2010-11 Elon University Provost’s Report

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Elon University Provost’s Report 2010-11

Table of Contents


Letter from the Provost


Articles & Book Chapters






Art Exhibitions & Performances


The Elon Teacher-Scholar

Elon University is recognized as a national model of engaged learning by industry observers such as U.S. News & World Report and Newsweek. That achievement is built on the cornerstone of the teacherscholar ideal defined in the final pages of this report and embraced by Elon’s deeply dedicated, intellectually engaged faculty, as well as the learning-centered culture that faculty bring to life each day through challenging and innovative academic programs. Elon faculty embrace the idea that scholarship and teaching are inseparable, that teaching is their principle dedication and that innovative, engaged models of teaching and learning, such as undergraduate research, service-learning and internships, lead to better, deeper

Last year, scores of Elon students presented at regional and national conferences hosted by the discipline-based professional organizations of their majors. More and more, both Elon graduate and undergraduate students are co-authoring scholarly work with Elon faculty.

learning. As stated in “The Elon Teacher-Scholar”

As the Teacher-Scholar statement explains, “the faculty’s

statement, this broader view of faculty engagement with

ability to model intellectual engagement is based on their

students encourages “productive interactions that blur the

intentional and continual development as professionals.”

boundaries separating traditional teaching activity,

Through their ongoing, active scholarly and creative

scholarship and professional activity.”

activity, faculty model intellectual engagement and stay

Right now, more than 70 faculty members are supervising honors theses, more than 20 faculty members are working closely with students selected for research support through the Lumen Prize and more than 100

on the cutting edge of their fields of expertise. Elon faculty members are committed to advancing the state of knowledge and understanding, and as such they are actively involved in scholarship.

faculty members have mentored 185 students in research

This report, paired with the 2011 President’s Report,

that was presented on campus in Elon’s Spring

captures and reflects some of the scholarly and creative

Undergraduate Research Forum. In the spring of 2011, 32

activity our faculty engaged in during the 2010-11

undergraduate students directed by Elon faculty

academic year. I invite you to celebrate with me the

presented their own research at the National Conferences

excellent work of the Elon University faculty, teacher-

of Undergraduate Research in Ithaca, N.Y., placing Elon

scholars truly committed to excellence.

in the top 5 percent for the number of students presenting research among the more than 300 universities

Steven D. House

participating in this conference.

Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs

Articles & Book Chapters John R. Alexander Distinguished Leadership Coach-in-Residence, Law ”Searching for Indicators of Globally Responsible Leadership.” Global Responsibility: The GRLI Partner Magazine. (January 2011): 26-29. Meredith L.J. Allison Assistant Professor, Psychology “Alibi Believability: The Effect of Prior Convictions and Judicial Instructions.” with C. A. E. Brimacombe. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40 (June, 2010): 1054-1084. Janna Quitney Anderson Associate Professor, Communications “Future Libraries: Return on Investment 2020.” with A. Havens and T. Story. OCLC NextSpace, 17 (Winter 2011): 4-8. “Responses to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Request for Consultations on Improvements to the Internet Governance Forum.” UNCTAD. (November 24, 2010). unctad.info/en/CstdWG/Contributions. “Comments on Advancing Open Internet Policy through Analysis Distinguishing Open Internet from Specializing Network Services.” With S. Bradner, B. Frankston, S. Johnson, D. Reed, S. Wozniak, et al. Federal Communications Commission. Comments of Various Advocates for the Open Internet GN Docket No. 09-191. (November 4, 2010). scribd.com/doc/41002510/On-Advancing-the-Open-Internet-by-Distinguishing-it-from-Specialized-Services. “Remaking Education for a New Century.” In Strategies and Technologies for a Sustainable Future. 3-6. (ISBN 9780930242671). “Millennials Will Make Online Sharing in Networks a Lifelong Habit.” With L. Rainie. Pew Internet. (July 9, 2010). pewinternet.org/Reports/2010/Future-of-Millennials.aspx. “The Future of Social Relations.” With L. Rainie. Pew Internet. (July 2, 2010). pewinternet.org/Reports/2010/The-futureof-social-relations.aspx. “The Future of Cloud Computing.” With L. Rainie. Pew Internet. (June 11, 2010). pewinternet.org/Reports/2010/Thefuture-of-cloud-computing.aspx. “The Fate of the Semantic Web.” With L. Rainie. Pew Internet. (May 4, 2010). pewinternet.org/Reports/2010/SemanticWeb.aspx. Bill Andrews

Associate Professor, Physical Therapy

“Update of Distance and Velocity Requirements for Community Ambulation.” with S. Chinworth, M. Bourassa, M. Garvin, D. Benton, S. Tanner. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 33.3 (2010): 128-134. “A Case Study Examining the Recovery of Gait Using Treadmill Training followed by Overground Ambulation in a Patient with a Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke.” with M. Gorman. Journal of Student Physical Therapy Research, 3.1 (2010): 47-56. Brooke Barnett Associate Professor of Communications and Faculty Administrative Fellow “Use of Infographics in Understanding an Environmental Health Risk.” with B. Miller. Newspaper Research Journal, 31.1 (2010). Christina C. Benson Assistant Professor, Business Law “Does Risk Reduction Mitigate the Costs of Going Green? An Empirical Study of Sustainable Investing.” with Neeraj J. Gupta and Ravi Mateti. Southern Journal of Business and Ethics, 2 (2010): 7-25.


Walter R. Bixby Associate Professor, Exercise Science “Cognitive Function During Acute Exercise: A test of Transient Hypofrontality Theory?” with Del Giorno, J.M., Hall, E.E., O’Leary, K.C., Bixby, W.R., and Miller, P.C. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 32 (2010): 312-323. Kevin B. Boyle Professor, English “The Lullaby of History.” Literary Trails of the North Carolina Piedmont: A Guidebook. University of North Carolina Press, 2010. “Locovore.” Natural Bridge, 23 (Spring, 2010). “Untethered,” “Oleaginous,” “Prelude,” and “Incoming.” Gingko Tree Review, 10 (2010). “After Living in London I Return to My Town,” “Fresco,” “Glimmer of What She's in For,” “Less of Me” and “Tongue and Groove.” storySouth. (Spring, 2010). Scott H. Buechler Assistant Professor, Business Communications “Using Web 2.0 to Collaborate.” Business Communication Quarterly, 73 (December 2010): 439-443. John J. Burbridge, Jr. Professor, Business Administration “The Brooklyn Dodgers in Jersey City.” The Baseball Research Journal, 39.1 (Summer, 2010): 18-26. “The Role of Trust in the Global Acceptance of E-Government.” with J. Das and C. Dirienzo. Information Communication Technologies and the Virtual Public Sphere: Impacts of Network Structures on Civil Society. Robert Crof and Scott Krummenacher, eds. (January 2011): 173-194. Samuel A. Butler Assistant Professor, Philosophy “Arendt and Aristotle on Equality, Leisure and Solidarity.” Journal of Social Philosophy, 41.4 (Winter, 2010): 470-490. E. Stephen Byrd Assistant Professor, Education “Educating and Involving Parents in the RTI Process: The School’s Important Role.” TEACHING Exceptional Children, 43.3 (January, 2011): 32-38. “India, Families, and a Special School.” TEACHING Exceptional Children Plus, 6.3 (October, 2010): 1-11. Ann J. Cahill Professor, Philosophy “Getting to My Fighting Weight.” Hypatia, 25.2 (Spring, 2010): 485-492. Chiichao Catherine Chiang Assistant Professor, Accounting “Measuring the Usefulness of Information for Investors' Inferences: The Case of Quarterly Earnings Announcements.” with Y.M. Mensah. Journal of Business & Economics Research, 8 (July, 2010): 17-36. Jeffrey S. Coker Associate Professor, Biology “Inquiry-Based Activities to Accompany the 12 Principles of Plant Biology.” With J.P. Ellis and M. Williams. American Society of Plant Biologists. (2010). aspb.org/education/12Labs/. “Variability of Actin Gene Expression during Tissue Regeneration of the Earthworm Lumbricus terrestris.” with A. Helms. Journal of the N.C. Academy of Science, 126 (2010): 138-143. David H. Cooper Professor and Dean, School of Education “Validation of a Supplemental Reading Intervention for First Grade Children.” with Case, L.P., Speece, D.L., Silverman, R., Ritchey, K.D., & Schatschneider, C. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 43.5 (September/October, 2010): 402-417. Janet M. Cope Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Education “Anatomy Laboratory Instruction and Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde.” with Mirabelli, M.C, and Holt, S.M. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. (November 22, 2010).


“Discerning Health, Disease and Activity Patterns in a Bronze-Age Population from Tell Abraq, United Arab Emirates.” Death and Burial in Arabia and Beyond: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Weeks, L. ed. Oxford: Archaeopress. BAR International Series S2107. Society for Arabian Studies Monographs 10. (2010). David A. Copeland A. J. Fletcher Professor, Communications “The Colonial Press, 1690-1765.” The Media in America: A History. 8th ed., edited by Wm. David Sloan. Northport, AL: Vision Press (2011). Paula A. Crenshaw “After the Ice.” Southern Humanities Review. (Fall 2010).

Assistant Professor, English

“Alley.” Mayday Magazine. (Fall 2010). Stephen B. DeLoach Professor, Economics “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The Effect of Time Spent Grooming on Wages.” with Jayoti Das. Journal of Socio-economics, 40 (February 2011): 26-34. Cassandra E. DiRienzo

Associate Professor, Economics, and Associate Dean, Martha and Spencer Love School or Business “The Role of Trust in the Global Acceptance of E-Government.” with J. Burbridge and J. Das. Information Communication Technologies and the Virtual Public Sphere: Impacts of Network Structures on Civil Society. Robert Crof and Scott Krummenacher, eds. (January 2011): 173 – 194. “Quality of Political Management and the Role of Corruption: A Cross Country Analysis.” with J. Das. International Journal of Public Administration, 33.14 (December 2010) 832 – 842. “Tourism Competitiveness and Corruption: A Cross Country Analysis.” with J. Das. Tourism Economics, 16.3 (September 2010): 477 – 92. “Assessing Terrorist Risk and FDI Using Relative Information Measures.” with A. Mancuso and J. Das. Applied Economics Letters, 17.8 (May-June 2010): 787 - 790. “The Relationship between MBTI and Academic Performance: A Study across Academic Disciplines.” with J. Das and W. Synn, J. Kitts, and K. McGrath. The Journal of Psychological Type, 70.5 (May 2010): 53 - 67. Kirsten A. Doehler Assistant Professor, Statistics “The Mediating and Moderating Effects of Differentiation of Self on Body Mass Index and Depressive Symptomatology among an American College Sample.” with Lisa M. Hooper. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 24.1 (2011): 71-82. “The Parentification Inventory: Development, Validation, and Cross-Validation.” with Lisa M. Hooper, Scyatta A. Wallace, and Natalie J. Hannah. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 39.3 (2011): 226-241. Mark T. Enfield Assistant Professor, Education “Presence without Being Present: Reflection and Action in a Community of Practice.” with Stasz, B Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 11.1 (2011): 108-118. Thomas R. Erdmann Professor, Music “Sherman Irby,” “Robert Kyle,” and “Russell Peterson.” Saxophone Journal, 35.4 (March/April 2011). “Cynthia Robinson’s Journey from Humble Beginnings To Rock Stardom.” International Trumpet Guild Journal, 35.3 (March 2011): 6 – 12. “Gail Levinsky,” “Ada Rovatti,” and “Lord Yancy.” Saxophone Journal, 35.3 (January/February 2011). “A Conversation with Violist Kim Kashkashian.” WomenArts Quarterly Journal, 1.1 (Winter 2011): 3 – 13.


“My Own Way: An Interview with Ted Curson.” International Trumpet Guild Journal, 35.2 (January 2011): 17 – 26, 47. “Sharel Cassity,” “Vann Burchfield,” and “Joseph Murphy.” Saxophone Journal, 35.2 (November/ December 2010). “Russell Kirk,” “Gerald Albright,” and “Joseph Murphy.” Saxophone Journal, 35.1 (September/October 2010). “Tim Ries,” “Carrie Koffman,” and “Donny McCaslin.” Saxophone Journal, 34.6 (July/August 2010). “Harvey Pittel,” “Katja Rieckermann,” and “Chris Collins.” Saxophone Journal, 34.5 (May/June 2010). “Finding His Way through Hard Work: An Interview with Christian Scott.” International Trumpet Guild Journal, 34.4 (June 2010): 46 – 53. Review: Reservoir, by Isabelle O’Connell. WomenArts Quarterly Journal, 1.1 (January/Winter 2011), 3-4. Review: Flamingo, by Andrea Tofanelli. International Trumpet Guild Journal, 35.2 (January 2011). Benjamin A. Evans Assistant Professor, Physics “Biomimetic Cilia Arrays Generate Simultaneous Pumping and Mixing Regimes.” with AR Shields, BL Fiser, MR Falvo, S Washburn, R Superfine. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107 (September 2010): 15670-15675. “Highly Controllable Near-Surface Swimming of Magnetic Janus Nanorods: Application to Payload Capture and Manipulation.” with LO Mair, AR Hall, J Carpenter, AR Shields, K Ford, M Millard, R Superfine. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44 (March 2011). Daniel A. Evans Assistant Professor, Physics “Searching for AGN Outflows: Spatially Resolved Chandra HETG Spectroscopy of the NLR Ionization Cone in NGC 1068.” Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 427 (2011). “The Sudden Death of the Nearest Quasar.” with Schawinski, Kevin. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 724.1 (2011): L30L33. “Markarian 6: Shocking the Environment of an Intermediate Seyfert.” with Mingo, B. The Astrophysical Journal, 731.1 (2011). “The Evolution of Radio-Loud Active Galactic Nuclei as a Function of Black Hole Spin.” with Garofalo, D. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 406.2 (2010): 975-986. “High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy and Imaging of Mrk 573.” with Bianchi, Stefano. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 405.1 (2010): 553-563. “Jet-Powered Molecular Hydrogen Emission from Radio Galaxies.” with Ogle, Patrick. The Astrophysical Journal, 724.2 (2010): 1193-1217. “A Flare in the Jet of Pictor A.” with Marshall, H. L. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 714.2 (2010): L213-L216. “Long-Term Monitoring of the Dynamics and Particle Acceleration of Knots in the Jet of Centaurus A.” with Goodger, J. L. The Astrophysical Journal, 708.1 (2010): 675-697. “The Hard X-ray View of Reflection, Absorption, and the Disk-Jet Connection in the Radio-Loud AGN 3C 33.” The Astrophysical Journal, 710.1 (2010): 859-868. “A Chandra Observation of 3C 288—Reheating the Cool Core of a 3 keV Cluster from a Nuclear Outburst at z = 0.246.”with Lal, D. V. The Astrophysical Journal, 722.2 (2010): 1735-174.


Cynthia D. Fair Associate Professor, Human Service Studies “Developmental Mentoring, Relationship Quality, and School Adjustment: The Chapel Buddy Program.” with K. Hopkins and A. Decker. Early Child Care and Development. DOI:10.1080/03004430.2010.545125. “Indicators of Transition Success for Youth Living with HIV: Perspectives of Pediatric and Adult Infectious Disease Care Providers.” with K. Sullivan and A. Gatto. AIDS Care. 10.1080/09540121.2010.542449 “The Relationship between Prenatal Control, Expectations, Experienced Control, and Birth Satisfaction among Primiparae Women.” with T. Morrison. Midwifery. DOI:10.1016/j.midw.2010.10.013 “Sexual Coercion, Verbal Aggression, and Condom Use Consistency among College Students.” with J. Vanyur. American Journal of College Health, 59 (2010): 273-280. “’When We Do Activities with the Residents, It Makes Them So Happy’: Fourth Graders’ Reflections on Intergenerational Service-Learning.” with A. Davis and V. Fischer. Childhood Education, 87 (March, 2011): 177-184. “Best Practices in Transitioning Youth with HIV: Perspectives of Pediatric and Adult Infectious Disease Care Providers.” with K. Sullivan and A. Gatto. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 15.5 (October, 2010): 515-527. “Pediatric HIV Social Workers: Perspectives on Disclosure.” with S. Walker. Qualitative Social Work. DOI:10.1177/1473325010373527. Dion Farganis Assistant Professor, Political Science “The Candor Factor: Does Nominee Evasiveness Affect Judiciary Committee Support for Supreme Court Nominees?” with Justin Wedeking. Hofstra Law Review, 39 (Winter, 2010): 329-368. Peter G. Felten

Associate Professor of History, Assistant Provost, and Director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning “Liberal Education in a Visual World.” with C. Berry and D. Little. Liberal Education. (Spring, 2010): 44-49. “Monet Moments and the Necessity of Productive Disruption.” Teaching and Learning Together in Higher Education. (January 2011). Mary Jo Festle Professor, History “Lung Transplantation in the United States: The Historical, Personal, and Political.” The Edgar S. and Ruth W. Burkhardt Lecture Series. Galesburg, Illinois: Knox College, 2011. “Martina Navratilova and Chris Evert: Friendly Rivals Advancing Their Sport.” Rivals: Legendary Matchups That Made Sports History. David K. Wiggins and R. Pierre Rodgers, eds. University of Arkansas Press (2010): 109-131. Eric M. Fink Maurice Jennings Emerging Scholar and Associate Professor, Law “Law School & The Web of Group Affiliation: Socializing, Socialization, & Social Network Site Use among Law Students.” John Marshall Journal of Computer & Information Law, 27 (Spring, 2010): 325-348. Stephen E. Folger Professor, Physical Therapy “Temporomandibular Disorder Modifies Cortical Response to Tactile Stimulation.” with M.B. Nebel, M. Tommerdahl, M. Hollins, F. McGlone, G. Essick. Journal of Pain, 11.11 (November, 2010): 1083-94. Steven I. Friedland Professor of Law and Senior Scholar “Post-Miranda Silence in the Wired Era: Reconstructing Real Time Silence in the Face of Police Questioning.” Mississippi Law Journal, 80 (2011): 1339-1369. Michael R. Frontani Associate Professor, Communications “Michael Cimino.” New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2nd edition, Supplement. Gale/Cengage and The Catholic University of America Press. (2011).


Stephen A. Futrell “Spice It Up with a Latin Feel.” ACDA Southern Division Newsletter, 26.2 (Spring 2011).

Associate Professor, Music

Evan A. Gatti Assistant Professor, Art History “In a Space Between: Ivrea and the Problem of (Italian) Ottonian Art.” Peregrinations: A Journal for the International Society for the Study of Pilgrimage Art, 3:1 (Summer 2010): 1-41. Scott W. Gaylord Associate Professor, Law “Licensing Facially Religious Government Speech: Summum’s Impact on the Free Speech and Establishment Clauses.” First Amendment Law Review, 315 (Spring 2010). “The North Carolina Supreme Court in 2010: Is It Time for Reform?” The Federalist Society for Law & Public Policy Studies State Court Project. (October 2010). Mathew H. Gendle Associate Professor, Psychology “Relationships between Total Cholesterol Levels and Specific Alterations in Impulsivity and Attention.” with K.S Glazer, E.A. Olszewski, and C.A. Novak. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science, 127 (2011): 13-17. “Oral Administration of 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) Impairs Decision Making Under Ambiguity but Not Under Risk: Evidence from the Iowa Gambling Task.” with A.C. Golding. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 25 (2010): 491-499. Sarah L. Glasco Review: Contrastes. By Denise Rochat. The French Review, 84.4 (March 2011): 829-30.

Assistant Professor, French

Review: Points de départ. By Cathy Pons, Mary Ellen Scullen, and Albert Valdman. The French Review, 84.2 (December 2010): 437-8. Thomas D. Green Professor, Psychology “Impact of Presentation Mode on Recall of Written Text and Numerical Information: Hard Copy versus Electronic.” with Perera, R. A., Dance, L. A., & Myers, E. A. North American Journal of Psychology, 12 (2010): 233-242. “The Actor-Observer Effect as a Function of Performance Outcome and Nationality of Other.” with McClearn, D. G. Social Behavior and Personality, 38 (2010): 1335-1344. Eugene B. Grimley III T. E. Powell Jr. Professor of Chemistry “Science without Borders.” with Daniel W. Wright and David Gammon. The International Journal of Science in Society, 2.2 (2011): 171-180. Neeraj J. Gupta Assistant Professor, Finance “Does Risk Reduction Mitigate the Costs of Going Green? An Empirical Study of Sustainable Investing.” with Christy Benson and Ravi Mateti. Southern Journal of Business and Ethics, 2 (2010): 7-25. Andrew J. Haile Assistant Professor, Law “A Time for Action: Reforming the North Carolina Tax Code.” North Carolina Law Review Addendum. (May 2010): 1-21. “Defending Colorado's Use Tax Reporting Requirement.” State Tax Notes, 57.12 (Sept. 20, 2010): 761-769. “How to Reform North Carolina's Tax Code.” State Tax Notes, 58.12 (Dec. 20, 2010): 819-828. Review: Decoding the U.S. Corporate Tax. By Daniel Shaviro. Elon Law Review, 2.2 (March 2011): 287-298. Eric E. Hall Associate Professor, Exercise Science “A Strengths-Based Approach to Outdoor and Adventure Education: Possibilities for Personal Growth.” with Passarelli, A., & Anderson, M. Journal of Experiential Education, 33.2 (2010): 120-135.


“Cognitive Function during Acute Exercise: A Test of the Transient Hypofrontality Theory.” with Del Giorno, J.M., O’Leary, K.C., Bixby, W.R., & Miller, P.C. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 32 (2010): 312-323. Greg Hlavaty Lecturer, English “The New Relevance: Acquiring and Applying the Changing Resources of Twenty-first Century University Libraries.” with M. Townsend. Teaching English in the Two-Year College. (December 2010). “How You’re Made.” Arts and Letters, 24 (Fall 2010). Earl D. Honeycutt, Jr. Professor, Marketing “Is There a Country-of-Service Preference Exhibited by Consumers?” with Thelen, Shawn T., and Thomas P. Murphy. Managing Service Quality, 20.3 (2010): 196-212. “Managing and Motivating Marketing Faculty.” with Shawn T. Thelen, and John B. Ford. Marketing Education Review, 20.3 (Fall 2010): 203-214. “The Three Dichotomies of Academe: An Empirical Study.” with John B. Ford, and Shawn T. Thelen Marketing Education Review, 20.2 (Summer 2010): 131-142. [2010 Best Paper of the Year Award] “Identifying the Attributes of an Effective Restaurant Chain Endorser.” with Magnini, Vincent P., and Cristel Garcia.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 51.2 (2010): 238-250. “Turnover in the Sales Force: A Comparison of Hunters and Farmers.” with Sharon K. Hodge, and James Killian. Journal of Selling & Major Account Management, 9.2 (Spring 2010): 8-21. “Personality Traits of Hunters Vs. Farmers: Exploring the Differential Effects of Need for Cognition and Self-Monitoring.” with Rodriguez, Michael, and Sharon K. Hodge. SMA Proceedings. Atlanta, GA (November, 2010): 222-223. Lynn R. Huber Associate Professor, Religious Studies “Learning Contracts in Undergraduate Research in Religious Studies.” Religious Studies News (May 2010). Dugald R. Hutchings II Assistant Professor, Computing Sciences “Design & Evaluation of an Image-Based Authentication System for Small Touch-Screens.” with J. Citty. Proceedings of The 2010 International Conference on Security and Management. CSREA Press (July 2010): 116-122. “Controlling Information Display in Larger Pixel Spaces: A Study of Window Snipping by Multiple-Monitor Users.” with J. Stasko. Proceedings of 2010 ACM Southeast Conference. ACM Press (April 2010): Article 73. Charles F. Irons Associate Professor, History “Zion in Black and White: African American Evangelicals and Missionary Work in the Old South.” The Old South's Modern Worlds: Slavery, Region, and Nation in the Age of Progress. L. Diane Barnes, Brian Schoen, and Frank Towers, eds. New York: Oxford University Press, (2011). Angela Lewellyn Jones

Associate Professor, Sociology and Social Justice, and Associate Dean, Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences “Social Entrepreneurship: The ‘New Kid’ on the University Block.” with Pamela M. Kiser and Beth Warner. Planning for Higher Education, 38.4 (July - September 2010): 44-51. “Service-Learning and Social Entrepreneurship: From Strangers to Allies.” with Beth Warner and Pamela M. Kiser. Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning & Civic Engagement, North America, 1.2 (April 2010): 1-15. partnershipsjournal.org/index.php/part/article/view/96. Martin J. Kamela Associate Professor, Physics “International Service-Learning: Ethics in Cross-Cultural Partnerships.” with K. Jones and A. Peeks. Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning & Civic Engagement, 2.1 (2011).


Joshua M. Kapfer Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies “Modeling the Relationship between Habitat Preferences and Home Range: A Case Study on a Large Mobile Colubrid Snake from North America.” with C. Pekar, D.M. Reineke, J.R. Coggins and R. Hay. Journal of Zoology, 282 (2010): 1320. Catherine A. King Associate Professor, Psychology “Charting Your Journey: The Influence of a Sophomore Transitions Course on Students’ Self-Authorship.” with A. Darby & C. Gergen. Students in Transition: Research and Practice in Career Development. P. A. Gore & L. P. Carter, eds. Columbia, S.C.: Center for the First Year Experience. (2011). “Creating and Supporting Mixed-Level Inquiry Communities.” with A. Gillan, M. Pittard, R. Peterson-Veatch,& M. L. Isaac. Mountainrise, 6.1. (2010). Cassandra L. Kircher “Visiting the Iditarod Champ.” Cold Mountain Review, 39.2 (Spring 2011): 68-75.

Associate Professor, English

“A Portrait of My Father in Three Places.” Permanent Vacations: Twenty Writers on Work and Life in Our National Parks. Wyatt, Kim, and Erin Bechtol, eds. Tahoe, CA: Bona Fide Books (2011): 9-23. Jason A. Kirk Assistant Professor, Political Science “India’s Season of Discontent: U.S. - India Relations through the Prism of Obama’s ‘Af-Pak’ Policy, Year One.” Asian Affairs: An American Review, 37.3 (September 2010): 147-66. Derek Lackaff Assistant Professor, Communications “The Value of Online Friends: Networked Resources via Social Network Sites.” with Stefanone, M. A., and Kwon, K. H. First Monday, 16.2 (2011). “Contingencies of Self-Worth and Social Networking Site Behavior.” with Stefanone, M. A., Lackaff, D., & Rosen, D. CyberPsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 14 (2011): 41-49. DOI:10.1089/cyber.2010.0049 “Reality Television and Computer-Mediated Identity: Offline Exposure and Online Behavior.” with Stefanone, M. A., & Rosen, D. “Reality Television: Modeling the Global and the Local.” A. Hetsroni, ed. New York: Nova Science Press. (2011): 25-44. “Negotiating Social Belonging: Online, Offline, and In-Between.” with Stefanone, M. A., and Huang, Y. C. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS ‘11). 44 (2011). “Reducing Participant Burden in Ego-Centric Network Data Collection.” Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’10) 28. (2010): 1467-1470. “Culturally Unique Social Patterns in Computer-Mediated Social Networking.” with Rosen, D., and Stefanone, M. A. Interpersonal relations and social patterns in communication technologies: Discourse norms, language structures and cultural variables. J.-R. Park & E. Abels, eds. IGI Global (2010): 354-367. Prucence C. Layne Assistant Professor, English Review: Triangular Road, by Paule Marhsall. Caribbean Studies Journal, 38.1 (January-June 2010): 188- 190. David S. Levine Assistant Professor, Law “What Can the Uniform Trade Secrets Act Learn From the Bayh-Dole Act?” Hamline Law Review, 33 (2010) 615. Deborah T. Long Professor, Education “Go-4-College Series” (DVD), with Linda Lashendock,Tyler West, Bonnie Roane, and Sandra Burns. Independently produced and currently being distributed to local high schools and middle schools.


Buffie Longmire-Avital Assistant Professor, Psychology “Exploring the Interaction between Religiosity, Social Support & Stress-Related Growth among Transgender Women.” with S. Golub, J. Walker, B. Bimbi, & J. Parsons. Journal of Health Psychology, 15 (November 2010): 1135-1144. “Self-Reevaluation as a Critical Component in Sustained Viral Load Improvement for HIV+ Adults with Alcohol Problems.” with S. Golub & J.T. Parsons. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 40 (October, 2010): 176 – 183. Yoram Lubling Professor, Philosophy “Ne-erag - Veaz Nishkach.” Hador - The Hebrew Annual of America, 4 (January 2011): 158-164. Kathryn M. Matera Associate Professor, Chemistry “Effect of Unsaturation in Fatty Acids on the Binding and Oxidation by Myeloperoxidase: Ramifications for the Initiation of Atherosclerosis.” with Amanda L. Clark. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 20 (2010): 5643–5648. Michael Matthews Assistant Professor, History “De Viaje: Elite Views of Modernity and the Porfirian Railway Boom.” Mexican Studies / Estudios Mexicanos, 26.2 (Summer 2010): 251-289. Paul C. Miller Professor, Exercise Science “Cognitive Function during Acute Exercise: A Test of the Transient Hypofrontality Theory.” with J.M. Del Giorno, E.E. Hall, K.C. O’Leary, & W.R. Bixby. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 32 (June 2010): 312-323. Yuko J. Miyamoto Assistant Professor, Biology “Potent in Vivo Suppression of Inflammation by Selectively Targeting the High Affinity Conformation of Integrin α4β1.” with P. Vanderslice, D.G. Woodside, A.R. Caivano, E.R. Decker, C.L. Munsch, S.J. Sherwood, W.S. LeJeune, Y.J. Miyamoto, B.W. McIntyre, R.G. Tilton, and A.F.D. Dixon. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 400.4 (2010): 619-624. Tom C. Mould Associate Professor, Anthropology “Narratives of Personal Revelation among Latter-day Saints.” Western Folklore, 68 (2009 – delayed publication not available until 2010): 431-80. “American Indian Folklore.” Folklore: An Encyclopedia of Beliefs, Customs, Tales, Music and Art. Charlie T. McCormick and Kim Kennedy White, eds. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO (2010). “Traditionalization.” Folklore: An Encyclopedia of Beliefs, Customs, Tales, Music and Art. Charlie T. McCormick and Kim Kennedy White, eds. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO (2010). “Ginseng Hunting.” The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. 14. Glenn Hinson and William Ferris, eds. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press (2010): 298-300 David Neville Assistant Professor, German “Literary and Historical 3D-DGBL: Design Guidelines.” with Shelton, B. Simulation & Gaming: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theory, Practice and Research, 41.4 (2010): 607-629. “Structuring Narrative in 3D Digital Game-Based Learning Environments to Support Second Language Acquisition.” The Foreign Language Annals, 43.3 (2010: 445-468. Carl E. Niedziela , Jr. Assistant Professor, Biology “Efficacy and Physical Properties of Ground, Composted Rice Hulls as a Component of Soilless Substrate for Selected Bedding Plants.” with C.Y. Song, P.V. Nelson, and D.K. Cassel. Journal of Applied Horticulture, 12 (July 2010): 16-20. “Ammonium Toxicity Symptoms in Bedding Plants.” with P. Nelson. Greenhouse Product News, 20 (November 2010): 34, 36, 38, and 40.


Rebecca A. Olive-Taylor Assistant Professor “We Are Known by the Company We Keep.” Academic Advising Today, 33.4 (2010) . nacada.ksu.edu/AAT/NW33_4.htm Amy A. Overman Assistant Professor, Psychology “Odor and the Effects of Schema Activation on Recognition Memory.” with K. A. Appino, C. Svec, B.L. Tankard & J.D.W. Stephens. American Journal of Undergraduate Research, 9 (2010): 7-12. Samuele F.S. Pardini Assistant Professor, Italian “Italian Literature.” Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity. Daniel Patte, ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP (2010): 626-7. Paul Parsons Professor and Dean, School of Communication “Examination of Diversity Plans Suggests Six Key Factors during Economic Hard Times.” ASJMC Insights. (Winter 2010): 13-15. “Administrators from Around the World Identify Top Challenges.” ASJMC Administrator. (November 2010): 3-7. Paula N. Patch Lecturer, English “Meeting Student Writers Where They Are: Using Wikipedia to Teach Responsible Scholarship.” Teaching English in the Two-Year College, 37.3 (2010): 280-7. Rebecca Todd Peters Associate Professor, Religious Studies “Conflict and Solidarity Ethics: Difficult Conversations on Economics, Religion, and Culture.” College Theology Society Annual, 56 (2010). “The Politics of Power: Negotiating North-South Tensions Over Empire and Economics.” That They May All Be One. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2010. “Abortion,” “Birth Control and Contraception,” and “Pregnancy.” Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity. Daniel Patte, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Rebecca J. Pope-Ruark Assistant Professor, English “Know Thy Audience: Helping Students Engage a Threshold Concept Using Audience-Based Pedagogy.” International Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (January 2011). David J. Powell Professor, Computing Sciences “Requiring Web-Based Cloud and Mobile Computing in a Computer Science Undergraduate Curriculum.” with Hollingsworth, J. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Association for Computing Machinery Southeast Conference (March 2011): 19-24. “Teaching Web Programming Using the Google Cloud.” with Hollingsworth, J. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Association for Computing Machinery Southeast Regional Conference (April 2010): 1-5. Michael E. Pregill Assistant Professor and Distinguished Emerging Scholar, Religious Studies Review: The Making of a Forefather: Abraham in Islamic and Jewish Exegetical Narratives, by Shari Lowin. Review of Middle East Studies, 44.1 (2010): 104-106. Michael L. Rich Assistant Professor, Law “Coerced Informants and Thirteenth Amendment Limitations on the Police-Informant Relationship.” Santa Clara Law Review, 681 (2010) Linda Sabo Associate Professor, Performing Arts “Romanticism versus Realism or Choosing How Things Should be Over How They Are: The Historical Use of Spectacle to Subvert the Effects of Social Crisis.” Proceedings: Dance and Spectacle, Society of Dance History Scholars (2010): 271280.


Carol A. Smith Associate Professor, Health and Human Performance “Outdoor Adventure Program Retains New Students.” E-source for College Transitions, Special Print Edition (June 2010): 4-5. Gabie E. Smith Professor, Psychology “Predicting Women’s Alcohol Risk-Taking While Abroad.” with S. Klein. Women & Health, 50 (2010): 1-17. Kerstin Sorensen Assistant Professor, Political Science “Party Platforms and Public Childcare: Structural and Ideational Factors Shaping Policy in Norway and Sweden.” Scandinavian Political Studies, 34 (March 2011): 1-26. Megan Squire Associate Professor, Computing Sciences “Repositories with Public Data about Software Development.” with Gonzalez-Barahona, J., Izquierdo-Cortazar. International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, 2.2 (April-June 2010): 1-13. Bird B. Stasz Associate Professor, Education “Presence without Being Present: Reflection and Action in a Community of Practice.” with Mark Enfield. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 11.1 (2011): 108-118. “The Stitches Stayed: Creating Rapport around Women’s Work.” with Mary Clementine Wall. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 41.4 (2010): 360-369. R. Barth Strempek Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship “Integrated Business Core Curricula (Undergraduate): What Have We Learned in Over Twenty Years?” with Husted, S. W., and Gray, P. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 14 (2010). Terry M. Tomasek Assistant Professor, Education “Thinking Like a Ssssscientist!” with C. Scott & C.E. Matthews. Science and Children, 48 (September 2010): 38-42. Rissa M. Trachman Assistant Professor, Anthropology “PfBAP 2007-2010 Analysis of Obsidian, Select Operations: La Milpa Group B (Op B1), La Milpa Los Pisos Courtyard (Op A2), and Medicinal Trail Site Ops 7, and 12.” Research Reports from the Programme for Belize Archaeological Project, 5 (2011). “Preliminary Report of Investigations at the Site of Dos Hombres and the Surrounding Settlement, Summer 2010.” With Kirby Farah, Thomas Ewing, and Jana Murdock. Research Reports from the Programme for Belize Archaeological Project. 5 (2011). “Preliminary Report of the Dos Hombres Archaeological Project (DHAP), Summer 2009.” Research Reports from the Programme for Belize Archaeological Project, 4 (2010). Shawn R. Tucker Associate Professor, Art “Contrasting Utopias: Toward a Theoretical Framework for Modernism, the Avant-Garde, and Postmodernism.” Interdisciplinary Humanities, 27.2 (Fall 2010): 60-78. Matthew Valle Professor, Management “The New Reality: Holding On and Letting Go.” with O’Mara, K. J. Journal of Executive Education, 2 (2010): 11-17. “Using CVP Analysis to Enhance Student Understanding of Production Costs and Projected Profits.” Business Education Innovation Journal, 2.2 (2010): 29-34. “What Are the Elements of a Good Tax? An Illustration Using the Example of a Windfall Profits Tax.” with Cassill, A. D. Perspectives in Business, 7.1 (2010): 77-83. “The New Reality: Holding On and Letting Go.” with O’Mara, K. M. Proceedings of the 2010 Symposium on Executive Education. Atlanta, GA (2010).


Donna L. Van Bodegraven Associate Professor, Spanish “The Border Crossing Experience in Recent Mexican and Chicano Theater.” Beauty is in the Details: A Global View of Persons of Color. Lemuel Berry, Jr., ed. NAAAS and Affiliates (2010): 1437-52. [CD-ROM]. David B. Vandermast Assistant Professor, Biology and Environmental Studies “On the Scarcity of Red Spruce (Picea rubens) and Fraser Fir (Abies fraseri) in the Beech Gaps of Great Smoky Mountains National Park.” with Poteat, Monica. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science, 76.3 (2010): 98-104. Hal J. Walker Associate Professor, Sport and Event Management “Assessing the Use of Technology in Sport Management Curriculum.” with T. Weaver and A. Marx. North American Society for Sport Management. Sport Industry Research Center Temple University: Philadelphia, PA (June, 2010): 482-483. “Fundraising and Special Events: A Great Partnership.” with J. Lim and B. Romsa. Sport Entertainment and Venues Tomorrow. John Grady, ed. University of South Carolina Department of Sport and Entertainment Management: Columbia, SC, (November 2010): 15-16. Darrell B. Warner Associate Professor, Human Service Studies “Increasing the Rigor of the Human Services Practicum.” with Esposito, J. Proceedings from 2009 National Organization for Human Services National Conference. Portland, OR (June 2010). Anthony G. Weaver Assistant Professor, Sport and Event Management “TCU's Journey to National Recognition.” College Sports Business News, 14 (March 2011). “Pac-10 Faces both Revenue and Expense Pressure.” College Sports Business News. 10 (November 2010). “Assessing the Use of Technology in Sport Management Curriculum.” with H. Walker and A. Marx. North American Society for Sport Management. Sport Industry Research Center Temple University: Philadelphia, PA (June 2010): 482-483. “Reclassifying Prestige: The Influence of History on the Decision to Reclassify to Division I: A Case Study.” Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 3 (2010): 131-153. Linda A. Wilmshurst Associate Professor, Psychology “Resilience and Well-Being in College Students with and without a Diagnosis of ADHD.” with Peele, M. Journal of Attention Disorders, 15 (January 2011): 11-17. Pamela D. Winfield Assistant Professor, Religious Studies “The Mandala as Metropolis.” Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia. Charles Orzech, Richard Payne, and Henrik Sørensen eds. Handbook of Oriental Studies (Handbuch der Orientalistik, Section 4-China, vol. 24). Leiden, Boston: Brill Publishers (2011): 719-743. “State of the Fields: Recent Contributions to Japanese Art History and Religious Studies.” Religious Studies Review, 36.3 (September 2010): 199-205. “The Niche.” The Book of Images: Reflections on Symbols. Cologne, Germany: Taschen Publishers (2010): 618-619. Review: Buddhist Materiality: A Cultural History of Objects in Japanese Religion. by Fabio Rambelli. H-Buddhism (July, 2010). h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=26312.


Qian Xu Assistant Professor, Communications “Designing Interactivity in Media Interfaces: A Communications Perspective.” with S. S. Sundar & S. Bellur. Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM SIGCHI) 28 (April 2010): 2247-2256. “Modality is the Message: Interactivity Effect on Perception and Engagement.” with S. S. Sundar, S. Bellur, J. Oh, & H. Jia. Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM SIGCHI) 28 (April 2010): 4105-4110.


Books Janna Quitney Anderson Associate Professor, Communications Challenges and Opportunities: The Future of the Internet, IV. with L. Rainie. Cambria Press. Amherst, NY, 2011. Brooke Barnett Associate Professor of Communications and Faculty Administrative Fellow An Introduction to Visual Theory and Practice in the Digital Age. with Copeland, D. Makemson, H. and Motley, P. Peter Lang, NY, 2011. Ann J. Cahill Overcoming Objectification: A Carnal Ethics. NY: Routledge, 2010.

Professor, Philosophy

David A. Copeland A. J. Fletcher Professor, Communications Introduction to Visual Theory and Practice in the Digital World. wiith Brooke Barnett, Harlen Makemson and Phillip Motley. Peter Lang, NY, 2011. Steven I. Friedland Professor of Law and Senior Scholar Evidence Law and Practice, Teacher’s Manual. with Bergman and Taslitz. Lexis Publishing Co. NY, 4th Ed., 2010. Supplement to Constitutional Law: Cases, Materials and Problems. with Weaver, Hancock, Lively and Scott. Aspen Pub. NY, 2010. Barbara L. Gordon Associate Professor, English Breast Cancer Recurrence and Advanced Disease: Comprehensive Expert Guidance. with Heather S. Shaw S., David Kroll, and Brooke Danie, Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 2010. Jason A. Kirk Assistant Professor, Political Science India and the World Bank: The Politics of Aid and Influence, Anthem Press, NY, 2010. Yoram Lubling Professor, Philosophy The Person Vanishes: John Dewey's Philosophy of Experience and the Self. Peter Lang Publishing, NY, 2011. Harlen E. Makemson

Associate Professor, Communications

An Introduction to Visual Theory and Practice in the Digital Age. with Brooke Barnett, David Copeland, Phillip Motley, Peter Lang Publishing, NY, 2011. Jon F. Metzger Associate Professor, Music Recordings: The Blue and Green Project (with Jack Wilkins, Danny Gottleib, Corey Christianson, and Per Danielsson), Clavebop Records, Tampa, FL, 2010 The Stream of Pearls (with Claire Ritter), Zoning Records, Charlotte, NC, 2010. (Documentary Film) Samuele F.S. Pardini Assistant Professor, Italian The Devil Gets His Due. The Uncollected Essays of Leslie Fiedler, ed. and with an introduction by Samuele F. S. Pardini. Soft Sjull Press, NY, 2010. (Paperback edition) Kirstin Ringelberg Associate Professor, Art History Redefining Gender in American Impressionist Studio Paintings: Work Place/Domestic Space. Ashgate Publishing Company: Aldershot, UK and Burlington, VT, 2010.


Sharon Spray Associate Professor, Political Science Research and Writing in International Relations, 2nd Edition. with Laura Roselle. Addison Wesley Longman, NY, 2011. Thomas K. Tiemann Jefferson Pilot Professor, Economics Introductory Business Statistics. The Global Text Project. Athens, Georgia. 2010. globaltext.terry.uga.edu/home. Catherine J. Wasson Associate Professor, Law A Practical Guide to Legal Writing & Legal Method, 4th ed. with John C. Dernbach, et al., Aspen Publishers, Boston, MA 2010. Teacher’s Manual, A Practical Guide to Legal Writing & Legal Method, 4th ed.; with John C. Dernbach, et al., Aspen Publishers, Boston, MA, 2010. Linda A. Wilmshurst Associate Professor, Psychology Child and Adolescent Psychopathology: A Casebook, 2 E. Sage Publication, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2011. The Complete Guide to Special Education, 2 E. with Brue, A. Jossey Bass, Hoboken, NJ, 2010.


Presentations Meredith L.J. Allison Assistant Professor, Psychology “Crime Beliefs: Stereotypes of Criminals and Crime Victims.” Poster presented at the 4th International Congress on Psychology and Law, Miami, FL, March 2011. “Alibi Evidence: When do Mock Jurors find Alibis Hard to Believe?” Poster presented at the 4th International Congress on Psychology and Law, Miami, FL, March 2011. “Crime and Punishment: How Much d o Students Really Know?” Poster presented at the Southern Criminal Justice Association Meeting, Clearwater, FL, September 2010. “Age-Related Differences in Memory for Crime Information: Behavioral and Electrophysiological Evidence.” Poster presented at the Annual Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 2010. Amy L. Allocco Assistant Professor, Religious Studies “Shakti and the Celibate Body.” American Academy of Religion Southeastern Region Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, March 4-6, 2011. “Nagas in the Kali Yuga: Reverence, Fear, and Karmic Retribution.” Rethinking the Nonhuman: Asian, Continental, and Comparative Perspectives Workshop, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, September 2010. Janna Quitney Anderson Associate Professor, Communications “Internet Evolution: Hyperconnected, Hyper-real.” South By Southwest Interactive Conference, Austin, TX, March 15, 2011. “Imagining the Internet.” Danish Top Executives Summit: Prepare for Developmental Leaps, Innovation Junctions, and Exponential Growth. Video speaking appearance also televised on Danish National Television, Copenhagen, Denmark, January 24, 2011. “The Distributed Future.” NSDL Conference: Celebrating a Digital Decade and Envisioning the Next, National Science Digital Library, Washington, DC, November 2, 2010. “What’s Next for the Net? Unique Perspectives on Online Trends.” ConvergeSouth Conference, Greensboro, NC, October 1, 2010. “The iPad Initiative: What We Have Learned.” Broadcast Education Association Regional Conference, Elon University, Elon, NC, September 2010. “Internet Evolution: Where Hyperconnectivity and Ambient Intimacy Take Us.” World Future 2010: Sustainable Futures, Strategies, and Technologies, Boston, MA, July 11, 2010. “The Future of the Internet.” National Geographic hosts Digital Capital Week, Washington, DC, June 15, 2010. “The New Networked Citizens.” Policy@Google talk. Mountain View, CA, May 20, 2010. “The Future of the Web.” World Wide Web 2010 FutureWeb Conference. Raleigh, NC, April 28, 2010. Chad Awtrey Assistant Professor, Mathematics “Computing Galois Groups of p-adic Fields.” North Carolina Academy of Science, Elon, NC, March 25-26, 2011.


“Totally and Tamely Ramifed Sextic Extensions of Local Fields.” American Mathematical Society, New Orleans, LA, January 6-9, 2011. Elizabeth K. Bailey Lecturer, Health and Human Performance “The Effect of Participation in a Program Offering Mentorship, Sports Instruction, and Education by 4-5th Grade Boys on Measures of Self Esteem, Body Image, and Aggression.” American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, June 1-4, 2011. Brooke Barnett Associate Professor of Communications and Faculty Administrative Fellow “Bringing Expert Voices into the Classroom through a Documentary Production Project.” Media and Civil Rights Conference, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, March 2011. “Diversity Revisited: and What about a Gender Plan?” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, August 2010. Steven A. Bednar Assistant Professor, Economics “Campaigning and Election Outcomes: Evidence from the 2008 Democratic Primaries.” Midwest Economics Association Annual Meetings, St Louis, MO, March 18-20, 2011. “Campaigning and Election Outcomes: Evidence from the 2008 Democratic Primaries.” Midwest Political Science Annual Meetings, Chicago, IL, March 31 - April 3, 2011. Lynne Bisko Assistant Professor, Library “Beyond Books: Cataloging Non-Print Resources.” North Carolina Library Association Resources & Technical Services Section Fall Workshop, Greensboro, NC, September 30, 2010. Walter R. Bixby Associate Professor, Exercise Science “An Examination of the Feeling Scale to Prescribe Exercise Intensity.” American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, MD, June 1-5, 2010. “The Effect of Acute Quercetin Supplementation on HR, Core Temperature, and Exercise Performance.” American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, MD, June 1-5, 2010. “The Effects of Imagery on Performance and Pain Perception Associated with Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness.” American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, MD, June 1-5, 2010. “A Test of the Transient Hypofrontality Theory during and following Exercise of Varying Intensities.” American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, MD, June 1-5, 2010. “Effects of CLA Supplementation on Muscle Performance and Lean Mass following Seven Weeks of Exercise.” American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, MD, June 1-5, 2010. “The Effects of Acute Quercetin Supplementation on Cognitive Function during Prolonged Exercise.” American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, MD, June 1-5, 2010. Anne E. Bolin Professor, Sociology and Anthropology “Dispatches from the Field.” Annual Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Seattle, WA, March 29-April 3, 2011. “Symposium: Integrating Undergraduate Research into a Professional Project.” Annual Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Seattle, WA, March 29-April 3, 2011. “Gender Leakage: Complicating the Terrain of Sex through Gender.” Symposium: Pink, Blue and Rainbow: Anthropologists Discuss Gender in the Classroom, Annual Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Seattle, WA, March 29-April 3, 2011.


“Complicating Gender: Border Crossings and Back.” Keynote Address for The Cultural Anthropology Graduate Speaker Series, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, March 18, 2011. Cherie L. Bower Assistant Professor, Dance “Ballet Technique for High School Ages.” North Carolina Dance Association, Elon University, Elon, NC, September 10-12, 2010. “Intermediate/Advanced Ballet Technique.” American College Dance Festival Association Mid-Atlantic Conference, Elon University, Elon, NC, March 23-25, 2011. Kevin B. Boyle Professor, English “Going through the Body for the Building of Metaphor: Yusef Komunyakaa, Lucille Clifton, Rodney Jones, Sharon Olds, William Matthews, Olga Broumas and a Hint of Crushed Derrida.” Philological Association of the Carolinas, Asheville, NC, March 17-19, 2011. Matthew T. Buckmaster Assistant Professor, Music “Transformative Collaborations: One-on-One Undergraduate Educational Experiences.” Humanities Education and Research Association's Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 3, 2011. “The Effects of Learning Jazz Improvisation on Student Performance in Second Language Acquisition.” North Carolina Music Educators' Conference. Winston-Salem, NC, Nov. 8, 2010. Scott H. Buechler Assistant Professor, Business Communications “Blogging Our Way to Consensus.” Association of Business Communications, Chicago, IL, October 27-30, 2010. John J. Burbridge, Jr. Professor, Business Administration “Is 27 the Optimal Age for Player Performance?” Poster presentation at the Society for American Baseball Research Convention (SABR 40), Atlanta, GA, August 5, 2010. “The 1960 World Series: The Other Second Baseman.” Society of American Baseball Convention (SABR 40), Atlanta, GA, August 5, 2010. Samuel A. Butler Assistant Professor, Philosophy “Solidarity and Autonomy: An American Response to Brunkhorst and Habermas.” Critical Theory Roundtable, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, October 23-24, 2010. E. Stephen Byrd Assistant Professor, Education “Family Involvement and RTI: One School’s Approach.” North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Twin Cities, Winston-Salem, NC, February 2-4, 2011. “Infusing Family Involvement into Teacher Education: Lessons Learned at Elon University.” Annual Teacher Education Forum, Raleigh, NC, September 23-24, 2010. Ann J. Cahill Professor, Philosophy “Critical Thinking through Deliberative Practice.” Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, Greensboro, NC, February 2-4, 2011. “Driving Stick and Making Meaning: The Promise of a Liberal Arts Education.” College Board Forum, Washington, DC, October 27-29, 2010. “Critical Thinking through Deliberative Practice.” American Association of Philosophy Teacher’s Eighteenth Biennial International Workshop/Conference On Teaching Philosophy, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC, July 29August 2, 2010.


Michael I. Carignan Associate Professor, History “Strengths, Challenges, and Strategies: Integrating Faculty Development, Scholarship, and Undergraduate Research Mentoring.” Creativity, Inquiry, and Discovery: Undergraduate Research In and Across the Disciplines, Durham, NC, September 2-3, 2010. “In Medias Res: George Eliot and the Crisis of Historicism.” British Scholar Conference, Austin, TX, March 31-April 2, 2011. Jeffrey W. Clark “Undergraduate Research and LaTeX.” MathFest, Pittsburgh, PA, August 5, 2010.

Professor, Mathematics

“Mentoring Undergraduate Research for All Mathematics Majors.” New Orleans, LA, January 7, 2011. “Using Python to Teach Numerical Analysis.” International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Denver, CO, March 18, 2011. Jeffrey S. Coker Associate Professor, Biology “Inquiry-Based Activities to Accompany the 12 Principles of Plant Biology.” National Science Teachers Association. San Francisco, CA, January 26-29, 2011. “Education Outreach: Strategies for Broadening the Impact of Your Research.” American Society of Plant Biologists, Montréal, Canada, August 1, 2010. “Inquiry-Based Activities to Accompany the 12 Principles of Plant Biology.” American Society of Plant Biologists, Montréal, Canada, August 2, 2010. David A. Copeland A. J. Fletcher Professor, Communications “Reading Heads to Justify Slavery: Phrenology in the Press of Antebellum America.” American Journalism Historian Association, Tucson, AZ, October 2010. Glenda W. Crawford Professor, Education “Applying Ethnographic Inquiry to Deepen University Student Learning: Cross-Disciplinary Academic Service-Learning.” International Conference on Education, Economy & Society, Paris, France, July 21-24, 2010. Tony Crider Associate Professor, Physics “Including Science Labs in The Trial of Galileo.” Annual Summer Institute at Barnard College, New York, NY, June 10-13, 2010. “Reacting and the Craft of Teaching.” Annual Summer Institute at Barnard College, New York, NY, June 10-13, 2010. “Reacting to the Past: Role-playing in the Science Classroom.” North Carolina Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Davidson, NC, October 22-23, 2010. “Reacting to the Past and General Studies Classes.” Regional Faculty Conference at Newman University, Wichita, KS, February 25-27, 2011. “Reacting to the Past: The Pluto Debate.” Association of American Colleges and Universities, Miami, FL, March 24-26, 2011. Stephen B. DeLoach Professor, Economics “The Fast and the Curious: The Effect of Gas Prices on Teenage Study Time.” Eastern Economic Association, Philadelphia, PA, February 2010. “Creating Quality Undergraduate Research Programs in Economics: How, When, Where (and Why).” Allied Social Science Associations (AEA), Denver, CO, January 7-9, 2011. “Creating Quality Undergraduate Research Programs in Economics: How, When, Where (and Why).” Western Economic Association, Portland, OR, July 2010.


Cassandra E. DiRienzo

Associate Professor, Economics, and Associate Dean, Martha and Spencer Love School or Business “Tourism Competitiveness and the Role of Diversity: A Cross-Country Analysis.” The 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Cultural Heritage and Tourism (CUHT 2010), Corfu Island, Greece, July 22 – 24, 2010. Samantha DiRosa Assistant Professor, Art and Environmental Studies “Gathering Dust: Sediment/Sentiment.” Geo-Aesthetics in the Anthropocene Conference, Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD, May 2010. L. Kimberly Epting Assistant Professor, Psychology “Writing Outside the Lines: Considerations and Data on Controlling Variables of Self-Editing.” Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis, Asheville, NC, November 4-6, 2010. Judy F. Esposito Associate Professor, Human Service Studies “Beyond the Classroom Role-Play: Creative Approaches for Teaching Counseling Skills.” North Carolina Counseling Association, Concord Mills/Charlotte, NC, February 18, 2011. Benjamin A. Evans Assistant Professor, Physics “Highly-Controllable Near-Surface Swimming of Magnetic Nanorods.” March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Dallas, TX, March 21-25, 2010. Daniel A. Evans Assistant Professor, Physics “Do AGN Outflows Cease Star Formation? A New Technique Based on Ultradeep Chandra HETG Observations of NGC 1068.” The Ins and Outs of Black Holes, Annapolis, MD, November 15-17, 2010. “The Chandra X-ray Observatory and Its’ Contribution to Studying the Energetics of Black Holes.” Colloquium, University of Notre Dame, IN, March 2011. “Outflows in the Universe.” Snowbird Workshop on Particle Astrophysics, Astronomy & Cosmology (SnowPAC), Snowbird, UT, February 2011. “The Triggering and Cosmological Impact of Radio-Loud and Radio-Quiet AGN Outflows.” Colloquium, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC, November 2010. “Do AGN Outflows Cease Star Formation? A New Technique Based on Ultradeep Chandra HETG Observations of NGC 1068.” What Drives the Growth of Black Holes?, Durham, UK, July 2010. “A New Spin on Spin: Energy Transport from Black Holes and the Cosmological Evolution of Black Hole Spin.” NASA Goddard Colloquium, Greenbelt, MD, June 2010. Cynthia D. Fair Associate Professor, Human Service Studies “Facilitating Undergraduate Research in the Global Context: Successes and Challenges.” AAC&U Global Conference Essential Learning, Student Success, and the Currency of U.S. Degrees AAC&U Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, January 26-30, 2011. “Integrating Faculty Development, Scholarship, and Undergraduate Research Mentoring.” AAC&U conference on Creativity, Inquiry, and Discovery: Undergraduate Research In and Across the Disciplines, Durham, NC, November, 2010. “’Listen to Us’: Working Conditions and Hopes for the Future for HIV-Related Maternal Health Care among Healthcare Providers and Student Nurses in Cape Town, South Africa.” International AIDS Conference, Vienna, Austria. July, 2010.


Peter G. Felten

Associate Professor of History, Assistant Provost, and Director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning “Scholarly Teaching and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.” Carolinas Writing Program Administrators Meeting, Charlotte, NC, February 2011. “Linking Faculty Development with Global Learning and Student Success.” AAC&U National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, January 2011. “Writing about Educational Development Issues for a Broader Audience.” POD Network Conference, St. Louis, MO, October 2010. “Faculty Development during a Time of Crisis in Higher Education: Presidential Address.” POD Network Conference, St. Louis, MO, October 2010. “Authentic SoTL: Partnering with Local Communities for Meaningful Scholarship of Teaching & Learning.” International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Liverpool, UK, October 2010. “Changing Participants in Pedagogical Planning: Students as Co-Creators of Courses, Curricula, and Teaching Approaches.” International Consortium for Educational Development Biennial Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 2010. “How Should Creative Teaching Be Evaluated?” Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, June 2010. “‘This Course Is Different Because I Care So Much’: Teaching for Deep Learning: Opening Plenary.” Appalachian College Association Teaching & Learning Institute, Brevard, NC, June 2010. “Low Impact Educational Practices: Plenary.” Appalachian College Association Presidents/Deans Annual Conference, Milligan, TN, June 2010. Michelle P.B. Ferrier Associate Professor, Communications “What to Do, What not to Do, Where to Turn, and What Success Looks Like.” BlogHer Business | Entrepreneurship | Technology, Silicon Valley, CA, March 24-25, 2011. “New Media Women Entrepreneurs.” Washington, DC, November 8, 2010. Eric M. Fink Maurice Jennings Emerging Scholar and Associate Professor, Law “The Virtual Construction of Legality: Griefers, Vigilantes & Legal Consciousness in the Second Life Virtual World.” Southeastern Association of Law Schools (SEALS), Palm Beach, FL, August 1, 2010. “The Virtual Construction of Legality: Griefers, Vigilantes & Legal Consciousness in the Second Life Virtual World.” Law & Society Association, Chicago, IL, May 28, 2010 “The Future of Intellectual Property & the Web.” Future Web 2010 Conference, Raleigh, NC, April 29, 2010. Linda M. Formato Associate Professor, Performing Arts “Master Class in Theatre Dance.” Moscow Summer School for Russian Musical Actors, Moscow, Russia, June/ July 2010. “Alumni Connections.” Music Theatre Educators Alliance International (MTEA) Conference, Austin, TX, January 2011. “The Range and Scope of Musical Theatre Training.” Music Theatre Educators Alliance International (MTEA) Conference, Austin, TX, January 2011. “Master Class in Theatre Dance.” Hope College, Hope, MI, May 2010.


“Master Classes in Musical Theatre Dance.” Dance Masters of America National Teachers Training School, Buffalo, NY, July 2010. “Master Class in Theatre Dance.” Dance Masters of Southeast Texas in Houston Texas, November 2010. “Master Class in Theatre Dance.” Dance Masters of Ohio, Cleveland, OH, March 2010. Martin C. Fowler Lecturer, Philosophy “How to Belong with a One-Way Ticket to Mars.” First Conference on Spirituality in the 21st Century, Prague, Czech Republic, March 2011. “Using The Ethical Practice of Critical Thinking in the Classroom.” American Association of Philosophy Teachers Conference, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC, July 31, 2010. “Wildlife Sanctuaries as Community Partners.” Annual Symposium on Service Learning and Civic Engagement, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC, June 10, 2010. Jane Freund Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Education “Locomotor Training in a Person with Multiple Sclerosis.” American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 9-12, 2011. Steven I. Friedland Senior Scholar, Professor, Law “Developments in Florida Evidence Law.” FL Circuit Judges Judicial Conference, Marco Island, FL, July 28, 2010. “The Future of Law Books: Five Things I Would Like to See Come to Fruition.” Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Conference, Plenary Session, West Palm Beach, FL, July 30, 2010. “North Carolina and Fourth Circuit Developments in Criminal Law.” North Carolina Bar Association Continuing Legal Education Program, Greensboro, NC, November 19, 2010. “Lawyering as Leadership: Creating Community Leaders in the Law School of the Future.” Society of American Law Teachers Bi-Annual Teaching Conference, Honolulu, HI, December 10, 2010. “Techno-Privacy in a Digital Age.” Continuing Legal Education Program, Greensboro, NC, January 20, 2011. “Changing Legal Education One Archetypal Structure at a Time: Why Architectural Form Matters as Much as Educational Content.” Western Ontario School of Law Faculty Colloquium, London, Ontario, March 3, 2011. Heidi G. Frontani Professor, Geography “The Peace Corps and National Service in Ghana: 1961-2011.” The Peace Corps and Africa: Honoring 50 Years, Madison, WI, March 24-26, 2011. Stephen A. Futrell Associate Professor, Music “Art is in the Details: It’s a Food of Love Thing,” and “Vocal Jazz Nuts & Bolts: Style, Rehearsal Techniques & Sound Reinforcement.” Four Corners Choral Conference Arizona ACDA, Flagstaff, AZ, June 17-19, 2010. Master class, Oklahoma State University Jazz Studies, Oklahoma City, OK, November 12-15, 2010. Amanda H. Gallagher Assistant Professor, Communications “Moving Out of the Spotlight? An Analysis of Playboy Centerfolds’ Career Goals and Ambitions, 1977-2001.” Entertainment Studies Interest Group of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference, Denver, CO, August 2010. “Shining a Bright Light: An Analysis of Race and Identity in Online Messages.” Entertainment Studies Interest Group of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference, Denver, CO, August 2010.


Kathy Gallucci Associate Professor, Biology “A Chromatid is not a Homologue.” Annual Conference of the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT), Minneapolis, MN, November 3-6, 2010. “Student Perceptions of Learning Gains with Case Studies.” Poster presentation at Eleventh Annual Conference on Case Study Teaching in Science, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, September 24-25, 2010. David E. Gammon Assistant Professor, Biology “Syntactical Patterns of Vocal Mimicry Reflect Taxonomy of Imitated Species.” Animal Behavior Society, Williamsburg, VA, July 25-29, 2010. “Science Without Borders for the Nonscientist.” International Conference on Science in Society, Madrid, Spain, Nov 1113, 2010. “The Mobile Science Center: Promoting Science Literacy through Service-Learning.” International Conference on Science in Society, Madrid, Spain, Nov 11-13, 2010. Mina Garcia-Soormally Assistant Professor, Spanish “Conversion as a Colonizing Experiment: Fray Hernando de Talavera and the First Franciscans in New Spain.” Dominant Discourses, guarded voices: Religion and Society in Spain and its Empire 14th-16th Centuries, Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, NC, October 21-22. Evan A. Gatti Assistant Professor, Art History “A Bishop’s Blessing on the Border or In-Between: The Frontispiece in the Benedictional of Engilmar.” Bishop Saints and Saintly Bishops, sponsored by Hagiotheca and the Hagiography Society, Porec, Croatia, May 27-30, 2010. “Images on the Edge and About the Center: ‘Ottonian’ Art in Northern Italy.” Art History on the Edge: Art and Architecture in the Provinces of the Medieval World(s) International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, MI, May 13-16, 2010. Scott W. Gaylord Associate Professor, Law “Neutrality and Accommodation at the 'Cross'-Roads.” Loyola Constitutional Law Colloquium, Chicago, IL, November 5, 2010. “Judicial Selection in North Carolina: Preserving Accountability and Independence.” Judicial Independence Committee of the North Carolina Bar Association, Greensboro, NC, October 4, 2010. “Maxims, Monarchy, and Sir Thomas More: Dilemmas, Debates, Decisions.” National Foundation for Judicial Reform, Belmont Abbey College, NC, July 14, 2010. Mathew H. Gendle Associate Professor, Psychology “Can the 8 Coil Shakti Alter Subjective Emotional Experience? A Randomized, Placebo Controlled Study.” Symposium for Young Neuroscientists and Professors of the Southeast (SYNAPSE), Winston-Salem, NC, March 26, 2011. “Effect of Crude Kava Extract on Halstead Category Test Performance in Young Adults.” Symposium for Young Neuroscientists and Professors of the Southeast (SYNAPSE), Winston-Salem, NC, March 26, 2011. “Beauregard and the ‘New’ Dualism: An Emergentist Response.” Toward a Science of Consciousness, Tucson, AZ, April 13-17, 2010. Russell B. Gill Maude Sharpe Powell Professor of English and Distinguished University Professor “Authoritative Form in the Works of Dryden and Wren.” South-Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Saint Simons Island, GA, February 19, 2011.


Jessica Gisclair Associate Professor, Communications “Prescribed Ethics: Media Coverage of an Olympic Sprinter.” Joint Conference of the National Popular Culture and American Culture Associations, St. Louis, MO, April 2010. “Let’s Talk Ethics! Public Relations and Marketing Seminar.” North Carolina Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America, Chapel Hill, NC, November 2010. Sarah L. Glasco Assistant Professor, French “The Zidanization of France: Myth or Reality? Teaching and Debating Contemporary France through Literature, Film and Popular Music.” The International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Orlando, FL, March 21-24, 2011. "The Zidanization of France: Myth or Reality? Colonization, Decolonization, Immigration, and the Changing Face of France.” Foreign Language Association of North Carolina (FLANC) Conference, Raleigh, NC, October 1-2, 2010. Neeraj J. Gupta Assistant Professor, Finance “Stock Market Reaction to Intangible Customer Asset Investments Compared to Tangible Asset Investments.” Southern Finance Association Conference, Asheville, NC, November 17-20, 2010. “Do Investors Use Customer Metrics to Value High Growth Service Firms?” Eastern Finance Association Conference, FL, April 14-17, 2010. “Stock Return Impact of Significant Changes in Customer Acquisition and Service Spending.” Eastern Finance Association Conference, FL, April 14-17, 2010. Gregory J. Haenel Associate Professor, Biology “Hybridization in Tree Lizards: Biased Movement of Loci across Species Lines.” Joint Meetings of the Society for the Study of Evolution, The American Society of Naturalists, and the Society of Systematic Biologists, Portland, OR, June 25-29, 2010. Andrew J. Haile Assistant Professor, Law “Taxing Internet Sales: The Battle Between States and Retailers.” AALS Annual Meeting Hot Topics Panel, San Francisco, CA, January 6, 2011. “Re-Writing Quill: Taxing E-Commerce.” 5th Annual Junior Tax Scholars Workshop, Notre Dame Law School, June 11, 2010. Eric E. Hall Associate Professor, Exercise Science “The Influence of Carbohydrate-Electrolyte Solution Ingestion on Exercise Performance in a Warm Environment.” Southeast American College of Sports Medicine, Greenville, SC, February 2011. “The Influence of Concussion History on Cognitive Performance in College Athletes.” Southeast American College of Sports Medicine, Greenville, SC, February 2011. “Does Exergaming Achieve the Same Levels of Fitness Intensity as Mentor-based Physical Activity?” Southeast American College of Sports Medicine, Greenville, SC, February 2011. “The Effects of an Acute Overspeed Warm-Up on Sprint Performance in Collegiate Athletes.” Southeast American College of Sports Medicine, Greenville, SC, February 2011. “Exergaming in Adults: Can Appropriate Intensity Levels be Achieved for Health Benefits.” Southeast American College of Sports Medicine, Greenville, SC, February 2011. “The Effect of Exercise Intensity on Interference Control during and following Acute Aerobic Cycling.” Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, October 2010.


“Effects of Acute Exercise on Opiate and Cigarette Craving in Methadone Patients.” American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, MD, June 2010. “An Examination of the Feeling Scale to Prescribe Exercise Intensity.” American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, MD, June 2010. “Effects of Distraction on Running Mechanics.” American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, MD, June 2010. “The Effect of Acute Quercetin Supplementation on HR, Core Temperature, and Exercise Performance.” American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, MD, June 2010. “The Effects of Imagery on Performance and Pain Perception Associated with Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness.” American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, MD, June 2010. “A Test of the Transient Hypofrontality Theory during and following Exercise of Varying Intensities.” American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, MD, June 2010. “Effects of CLA Supplementation on Muscle Performance and Lean Mass following Seven Weeks of Exercise.” American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, MD, June 2010. “The Effects of Acute Quercetin Supplementation on Cognitive Function during Prolonged Exercise.” American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, MD, June 2010. “Weight Loss Strategies Used by First Year College Students: An Exploratory Study.” Society of Behavioral Medicine, Seattle, WA, April 2010. “The Influence of Physical Activity and Self-Esteem on Body Image in First Year College Students.” Society of Behavioral Medicine, Seattle, WA, April 2010. Sirena Hargrove-Leak Assistant Professor, Physics and Engineering “Using PBS’ Design Squad in Undergraduate Engineering Courses.” National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA) 15th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., March 24-26, 2011. Nancy E. Harris

Associate Professor of Biology and Associate Dean, Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences “Transforming Challenges into Opportunities or How to Make Lemonade out of Lemons.” Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, New Orleans, LA, November 10-13, 2010. Rosemary A. Haskell Professor, English “Adam Dalgleish and the Burning Witch Meet MI5: Overlapping Genres and P. D. James's Anti-Feminist Backlash in Devices and Desires.” Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900, Louisville, KY, February 24-26, 2011. Ken Hassell Associate Professor, Art “Artists as Literate Activists/Doer.” Southeastern College Art Conference (SECAC), Richmond, Virginia, November 2023, 2010. Earl D. Honeycutt, Jr. Professor, Marketing “Personality Traits of Hunters vs. Farmers: Exploring the Differential Effects of Need for Cognition and Self-Monitoring.” SMA Proceedings, Atlanta, GA, November 4-7, 2010. Steven D. House Professor of Biology, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs “The Rewards and Challenges of Comprehensive Internationalization.” Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) 97th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, January 26-29, 2011.


“Teaching Global Citizenship Across Campus.” Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) 97th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, January 26-29, 2011. Lynn R. Huber Associate Professor, Religious Studies “’Coming into Wedding’: Reading Revelation’s Bridal Imagery through the Paintings of Myrtice West and Gertrude Morgan.” John’s Apocalypse and Cultural Contexts Program Unit, Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Nov. 2010. “Revealing/Rejecting Roman Family Values: Revelation as a Queer Critique of Empire.” LGBT/ Queer Hermeneutics Program Unit, Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Nov. 2010. “Revealing and Resisting: Thinking about a Queer Hermeneutics through the Lens of Revelation.” Annual Meeting of Southeastern Commission Commission on the Study of Religion in Louisville, KY, March 4-6, 2011. Dugald R. Hutchings Assistant Professor, Computing Sciences “Design & Evaluation of an Image-based Authentication System for Small Touch-screens.” The 2010 International Conference on Security and Management, Las Vegas, NV, July 12-15, 2010. “Controlling Information Display in Larger Pixel Spaces: A Study of Window Snipping by Multiple-Monitor Users.” 2010 ACM Southeast Conference, Oxford, MS, April 15-17, 2010. Charles F. Irons Associate Professor, History “In Search of Their Own Vine and Fig Tree: Black Baptists’ Uneven Postwar Path to Ecclesiastical Separation.” The Southern Historical Association, Charlotte, NC, November 4-7, 2010. “Ecclesiastical Segregation and the Millennium.” Millennialism and Providentialism in the Era of the American Civil War (Sponsored by Rice University), Houston, TX, October 1-2, 2010. Antonio D. Izzo Assistant Professor, Biology “Elon’s Biology Cabinet: An IT/Faculty Partnership in Online Resource Development.” EDUCAUSE Southeast Regional Conference, Charlotte, NC, June 2011. “Fungal Population Response to Increased Temperatures in Soil.” North Carolina Academy of Sciences Meeting, Elon, NC, March 2011 “The Online Biology Cabinet: A New Model for Faculty Creation of Video Resources in Science Lab Instruction.” Lily Conference of Teaching and Technology, Greensboro, NC, Feb. 2011. Martin J. Kamela Associate Professor, Physics “Ethical Partnerships in International Service-Learning.” Gulf South Summit, Roanoke, VA, March 2-4, 2011. “The Mobile Science Center: Promoting Science Literacy through Service-Learning.” Second International Conference on Science in Society, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, November 11-13, 2010. “Experiments in Intermediate Mechanics.” AAPT National Meeting, Portland, OR, July 17-21, 2010. “The Traveling Science Center: Students Learn the Joys of Teaching Abroad.” AAPT National Meeting, Portland, OR, July 17-21, 2010. Margaret Robison Kantlehner Associate Professor, Law “Meeting of the Minds: Intersections of Experience, Exploration, and Education at Elon University School of Law.” International Leadership Association’s 12th Annual Global Conference, Boston, MA, October 2010. “Estate Planning in the Middle of Everywhere: Representing Low Income Vietnamese Immigrant and Refugee Homeowners in the Wills Drafting Clinic.” Clinical Law Review Workshop, New York University School of Law, New York, NY, October 2010.


Howard E. Katz Professor, Law “Judicial Activism, Regime Politics, and the U.S. Supreme Court.” Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, March 2011. “Things I Wish I Had Thought About More (Early in My Teaching Career).” Association of American Law Schools Workshop for New Law School Teachers, Washington, DC, June 2010. “Negotiation as a Foundational Skill.” Transactional Education: What’s Next Conference, Emory Univ. Law School, Atlanta, GA, June 2010. Caroline J. Ketcham Assistant Professor, Exercise Science “Core Muscle Activation and Kinetics of a Passe Balance.” South East American College of Sports Medicine. Greenville, SC, February 3, 2011. “The Biomechanical Differences between Novice and Advanced Dancers when Performing Tendus, Dégagés, and Battements.” International Association of Dance and Medicine, Birmingham, UK, October 30, 2010. “One and Two-Leg Balance Measures Using Wii Fit in Young and Older Adults.” Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November, 17, 2010. Catherine A. King Associate Professor, Psychology “Combining Resources for Educational Development: Strategies to Enhance College Writing.” Professional & Organizational Development Conference, St. Louis, MO, November 3-7, 2010. Cassandra L. Kircher Associate Professor, English “Walking Towards Everything New: A Russian Adoption Memoir.” Adoption: Secret Histories, Public Policies Conference, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, April 29-May 2, 2010. “Teaching the Disjunctive Essay Visually.” Associated Writers Program Conference, Denver, CO, April 7-10 2010. Jason A. Kirk Assistant Professor, Political Science “Student Perceptions of a Role-Playing Simulation in an Undergraduate International Relations Course.” American Political Science Association Teaching & Learning Conference, Albuquerque, NM, February 2011. Ryan W. Kirk Assistant Professor, Geography & Environmental Studies “New Opportunities for Geographic Research in NC Using Current and Historic Parcels Data.” North Carolina Property Mappers Association, Greensboro, NC, October 5-8, 2010. Mary Knight-McKenna Assistant Professor, Education “Preventing Reading Difficulties: Navigating Literacy Learning with the GPS Team.” North Carolina Reading Association 42nd Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC, March 13-15, 2011. “Developing Effective Partnerships with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families: Assessment of Curriculum Changes in a Special Education Program.” American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education 63rd Annual Meeting & Exhibits, San Diego, CA, February 24-26, 2011. “Building Effective Family-Teacher Partnerships: A Strengths-Based Model.” North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, February 3-4, 2011. “Building Capacity to Develop Partnerships with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families.” Annual Conference of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, St. Louis, MO, November 3-6, 2010. “Moving Beyond Initial Perspectives: Academic Service-Learning in High Poverty Schools.” Annual Conference of the International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning, Nashville, TN, October 7-9, 2010.


“Infusing Family Involvement into Teacher Education: Lessons Learned at Elon University.” Annual Teacher Education Forum, Raleigh, NC, September 23-24, 2010. “Strengths-Based Approach: Preparing College Students for ASL Experiences Involving Families.” Annual Symposium on Service Learning and Civic Engagement, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC, June 10, 2010. Ketevan Kupatadze Lecturer, Spanish “Developing Students' Advanced Foreign Language Writing Skills.” INTED2011: International Conference on Technology, Education, and Development, Valencia, Spain, March 5-9, 2011. Derek Lackaff Assistant Professor, Communications “Rebooting Iceland: Crowdsourcing Innovation in Uncertain Times.” South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive, Austin, TX, March 2011. “Fostering Collaboration: Social Media and International Relationships.” International Association for Media and Communication Research, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, July 2010. “’Leveling Up’ Students with Blogs: Motivating Active Learning through Game Mechanics.” International Communication Association, Suntec Singapore, Singapore, June 2010. “Contingencies of Self-worth and Social Network Site Behavior.” International Communication Association, Suntec Singapore, Singapore, June 2010. Prucence C. Layne Assistant Professor, English “The Beat of a New Drum: Networking, Collaborating, & Building Sustainable Partnerships through Black Studies Programs.” National Council for Black Studies (NCBS) Conference, Cincinnati, OH, March 16-19, 2011. “From Immersive and Service Learning to SoTL: A Look at the 2010 Lilly Greensboro Poster Awards.” FridayLive! Teaching Learning and Technology Group Webinar June 10, 2010. connectpro86502729.na6.acrobat.com/p97918644/. “Immersion Africa: Student Innovations & Approaches to Complex Global Problems.” Lilly South Conference on Evidence-Based Learning and Teaching, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC, February 5-7, 2010. [Winner of the Best Poster Presentation 2010] Byung S. Lee Associate Professor, Communications “Consumers Attitudes toward Movie Piracy in Korea.” International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity presents the 26th annual Q Conference, Akron, OH, October 7-9, 2010. “Introduction of New Software Programs to Meet Q Scholars.” Poster presentation at the International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity presents the 26th annual Q Conference, Akron, OH, October 7-9, 2010. Teresa W. LePors Assistant Professor, Library “Collection Management Using III Reports.” Southern Innovative Users Group, Charlotte, NC, January 25, 2011. David S. Levine Assistant Professor, Law “Social Layer of Freedom of Information Law.” Internet Law Works-in-Progress Symposium, Santa Clara Law School, March 5, 2011. “The People’s Trade Secrets?” Mary Junck Research Colloquium Series, School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, March 3, 2011. “Transparency Soup: The ACTA Negotiating Process and 'Black Box' Lawmaking.” Works-in-Progress Intellectual Property Colloquium, Boston University School of Law, Boston, MA, February 11, 2011. “The People’s Trade Secrets?” Information Society Project, Yale Law School, New Haven, CT, February 10, 2011.


“Trade Secrecy and Public Transparency.” Innovate/Activate: An Unconference on Intellectual Property and Activism, sponsored by the Institute for Information Law & Policy at New York Law School and the Yale Law School Information Society Project, New Haven, CT, September 24, 2010. [video link (begins at minute 02:47:30)] “The Best Mode Requirement in Patent Law.” Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, UC Berkeley School of Law, Berkeley, CA, August 12, 2010. “Transparency Soup: The ACTA Negotiating Process and 'Black Box' Lawmaking.” Public Interest Reviews of the International Intellectual Property Enforcement Agenda, American University Washington College of Law, Washington, DC, June 17, 2010. “What Can the Uniform Trade Secrets Act Learn from the Bayh-Dole Act?” The Evolution of Trade Secret Law: Reflecting on 30 Years of the Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Hamline University Law School, St. Paul, MN, April 16, 2010. “The People’s Trade Secrets?” Third Annual Junior Scholars in IP Workshop, Michigan State University College of Law, East Lansing, MI, April 2, 2010. Gregory A. Lilly Associate Professor, Economics “Adaptive Persistence as a Factor in Skill Production.” The Eastern Economics Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY, Feb. 27, 2011. Deborah T. Long Professor, Education “Engaging High School Students in Research: A Participatory Research Project on College Access.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Seattle, WA, March 30 – April 2, 2011. “Alpha Class Documentary.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Seattle, WA, March 30 – April 2, 2011. “National College Access Network (NCAN): Building Connections. Advancing Equity. Promoting Success.” Best Practices Gallery, Washington, DC, October 11 -13, 2010. “The Elon Academy: A University-Community Partnership to Address College Access and Success.” North Carolina Campus Compact Civic Engagement Institute: Anchor Institutions, Elon University, Elon, NC, February 8, 2011. “The Elon Academy: A Four-Phase College Access and Success Program.” First Annual North Carolina Colleges and Universities (NCICU) Independent College Access Network (ICAN) Conference, Elon University, Elon, NC, September 22-23, 2010. Buffie Longmire-Avital Assistant Professor, Psychology “Risk Factors for Drinking among HIV-Positive African American Adults: Depression, Motivation, and Gender.” Society for Behavioral Medicine, Seattle, WA, April 2010. “Prevalence and Correlates of Depression for African and Caribbean-American Emerging Adults.” American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA, August 2010. Thomas J. Malony Assistant Professor, Law “North Carolina Business Law Update.” 2011 Business Law, Corporate Counsel and International Law & Practice Sections Joint Annual Meeting, Pinehurst, NC, February 18, 2011. “Still Floating: Security-Based Swap Agreements after Dodd-Frank.” University of St. Thomas Faculty Colloquium, Minneapolis, MN, March 30, 2011. Susan L. Manring Associate Professor, Business Administration “Developing and Managing Inter-Organizational Learning Networks to Achieve Sustainable Business Advantage.” Erasmus University, Rotterdam, November 8, 2010.


“Food Systems Carbon Footprint Analyzed by Students and University Stakeholders.” Poster presentation at the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, Denver, CO, October 10–12, 2010. Kathryn M. Matera Associate Professor, Chemistry “Synthesis of Gallic Acid Derivatives: Implications in the Treatment of Alzeheimer’s Disease.” American Chemical Society Southeastern Regional Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2010. Michael Matthews Assistant Professor, History “The Art of Implementing Revolution: Lázaro Cárdenas and the Mexican Muralist Movement.” 100 Years after the Mexican Revolution, Raleigh, NC, Nov. 17, 2010. Jon F. Metzger Associate Professor, Music “Beginning Jazz Improvisation Techniques.” International School of Hamburg, Hamburg Germany, June 14, 2010. “Jazz Performance Masterclass.” Roskilde Music School, Roskilde, Denmark, June 18, 2010. “Jazz Performance Masterclass.” Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, September 27, 2010. “Jazz Performance Masterclass.” Appalachian State University, Boone, NC, October 9, 2010. Paul C. Miller Professor, Exercise Science “The Influence of Carbohydrate-Electrolyte Solution Ingestion on Exercise Performance in a Warm Environment.” Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Greenville, SC, February 3-5, 2011. “The Influence of Concussion History on Cognitive Performance in College Athletes.” Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Greenville, SC, February 3-5, 2011. “The Effects of an Acute Overspeed Warm-Up on Sprint Performance in Collegiate Athletes.” Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Greenville, SC, February 3-5, 2011. “Exergaming in Adults: Can Appropriate Intensity Levels Be Achieved for Health Benefits.” Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Greenville, SC, February 3-5, 2011. “The Effect of Exercise Intensity on Interference Control During and Following Acute Aerobic Cycling.” Society for Neuroscience Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, November 13-17, 2010. “Strengths, Challenges, and Strategies: Integrating Faculty Development, Scholarship, and Undergraduate Research Mentoring.” Creativity, Inquiry, and Discovery: Undergraduate Research In and Across the Disciplines, Durham, NC, November 11-13, 2010. “Fostering Undergraduate Research Connections.” International Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Inquiry: A Scholarly Discussion, Liverpool, UK, October 19-22, 2010. “A Developmental Approach to Undergraduate Research.” Council on Undergraduate Research Annual Conference, Ogden, UT, June 19-22, 2010. “Effects of CLA Supplementation on Muscle Performance and Lean Mass Following Seven Weeks of Exercise” American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 1-5, 2010. “The Effect of Acute Quercetin Supplementation on HR, Core Temperature, and Exercise Performance.” American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 1-5, 2010. “The Effects of Acute Quercetin Supplementation on Cognitive Function During Prolonged Exercise.” American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 1-5, 2010.


“An Examination of the Feeling Scale to Prescribe Exercise Intensity.” American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 1-5, 2010. “Effects of Distraction on Running Mechanics.” American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 1-5, 2010. “The Effects of Imagery on Performance and Pain Perception Associated with Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness.” American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 1-5, 2010. “A Test of the Transient Hypofrontality Theory During and Following Exercise of Varying Intensities.” American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 1-5, 2010. Yuko J. Miyamoto Assistant Professor, Biology “The Online Biology Cabinet: A New Model for Faculty Creation of Video Resources in Science Lab Instruction.” Lilly Conference on College & University Teaching Greensboro, NC, February 4-6, 2011. Jessie L. Moore Associate Professor, English “Combining Resources for Educational Development: Strategies to Enhance College Writing.” Annual Professional and Organizational Development Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, November 5, 2010. Tom C. Mould Associate Professor, Anthropology “Choctaw Storytelling in the 21st Century.” Keynote Address for Choctaw Cultural Arts Festival, Choctaw, MS, September 24, 2010. “Sharing the Sacred: The Paradox of Revelation in Contemporary Mormon Culture.” Center for Folklife Studies at Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, January 28, 2010. “Lay and Expert Knowledge in a Complex Society: The AFS Teagle Foundation Project.” American Folklore Society Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, October 13-16, 2010. Janet C. Myers Associate Professor, English “Beleagured and Outnumbered: The Material Culture of the New Woman and the Crisis of Masculinity at the Fin de Siècle.” Victorians Institute, Charlottesville, VA, October 1-3, 2010. “Using Web Technology to Streamline National Fellowship Advising.” National Association of Fellowship Advisors Regional Workshop, Greencastle, IN, July 2010. David Neville Assistant Professor, German “Students' Use of Evidence in Language and Cultural Studies.” Poster presented at the Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC, February 04-06, 2011. “Connecting via Webcams: Developing Linguistic and Cultural Competencies in L2.” American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Annual Convention and World Languages Expo 2010, Boston, MA, November 19-21, 2010. “3D Digital Game-Based Learning for Second Language Acquisition.” THATCamp RTP, Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University, Durham, NC, October 16, 2010. Carl E. Niedziela, Jr. Assistant Professor, Biology “Hydroponics for the Advancement of Experimental Learning in Environmental Horticulture, Soil Science, and Agricultural Education.” USDA-NIFA Project Directors Conference, Washington, DC, November 28 - December 2, 2010. “Nest Establishment and Pollen Choice of Osamis lignaria (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in Eastern Orchards.” Entomology Society of America 58th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, December 12-15, 2010.


Amy A. Overman Assistant Professor, Psychology “Behavioral and Electrophysiological Effects of Schema Activation on Memory for Crime Information in Older and Younger Adults.” Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 15, 2010. “The Effect of Pair Repetition and Encoding Strategy on Associative Recognition.” Carolinas Psychology Conference, Raleigh, NC, April 17, 2010. “The Effects of Strategic Encoding and Practice on Cued-recall of Word Pairs.” Carolinas Psychology Conference, Raleigh, NC, April 17, 2010. “The Effect of General versus Specific Practice and Semantic Relatedness on Word Recall.” Sigma Xi International Research Conference, Raleigh, NC, November 13, 2010. “The Effect of Encoding Strategy and Pair Repetition on Associative Recognition in Younger and Older Adults.” Sigma Xi International Research Conference, Raleigh, NC, November 13, 2010. Samuele F. S. Pardini Assistant Professor, Italian “The Man Farthest Down and Golden Door.” American Italian Historical Association, Calandra Institute/Queen's College, New York City, November 11-13, 2010. “New World, Old Woman: On Emanuele Crialese’s Golden Door.” New Italian Cinema Conference, Bloomington, Indiana University, April 7-9, 2010. Paul Parsons Dean, School of Communication, and Professor, Communications “Leading Issues Facing Journalism Programs Around the World.” World Journalism Education Congress, Grahamstown, South Africa, July 4-7, 2010. “Curriculum in a Changing Age.” Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication, Dallas, TX, February 18-19, 2011. Paula N. Patch Lecturer, English “Using Visual Arguments in the Composition Class.” Lilly South Conference, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC, February 2011. “Integrating Visual Argument into the Composition Classroom. Using Images in the Composition Classroom: Critical Thinking and the Rhet/Comp Classroom, Session I.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Atlanta, GA, November 2010. “What Do They Know?: A (Further) Analysis of Student Essays about Wikipedia.” Teaching English Composition. Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Albuquerque, NM, October 2010. Tim Peeples Professor of English and Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs “Strengths, Challenges, and Strategies: Integrating Faculty Development, Scholarship, and Undergraduate Research Mentoring.” Creativity, Inquiry, and Discovery: Undergraduate Research In and Across the Disciplines, Durham, NC, September 2-3, 2010. Rebecca Todd Peters Associate Professor, Religious Studies “Examining the Value of Solidarity as a Moral Foundation for Poverty Alleviation.” 2011 Jepson Colloquium on Leadership and Global Justice, Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond, January 2011. “The Future of Christian Social Ethics.” Society of Christian Ethics, New Orleans, LA, January 2011. “Christian Social Witness in a Secular Age.” Plenary Address, “Citizens of Heaven and Earth: Faith and Civil Society,” Davidson College Conference on Reformed Theology and Ethics, Davidson College, NC, March 15, 2011.


“Accounting for Difference: Rethinking Global Markets in a Postcolonial World.” Plenary Address, Societas Ethica Annual Meeting “On Morals, Markets and Money – Economic and Business Ethics Revisited,” Frankfurt, Germany, August 21, 2010. “Discerning the Signs of the Times.” Keynote speaker, Ghost Ranch, NM, July 19-25, 2010. “Conflict and Solidarity Ethics: Difficult Conversations on Economics, Religion, and Culture.” Plenary Address, College Theology Society, Portland, OR, June 5, 2010. Rebecca J. Pope-Ruark Assistant Professor, English “Developing a Signature Pedagogy to Cross the Audience Threshold.” Lilly Conference on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Oxford, OH, November 2010 “Professional Communication and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Movement: A Necessary Partnership.” Association for Business Communication National Convention, Chicago, IL, October 2010. April H. Post Lecturer, Spanish “Applying Ethnographic Strategies to Enhance Transformation in University Students through Cross-Disciplinary Academic Service-Learning.” 2nd International Conference on Education, Economy and Society, Paris, France, July 22-24, 2010. “Connecting via Webcams: Developing Linguistic and Cultural Competencies in L2.” American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Conference, Boston, MA, November 19-21, 2010. David J. Powell Professor, Computing Sciences “Developing an Android Mobile Application for the Google App Engine Cloud.” SIGCSE'11, Dallas, Texas, March 9-12, 2011 “Teaching Web Programming Using the Google Cloud.” 48th Annual Association for Computing Machinery Southeast Regional Conference, Oxford, MS, April 15-17, 2010. Michael E. Pregill Assistant Professor and Distinguished Emerging Scholar, Religious Studies “‘A Calf, A Body that Lows’? Untangling the Threads of Bible, Quran, Midrash, and Tafsir.” The Institute for Isma’ili Studies, London, UK, May 24, 2010. “Storytellers versus Lexicographers: Tafsir’s Hostile (?) Takeover of Scriptural Commentary in the 10th Century.” AAR Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 29, 2010. “What’s ‘Mediterranean’ about ‘Mediterranean Religions’?” Joint Session of the Greco-Roman Religions Group and the Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions SBL Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 20, 2010. “Hands Off! The Syriac Didascalia, the Israelite Priesthood, and the Quran.” Joint Session of the Quran and Biblical Literature and Syriac Languages and Literature Sections SBL Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 21, 2010. “The Stars are Alive: Astral Presences and Idolatry from Hellenistic Magic to Islamic Philosophy.” Colloquium in Honor of Alan Franklin Segal Barnard College, New York, NY, December 12, 2010. Michael L. Rich Assistant Professor, Law “The Snitch Syndrome.” The Federal Defenders of Eastern Washington & Idaho, Spokane, WA, October 15, 2010. “Drug Deals and Disloyalty: Police Encouragement of Civilian Immorality.” Southeastern Law Scholars Conference, Charleston, SC, October 22-23, 2010. Kirstin Ringelberg Associate Professor, Art History “Cel-Culture: The Hybrid Intersections of Art, Video Games, and Manga.” College Art Association Conference, New York, NY, February 9-13, 2011.


“A Floating World Indeed: Ukiyo-e in Contemporary Culture.” Southeastern College Art Conference, Richmond, VA, October 20-23, 2010. Katy E. Rouse Assistant Professor, Economics “School Crowding, Year-Round Schooling and Mobile Classroom Use: Evidence from North Carolina.” Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP), Seattle, WA, March 24-26, 2011. “Curing the Summertime Blues: The Impact of Year Round Schooling on Academic Achievement.” Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP), Seattle, WA, March 24-26, 2011. “Curing the Summertime Blues: The Impact of Year Round Schooling on Academic Achievement.” Eastern Economics Association (EEA) Conference, New York, NY, February 25-27, 2011. “Curing the Summertime Blues: The Impact of Year Round Schooling on Academic Achievement.” Allied Social Science Associations Annual Conference (ASSA), Denver, CO, January 7-9, 2011. “Curing the Summertime Blues: The Impact of Year Round Schooling on Academic Achievement.” University of North Carolina at Greensboro Economics Department Seminar Series, Greensboro, NC, October 15, 2010 Linda Sabo Associate Professor, Performing Arts “Romanticism versus Realism or Choosing How Things Should Be Over How They Are: The Historical Use of Spectacle to Subvert the Effects of Social Crisis.” Dance and Spectacle, Society of Dance History Scholars Thirty-third Annual Conference, University of Surrey, Guildford and The Place, London, UK., July 8-11, 2010. Jean D. Schwind Professor, English “Integrating Visual Argument into the Composition Classroom.” Annual Conference of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Atlanta, GA, November 6, 2010. “Integrating Visual Argument into the Writing Classroom.” Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, Greensboro, NC, February 5, 2011. Alan C. Scott Assistant Professor, Psychology “Evaluating Wayfinding Technologies for Blind or Visually Impaired People.” Assistive Technology Industry Association Conference, Orlando, FL, January 26-29, 2011. “Cues for Directional Guidance during Street Crossing.” North Central Orientation and Mobility Association Conference, Kalamazoo, MI, October 15-16, 2010. Karl D. Sienerth Professor, Chemistry “Electrochemiluminescence for the Direct Detection of TNT in Aqueous Solution.” Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy, Atlanta, GA, March 12-15, 2011. “Catalytic Electroreduction of CO2 by Rh(bpca)2PF6.” Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy, Atlanta, GA, March 12-15, 2011. Carol A. Smith Associate Professor, Health and Human Performance “Outdoor Education; Worth Its Weight in Gold.” Southern District of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Annual Convention, Greensboro, NC, February 16-19, 2011. “You Know You Can Dance.” Southern District of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Annual Convention, Greensboro, NC, February 16-19, 2011. “Move Over Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl: Here We Come, Building General Strength and Flexibility.” North Carolina Alliance for Athletics, Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance Annual Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, November 10-13, 2010.


“Dance! Dance! Dance!” North Carolina Alliance for Athletics, Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance Annual Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, November 10-13, 2010. “Faculty Buy-In: Developing and Retaining Faculty Instructors.” International Conference on the First Year Experience, Maui, HI, June 7-10, 2010. Gabie E. Smith Professor, Psychology “Logistics of Study Abroad: Refining Curricula, Syllabi, Field Research.” American Psychological Association National Convention, San Diego, CA, August 5-8, 2010. “Alcohol Use Stigmatization: The Effects of Age and Gender on Perceptions of Alcohol Use.” Sigma Xi Annual Meeting & International Conference, Raleigh, NC, November 11-14, 2011. Sharon Spray Associate Professor, Political Science “Strategic Narratives and Environmental Security: Great Power Stories about International Cooperation on Environmental Issues.” International Studies Association – South 2010 Annual Conference, St. Pete Beach, FL, October, 22-23, 2010. “Strategic Narratives, Human Security and Climate Change.” International Studies Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, March 16-19, 2011. Megan Squire Associate Professor, Computing Sciences “Reacting to the Past: The Pluto Debate.” AAC&U/PKAL Network for Academic Renewal Conference, Engaged STEM Learning: From Promising to Pervasive Practices, Miami, FL, March 25, 2011. “Towards a Science of Open Source Systems, Final Report.” Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, CA, November 10, 2010. “The Present and Future of FLOSS Data Archives.” International IFIP WG 2.13 Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS2010), Notre Dame, May 30, 2010. “The FOSS 2010 Community Report.” International IFIP WG 2.13 Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS2010), Notre Dame, IN, May 30, 2010. Betsy Stevens Associate Professor, Business Administration “An Analysis of the Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns Codes of Ethics.” International Colloquium on Business and Management., Bangkok, Thailand, January 24-27, 2011. “Creating an Interactive Research–Based Website.” The Association for Business Communication International Conference, Chicago, IL, October 27-30, 2010. Barbara Z. Taylor Associate Professor, Computing Sciences “Creative Uses of Google Forms for Grading and Peer Editing.” North Carolina Technology in Education Society, Raleigh, NC, March 4, 2011. George Taylor Professor, Public Administration “Intergrating Empirical Theory & Research Methods into Undergraduate Programs.” Southern Political Science Association Conference, New Orleans, LA, Jan. 6-9, 2011. Shannon A. Tennant Assistant Professor, Library “Collection Management Using III Reports.” Southern Innovative Users Group, Charlotte, NC, January 25, 2011.


Thomas K. Tiemann Jefferson Pilot Professor, Economics “What Do Soccer Moms Do All Day?” Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association meetings, St. Louis, MO, April 3, 2010. Rissa M. Trachman Assistant Professor, Anthropology “Water to Power: Tracing Notions of Management from an Ancient Water System in Northwestern Belize.” Society for American Archaeology 76th Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA, March 30-April 3, 2011. Shawn R. Tucker Associate Professor, Arts “On Mormon Laughter.” Mormon Scholars in the Humanities, Orem, UT, March 24-26, 2011. “NEH Seminar on Pride, Humility, and the Good Life: Update.” Humanities Education and Research Association, San Francisco, CA, March 2011. Matthew Valle Professor, Management “The New Reality: Holding On and Letting Go.” 2010 Symposium on Executive Education, Atlanta, GA, June, 2010. Donna L. Van Bodegraven Associate Professor, Spanish “El cuento ‘Chac Mool’ de Carlos Fuentes: ¿sincretismo deliberado?” X Congreso Internacional de Literatura Hispánica, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 2-5, 2011. “The Numbers Game: Assessing the Achievements of the Zapatista Movement since 1994.” Mid-Atlantic Conference on Latin American Studies (MACLAS), University of Pittsburgh, March 17, 2011. Maureen O. Vandermaas-Peeler Professor, Psychology “Facilitating Undergraduate Research in the Global Context: Successes and Challenges.” American Association of Colleges & Universities, San Francisco, CA, January 2011. “Integrating Faculty Development, Scholarship, and Undergraduate Research Mentoring.” AAC&U Creativity, Inquiry and Discovery: Undergraduate Research In and Across the Disciplines, Durham, NC, November 2010. “Fostering Undergraduate Research Connections.” Poster presentation at the Council for Undergraduate Research preconference workshop, Liverpool, UK, October 2010. “A Developmental Approach to Undergraduate Research.” Council for Undergraduate Research, Ogden, UT, June 2010. “Effects of Parent Guidance on Preschoolers’ Numeracy Skills during Games.” Presented at the American Psychology Society, Boston, MA, May 2010. David B. Vandermast Assistant Professor, Biology and Environmental Studies “Evidence for Biotic Resistance to Invasion across Spatial Scales in Riparian Forest Vegetation.” North Carolina Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, Elon, NC, March 26, 2011. “The Structure and Composition of Deciduous Riparian Buffers along the Haw River.” North Carolina Academy of Sciences annual meeting, Elon, NC, March 26, 2011. “Twenty-four Years (1985-2009) of Demographic Changes in the High-elevation Beech Forests of Great Smoky Mountains National Park.” Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Asheville, NC, April 9, 2010. “Inhibition of Germination and Growth as an Explanation for the Scarcity of Red Spruce (Picea rubens) and Fraser Fir (Abies fraseri) in the Beech Gaps of Great Smoky Mountains National Park.” Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Asheville, NC, April 9, 2010.


“The Effect of Beech Bark Disease on the Abundance and Diversity of Spring Ephemeral Herbs in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.” Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Asheville, NC, April 9, 2010. Hal J. Walker Associate Professor, Sport and Event Management “Assessing the Use of Technology in Sport Management Curriculum.” North American Society for Sport Management, Tampa, FL, June 2-5, 2010. “An Engaged Course Design for Teaching Event Management.” North American Society for Sport Management, Tampa, FL, June 2-5, 2010. “Fundraising and Special Events.” Sport Entertainment and Venues Tomorrow, Columbia, SC, November 18-19, 2010. “Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Reviewers Workshop.” American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, San Diego, CA, March 29-31, 2011. “Becoming Marketable in the Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Dance and Athletics Profession in the 21st Century.” American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, San Diego, CA, March 29-31, 2011. Frances Ward-Johnson Associate Professor, Communications “Black and White in Conflict: North Carolina Newspaper Coverage of the Greensboro Sit-In Movement, February 1960.” Association for the Study of African American Life and History Conference, Raleigh, NC, Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 2010. “2010 Equity & Diversity Award Panel: Diversity Revisited…and Why Not a Gender Equity Plan Too?” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Denver, CO, August 4-7, 2010. “Media Ownership and Control by People of Color.” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Denver, CO, August 4-7, 2010. “Race, Sport and Power.” International Conference on Sport, Race and Ethnicity, University of West Indies, Cave Hill campus, Barbados, July 15-18, 2010. Darrell B. Warner Associate Professor, Human Service Studies “Teaching Global Citizenship across Campus.” AAC&U Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, January 2011. “Perceptions and Politics in Long-Term Commitment to Community Partnerships.” National Association of Human Service Educators Annual Conference, Portland, ME, October 2010. “Long-term Community Partnerships, Multiple Constituencies, and the Importance of Organizational Theory.” GulfSouth Summit on Service-Learning and Engagement, Roanoke, VA, March 2011. Catherine J. Wasson Associate Professor, Law “Thinking Forward: Getting Meaningful Feedback from Colleagues, Directors, and Department Chairs.” Legal Writing Institute Workshop, Winston-Salem, NC, December 17, 2010. Rexford A. Waters Assistant Professor “Standing at the Crossroads of an Experiential Learning Requirement: Collaborations For Intentional, Integrated Student Learning.” National Society for Experiential Education 39th Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC, October 2010. Anthony G. Weaver Assistant Professor, Sport and Event Management “Assessing the Use of Technology in Sport Management Curriculum.” North American Society for Sport Management, Tampa, FL, June 2-5, 2010.


“A Current Examination of Historically Black College & University Division I Athletic Directors.” 2010 Scholarly Conference on College Sport, Chapel Hill, NC, April 22-25, 2010. Jane C. Wellford Professor, Performing Arts Master Class, Montreat Worship & Music Conferences. Montreat Conference Center, Black Mountain, NC, June 20-26, and June 27-July 3, 2010. Master Class, Sacred Dance Guild Conference. Connecticut College, New London, CT, July 26th -31st, 2010. Master Class, North Carolina Dance Alliance, Elon University, September 10th and 11th, 2010. Pamela D. Winfield Assistant Professor, Religious Studies “New Wine in Old Bottles? Shinnyo-en and the Question of Categories” Association of Asian Studies (AAS) Southeast Regional Conference, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, Jan 15, 2011. “New Trends in Old Religions, Old Trends in New: Demographics, Doctrines and Death in New Religious Movements of Japan.” American Academy of Religion (AAR) Southeast Region / SouthEastern Commission for the Study of Religion (SECSOR) Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, March 4, 2011. “Response to ‘Asian Religions and Ecology: Conflicts, Contexts and Contributions.’” American Academy of Religion (AAR) Southeast Region / SouthEastern Commission for the Study of Religion (SECSOR) Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, March 5, 2011. “Response to 'Virtual Asian Sacred Space: Hidden Lands, Ritual Practices, and Soteriological Technologies.'” American Academy of Religion (AAR) Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, Nov 1, 2010. Qian Xu Assistant Professor, Communications “Click, Drag, Flip, and Mouse-Over: Effects of Modality Interactivity on User Engagement with Web Content.” International Communication Association, Singapore, June 22-26, 2010. “Effects of Modality Interactivity and User Arousal in Online Shopping Sites.” Doctoral Consortium of the Communication & Technology Division, International Communication Association, Singapore, June 22-26, 2010. “The Role of Exemplification in Shaping Third-Person Perceptions and Support for Restrictions on Video Games.” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Denver, CO, August 4-7, 2010.


Art Exhibitions & Performances Cherie L. Bower Assistant Professor, Dance Choreographer: “The Presentation” (sections I-III), McCrary Theatre, Elon University, Elon, NC, May 6-8, 2010. Choreographer: “Caught Between Thought and the Last Footfall,” Black Box, Elon University, Elon, NC, November 11-12 and 14, 2010. Kevin B. Boyle Professor, English Poetry Reading: Annual Spring Southeastern Literary Magazine and Independent Press Festival, Greensboro NC, April 23, 2010. Matthew T. Buckmaster Assistant Professor, Music Carolina Jazz Trombone Collective (concert). North Carolina Music Educators' Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, Nov. 8, 2010. Polly Butler Cornelius Lecturer, Music Recital: Songs by Libby Larsen at the Duffy Composers Institute sponsored by the Virginia Arts Festival, June 6, 2010. Featured soloist: Winston-Salem Symphony, May 4-5, 2010. Samantha DiRosa Assistant Professor, Art and Environmental Studies Installation: “Desire Line” at The Lama Foundation, San Cristobal, NM, August 2010. Artist residency, The Hambidge Center, Rabun Gap, GA, August 2010. Thomas R. Erdmann Professor, Music Solo Piano Christmas Concert, Health Arts Network at Duke, Duke University Hospital, December 24, 2010. Linda M. Formato Associate Professor, Performing Arts Choreographer: “All Shook Up,” Artpark Summer Season, Lewiston, NY, July/August 2010. Choreographer: “Evita,” Arkansas Repertory Theatre, Little Rock, AK, August/October 2010. Director and Choreographer: “Beatsville,” Danish Musical Academy, Fredericia, Denmark, May/ June 2010. Director and Choreographer: “Too Darn Hot,” Moscow Summer School for Russian Musical Actors, Moscow, Russia, June/July 2010. Choreographer: “Christmas In The Smokies,” Dollywood Theme Park, Pigeon Forge, TN), Nov 2010- Jan 2011. Director and Choreographer: “Rent,” Elon University, Elon, NC, February 2011. Stephen A. Futrell Associate Professor, Music Featured vocalist: “Pops in the Park,” Eastern Kentucky University/Richmond Chamber of Commerce, KY, August 20-21, 2010. Guest vocalist/arranger, National Youth Choir with Dr. Eph Ehly, Field Studies International, Carnegie Hall, NY, April 4, 2011.


Richard P. Gang Associate Professor, Performing Arts Actor: 'On Golden Pond', role of Norman, Open Space Cafe Theatre, 4609 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC, April 24-May 9, 2010. Lauren W. Kearns Associate Professor, Dance Choreographer: “Swinging on a Bench,” North Carolina Dance Festival Tour, September 18, 2010-February 5, 2011. (tour performed in Charlotte, Greensboro, Boone, Raleigh and Wilmington.) Choreographer: ''And the tempest cries,” Elon University Department of Performing Arts,'Elements' Spring Dance Concert. May 6-8, 2010. Artistic Director: “Elements,” Spring Dance Concert, Elon University, Elon, NC, May 6-8, 2010. Jon F. Metzger Associate Professor, Music Performance: Jon Metzger Quartet, NC School of Science and Math, Durham, NC, April 27, 2010. Performance: Elon University Jazz Ensemble, Darling Market, The Hague, Holland, June 12, 2010. Performance: Elon University Jazz Ensemble, International School of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, June 14, 2010. Performance: Elon University Jazz Ensemble, United States Embassy, Hamburg, Germany, June 15, 2010. Performance: Elon University Chamber Ensembles, German Emigration Museum, Bremenhaven, Germany, June 17, 2010. Performances: Elon University Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Days Festival, Roskilde, Denmark, June 18-19, 2010. Performance: Jon Metzger Quintet, Blowing Rock Jazz Society, Blowing Rock, NC, October 8, 2010 . Featured Soloist/Performance, with John Brown Orchestra: Music Educators' National Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, November 11, 2010. Kevin G. Otos Director: “Hedda Gabler,” Elon University, Elon University, October 2010.

Associate Professor, Theatre

Actor: SAS Promotional, “Do You Know Your Customers,” SAS, Research Triangle Park, December 2010. Linda Sabo Associate Professor, Performing Arts Choreographer: “Esprit!” Departmental Concert, UNCG Dance Theatre, April 23-24, 2010. Choreographer: “Esprit!” Elements, Elon Performing Arts Dept., McCrary Theatre, May 6-8, 2010. Choreographer: “Children of Eden,” Elon Performing Arts Dept., McCrary Theatre, October 28-November 7, 2010. Michael Sanford Professor, Art Exhibition: “Sculpture in the 21st Century,” Center For the Arts, Towson University, Towson, Maryland Sept. 14 -October 10, 2010. Kirby R. Wahl Associate Professor, Theatre Dialect coach: “Limbo,” by Declan Feenan and “St. Nicholas,” by Conor McPherson, Burning Coal Theatre, in Raleigh, NC, October, 2010. P Actor: “Sleight,” by Stephen van Vuuren, 48 Hour Film Project, Greensboro, NC, June 2010.


Jane C. Wellford Liturgical dance choreography and performance: “Ruach: Divine Wind,” May, 2010

Associate Professor, Dance

Liturgical dance choreography and performance: “Open Our Eyes,” “Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!” “Clap Your Hands All You Nations,” “God of Tempest, God of Whirlwind,” “Litany for Pentecost,” “The God of Hope Be With You by Tom Fetke,” “The Lord Is My Shepherd (Psalm 23),” “Alleluia! Jesus Is Risen!” “We Know That Christ Is Raised,” “Isaiah 25:6-9,” “Psalm 81:1, 10-16,” June, 2010. Liturgical dance choreography and performance: “Down to the River to Pray” and “Spirit of the Living God,” July, 2010. Liturgical dance choreography and performance: “I Will Sing With the Spirit,” “The Lord’s Prayer,” and “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee,” August, 2010. Liturgical dance choreography and performance: “For Unto Us A Child is Born,” December, 2010.


The Elon Teacher-Scholar foundation of established knowledge, but their ultimate goal is to cultivate informed critical thinking, creative expression, and a desire to serve the common good.

Elon strives to attract gifted and well-educated faculty who are deeply committed to the potential of their disciplines to enhance our understanding of the human condition and the world. As teachers, mentors and scholars, the faculty are dedicated to modeling the intellectual values they seek to impart to students, including a learned, reflective and critical approach to life. In these roles, the faculty take joy in the process of inquiry and sharing their knowledge with others.

While classrooms, laboratories, and studios are the traditional focal points of an intellectual community, scholarly inquiry extends beyond these environments. As teacher-scholars, the faculty are committed to improving the content and pedagogy of their teaching. By developing classroom environments in which all persons are respected and informed engagement is valued, faculty challenge students to develop the skills necessary to understand complex issues and topics. Simply stated, the classroom is a place to challenge students to be engaged learners and to establish mentoring relationships that extend interactions beyond the traditional classroom. The challenge to be engaged learners extends not only beyond the classroom but even beyond the confines of the institution.

As active members of the academy, the faculty participate in professional activities that keep them current and enlarge the intellectual and practical opportunities available to students. Finally, as responsible members of the university community, Elon teacher-scholars also dedicate their talents, experiences and leadership skills to activities that sustain, develop and improve the entire institution. The Elon faculty embrace the idea that scholarship and teaching are inseparable because scholarship is the foundation of teaching. The scholarly and professional activities of faculty connect them to a vital intellectual community beyond the walls of Elon, ensure their continuing development as enlightened seekers, contribute to the body of knowledge and wisdom, and renew their enthusiasm to engage students. The Elon community is committed to creating an environment that allows the faculty to excel as teachers, scholars and mentors.

Elon recognizes, values, nurtures and provides support for innovative approaches that strengthen the linkages between knowledge and experience through programs such as international study, service learning, cooperative learning, leadership training, undergraduate research, internship experience and civic engagement. As a consequence of this broader view of faculty engagement with students, the university encourages productive interactions that blur the boundaries separating traditional teaching activity, scholarship and professional activity.

Elon University is principally dedicated to teaching undergraduates in and out of the classroom. Faculty strive to instill in their students a commitment to intellectual endeavors and a lifelong devotion to learning and the ideals of citizenship. They share with their students a sense of the history and vitality of scholarly inquiry that emerges from disciplinary depth and expands to interdisciplinary inquiry. All faculty recognize their responsibility to convey a

For example, faculty may experiment with servicelearning projects that combine classroom learning with direct applications in the local community, use their professional consulting expertise to develop case studies for the classroom or employ web-based technologies to guide and enhance student internship experiences with employers located across the country.


One of the strongest connections between disciplinary expertise and student experience occurs when faculty mentor students in the process of scholarly inquiry, encouraging and supporting presentations at student research forums and professional disciplinary meetings. Scholar-mentor activities combine traditional teaching, experiential education and professional expertise to mold graduates ready to take their place as working members of their profession or to continue their academic training in graduate or professional school.

theoreticians, researchers, artists, writers, educators and professional practitioners. At Elon, professional activity is broadly defined as any activity involving the serious practice of disciplinary expertise. Scholarship is essential to an intellectually vibrant and enriching community, and so it represents the most fundamental form of professional activity. Other forms of professional activity include service to the profession, developing new research skills, taking special courses, attending workshops related to one’s discipline, attending workshops on teaching pedagogy, and attending conferences, performances or exhibits. As they mature professionally, faculty may serve as consultants and accept leadership roles in disciplinary organizations.

The faculty’s ability to model intellectual engagement is based on their intentional and continual development as professionals. While they share common goals, each Elon faculty member possesses unique gifts, skills, training, perspectives and approaches that enrich the academic community.

Scholarship is a creative process of inquiry and exploration that adds to the knowledge or appreciation of disciplinary or interdisciplinary understanding. It is the serious exercise of what is being taught in the education of students: clear goal setting, adequate preparation, intense inquiry and critical reflection.

The university recognizes and values the differences between individual faculty members and encourages each to grow and develop as a teacher-scholar. Thus, the Elon faculty reflect the comprehensive nature of the institution and the variety of their disciplines in that they are scholars, mentors, philosophers,


Elon University encourages and recognizes a broad array of scholarly endeavors just as it has adopted a broad view of faculty engagement with students. Scholarship adds significantly to our understanding by: 1) discovering or uncovering new knowledge or insights, 2) generating new theories and techniques that guide discovery, 3) integrating knowledge within or across disciplines, 4) applying knowledge responsibly to solve problems, and 5) developing pedagogical innovations that facilitate the dissemination of knowledge.

The tangible results of scholarship include academic publications, presentations at professional meetings, grant proposals, artistic performances, musical scores, screenplays, art exhibits, computer software, patented inventions, professional manuals, video productions and other work determined by each faculty member’s academic department. Scholarship is also reflected in pedagogical innovations (such as textbook ancillaries, laboratory manuals and experiential activities) that are shared with the academic world outside of Elon. Works of synthesis that translate knowledge for those lacking expertise or summarize current understanding for those with expertise further represent important scholarly work valued by the institution.

Distinct differences exist in the types of scholarly activities that are valued both within and between disciplines as a consequence of the unique historical development of each discipline. However, across all disciplines, recognized scholarly work shares some common features:

Elon University is a rich intellectual community committed to providing a dynamic and challenging curriculum that emphasizes learning across the disciplines and encourages students to put knowledge into practice. Faculty model a life of learning through their engagement with students and their scholarly accomplishments. As a part of a vibrant academic community, they share with their students the joy of mental, physical and spiritual transformation, guiding them to become informed and caring citizens of the global community.

 It results in a product, presentation, exhibition or performance that expands knowledge, skills or understanding that can be shared with others.  It extends beyond the limits of the institution.  It develops and/or expands the expertise of the faculty member and lifts the faculty member’s standing within the institution and in his/her greater community (scholars, artists, researchers, professional practitioners).

[Proposed amendments: approved 3/20/08]

 The work is reviewed by those outside the institution who have appropriate expertise.


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