Summer Law School on International Investment Law 2018 - Booklet

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Summer Law School International Investment Law


The Athens Public International Law Center (Athens PIL) was founded in July 2015. It is an academic institution that forms part of the Faculty of Law of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The mission of Athens PIL is to be a leading research center committed to the study and promotion of international law. The Center’s objectives are: to contribute to the promotion of international law through teaching, research and other scientific events; to provide an environment that brings together students, researchers and academics interested in international law from all over the world; to play a pivotal role in the development of international law through strong cooperation and partnership with other academic institutions or research centers, international organizations and other scientific and social organizations. The Center’s key activities include expert seminars and meetings on carefully selected topics of international law; a bibliographical center with emphasis on international law related research activities and publications; bilateral and multilateral co-operation with other academic institutions or research centers; organisation of conferences on topical issues of international law and national and international events; training and education seminars and programmes.


The European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) is an international, independent, non-profit and non-political Union, addressed to law students, trainees and young lawyers. The European Union Youth Legal Athens (ELSA Athens) is the local branch of ELSA in Athens and is active at the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The ELSA Athens was founded in 2002 as a legal person under associative form. Today it accounts around 200 members. ELSA Athens provides Athens law School students and young lawyers the opportunity to participate in academic activities, seminars, conferences, and internship programs abroad (through the Students’ Trainee Exchange Programme – STEP) and thus to interact with students and practitioners around Europe and to experience different legal systems and cultures. The aim is to promote critical dialogue and scientific cooperation, while equipping participants with skills valuable for a professional life in an international environment and contributing to the vision of ELSA: a just world with respect for human rights and cultural diversity!


Message from the President of ELSA Athens

On behalf of the ELSA Athens’ board, it is my great pleasure to welcom e you all to the Summer Law School on Internatio nal Investm ent Law 2018, taking place for the third consecu tive year in Athens. The initiative for organizin g such an event took place two years ago when, alon g with our academ ic partner, the Athens Public International law Center (Athens PIL), we decided to host for the very first time a series of lectures dedicated to the field of Internation al Investm ent Law and Internatio nal Investm en t Arbitrati o n . Even though an academ ic project of such a scale had never been organized befor e by ELSA Athens, the two previous editions of our Summer Law School were met with absolute success. This year, following the legacy of the previous editions, we have done our best to improve and expand the qualitative standards. More specifically, we are prou d to annou nce that this year’s Summ er Law School, which is under the aegis of the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs and the EODID Athe n s Mediation & Arbitration Organization , will also feature a Skills Training Work s h o p in cooperation with Young ICCA , on drafting skills in investm ent arbitration . Lectures and worksh ops aside, particip ants will also have the chance most of their time in Athens; visits to world-fam o us attractions, Acropolis Rock and Museu m , sea swimm ing and tasting Greek food are only examples of what this Summ er Law School’s social program

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Elated by the multiculturism of the particip ants, I look forward to welcom in g all of you, 70 law students and young lawyers from 32 different countries from all around the globe, for seven unforgettable days in Athens!

Katerina Pappa President of ELSA Athens 2017/2018


Message from the Director of the Athens Public International Law Center

In my capacity as Director of the Athens Public Internatio nal law Center (Athe n s PIL), an academic institution that forms part of the Faculty of Law of the Nati o n a l and Kapodistria n University of Athens, I am delighted to welcom e you to the Summer Law School on Internatio nal Investm ent Law 2018, co-organized by ELSA Athens and Athens PIL. For a third consecutive year, the Summ er Law Scho ol on International Invest m e n t Law brings togeth er scholars and practitioners and students from all over the word for an intensive, one-week, academic program m e on intern ati o n a l investm ent law and arbitratio n. This year in particular, we are proud to have 70 students from 32 different countrie s as particip ants in our Summer Law School which takes place under the aegis of the Gree k Ministry of Educati o n, Research and Religious Affairs and the EODID Athens Mediation & Arbitra ti o n Organization, and includes a Skills Trainin g Workshop in cooperation with Youn g ICCA. I extend a warm thanks to our partner, ELSA Athens, the members of the Organizin g Comm ittee, the sponso rs, the Summ er Law School’s Faculty, and everyon e else involved. We are confident that the Summer Law School on Internatio nal Investm ent Law 2018 will be an opportu nity for young law stude n ts , scholars and practitioners from all around the globe to meet in beautiful Athe ns , engage in productive exchan ge of ideas on internation al investm ent law and take advantage of valua ble networkin g opportunities.

Professor Photini Pazartzis National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Law Director of the Athens Public International Law Center


Message from the Academic Supervisor of the Summer Law School

We are delighted to greet you for the Summ er Law School on Internati o n a l Investm ent Law 2018, taking place in Athens for a third consecutive year. The Summ er Law School on Internatio nal Investm ent Law is co-organiz ed since 2016 by ELSA Athens and the Athens Public International law Center (Athe n s PIL), with a view to provide participating students from all over the world with a compreh ensive understandin g of international investm ent law, as well as the capacity to locate and comp are the various approa ch es taken by arbitral tribu n a l s and understand the different aspects and contro versies of the discipline. Accordingly, we are proud to welcom e this year 70 students from 32 different countries for the Summer Law School on Internation al Invest m e n t Law. Based on previo us years’ success, we contin ue to invest heavily on the Summer Law School’s academ ic progra m m e and are thus more than proud to host renowned scholars and practitio ners who will guide participa nts through the fascinatin g universe of international investm ent law. To further the educati o n a l objectives of the project, this year the Law School on Internatio nal Invest m e n t Law takes place under the aegis of the Gree k Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs and the EODID Athens Mediation & Arbitration Organization , and includes a Skills Trainin g Worksh op in cooperation with Young ICCA. Last, but definitely not least, let me cordially thank our partner, ELSA Athens, the memb ers of the Organizing Comm ittee, the sponsors, the Summ er Law Scho o l’ s Faculty, every person involved this year, and of course, each one of the particip ants. I hope to meet each of you personally during the course of this fascinatin g week of intense lectures and enjoyab le social events. Dr Anastasios Gourgo urinis National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Law Athens Public International law Center Academic Supervisor of the Summer Law School on International Investment Law




Members of the Organizing Committee

Markella Kounadi

Alina Papanastasiou

Head of the Organizing Committee …………… Responsible for Participants

Co-Head of the Organizing Committee …………… Responsible for Academics

Time is the most precious thing we have. Make sure you invest it wisely.

Marios Tokas

“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” – B. Franklin

Daniella Chalioti

Co-Head of the Organizing Committee …………… Responsible for

Responsible for Social Events


“What you invest your time in defines who you are” – T. Duncan

“Everything you have ever wanted is on the other side of fear" – G. Addair


Members of the Organizing Committee

Katerina Daskalopoulou

Dimitris Frountzas

Responsible for Academics

Responsible for Fundraising

“To get dividends from life, invest in yourself” – D. Mridha

The best investment someone could do is in knowledge!

Maria Kotsoni

Dimitris Kontogiannis Responsible for Participants

Could the Investment Treaty Law mechanism be deemed as a wolf in a sheep’s clothes or vice versa?

Assistant for Participants

“Quality is not an act, it is a habit.” – Aristotle


Members of the Organizing Committee

Olga Koureli Responsible for Social Events

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

Margarita Mitrakou Responsible for Logistics

“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction" – J.F. Kennedy

Klearchos Lazanas Responsible for Academics

“The big lesson in life is never be scared of anyone or anything” – F. Sinatra

Maria-Theodora Papa Responsible for Fundraising

If you can’t stop thinking about it, keep working for it.


Members of the Organizing Committee Aggeliki Stavrakopoulou

Andromachi Toanoglou Responsible for

Responsible for Participants

Social Events

The best investment you can ever make is in yourself.

“The better ambitions have to do with the development of character and ability, rather than status and power. Status you can lose. You carry character with you wherever you go, and it allows you to prevail against adversity” – J.B. Peterson

Ilia Tsigri

Paris Tsoutsis Responsible for Fundraising

Responsible for Logistics

“If four things are followedhaving a great aim, acquiring knowledge, hard work and perseverance, then anything can be achieved!" – A.P.J Abdul Kalam

“No other investment yields as great a return as the investment in education" – B. Henry


Members of the Organizing Committee

Mara Kokkoni

Georgia Tsiavou

Responsible for Marketing

Responsible for Marketing

“Marketing is everything and everything is marketing" – R. McKenna

“In investment and in life, what is comfortable is not always profitable” – R. Arnott

Dimitris Athanasiadis Filmmaker …………… Responsible for the SLS’ after-movie


FACULTY 2018 12

Members of the Faculty

Orfeas Chasapis-Tassinis PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge Orfeas is currently reading for a PhD at the University of Cambridge as a WM Tapp, AHRC DTP, and Honorary Cambridge Trust Scholar, working on the legal theory of international organizations under the supervision of Dr. Lorand Bartels. Orfeas holds an LLB from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (distinction) as well as an LLM degree in public international law from Athens University (distinction) and New York University (Jerome Lipper Prize for international law), where he studied as a Fulbright and AG Leventis Foundation Scholar. In the past Orfeas has worked for the United Nations International Law Commission as an NYU International Law and Human Rights Fellow, and as a legal intern for the ICTY Trial Chambers. In 2015 Orfeas joined the Athens Public International Law Center as a Junior Researcher and taught international dispute resolution and international investment law at the University of Athens. While pursuing his PhD at the University of Cambridge, Orfeas is also working as a research assistant to Dr. Sarah Nouwen at the Lauterpacht Centre of International Law and teaches LLM graduate student workshops for the courses of International Law Global Governance and the Law of the WTO.

Michail Dekastros Associate, Sidley Austin LLP (Geneva) Michail will shortly be joining the Geneva office of Sidley Austin LLP. He specialises in international dispute settlement with a focus on investment treaty arbitration and WTO law. His experience covers disputes in the financial services, as well as in the oil and gas, minerals, gaming, and media sectors under a variety of arbitration rules (including ICSID, UNCITRAL, and LCIA). Prior to joining Sidley Austin, Michail was an associate with a leading international law firm in Paris. Michail holds a PhD in international law from the European University Institute in Florence. His thesis concerns Sovereign Wealth Funds in international investment and WTO law, with a particular emphasis on market access and dispute settlement. Michail has also received an LLM from the University of Cambridge and was a Visiting Researcher at Harvard Law School for a year. He was an editor of the European Journal of Legal Studies and has published articles in the areas of international investment law, as well as WTO and EU law.


Members of the Faculty Berk Demirkol Lecturer, University of Galatasaray Following his graduation from the University of Galatasaray Faculty of Law, Berk Demirkol completed two LLM programmes, the Master in International Dispute Settlement (MIDS) Programme at the Graduate Institute in Geneva and the Private Law Master Programme at the University of Galatasaray. He pursued his research at the PhD level at the University of Cambridge in the area of international law and investment arbitration, and was awarded with a PhD degree in 2014. Since October 2014, he has been a lecturer at the University of Galatasaray. He teaches Private International Law and International Dispute Settlement courses. His research mainly focuses on international investment law and international (commercial and investment) arbitration. Berk Demirkol has published three books, ‘Applicable Law to Contracts under Turkish Private International Law’ (in Turkish) in 2011 (2 nd edn in 2014), ‘International Law Case Studies’ (in Turkish) in 2015 and ‘Judicial Acts and Investment Treaty Arbitration’ in 2018 from Cambridge University Press. He has also published articles in several prestigious international journals, such as ICSID Review, Journal of International Dispute Settlement, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Leiden Journal of International Law, Arbitration International. Alongside his academic career, being the founding partner of Demirkol Consultancy in London, Berk Demirkol provides legal consultancy services on matters related to international business transactions and dispute settlement. He is fluent in Turkish, English, and French.

Clément Fouchard Managing Associate, Linklaters (Paris) Clément Fouchard is a managing associate in the Linklaters’ Litigation and Arbitration team in Paris, specialized in international commercial (both on an ad hoc basis and under the rules of international arbitration institutions) and investment arbitration. Clément has more than ten years of experience advising on major litigation and arbitration proceedings. He has regularly acted for French and international clients in arbitrations seated across the globe and has particular experience in construction, energy and infrastructure, mining, defence, distribution and general commercial disputes as well as considerable experience of joint ventures and post-acquisitions disputes. Clément has also acted as secretary to arbitral tribunals and as an arbitrator in domestic and international arbitrations. Clément is the ICC YAF Representative for France, Belgium and Luxembourg, a member of the Paris Arbitration Week Organizing Committee and a member of the Working Group on Arbitration of the Conseil National des Barreaux (National Council of Bars). He lectures on international arbitration at the EDHEC business school.


Members of the Faculty

Athina Fouchard Papaefstratiou Counsel, Eversheds Sutherland Athina Fouchard Papaefstratiou is a counsel in the international arbitration group of Eversheds Sutherland. She has acted for more than ten years as counsel, arbitrator or tribunal secretary in commercial and investment arbitrations in various sectors, such as energy and telecommunications. Her experience includes ad hoc as well as institutional arbitrations under the ICC, ICSID, LCIA, CRCICA, ACIC and CCJA rules. She has particular experience in Africa-related disputes. Athina regularly publishes and speaks at conferences on issues of arbitration and international law. She is the co-Chair of AfricArb, an association of arbitration practitioners focusing on Africa, a member of ICC Greece and of the Steering Committee of the Young Members Group of CIArb. Prior to joining Eversheds Sutherland, Athina practiced in a French arbitration boutique as well as in the international arbitration group of a major international firm, and served as assistant legal counsel in the legal department of UNESCO. Athina is registered with the Bar in Paris and in Athens. She holds degrees from the University of Athens, Queen Mary College, University of London and Paris II Panthéon-Assas University. She and speaks English, French, Greek and Spanish.

Tarcisio Gazzini Professor of International Law, School of Law, University of East Anglia Tarcisio Gazzini is Professor of international law at the University of East Anglia and visiting professor at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva as well as the Geneva Academy of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. He has previously taught at the Universities of Padua, Glasgow and VU Amsterdam. Between 2014 and 2017 he has co-directed at the University of Lausanne a research project on “Foreign Investment in Africa: Gaining Development Momentum”. He is a member of the editorial board of the book series published by Brill-Nijhoff on International Investment Law. His latest book is on The Interpretation of International Investment Treaties (Hart Publishing, 2016 - book review in 19 Journal of World Investment & Trade, 2018).


Members of the Faculty

Charalampos Giannakopoulos PhD Candidate, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva) Charalampos Giannakopoulos is a PhD candidate at the Graduate Institute. His research interests include international investment law, international adjudication, treaty interpretation, legal theory and philosophy. He obtained his LL.B from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and his LL.M from University College London. In the past, he has worked as a legal consultant at UNCTAD’s Division on Investment and Enterprise (Investment Agreements Section), and as a trainee at the cabinet of a former European Commissioner in the field of maritime affairs and fisheries. Charalampos is a qualified lawyer, admitted to the bar in Athens (2012).

Anastasios Gourgourinis Lecturer in Public International Law, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – Faculty of Law; Athens Public International Law Research Center (Athens PIL)

Dr. Anastasios Gourgourinis is Lecturer in Public International Law at the Faculty of Law of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, specializing in International Economic Law. He is also a Research Fellow at the Academy of Athens. He holds an LL.B. and an LL.M from the Faculty of Law of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, as well as an LL.M. (awarded with Distinction) and a Ph.D. from University College London. He has taught at University College London, the Athens University of Economics and Business, and Panteion University of Athens. Anastasios has served in the past as Special Legal Advisor at Greece’s Ministry for Development and Competitiveness, and the Ministry of State, advising on issues pertaining to investment, trade and state aid. Currently, he practises with the Athens Bar in Greece. Anastasios’ teaching and research interests include public international law, international investment law and WTO law, particularly from the perspectives of international arbitration and adjudication, the theory of sources of international law, State responsibility, and normative fragmentation of international law. Anastasios also coaches the teams which represent, annually, the Faculty of Law of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in the Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot, the ELSA Moot Court Competition on WTO Law and the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.


Members of the Faculty

Dimitrios Katsikis Associate, Shearman & Sterling (Paris)

Dimitrios Katsikis is an associate in the International Arbitration practice. His experience includes commercial and investor-State arbitrations under the Rules of the ICC, CRCICA, ICSID and LCIA as well as ad hoc arbitrations under UNCITRAL Rules.

Eirini Kikarea PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge Eirini is a PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge specialising in international economic law under the supervision of Dr. Lorand Bartels and a scholar of Onassis and Leventis Foundations. She is a graduate teaching assistant, tutoring Cambridge LLM students in international investment law and WTO law, the Editor-in-Chief of Cambridge International Law Journal, and the Vice Editor-in-Chief of Cambridge Law Review. Eirini was also the Head of the Organising Committee of 2018 Cambridge Arbitration Day. She holds an LLM from the University of Cambridge with Distinction (Lilian Voudouri Foundation scholar) and an LLB with Distinction from the University of Athens. Before commencing her graduate studies, she worked at a top -tier law firm in Greece, Karatzas & Partners Law Firm, advising on commercial and banking law matters,and was seconded to the London offices of Allen&Overy. She has also worked at the Legal Department of Deloitte Greece.

Panagiotis Kyriakou Teaching Assistant & PhD Candidate, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva) Panagiotis Kyriakou is a lawyer from Greece and Cyprus, registered with the Athens Bar Association. He obtained his LL.B. from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and his LL.M. from the Graduate Institute and the University of Geneva (MIDS). He has interned with law firms in Athens, Paris and Geneva and has worked closely with independent practitioners. He has published on international trade, investment, and commercial law and has successfully participated in moot court competitions as orator and coach. He is currently a teaching assistant and a PhD candidate at the Graduate Institute, where he assists and lectures in trade, investment and general international economic law. His research interests include international economic law rules governing measures taken in response to financial crises.


Members of the Faculty Sven Lange Attorney, Allen & Overy LLP (Frankfurt am Main) Sven Lange advises and represents clients in arbitration proceedings, including in particular in investment arbitration. He has broad experience in domestic and crossborder corporate disputes (especially post-M&A matters and disputes between jointventure partners). In addition, he provides legal advice in infrastructure and construction disputes. His investment arbitration experience includes cases in oil & gas and project development. He has earned a ph.d. from the University of Mainz for a thesis on denial of benefits clauses in international investment treaties. Sven Lange is also a regional coordinator for DIS40 in Frankfurt. He is a regular speaker in the areas of international arbitration and international investment law and regularly publishes in these fields.

Brian McGarry Lecturer, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva) Dr. McGarry lectures in the Geneva LL.M. in International Dispute Settlement (MIDS). He has clerked for tribunals and counsels governments and intergovernmental organizations in matters relating to the law of the sea and international economic and environmental laws. His current research focuses on the reform of investor-State dispute settlement. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Geneva and is admitted to the bar in New York.

Panos Merkouris Tenure-track Professor of Public International Law; Chair in Interpretation & Dispute Settlement in International Law, University of Groningen Panos Merkouris is a Tenure-track Professor of Public International law and holds a Chair in Interpretation and Dispute Settlement in International Law at the University of Groningen. He is also an ERC Starting Grant laureate, being the Principal Investigator in a 5-year project, entitled “The Rules of Interpretation of Customary International Law (TRICI-Law)”. He undertook two LLM on international law at the University of Athens and at UCL and his PhD at Queen Mary. He is a Co-rapporteur of the ILA Study Group on the Content and Evolution of the Rules of Interpretation, Editor-in-Chief of BRILL Open Law and member of the Editorial Board of the International Community Law Review. He has written extensively on the law of treaties, and on interpretation, as is evidenced amongst others by his monograph, Article 31(3)(c) of the VCLT and the Principle of Systemic Integration: Normative Shadows in Plato’s Cave.


Members of the Faculty

Mary Mitsi Teaching Fellow, Queen Mary University of London Dr. Mary Mitsi is a Teaching Fellow at Queen Mary University of London where she acquired her PhD in Arbitration. She teaches International Comparative Commercial Arbitration, International Commercial Transactions and Transnational Law. She is also a visiting Lecturer at the University of Bedfordshire where she gives lectures on Investment Arbitration and International Commercial Litigation. She holds an LLM from Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University and a second LLM from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She holds a Bachelor's Degree from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, obtained with honours. She is a qualified lawyer and she has a working experience in the field of Arbitration, Competition Law, EU law and Energy Law. She is also Assistant Editor of the Kluwer Arbitration Blog and of the Journal of the Chartered institute of Arbitrators.

Josef Ostřanský Lecturer, MIDS (Geneva); Senior Researcher, Geneva Center for International Dispute Settlement (CIDS) Dr. Josef Ostřanský is a lecturer at the MIDS, where he teaches international commercial and investment arbitration, and carries out academic research under the auspices of the Geneva Center for International Dispute Settlement (CIDS). Prior to joining the MIDS he was a research assistant at the CIDS, taught international investment law as a visiting lecturer at the Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, and worked in private legal practice as a junior associate in the dispute resolution group of Ambruz & Dark Deloitte Legal in the Czech Republic. Josef has delivered lectures and presentations on international investment law (e.g. UNCTAD, Geneva; University of Padua, Italy; Tehran University, Iran; ELSA Summer School, Athens) and his work has been published in various international law journals. Josef holds a PhD in International Law from the Graduate Institute. He obtained his first law degree at the Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, studied at the Aarhus University, Denmark, and is an alumnus of the MIDS. He speaks English, French, Czech and Slovak, reads Spanish, and has an elementary knowledge of German and Russian.


Members of the Faculty

Federica Paddeu John Tiley Fellow in Law, Queens’ College Cambridge Fellow, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, Cambridge

Federica Paddeu is John Tiley Fellow in Law at Queens’ College, Cambridge, and fellow of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, Cambridge. Her monograph, Justification and Excuse in International Law: Concept and Theory of General Defences, was published by Cambridge University Press in January 2018. She has written extensively on issues of State responsibility and defences in international law. Federica is a member of the Caracas (Distrito Federal) Bar in Venezuela, and a member of the academic research panel of Blackstone Chambers in London.

Vassilis Paliouras Legal Officer, Single Resolution Board (Brussels) From September 2018, Vassilis will take up the position of legal officer at the Single Resolution Board in Brussels. Prior to this, he worked at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on various legal reform projects in the areas of corporate insolvency law, out of court debt restructuring, and secured transactions law. He completed his PhD on the restructuring of sovereign debt at Queen Mary University of London where he also acted as a Teaching Associate.

Fulvio Maria Palombino Professor of International Law, University of Naples Federico II Fulvio Maria Palombino is a Professor of International Law at the Law Department of the University of Naples Federico II, where he teaches the courses of International Law and International Trade Law. He obtained his Law degree (with honours, 1999) and PhD (2005) from the same University. His areas of interest include both institutional aspects of international law and issues related to specific normative fields. He authored and edited several books, among them Fair and Equitable Treatment and the Fabric of General Principles, Asser-Springer, 2018, and Duelling for Supremacy: International Law vs National Fundamental Principles, CUP, 2018, forthcoming. He is the author of many contributions to leading international journals as well as to prominent Italian reviews.He is a member of the Executive Board of the European Society of International Law. 20

Members of the Faculty

Martins Paparinskis Reader in Public International Law, University College London Dr Martins Paparinskis is Reader in Public International Law at University College London, Faculty of Laws. He is a member of the ICSID panel of arbitrators, a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, and a member of the management board of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency.

Paschalis Paschalidis Référendaire, Chambers of First Advocate General Melchior Wathelet, Court of Justice of the European Union Paschalis Paschalidis is a référendaire (law clerk) at the Chambers of First Advocate General Melchior Wathelet at the Court of Justice of the European Union since November 2012 where he worked on several cases involving international arbitration and international law, including C-536/13 Gazprom, C-567/14 Genentech, C-104/16 P Council v Front Polisario, C-266/16 Western Sahara Campaign and C-284/16 Achmea. Prior to joining the Court of Justice of the European Union, he was an associate at the international arbitration group of Shearman & Sterling LLP (2009 -2012). He is admitted to the Bar of Thessaloniki (Greece) since 2007 and holds a DPhil in Law from the University of Oxford. He is the author of several publications dealing with private international law, EU law and international arbitration.

Michele Potestà Attorney, Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler (Geneva); Senior Researcher, Geneva Center for International Dispute Settlement (CIDS) Michele Potestà is an attorney at Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler in Geneva, where he specializes in international commercial and investment arbitration. Over the past ten years, Michele has participated in over 25 international investment and commercial arbitrations as counsel, arbitrator and secretary of the tribunal, under all major arbitral rules, including the ICC, ICSID, ICSID Additional Facility, and UNCITRAL Rules, and in different jurisdictions. Michele’s areas of expertise include energy and natural resources (oil, gas, mining and solar energy), pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, international sales, banking and finance, services, real estate and construction, among others. Michele has also advised sovereign states on their investment treaty programs. Michele is also a senior researcher at the Geneva Center for International Dispute Settlement (CIDS) where he co-leads a research project on the reform of ISDS. Prior to joining Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler in 2013, he was a lecturer at the Geneva Master in International Dispute Settlement (MIDS) (2010-2013), where he taught investment and commercial arbitration. 21

Members of the Faculty Panayotis Protopsaltis Research Fellow, Birmingham City University Dr Panayotis M. Protopsaltis is a research fellow at the Centre for American Legal Studies, Birmingham City University, UK. He read law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, at the University of Paris II (Panthéon -Assas) and at the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) from where he holds a doctoral degree in public international law. He has conducted research and contributed to publications in the field of international investment law. In addition to his academic work he is a qualified lawyer in Greece.

Michail Risvas Assistant Professor of Public International Law, IE University Michail Risvas is assistant professor of Public International Law at IE University and research fellow at the University of Amsterdam. From 2014 until 2018 Professor Risvas worked in an international law firm in Paris, acting as counsel in investment and commercial arbitrations under the ICSID, UNCITRAL, LCIA, and ICC rules in the banking, defence, gaming, mining and metallurgy sectors. Professor Risvas has taught public international law at Oxford and has published on international economic law, the law of the sea, cultural heritage, and terrorism. He holds a doctorate on nondiscrimination in international economic law from the University of Oxford.

Julian Scheu Junior Professor, International Investment Law Centre Cologne Julian Scheu is Junior Professor of International Investment Law, Public International Law and Public Law at the University of Cologne and head of management at the International Investment Law Centre Cologne (IILCC). He studied law at the Universities of Cologne and Paris 1 (Panthéon- Sorbonne) with a specialization in international economic law (LL.M./Maîtrise en droit, 2009; Dr. jur., 2016) and is qualified to practice law in Germany (second legal state examination, 2017). His doctoral thesis Systemic Integration of Human Rights in Investment Treaty Arbitration was published in 2017 with the kind support of the VG Wort Science Foundation. During his doctoral studies he worked as legal assistant with the German Institution of Arbitration (DIS) in the field of German and international arbitration. His practical experience includes acting as arbitral secretary, assistant to counsel and legal experts in international commercial and investment arbitrations (ICSID, UNCITRAL, ICC, SIAC, DIS). His working languages are German, English and French. 22

Members of the Faculty

Chris Tassis Ph.D. Candidate, University of Warwick Chris Tassis is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Warwick, School of Law. His research focuses on the area of International Investment Law and he works under the supervision of Mr Markus Wagner. Chris completed his undergraduate degree in Law at the Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. Moreover, he holds postgraduate degrees from the University of Piraeus (M.Sc. in Banking and Finance Law) and from the University of Warwick (LL.M. in International Economic Law). Throughout his studies, Chris has consistently received the Alexander S. Onassis Public Foundation Scholarship and the Warwick University Chancellor’s Scholarship. Chris is registered with the Athens Bar Association and has worked as a legal advisor and investment analyst for Greek and British companies. Currently, he works as a research assistant at the University of Warwick on two projects pertaining to investment law and banking issues. Namely, the ‘Regulating Aid Investments in Development (RAID)’ project under the auspices of the GLOBE research Centre and the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED); and the ‘Secured Transactions Law Reforms’ project which is funded by the ESRC Impact Acceleration Account.

Anna Ventouratou DPhil Student, University of Oxford Anna is reading for a DPhil in Public International Law at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Professor Catherine Redgwell and Professor Miles Jackson. Her research focuses on 'defences' in International Law and explores their nature, function and consequences. Her studies are supported by the Peter Carter Graduate Scholarship in Law awarded by the Oxford Law Faculty in conjunction with Wadham College. She has completed the Magister Juris at the University of Oxford in 2017, focusing her studies on international law and further pursued an MPhil in Law the following academic year. Anna obtained an LL.M. in Public International Law from the University of Athens in 2016 after completing a 4-year degree in Law at the same institution. She completed her legal traineeship at a leading law firm in Athens, specialising in criminal law, and in 2016 was admitted to practice law in Greece. Anna has been active in moot court competitions during her studies in Athens and Oxford both as a player and as a coach with notable distinctions (WTO ELSA Moot Court and Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court). While pursuing her DPhil, Anna also works as a researcher for the Oxford Martin Programme on Sustainable Oceans and as a Tutor in Public International Law.


This year’s edition of the Summer Law School on International Investment Law will also feature a skills training session organized by Young ICCA, the young branch of ICCA, the International Council for Commercial Arbitration, which provides skills training, networking and academic opportunities to arbitration students, young practitioners and academics. Established in 2010, Young ICCA counts today over 4,300 members from all 5 continents. Joining Young ICCA is free and the registration form can be easily completed online. Young ICCA’s activities include organizing skills training workshops focused on practical aspects of international arbitration, offering a Mentoring Programme, which provides a unique platform for young professionals to connect with and learn from the experience of more senior members of the arbitration community, providing scholarships for attending the LLM programmes in international arbitration at the University of Miami, MIDS in Geneva and Tsinghua Law School in Beijing and maintaining a blog where its members can submit articles for publication. For more information about Young ICCA and its activities, please visit its website at The skills training session will take place on Wednesday 22 August 2018, and will be animated by Ms. Nhu-Hoang Tran Thang (Associate, LALIVE, Geneva / Young ICCA Co-Chair) and Mr. Panagiotis Chalkias (Senior Associate, Hanotiau & van den Berg, Brussels / Young ICCA Global Events Director). They will share their practical insight and tips on how to draft a request for arbitration and an answer to the request for arbitration, as well as the first procedural documents, such as Procedural Order No. 1, Terms of Reference and Terms of Appointment.


Members of the Faculty Panagiotis Chalkias Senior Associate, Hanotiau & van den Berg (Brussels) Panagiotis Chalkias joined Hanotiau & van den Berg as an associate in December 2012. He regularly acts as arbitral secretary or assistant to tribunals in international commercial and investment arbitrations under a wide variety of rules (UNCITRAL, ICC, SIAC, LCIA, ICSID, CRCICA, and NAI), spanning various industry sectors.Prior to joining Hanotiau & van den Berg,he worked as a consultant at the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva and as a trainee lawyer at Nikolaos Chalkias & Partners in Athens. He is a member of the Athens Bar and a registered foreign attorney at the Brussels Bar. He holds an LL.B. from the University of Athens, a MaĂŽtriseen droit ĂŠconomique from the University of Geneva and anLL.M. in International Dispute Settlement from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and the University of Geneva. He is a Young ICCA Events Coordinator, having supervised the organization of several skills training workshops on international arbitration in Europe, and he speaks regularly on arbitration-related topics. He is a long-time supporter of the Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot and the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. He is a native speaker of Greek, fluent in English and French and conversant in Spanish.

Nhu-Hoang Tran Thang Associate, LALIVE (Geneva) Nhu-Hoang Tran Thang is a French trained lawyer registered with the Paris bar and a Swiss national with a Vietnamese background. She is an associate in the intern ational arbitration group of LALIVE, in Geneva, where she practices both commercial and investment arbitration. Before joining LALIVE, she was the associate to Professor Pierre Tercier, one of today's worldwide leading arbitrators. Prior to that, she gained a vast experience in the arbitration teams of magic circle firms in Paris and at arbitration boutiques in Geneva and London. She has acted as arbitrator, counsel or assistant to the arbitral tribunal in over thirty arbitrations conducted under a variety of rules (ICSID, ICC, UNCITRAL, SCAI, LCIA, CRCICA, DIS) and related to various industries (including oil & gas, banking & finance, telecommunications, transportation, mining and pharmaceuticals). The current Co-Chair of Young ICCA (International Council for Commercial Arbitration), she regularly speaks and publishes in the field of international arbitration.




Saturday 18.8

Academic Programme

All the lectures take place in the premises of the

38, Vassilissis Amalias Ave. 105 58 Athens

Arrival at Hotel Alexandros 18:00 –


19:00 19:00 –

Opening Ceremony

20:00 20:30

Welcome Cocktail Reception


Sunday 19.8

Academic Programme

10:00 –

Sources of International Investment Law and


Consent to International Investment Arbitration Anastasios Gourgourinis

11:30 –

International Investment Arbitration: Arbitral


Institutions & Procedural Rules Sven Lange

12:50 –


13:40 13:40 – 15:00

Precedent in International Investment Law Mary Mitsi

15:00 –

Jurisdiction Ratione Personae: Defining Foreign


“Investors” Panagiotis Kyriakou

16:30 –

Jurisdiction Ratione Materiae: Defining Foreign


“Investments” Anna Ventouratou


Social Event


Monday 20.8

Academic Programme

10:00 –

Non-Discrimination in International Investment


Law Michail Risvas & Dimitris Katsikis

11:30 – 12:50

Expropriation in International Investment Law Michail Dekastros

12:50 –


13:40 13:40 –

Fair and Equitable Treatment & Full Protection


and Security in International Investment Law Fulvio Maria Palombino

15:00 – 16:20

Umbrella Clauses in International Investment Law Josef Ostřanský

16:30 –

Most-Favoured-Nation Clauses in International


Investment Law Brian McGarry


Social Event


Tuesday 21.8

Academic Programme

10:00 –

Manifestations of Host States’ Right to Regulate


in International Investment Law Charalampos Giannakopoulos

11:30 –

Host States’ General Defences in International


Investment Law Federica Paddeu

12:50 –


13:40 13:40 –

Judicial Acts of States and International


Investment Law Berk Demirkol

15:00 – 16:20

Remedies in International Investment Law Orfeas Chasapis-Tassinis

16:30 –

The Interpretation of International Investment


Treaties Tarcisio Gazzini


Social Event


Wednesday 22.8

Academic Programme

10:00 – 11:20

Interactive Workshop under the aegis of

11:30 – 12:50

Panagiotis Chalkias Nhu-Huang Tran Thang

12:50 –


13:40 13:40 – 15:00

Counterclaims in Investor-State Arbitration Clément Fouchard

15:00 –

Third-Party Funding in Investor-State


Arbitration Athina Fouchard-Papaefstratiou

16:30 –

Visit to Acropolis

17:50 21:00

Social Event


Thursday 23.8

Academic Programme

10:00 –

International Investment Law and


Sustainable Development Chris Tassis

11:30 –

International Investment Law and Human


Rights Julian Scheu

12:50 –


13:40 13:40 – 15:00 15:00 – 16:20

International Investment Law and EU Law Paschalis Paschalidis International Investment Law and Brexit Eirini Kikarea

16:30 –

International Investment Law and


Sovereign Debt Vassilis Paliouras


Social Event


Friday 24.8

Academic Programme

10:00 –

Investors’ Rights Under International Investment


Treaties: Direct, Derivative or Hybrid? Anastasios Gourgourinis

11:30 –

Shareholders' Injury and Compensation in


Investor-State Arbitration Panayotis Protopsaltis

12:50 –


13:40 13:40 –

International Investment Law and Analogies with


Other Regimes of International Law Martins Paparinskis

15:00 –

Interpretation of Customary Rules of


International Investment Law Panos Merkouris

16:30 –

The Backlash Against and Options for Reform of


Investor-State Arbitration Michele Potestà


Social Event





Finn Julius Adler My name is Julius Adler and I am from Hamburg, Germany. I am currently studying law in my sixth semester of the first Staatsexamen at the University of Hamburg. My study focus lays on European and public international law. Additionally, I work as an undergraduate assistant at the professorship for public commercial law, with a focus on European and international commercial law of the faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences (Department of Socioeconomics). Besides that, I enjoy reading, travelling and doing sports.

Joelle Aerni My name is Joëlle. I am 22 years old and live in Switzerland. At the University of Lucerne, I will soon graduate with my bachelor’s degree. I am excited to start my master’s degree this fall and deepen my knowledge about the law. Apart from studying, I Iove to do sports, especially gymnastics, hand with my friends and bake cupcakes. I am looking forward to participating in Athens.

Aram Aghababyan I was born in Yerevan, Armenia. I am currently a student at the American University of Armenia. I am highly interested in ADR and especially investment treaty arbitration. I have participated in many moot court arbitration competitions during my studies in AUA and I am a member of ADR clinic at AUA. Besides, that I am also writing my thesis paper on Armenia-USA BIT and participation in this course will be a valuable asset in helping me with my research. Aside from studying law, I am passionate about literature, love to play chess and meet new people. I have been volunteering in Germany for 6 months and was promoting electoral law in public schools but I have never been in Greece. It will be my first-time visit to Greece so I hope to meet many interesting people there.



Marie Gabriela Anitua Galdon My name is Gabriela Anitua, and I am a 22 year old double bachelor degree student from Madrid. I am currently finishing a double bachelor degree in Law and Business Administration at ICADE (Universidad Pontificia Comillas).Therefore, I believe this summer course will improve my knowledge concerning investment banking law. Last year I already took part on an international course in New York related to banking and finance. I have always been passionate about getting to know new cultures and people. Having lived in several cities (Bilbao, Lisbon, Barcelona, Stuttgart and Madrid) and being multilingual (Spanish, English, German, French and Portuguese) has helped me to adapt myself very quickly to new situations and cultures. Furthermore, I have obtained several prizes for the excellent academic performance and lately work experience due to an internship in Baker Mckenzie. During my free time I love to spend time with my boyfriend, family and friends.

Adain Balley Adain Bailey is a final year student at the University of Sheffield, undertaking a degree in European and International Law. After completing a year abroad study at the University of Luxembourg, Adain has developed a keen interest in international dispute resolution. She is currently studying a range of commercial law modules and is looking forward to pursuing a career as a commercial solicitor. She is looking forward to learning more about international investment law.

Kalpana Bouderlique Hello ! My name is Kalpana, I’m half French half Indian. I have recently completed my Master 1 in International and European Law at the University of Strasbourg. During the year, I have developed interest in International Arbitration and in particular International Investment Law. In fact, I would like to pursue my studies in this area of law. I have always enjoyed activities organised by ELSA and I coud not think of a better way to end the summer than by taking part in an ELSA Summer Law School. I look forward to meeting people from all over the world in the beautiful city of Athens !



Veronika Bulatova My name is Veronica Bulatova and I am the final year student of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), international law faculty. I plan to continue my studies and to obtain master's degree. My professional interests include private international law and dispute resolution. I also took part in several moot courts such as FDI moot, Vis Moot and ICC Mediation Competition. I speak English and French as well and enjoy watching french movies. I hope that this Summer School will be unforgettable experience for me.

Inês Isabel Bragança Mourão Mendes Gaspar My name is Inês Gaspar and I am a 21-year-old Portuguese girl living in Lisbon. I am currently in the 4th and final year of a LL.B Undergraduate in Law at Universidade Católica Portuguesa. My main areas of interest, apart from International Law, are Business Administration and International Relations. After graduating, I would like to pursue a LL.M in International and European Law or a Master in Law and Business. I can speak English fluently and I am also currently learning Korean. I have a huge passion for travelling and I have already visited 31 different countries. In my free time, I also enjoy practicing sports, especially Taekwondo, in which I am a 1st degree Black Belt. I am really looking forward to participate in this Summer Law School!

Sotiria Chantzaki My name is Sotiria Chantzaki and I am from Greece. Currently, I am doing my 18- month compulsory internship at Athens Bar Association after having successfully completed my legal studies at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Parallel to working, I like expanding my knowledge by attending legal conferences and learning new languages. I speak fluently 3 languages and I have participated in many legal seminars examining up-to-the-minute legal issues. I am also passionate about travelling and meeting new people. So, I am looking forward to this upcoming summer school.


Participants Ioakeim Charamidis His name is Ioakeim Charamidis. He was born in Giannitsa in Greece in 1993 so he is 25 years old. He decided to study Economics in University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki and he graduated in 2015. He is a creative personallity and he wants to learn more. So he decided to continue his studies and learn more about Law, given the fact that he had the microbe since was young. He moved out in Cyprus and started again in University of Nicosia. He has finished the third year and the summer of 2019 he will graduate from University of Nicosia and will aquire the Law Degree. He spends his summer working on Accounting Firms -to acquire experience in Accounting and Economics- and his Familly Law firm. He loves Economics and Law and this summer school will give him the possibility to expand his knowledge, to wide his horizons, deepen in his fields and think about how to combine them.

Thomas Christen My name is Thomas Wiersholm. I am from Stavanger, Norway. This years SLS in Athens will be my first summer school. Following a Bachelor in Economics from the University of Bergen, I was in 2015 admitted to the University of Bergen Faculty of Law for a five-year masters degree in Norwegian and International Law. When not studying or working, I enjoy the outdoors, meeting new people and learning more abut the world we live in. International Investment law is not a central part of our syllabus in Bergen. Therefore having the opportunity to receive more education on the subject is highly appreciated. By having a personal interest in foreign relations, human rights and international law in general, makes this year ELSA Athens Summer School something I look forward to. Being able to meeting new people and enjoy the Greek cuisine is also a big bonus!

Kyriaki Christoforou My name is Korina Christoforou and I have obtained my LLB Law Degree from Queen Mary University of London. I am currently in the process of completing my LLM in Immigration Law at the same university. I have worked for different Pro Bono organizations in the areas of Immigration, Housing and Criminal law. I am looking forward to this summer school as it is on a topic I am not very familiar with and therefore I believe that it will help me broaden my legal knowledge.



Dávid Dénes David has graduated with a law degree from Loránd Eötvös University Faculty of Law in Budapest and he also holds an LL.M in European Union Law from the Pázmány Péter Catholic University. He has interned in various law firms, including Clifford Chance (Budapest) and Turkoglu Law Firm (Instanbul), as well as in the legal department of the PwC in Budapest. He is currently an associate at the corporate group of Schonherr Law Firm in Budapest. He is an ELSA member and has participated in several other ELSA summer law schools on competition law, M&A and maritime law.

Vasiliki Sofia Dritsa My name is Vasiliki – Sofia Dritsa. I am 22 years old. Currently, I am an undergraduate student of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Law as well as I serve as a director for Internal Management of ELSA Greece. I recently, finished my second internship in Hellenic Ministry of the Foreign Affairs’ special legal department. I am passionately interested in International Humanitarian Law as well as International Law. My participation in the European Human Rights Moot Court Competition in 2016 organized by ELSA International triggered my interest on International and European Law issues. Lastly, I am curious to explore the fascinating interplay between Human Rights and International Investment Law.

Hajar El Baraca I grew up in Morocco and graduated from a french high school. Afterwards, I moved to Paris to study law at the university of Paris Nanterre. I am currently in my third year and would like to become an International Lawyer. I am a member and marketing director at ELSA Paris Nanterre and speak four different languages. I am passionate about mediterranean culture, sea and food. Thus, I am looking forward to finally get the chance to visit Greece and meet its people !


Participants Ana Maria Ene My name is Ana Maria Ene and I was born on May 18 th 1996, in Bucharest, Romania. As a child I took ballet classes for 9 years and I also practiced various sports, like tennis and swimming. I graduated from Gheorghe Lazar High School, one of the oldest educational institutions in our country, with a specialization in Social Sciences. At that time, I thought about choosing a career path in journalism, having written a few articles for a local magazine addressed to high school teenagers and coordinated by them. In the end, I decided to take the admission exam at the Faculty of Law, as I felt it suited me best. I will start my Senior Year in October 2018, and want to become a judge.

Nina Lena Faerber My name is Nina Lena and I’m 21 years old, coming from Germany and studying Law at the University Potsdam, close to Berlin. Ever since I was a young child, my parents used to travel a lot with me, especially in Europe. Of course I felt in love with Greece as a beautiful and charming country. Kos and Halkidiki are great memories and motivated me in particular to discover the capital Athens. Due to my studies and my memebership in the board of my local ELSA Group Potsdam (Academic Activities) I considered a Law School as a great option to expand my legal skills combined with the experience of Athens. The main topic International Investment Law is growing exponentially important for our fastly developing world. For this reason, I would like to focus on this matter as well as the future of International Arbitration in my future profession. ELSA is such a benefit for those who are motivated for networking and international relations. I cannot wait to get in touch with new people, interesting facts while exploring a new capital. I rellay appreciate this opportunity to join the ELSA Law School!

Chloe Farmakis Hi everyone, my name is Chloe Farmakis and I am a 23year-old BA graduate from Greece. I want to have a postgraduate degree in Finance, but since I have always loved Law I decided to join this summer course. I also love meeting new people and volunteerism. My dream is to become one day CEO of a multinational company and why not change the world for the better!


Participants Markus Fitz I am a second year law student from the university of Vienna. Apart from studying law, I spend my time with learning new languages, sports and enjoying quality time with my family and friends. I am really looking forward to visiting Athens as I have not been here before. Combining law classes with social activies sounds like the perfect mixture to me. It will surely be a great experience to get in touch with so many students from all over Europe. Even though I haven´t been in touch with international investment law yet, I am really curious about it. I can´t wait to be part of this adventure!

Georgi Gitchev I received my Master’s degree in Law at the Sofia University and currently I live and study in Brussels. This summer I will finish an LL.M. programme in international and European law, during which I developed a considerable interest in international investment law and especially in the field of investor-state dispute settlement. I am also a qualified attorney. Apart from law, I have diverse interests in areas such as languages, personal development, music, tennis, exploring the world, entrepreneurship and (sometimes) politics. I enjoy cultural diversity and am therefore motivated to develop in an international setting in the future, as I have done in the past. I speak English, German and French and I have gained some practical experience in both the private and the public sector. I am enthusiastic about the ELSA experience in Athens, as it will be a great opportunity to meet interesting people and further enrich my personal horizon.

Chrisa Gkarmati I am Chrisa, I am from Athens, Greece and I am a second year old student in the Law School of Athens. Interested in international issues, I am looking forward to joining my first SLS on International Investment Law and to making the most out of it through exploring a new area of international law and meeting new people from all over the world.


Participants Bernhard Hager My name is Bernhard Hager and I am 21 years old. I live in Innsbruck, which is located in Austria. I have been studying law for almost two years now. My fascination of law began when I was about 12 years old. Since then it has been clear to me that I want to study law. I think of it as a very interesting subject which helps us to understand our society better. In addition to that, I am particularly interested in global aspects of law. These days it is absolutely necessary not just to focus on your home country but to learn about law on an international basis as well. That is why am delighted that I will have the possibility to participate in the summer law school on International Investment Law in Athens. I have been a member of ELSA since March 2017 and I am a member of the S&C area. In my leisure time I like to play the piano and spend time together with my friends. What is more, I like travelling a lot, because I am interested in getting to know other cultures and people.

Marianna Holubova I hold Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Finance and Financial Law from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London as well as an LL.M in European Law from the School of Law at the University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. In 2017, I completed a successful legal traineeship at the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. I am currently preparing my PhD research proposal which I wish to complete at the prestigious L' École normale supérieure in Paris in collaboration with the London School of Economics. I am particularly interested in International Investment and Comparative Law and Human Rights.

Blanka Hovan Blanka Hován was born and raised in Budapest. She began her studies in 2014 as a law student at Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary. She is a teaching assistant at the Civil Law Department of ELTE and member of the Academic Civil Law Student Circle and the Corvinus Tax Club. Her academic interests within civil law are the law of corporations and competition. Besides international private and investment law her main focus is on the legal aspects of energy. She is currently the Vice President for Seminars & Conferences of ELSA Hungary.


Participants Vanessa Huber Vanessa Huber is a Master Student in Laws (LLM) from Switzerland. She has obtained her Bachelor’s Degree (LLB) from University of Zurich and has just recently completed the Certificate in Transnational Law (CTL), a joint program from the University of Geneva and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva. Her academic interests are International Economic Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution. Due to the combination of these two fields in Investment Law, this has been one of her recent focuses. Not only did she attend the respective extensive class at the Graduate Institute in Geneva, but has also been vividly involved in 2018’s Model WTO on the topic of a possible Investment Facilitation Agreement within the World Trade Organizations framework. In her freetime Vanessa enjoys reading, cooking, meeting friends and travelling. She is thus very much excited for Greece and to meet new people with the same interests.

Yamumi Ibwala I am a 22 Year old student in international law at the University of Bordeaux. This year, I started my first year of Master degree and intend to finish my Master degree at the same university before moving, hopefully, to United States. I lately have known ELSA and I can’t wait to discover the ELSA Spirit! I lately found a strong interest in international investment law and international economic law and I am really excited about this week in Greece!

Micaela Izbicki I am a first year student in a double degree of Law and Economics at the University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. At the same time I am working in a tax advising firm. I love travelling and I am super excited to meet new people and to expand my knowledge in law whilst visiting an amazing city as Athens.


Participants Marina Koleskina I am Marina Koleskina, 21 years old student from Moscow, Russia. I finished Russian Foreign Trade Academy with specialization in private international law. I am very interested in participating in moot courts. In 2017, 2018 I took part in Jessup competition, where I analyzed different modern questions of public international law, e.g. transfer of cultural property and nuclear disarmament. In 2017, I was also a team member in the moot court dedicated to the international sales of goods and arbitration. In May 2018, I coached a finalist team in Riga moot court, where students of the 1st and 2nd grades studied serious problems of international law. When I opened such an interesting sphere of law as international investments, I decided to write my bachelor thesis about expropriation of foreign investors’ property. Now I am planning to be a part of the FDI moot court competition. In 2018 Summer School, I am looking forward to meeting many people who share the same passion in studying law and discovering something new.

Ksenia Koroteeva Ksenia works as a tribunal secretary at the Russian Institute of Modern Arbitration (RIMA) in Moscow and is an incoming MIDS LL.M. candidate (2018-2019). She completed her Bachelor and Master degrees at MGIMO-University by specializing in public international law and international economic law. As a student, she participated in various moot courts (Jessup, FDI and FIAMC) as well as UNCTAD Mapping Project. Ksenia currently coaches the MGIMO team for FDI Moot Court, ICC Mediation Competition and IBA-VIAC Mediation and Negotiation Competition CDRC-Vienna. In 2017 she attended the Arbitration Academy in Paris. Ksenia speaks fluently three languages (Russian, English and French) and has a good command of Portuguese.

Maria Koutla My name is Maira and I was born and raised in Athens. I am currently a senior undergraduate student at the Democritus University of Thrace (LLB). Personally, I am always excited about learning completely new things and exploring different areas of law. Especially in regard to International Investment Law, I am interested to pursue a Master’s Degree in this specific area.


Participants Cornelia Krismann My name is Cornelia Krisman and I study Law at the LeopoldFranzens-University in Innsbruck, Austria and Business Law at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. I am in the process of finishing my thesis in law and therefore on the brink of entering the professional world. I have had a lot of experience living abroad, with Erasmus and others and am fond of learning the language of whichever country I reside in. I am especially interested in International Investment Law as it is a part of my thesis. I already had to get myself acquainted with the topic for this reason and am looking forward to further my knowledge and here inputs of experts in the field.

Katherine Maccaroni Abbade My name is Katherine Macarroni and I’m a 22-year-old Law student from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I’ve been in love with other cultures since I can remember, hence the reason I have a bachelor’s degree in International Relations. Also having the chance to be in touch with different cultures and ways to see the world, in my opinion, is one of the best things in life. Even though Law has always been a part of my life, I’ve only decided to follow this path in my second year of International studies. In the beginning I thought I couldn’t handle it but now I’m pretty sure it’s my passion. As an intern in a Tax Law office, I’ve had developed an appreciation for business law, reason why I’m focusing on this field of law, especially the international part. After finishing Law school, I intend to do my LLM in International Law.

Michael Machika As the practice leader of tax and investment advisory services of Machica Group in the Philippines, I set the strategic direction and am responsible for the overall business relationship and valuecreation. I advise, mentor, and collaborate with governance body and top management of our clients and my associates alike. At present, I am enrolled in Political Economy after completing Ph.D. major in Management. As a practicing tax advisoraccountant, I did post-doctorate research in transfer pricing at the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law, Vienna University of Economics and Business in 2015. I also joined the International Tax Law Summer Program in Leiden and Munster in 2014.


Participants Magdaléna Machová My name is Magda, I am in my fourth year of studies towards Master´s Law degree at the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic and I spent last semester studying at the University of Iceland. I take keen interest in International Invesment Law as I am currently working on my thesis regarding the theme and I take part in the FDI Moot Court 2018 as well. I love travelling, meeting new people and trying new things. I am passionate about sports and good meals. And I am looking forward to seeing you all in Athens and enjoying a little bit of Greek sunshine together!

Donato Macovez Hey everyone, I am Donato Macovez and I am studying at the Faculty of Law in Trieste, after getting a degree in a high school specialized in foreign languages. I have a deep passion for all the fields of law, but I am particularly interested in the international aspects of the discipline I am studying. For this reason, I took part to the 25th edition of Willem C Vis moot court, which is the largest private law competition in the world. I see the Athens' summer law school as a great mean to strengthen my knowledge, meeting new people and enjoy one of the most beautiful city I have ever seen. My purpose is to make everything possible to enjoy this experience in all its aspects and give my contribution to make it unforgettable.

Carlos Castillo Martín My name is Carlos, I am a 4th year student of law and International relations at Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Madrid. I am quite interested in international investment law as I would like to develop my career in International trade. I am looking forward to meeting you all in Athens this summer.


Participants Mateo Matijević Hello! My name is Mateo Matijević, I 'm student of Law Faculty Rijeka, Croatia. Growing up in Croatia and experiencing the development of our young country, I have witnessed first-hand the importance of law to the existence and development of a stable society. Being a part of such a dynamic environment, from day one I wanted to participate in society. In my student "career" I want to gain a amount of knowledge as big as possible, exactly I want to learn new things every day. So to this day I attended as many science, social, etc. events as possible. I'm also president of ELSA Croatia, member of Advisory Council on Youth to the Government of Republic of Croatia, president of Student Council of Law Faculty Rijeka and founder of Summer ELSA Law School: Diplomacy & Law and many other. I have big expectation for Summer Law School International Investment Law and I'm sure that it will be fulfilled.

François Michel I’m François Michel, 22 years old Master’s Degree student from Belgium. Currently, I’m studying Banking and Finance but also Corporate Law at the University of Louvain-la-Neuve. This autumn I’m starting my last year of my masters. I am highly motivated and very committed to the whole field of law, with an avid interest in International Law. Besides my studies, I’m passionate about various sports (like running and rescue swimming) and I also love reading and travelling. I’m excited to visit Greece for the first time and the upcoming week there will be a perfect addition to my summer plans. I’m looking forward to meeting everyone and especially looking forward to enjoying sun and warmth. Lately, I have been elected as a member of the board of our local committee in Louvain-la-Neuve and I’m excited to experience the international ELSA spirit!

Anjela Miric My name is Andjela Miric, I am 21 years old and currently finishing third year at Faculty of Law. Social activism has always been my passion and it’s been three years since I started working in AIESEC, where I am currently a national project manager. Wanting to be closer to practice of law, two years ago along with my colleagues we founded ELSA local group at our University of Niš. Since then I dedicated my time to developing STEP sector. I see myself working in the area of International and Humanitarian law in the future.


Participants Chaymae Moussaten My name is Chaymae Moussaten and I am 20 years old. Currently, I am in my third year of my Bachelor of law at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. I also follow the scientific excellence program which allows me to study law at the University of Amsterdam. I would like to focus my career in the international investment law. I have always been enthusiastic about discovering new cultures and persons, which is why I wanted to experience a summer law school. I’ m looking forward to the great adventure!

Elena Murashko I’m Elena Murashko, 21 years old student from Moscow, Russia. I’m graduating as a Bachelor of Law with a specialization in international economic law from Russian Foreign Trade Academy. In September I’m going to pursue my Master’s Degree ‘Law in International Trade, Finance and Economic Integration’ in Higher School of Economics (HSE). I’m addicted to moot courts. I participated in Jessup Moot Court Competition in 2017-2018, where my team was one of Russia’s advanced teams, and then coached a finalist team of junior students for RGSL Riga Moot on international law. This year I also did an internship in the Department for Trade Negotiations in the Ministry of Economic Development, working with BITs and ISDS. This awakened my interest in international investment law. I’m currently participating in Foreign Direct Investment Moot. I’m looking forward to meeting people who share my passion for international investment law.

Carolina Naranjo My name is Carolina Naranjo, I am a Spanish student living in Madrid. I have just finished my degree in Law along with a minor in Business Law at University Pontificia de Comillas ICADE, and in October I am beginning a double Master degree in Access to the Legal Profession along with Global Business Law in ICADE and ESADE. During the course of my studies I have gained greater and more profound insight regarding the fact that we live in a more than ever globalized world, in which problems, disputes and business opportunities are very closely interconnected among various jurisdictions. Therefore, I chose to study at Case Western Reserve Law School in the United States during my fourth year of university. It makes me realized even more that I want to steer my career in an international direction, particularly, in a business and investment direction. Outside the professional field, I am highly interested in sports as well as traveling. I am eager to begin this course which I am sure will broaden my understanding of the investment area and let me get to know new people from different backgrounds.


Participants Fotini Nassou My name is Fotini Nassou and I’m 20 years old. I am currently an LLB candidate at the University of Athens. I am also pursuing a Minor degree in International Business at the American College of Greece. Conducting research in contemporary issues of International Economic law has triggered my interest to expand my knowledge and deepen my expertise in International Investment Law. This year’s summer school will be a unique opportunity for me to fulfil my aspirations and meet fellow students from all over Europe, as well.

Stela Negran My name is Stela and I am an LLM student at Queen Mary University of London studying International Business Law. Originally I am from Croatia, but I have been living in London for 4 years, obtaining my Bachelor's degree in Law and Politics here as well. My main interests are Investment Law and Mergers and Acquisitions, and I hope to pursue my career in one of those directions. I love travelling, learning new languages and cultures, and I am excited to finally add Greece to the list of over 25 countries that I have visited. I am also very passionate about ELSA, and I have dedicated the past 4 years to my local and national group. I have been elected the president of ELSA UK for the academic year 2018/2019, and I cannot wait to see what this ELSA year is going to bring me. I have already been to two ELSA summer law schools, and I am very excited to participate in an SLS again this summer and spend an amazing week with people that I will soon call my friends, and gain memories of yet another great ELSA week.

Victoria Pankratova My name is Victoria Pankratova and I am currently a student of Moscow State Institute of International Relations with a major in public international law. A series of conferences, public performances and debate clubs led me to one of the most exciting things in my life - moots: Young IFA on Russian and, then, on International Taxation, Young Tax Professional of the Year, ICC Mediation Competition, Willem C. Vis Moot and CDRC Negotiation and Mediation Competition. I am now a part of Baker McKenzie international law firm, fluently speak English and Russian and have a good command of French and Portuguese



Nityesh Peetumber Nityesh is a Barrister at Law (Inner Temple) who practices in Mauritius. He has recently been awarded the Chevening Scholarship and is currently studying for the LLM at Queen Mary University of London where he is specialising in Comparative and International Dispute resolution during which he has developed a keen interest in International Investment Law.

Sherzod Shadikhodjaev Sherzod Shadikhodjaev is a professor at Korea Development Institute (KDI) School of Public Policy and Management where he teaches graduate courses related to international trade law. He obtained his LLB (with honours) from the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (Uzbekistan), and LLM and PhD in Law from Korea University. Previously, he worked for Korea Institute for International Economic Policy as a research fellow. He has done extensive academic and policy research in international economic law.

Divjot Singh Bhatia Hello, My name is Divjot and I’m from India. Currently I’m pursuing my LLM in International Business Law from Queen Mary University of London. I’ve chosen this summer school has I believe the Investment Law course will help me out in this area when i start practicing in India. Also, I love to visit new cities and Athens is on my dream list. Looking forward to meet and party with others on this summer school course.



Gabriela Skvarilova My name is Gabriela and I am 24 years old. I study in master program Law and legal theory,Faculty of Law, Masaryk University Brno. I have also obtained a bachelor degree from program Finance and law at Faculty of Economics, Masaryk University Brno. Apart from university, I am a paralegal in international law firm in Prague where I focus on issues arising from corporate law, financing and real estate. I have been part of many student projects, summer law schools by ELSA and also voluntary project in Indonesia organized by AIESEC. In my free time I like to hang out with my friends, go out for dog walks or do some sport e.g. skiing, horse riding or badminton.

Irmak Sorkun Irmak Sorkun is a senior law student at University of Galatasaray, in Istanbul. After she graduates, she will start her legal internship in a law firm focused primarily on arbitration in which she takes an eager interest. She is a member of AIPPI and the student representative of Fashion Law Institute. She enjoys traveling, exploring new cultures and archery as a hobby. She's looking forward to be in Athens for her third Elsa Law School experience!

Martina Soukupova My name is Martina Soukupovå and I was born on the 3 rd of January 1995 in Prague. Currently I am in my 4 th year of law studies at the Charles University in Prague. I love traveling and foreign languages and that’s one of the main reasons I joined ELSA on my first week of school. After finishing my studies I would like to become a lawyer, but I am not yet completely sure what area would interest me the most, so I am always open to learn about new topics as the International investments. I am really looking forward to spending an amazing week in Athens!



Utkarsh Srivastav I am from New Delhi In India. With a keen interest in all kinds Commercial laws. Ever since I entered law school, I showed interest in all spheres of International law. My hobbies include philately and travelling. I love to read sci-fi and books on mythology. My favorite authors are Devdutt Pattnaik and Anthony Horowitz.

Vasiliki Stathi My name is Vasiliki Stathi. Currently, I am an undergraduate student in the Law School of Democritus University of Thrace. I am deeply interested in the areas of public law and international law. Apart from Greek, I speak English and French.

Catherine Strataridakis Aikaterini Strataridaki is currently employed as a legal trainee at Piraeus Bank, Greece. She has interned at the Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg. She holds an LLB Hons degree from the Democritus University of Thrace, Komotini, Greece and is a Master of Public International Law Candidate at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. She is very excited to deepen her knowledge in international investment law and engage in interesting discussions.



Parmenion-Athanasios Tzifras Ion holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Athens (2018) and will study for the Magister Juris (MJur) at the University of Oxford from September 2018 onwards. He currently works as a trainee lawyer at a commercial law firm in Athens. His main interests include international arbitration, complex litigation and general commercial and corporate law.

Carolina Vetere My name is Carolina Vetere, I am 26 years old and come from Italy. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and I am currently enrolled in a Master’s degree in Law at the University of Calabria. I am interested in the international field, actually during my studies I already had the opportunity of moving abroad through the Erasmus + programme. Moreover, I am very interested in the economic field, because of my previous studies in Business Administration. As soon as I finish my degree, I intend to become a business lawyer.

Tamara Volodina She completed a bachelor degree in Law at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv this year. She also attended the Summer ELSA Law School Tbilisi on Intellectual Property Law 2017 and finished the course of Children's Human Rights by University of Geneva. Since Tamara entered the university, charity became a huge part of her life and she hopes to set up a more professional help in future. As a creative person she enjoys art, drawing, sculpting and dancing.



William Wong I am William Wong, a 18-year-old law student at the London School of Economics (LSE). As an avid mooter and debater, I am the Mooting Officer at the LSE, who frequently participate and organize mooting competitions. Coming from Hong Kong, a vibrant entrepot that benefits from a thriving network of international trade, I believe studying in Greece would provide me with an excellent comparative analysis of the two jurisdictions as my major interest lies in arbitration and international trade. I aspire to practice as a barrister in Hong Kong. In addition to English, I also speak Cantonese and Mandarin.

Ondřej Woznica Ondřej Woznica is a law student (as you might have already guessed) and by the time you are reading this, he just finished his third year of studies. He is planning to use this summer to mentally prepare for the two upcoming years. He is from the Czech Republic (that little country in the middle of Europe with politics gone crazy but overshadowed by Hungary and Poland). Ondřej’s huge passion are various simulations of international organisations, especially of the the European Union. Due to his unconventional hobbies, Ondřej is interested especially into European level of investment law. Ondřej also loves to spend his free time traveling, wearing crazy socks and eating oatmeal porridge. He is excited to meet you all this summer. See you in Athens!

Niki Yahyavi My name is Niki and I am from Uppsala, Sweden. Currently I'm studying law in Uppsala University. Besides law I have a great passion for economics and investments. This is also reflected in my part time job at The Financial Supervisory Authority of Sweden, Finansinspektionen. There I work with different EU directives in correlation with Swedish law and economics. In the future I would love to specialize in international contracts. Furthermore I've always been passionate about travelling. I'm fluent in four different languages. I love meeting new people and challenging myself. I'm excited to spend this summer in Athens.


Participants Luisa Zimmer My name is Luisa Zimmer and currently I’m in forth semester of my law studies at Humboldt University in Berlin. I was able to acquire first experiences in international and commercial law at Links Law Offices in Shanghai. My research work especially included the comparison of different legal standards in European and Asian countries relating to M&A and investment procedures. Furthermore, I just recently had the opportunity to get an indepth insight into legal and political issues concerning the European Union during my internship at the German Bundestag in the European committee. The high importance of practical experiences, international communication and the capacity for teamwork occurred to me while working as Vice President for STEP at ELSA Berlin. When working with law students from all over Europe, I discovered the advantages of a progressively globalizing world shaped by cultural diversity. Furthermore, I also enjoy traveling and meeting new people during my leisure time. Therefore I’m very much looking forward to Athens in order to expand my horizon in an academic way while getting to know people from all around Europe!

Léa Zylberstein My name is Léa Zylberstein, I am 20 years old and I come from Paris, France. I have just completed a double degree in Law and English, in the University of Versailles. I plan to specialize in private law or business law, and I hope the Athens Summer Law School will help me to make my professional project more precise. I really love to travel, I have spent a semester in the United States and I am impatient to discover Greece. I also like singing and adventure activities.

Alexandra Aslanyan Theo Berrebi Camila Colombo Damla Gedik

Konstantina Kalyva Marina Konstantinidi Katja Rehberger

Ignacio Tellaeche de Vicente





A Top Tier Commercial Law Firm at the Forefront of the Market Bernitsas Law is a market leader in the provision of commercial law services in Greece and one of the largest firms in the country. The Firm’s history has been paved by its involvement in major events which have shaped Greece’s legal and regulatory framework. It has unrivalled experience in both benchmark and mainstream domestic and crossborder transactions and has acted in many of the significant and often pioneering transactions to have taken place in terms of both complexity and value over the last three decades. ‘the in-depth understanding of both the legal and business particularities necessary for … complex transactions’ Top Ranked by Chambers Global and Europe 2018

We are leaders in the corporate, commercial and finance sectors, specialising in foreign direct investment, banking, capital markets, funds, energy, projects, privatisation and real estate transactions. We offer strong practices in employment, EU, competition & antitrust, intellectual property, data protection and privacy, public procurement and tax, as well as industry specific expertise in aviation, environment, insurance, life sciences and healthcare and telecommunications, media and technology. Our litigation, arbitration and dispute resolution practice is recognised for its track record in significant administrative, civil and commercial and corporate crime disputes, some of which have created precedents.

‘Bernitsas Law is ‘always excellent’ and provides ‘practical, balanced, business -oriented advice’. Top Ranked by The Legal 500 EMEA 2018

For more information, contact us at or visit .



Hellenic Society of Vascular and Intravascular Surgery (HELEX) The Hellenic Society of Vascular and Intravascular Surgery (HELEX) is a scientific company with members of physicians, vascular surgeons, which deals exclusively with the subject of vascular and intravascular surgery. In particular, the company's aims are: A. The scientific promotion of vascular surgery in Greece. B. The organization of meetings, lectures, postgraduate courses and scientific communication events, either alone or in collaboration with Greek and foreign scientific companies. C. Planning and development of research programs for the development of vascular surgery in Greece D. The organization of Pan-Hellenic or International conferences in Greece for the training of general practitioners, surgeons and the general non-medical public for the achievements and capabilities of vascular surgery.



Karatzas & Partners has been in existence since 1963, as Karatzas Law Offices. From its establishment it has been active in the fields of civil, company, commercial and financial law, with its clientele being both Greek and international. We specialize in the law of banking and finance, capital markets law, competition law, energy law, mergers and acquisitions, privatization, project finance law, real estate law and telecommunications law. We also specialize in litigation, both before courts and arbitral tribunals, in the above fields. In view of our leading position in the Greek legal market, we are routinely rated by such legal directories as Chambers Global, Legal 500 and IFLR1000 as a first-tier firm, and our partners among the top lawyers in Greece. Our firm has received the Greek law firm of the year award by Chambers Europe in 2011, 2015 and 2018, the International Financial Law Review award for best Greek law firm in 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2018 as well as the International Financial Law Review Europe Women in Business Law award for best Greek law firm in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. We were also awarded in the American Lawyer Global Legal Awards the Global Finance Deal of the Year for Greece’s Debt Restructuring, as well as the Grand Prize 2013 for Global Finance and the International Financial Law Review award for debt and equity-linked deal of the year in 2013 and the International Financial Law Review European award for the M&A deal of the year 2016. Our managing partner, Catherine Karatzas, received the pan-European award in the category of financial regulation in the International Financial Law Review Europe Women in Business Law awards in 2015 and entered The Legal 500’s Hall of Fame in 2018. Our firm currently consists of 8 partners, 26 associates, 6 trainee lawyers and supporting staff of 17 employees (secretaries, accounting department etc.).



Kelemenis & Co. is a leading Greek law firm providing legal, regulatory and tax compliance services in all key corporate and commercial areas. The firm advises a varied client base that includes corporations (including various in the Fortune 500 list), governments, large institutions and high-net-worth individuals. It regularly advises international clients on cross-border transactions and regulatory matters. Representative clients include Chevron/Texaco, General Electric, China Development Bank, the European Commission, EBRD, the Bank of Cyprus, KKR, Bain Capital, Metaxa, the Greek Public Gas Corporation, the Greek Transmission System Operator, Swiss Life and various leading international law firms. The firm draws on a team of lawyers with excellent academic qualifications from world-class universities. Kelemenis & Co. has built a reputation for acting on complex, high volume cross border transactions and commercial disputes for a range of corporate and financial institution clients. The firm's track record spreads across an array of sectors including retail, energy, infrastructure, hotels & leisure, real estate and technology. Althoug h Greece has been the focal point of the firm's activities, the firm has been active in Southeast and Eastern Europe and the Middle East where it advises local governments on legal approximation with the EU acquis communautaire (primarily that of energy regulation) and international investors on their cross -border ventures. Kelemenis & Co. enjoys excellent rankings in all leading international legal directories and is a recommended law firm in all key practice areas. The firm is regularly invited to contribute the Greece chapter to commercial law handbooks published by highly regarded international publishers such as Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press and Sweet & Maxwell. It is a member of several professional associations and chambers. The firm is the Greece member of Multilaw, a leading global law network consisting of more than 70 law firms worldwide and over 8,000 lawyers in over 150 commercial centres. It is also the Greece member of First Law International, an international provider of legal services of a size similar to Multilaw’s and presence in all key commercial centres around the globe. The firm also represents Greece in the International Travel Law Network (ITLN), a fast growing association of lawyers across the world who specialise in travel and leisure law. As part of its quality control systems, Kelemenis & Co. is certified by TĂœV Nord as complying with ISO 9001:2008 procedures for its management system in rendering advisory, compliance and litigation services in business law for corporate clients. The firm’s state-of-the-art infrastructure includes excellent video conferencing facilities. More about the firm and its clients, its work and its team can be found at



Moussas and Partners is a multidisciplinary law practice that accompanies its clients, in advisory as well as in litigation, in a wide spectrum of legal fields guaranteeing therefore consistency in the proposed solutions and complete mastery of the consequences of the decisions taken. The firm is widely acknowledged due to its permanent and sustained growth in time, as well as to the prestige and quality of its professionals. Accredited for delivering the best outcome in dispute resolution, the firm has a distinguished record in acting for clients from a variety of industries and countries, before local courts as well as in international and local arbitration. The firm’s goal is to deliver quality services tailored to the aims pursued by our clients while taking into account the context and the economic environment pertaining to their activities. Our approach is based on the attention dedicated to the customer, the responsiveness to their requests and the rigor in the services provided. The firm has gained extensive expertise in the management of particularly sophisticated extraordinary transactions and in operating in contractual and contentious fields wherever an in-depth knowledge of both Greek and foreign legal systems is required and has significant experience in its areas of practice. The firm has developed a strong practice in the field of international arbitration leading to the firm being the first choice of key market players in energy and constructions through a series of arbitration cases. Throughout the years we have built up our experience before various arbitral tribunals (ICC and UNCITRAL) and hold a strong track record of successful representation. A recent highlight of the firm’s track record is the successful representation of Mytilineos Holdings in a bilateral investment treaty dispute against Serbia under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. The firm provides integral legal advisory services by way of its team of lawyers specialized in the various areas of law. The team’s experience includes successfully representing clients in disputes arising from M&A, shareholders’ agreements and different types of commercial agreements, such as agency and distributorship, as well as from corporate obligations, directors’ liabilities and capital markets regulatory compliance. The firm has a rapidly developing portfolio of representation in disputes arising from EPC contracts as well as in the energy sector, where we have successfully represented clients in landmark disputes, following the progressive deregulation of energy in the Greek market. The firm is also highly experienced in the field of banking, finance and securities law, insolvency, restructuring and employment law. The Firm collaborates with other professional firms and financial advisors of high standing in order to ensure optimal assistance even in cross-border transactions and maintain the high professional quality necessary in a demanding and increasingly sophisticated market. Moussas and Partners and the firm’s managing partner Nicholas Moussas have been ranked by Chambers & Partners in the Chambers Europe 2018 guide as well as the Legal 500.



Norton Rose Fulbright is a global law firm. We provide the world’s preeminent corporations and financial institutions with a full business law service. We have more than 4,000 lawyers and other legal staff based in Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin America, Asia, Australia, the Middle East and Africa.

Recognized for our industry focus, we are strong across all the key industry sectors: financial institutions; energy; infrastructure, mining and commodities; transport; technology and innovation; and life sciences and healthcare. Through our global risk advisory group, we leverage our industry experience with our knowledge of legal, regulatory, compliance and governance issues to provide our clients with practical solutions to the legal and regulatory risks facing their businesses.

Wherever we are, we operate in accordance with our global business principles of quality, unity and integrity. We aim to provide the highest possible standard of legal service in each of our offices and to maintain that level of quality at every point of contact.



Ballas, Pelecanos & Associates L.P.C., one of the leading business law firms in Greece, provides a wide range of specialized legal services to both domestic and international clients. A full-service business law firm, organized in specialist practice groups, Ballas, Pelecanos & Associates L.P.C. traces its origins in the 1930s. In-depth knowledge of the law and a thorough understanding of the business and technological environment enable Ballas, Pelecanos & Associates L.P.C. to navigate effectively through legal complexities and deliver results tailored to its clients' individual needs and consistent to their business objectives. Its commitment to excellence, personalized and proactive service, global perspective and unique insight, constitute the backbone of its quality services and solid advice that shield its clients and enhance their business activity. The firm's practice includes Corporate Law, Banking, Corporate and Project Finance, Antitrust , IP/IT/ICT , Robotics & AI Law, Consumer/ Advertising / Media and Product Liability, Construction Law, Dispute Resolution ( incl. Greek and international arbitration), Employment Law.

Moratis Passas is a Greek law firm founded in 1990 by joining the previously individual successful practices of civil lawyers George Moratis and Dimitris Passas. In 2010 the firm was established as a law partnership under Greek Law (Presidential Decree 81/2005) and is located in Athens (15 Voukourestiou str. and 5 Zalokosta str.).

Moratis Passas has since its inception been acting as an advisor to many key players in the Greek banking and financial market. Over the past two decades, our firm has built a highly qualified and experienced team most of whom are members of the Athens Bar Association. The widely recognized expertise developed over the years has led us to top tier ranking among the Greek law firms in the fields of Banking and Finance. Gradually our areas of practice have successfully expanded over most fields of the contemporary financial and corporate era. At Moratis Passas our main goal has always been to serve our clients with high quality innovative and effective solutions and not reproduce conventional thinking. We strive to get to know the clients’ business in depth so that we are able to provide them consistently with the best advice to serve their business needs and aspirations. Today we are proud of our expanding and loyal client base ranging from a variety of corporate entities to banks and multinational organisations as well as private entities.

“We enjoy long standing client relationships with world-class clients who have repeatedly acknowledged the quality of our services and our dedication to legal innovation and excellence." 63


POTAMITISVEKRIS is a leading Greek commercial law firm, recognised by international legal directories for our market recognition and breadth of practice coverage. The firm, based on the twin pillars of advisory and dispute resolution work, is in a position to offer a complete legal service to modern corporates and organisations. Our practice areas are led by prominent legal practitioners, who uniquely combine an international outlook with an in depth knowledge of the local market and a commitment to problem solving. Our team is united by our dedication to raising the provision of legal services in Greece to a new level of competence, quality of service and integrity. We believe that our aim can be achieved only through a genuine legal partnership structure and a long term investment in our people and tools, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. These are the foundations upon which we have built and continue to grow our practice, constantly attracting and developing new legal talent and expanding our firm, even during the crisis affecting Greece over the last years. Our mission is to do the best we can for our clients, to serve the interests of justice and to promote the ethical and collegial practice of law.

IN -KIND SPONSORS Rhoeco is an organic herbal tea company based in Thessaloniki, Greece. It was founded in 2016 by Vaya Mitsiou, Katerina Chatziangelaki and Harry Kazas agronomists and professionals in the fields of organic agriculture, food production systems and ecological management. With respect to their principles of fair trade, ethical and organic food production, they have developed a network of certified organic smallholder family farms all over Greece which supply them with raw dried herbs. Each of rhoeco's products is produced and packed by hand with honesty and integrity in their certified facilities. Rhoeco team's vision is to promote well-being, while preserving the Earth.



EODID Athens Mediation & Arbitration Organization is a dispute resolution support services provider covering the need for the prompt, cost-effective and efficient resolution of disputes, both domestic and international. Founded in 2016, EODID offers high quality services in collaboration with experienced neutrals, all prominent dispute resolution professionals. Its services range from Mediation and Arbitration support and administration to ADR Housing & Accommodation. The Arbitration and Mediation Rules of EODID, elaborated by a team of experts in the relevant fields, follow internationally acknowledged best practices and safeguard the integrity, transparency and reliability of the dispute resolution process; a process which is thus in line with the real needs and current potential of the Greek and international legal and business community. EODID is headquartered in private premises fully adaptable to the needs of alternative dispute resolution processes, located in the center of Athens, Greece (23 Mavromichali str., Nomiki Bibliothiki building, 106 80, Athens, tel.: +30 210 3678800). For more information please visit



Contact us Dr Anastasios Gourgourinis

Markella Kounadi

Athens Public International Law Research Center

Vice President for Seminars & Conferences ELSA Athens 2017/18






Edited by Alina Papanastasiou

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