How you can help persecuted Christians A list of generic acts that individuals can do for Christians facing persecution in restricted countries
1. Mobilising prayer - Organize prayer events at your church for persecuted Christians - Sign up for e-mail prayer bulletins/alerts from ministries working with persecuted Christians (e.g. WEA RLC Prayer Newsletter) - Use initiatives such as the International day of prayer for the persecuted church 2. Staying informed about the status of religious freedom worldwide - Sign up for information bulletins from ministries that report on religious persecution (e.g. WEA RLC Research and Analysis Report) 3. Advocacy on behalf of persecuted minorities - Mass petition / signature campaigns - Peaceful protests - Lobbying your government 4. Writing letters to embassies on behalf of persecuted Christians 5. Writing letters of encouragement to persecuted Christians 6. Lobbying politicians, especially government leaders to advocate on behalf of the freedom of religion in restricted countries 7. Initiating and encouraging discussion on your social networks on the issue of religious freedom and the persecution of Christians 8. Giving your time and skills to help ministries working with the persecuted Church - Short-term missions 9. Financial giving to ministries that work with the persecuted Church
WEA Religious Liberty Commission