Guide to Locksmith Tools For Lock Picking By Julius Neilson
As with any other trade, locksmithing has its own set of unique tools. Looking at them piece by piece should be puzzling, if you do not have a background on locksmith service at all. Special tools are used for special purposes just like a carpenter's hammer is used only for pounding nails into place. Locksmiths have a keen eye for detail as well as skilled and deft hands to pick on the tiny little parts and mechanisms of a lock.
Lock picking is probably the most common task asked by customers from locksmiths, as this is the easiest and most inexpensive method of opening a locked door. Rather than have a locksmith replace your lock, you will always try to have him to open it first without necessarily prying the door. Locksmiths use several tools for this specific purpose as listed below:
1. Plug Spinners. Plug Spinners are used to lift, rotate and move the plug so that it goes back to its natural unlocked state. Handling this instrument requires a locksmith to have prior knowledge of the accurate positioning of the lock components.
2. Computerized Picks. Computerized picks are used by locksmiths for more complicated lock types such as combination systems. This instrument is made of steel and is capable of configuring up to 6 pins and disc patterns.
3. Tension Wrenches. The tension wrenches are used to control and apply the exact amount of turning pressure needed to access the shear line. Locksmiths usually carry 3 types of torsion wrenches: light, medium and rigid.