El sol august 19

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Columbus OH, USA • Agosto 19/Sept 2, 2016 • Año 5 • No.142


Columbus OH, USA • August 19/Sept 2, 2016 • Year 5 • #142



“El me dijo que mi hija moriría”

“He told me that my daughter would die” page 4 Ocultando su identidad esta mujer mexicana cuenta a El Sol de Ohio los abusos que sufrió por la estafa que le hizo el falso brujo Mauricio Concealing her identity, this Mexican woman tells El Sol de Ohio about the abuses that she suffered because of the scam by bogus warlock Mauricio.


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El Sol de Ohio | Agosto 19/Sept 2, 2016

LA CAMARA CIUDADANA Usted puede publicar sus fotos para denunciar o informar sobre cualquier caso de Interés público. Si desea no publicar su nombre nos comprometemos a mantenerlo en privado. Las fotos deben ser enviadas con un texto que explique su contenido. Este es nuestro email: elsodeohionews@gmail.com Venta de bicicletas sobre la acera en la Hague Ave próximo a la Rosedale Ave, de modo que si usted camina por esta acera debe caminar por la calle. Foto de Esther Gil.

Este poste del tendido eléctrico en cualquier momento colapsa y el mayor peligro es que está en la esquina de Binns Elementary School, Foto de Eduardo Castillo.

Una niña de 6 años a cambio de una cabra La tragedia del matrimonio infantil en Afganistán The Sun of Ohio


Special Report

na familia afgana vendió a su hija de 6 años a un hombre mayor a cambio de una cabra, según confirmaron a la BBC funcionarios gubernamentales de ese país. “En un principio, se dijo que el hombre tenía más de 50 años, pero funcionarios de la provincia de Ghowr, en el oeste, donde vivía la niña, me informaron que tenía cuarenta y tantos”, afirmó a BBC Mundo desde Afganistán Mohammad Qazizada, corresponsal de la BBC en el oeste del país. “Los padres dijeron en un principio que su hija había sido secuestrada, pero luego se confirmó que en realidad la habían vendido por una cabra, arroz y aceite”, agregó el periodista. “Se trata de una familia, que al igual que la mayoría de la población en las zonas rurales de la provincia de Ghowr, es extremadamente pobre”. Es difícil determinar cuán extenso es el drama de las niñas vendidas en Afganistán.

Uno de los grandes problemas es que no hay estadísticas oficiales sobre el matrimonio infantil, según Qazazida. “Sin embargo, no se trata del primer, ni del segundo caso reciente. Se ha informado de otros en que padres de familias muy pobres venden a sus hijas por comida. Lo diferente ahora es que lo hicieron a cambio de un animal”. “Se encuentra bien” El caso llegó a la atención pública cuando vecinos del lugar vieron al hombre con la niña y alertaron a la policía. Las autoridades arrestaron este mes tanto el padre de la niña como al hombre al que fue entregada, un clérigo identificado como Sayed Abdul Karim. “De acuerdo a la ley, no

sólo quien compra una menor sino sus padres son responsables. Una fiscal especializada en el combate a la violencia contra mujeres y niñas en la provincia me dijo que el caso pasará en breve a los tribunales”, explicó Qazizada. La niña se encuentra por ahora en un refugio en la capital de la provincia de Ghowr. Qazazida dijo que hay numerosos refugios para mujeres y menores abusadas o golpeadas en distintas provincias. “La niña recibió un examen médico y funcionarios de la provincia confirmaron que se encuentra bien y no fue víctima de violación o de otro tipo de abuso sexual”, señaló el corresponsal del Servicio Afgano de la BBC.

The Sun of Ohio | August 19/Sept 2, 2016


TOPPublicidad STORY

El Sol de Ohio | Agosto 19/Sept 2, 2016

Madre mexicana en Columbus denuncia falso brujo Mauricio la amenazó con la muerte de su hija si no compraba amuleto. También le advirtió que le iría mal con su marido Columbus Mexican mother denounces that bogus warlock Mauricio threatened her with the death of her daughter if she did not buy an amulet. He also warned her that she would have trouble with her husband El Sol de Ohio

Redacción Central

more and more grave and tragic and “discovers” more and more “dangerous” information for the client and its family.


tilizar la sugestión, el miedo, y amenazar con desgracias y tragedias a los seres más queridos es la técnica más usual del falso brujo Mauricio para obligar a sus clientes a que le paguen mayores sumas de dinero. Durante el encuentro que suele tener con los desesperados clientes, el estafador de origen colombiano, va haciendo cada más grave y trágica “la consulta”, va “descubriendo” datos cada vez más “peligrosos” para el cliente y sus familiares. La señora María, cuya identidad se protege en esta publicación, dijo que fue a la cita con el falso brujo porque estaba desesperada por la salud de su hija. Y en el encuentro con Mauricio en su local

de consultas, el falso brujo le dijo “tu hija va a morir si no compras este amuleto”, y mientras continuaba en la lectura del tarot le advirtió “Y veo que hay un problema muy grave entre tú y tu esposo, y vas a perder a tu marido”. Ella quedo sorprendida por esta última observación pues asegura no hay problemas en la relación con su esposo.

“Me dijo también que me enseñaría la cara de la persona que me estaba haciendo daño y tampoco me mostro nada, y me di cuenta que era una estafa”. Otras personas han denunciado a El Sol de Ohio que el falso brujo también uso la misma técnica para cobrarles dinero, diciendo que uno de los hijos moriría.

El Sol de Ohio sigue recibiendo denuncias contra el falso brujo, quien lleva más de 10 años en Columbus abusando de la ignorancia y buena fe de humildes familias hispanas. Algunas de estas denuncias formaran parte del expediente policial y judicial que se está elaborando para detener los engaños del falso brujo.


esorting to suggestion and fear and threatening loved ones with misfortunes and tragedies are the most usual way false warlock Mauricio forces his clients to pay larger sums of money. During the encounters that he often has with his desperate clients, the Colombian-born scammer makes the “consultation”

Mrs. María, whose identity is protected in this publication, said that she showed up at her appointment with the false warlock because she was desperate about the health of her daughter. In the encounter with Mauricio at his location, he said “your daughter will die if you do not buy this amulet.” As he continued with his tarot reading, he warned her that “I see a grave problem between you and your husband, and you will lose him.” She was surprised with that last observation, because she denies any problems in the relationship with her husband.

The Sun of Ohio | August 19/Sept 2, 2016


34 alleged gang members charged in Latin Kings racketeering conspiracy involving guns Assaults and attempted murders in Chicago area The Sun of Ohio


Special Report

wo federal indictments unsealed in Chicago Tuesday charged 34 members of the Latin Kings street gang with participating in a criminal organization that assaults and attempts to murder its rivals and violently protects its territories in the city and suburbs. Authorities uncovered the alleged gang activity through dual investigations conducted under the umbrella of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF). During the multi-year probes, authorities confiscated more than 40 firearms, including two AR-15 assault rifles. The indictments allege that members of the Latin Kings violently enforced discipline within its ranks and retaliated against rivals and former members

to prevent cooperation with law enforcement. Its members and associates engaged in various acts of violence, including murder, attempted murder, assault with dangerous weapons, arson, and extortion, according to the indictments. The charges include the attempted murders of rival gang members and a Melrose Park (Illinois) police officer. Thirty four alleged Latin Kings are charged with racketeering conspiracy. A 35th alleged Latin King is charged in the

indictment with selling a firearm without a license. The 36th and final defendant is an alleged Latin King charged in a criminal complaint with being a felon in possession of a firearm. Several of the defendants were arrested this week and have begun making initial appearances in federal court in Chicago. The indictments pertain to alleged Latin King activities in two Chicagoland areas – the southeast side of Chicago, including the south suburbs, and the western suburbs of Ma-

ywood and Melrose Park, Illinois The Southeast Region of the Latin Kings contains over a dozen chapters, all of which answer to a regional structure of leadership, according to the indictment. Each chapter is typically named after the city in which it operates, or by a street or streets that run through the chapter. Among the Chicago chapters included in the Southeast Region were 82nd Street, 88th and 89th Streets, 97th Street, 99th Street, 102nd Street, 104th Street, and the Roseland

neighborhood. Other regional chapters operated in the south suburbs of Blue Island, Dolton, Harvey and Chicago Heights, as well as in Kankakee, Illinois and communities across the border in Indiana, according to the indictment. The indictment charges three alleged high-ranking Latin Kings who enforced discipline and adherence to the gang’s rules and were known as “Regional Enforcers.” The three Southeast Regional Enforcers charged in the indictment are: Raul Cavillo, 33; Joel Nunez, 39; and Carlos Padilla Jr., 35, all of Chicago. Also charged in the indictment are several alleged chapter leaders, known within the hierarchy as “Incas,” and their second in commands, known as “Caciques.” According to the indictment, Paul Vasquez, 43, of Chicago,

served as Inca of the 82nd Street chapter; Ruben Porraz, 36, of Chicago, was Inca of the 89th Street chapter; Edward Delgado Jr., 31, of Chicago, and Luis Gomez, 31, of Chicago, were at times Incas of the 97th Street chapter; Miguel Denava, 27, of Chicago, served as Inca of the 99th Street chapter; and Eloy Fuentes, 31, of Chicago, was Inca of the 104th Street chapter. Incas are considered the highest authority within a chapter and oversaw the unlawful affairs of the Latin Kings in their areas, according to the indictment. Caciques charged in the indictment include Raymond Vasquez, 30, of Chicago, who worked in the 97th Street chapter; and Carlos Cartagena, 35, of Calumet City, Illinois, in the 102nd Street chapter, according to the indictment. Credit: ICE.

Estiman que un millón de mexicanos Campaña en Latinoamérica insta a votará en el exterior en 2018 elevar voto latino en EUA The Sun of Ohio


The Sun of Ohio

Special Report

n millón de mexicanos podría votar desde el exterior en las elecciones presidenciales de 2018, estimó el Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE), a seis meses de haber iniciado la tramitación de credenciales de elector en el extranjero. El consejero presidente de la Comisión del Registro Federal de Electores del INE, Enrique Andrade, dijo a Notimex que unos 110 mil mexicanos en Estados Unidos y otros países han solicitado su credencial de elector desde febrero pasado, cuando se abrió a la inscripción en el padrón electoral desde el extranjero. El proceso de credencialización en el extranjero “va bien, la gente se está acercando, hay interés en realizar el trámite”, declaró Andrade. El funcionario se reunió en el consulado de México en Dallas con un grupo de líderes comunitarios, empresarios y académicos mexicanos, para informar sobre el avance del programa, responder dudas y recabar opiniones. Andrade informó que se están recibiendo en promedio 20 mil solicitudes mensuales de credencial de elector desde el exterior, por lo que estimó que para el proceso electoral de 2018 se habrán trami-

Special Report


tado alrededor de medio millón. La cifra se sumaría a otro medio millón de residentes en el extranjero que ya están inscritos en el padrón electoral, para una suma potencial de un millón de personas habilitadas para votar en las próximas elecciones presidenciales, explicó. Andrade reconoció que además de poder votar, el interés de obtener la credencial de elector tiene por meta obtener una identificación válida en México, que permita a quienes residen en el extranjero realizar trámites cuando visitan ese país. El proceso de credencialización en el extranjero comenzó el 8 de febrero pasado, luego de un acuerdo de colaboración entre la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores y el INE. Los mexicanos residentes en el extranjero que deseen tramitar su credencial de elector deben iniciar el proceso de manera similar a como efectúan trámites

ante sus consulados, programando una cita a través del sistema telefónico de atención al público. Para solicitar la credencial, los connacionales deben presentar un acta de nacimiento, una identificación oficial, que puede ser su pasaporte o matrícula consular, y un comprobante de domicilio en el extranjero. Los consulados colaborarán con la verificación de documentos, toma de fotografía y llenado de solicitudes, y envían los documentos al INE para la valorización del potencial elector y la expedición de la credencial, que se envía a la persona a su domicilio por mensajería. El consejero del INE destacó que ha sido muy bajo -de alrededor del 2.0 por ciento- el número de solicitudes recibidas desde el extranjero que han sido rechazadas, ya sea por incumplimiento de requisitos u otros motivos.

na campaña para motivar a los votantes latinos en Estados Unidos se realiza a través de publicidad dirigida a sus familias en sus países de origen, en busca de una participación récord durante la próxima elección presidencial. La campaña está dirigida por la organización no gubernamental Diles que Voten, integrada por expertos en campañas políticas en toda Latinoamérica. “Nosotros estamos aquí para elevar la voz de la comunidad latina, y corresponde a cada campaña escuchar y actuar”, dijo Roberto Trad, director ejecutivo de Diles que Voten. En conferencia de prensa, Trad aclaró que la campaña no está dirigida a apoyar a candidato alguno o partido político, sino que es un esfuerzo para motivar a los votantes latinos. “Nosotros creemos que la manera más efectiva para educar, empoderar y movilizar a los latinos elegibles para votar es a través de sus familias”, indicó. Explicó que una de las características de los latinos es que en la mayoría de sus países de origen, la cultura política se aprende en la familia, “y por eso estamos lanzando esta campaña desde las familias”.

La campaña consistirá en publicidad en español que será difundida en redes sociales de varios países de Latinoamérica, en particular México, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile y Honduras, y que serán ajustadas a la idiosincrasia y modismos de cada país. “Es a través de lazos familiares que podemos alcanzar los corazones y mentes de estos votantes, y alentarlos a registrarse y participar en la elección de noviembre. Queremos ayudar a levantar la voz del voto latino, y tocará a las campañas (políticas) escuchar”, insistió. Israel Navarro explicó que la campaña descansará en tres pilares distintivos de las comunidades latinas. Dijo que los latinos son emocionales, y cuando votan no lo hacen razonando sobre temas específicos; les gusta verse empodera-

dos, y votan siempre pensando en el bienestar de sus familias y los suyos. “A pesar de las fronteras, nosotros creemos que podemos motivar a los votantes latinos registrados para votar a través de sus familias en el extranjero”, precisó. Trad dijo que la campaña no ignora los aportes hechos por esfuerzos pasados a través de los cuales se ha buscado motivar el voto latino, “porque los números nacionales (sobre participación electoral) nos dicen que estos esfuerzos necesitan un complemento”. Indicó que el objetivo de estos esfuerzos es lograr que la participación de los votantes hispanos en esta elección supere los 12 millones de la elección pasada y alcance los 15 millones.


El Sol de Ohio | Agosto 19/Sept 2, 2016

The presidential debates should include more than two candidates

Editorial Wanted: latino voters in Ohio Ohio’s Hispanic community keeps growing every year in the economic sector. It continues to be an increasingly important sector in the state’s economy and continues to advance – although not at the most optimal pace – in fundamental areas such as education, health, fine arts, and others. The economic power of Hispanics in Ohio is expressed in a purchasing power that exceeds $8.8 billion, according to 2014 data. Our community constitutes 5% of the Ohio labor force and pays nearly $1 billion in federal taxes and $553.8 million in state and local taxes. But the numbers in the political sector do not show the same strength. There are studies indicating that less than 45% of a voter population of 200,000 Hispanics exercises the right to vote. Most Hispanic voters are young, with an average age of 25 years. It is estimated that in the upcoming presidential election, the number of Ohio Hispanic voters could increase to more than 55%. To achieve that objective, several organizations have joined campaigns to promote the Hispanic vote. Let us support these efforts. Let us go in search of more Hispanic voters.

Se busca: votantes latinos en Ohio La comunidad hispana de Ohio sigue creciendo cada año en el sector económico, sigue siendo un sector cada vez más importante en la economía del Estado, y también avanza aunque no al ritmo más óptimo en otras áreas fundamentales como son la educación, la salud, las artes, y otros. El poder económico de los hispanos en Ohio se expresa en un poder de compra que supera los 8.8 billones de dólares, según datos del año 2014, y constituyendo casi el 5 por ciento de la fuerza laboral de Ohio. Nuestra comunidad hispana también paga cerca de $1 billón en impuestos federales y $553.8 millones en recaudación estatal y local. Pero las cifras en el sector político no muestran la misma fortaleza. Hay estudios que indican que de una población de votantes de más de 200 mil electores, menos del 45 por ciento ejerce el sufragio electoral. La mayoría de los votantes son jóvenes, con edades promedio de 25 años.

Guest Editorial Los Angeles Times


he Commission on Presidential Debates has scheduled three nationally televised events between now and the November election that seem likely, under its current rules, to be limited to the two major-party candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. That would be a disservice to voters, who would not get to hear from several candidates who, although they are long-shots, could conceivably win the presidential race in November. The commission should ease off a bit on its rules by dropping, for at least one debate, the requirement that participants achieve 15% voter support or more in five national public opinion polls. “Dropping the 15% hurdle would give voters a chance to engage with some alternative ideas they might otherwise miss; there’s nothing wrong with that”.

Se estima que en las elecciones presidenciales de Noviembre próximo el número de votantes latinos de Ohio podría aumentar a más de un 55 por ciento, y para lograr este objetivo varias organizaciones se han unido a campañas para promover el voto latino. Respaldemos estos esfuerzos. Vayamos a la búsqueda de más votantes latinos.

El Sol de Ohio Fundado el 12 de Octubre de 2010 2427 Blue Rock Blvd Grove City, Ohio. 43123 (614) 572 2754 Fax: (614) 604 8630 www.elsoldeohio.com elsoldeohionews@gmail.com redaccion@elsoldeohio.com publicidad@elsoldeohio.com Conoceréis la verdad y la verdad os hará libres Juan 8:32

The commission currently limits the stage to candidates who meet the 15% thresholdand are on the ballot in enough states to be able to collect the 270 electoral votes it takes to

win the presidency. But the requirement of mathematical viability strikes us as a sufficient filter to keep the stage from being clogged with distracting fringe candidates who can’t possibly win. Why should candidates who could potentially be elected — and who might gain even more support if they could get their message before voters on a national platform — be barred from participating? Furthermore, dropping the 15% hurdle would give voters a chance to engage with some alternative ideas they might otherwise miss; there’s nothing wrong with that. As of now, that would mean adding two lecterns to the stage, giving space to Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein. We’re not naive; we understand that neither is likely to garner sufficient support to win any states in November, let alone the majority of electoral college votes. But debates shouldn’t be about anointing winners by omitting competitors; they should be frank exchanges of views on a wide range of subjects exposing the candidates’ poise under pressure. Additionally, in this era of extreme cynicism about

our political processes, expanding the debate lineup could help counter the perception in some quarters that the debate system is rigged (to use a term that has been brought up often in this race) in favor of the two major parties. After all, it was those very two parties which just happened to have been instrumental in creating the debate commission in the first place. Rules that limit participation to Democrats and Republicans, while excluding candidates who have a small-but-not-zero chance of winning might understandably be construed as self-dealing. There is an argument to be made that including too many candidates could limit the give-and-take between the two candidates in whom voters have shown the most interest, and who have the best chances of winning. But remember that Trump and Clinton have high negatives among voters, many of whom may be searching for an Option C. And expanding the stage for one night serves the better interests of democracy, while still leaving two more debates for the kind of exchanges that can help sharpen voters’ views and perceptions.

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Periodismo de Verdad

The Sun of Ohio | August 19/Sept 2, 2016


The secret code to writing a bestseller “I loved New York with the kind of mad passion I reserved for only one other thing in my life.”

By Hephzibah Anderson


BBC News

or millions of readers the world over, that opening sentence has proven irresistible. Maybe you’re among them, in which case you might even recall where it comes from: Reflected in You, part of Sylvia Day’s steamy Crossfire series, sales of which have topped 13 million since it was released in 2012. As countless writing tutorials preach, an arresting opening line is crucial to ensnaring an audience, and the authors of a new book, seductively titled The Bestseller Code, concur. They are Jodie Archer and Matthew L Jockers, and along with Day’s, they single out opening sentences by the likes of Toni Morrison, Jeffrey Eugenides and Virginia Woolf. All, they say, encapsulate the conflict of a 300-page story in some 20 words or less. But while Archer and Jockers both boast appropriately bookish credentials – she is a former Penguin editor, he is an associate professor of English at the University of Nebraska – their advice has a highly unconventional derivation. It’s based on the gleanings of an algorithm. Archer also happens to have worked at Apple and Jockers, a self-styled “literary quant”, and was the co-founder of Stanford University’s Literary Lab in Silicon Valley. By harnessing machine learning they’ve been able to mine

Yes, there is a formula for writing a bestseller. Just make sure the reader has to turn each page, desperate to find out what happens next. It’s that easy.” the texts of 20,000 novels published over the past 30 years, analysing theme, plot, and character, along with other variables such as style and setting. Pulling together all these data points, they say their algorithm can predict whether a manuscript will become a New York Times bestseller. They may have given it a comical name, but their “bestseller-o-meter” is astoundingly accurate. It gave Chad Harbach’s literary debut, The Art of Fielding, a 93.3% chance of becoming a bestseller. Mitch Albom’s spiritual tale, The First Phone Call from Heaven, was 99.2% – the same as Michael Connolly’s The Lincoln Lawyer. “These figures – their existence, their decimal places, their accuracy – have made some people excited, others angry, and more than a few suspicious”, Archer and Jockers admit. What if? Of course, there’s a sturdy canon of writing advice already out there. According to Stephen King, you should focus not on plot but situation, the most interesting of which can be expressed as a ‘what-if?’ question. Go easy on the research, beware of dialogue, and remember that people love reading about work. “God knows why but they do”. In Writing with the Master, Chicago

ad-man Tony Vanderwarker highlights three secrets of success as taught him by none other than John Grisham: have an elevator pitch, a strong middle and a great hook. Sophie Kinsella, author of the Shopaholic series, has more practical advice: always carry a notebook, always plan and take a break for a cocktail if you get stuck. Few know more about the mechanics of bestsellerdom than Jonny Geller, joint CEO and MD of the books division at literary and talent agency Curtis Brown. Agent to the likes of John le Carré, Tracy Chevalier and David Nicholls, Geller recently delivered a TEDx talk distilling 20 years’ worth of observations to five main components that the most “phenomenal” of bestsellers share. They include a well-crafted voice with a story powerful enough to provide a bridge, that transports the reader from somewhere familiar to somewhere new. The story should also have deeper themes that resonate beyond its “hook” – Emma Donoghue’s Room, for instance, is not just about a mother and child holed up in a room for years, it is about parental love in its purest form. Sometimes, he says, a book will simply tap into the zeitgeist – it “provides escapism in a terrifying world, echoes paranoia in an insecure one, promotes romance in

an era of indulgence, explores literary complexity in a society in turmoil.” Ultimately, plenty of Archer and Jockers’ findings jive with the advice that is already available, it’s just that big data has enabled them to create graphs and bar charts to demonstrate the importance of a rhythm in a plot, for instance. But this granular approach has yielded some surprising insights that a human reader, too caught up in the drama and beauty of a text, is likely to miss. For instance, sex sells but only in a niche market – erotica, unsurprisingly. And even there, all is sometimes not quite what it seems. Take Fifty Shades of Grey. Despite its kinky merchandising spin-offs, the novel’s dominant topic, accounting for 21% of its content, is “human closeness” – and that’s not a euphemism. The second dominant topic is “intimate conversation”, which covers plenty of platonic conversations as well as the emotional discussions that Ana has with Christian. But is there really a formula to be found? As Jeffrey Archer quipped when I asked him about it: “Yes, there is a formula for writing a bestseller. Just make sure the reader has to turn each page, desperate to find out what happens next. It’s that easy.” Painting by numbers That hasn’t stopped aspi-

ring authors from trying over the years – sometimes with extravagant success. When bit-part actress Jacqueline Susann knuckled down to writing her one and only novel in 1962, she wanted it to be a smash hit, like novels by Harold Robbins, the big seller of the day. She bought three copies of each of his books and got out her scissors (literally). Her efforts paid off and the resulting novel, Valley of the Dolls, went on to become the fastest seller in history. The original bonkbuster, it’s just been reissued as a Virago Modern Classic. At the other end of the market, post-graduate courses in creative writing trade on the idea that good literary writing can be, if not quite taught, then productively nurtured. One of this summer’s runaway bestsellers is Stephanie Danler’s Sweetbitter. A first novel about life and love behind the scenes in a fancy New York restaurant, it fuses a classic coming-of-age narrative with a lavish helping of food porn. Danler writes from experience – she waitressed at Danny Meyer’s famous Union Square Café – but her prose has also been shaped by an MFA at the New School, where she was taught by its fiction coordinator, Helen Schulman, herself a bestselling author. Self-confessedly old school, Schulman is squeamish about the idea of a writer using the bestseller-o-meter to advance their work. Moreover, she finds it hard to envisage how literary talent and the hard graft needed to help it flourish could ever be strategised. “It’s who Stephanie is from her head and heart down to her fingertips that made Sweetbitter what it is. Nothing predictable about that”. Even if there were such a code, wouldn’t applying it to prose have a deadening effect – like a kind of literary painting by numbers? “Nothing hinders novelists other than the limits to their own imagination”, says Geller. But one writer who admits she’d be curious to get her hands on the software is Naomi Alderman, bestselling author of novels including Disobedience, and cocreator of hit fitness app, Zombies, Run! “We all know that appearing on the bestseller lists is only one measure of a book’s

success,” she observes, “and that a certain kind of formulaic book does tend to sell very well, just as formulaic pop music often sells well. People like what they’re familiar with. I’m really most interested in the bestsellers that no formula could predict – and in brilliant books that aren’t bestsellers at all.” In fact, some hit novels did slip past the bestseller-o-meter. Archer and Jockers admit that the bestseller-o-meter was confounded by 15% of the books it analysed, among them Kathryn Stockett’s The Help, whose chances of success it rated as 50-50. As Geller notes, when asked whether he wouldn’t be tempted to let such an algorithm loose on the Curtis Brown slush pile, “My colleagues and I use algorithms to determine work we want to represent. They just happen to be human ones. I do believe there is an interesting space for weeding out books that will not resonate with the public in an obvious way – after all, 184,000 books were published in 2014 and we need help. However, what separates us from the animals is grammar. We communicate in a structured way and with feeling, and that can only be judged by another human.” Still, the bestseller-o-meter does appear to have acquired a sense of humour. Certainly, it gets the last laugh. Only one book, apparently, scored 100%: Dave Eggers’ 2013 novel, The Circle. It has a solid opening sentence, three themes that make up roughly 30% – the ‘winning formula’ – a three-act plotline, a symmetrical emotional plotline, a balanced style and a strong heroine with great agency, all of which make it the paradigmatic hit. It also just happens to be about technology. Specifically, the nightmare of a technological dystopia, in which Eggers’ heroine must improve a written document to enhance customer satisfaction. Her work is measured by surveys that give her a percentage score. “Yes, we are aware of the irony. Our algorithm seemed to have somehow picked itself”, Archer and Jockers say. “We weren’t sure whether we should take a sledgehammer to it or buy it dinner”. But the real kicker? In sales terms, The Circle was a flop.


El Sol de Ohio | Agosto 19/Sept 2, 2016

U.S. seeks Latin American help amid rise in Asian, African migrants His family wired him more money from Pakistan and the man was able to pay $40 to be smuggled into Guatemala. He paid $5 to be taken by raft into Mexico. There he got a taxi, which was halted by authorities who took him to the Tapachula center.

By Julia Edwards REUTERS


ashington is seeking closer coordination with several Latin American countries to tackle a jump in migrants from Asia, Africa and the Middle East who it believes are trying to reach the United States from the south on an arduous route by plane, boat and through jungle on foot. U.S. agents deployed to an immigration facility on Mexico’s southern border have vetted the more than 640 migrants from countries outside the Americas who have been detained at the center since October 2015, according to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) documents reviewed by Reuters. The migrants often fly to Brazil, obtain fake passports there, and are smuggled to Panama before heading through Central America to Mexico’s porous southern border, according to transcripts of 14 interviews conducted at the center and other internal briefing documents seen by Reuters. The U.S. agents’ findings come as Mexican immigration data show 6,342 Asian, African and Middle Eastern migrants were apprehended trying to enter Mexico in the first six months of this year. That was up from 4,261 in all of 2015, and 1,831 in 2014. U.S. border apprehensions point to the same trend. Between October 2015 and May 2016, U.S. agents apprehended 5,350 African and Asian migrants at

actively working to enhance regional collaboration with border and customs authorities from Mexico all the way down to Argentina,” the U.S. Southwest border. That’s up from 6,126 in all of fiscal year 2015 and 4,172 in all of fiscal year 2014. U.S. concerns about potential security risks from migrants using the unusual and circuitous southern route have been growing in recent years, following a string of Islamic State-inspired attacks in the West and the surge in Syrian refugees fleeing that country’s civil war. Five Syrian nationals detained in Honduras last November were part of a wider group of seven Syrians who acquired forged passports in Brazil and then went by land to Argentina on their way north, a U.S. government source familiar with that case said. There was no evidence to suggest the men were militants. “The reality is that the vast majority of the people that Mexico encounters that are extra-continental will eventually end up on our border,” a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) official said. At the detention camp in Tapachula, near Mexico’s border with Guatemala, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents have been training their Mexican counterparts on interview techniques, and using U.S. criminal databases to investigate detainees, according to internal documents seen by Reuters. Two to three U.S. agents have been stationed there since at least October, according to the documents

and U.S. officials. Mexican officials have previously acknowledged the presence of U.S. agents at Mexico’s southern border, but few details of the cooperation have been reported. U.S. Customs and Border Patrol began a pilot program for a similar operation in Panama earlier this fiscal year, according to an internal memo sent in May that has not previously been reported. Homeland Security officials told Reuters that Panama requested U.S. training. A spokesman for Panama’s National Migration Service said Panama accepted an offer from the U.S. embassy for training on subjects like “defense techniques” and “management of persons.” U.S. proponents of the program have pushed for a greater U.S. footprint to build a “comprehensive intelligence picture” of migration patterns across the Colombia-Panama border, according to the memo sent in May. Panama is leading the effort in Central America to detain illegal migrants, DHS assistant secretary for international affairs Alan Bersin told a House committee in March, but it stymied by lack of detention space and the difficulty of deporting migrants to countries with whom they have no diplomatic ties. As a result, most are released after 30 days. Bersin acknowledged the rise in migrants from outside the Americas and the

potential security threat they pose. “While many citizens of these countries migrate for economic reasons or because they are fleeing persecution in their home countries, this group may include migrants who are affiliated with foreign terrorist organizations, intelligence agencies, and organized criminal syndicates,” Bersin told the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. DHS has deployed additional “mentor” teams throughout South and Central America to professionalize immigration authorities and gain intelligence about potentially threatening migrants, said DHS officials, who declined to specify which countries host U.S. agents. Another DHS official said the agency is asking Brazil through diplomatic channels to put a stop to fake passport manufacturing. Brazilian officials did not respond to Reuters’ request for comment. The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, a unit of DHS, is “actively working to enhance regional collaboration with border and customs authorities from Mexico all the way down to Argentina,” a DHS official said. ON FOOT IN THE JUNGLE The apprehension documents from the Tapachula center show how migrants are willing and able to pay thousands of dollars to obtain flights and fake

passports and then make grueling journeys on buses, boats and on foot. It was not clear how many of those apprehended at the center were deported, claimed asylum or simply released. Several of the 14 migrants -- in testimony given from May 18-23 this year -said they paid more than $10,000 to smugglers, walked for days through jungles, and were temporarily detained by various countries before being stopped in Tapachula. Six of the men -- who included Pakistanis, Syrians and Afghans-- had obtained fake passports, claiming to be from Israel, Morocco, Belgium or Britain. In Panama, several of the men said they were kept in a migration detention camp for about a month. From Panama, the migrants described traveling in larger groups, sometimes as many as 50 men. One Pakistani national -whose identity U.S. officials asked not to be revealed because he is still under investigation -- told U.S. and Mexican officials that he paid a smuggler in Pakistan $9,000 to be smuggled to Brazil where he received a fake Belgian passport. In Brazil, he paid $4,000 to a woman to be taken on bus, boat and on foot through across Colombia and into Panama. He said he was detained in Panama but then released. From there, a smuggler from Lebanon took the man and 35 other migrants of different nationalities to Honduras, where he said he was robbed of all of his belongings.

SENSITIVE TOPIC FOR MEXICO Accepting U.S. help on immigration issues is politically sensitive for Mexico, said Adam Isacson, a security and border policy analyst at The Washington Office on Latin America, a non-profit human rights advocacy group. “But the Mexicans have quietly been open to the equipment and training they have received,” he said. A CBP spokesman said the agency deployed to Tapachula at the Mexican government’s request. Mexico’s immigration agency is the Instituto Nacional de Migracion (INM). “CBP personnel train INM officers in the collection of biometric information, and review and share biometric information on people of interest,” the spokesman said. INM declined Reuters’ request for comment and access to the Tapachula facility. In testimony before the Mexican Senate on Aug. 3, Mexico’s chief immigration officer Ardelio Vargas Fosado said his agency was aware of the influx of migrants from outside the Americas. But the lack of diplomatic relationships between Mexico and many African countries has made it difficult to deport those apprehended, he said. Under law, U.S. agents cannot arrest or deport migrants from other countries, but as foreign-based trainers, they can gather intelligence on who may be headed for the U.S. border. Isacson said most of the migrants taking the Latin American path northward are seeking economic opportunity in the United States. But DHS is focused on security risks. “The Tapachula area is along a permeable border. DHS views it as one of the areas where a terrorist group that wants to do harm on U.S. soil would be most likely to come in,” he said.

The Sun of Ohio | August 19/Sept 2, 2016


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El Sol de Ohio | Agosto 19/Sept 2, 2016

Una publicación en Facebook destruyó la vida de esta mujer mexicana

The Sun of Ohio


Special Report

la mexicana Paula Elizabeth Medrano Suárez, una publicación en Facebook en la que la acusaban de “mala paga” le ha destruido la vida. Todo comenzó con el reclamo de una deuda relacionada con un negocio de venta de ropa y accesorios por medio de la red social. De acuerdo con el diario La Voz de Coahuila, Me-

drano Suárez –residente en Monclova–estableció contacto con la encargada del negocio, identificada como Viridiana Martínez. El acuerdo consistía en un grupo de mujeres que conformarían una tanda de siete pagos semanales de 100 pesos ($6) para recibir una bolsa de la marca MK y un par de sandalias. Luego de que la mexicana no cumpliera con el tiempo estipulado para el pago, Martínez la confrontó. No conforme con las ex-

plicaciones de Medrano Suárez, la encargada publicó pantallazos de las conversaciones que mantuvo con ella y su marido por Facebook Messenger. Uno de los que ha sido ampliamente compartido en redes es el de su esposo indicando que la mujer se encontraba en coma y por eso no podía pagar. Usuarios de internet se valieron de lo anterior para nombrar a la mujer #LadyComa.

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El Sol de Ohio | Agosto 19/Sept 2, 2016

The Sun of Ohio | August 19/Sept 2, 2016





El Sol de Ohio | Agosto 19/Sept 2, 2016

Fotos curiosas de las Olimpiadas

Escultura en la arena Cuatro gimnastas de diferente nacionalidad descargan su tensión de la misma manera (Reuters)

La canadiense Jamie Lynn Broder durante los preliminares de voley playa. Shaun Botterill (Getty Images)

La mexicana Tania Arrayales y la polaca Aleksandra Sochadurante la semifinal de sable. Jamie Squire (Getty Images)

Toma perfecta del brasileño Felipe Kitadai, que hace sufrir al francés Walide Khyar (AFP)

Cariñoso padre y despiadado nadador: las dos caras de Phelps The Sun of Ohio


Special Report

eroz en la piscina y hambriento de gloria, se sensibiliza hasta las lágrimas al ver a su hijo de tres meses. Michael Phelps mostró dos caras en Río de Janeiro, la del competidor insaciable, que siempre quiere más, y la del padre de familia que daría cualquier cosa por estar con los suyos. Nunca fue de lagrimear mientras batía un récord olímpico tras otro, hasta llegar a marcas a las que probablemente nadie vuelva a acercarse siquiera. En los Juegos olímpicos de Río, sin embargo, lloró en el podio luego de algunas de sus victorias. “Es que no veía la hora de alzar en mis brazos a Boomer”, su hijo de tres meses, confesó sin pudor. “Siempre miro hacia la tribuna para ver a mi madre, a Nicole (Johnson, su prometida) y a Boomer”. La pareja de Phelps y el hijo de ambos parecen haberle dado estabilidad

emocional al estadounidense, que antes de formar un hogar tuvo un par de arrestos por manejar ebrio, incluido uno el año pasado, y también fue pillado alguna vez fumando marihuana, lo que empañó un poco su imagen y le costó algunos patrocinios. Phelps anunció su retiro luego de los Juegos

Olímpicos de Londres del 2012. Tenía en su haber 18 medallas de oro (el doble que su rival más cercano) y 22 en total. Y acababa de conseguir una hazaña que nadie pensó sería posible: ocho medallas de oro en una misma justa olímpica. Había triturado los logros de Mike Spitz, ganador de siete preseas olímpicas

doradas en una justa y uno de cuatro deportistas que totalizan nueve oros, cifra que fue considerada parámetro de grandeza hasta la llegada de Phelps. Ya no tenía nada que demostrar ni ganas de seguir sometiéndose a los rigores de la alta competencia. En lo más íntimo de su alma, sin embargo, sen-

tía que todavía podía dar más. El retiro duró un año. Regresó y lentamente fue poniéndose en forma. Su garra y su espíritu competitivo estaban intactos. Marginado del mundial del 2015 por su segundo arresto manejando ebrio, compitió en el campeonato nacional de San An-

tonio y ganó las pruebas de los 100 y 200 mariposa y los 200 combinados, consiguiendo en todos los casos los mejores tiempos del año. Vino por seis medallas a Río y, a los 31 años, una edad avanzada para un nadador, cosechó cinco de oro y una de plata. De por vida, suma 28 preseas olímpicas, incluidas 23 de oro. Números astronómicos. Pasó además a la historia como el primer nadador que gana una prueba, los 200 combinados, en cuatro ediciones distintas de los juegos. Da la impresión de que pudo manejar admirablemente el conflicto entre su sed de triunfos y sus deseos de estar con su familia. Se lo nota relajado, filosófico, disfrutando hasta el último segundo la alta competencia. Dice que le gusta la idea de ayudar a los miembros más jóvenes del equipo estadounidense, que lo veneran y tratan de emularlo, y despejar el camino para la nueva generación.


The Sun of Ohio | August 19/Sept 2, 2016


Miami Marlins considering signing Alex Rodriguez Alex Rodriguez may soon get a call soon from his hometown team. The Sun of Ohio


Special Report

he Miami Marlins are in the market for a power hitter to replace injured slugger Giancarlo Stanton, who will likely miss the rest of the regular season. They’re discussing whether to reach out to Rodriguez, president of baseball operations Michael Hill said Sunday. “We’re going to look at everything,” Hill said. “There has been information out there about his situation. I have no idea what his interest level is to continue playing. He has something set up to move into the Yankees front office; I don’t know where his head is on that.” Stanton, this year’s Home Run Derby winner, leads the Marlins with 25 homers and 70 RBIs while batting .244. Justin Bour, who has 15 home runs, is sidelined with an ankle injury, creating a void at

first base that Rodriguez could help fill. The Marlins are contending for their first playoff berth since 2003. To overcome the loss of Stanton,

Hill said, the front office will consider all options — including Rodriguez. “This team has played too well for too long,” Hill said. “We’re right

in the thick of this thing, and we’re going to do everything in our power to help in any way we can. If it’s him, if it’s someone else, we’re going to try to

find a way to make it happen. “We’re putting together our list of options. He’s an available player, so he’ll be on that list, and we’ll see where it goes.” Rodriguez, 41, was unconditionally released Saturday by Yankees. He was batting .200 and said he’s unsure whether he’ll play again. He needs only four homers to become the fourth player to hit 700, and the looming milestone might be a lure to continue his 22-year career. But he has played little in the field since 2013, complicating any role he might have with an NL team. Stanton and left-hander Adam Conley went on the disabled list Sunday, a double whammy for Miami. Stanton hurt his left groin trying to stretch a single into a double. He went down awkwardly and was tagged out at second base

to end an 8-7 loss to the Chicago White Sox. “He looked like he got shot,” manager Don Mattingly said. “You just see the leg give out. Obviously it’s not a very good sign when you see that. Hopefully he’s out a couple of weeks, and we get back at it. If not, we’ve got to do what we’ve got to do.” Conley gave up five runs in four innings and said he has been dealing with soreness in his pitching hand that has been getting worse. He hurt his hand banging it on the roof of the dugout at Wrigley Field celebrating a teammate’s home run on Aug. 3. The injury was diagnosed as tendinitis. Mattingly said it would likely force Conley to miss a turn, so the Marlins decided to put the youngster on the DL to give him a breather. Conley is 8-6 with a 3.84 ERA in 24 starts. AP.

The Story of the happiest photo of Usain Bolt The Sun of Ohio


Special Report

his picture of the fastest man on Earth happened by chance. Cameron Spencer, a Sydney-based photographer with Getty Images, was infield at the stadium in Rio on Aug. 14, shooting the men’s high-jump qualifiers, when he turned to photograph the 100-meter semifinal race that was about to happen. Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt was among the track stars looking to make the final that night. He won that 100-m twice before, at Beijing in 2008 and London in 2012. Spencer, who photographed both of those races, decided to try and get a shot. He positioned himself at the 70-m mark. A few other shooters were near him infield. Using a Canon 1D X Mark II, with a 70-200mm lens, he focused at 135mm and set it at a slow shutter speed (1/40th of a second) to try and capture the motion. The gun went off. The runners sprinted off the blocks. “I was carrying three remotes and my handheld camera,” Spencer tells TIME. “So when he was sprinting, I had four cameras firing,”

Seconds later, Spencer says “the unexpected happened.” Bolt is seen grinning but his opponents are a mix of blurry or game-faced, too focused on trying to beat him. “He was ahead enough that he kind of looked back. I think he was looking back at other athletes, gave a big smile and I managed to capture the shot with some motion,” Spencer tells TIME. “I was standing still but I

was panning my lens with him as he passed, so my upper body was moving with him. Once he passed me—like he was gone—I looked at my pictures to see how it went and fortunately there were some sharp ones,” Spencer says. “I didn’t realize the extent of the smile when I shot it. And I was like, ‘Oh, wow, he’s in focus and moving and smiling.’ I sort of knew it was a special moment. His full stride,

he’s smiling, he has that amazing perfect technique and he’s look across seven of the top fastest runners in the world and he’s enjoying himself,” he says. “For someone to look around and have a good time, it’s mind-blowing.” But that’s all he saw at that moment. Spencer dumped his cards so editors could look and move the pictures, and headed back to the high-jumps. The whole thing was about four or

five minutes. The picture sprinted around the Internet as Bolt made history in the 100-m. Spencer didn’t get a real look at any of his pictures until the end of the night. His wife, who also works for Getty and is in Rio, texted him about the shot. His phone started going off but he realized he needed to focus on the upcoming races. Spencer said it’s not necessarily harder to shoot

Bolt than other super-fast track athletes but admitted there’s a challenge in coming up with a different image than the hundreds of other photographers documenting the same thing. “Expecting the unexpected with Bolt is what makes him so great to photograph,” he says. “I wanted to go somewhere different, try something risky and if it works it’ll pay off, and if it doesn’t I miss the shot,” he says. It paid off. Spencer is pleased the picture has resonated with the masses. “People who know photography know it’s hard to capture that. And people who know Bolt, they say he’s pulling the greatest expression ever.” It’s not the first time a picture taken by Spencer went viral. In July, he was at a rugby match when he photographed a black cat, in mid-air, running down the field line. This time is different. “At least it was finally a picture that I was passionate about,” he says. “It’s rewarding because it’s gone viral based on its photographic merit.” Credit: Andrew Katz / Time.



El Sol de Ohio | Agosto 19/Sept 2, 2016

Church Life

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Autoridad vaticana pide rezar por Venezuela Hay gran sufrimiento en la población El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

l Secretario de Estado Vaticano, Cardenal Pietro Parolin, pidió rezar para que Venezuela encuentre soluciones pacíficas a la actual crisis, pues el país sudamericano “se debate y atraviesa por difíciles situaciones sociales, políticas y económicas, que están produciendo gran sufrimiento en la población”. El Purpurado hizo este llamado durante la Misa con ocasión del 36° Campamento de los Jóvenes en el Santuario de San Gabriel, en la localidad italiana del Aquila, y organizado en el marco del Año Santo de la Misericordia con el título “La misericordia se ha hecho tienda”. En el evento participan centenares de jóvenes provenientes de Italia, Venezuela y Colombia. Según informó Radio Vaticana, en su homilía, el Cardenal Parolin transmitió la bendición y los saludos del Papa Francisco y recordó los años trans-

curridos en Venezuela como Nuncio Apostólico. “Sabemos que Venezuela se debate y atraviesa por difíciles situaciones sociales, políticas y económicas, que están produciendo gran sufrimiento en la población”, señaló. Por ello, el Secretario de Estado Vaticano invitó a

orar por los venezolanos y para que “los protagonistas de lavida pública y los componentes de la sociedad sean sabios y valientes para encontrar soluciones pacíficas a la presente crisis y prevalga en todos el sentido del bien común, de la justicia, de la solidaridad y del amor”.

La crisis política de Venezuela se agravó el 9 de agosto cuando la responsable del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE), Tibisay Lucena, anunció que, si se cumplen con todos los requisitos, la recolección de las 4 millones de firmas necesarias para activar el referéndum revocatorio

se realizaría a finales de octubre. La iniciativa para revocar al gobierno de Nicolás Maduro fue presentada por la Mesa de la Unidad Democrática en mayo pasado con más de un millón y medio de firmas, pero para poder llamar a nuevas elecciones, la consulta

popular debe realizarse en 2016, antes de que el régimen cumpla la mitad del actual periodo. Sin embargo, tras el anuncio de Lucena, el referéndum podría ser aplazado hasta enero o marzo de 2017. Así, en el caso de perder en la consulta, Maduro solo sería reemplazado por su vicepresidente. El 12 de julio la Conferencia Episcopal Venezolana (CEV) señaló que la raíz de la crisis está en la imposición de un sistema totalitario e indicó que el CNE “tiene la obligación de cuidar el proceso del referéndum revocatorio para que se realice este año”. En su declaración, los obispos advirtieron que en Venezuela la democracia “está resquebrajada” y señalaron que impedir o retrasar este referéndum “con múltiples trabas es una medida absurda, pues pone en peligro la estabilidad política y social del país, con fatales consecuencias para personas, instituciones y bienes”. ACI Prensa.

Former prostitutes get special visit from Pope Francis El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

ope Francis has visited a special community for women freed from prostitution and violent abuse as his latest ‘Mercy Friday’ initiative during the Jubilee. On Aug. 12 he met the 20 women, all of whom have suffered severe physical violence and live under protection, who are cared for at the “Pope John XXIII Community” in Rome. Pope Francis has met with members of the community at the Vatican on several occasions. The women present at the meeting are from all over the world, six being from Romania, four from Albania, seven from Nigeria, and one each from Tunisia, Italy and the Ukraine. The average age of the women is around 30 years. A Vatican communique giving details of the visit stressed that the visit is a concrete sign of the Pope’s repeated criticism of hu-

man trafficking, which he has called “a crime against humanity” and “a plague in the contemporary body of humanity, a wound in the flesh of Christ.” The general manager of the community, John Paul

Ramonda, the chaplain, Don Aldo, two street workers and the apartment manager were also present at what was the Pope’s eighth act of mercy, for his “Mercy Friday” initiative.

Pope Francis’ most recent visit for the Jubilee of Mercy took place July 29 in Poland during World Youth Day, when he offered silent prayer at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp

and visited sick children at the pediatric hospital of Krakow. A month before, in June, Pope Francis visited two communities of priests – the “Monte Tabor” community, which consists

of eight priests suffering from various forms of hardship, and the Diocese of Rome’s “Casa San Gaetano” community which houses 21 elderly priests, some of whom are sick. In January Pope Francis visited a retirement home for the elderly, sick, and those in a vegetative state, and a month later traveled to a center for those recovering from drug addiction in Castel Gandolfo. The Pope’s act of mercy in March took place on Holy Thursday, when he traveled to the CARA welcoming center for refugees at Castelnuovo di Porto, washing the feet of 12 of the guests. Migrants were also the center of the Pope’s act of mercy in April, when he visited refugees and migrants during a daytrip to the Greek island of Lesbos. In May, he traveled to the “Chicco” community for people with serious mental disabilities at Ciampino. CNA.

The Sun of Ohio | August 19/Sept 2, 2016

Señor, tú eres mi Dios; te exaltaré y alabaré tu nombre porque has hecho maravillas. Desde tiempos antiguos tus planes son fieles y seguros “Isaías 25:1 | NVI.” Hay ocasiones que cerramos nuestros ojos y podemos recordar todo lo que Dios ha hecho por nosotros, es como si estuviéramos mirando una película de nuestra propia vida, es el mismo Dios recordándonos que todo lo que él ha permitido tiene un propósito para cumplirse una misión perfecta. Sí te das cuenta de cómo Dios ha

Nutrición para el alma nancy@yahvefoundation.org

obrado en tu vida sabrás que su fidelidad es eterna por tanto, alábale, exalta su Santo nombre porque Jesucristo es tu Dios. Un Dios que nunca te ha dejado ni desamparado. Aunque la higuera no dé renuevos, ni haya frutos en las vides; aunque falle la cosecha del olivo, y los campos no produzcan

Nancy Striker Vicepresidenta del Ministerio de Damas Iglesia Apostólica La Gracia de Jesucristo

alimentos; aunque en el aprisco no haya ovejas, ni ganado alguno en los establos; aun así, yo me regocijaré en el Señor, ¡me alegraré en Dios, mi libertador! “Habacuc 3:17-18 | NVI” Aunque todavía no puedas ver las bendiciones de Dios en tu vida, Alábale, no te dejes llevar de los que tu ojos ven en el

momento, cree en los que tus ojos espirituales ven y saben que vas a recibir, sigue alabando porque es esa alabanza la llave para que todas las bendiciones que Jesucristo tiene caigan sobre ti y los tuyos, no desmayes, sigues creyendo en el poder de aquel que ha prometido que tus días estarán seguros en él.

CHURCH LIFE ¡Qué grande eres, Señor omnipotente! Nosotros mismos hemos aprendido que no hay nadie como tú, y que aparte de ti no hay Dios “2 Samuel 7:22 | NVI.” Cuando veas que has recibido tu gran bendición será la confirmación de que Dios ha sellado una vez más las promesas que él siempre ha tenido para ti. Cree, pero cree en el único Dios verdaderos, en el único que siempre estará contigo y los tuyos, cree en el único que es merecedor de tu fe, en Jesucristo mismo, en el gran YO SOY. ¡Dios te bendiga con su entendimiento!

EUA denuncia efecto negativo por leyes que castigan blasfemia


CHURCHES SERVICES / SERVICIOS DE IGLESIAS Christ the King (Catholic Church) (Servicio en español) 2777 E. Livingston Ave. Columbus, OH 43209 (614) 237-0401 English (614) 237- 0414 Español Mass Times Horario de Misa Weekend Mass Saturday 4:00 PM English 6:00 PM Spanish Sunday 8:00 AM English 10:00 AM English 12:30 PM Spanish Rhema Christian Center (614) 471-9673 2100 Agler Road Columbus, Ohio 43224 Service Times: Saturday Service 6:00 PM Sunday Service 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM Vineyard Church at Tuttle Crossing 5400 Avery Rd. Dublin. OH. 43016 Phone: 614.876.0258 Service Times We meet Sundays at 10:30AM. Free coffee and free Timbits are served every morning! We have dynamic worship, great teaching and personal ministry. Full childcare is available as well as programming for children during the service. We love and welcome your children.

El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

a persistencia y aplicación de leyes que castigan la blasfemia y apostasía tienen un terrible efecto sobre la libertad religiosa a través del mundo y en algunos casos son aplicadas para acallar o intimidar la disidencia política, indicó un reporte. El Reporte Internacional de Libertades Religiosas 2015 presentado este miércoles por el Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos expuso que la existencia de tales leyes representan un serio conflicto y socava derechos humanos reconocidos universalmente, en detrimento del 74 por ciento de la población del mundo.

Reveló que mientras el 76 por ciento de los países del mundo ofrecen las condiciones básicas para que la población practique de manera libre sus creencias religiosas, el restante 24 por ciento presentan serias restricciones generadas por políticas del gobierno o actos hostiles de organizaciones o grupos sociales. El embajador David Sperstein, titular de la oficina de Libertad Religiosa Internacional del Departamento de Estado, indicó que el efecto de estas restricciones en tales naciones resulta significativo porque “estos son los países donde vive el 74 por ciento de la población del mundo”. El reporte concluyó que en países donde las minorías religiosas han contribuido

por mucho tiempo a sus sociedades, persiste una violenta agitación, algunas de proporciones históricas, que los amenaza con expulsarlos de sus tierras natales solo por sus identidades religiosas o étnicas. De todas las formas de restricciones sobre libertad religiosa contenidas en el reporte, Sperstein destacó este año “el escalofriante y algunas veces mortal efecto de leyes de blasfemia y apostasía”, en muchos lugares del mundo, así como leyes que pretenden proteger sentimientos religiosos de difamación. En rueda de prensa indicó que casi una cuarta parte de los países del mundo tienen leyes contra la blasfemia, y más de uno entre cada diez, mantienen leyes

o políticas que penalizan la apostasía, y su aplicación no siempre se ha confinado al ámbito religioso. “La existencia de estas leyes ha sido usada por gobiernos en muchos casos para intimidar, reprimir minorías religiosas, y además los gobiernos con frecuencia han fallado en tomar los pasos apropiados prevenir actos de violencia por acusaciones de blasfemia y apostasía”, dijo. El reporte se refirió a instancias de severas restricciones religiosas, en ocasiones mediante el uso de la violencia en más de una docena de países, entre ellos Siria, Nigeria, Irán, Arabia Saudita, China, Ucrania y Rusia entre otros. Destacó algunos avances

en otras naciones como Vietnam, Islandia, Kenia y Canadá. El subsecretario de Estado, Antony Blinden, señaló que la situación de las libertades religiosas se han visto impactadas por la actuación de actores no estatales como los grupos extremistas Al-Qaeda y AlShabaz y Estado Islámico, al que Estados Unidos acusó de cometer genocidio. Blinden dijo que el reporte no pretende ser un instrumento para dar cátedra en la materia, pero una vía para informar “para persuadir y al final, para cambiar”.


St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church 30 West Woodruff Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43210 on the campus of The Ohio State University 614-294-3749 Sunday Worship Schedule: 8:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist (no music) 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist with music 6:00 p.m. Campus Worship community St. Mark’s United Methodist Church 5200 Sullivant Ave. Columbus, OH 43228 Office: 614-878-6520 Worship times: Sunday (English) 10:30 am Worthington SeventhDay Adventist Church 385 E. Dublin-Granville Rd. Worthington, OH 43085 Phone: 614-885-7812 Service Times: First Service: Contemporary 9:00 am Sabbath School: Adult and children of all ages: 10:15 am Second Service: Traditional 11:20 am The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 2400 Red Rock Blvd, Grove City, OH 43123 (614) 875-8490



El Sol de Ohio | Agosto 19/Sept 2, 2016

Clinton gana terreno en cuatro estados críticos, Trump en caída El Sol de Ohio Reporte Especial

La candidata demócrata a la Presidencia de Estados Unidos, Hillary Clinton, ganó terreno entre los electores en Florida, Carolina del Norte, Virginia y Colorado; mientras el apoyo al aspirante republicano Donald Trump retrocedió, reveló un sondeo. En los casos de Virginia y Colorado, Clinton apareció con una ventaja de dos dígitos sobre Trump que en ambos casos vio caer el apoyo que registró en julio, según la encuesta conjunta de la televisora NBC, el diario The Wall Street Journal y el Instituto Marista para Opinión Pública. Las cuatro entidades péndulo, donde las preferencias electorales oscilan entre republicanos y demócratas de elección en elección, son consideradas críticas en la contienda e incluso definitorias; en el caso de Florida por el número de delegados al Colegio Electoral en juego.

Clinton apareció con un respaldo de 44 por ciento del electorado en Florida, similar al que registró en julio pasado; mientras que Trump experimentó un aumento de dos puntos, pero a pesar de ello se mantuvo bajo, con un 39 por ciento.

Los hispanos necesitarán 84 años para lograr la riqueza de los blancos; los afroamericanos... dos siglos y medio


i la posibilidad de progreso social no mejora en Estados Unidos, las familias latinas no conseguirán el mismo nivel de riqueza que las blancas hasta el año 2097 como mínimo. Las familias afroamericanas no lo lograrán hasta el 2241. Es el cálculo que publicaron esta semana la Corporation for Enterprise Development y el Institute for Policy Studies, que

advierten de una “división racial de la riqueza a largo plazo” en el país. La riqueza no solo incluye los ingresos anuales de las familias, sino el dinero y propiedades que van acumulando año tras año. Los autores del informe sostienen que el problema se explica por la actual desigualdad de la riqueza acumulada entre comunidades:

En Carolina del Norte, estado que fue ganado por Mitt Romney en 2012, la encuesta mostró a Clinton al frente de las preferencias con 48 por ciento, 4.0 puntos arriba respecto a julio; en tanto que Trump se colocó con 39 por ciento, una baja de un punto.

Clinton registró la ventaja más amplia en Virginia, donde apareció con un respaldo de 46 por ciento, contra 33 por ciento para el republicano, quien retrocedió dos puntos respecto de julio pasado. En Colorado, Clinton vio crecer el respaldo a

su favor en tres puntos, colocándose ahora en 46 por ciento, contra 32 por ciento para Trump, quien registró una baja de tres puntos en relación a la encuesta del mes pasado. El sondeo fue celebrado del 4 al 10 de agosto entre tres mil 579 adultos selec-

cionados de manera aleatoria, presentando márgenes de error que oscilaron entre 3.3 y 3.4 por ciento, dependiendo del estado en cuestión.

FARC dan giro histórico tras 52 años de lucha armada The Sun of Ohio Special Report


os comandantes de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) que negocian en La Habana, son ahora más realistas en comparación con los frustrados diálogos de paz, de décadas anteriores, aseguró el experto en derecho internacional humanitario, Alvaro Villarraga. “Hay un gran giro histórico en la comandancia de las FARC en ese empeño de dialogar para lograr acuerdos con el gobierno. Es sorprendente el cambio y el avance político. Sus discursos reflejan que van claramente a la vida civil”, sostuvo Villarraga, director de la división de Acuerdo de la Verdad del estatal Centro de Memoria Histórica. Villarraga, es un estudioso de todos los procesos de paz que se han desarrollado en Colombia, y conoce personalmente a los comandantes de las FARC que se encuentran en La Habana, en donde recién sostuvo un encuentro con algunos de los jefes insurgentes.

“Ahora se ven unos discursos que de manera clara van a la vida civil. Que de manera clara dan cuenta de la convicción que no triunfó el proyecto revolucionario (por la vía armada)”, subrayó en entrevista con Notimex. Reiteró que las FARC, y en particular su equipo negociador ya están mentalizados para dar el salto de la vida armada a la ci-

vil y comprendieron que “necesario inscribirse en un proceso político” para buscar cambios, y reformas sociales desde escenarios democráticos. Insistió que las posiciones de las FARC en estos diálogos en el gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos marcan una diferencia radical con los procesos anteriores donde fracasaron los diferentes intentos de diá-

logos entre 1984 y 2002. En la década de los años 90 del siglo XX, “vimos a las FARC sentadas con el gobierno de la época, construyendo una metodología y un proceso que en su momento fue importante apostando a través de las audiencias públicas a numerosos intercambios”.

The Sun of Ohio | August 19/Sept 2, 2016



A crooked cop’s execution-style killing in Texas exposes the ruthless inner workings of the Mexican Mafia Both sides of Julian Pesina’s double life were closing in on his secrets.

The Sun of Ohio Special Report


esina was a police officer in Balcones Heights, a small city of 3,000 people near San Antonio. But he also claimed allegiance to the Mexican Mafia, a notorious gang known for extortion and precision killings. Pesina sold drugs for the Texas branch of the Mexican Mafia and paid a weekly tax, or “dime,” for his tattoo parlor, according to court documents. Beneath his police uniform, his body was covered with gang tattoos. In 2014, federal investigators were probing Pesina’s ties to the Texas Mexican Mafia and getting close to making an arrest that could send him to prison for years. But gang members who learned about his police job from Facebook sentenced Pesina to death instead. Jerry “Spooks” Idrogo was ordered to kill him. According to court documents, Idrogo, a sergeant in the Texas Mexican Mafia, selected two men to help kill Pesina; one was an aspiring gang member, the other was in bad standing with the Texas Mexican Mafia and hoped to redeem himself with a slaying. On May 4, 2014, Idrogo called Pesina, saying he was in a hurry and wanted to pick up the “dime” outside Pesina’s tattoo parlor, Notorious Ink. When Pesina walked up to the car to pay Idrogo, the other gang members rus-

The smaller weapon is used to pin down or debilitate the target,” Rafael told The Washington Post. “And then they finish them off with the rifle.” hed around the building, wearing masks. One carried a shotgun. The other clutched a pistol. Pesina was shot and killed in the street — though the gunmen waited until he had paid his 10 percent tax before opening fire, according to federal investigators. Video of Pesina’s killing was captured on a polemounted camera FBI agents had set up to watch his business and build their case, according to the San Antonio ExpressNews. FBI sources told the newspaper they had planned to arrest Pesina within a week when he was shot down in cold blood. On Friday, Idrogo pleaded guilty in federal court to one count of conspiracy to participate in a “Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization.” As part of the plea, Idrogo admitted he was was responsible for Pesina’s slaying and the death of another man, Texas Mexican Mafia member Billy Padilla, who was killed in 2013 “for failing to turn over drug proceeds to the organization,” according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Texas. At his sentencing in November, Idrogo faces life in federal prison. The Mexican Mafia — also known as “La Eme,” Spanish for “the M,” and

as “Mexikanemi” — has existed for more than 60 years, according to an Associated Press story on a gang sweep in 2007. The organization “was formed by Mexican-American inmates in a Northern California prison in the 1950s as a front against racist attacks,” the AP noted. “It has since fanned out across the state prison system and to Mexican and U.S. streets.” Authorities say the selfproclaimed “gang of all gangs” has cowed a who’s who of the state’s deadliest gangs — including Aryan Brotherhood and 18th Street — into paying taxes in their turf … “La Eme” hits gangs who refuse the arrangement with a so-called “green light,” making them a target for retaliation by the gang and its allies. The gang’s Texas offshoot gained power in the 1980s, according to court documents. Behind bars, gang members trafficked drugs and banded together for protection. When members were released, they expanded the enterprise — and the violence — to the streets. Many Texas Mexican Mafia members were from San Antonio, which became the branch headquarters. Members could join only if they were asked by a “sponsor,” or “padrino.” To gain membership, in-

ductees had to commit a criminal act, which could include the murder of an enemy. And according to the Mexican Mafia’s constitution, cooperation with law enforcement was punishable by death. Pesina’s execution-style killing in 2014 was a textbook example of a Mexican Mafia hit, according to Tony Rafael, the pen name of the author of a book about the gang. “The smaller weapon is used to pin down or debilitate the target,” Rafael told The Washington Post. “And then they finish them off with the rifle.” Rafael said it’s not uncommon to find civil servants among the gang’s ranks. One of the organization’s strengths, he said, is its ability to coerce people and even other gangs into working to benefit “La Eme.”

“They’re very, very good at manipulating people,” Rafael said. “They’ve had female corrections officers and manipulated them into literally marrying them. Prior to marrying them, these [officers] smuggled food and drugs into the jail. “They’ve corrupted social workers to do their bidding for them, and occasionally police officers, too. They’ll find a weak spot. They’ll befriend you, try to figure out what makes you tick. If you’re short of cash, they’ll get you cash. If it’s drugs, they’ll get you drugs. If it’s women, they’ll get you that, too. They’re excellent, excellent manipulators.” The gang has only about 300 “made” members in the United States, Rafael said. But the Mexican Mafia’s number swells into the thousands when you count those who work with “La Eme” in the hopes of becoming “carnales,” or brothers, he said. In a 2015 Texas Gang Threat Assessment, the state’s Department of Safety estimated there were 4,700 Texas Mexican Mafia members and associates, organized into clearly defined ranks on a paramilitary model. Idrogo, a sergeant, was on one of the lowest rungs,

just above a soldier. Senior leaders are able to issue orders to subordinates, according to the assessment, which classifies the Mexican Mafia as a Tier 1 gang. “These groups pose the greatest gang threat to Texas due to their relationships with Mexican cartels, high levels of transnational criminal activity, level of violence, and overall statewide presence,” the assessment said. Sending gang leaders to prison isn’t enough to stymie the gang, Rafael said. Once imprisoned, the highest-ranking members relay messages to subordinates outside using cellphones, smuggled notes and even family visitors. Their spirit of cooperation has been extended to Mexican drug cartels in the past decade, said Rafael, whose book argues that the the Mexican Mafia could be “the most dangerous gang in America.” Rafael said that because the Mexican Mafia has a stranglehold on the prison systems in California and Texas, street gangs, drug dealers and unaffiliated criminals are intimidated into working with them in and out of prison. “They run virtually every street gang in California,” he said. “Any kid growing up 14, 15, 16 years old knows that if he’s going to continue capering [committing crimes], he better make his peace with the Mafia well before he ends up in prison. He needs people that respect him, people that will protect him. They tell them, ‘You do what we tell you when you’re on the street, we’ll take care of you in prison.”. Credit: The Washington Post.



El Sol de Ohio | Agosto 19/Sept 2, 2016

Melanoma, el cáncer de piel más agresivo que afecta a los jóvenes El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

l melanoma es el cáncer de piel más agresivo que se conoce, es frecuente entre la población de 18 a 30 años y si no se diagnostica a tiempo se extiende fácilmente a otras partes del cuerpo. Puede tener su origen en factores genéticos y ambientales. El melanoma es un tumor que se origina en los melanocitos, las células que se encargan de reproducir melanina, un pigmento de la piel, ojos y pelo, cuya principal función es la de bloquear los rayos ultravioleta solares, para evitar daño a otras células. De acuerdo con la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), cada año se reportan más de 130 mil nuevos casos en todo el mundo y mueren aproximadamente

66 mil personas por causa de éste y otros tipos de cáncer de piel. Ivonne Salcedo Sullk, oncóloga médica del Centro Médico ABC, explicó al respecto que existen cuatro distintos tipos de melanoma (superficial, léntigo

Mayoría de platillos en restaurantes rebasan las calorías adecuadas El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

l 90 por ciento de los platillos que se sirven en los restaurantes rebasa las cantidades y calorías recomendadas para un adulto, reveló un estudio que encabezó una doctora de la Universidad de Tufts, en Boston, Estados Unidos. La doctora Susan Roberts evaluó a más de 120 restaurantes de diferentes tipos de comida, como china, india, griega, estadounidense, italiana, japonesa, mexicana, tailandesa y vietnamita. En un comunicado de la Academia Estadounidense de Nutrición y Dietética, la especialista señaló que las cadenas de comida rápida son criticadas por sus alimentos poco saludables, sin embargo, el problema no es exclusivo de este tipo de lugares. Roberts mencionó que en la actualidad muchos restaurantes, por cuestiones de mercadotecnia, manejan raciones muy grandes preparadas con una alta consistencia energética. “Las comidas favoritas, por lo general, contienen tres o incluso cuatro veces más la cantidad de calorías que necesita una persona. Y aunque en teoría no tenemos que comernos todo, en la práctica la mayoría no tenemos la voluntad de dejar de comer cuando estamos satisfechos”, aseguró.

Roberts consideró que la falta de voluntad tiene una explicación biológica llamada “fase cefálica de la digestión”, teoría descubierta por el científico ruso Ivan Pavlov, la cual plantea que la vista, el olfato, el pensamiento o el sabor de los alimentos estimula el apetito, lo que provoca poca resistencia al platillo. El doctor William M., coautor del estudio, sugiere que los comensales deberían tener la opción de pedir platillos en porciones que se acomoden a sus necesidades. También así lo apuntó Beatriz Cuyáz, del Colegio Mexicano de Nutriólogos, quien propone a los comensales seguir el plato del bien comer, es decir, con alimentos de los tres grupos -vegetales, cereales y alimentos de origen animal- en cantidades adecuadas. La especialista exhortó a las personas a que si el platillo no lleva verduras las soliciten como guarnición, además, pidió evitar los aderezos porque son altos en grasa, por lo que es mejor sustituirlos con vinagre, aceite de oliva o limón. Cuyáz mencionó que los lugares con menú del día en ciertos restaurantes son una buena opción, ya que de manera frecuente sirven porciones más pequeñas y se parecen, en algunos casos, a los alimentos que se consumen en casa.

maligno, acral y nodular) y pueden ser leve, medio o severo en cuanto a su gravedad. “El superficial es el más común, representa entre 70 y 80 por ciento de los melanomas y es el más frecuente en personas de

raza blanca”, indicó. Dijo que el A, B, C, D y E para cuidar la evolución de lunares que pueden convertirse en melanoma es muy fácil de realizar, pues basta con observar la asimetría, los bordes, el color, el diámetro y la

evolución de los lunares en la piel. Explicó que un lunar benigno tiene bordes y un diámetro definido, no cambia de color y por lo regular no cambia de tamaño. Cuando los bordes no son parejos, el color es distinto en algunas zonas, el tamaño cambia e incluso hay escamas, es necesario acudir de inmediato al dermatólogo para que, en caso de sospecha de melanoma, se envié al paciente con un oncólogo. Mayo es el mes internacional del melanoma, pero en México se impulsa una iniciativa para que agosto se declare el mes nacional de lucha contra este cáncer de piel. La especialista advirtió que la exposición al sol por tiempo más prolongado es una de las causas de que este tipo de tumo-

res vaya en aumento, por lo cual es importante usar protector solar, incluso en interiores y días nublados. “En personas en edades entre 18 y 30 años de edad, el melanoma es uno de los tumores más frecuentes porque ahora se exponen más al sol y los rayos ultravioletas queman la piel y dañan las células y también están las camas solares que causan tanto daño como los rayos ultravioletas”, destacó. El diagnostico confirmatorio se realiza mediante una biopsia del tumor y el tratamiento en las primeras etapas es la cirugía; cuando ya está más avanzado hay que recurrir también a la radioterapia y en ocasiones a la quimioterapia y si se logra la remisión del cáncer se ofrece inmunoterapia para los siguientes cinco años.

Alcohol is a direct cause of seven forms of cancer, finds study El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

lcohol causes seven forms of cancer, and people consuming even low to moderate amounts are at risk, according to new analysis. Health experts endorsed the findings and said they showed that ministers should initiate more education campaigns in order to tackle widespread public ignorance about how closely alcohol and cancer are connected. The study sparked renewed calls for regular drinkers to be encouraged to take alcoholfree days, and for alcohol packaging to carry warning labels. Fresh analysis of evidence accumulated over recent years implicates alcohol in the development of breast, colon, liver and other types of cancer. The study, published in the scientific journal Addiction, concludes that there is more than simply a link or statistical association between alcohol and cancer that could be explained by something else. There is now enough credible evidence to say conclusively that drinking is a direct cause of the disease, according to Jennie Connor, of the preventive and social medicine department at Otago University in New Zealand. “There is strong evidence that alcohol causes cancer at seven sites in the body and probably

others,” Connor said. “Even without complete knowledge of biological mechanisms [of how alcohol causes cancer], the epidemiological evidence can support the judgment that alcohol causes cancer of the oropharynx, larynx, oesophagus, liver, colon, rectum and breast.” Related: Alcohol-related deaths in England up 4% in one year Growing evidence suggested that alcohol was also likely to cause skin, prostate and pancreatic cancer, she added. Emphasising that a drinker’s risk increased in relation to the amount consumed, Connor said: “For all these there is a dose-response relationship.” Connor arrived at her conclusions after studying reviews undertaken over the past 10 years by the World Cancer Research Fund, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the World Health Organisation’s cancer body, and other authoritative bodies.

“The highest risks are associated with the heaviest drinking but a considerable burden is experienced by drinkers with low to moderate consumption, due to the distribution of drinking in the population,” Connor said. Campaigns to reduce alcohol consumption should therefore try to encourage everyone to cut down, as targeting only heavy drinkers had “limited potential” to reduce alcoholrelated cancer, she added. In February Prof Dame Sally Davies, the chief medical officer for England, caused a stir by warning women that drinking alcohol could cause breast cancer. She told a parliamentary hearing: “Do as I do when I reach for my glass of wine. Think: do I want the glass of wine or do I want to raise my own risk of breast cancer? I take a decision each time I have a glass.” Davies played a key role in drawing up new government guidelines on safe drinking limits, published

in January, which recommended that men reduce their maximum weekly intake of alcohol from 21 to 14 units, or seven pints of beer a week, which is the longstanding threshold that women are advised not to exceed. The growing evidence of alcohol’s role in causing cancer, underlined by a report by the UK Committee on Carcinogenicity, was a key reason behind Davies and her counterparts in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland issuing advice that some said was impractical and would be ignored. Sticking to the new guidelines would help keep drinkers’ risk of cancer low, the proponents said. Dr Jana Witt, Cancer Research UK’s health information officer, said: “We know that nine in 10 people aren’t aware of the link between alcohol and cancer. And this review is a stark reminder that there’s strong evidence linking the two.” Credit: The Guardian.

The Sun of Ohio | August 19/Sept 2, 2016



Easy access to online porn is ‘damaging’ men’s health, says NHS therapist El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

top psychosexual therapist is warning about a surge in the number of young men suffering sexual health problems because of online pornography. Angela Gregory says more and more men in their late teens and early 20s are suffering from erectile dysfunction. She puts the blame on people becoming addicted to watching online porn. There are no official figures but she says a lot of the time it is via smartphones and laptops. “What I’ve seen over the last 16 years, particularly the last five years, is an increase in the amount of younger men being referred,” she said. “Our experience is that historically men that were referred to our clinic with problems with erectile dysfunction were older men whose issues were related to diabetes, MS, cardio vascular disease. “These younger men do not have organic disease, they’ve already been tested by their GP and everything is fine.

“So one of the first assessment questions I’d always ask now is about pornography and masturbatory habit because that can be the cause of their issues about maintaining an erection with a partner.” Nick, not his real name, started watching porn when he got his first laptop aged 15. “It quickly escalated and it was every day. What I was watching, it definitely got

more extreme over a short period of time in my case. “There was nothing that would give me a kick. Normal stuff didn’t do anything any more, so I had to get more and more extreme material. “[It was] disturbing stuff that disturbed me that, in normal life, I wouldn’t dream of doing.” It wasn’t long before Nick’s own sexual health began to suffer.

“I found that when I was lying next to a girl a lot that I just wouldn’t be horny at all, despite being really attracted to the girl and wanting to have sex with her, [because] my sexuality was completely wired towards porn. “At my peak I was probably watching up to two hours of porn every day.” Newsbeat has been finding out how having easy access to online porn is

affecting body image, sex and relationships for documentary Brought up on Porn, available now on iPlayer. Once Nick realised he had a problem he tried to get help. “At first I went to a doctor and she said, ‘I don’t think there’s enough evidence to suggest it’s a thing, however I do have a lot of young men coming to me with this problem.’”

In the end Nick went 100 days without watching porn and was relieved when things got back to normal. “My libido came back with a vengeance and I met this girl and it was great. “For the first time in ages I was able to flirt and within quite a short time I was able to have normal sex. “I was feeling so balanced and happy.” He also has advice for anyone suffering with a similar problem. “Once I recovered I spent a lot of time on online forums trying to help others do the same. “There’s a lot more information online than when I had problems. “You should tell your friends, tell people who are close to you or just a couple of people you trust. And don’t worry, there are many of us in the same boat.” If you think you’re having a problem related to porn, Angela Gregory advises talking to your GP. BBC News.



El Sol de Ohio | Agosto 19/Sept 2, 2016

Mexicana en Canadá implora ayuda para administrar cannabis a su hijo El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

a ciudadana mexicana Ángeles Niembro Zúñiga, residente en Canadá, dijo que aun cuando el consumo de marihuana para uso médico es legal en este país, un grupo de enfermeras en un hospital rehúsa administrar el fármaco a su hijo. Francesco, de 11 años, es un niño mexicano-canadiense que padece el síndrome cardio-facio-cutáneo, caracterizado por retraso psicomotor, dificultad para la alimentación, hipotonía muscular y problemas cardiacos. El padecimiento registra 460 casos en todo el mundo, 15 de los cuales se encuentran en Canadá. “Las convulsiones de mi hijo aumentaron cada vez más, por lo que inicié la batalla para que le pudieran recetar el cannabis”, dijo la madre en entrevista con Notimex. Agregó que el neurólogo accedió a dar la receta de CanniMed, un producto procesado y destilado para separar el elemento psi-

cotrópico THC (tetrahidrocannabinol) del CBD (cannabidiol), usado en concentración medicinal. “Francesco convulsionaba de dos a diez veces al día y cada una duraba de uno a cuatro minutos, lo cual es muy grave, porque en cada descarga se mueren neuronas. El cannabis le ha servido para controlarlas”, testimonió la mujer. Cada botella de cannabis

de 60 mililitros cuesta 150 dólares y Francesco toma 1.5 mililitros diarios en dos dosis. El producto no está cubierto por el servicio gubernamental de salud (OHIP). “La mariguana le está funcionando a mi hijo, porque de tener convulsiones diarias, hace tres semanas, ahora tiene unas dos o tres a la semana”, precisó la mujer, que tam-

bién denunció el caso a la televisora canadiense City News. Sin embargo, en el Hospital de Niños Enfermos de Toronto y en el Emily’ s House, un lugar donde se quedan por horas o algunos días los niños especiales, las enfermeras se niegan a administrar el cannabis. Los directivos de estos hospitales argumentan

que aún no hay pruebas suficientes para medir su efectividad y, sobre todo, que el gobierno federal no ha definido la guía para el uso del fármaco. “Logré la prescripción del cannabis, pero a pesar de que el consumo de mariguana es legal hasta ahora sólo los padres lo pueden administrar”, agregó Ángeles. Señaló que en unos días tiene un curso y debe trasladarse a más de una hora al Emily’ s House para administrarle a Francesco el cannabis a las ocho de la mañana y a las ocho de la noche. “Es incongruente, si ya está legalizado y prescrito por un médico, no entiendo por qué se niegan a administrarlo, es como cualquier medicamento, no tiene gran ciencia”, argumentó. Destacó que la salud de su hijo depende del fármaco. “Los médicos me dicen que no es que no quieran, sino que están atados de manos mientras no haya una guía autorizada de cómo administrarlo”, expuso.

Añadió que los médicos también argumentan la ausencia de políticas y protocolos para que las enfermeras puedan administrar el cannabis. Niembro consideró que “hay controversia, porque las farmacéuticas están presionando, pues la comercialización del cannabis para uso médico les va a afectar el negocio, porque ellos tienen el control de medicamentos anticonvulsión”. Ante la negativa del personal médico para administrar a su hijo el cannabis, la madre decidió denunciar esta situación en la televisora de Toronto, la cual dio amplio espacio al tema. De hecho, el Hospital de Niños Enfermos emitió un comunicado en donde exhorta al gobierno federal a establecer un protocolo al respecto. El caso de la mexicana no es el único, pues dijo conocer a más mujeres que dependen de este cannabis para tratar a sus hijos.

Uno de cada tres habitantes Illinois families fight transgender access to school del Principado de Mónaco locker room es millonario El Sol de Ohio

El Sol de Ohio

Special Report


no de cada tres habitantes del pequeño Principado de Mónaco, el segundo país más pequeño del mundo tras el Vaticano, es millonario, reveló un estudio. De acuerdo al estudio realizado por la firma “WealthInsight”, alrededor de un 30 por ciento de la población del pequeño país mediterráneo, de dos kilómetros cuadrados, ubicado en el sur de Francia, tiene más de un millón de dólares, sin contabilizar el valor de su vivienda. El territorio, en el que no se pagan impuestos, atrajo además a un seis por ciento más de millonarios entre 2014 y 2016, según los datos del reporte. Otro estudio realizado por la firma británica Approve Index, mostró que Mónaco, en donde residen 38 mil personas, es además el lugar del mundo con una mayor densidad de multimillonarios. El Principado de Móna-


co tiene un proyecto para expandirse en el mar y aumentar una superficie de seis hectáreas para atraer a clientes afortunados, destacó el reporte. Luego de Mónaco, las ciudades suizas de Zurich, noreste, y de Ginebra, suroeste, son los enclaves en Europa que cuentan con un mayor número de millonarios. Zurich, considerada la capital financiera de Suiza, tiene un 24 por ciento de millonarios en su población, y Ginebra un 17 por ciento de población con más de un millón de dólares en sus cuentas bancarias.

Uno de los responsables del estudio explicó que los millonarios deciden instalarse en esas ciudades por la existencia de numerosos bancos privados y gestores de grandes fortunas, entre otros motivos. Las grandes ciudades europeas como París y Londres, en cuyas zonas metropolitanas viven más de diez millones de habitantes, tienen un porcentaje muy inferior de millonarios. Según el reporte, en Londres el número de millonarios representa el 3.4 por ciento de la población total mientras que en París el dos por ciento.

Special Report

lawyer for dozens of families from a suburban Chicago high school district argued in court on Monday that students’ privacy was being violated at a school that allowed a transgender girl access to the girls’ locker room under an agreement with the federal government. A group of 63 students and 73 parents from Township High School District 211 challenged the agreement in federal court and is seeking a preliminary injunction to prevent enforcement. Lawyers for the district, the U.S. Department of Education and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) argued that no one is harmed by the policy, which was agreed to last September after the ACLU filed a complaint in 2013 on behalf of a transgender student who was born male and identifies as female. Similar battles are playing

out around the country as the Department of Education has told public schools that transgender students must be allowed to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of their choice. Texas and a dozen other states asked a U.S. judge last week to block the Obama administration’s guidance in the matter, saying it usurps the authority of school districts. In Chicago, U.S. District Magistrate Judge Jeffrey Gilbert said he would issue a recommendation in the matter after he reviews all materials. Judge Jorge Alonso will make the decision on an injunction based on Gilbert’s recommendation. Sheila Lieber, an attorney who represents the Department of Education, argued in court at the hearing: “They have pointed to not one single student who has been harmed.” The hearing coincided with the first day of school in District 211, which serves Chicago’s northwestern suburbs of Hoffman Esta-

tes, Palatine and Schaumburg, among others. Lieber said the school has made curtained stalls available to girls who wanted more privacy in the locker room, but that no one uses them, which she said shows that students are not concerned about the transgender girl’s presence. Jeremy Tedesco, a lawyer with the Alliance Defending Freedom conservative group that represents the families, argued that girls who use the locker room feel fear over the possibility that someone born male could see them undressing. He said girls may not be using the private stalls because of an atmosphere at the school of harassment against people who do not agree with the policy. “It’s a violation of girls’ right to privacy to have a male student in the locker room,” Tedesco told reporters after the hearing. Credit: Reuters.

The Sun of Ohio | August 19/Sept 2, 2016



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El Sol de Ohio Special Report



El Sol de Ohio | Agosto 19/Sept 2, 2016

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