Types of documentary films
With today’s digital technology, documentary film is neither expansive nor complicated to produce. You don’t have to bring whole set of lighting or sound equipment with you. Instead, just take your digital camcorder and shoot. It’s pretty much normal that mini DV footages appear on the largest network TV channels now. Basically there are two kinds of documentary. Let’s discuss separately: The first kind more concerns about human being and related social matters. Environmental issues, racial and sexual discriminations, peace and war, terrorism, security in your community, how Bill Clinton is spending his life now, any hot topics in the street... you name it. There are endless subjects you can discuss, which many people will be interested. And this is the category you have to hold your own opinions. People observe things from their own point of view, with their existing prejudice, education, experience, religion, race, sex, age… Different people may have totally different judgment towards the same issue. Having a unique standpoint, which you believe is valuable to others, is the motivation to make a documentary in the first place. You want to share your experience with others, you want to convince others to agree with you, you want to express your anger, anxiousness, hope, towards a certain subject. This is when you can’t wait to make your documentary. Unlike in music video, in a documentary video you must have a theme and opinion. You don’t want to confuse your audience. Even if your documentary leads to a question nobody has a proper answer yet, say, should we conduct human clone, you have to make that question clear and tell viewers the present situation. When you start editing a documentary, what you have in hand is footages of real people in real life doing what they do every day. In other words, the visuals you are going to show in your documentary movies is no different from what anybody else can see without a camera. Lots of them are more familiar with the topic than you are. As a result, if you don’t have a unique point to present, maybe you don’t have to make the video at all. Now comes another question, how do you develop a unique standpoint, which some people may not agree to and that’s why you are producing this documentary to convince them, by showing the same images anybody can see through their own eyes?