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Annual Roadway Maintenance Program
2 0 2 2 A N N U A L R O A D W A Y M A I N T E N A N C E P R O G R A M
Routine maintenance helps keep El Paso County’s roads safe and extends the life of our roadways. El Paso County is committed to a safe and efficient road network through a cost-effective maintenance program. Every year, El Paso County makes tough decisions about the maintenance plan for our roads.
The goals of the Roadway Maintenance program are to:
Preserve and extend the lifespan of our roads while maximizing the use of available funds and resources Improve safety and performance of the entire road network and reduce travel delays Ensure labor, equipment, materials, and funding are used effectively
Public Works will maintain approximately 441 lane miles in El Paso County this year through the 2022 Road Maintenance Program. The list of roads is selected based on many factors, including:
Pavement Quality Index (PQI) - a numerical rating for the condition of roads within the road network. The PQI indicates the current condition of the road and the anticipated rate of deterioration of that road over time Average daily volume of traffic on a road segment ADA compliance requirements Associated condition of curb, gutter, and sidewalks

Chip Seal is a two-step process that involves first applying asphalt emulsion and then a layer of crushed rock to an existing asphalt pavement surface. Benefits of Chip Seal:
Enhances safety by providing skid resistance Provides moisture barrier for underlying pavement against water intrusion Prevents asphalt deterioration due to oxidation and aging from water and sunlight Extends the service life by 5 to 7 years, delaying the need for resurfacing by 2 to 4 years.
Provides a new waterproof surface Helps mitigate the deterioration of pavement by loss of asphalt and rocks Corrects surface irregularities and improves the ride quality Extends the pavement life by 8 to 14 years depending on the thickness
Enhance driving experience Improve roadway maintainability
Paving (Mill and Asphalt Overlay) involves grinding the existing asphalt and base material, removing it, and applying new pavement. Benefits of Paving:
The surface of gravel roads deteriorates over time due to weather and vehicle traffic. Graveling is performed to rebuild the riding surface of the gravel road. Crews prepare subgrade, clean, and reshape ditches and cross/driveway culverts as needed. They will also add or replace damaged culverts as required. Crews then haul fresh gravel to spread across the roadway to create a stable gravel surface. DPW utilizes in-house and contract trucks to haul materials to the roadway maintenance sites. Benefits of Graveling
The dust abatement process reduces dust on gravel roads. The operation uses a reclaimer machine, multiple graders, large water distribution trucks, rubber tires, and drum rollers. Moving no more than 8 mph, the reclaimer works like a giant tiller.
On El Paso County roads, crews dig up to 3 inches of gravel and mix it with a special water and magnesium chloride solution. The reason for using magnesium chloride is that it is very effective in controlling moisture. It helps create a stable road base and keeps the dust down by taking in moisture from the air and surrounding environment and retaining it for a long time. Once the mixture is deposited onto the road, a fleet of rollers follow to compact and shape the road surface. Graders are then used to smooth out the road. Benefits of Dust Abatement
For a list of roads in 2022 that will be chip sealed, paved, graveled, and dust abated, please visit https://publicworks.elpasoco.com/road-bridge/construction-maintenance-projects.
Minimize the amount of routine maintenance required Improve sight distance with dust reduction Enhance driving experience Increase safety on the road Reduce dust particulates in the air
S C A N C O D E T O A C C E S S A L I S T O F R O A D S T H A T W I L L B E C H I P S E A L E D , P A V E D , G R A V E L E D , O R D U S T A B A T E D I N 2 0 2 2