 Rippy Patricia L. & Peter R. W. ’80 Roughton, Jr. M. Tyrone Rowell ’66 C. Wayne Rudisill ’59 Mary Coolidge Ruth ’66 William J. Ruth ’66 Maple M. Sanders Gavin Sands ’07 Clifford W. & Anne R. Sanford Adelaide Raye Sapp Bennett B. Sapp R. Brent Sexton ’75 Larry W. Sharpe ’69 Grace D. Shepherd James M. Sikes ’56* Sylvia E. Sims ’59 J. Lowry Sinclair iii ’65 Karen W. Small ’70 Larry K. Small ’68 D. Wayne Smart ’68 Eloise Bradford Smith* Kristin D. Smith ’07 G’12 Sarah R. Smith ’98 Richard C. ’60 & Eva B. Sneed Walstein W. Snyder ’45* Joanne Soliday Vickie L. Somers ’89 Charles C. Springs ’69 Mona C. Stadler ’88 Anne Dechert Staley ’74 Betsy Stevens Kathleen Miles Stevens ’61* Elwood E. Stone, M.D.

n conjunction with Elon’s upcoming 125th anniversary, the university has established a new recognition society to honor the sustained commitment of its most loyal alumni donors. Each alumnus who makes a gift to Elon of any size or designation between June 1, 2012, and May 31, 2014, will be included in the inaugural 1889 Society. Beginning June 1, 2014, only members of each year’s graduating class may join The 1889 Society. Alumni maintain membership in The 1889 Society, named for the year Elon was founded, by making a gift every fiscal year. Those in The 1889 Society will be recognized in the annual print and online Honor Roll of Donors and included on The 1889 Society list posted at Homecoming each year. For more information about The 1889 Society, please contact the Office of Donor Relations at (877) 784-ELON.

Mary Behrend Straub ’82 Donald Lee Tarkenton ’70 Dr. & Mrs.* Allen D. Tate, Jr. Barbara Z. Taylor ’77 J. Paul Thomas ’71* Shelby G. Thomas ’62 The Rev. J. Rex Thomas ’59 Demus L. Thompson ’64 & Ellen Burke Thompson ’63 W. Campbell Tims ’00 Dr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Tolley Martha Smith Trout Samuel P. Troy ’67 Dolores Hagan Truitt ’53 John G. Truitt, Jr. ’53 F. Davis Turnage, Jr. Garrett A. Turner ’08 Mary S. Underwood Angie Henry Utt ’42 Drew L. Van Horn ’82 John D. Vance, Jr. ’51 Alex S. Vardavas, Jr. ’72 Paul V. Varga ’51 & Joanne M. Varga Rear Admiral Edward K. Walker, Jr. Zachary T. Walker, iii ’60 & Dorothy S. Walker Carl E. Wallace, Jr. Diana H. Wallace Christopher A. Walsh ’72 Judith W. Walsh Cynthia F. Ward Dorothy Mears Ward

Hunt ’82 & Julia Ward Nancy H. & Frank L. ’52 Ward Nancy Turner Watson ’66 Dr. & Mrs. Frederic T. Watts, Jr. Odell L. Welborn ’57 Ed Welch ’59 Faye Welch Nelson A. L. & Elaine K. Weller Marie Schilling Wertz ’67 James W. White ’40 Kathryn C. White ’69 Richard A. White, Jr. ’71 Christian Adam Wiggins ’03 Ann M. Wilkins ’54 C. Jeter Wilkins ’53 Jonathan W. ’84 & Debra S. ’86 Willard Shirley Willard Jo Watts Williams ’55 Wade Williamson ’70 Edward C. Wilson ’60 Brad Rader Winstead ’03 Janet M. Winstead ’70 William C. Winstead, Jr. ’70 Delhis M. Wolf Frances D. Wood ’55 Dr. & Mrs. Fred Young Dr. Deborah A. Yow-Bowden ’71 Dr. William W. Yow-Bowden Joey Zeller ’85 Margaret Jane Zint ’84


Office of Alumni Engagement PO Box 398 Elon, NC 27244 Toll Free: (877) 784-3566 Change Service Requested

In August, more than 300 juniors and seniors became the first residents of The Station at Mill Point, the newest addition to Elon’s on-campus housing. The residential neighborhood on Williamson Avenue features 24 two-story, townhouse-style apartment buildings of different shapes and colors, and includes a commons building with study rooms, a fitness facility and office space for Student Professional Development Center staff. In addition to an outdoor pool, residents have on-site access to recreation facilities, an amphitheater, gardens and other outdoor gathering places.

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