Film Funding: What You Should Know By Denny Morales Expert Author Denny Morales
Each year thousands of films are made and making them requires cash. Finding funds for films can be a daunting especially to first timers and independent film makers. However, this is not to say that there are no funding sources. On the contrary, there are numerous ways through which a film maker can get film funding. The first way you can fund your film is through foundation grants. If you are in the business of making educational videos and documentaries, this is the best film funding method for you. There are loads of foundations that are willing to back film makers who make films that are aimed at educating the public about important issues. Still, you can get corporate or individual investors to provide you with the cash to produce your film. Nevertheless, finding these can be tricky. It is also possible to get film funding from talent agencies. The agencies package your movie with a number of their clients. This enables them to provide adequate funding for the movie. If you are intending on using this type of funding you ought to know that the agency you pick does not out rightly fund your project. Instead, they arrange for the financing via such resources as presale arrangements and co-production deals. Independent distributors can also provide funding. What you must understand is that these types of distributors usually do not have any affiliations with big studios. As such they do not have the big bucks. What this means is that if you do decide to get financing from an independent distributor you must already have some funding in place-albeit a little. If you are looking to make a film and are in the search of funding, the Internet is the first place you need to look. There is a wealth of information on where film makers can source for support. You should also make a point of talking to other film makers especially the independent ones. Chances are that they have had to source for cash at some point when making their movies. Consequently, they are best placed to tell you where you can obtain backing. It is important that you research and thoroughly understand each of these film funding sources. Though excellent in their own right, some may be better suited than others for you. Unless you want to