Why You Will Love Thai Food Ask anyone you know that loves Thai food and they will give you their personal reasons for enjoying it so much. There is definitely a reason this style of cuisine is growing in popularity around the world! If you are considering joining the ranks of enthusiasts, consider just three of the most often stated reasons for loving this cuisine style: #1: Variety One thing is for certain: you will never get bored exploring Thai food! Since there have been a variety of cultural influences on the population in Thailand, there are different styles of Thai food that are more popular in different areas of the country. This has led to an immense variety of Thai foods with different flavors and cooking styles. There are still some elements on the cuisine that pull all of these different influences together, such as the love of rice and vegetables, but how these basic foods are combined, spiced and made into meals is quite varied. You can experiment with different types of Thai foods to see what pleases your palate the most. Have some fun with it and try a variety of recipes to get the full experience of what Thai food has to offer. If you are interested in learning to cook Thai, eating authentically prepared dishes from a delivery service or restaurant is the best way to study! You will then know what the cuisine is all about and recreating that in your own kitchen will be easier. To be an excellent cook of Thai you have to be an eater of Thai. #2: Intense Flavor The different flavors used in Thai food and the way they are mingled together is another reason to love this style of food. Once you taste it, you see that it is quite different from other ethnic foods because of the spices, vegetables and fruits used in very unique ways. Thai food should have a lot of flavor and there should be a lot of flavor mixtures that are pure heaven on the tongue. Not only is this true of Thai desserts, but of main courses as well.