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Adopt-A-Road Program
A D O P T - A - R O A D P R O G R A M
El Paso County's Adopt-A-Road program is a great opportunity for individuals or groups to volunteer to help keep the county's roadways safe and clean. El Paso County is a beautiful place to live and visit. Keeping our roadways litter-free helps us maintain our beauty. In 2021, Keep America Beautiful, a national nonprofit on litter education and prevention, released the largest study on littering in the United States.
Among the key findings were:
Nearly 50 billion pieces of litter along U.S. roadways and waterways
More than 2,000 pieces of litter per mile (both roadway and waterway)
Slightly more litter along waterways (25.9B) than roadways (23.7B) 90% of people surveyed believe litter is a problem in their state
Most littered item remains cigarette butts
Adopting a county road is a great way for residents to contribute to the region's safety, health, and beauty and show their pride in El Paso County. Summer is the best time to enjoy the Colorado sunshine and get some exercise while keeping El Paso County roads clean and litter-free.
Groups including service clubs, churches, scout groups, associations, organizations
Volunteers agree to pick up litter from both sides of a two-mile section of County Road a minimum of four times per year.
Volunteers are encouraged to sort litter when picking up and take recyclable materials to recycling centers. The individual or group may keep any money collected from recycling.
Litter bags and safety vests
Haul away full litter bags after volunteers place them near the roadside
Sign recognizing a group or individual who has volunteered on an adopted section of road
For more on the El Paso County Adopt-A-Road Program or to download an application, please visit: https://publicworks.elpasoco.com/adopt-a-road/.