Graduate Students Welcome Package

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Appendix IV: International Crime & Justice, M.A. Dear Incoming Graduate Students of the Master of Arts Degree Program in International Crime and Justice, Congratulations on your acceptance to the Master of Arts Degree Program in International Crime & Justice. In this letter, you will find preliminary information about course requirements and sequencing, along with recommendations about course load. It is to your advantage to register as soon as possible. The first thing to consider when scheduling your first semester is to factor in coursework that does not count towards your credit total but must be completed, in case you have been accepted with conditions. Some of you must take our undergraduate statistics course, STA250. STA250 will not count towards your GPA and thus I recommend that you take it pass/fail (you must file a form with the Registrar’s Office at the beginning of the semester to do this: Thirty-six (36) credits are required to complete your graduate program. Students should be able to complete the course of study in two years if they maintain full-time status (defined as three to four courses a semester1) or four years if they are part-time (fewer than three courses). If you take courses during the summer, you may complete the program in less than two years. If you work full time, I recommend you limit yourself to a maximum of two courses a semester. Remember, graduate coursework is more demanding than undergraduate coursework, and you must maintain a 3.0 GPA to remain in good standing as well as graduate. If you receive benefits from the Office of Military and Veterans Services and are required to take STA 250 as a condition of your acceptance, you MUST additionally file the Veteran Graduate Student Authorization for Undergraduate Courses and submit it to the veteran certifying official in the Office of Military and Veterans Services. Email your advisor to obtain the form. Course Availability Core courses are offered every semester either on campus or online (or both). Some electives are also offered during the winter session. Summer offerings may include both core and elective courses, based on student demand. On-campus students may register for their ICJ classes either campus-based or online (pending space availability). On-campus students are allowed to take up to 5 courses maximum online while enrolled in the on-campus degree program. Additionally, on-campus students are not permitted to take ANY Criminal Justice (CRJ prefix) online courses. Course Sequencing Courses may be taken in any order except for the ICJ770: Capstone in International Crime and Justice course, which may be taken only after ALL other core courses are completed. Exceptions may be made to this rule for good reason. Elective courses may be taken at any time. A suggested sequence is detailed below for a full-time On-campus student who does not need to take any prerequisites. Students may use their 12 elective credits to complete courses toward the Advanced Certificate in Transnational 1 In order to be considered a full-time graduate student, students must register for a minimum of 9 credits per semester. However, a minimum of 12 credits per semester is still required for in-state students to receive flat rate tuition. For questions regarding instate tuition, contact the Office of Admissions.

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