Tuesday September 25, 2018
Serving the Rio Hondo Community
Volume 57 Issue 3
Anti-Immigration Group Crashes South El Monte Town Hall Community Meeting
DIANA JUAREZ/EPM Arthur Schaper confronts a reporter as anti-ice protesters heckle him this past September 20th after a town hall meeting at South El Monte.
DIANA JUAREZ Managing Editor
A town hall meeting in South El Monte turned into a heated debate over immigration and ICE. The meeting, which was organized by the LA County Civilian Oversight Commission for the Sheriff’s Department, was originally created in hopes of giving citizens a forum where they could voice their concerns about the local police department. Leal Rubin, L.A. County Civilian Oversight Commissioner mediated the meeting this past September 20th at the South El Monte city hall. She was joined by Brian K. Williams, the Oversight director, and Oversight Commissioner. They were joined by L.A. County Inspector General, Max Huntsman, Commander Coronne Jacob from the East Patrol Division, Captain David Flores from the Temple Station, Commander James
Wolak of the South Patrol Division, and Acting Captain Marjory Jacobs of the Pico Rivera Station L.A. County Sheriff’s department. With no time limit given, individuals had the opportunity to speak their mind freely on virtually any topic they wanted. Members of The Remembrance Project, a group focused on giving voice for victims killed by illegal aliens, came from outside of the city to support the LAPD’s involvement with ICE. “The illegal aliens, including anchor babies have zero rights to be in this country. Many American citizens have been killed by these unwanted and unwelcome invaders,” said Bill Kezar, “it is well past the time for American laws to be respected in full.” Among the many anti immigration comments, support for Sheriffs McDonnell’s reelection was also made known. Arthur Schaper, a citizen of the city of Torrance, spoke
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of an alleged 1,500 deficit in police officers in L.A. County and claimed demoralization as the biggest reason for this. “The thing about the Sheriff’s being down 1,500 [officers], well the sheriff’s office had a budget increase of one-billion dollars in the last ten years, so where is that money going?” said Anthony Robles with the Youth Justice Coalition. Just like The Remembrance Project traveled from out of town to speak at the South El Monte, citizens of Pasadena showed up to argue against ICE. It was during Ian Burke Jameson’s statements that the room tensed when members of The Remembrance Project began heckling him. Jameson is a member of the Pasadenans and Altadenans Against Police Violence. “ICE is a rogue federal agency carrying racial terrorism all across the US. INS and Border Patrol already do a competent job of regulating immigration and did so prior to ICE’s creation in 2002,” said Jameson,
“We don’t need L.A. county sheriff’s collaborating with ICE and we demand they stop.”
South El Monte’s next City Council Meeting will be tonight at 6:00 pm at 1415 Santa Anita Ave.
DIANA JUAREZ/EPM Ian Burke Jameson, a memeber of the Pasadenans and Altadenans against police violence stands outside the South El Monte City Hall protesting against Trump suporters.
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El Paisano Tuesday September 25, 2018
PHOTO VIA GOOGLE National Hispanic Heritage Month recognizes the contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans to the United States and celebrates the Hispanic and Latino American heritage and cul-
DIANA JUAREZ Managing Editor
Rio Hondo kicked off it’s Latinx Heritage month celebrations this past September 17th with Porto’s and the screening of “Dark Progressivism” at the Campus Inn. Students and faculty alike gathered to watch the documentary about the history of LA style graffiti art that was written and directed by Rio Hondo’s own Rodrigo Ribera d’Ebre. The Campus Inn was decorated with flags from around the world and some canvases painted by famous LA graffiti artists such as Big Sleeps, Defer, Prime, and Cab. These same artists were some of the ones showcased in “Dark Progressivism.” Graffiti artists Prime and Cab, as well
as writer and director d’Ebre were on hand after the screening to talk a little more about the documentary as well as answer questions from the audience. While some would argue that a documentary about gangs and graffiti in LA is the worst way to kick of Latinx heritage month, the documentary shows the cruel reality of growing up in such a harsh environment and making through to the other side. From its inception, LA graffiti has been about immortalizing names. As early as the 1930’s, people in Los Angeles had been writing their names on wet cement and that slowly evolved into painting names on walls that turned into territorial markings and gang roll-calls. The script writing is what became quintessential in LA style graffiti art, writing so stylized
it is near impossible to read for the untrained eye. The documentary doesn’t look to glamorize the life of graffiti artists, on the contrary, it showed the very real, very bloody truth. Many ended up dead, whether at the hands of gangs or cops, while others went to jail on long sentences. The artists in the documentary that did survive now have thriving careers as mural artists, tattoo artists, and have showcased their hard earned talent in galleries around the world. “We have an issue with the term ‘street art’ because our work is more than that,” said d’Ebre, “LA graffiti is more than what it looks. It has a Dark Noir feel and it has influences rooted in German Expressionism.” “Don’t go down all the pitfalls we did. Get some kind of degree, good
things will come. It takes hard work and discipline to come to school, but it’s very easy to fall into bad things. We’re very fortunate to still be doing the things we do,” said Cab, “Art saved me. If it wasn’t for art, I would have continued doing illegal things.” “I just want to thank Rodrigo and everyone involved in the documentary. I grew up in South Central [Los Angeles], and used to be ashamed of living in a neighborhood that had streets marked up and ugly,” said student Evelyn Soto, “but as I grew up I realized that there was some pride to be had from having survived and this film really puts it in perspective.” If you feel like you missed out on a great opportunity to experience some amazing pieces of art, don’t fret! All of September will be full of amazing events geared towards culture.
Reporter anamaria.aparicio8532@my.riohondo.edu
Rio Hondo College celebrated Constitution Day on Monday, September 17th, 2018 in the lower quad area. This year marked 231 years since the ratification of the Constitution in the United States and it was met with fun trivia games, prizes and free food. Communications Professor and Forensics Team Coach Grant Tovmasian was the host of this year trivia game. The trivia consisted of 10 students participating and receiving a small American flag every time a question was responded with a correct answer. The questions were meant to see how knowledgeable these students were of the constitution. Questions like, “Which one of you can name our
PHOTO VIA WASHINGTON STATE HOUSE REPUBLICANS Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution by 39 men on Sept. 17, 1787.
answers correctly won the prize. Betsy Segura was a participant in this trivia game and was ask how she felt about this year’s Constitution Day and trivia game. “It was refresher, I learned things I should know but don’t. Like refusal search and seizure. I think it was amendment four. So, it was kinda fun.” Winners of this trivia game received a shirt as the prize. Apart from the trivia game. Many students were happy to have free food served. Not only this, but many students were also bystanders in the trivia game and seemed to be entertained. Jacqueline Yanez and Alexandra Duarte were both sitting on the sidelines watching this event and said, “We think it’s good because it’s a reminder to us how important it was.
branches of power in the order that they were placed in the constitution of the United States?” and “Where in the Constitution is there an authorization for foreign aid?” The group of 10 turned into a group
of four depending on who answered the most questions and seemed to have most knowledge on the Constitution. The group of four then turned into two people and whoever of the two participants answered the most
Your Vote Counts
are needed to control the House; Democrats would have to win the 6 vacancies, 2 of which were previously held by democrats, and flip 19. The senate lineup is 51 Republicans, and 49 Democrats (including 2 independents). There are 35 seats up for election, 26 of which are held by Democrats. To take the senate, Democrats would need to retain the 26 and flip 2. According to research, incumbents have a higher than 78% chance of being reelected; the percentage of House incumbents that are reelected is higher than Senate incumbents.
23, 2018 is: •4 in 5 Chance Democrats win control (80.0%) •1 in 5 Chance Republicans keep control (20.0%) •10% chance Democrats gain more than 60 seats. •80% chance Democrats gain 17 to 60 seats. •10% chance Democrats gain fewer than 17 seats.
Reporter leo.villanueva0001@my.riohondo.edu
Politics may have left a bad taste in the mouth for millions of Americans, but voter enthusiasm seems to be up. With the midterm election only 42 days out, the Democratic Party, who began strategizing in 2016 to win the House of Representatives and Senate, is relying heavily on Anti-Trump sentiment for voter turnout. Currently, the House lineup is comprised of 236 Republicans, 193 Democrats, and 6 vacancies. 218 seats
The House election forecast as of Sep.
The House and Senate races have dominated the news, but for Californians, there is much to consider before heading to the polling centers. California’s infrastructure is in sham-
bles, its network of public schools is the largest and worst in the nation. The government overspends and shoulders the taxpayer with its debt by raising taxes. California has the highest income tax rate in the country at 13.3%, as well as the highest state sales tax at 7.25%. California is also the second most expensive state to live in with an unemployment rate of 4.2%. These matters are managed by California’s state government, not the federal government. Your vote counts, and will be counted, and will have a direct impact on your day to day lives.
El Paisano Tuesday September 25, 2018
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NEWS Future Teachers Mini Fair Emphasizes Teacher Shortage in California ERIKA SUAREZ
Digital Editor-in-Chief erika.suarez7619@my.riohomndo.edu
Rio Hondo held their very first event for Future Teachers Monday, September 28 with presenters from Cal State Fullerton, Cal Poly Pomona, and Cal State Los Angeles discussing the credential programs offered for teaching. The Mini-Fair took place in the lower quad by Rio Café and transitioned to an information session with 3 panels in Room LR-128. Agustin Cervantes, a director of Cal State LA and Recruitment Specialist Deanna Garay began the first panel with information on the programs offered for students seeking a teacher’s credential. Specifically, their ULRN (Urban Learning Program. It dives into the field of teaching in an urban school and connecting with children with a wide range of learning needs that grow from cultural diversity, linguistic diversity, and special needs.
Cervantes lays out the significance of being a part of this growing field. He emphasizes the need for teachers of special education, science, math, and how the U.S is experiencing a teacher shortage. Specifically, California. The non-profit Learning Policy Institute reported a 35 percent drop in the U.S. of people studying to be teachers between 2009 and 2014. The number of available teachers had reached a 10-year low in 2016. To make this change Cal State LA wants to work very closely with students aiming to become teachers. If you follow Rio Hondo’s STEM-CTE TEACH, you will be set for The ULRN program at Cal State LA. You have the option to specialize in a multiple subject credential or an education specialist credential. Cervantes says confidently, “The guarantee that if you finish this program, you will have a class to teach.” You will have a guaranteed slot in a class and supplied with ongoing advising from the faculty.
Steam Coming Out of Vents in Rio Hondo College MICHAEL MARTINEZ
Reporter michael.martinez5980@my.riohondo.edu
What is that mystery steam coming out of the vents on campus? This happened in the last two weeks, which have never been seen before until recently, two students Abby Gonzalez and Jessica Robles stated “We notice the steam and have never seen it before, but were confused on what it could be we knew it wasn’t dangerous because if it was the school would evacuate us we are just glad it isn’t any serious hope the resolve the issue, so other students wouldn’t be concerned.” Another student Jesus Ortiz is taking chemistry and was shocked to see this because he is learning about this in class, but he instantly knew it wasn’t harmful because of the color of the steam which is white and there was no odor. There are two other location one on top of lot 6 and the other
in the middle of the street. I spoke to Pinner Construction Company Matt Garcia which he stated they “We have nothing to do with the steam and the campus is investigating the issue”. I have also got in contact with Felicia Johnson, who oversees the school’s Facilities Services Director she stated “There is a utility system under the campus which intakes multiple piping which includes drainage basin, water purification for drinking, as well as sewers the steam is releasing condensation that can sometimes be seen rising from manholes or vents. This can be caused by external water being boiled by contact with the steam pipes or by leaks in the steam system itself is just from a pipe releasing its hot water through its vents which does not have harmful chemicals. The steam is visible only on a cold morning the steam resembles your breath on cold mornings, we are working forward to fix the issue from being seen so students wouldn’t
“There will always be a need in teachers. We do get a lot of our students hired and we want to support that effort,” says Cervantes. Cal State Fullerton’s CC Relations Coordinator, Taliah Chatterfield takes the next panel, discussing Titan Future Teachers. It is a two-semester program following a bachelor’s degree and a “pre-education” pathway for undergraduates. Chatterfield says, “The school is flexible with you and some don’t have that option to go full time and they will work with you on your custom pathway. There are different options to get around things.” The conversations they have with their students are working towards your date on when you want to graduate and if you can handle a certain number of units. A pending approval waits for their (MSMPP) Multiple Subject Preparation Program that waives the CSET for a teacher’s credential. Passing the CSET keeps you active as a Teacher for 10 years.
Dr. Heather Wizikowski and Joanne M. Van Boxtel present the last panel for Cal Poly Pamona. Wizikowski says Cal Poly Pomona is identified as socially mobile school and for their college of education and integrative studies. The courses offered are after 4 pm for working students. Most of the courses are hybrid and helps non-traditional students. Once you finish undergrad with them you can go into early childhood studies, liberal studies, single subject degree. The teaching credential options at CPP are multiple subjects, special education, and single subject. For their special education pathways, students can choose from the traditional pathway, internship programs, or integrated teacher preparation program (ITEP). The unfortunate decrease in teachers does lighten for those seeking a job in the field. An expected increase in open employment will open up 13,200 jobs by 2024. Students who
Reporter leo.villanueva0001@my.riohondo.edu
STUDENT UNION, Rio, Sep. 19 – The “open mic” event hosted by Associated Student (AS) Student Success Chair Talani Solia was a hit. Solia stated that the intended goal was to host an open-mic event once a month as a prelude to Riopalooza, which is expected to take place in March of 2019. Students arrived early, there was excitement, and the vibe was like what you’d expect to see at a talent show. There was plenty of seating, and the smell of freshly popped popcorn filled the air while volunteers arranged a plethora of snacks. Students showcased a range of talents, from spoken word, excerpts from original stories, poetry, the guitar, and singing (karaoke). The highlight of the event was karaoke; Joseph Gomez created a stir of emotion with his rendition of “Always and Forever” by Heatwave, Simon Kwan’s performance of “Baby, Wont You Give Me Some-
thing?” by Jeremih was energetic, and Steven Rascon rocked the house with “Down with the Sickness” by Disturbed. The Associated Students of Rio Hondo College (ASRHC or AS) is a student run organization. ASRHC is comprised of Rio students that are elected or are appointed. The ASRHC works with administration, faculty and staff to improve the campus environment and promote a positive college experience by voicing the needs and concerns of the students. The ASRHC operates within the Student Life & Leadership Department, which deals with all co-curricular activities on campus. The ASRHC hosts elections every spring; applications are sent to all students via email for elected, as well as appointed positions. The AS President appoints student leaders to vacant positions throughout the year. The ASRCH is divided into three branches: the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. Rio students are encouraged to take an active role.
SAEN Urges UC Irvine be Investigated for Animal Cruelty Allegations CESAR GONZALEZ
Opinion/Lifestyle Editor cesar.gonzalez6118@my.riohondo.com
Stop Animal Exploitation Now or SAEN, have reported this year to the U.S. Department of Agriculture to investigate UC Irvine researchers for the death of a total of six animals since the last year of March 2017. The animals reported to have died since then have been four rabbits, a pig, and sheep. If these violations against the university are in fact definite the university is looking to pay $60,000, $10,000 per animal used by UCI. The executive director of SAEN, Michael A. Budkie had this to say, “There are serious ethical issues here because we’re talking about vertebrate animals with central nervous
Exposing the truth to wipe out animal experimentation
systems, which means they are intelligent, sensitive animals capable of feeling pain, even if people aren’t concerned about animals,” Budkie stated, “They should be concerned because most of the animal research is federally funded.” UC Irvine has since replied with a statement of their own claiming the allegations to be “flatly inaccurate.” Tom Vasich, a University spokesman had claimed that the Department of Agriculture had found no such
violations, and that the animals were being tested for studying heart valves, imaging technology, improvements in treating burns and in corneal surgery. The animal rights group however, is pressing forward with their allegations that the university failed to properly administer anesthesia and provide passable veterinary care to those six animals who died last year. The reports go as stated: In March 2017 three rabbits had died shortly after arrival at UCI before they were
used in any research. The rabbits were analyzed with intestinal condition that caused diarrhea and was responsible for their deaths. In the next month of April 2017, the pig had been reported dead after suddenly being under anesthesia. The sheep was recounted as dead due to internal bleeding after an operation caused by unbalanced dose of heparin, which is a blood thinner. In August 2017, the last report stated that the rabbit was killed due to being injected with a ketamine/xylazine ‘anesthetic cocktail’ immediately after it was injected. The Ohio-based animal rights group looks to end all animal experimentation. Budkie also mentions that technological developments have been, cheaper, safer, and more efficient.
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El Paisano Tuesday September 25, 2018
Study Suggests People Become More Introverted With Age EVELYN VARGAS
Reporter evelyn.vargas3749@my.riohondo.edu
As a person gets older, the higher the chances are they will become more introverted. The result of that is as a person reaches a certain age in which they will feel more stable, at peace, and self sufficient. Susan Cain explains in the post Quiet Revolution, that all this comes from the research done by psychologists in which they call “intrinsic maturation”. This meaning that as the person ages, changes will happen to their personality. As a person grows older they start turning into a less interactive person, and this is an example of “intrinsic maturation.” “I’ve asked myself the same question. I was always an introvert, but my social needs used to be much more intense that they are today.” says Cain as she realizes that she has experienced “intrinsic maturation.” Intrinsic maturation has also been happening in both introverted and extroverted persons, as psychologists noticed it in Germany, the UK, Spain, the
RAMON ALVARADO/EPM Many students have trouble getting out of their comfort zone, and that may not change with age. Studies show the trouble may even get worse.
Czech Republic, and Turkey. This phenomenal known as “intrinsic maturation” has also made an appearance in animals such as chimps and monkeys. Though becoming more introverted may seem like a bad thing it is in fact a good thing, as Cain states “High
levels of extroversion probably help with mating...why most of us are… most sociable during teen and adult years.” With the research done by psychologists, it is seen as normal and a great thing that as a younger person being more extroverted will get you to places and it is important
to socially interact with others. However as a person ages, the way they interact changes into a less interactive mood and personality. Once a person reaches a certain age the fulfillment of a socially interactive life will make the person change into a more
calm human. “If the task of the first half of life is to put yourself out there, the task of the second half is to make sense of where you’ve been.” Once “intrinsic maturation” has occured, the person has gone through the lifestyle psychologists have done research with.
Skin Implant Could Prevent Cocaine Addiction
A new treatment is said to prevent cocaine addiction by using genetically engineered versions of patients skin. Professor Ming Xu and his colleagues at the University of Chicago in Illinois discovered the treatment by testing it on mice. The treatment is done by skin cells being taken from the mice and then a gene is added to it. The gene is an enzyme that breaks down and destroys cocaine in the bloodstream. There were two groups of mice included in these tests, one with the treatment and another control group. Both
were then given doses of cocaine. In the control group it took two hours for the cocaine to break down, the one with the skin implant had it broken down in only 20 minutes. The mice with the implant also didn’t get a “pleasure hit” in the brain from the drug. And since the mice with the implant didn’t get a “hit” they didn’t have the desire to go looking for more. However, they did go looking for alcohol when it was made available to them showing the treatment only works for cocaine. The mice with implants also survived high doses of cocaine whereas the control group died. Xu believes the treatment
would work on humans too, “It will work, like in mice, by highly efficiently degrading cocaine as soon as it enters the blood circulation so that little would reach the brain,” he said to the magazine New Scientist. “People addicted to cocaine would stop using it, and there would be no cocaine-induced relapses,” Xu continued, “There are no methods approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for treating cocaine abuse, so it could be the first.” “ With the help of development of scientific tools, especially grafting genetically manipulated skin stem cells from my collaborator Dr. Xiaoyang Wu whose work make this possible,” Xu said to El Paisano.
Scientists would take the genetically modified skins cells and replicate it, addicts would then have implants put under their skin permanently. Xu also says that some of the mice originally tested on are still healthy after six months. This gives the team hope that the therapy will translate well for humans. Xu and his team even made a prototype using the foreskin cells from newborn baby boys, it works similar to the mice experiments for two months. “We’d like to move to clinical trials as soon as possible,” Xu says to the New Scientist. When asked what the cost would be if it became available for production Xu told us, “Too early to tell but this
method should be cheaper than any existing gene-based therapy.” When asked whether the treatment would be a long term solution or short term Xu told El Paisano, “Longterm, hopefully the skin patches will last for 30 years in humans.” Xu said what drove him to do the project was “Scientific interests”. ”I am interested in why people get addicted and whether we can help to treat drug addiction.” Around 5,000 Americans die because of cocaine overdoses each year. There are currently no clinically approved treatments for cocaine addiction. If addicts do manage to quit they will relapse again.
“We’d like to move to clinical trials as soon as possible.” - University of Chicago Professor Ming Xu
El Paisano Tuesday September 25, 2018
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Montebello’s Daily Brew Coffee Bar Closes NOAH GARCIA Associate Director noah.garcia3720@my.riohondo.edu
Montebello’s The Daily Brew Coffee Bar is closing this month, ending its five year run as an important cultural hub for the community. The Owner, Terry Hunsucker, opened in 2013 knowing very little about coffee but a lot about fostering relationships and artistic expression. He first came to the location on a business meeting, resulting in newfound love of the idea and it’s infantesimal possibilities. Since its birth, the business has participated in events such as Montebello’s Family Festival, Art Walk, Taste of the Town, Eastside Poetry and more : all evidence of the owners commitment towards lighting the creative spark that lies within everyone. While they have been involved in these community celebrations, they’ve had smaller events throughout each month, the
most frequent being their Open Mics. Their last open mic, took place September 14, strived to be more of a celebration of the store, its community and the arts rather than its closure. Dozens of people frequented the coffee bar that night, listening to local performers, pouring out emotional goodbyes and taking their last chance to indulge themselves in the food and drink sold there. After the event, Hunsucker went into detail on the stores closure describing how, “I’ve got a big surgery coming up in November… I had a fall five and a half weeks ago that really did more injury to my leg and I need to get it fixed, it’s keeping me awake at night …” While he’s dealt with similar accidents like this in the past, the fall exacerbated his leg problems and helped push him towards closing.
The owners of the space also refused to grant him a beer and wine license, which is something he has been trying to obtain for the store. With the lease up for renewal, a five year contract, he felt that it was the right time to end the venture and take time to recover and plan out his next move. “I’ve got a couple of friends that have been pushing me to start a restaurant, a lot of people don’t know, but I really know how to cook and I love to cook.” He also stated that he would also have a space in his future business for the people of Montebello, as well as any others interested, to express themselves. While the open sign has been unplugged and the last pot brewed, the store left behind the idea of fostering the creative spark that resides in all of us.
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El Paisano Tuesday September 25, 2018
Loki and Scarlet Witch Series Potentially Making Their Way Onto Disney’s Streaming Service JAIME APARICIO A&E Editor
Expected to launch some time in 2019, the people behind the Disney streaming service are full underway to offer fans quality content. A couple of projects that the juggernaut company is developing are original series that will center on Loki and The Scarlet Witch characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Actors Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen are expected to reprise their roles with other second tier characters to get their own series as the streaming service continues. With Marvel Studios taking over the summer blockbuster season with films such as the first “Avengers” and the recently released “Avengers: Infinity War,” Marvel will continue to produce the character series with President of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige coming in to oversee the projects. The budget for the series is likely
PHOTO VIA DIGITALSPY.COM Attempting to expand on their popular cast of characters, Marvel Studios is reported to produce individual series on such characters as Loki and The Scarlet Witch. With the potential inclusion of Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen reprising their repected roles, Disney’s streaming service is in position to attract plenty of more subscribers than expected.
to come close, if not, rival that of the theatrical films and are planned to have six to eight episodes for each show. Disney is getting ambitious with its plans on competing with other giant streaming services such as
Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon. Disney will include shows based off MCU characters, a “Star Wars” live-action series overseen by director and producer Jon Favreau, a new show on “High School Musical,” and a live-action
film of “Lady and The Tramp.” The streaming service will also offer new releases “Dumbo” and “Captain Marvel” after their initial release on InDemand, DVD, Blu-ray, and 4K. Other Marvel shows such as the popular
Netflix series “Daredevil,” “Jessica Jones,” “Luke Cage,” “Iron Fist,” “The Defenders,” and “The Punisher” are expected to stay on their streaming service under the Marvel TV banner.
Sean Penn Calls #MeToo Movement “Salacious” DANIELLE ANZURES Reporter
PHOTO VIA DIGITALSPY.COM Winner of two Oscars, actor Sean Penn is a powerful actor who is capable of great range in his fims. His stern, yet delicate words are able to make a difference to those who are willing to listen.
During an interview with NBC’s “Today,” Sean Penn criticized the #MeToo movement calling it “salacious” and “exploitative”. The comments came through during an interview with Penn and his co-star Natascha McElhone for his tv debut with a new Hulu series. “The First” is about a dangerous mission to Mars and will have female characters playing astronauts along with a woman president. When host, Natalie Morales, asked if they thought the #MeToo movement had ‘’informed” the show due to the roles women have in this series, Penn and McElhone had
differing opinion. While McElhone agreed, saying while she thinks in reality women are more complex that in media they usually aren’t depicted that way. Penn, however didn’t agree. “I’d like to think that none of it was influenced by what they call the movement of #MeToo,” Penn replied. “I think it’s influenced by the things that are developing in terms of the empowerment of women who’ve been acknowledging each other and being acknowledged by men.” Penn then added, “This is a movement that was largely shouldered by a kind of receptacle of the salacious”. When Morales asked what he meant by that,
Penn clarified saying, “Well, we don’t know what’s a fact in many of the cases,’’ he said. “Salacious is as soon as you call something a movement that is really a series of many individual accusers, victims, accusations, some of which are unfounded.” He continued on saying, “The spirit of much of what has been the #MeToo movement is to divide men and women.” He also said the movement lacked “nuanced” and was “too black and white.” The interview ended with Penn and McElhone saying they hope their chemistry on screen translates well on camera and they hope audiences enjoy the show.
“I’d like to think that none of it was influenced by what they call the movement of #MeToo. I think it’s influenced by the things that are developing in terms of the empowerment of women who’ve been acknowledging each other and being acknowledged by men.” - Sean Penn
El Paisano Tuesday September 25, 2018
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Patrick Stewart to Play Bosley in the New “Charlie’s Angels” Film
IMAGE VIA ZAYZAY.COM From Captain Picard to Professor Xavier, Sir Patrick Stewart will again star in another well-known property. In the next installment of “Charlie’s Angels,” Stewart will take on the role of Bosley, who is Charlie’s liason to The Angels.
Elizabeth Banks’ reboot of “Charlie’s Angels” brings new actors in the roles of classic characters, as well as multiple actors to the same character. Banks, who is directing, producing, and co-writing the script, is also starring in the movie as a female version of the Bosley character. But The Hollywood Reporter reveals that Bosley, the middleman
between the Angels and the never-seen Charlie, will also be played by Patrick Stewart. “In a twist on the usual proceedings, the project seems to have multiple characters named Bosley, who in the past acted as the face of the enigmatic and neverseen owner of the detective agency, Charlie Townsend. Banks is set to play Bosley, with sources telling The Hollywood Reporter that Stewart is also playing a
Bosley.” In the last couple reboots of “Charlie’s Angels,” there has always been just one Bosley that plays the liaison between Charlie and the Angels. David Doyle was the first to play the role in the 1970s TV series, Bill Murray played him in the 2000 film, Bernie Mac was John Bosley’s brother in the sequel “Full Throttle” and Ramon Rodriguez filled the role in the short-lived ABC series in
2011. It seems that in Banks new version of the Charlie’s Angels there are multiple teams around the world. According to Gizmodo, “ In this telling of the ‘Charlie’s Angels’ story, the agency is a global operation with multiple teams of operatives in the field at any given point in time, and at some point, the two Bosleys will cross paths.” But this isn’t the only role we’ll be seeing Stewart repeat. He will also play Star Fleet Capt. Jean-Luc Picard, on a new “Star Trek” television series being developed for CBS All Access. According to the Hollywood Reporter, “The new series will not be a reboot of “The Next
Generation”, but instead is being described as an exploration of the next chapter of Picard’s life.” The new “Charlie’s Angels” movie starring Kristen Stewart, Naomi Scott, and Ella Balinska as the Angels is said to be releasing September 27, 2019. According to ThePlaylist, Kristen Stewart stated, “The film is the ‘superwoke’ version of the franchise, with ‘no objectification,’ and will also not try to be an ‘impression’ of the TV series or feature films.”
“The film is the ‘super-woke’ version of the franchise, with ‘no objectification,’ and will also not try to be an ‘impression’ of the TV series or feature films.” - Kristen Stewart
Paul McCartney Reaches No.1 Debut in the U.S ANAMARIA APARICIO Reporter
Paul McCartney is an icon in the world of music with a career going back to no more than six decades. But because he was a member of The Beatles and has a long going career as a solo artist, doesn’t guarantee No. 1 albums in the U.S. McCartney’s last No.1 hit in the U.S was in 1982 for his fourth studio album “Tug Of War.” According to National Public Radio, “The iconic pop star’s 18th solo album, “Egyption Station” has debuted in the top spot on the Billboard 200, marking the singer’s first No. 1 album in the U.S. in 36 years and his first No. 1 debut.” The 36-year gap between No. 1 albums also makes
the longest gap between Billboard 200 chart-toppers for any living artist in music history. “Egyption Station” was released September 7 via MPL/Capitol Records with a total of 16 tracks. On the day of his album release, he held a show in New York’s City Grand Central Station. Billboard reports the record moved 153,000 units between September 7 and 13. This album gives him the biggest sales week he’s had in over a decade. Although, he still holds the record for the most Billboard 200 chart-toppers as the former lead singer of The Beatles. The legendary band has since earned 19 No. 1 hits on the chart. “Egyption Station” is a journey to different parts of his emotional state, each song
serving as a different station stop on the trip. NPR’s Ann Powers, commented that the playful record highlights McCartney’s wisdom and “overall mood of joy in the moment, joy in the studio, joy in making music.” McCartney announced the release of a new album back in June during a Carpool Karaoke episode on “The Late Late Show’ with James Corden. During this episode he showed Corden around his childhood home in Liverpool. This video has received over 32 million views on YouTube since its original posting.
“The iconic pop star’s 18th solo album, “Egyption Station” has debuted in the top spot on the Billboard 200, marking the singer’s first No. 1 album in the U.S. in 36 years and his first No. 1 debut.”
8 elpaisanoonline.com
El Paisano Tuesday September 25, 2018
Bryan Singer in Talks to Return to Directing with “Red Sonja” DANIELLE ANZURES Reporter
Bryan Singer will possibly get a second chance at directing with “Red Sonja”, a remake for Avi Lerner’s Millennium Media according to The Hollywood Reporter. The last film Singer worked on was “Bohemian Rhapsody,” a biopic on Queen’s Freddie Mercury. The director was cut from the
project towards the end. This was reportedly due to Singer missing so many days on set that the studio had to halt production. Despite Singer being replaced by Dexter Fletcher during later shoots, Singer will be credited as the director. Singer is best known for his work on the “X-Men” films including, “X-Men,” “X2: X-Men United,” “X-Men:
Days of Future Past,” and “X-Men: Apocalypse,” which should help him for this movie. “Red Sonja” a film starring Brigitte Nielsen and Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1985, is based of a comic from the 1970’s. Robert E. Howard introduced the character in his 1934 story “The Legend of the Vulture.” Millennium Media announced plans to reboot
the movie during the American Film Market last November. No one has been cast yet. But the movie does have producers on board for the project. Millennium’s Lerner and Joe Gatta will be producers. Also joining the team is Cinelou’s Mark Canton and Courtney Solomon are on on board as producers for the film. Millennium Films’ Boaz
Davidson, John Thompson, and Trevor Short will act as executive producers. Also joining the executive producers crew is Christa Campbell and Lati Grobman of Campbell Grobman Films. Along with Scott Karol of Cinelou and Luke Lieberman. Ashley Miller, who wrote “X-Men: First Class,” is writing the screenplay.
Films Opening This Week: * “Hellfest”
* “Golden Job”
* “Night School”
* “Little Women”
* “Smallfoot”
* “Monsters and Men”
* “All About Nina”
* “The Old Man & The Gun”
* “Bad Reputation”
* “The Padre”
* “Black 47”
* “Summer ‘03”
* “Cruise” * “Free Solo”
* “Trico Tri Happy Halloween”
El Paisano Tuesday September 25, 2018
9 elpaisanoonline.com
One’s Appearance Is More Than Meets the Eye:Professor Geoffrey McWilliams MADELYN GASTELUM Reporter
There are many
professors here at Rio Hondo, but one that stands out among the crowd is Mathematics professor, Geoffrey McWilliams. Like many professors within the faculty here on campus, Professor McWilliams was once a student here at Rio Hondo seeking a better education, but not sure what he would want to do with it. There is just one difference that made coming to school that much more difficult for Professor McWilliams, he is physically disabled. Professor McWilliams was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, a genetic disorder that affects the control of muscle movement. It is caused by a loss of specialized nerve cells called motor neurons which control all of your muscle movements from walking to something as simple as breathing. Spinal Muscular Atrophy affects only 1-10,000 people in the US each year. “Growing up in the 70’s many people assumed since I was physically disabled that I must have been mentally disabled as well,” said Professor McWilliams, this was just one of the many
stereotypical views that were placed on him as a child. He knew he could accomplish much more if given the chance. His parents were the first people that were part of his support group, “My parents believed that I could do it so I worked really hard and I was accepted into the local public school,” McWilliams stated. The years went by and that's how Professor McWilliams found himself at Rio Hondo with a goal but not finite direction. “I was a lost soul, with no idea on what I wanted to do,” McWilliams said, “But I have several good instructors who helped me with that.” Professor McWilliams admitted to always having a chip in his shoulder because of his condition and he was a smart student but lazy when it came to putting in the work. One of his professors suggested that he should become a tutor and that's when his perception on school changed. After his time tutoring at the Math and Science Center (MSC) he decided that he wanted to teach. Professor McWilliams was inspired by a since retired professor, Beverly Santana, “She believed in me and gave me hope. I have faced a lot of doubt and it took alot for someone to see
Professor McWilliams the PhD-holding Mathematics professor at Rio Hondo College has overcome his long past of being “the lost student” that shaped him to be the person he is today. Regardless of what other’s said McWilliams suprasssed his limitations of Spinal Muscular Atrophy after becoming a tutor of math and later a Professor of RHC.
past that.” Professor McWilliams worked hard and got his Bachelors and Masters from California State University Fullerton. For him it was important to stay local because of his strong support system that he had already established here. “I was also accepted to Berkeley but I need help with everything in my daily life like getting dressed and driving,” McWilliams commented, “I didn’t want to risk leaving and having to find a whole new crew of people who would be willing to work with me out there.” Like any other stu-
dent he has obstacles that made going to school hard, but when we get sick we may miss one class whereas he sometimes would miss an entire week. This made keeping up with his courses so much harder but he pushed through because he wanted to help students the way he had been helped. In total Professor McWilliams has spent over 20 years helping students here at Rio Hondo College and he says it is the most rewarding experience. “My students make it worth while, and I get to teach them not just with
academic lessons, but life lessons as well.” We as a student body are so lucky to have such a strong support system here at Rio Hondo College with professors that care about us as people not just grades. Professor McWilliams is one of those professors who continues everyday to be his best self so his students can succeed and accomplish something greater. Professor McWilliams said, “I feel like I’ve done well in being the best professor I can be, and I still want to continue to reach that goal for my students.”
College Life as a Vegan
Retaining an academic lifestyle is just as tedious as maintaining a vegan-based diet. ERIKA SUAREZ
Editor-in-Chief Digital
As a college stu-
dent I saw the benefits of saving money on groceries and having a healthy lifestyle as a vegan. I went through the vegan diet for 3 months and it had its advantages and disadvantages. Skimming through videos on YouTube, I came across a video on vegan meal prepping. The channel tilted “Cheap Lazy Vegan” with Youtuber, Rose Lee. My obsession for Asian cuisine
caught my attention as I watched her “veganize” every Asian dish you can think of. In her videos, she makes sure that everything she cooks in her videos are dairy free and vegan. A majority of her ingredients is using Tofu and nutritional yeast flakes to add protein in the meals. I was enthralled in what I watched and began searching through her channel. There I found, “A Beginner’s Guide to Veganism.” Rose states in the video why she went vegan and the benefits it has. She emphasizes if “you’re going vegan,”
to do it for the right reasons because a lot of people quit within the first month, it’s too expensive, or they don’t care much about it. As I began the diet, the beginning felt surprisingly great. My digestive system was a lot faster (I pooped a lot more) and my groggy mornings vanished. I survived throughout the day without any coffee and my wallet was pleased. I ate a lot of Tofu. and I’m not kidding when I say a lot of it. Of course veggies were added to meals and discovered couscous that is very similar to rice that is incredibly simple to cook.Cooking a variety of alternatives made this diet fun and challenging. A favorite dish I cooked was Vegan buffalo wings (baked cauliflower with buffalo sauce glazed over it). It was quite an experience cooking vegan meals and “veganizing” foods at restaurants. Although, I did become fixated on reading food labels and researching the good and bad of foods. I would freak if I ate something that contained dairy; I felt
like I let Earth down. Remembering Youtuber Rose Lee say it’s okay to mess up, brought peace to my mind. Realizing a vegan diet is a long process to get accustomed to,
especially for someone who has eaten meat their entire life made. I was hopeful that I could continue the diet, and so I did. I felt good, I was a brand-new woman. A healthy one. The best part about living in LA was the vegan spots that were alternatives to delicious foods like Inn-Out. It was difficult going out to dinner with friends, because they would look at me as unhinged. I would order
Sweet potato fries or veggies while everyone else enjoyed their hot-wings and burgers. Hanging by a loose thread on the third month. I experienced an extreme fatigue with foggy memory, and placing things where they shouldn’t be and my muscles began to sore. I wouldn’t blame the diet though. Balancing work and school took a lot of time from meal prepping and it was important to maintaining this diet. Starving at school or work was the result I had if I didn’t meal prep. French fries and uncrustables were the easiest things I could find to eat. The diet went downhill from there. I experienced bloating that was discomforting, so I ditched the tofu and ate what I wanted. As much as I didn’t want to return back to dairy and meat, it was for my own good. A lifestyle such as mine was difficult to maintain the vegan diet. The outcome of it helped me become mindful in what I ate and to not over do it.
10 elpaisanoonline.com
El Paisano Tuesday September 25, 2018
Equilibrium: Academic & Social Life CESAR E. GONZALEZ Opinion/Lifestyles Editor
ife is very easy once you have it all figured it out, specifically when achieving your career path and finally getting where you need to be. In all reality it isn’t as simple as you may think…or is it? Is life itself solely about your academics? Is there no time for enjoying a social life? What if there’s a way to accommodate both aspects, would you believe me? For some school is priority, NUMERO UNO (number one). For others working a full-time job and enjoying their social life on their days off has become a way of living and it’s all they’ve known. In all seriousness school really isn’t for everyone, you do have to have a mindset for it. However, most if not all students like myself believe that there is in fact a way to have both an academic and social life. How? Let’s just say I’ve picked up a few pointers from some fellow peers of mine. Like Ignacio Cervantes, a journalism major, who when interviewed has this to say on the matter, “Usually for me for the past 3 years
what’s been working is pretty much not-not having a social life but pretty much putting school ahead big time,” Cervantes goes onto say, “I’m one of those friends who kind of doesn’t hang out with my friends that often because of that.” Cervantes also mentions that it really has a lot do with “setting your priorities” and for him getting out of school, finishing up for his career, and getting a bachelor’s degree is his number one goal. Cervantes commented that sometimes not having a social life can help benefit you if you live alone. “I live on my own too so that’s kind of benefited me, because my social life has to do with my friends coming over my house.” Another student, Melissa Banda also shared her insight about balancing her life academically and socially. Banda stated, “I think it is possible, it is all about time management,” Banda explains, “You have to learn how to manage your time and how to focus school somedays and when you’re free and done with everything then you can go out.” Banda also disagrees that anyone should completely cut off their social life, however, if the individual is all about
CESAR E. GONZALEZ/EPM Finding one’s own sense of balance guarantees a better handle of your life. Balance is key. open a cold one with the boys school then it depends on really depends on the person on weekends,” Rosal said. the person. “It also depends and finding the right balance Just like these three young on the people, if you’re really in prioritizing the things in striving students I also am into school that’s on you,” she your life such as work, your one who has been able to said, “but since I’m an outrelationships with others and going person I like to do both being on top of all your school dedicate myself to my academics, maintain my social and that’s why I balance it.” work.” life with friends, and also find One psychology major Rosal credits his good grades time to work a full-time job. student, Roy Rosal also gave due to staying in on some Nothing in this life is easy, me his feedback on how he nights and fully dedicatbut in the end finding your manages his school and social ing himself to studying and balance along with sacrifice life. When I asked if it is completing his assignments will be worth it in the long possible to maintain a balin a timely manner. After all, run. ance on both he also agreed there will always be time to that it has a lot to do with the have fun when it is right. “I’ve individual them self. “Yeah, managed to be a full-time it’s possible, difficult but not student, work a night shift, impossible,” claims Rosal, “it and still find time to crack
Everyone’s an Activist
Social media can give anyone a platform for activism whether it be Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. It’s how you use it that makes it a powerful tool for activism.
If you look up “activ-
ist” in the English dictionary you’ll get “A person who campaigns to bing about political or social change,” but with the rise of social media and the major part it’s become of our lives, an activist can be just about anyone with any type of social media. Just as long as you’re clever with your word -play, being able to deceive yourself as someone who’s spent numerous hours study-
ing a subject can be a piece of cake; especially when hiding behind a glowing screen. Caring has become somewhat of a trend these days. Every single day, week, or month, there’s always one major topic that has the masses in wound up and sharing their opinions. Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the line between sharing and preaching can be very vague. This first really caught my attention when I began to notice tons of backlash online towards
Fullerton based record label, Burger Records. After some digging, I found out that the “internet” wasn’t happy with how the label was going about the homeless population at Mosswood park in Oakland, California. Mosswood park has been the location for their ongoing “Burger Boogaloo” (which I attended this past summer) music fest for the past few years. It was this specific year that the public had caught eye of how the authorities were getting rid of the homeless people who have
been calling that park home for years now. Almost immediately Burger Records had become the main target and all of a sudden everyone had something to say about the homeless problem going on in the the city of Oakland. However, what some people forgot to mention was that Burger Boogaloo wasn’t the main reason for all those homeless people getting relocated. Prior to the planning for the fest a program for serving disabled youth had been inorder months before. A park full of
The Cord/Lena Chang
used syringes is no park for this kind of event. Social media outlets like Twitter, can be very impactful for the right reasons, and it’s important to note that if used right you can get things done in the name of activism. With the ability to reach millions of people all around the globe instantly, it’s easier to rally up those who share the same beliefs. Just as easy as it is to do that, it can be just as easy for all that power of instantly sharing your thoughts to the world to get to your head.
El Paisano Tuesday September 25, 2018
11 elpaisanoonline.com
Weekly Weather Forecast: Sept. 25-Oct.1 Tuesday 25
Thursday 27
Friday 28
Saturday 29
Sunday 30
Monday 1
91 62
91 62
94 64
88 63
82 60
79 63
82 65
Weekly Horoscope September 25-October 1
Don’t mess up, Don’t do it because it’s going to screw up everything. Please be careful with everything you try to do this week.
Just stop trying to win, success will come to you once you’re clear headed and wait for it to come to you.
First things first, whatever stubbornness you may have towards an issue : drop it ! It’s going to hold you back .
Dance like nobody is watching because at a time where nobody is watching you : that is where you are going to shine.
Fakes are going to be exposed in your life. Those who lie, cheat and generally don’t care about you will have a possibility of being revealed.
Disaster is going to come and you are going to not care about it at all and let it cruse by, doing no damage to you what-soever
Put your name down for anything, any boldness that you have needs to be put into full effect this week, as an opportunity awaits.
If only the world made sense . This week is going to turn a certain perception you had upside down.
Disaster is coming your way, so hold on to everything you care about, because an unexpected threat might come your way.
Go for it ! Now is the week of opportunity to strike success and take what you need.
Somebody is using you. They are taking and taking, with this week giving you a chance to either sever that bond or let it grow.
Open yourself to love. Someone out there will off some form of love to you, and depending on how you react, this love will lead to
Transfer Admission Checklist: September: Submit a UC TAG application by September 30, 2018 November: Apply to UC campuses by November 30, 2018
Tuesday, September 4
– 5:45pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday, September 5 – 12:00pm - 12:45pm
Wednesday, September 5 – 6:00pm - 6:45pm Tuesday, September 11
– 5:45pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday, September 12 – 12:00pm - 12:45pm Monday, September 17
– 1:00pm - 1:45pm
Wednesday, September 19 – 1:00pm - 1:45pm
Wednesday, September 5
– 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Wednesday, September 12 – 1:00pm - 3:00pm Monday, September 10
– 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Monday, September 17
– 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Santa Barbara
Santa Cruz
Wednesday, September 19 – 2:00pm - 4:00pm Monday, September 24
– 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Tuesday, September 25
– 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Wednesday, September 26 – 5:00pm - 7:00pm Thursday, September 27
– 11:00am - 1:00pm
Friday, September 28
– 9:30am - 1:00pm
12 elpaisanoonline.com
El Paisano Tuesday September 25, 2018
Jordan x Galaxy Rewarded With Postseason Life Line PSG IGNACIO CERVANTES Sports Editor ignacio.cervantes8813@my.riohondo.edu Tuesday, Sept. 18 in Liverpool, England, French football club Paris St.-Germain debuted its collaboration with Nike’s Jordan brand during a Champions League encounter with Liverpool Football Club. In its 3-2 defeat to Liverpool FC, PSG rocked an allblack kit that included white accents and the legendary Jumpman logo on the right side of the chest. The partnership became Jordan’s biggest leap outside the basketball world. Players like Neymar Jr., Brazilian forward, and Kylian Mbappe, French winger, sported hoodie sweaters and windbreakers during the team’s walkthrough at Anfield, Liverpool’s stadium, to stay warm during a windy, chilly night. Windbreakers include a Jumpman logo spread across the back with the words ‘Paris St. Germain’ above it wrapping around and underneath it. On the hoodie, ‘Paris’ appears across the chest with the Jumpman replacing the ‘a’. “Jordan Brand and Paris Saint-Germ ain share a distinct position in sport and style, so to partner with the club is a natural fit,” said Michael Jordan. Of all cities to choose from, it shouldn’t come as a surprise the brand chose PSG as its first collaborator. Paris is a fashion-forward city and the stand-out glamor of the French capital is just what Jordan represents. “Obviously [Michael Jordan] represents greatness.”
David Creech, Jordan Brand’s vice president of design, said during an event between the two parties, “We take that same ethos and mindset and apply it to other sports. The Jordan brand represents premium craftsmanship. The uniforms were specifically designed to be worn only during the European tournament played between teams from all over the continent. According to Nike News,
“We’re excited to unite these two passionate communities by putting the Jumpman on the chest of Paris Saint-Germain to continue fueling the energy for sport and style globally.”
Brayan Alramirano / EPM
Emmanuel Boateng scored his second goal of the season in Galaxy’s 3-0 victory over Seattle Sounders Sunday, Sept. 23 at StubHub Center.
The Los Angeles Galaxy defeated the Seattle Sounders Sunday, Sept. 23 by the score of 3-0 at the StubHub Center. Prior to kickoff, the two teams were separated by six points with the Sounders sitting two spots ahead and positioned in the final postseason slot. After its three goal victory, the Galaxy have cut the spread in half and stayed alive in the playoff race. When asked whether he felt good after the match, goal-scorer of the Galaxy’s first tally Zlatan Ibrahimovic responded by saying that winning makes you feel good. If Ibrahimovic’s statement is true, Seattle’s camp must be feeling better than the hosts as a result of recent form. Since the start of July, the Sounders have played 14 Major League Soccer matches and have only lost once before the match. A mid-week loss to Philadelphia Wednesday, Sept. 19. The back-to-back losses put the Sounders’ remarkable finish to the season on hold. A couple of defeats that play into Los Angeles’ hands. Dominic Kinnear, interim head coach following the departure of former coach Sigi Schmid last week, mentioned post-game that it was crucial for his side to set the tone early in order to establish a foundation for the rest of the game. The hosts pressured high up the pitch and made it difficult for Seattle from the start. “I thought we were the aggressor the first five ten
minutes,” said Kinnear, “ I just wanted us to defend in their half of the field so we aren’t sitting back too far.” After forward Ola Kamara was brought down in the box in the ninth minute, the Galaxy’s press forced a penalty that Ibrahimovic converted for an early lead. After a sloppy Seattle back-line wared down late in the first half, the Galaxy would double its lead through a Kamara tap-in after a creative wall pass between Ibrahimovic and winger Romain Alessandrini exploited the Sounders defense. Early in the second half, a disastrous miss-kick from center-back Roman Torres allowed winger Emmanuel Boateng to pounce on a loose ball in front of goal and put it past a hopeless Stefan Frei, Seattle goalkeeper. With just four games left in the schedule, the Galaxy is one of four teams in the Western Conference still competing for the final two playoff spots (barring massive slips from third place Los Angeles Football Club and fourth-spot Portland Timbers). Up next for the Galaxy is a trip to Vancouver to face the Whitecaps Saturday Sept. 29. The Canadian side sit one point behind Los Angeles so another must-win mentality will come from both teams next weekend. “It’s a huge game next week for the both of us. It’s coming down to the wire as MLS playoff races seem to do. They’re not afraid of being physical so we’ll bring our tough game next week,” said Kinnear.
Brayan Altamirano / EPM
Striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic (white) put the Galaxy in front in the 10th minute after powering a penalty kick past Seattle goalkeeper Stefan Frei. The striker and his side have four matches left to sneak into the playoffs despite a bellow-par season from the Galaxy so far.
Los Angeles Galaxy Remaining Schedule vs Vancouver Whitecaps Sept. 29 40 pts at Sporting Kansas City
Oct. 6
51 pts
at Minnesota United
Oct. 21
33 pts
vs Houston Dynamo
Oct. 28
32 pts
El Paisano Tuesday September 25, 2018
13 elpaisanoonline.com
Development Of Young Squad Continues for Coach Esko the top of our conference and is also state ranked,” said Sports Editor ignacio.cervantes8813@my.riohondo.edu head coach Teddi Esko, “And my team just competed with them.” Rio Hondo’s women’s volley It was a vast improveball team lost in three sets to ment from Wednesday evethe Long Beach City Vikings ning’s 1-3 loss to San Diego Friday, Sept. 21 at Rio’s gymMesa Friday night as the Vinasium. kings, one of the best teams Unfortunately for the in the state, found themRoadrunners, the stat line selves playing from behind. and score doesn’t reflect Rio’s The Lady Roadrunners effort throughout the match. started well and came with “Long Beach City is at IGNACIO CERVANTES
in three points from taking the first set. But at 22-19, the Vikings score six unanswered points to steal the first frame. Set two saw the Lady Roadrunners keep things close. The Vikings took the lead but unfortunately for coach Esko, Long Beach City would seal the second set 25-21 to go up 2-0 despite her teams courageous effort. By set three, the Vikings had things under control
Michael Martinez / EPM
The Lady Roadrunners battled but came up short against LBCC
Michael Martinez / EPM
Freshmen, opposite hitter Jordan Midyette, no. 9, and middle blocker Danielle Betancourt, no. 6, from Rio attempt a block on Sophomore outside hitter Jessica Blakeman, no.2, in a 0-3 loss to Long Beach City.
and coasted to a 25-13 win to finish off the sweep. “Our job now is going to be sustaining the energy,” said Esko, “Sustaining the control of the game and working on finishing. Not just competing but finishing.” Despite the result, the Lady Roadrunners move on to the next game with their heads held high after what
should be a morale-boosting performance. After losing five of the last six games, it’s important Friday’s energy carries onto the next match. The Lady Roadrunners look to end its three-game losing skid Wednesday, Sept. 26 against Los Angeles Harbor College, a 3-3 team riding a two-game losing streak of its own.
Roadrunners Men’s Soccer Look Ready For Conference post-match. Three wins on the bounce ignacio.cervantes8813@my.riohondo.edu and a set of in-form players will come as assurance for Rio Hondo men’s soccer the team’s chances to win fought off a first half malee the SCC this November. But from the Los Angeles Mission it’s when the team cohesiveCollege Eagles to win 2-0 ly works as a unit that its Friday, Sept. 21. chances at a fruitful winter At 6-0-2 after its first will improve. eight matches, the Road “Bottom line, if they [Rio] runners take its undefeated stay standing, they aren’t record into conference play very good.” said Brenes about against East Los Angeles the team’s inability to play College Tuesday, Sept. 25. consistently Friday, “The first It’s the first time since head half was basically all them. coach Orlando Brenes startThey played very aggresed the program in the mid sive and they were beating 1990s that Rio’s men’s soccer us to the ball. We were ball have gone undefeated during watching. In the second half preseason play. we came out, set the tempo, After getting past the scored two goals right away.” hurdle of its first road game It took a second half, Tuesday, Sept. 18 in a 2-1 three minute surge for the win over no. 1 state-ranked Roadrunners to put their Santa Monica College, it’s stamp on the game as Freshbeginning to look like the man midfielder Jonathan De Roadrunners are entering a Jesus and Sophomore forward form of identity right on time Angel Flores netted moments for South Coast Conference apart in the 60th and 63rd action. minutes. “I’m very happy that they Following the rough feel it [confidence] because we start, the Roadrunners went open up league against East into cruise control after LA and we want to go out scoring the two goals. The there and win.” said Brenes win came as a mental morale IGNACIO CERVANTES Sports Editor
booster as the last 20 minutes featured Rio keeping the ball away from a tired Eagles team that ultimately proved too little for the Roadrunners following their bright start. In its fine form, the start of conference could not come at a better time for the Roadrunners. The match at ELAC Tuesday kicks off at 4 p.m.
Men’s Soccer Schedule at East Los Angeles
Sept. 25
4 p.m.
vs Mt. San Antonio
Sept. 28
6 p.m.
at Moorpark (non-conference)
Oct. 2
4 p.m.
at Pasadena City
Oct. 5
4 p.m.
vs Chaffey
Oct. 9
6 p.m.
Michael Martinez / EPM
Freshman midfielder Andres Salazar, no. 23, send a pass to teammate during the Roadrunners 2-0 victory over LA Mission. The Roadrunners reamined undefeated going into conference.
14 elpaisanoonline.com
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El Paisano Tuesday September 25, 2018
El Paisano Tuesday September 25, 2018
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El Paisano Tuesday September 25, 2018
Don’t forget you can visit the Rio Source Room for free snacks and goods! Open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.!