El sol de ohio april 15

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3353 Cleveland Ave 1630 Morse Road 2161 Eakin Road 2474 Stringtown Road 1585 Georgesville Square Drive 3600 Saldano Boulevard 5800 W Broad Street 2525 Rome Hilliard Road Columbus OH, USA • Abril 15/ Mayo 6, 2016 • Año 5 • No.134


Columbus OH, USA • April 15/May 6, 2016 • Year 5 • #134



Malek apoya estudiantes hispanos

Malek supports Hispanic students Pags. 12-13 El abogado Ed Malek recibe a uno de los estudiantes galardonados. Su firma de abogados ha creado una beca para estudiantes hispanos y apoya los premios organizados por la Dublin City School. Attorney Ed Malek greets one of the students. His law firm promotes Hispanic scholarships and supports the Latino student award ceremony organized by Dublin City Schools. Photo: El Sol de Ohio


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El Sol de Ohio | Abril 15/ Mayo 6, 2016

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The Sun of Ohio | April 15/May 6, 2016



El Sol de Ohio | Abril 15/ Mayo 6, 2016

The Sun of Ohio | April 15/May 6, 2016


Immigrant students blocked from enrolling in school El Sol de Ohio


Reporte Especial

mmigrant children living in the U.S. without legal status have been blocked from registering for school and accessing the educational services they need, according to a report on school districts in four states by Georgetown University Law Center researchers. Such students have faced long enrollment delays and have been turned away from classrooms as the result of some districts’ arbitrary interpretations of residency rules and state laws, the researchers said. All children — including those living in the U.S. illegally— must attend school through at least the 8th grade or until they turn 16 under compulsory education laws in all 50 states. Many states allow students to enroll beyond that age, according to the Education Commission of the States. But some districts’ elaborate paperwork requirements effectively have kept immigrant youth out of school, while lack of translation and interpre-

tation services have left their families uninformed about the process, the report found. The Obama administration’s efforts to find and deport the tens of thousands of unaccompanied Central American children and families who arrived during the 2014 surge of illegal crossings have further complicated the situation, prompting some students to avoid school for fear that they will be picked up by authorities, the report’s authors said.

“U.S. law is clear on this point — no child in the United States should be excluded from public education,” said Mikaela Harris, a Georgetown law student who co-wrote the study issued by the university’s Human Rights Institute and the nonprofit Women’s Refugee Commission. “That doesn’t always play out in practice.” In May 2014, then-Education Secretary Arne Duncan issued joint guidance with the Justice Department reminding districts

that a 1982 Supreme Court ruling gives all children the right to enroll in school, regardless of immigration status. The report, which studied school districts in Florida, New York, Texas and North Carolina, calls for a strengthening of federal outreach to districts unaccustomed to serving newcomer populations and better assurances that educational access continues amid immigration enforcement. Researchers said they had presented their recommen-

dations to the Department of Education. “We remain vigilant about our responsibility to protect the civil rights of all students, including immigrant students, undocumented students and unaccompanied immigrant students,” Education Department spokeswoman Dorie Nolt said. “We have provided a number of resources to communities in order to do so.” The agency is committed to working with federal agencies and community organizations to address any issues, she added. U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement spokesman Bryan Cox said he had not seen the report so could not comment on it, but said agency policy in general precludes any enforcement activity at schools and other sensitive locations. The report analyzed barriers to education faced by the 775,000 children under the age of 18 estimated to be living in the United States without legal permission, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of 2012 Census figures. Since fall 2013,

more than 100,000 unaccompanied children from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras also have sought refuge in the U.S. and have been placed in communities across the country after being apprehended at the border. Researchers said an additional estimated 1.6 million school-aged immigrant children who were brought to the U.S. legally may live in mixed-status families and face similar barriers. Public school districts are entitled to request and vet paperwork to establish students’ residency, but some have gone a step beyond, requiring immigration documents, researchers found. “Under federal law, schools are not allowed to discriminate against children due to their racial or ethnic background,” the report said. “And yet, some communities have barred immigrant children from enrolling or meaningfully participating in school by creating intentional and unintentional barriers.” Credit: AP.

Tensión racial en EUA crece en coincidencia con “fenómeno Trump” El Sol de Ohio


Agentes fronterizos de EUA han usado armas de fuego cuatro veces El Sol de Ohio


Reporte Especial

gentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza han disparado sus armas en cuatro ocasiones en lo que va del presente año fiscal que inicio en octubre pasado, sin que se hayan registrado consecuencias fatales, de acuerdo a datos difundidos este jueves. Como parte de un esfuerzo para transparentar las actividades de esa corporación, la Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza (CBP) dio a conocer las estadísticas para cada uno de los sectores de la Patrulla Fronteriza, seis meses después de que presentara un informe nacional sobre el uso de

fuerza dentro de esa corporación. Dos de los incidentes de uso de armas se registraron en el sector de Tucson, otro en el sector del Valle del Río Grande en el sureste de Texas y uno más en el sector de San Diego. “La autoridad de la CBP para hacer cumplir la ley, incluso hasta el punto de la fuerza letal, lleva adecuadamente la carga de la rendición de cuentas, que incluye la integridad y la transparencia”, aseguró la agencia federal en un comunicado este jueves. La CBP se comprometió a actualizar cada mes el número de incidentes de uso de fuerza de manera desglosada por sector, como parte de las reformas puestas en

marcha para dar mayor transparencia a las actividades de esa dependencia. Las reformas, indicó, han mejorado la capacidad para investigar y revisar el uso de los incidentes de fuerza y determinar si la aplicación de la fuerza es consistente con la ley y la política. La CBP también anunció este jueves que está buscando la opinión de compañías fabricantes de cámaras de video corporales para ser utilizadas por sus agentes como parte de su equipo y montadas en vehículos. El presupuesto fiscal 2017 contempla cinco millones de dólares para este propósito, incluyendo la obtención de la cámara y el sistema de desarrollo de la política de la agencia.

Reporte Especial

ás de una tercera parte de los estadunidenses están preocupados por las relaciones raciales en Estados Unidos, el porcentaje más alto desde que se iniciaron las encuestas sobre el tema en 2001, señaló un sondeo de la firma Gallup. “En el actual ciclo electoral presidencial, tanto conservadores como liberales han atacado al puntero republicano Donald Trump por los tonos racistas de su campaña”, señaló la mayor empresa de medición de la opinión pública de Estados Unidos. La encuesta muestra en ese sentido que el porcentaje de estadunidenses que dice estar preocupado por las relaciones raciales aumentó 7.0 puntos porcentuales en el último año y se duplicó en los últimos dos años. Desde el lanzamiento de su campaña presidencial en junio del 2015, Trump recibió críticas de racismo por los comentarios en los que comparó a los inmigrantes mexicanos con criminales. Gallup señaló que así como algunos acusan de

racismo a Trump, los comentaristas conservadores sostienen que la historia concluirá que la presidencia de Barack Obama empeoró las relaciones raciales. Gallup mencionó que el incremento de la preocupación de los estadunidenses por las relaciones raciales coincidió también con la muerte de afroamericanos desarmados, a manos de la policía. Las muertes, que en algunos casos detonaron violentas protestas en ciudades como Baltimore, propiciaron la creación del movimiento “Black Lives Matter” (Las Vidas Negras Importan). “Estos factores, junto con el siempre creciente nú-

mero de protestas raciales en los campus universitarios de Estados Unidos, hacen improbable que disminuyan las preocupaciones de los estadunidenses en 2016”, refirió. A pesar del incremento de la preocupación de los estadunidenses por las tensiones raciales, el tema no ocupa un alto nivel en la lista de prioridades de la población y de hecho se encuentra en una de las posiciones más bajas, al lado del cambio climático y la inmigración. El cuidado de la salud, el estado de la economía, así como el crimen y la violencia ocupan los primeros lugares de preocupación para los estadunidenses.



El Sol de Ohio | Abril 15/ Mayo 6, 2016

Para vivir


Lic. Eva Atunga Reynaga

Especialista en Educación

Dublin City Schools is the way!

La familia que quiero

A numerous group of Hispanic students from Dublin City Schools received school awards and distinctions presented by this important Ohio school district. The ceremony was sponsored by the law firm Malek & Malek. Dublin is one of the Ohio cities with the highest quality of life, which makes this ceremony even more significant. This is not the first time that Dublin City Schools organizes this ceremony to recognize Hispanic students. Thanks to the effort of a team of educators led by Mrs. Lisbeth Moreno-Amaya, the ceremony has been held for the last 8 years. To stimulate the success, growth, and development of Hispanic students and, with it, their families is the great achievement of Dublin City Schools. And the support that Malek & Malek offers must be emulated by other businesses. With more schools following the example of Dublin City Schools, the future of Hispanic youth will be one of success and growth for their families and communities.

Dublin City Schools es el camino! Un numeroso grupo de estudiantes hispanos de la Dublin City Schools recibió premios y distinciones escolares otorgados por este importante centro escolar de Ohio. La ceremonia contó con el patrocinio de la firma de abogados Malek y Malek. Dublin es una de las ciudades de más altos niveles de calidad de vida en Ohio, lo cual hace más significativa esta ceremonia. No es la primera vez que la escuela organiza esta premiación anual a decenas de estudiantes latinos. Gracias al esfuerzo de un equipo de educadores motivados por la señora Lisbeth Moreno-Amaya la premiación se ha realizado desde hace ocho años. Estimular el éxito, el crecimiento, el desarrollo de los estudiantes hispanos, y con ellos, el de sus familias, es el gran logro de Dublin City Schools. Y también debe ser emulado por otras empresas el apoyo que ofrece el bufete de abogados Malek & Malek. Con varias escuelas siguiendo el ejemplo de Dublin City Schools el futuro de los jóvenes hispanos sera el éxito y el crecimiento de sus familias y sus ciudades.

El Sol de Ohio Fundado el 12 de Octubre de 2010 2427 Blue Rock Blvd Grove City, Ohio. 43123 (614) 572 2754 Fax: (614) 604 8630 www.elsoldeohio.com elsoldeohionews@gmail.com redaccion@elsoldeohio.com publicidad@elsoldeohio.com Conoceréis la verdad y la verdad os hará libres Juan 8:32


o soy muy adicta a la televisión; sin embargo, una de las cosas que me entretiene cuando regreso a casa después de un día estresante de un trabajo es ver mi programa favorito llamado “sangre azul” o en Ingles “Blue Blood”. Refiere la historia de una familia constituida por cuatro generaciones abuelo, padres, hijos y nietos quienes pasan por diversas situaciones en la vida diaria. Lo que me atrae de ello es la parte que muestra la reunión que tiene la familia los domingos, los lazos de unión familiar que hay entre ellos. Me recuerda mucho a mi familia, los almuerzos familiares del domingo eran sagrados con nuestra alegría, las historias de la semana, incluso momentos de enfado. El ayudar a preparar la mesa, servir, luego limpiar dejando todo ordenado era un hábito. En momentos de travesura y cuando alguien resultaba lastimado bastaba la mirada seria de mi padre o mi madre para comportarnos bien. Ellos sembraron en nosotros desde pequeños la semilla del amor a nuestra cultura, a la naturaleza, al ser humano. El significado del trabajo, responsabilidad, solidaridad, armonía amén de otros valores estaba en nuestra vida diaria. Fue una maravillosa experien-

cia grabada en mi vida. Extraño esa sensación agradable que saber que teníamos una familia donde podíamos dialogar, sentirnos protegidos. Nuestro dialogo era intenso y allí estaban nuestros padres escuchando nuestras aventuras del colegio, de la Universidad. Alegrándose de nuestros logros y estrictos para corregir nuestros errores. Los recuerdo con un dicho “con una mano guante de seda y con la otra guante de acero” con esos “guantes” aprendimos a hacernos responsables de nuestras decisiones. Cuando ellos decían si era si y cuando decían no era no. No había forma de cambiar sus decisiones. Y no había manera de tener a uno de ellos como aliado nuestro. Lo que decían se hacía. A veces yo pensaba que mi padre era clarividente porque el sabia con anticipación lo que estábamos haciendo, se presentaba de improviso y allí estaba el para corregir si había algo mal. No había forma de engañarlo a él o a mi madre. Mi hija creció en ese ambiente y hoy veo con gran alegría que vive y practica los valores que aprendió en la familia. Ella respeta, adora y se desvive por sus abuelos. Si pudiera volver a nacer y escoger una familia, los escogería nuevamente a ellos.

¿Por qué escribo acerca de esto? Con tristeza y no lo niego, con profunda desazón últimamente he oído, visto, palpado de cerca situaciones de familias con hijos niños y adolescentes que faltan el respeto a los padres no solo de palabra, los cuestionan agresivamente. Nietos que rechazan a los abuelos haciéndolos sentir estorbos. ¡Que tristeza! Cuando veo esto me pregunto dónde quedo la cercanía, el respeto, el valor que se daba a la familia. Si queremos podemos encontrar un sinfín de justificaciones para ello, como que el trabajo nos consume, la falta de tiempo. Es cierto que el trabajo es exigente sin embargo esta en nosotros guardar la unidad familiar. Nuestra sociedad está en riesgo. La familia es el núcleo de la sociedad y este núcleo se está dividiendo, cada ser humano se está convirtiendo en un átomo aislado, absorbido por el internet, los juegos electrónicos, los smart phones. Si no asumimos la realidad estamos dejando que escape de nuestras manos el futuro de nuestra humanidad. ¿Qué hacemos entonces? Para comentarios, sugerencias o preguntas escribir a eva.atunga@gmail.com Gracias

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Periodismo de Verdad

The Sun of Ohio | April 15/May 6, 2016

By E.J. Dionne Jr.

The Washington Post


he 2016 election is transforming the religious landscape of American politics. It’s hard to imagine a Democratic presidential candidate receiving a midcampaign invitation to speak at the Vatican. But on Friday, Bernie Sanders put out word that on April 15 he’ll attend a gathering of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. Both Sanders and Hillary Clinton, his front-running rival, have regularly praised Pope Francis. And on the day of Sanders’s announcement, Francis released “The Joy of Love.” The groundbreaking document signaled what can fairly be called a more liberal attitude toward sexuality and the situation of divorced and remarried Catholics. The pope didn’t change church doctrine on gay marriage but was offering another sign that he’s pushing the church away from cultural warfare and toward a focus on poverty, economic injustice, immigration and the plight of refugees. On the Republican side, the conservative evangelical movement is divided over Donald Trump’s can-

Faith’s mysterious ways in the 2016 campaign

didacy. Many of its leaders have denounced him in uncompromising terms they usually reserve for liberal politicians. One of his toughest critics has been Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. “Can conservatives really believe that, if elected, Trump would care about protecting the family’s place in society when his own life is — unapologetically — what conservatives used to recognize as decadent?,” Moore wrote early this year in National Review.

He added: “Trump’s willingness to ban Muslims, even temporarily, from entering the country simply because of their religious affiliation would make Jefferson spin in his grave.” Such denunciations are good news for Ted Cruz, who began his campaign at Liberty University, an evangelical intellectual bastion, and had hoped to unify evangelical conservatives. But in primary after primary, Trump has won a large share of self-described “born again” or evangelical voters, particularly in the South. In the

Southern-inflected Super Tuesday contests in March, his showings in Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama were exceptionally strong. Evangelicals made up 77 percent of Alabama’s Republican primary electorate, and Trump carried them 43 percent to 22 percent over Cruz. Among non-evangelicals, Trump beat Cruz 41 percent to 18 percent, with roughly a third in this group casting ballots for either Marco Rubio, who has since dropped out, or John Kasich. Even in defeat in Wisconsin on Tuesday, Trump did about as well among

Panama Papers: The hypocrisy of the ruling elites who shamelessly opened offshore entities to protect personal assets while enforcing fiscal burdens on their populace. By Remi Piet Al Jazeera


he Panama Papers leak offer for the first time a clear understanding of how world elites engage in shady financial mechanisms to avoid paying taxes and thus contribute to the financing of their national welfare system and development efforts. More importantly, the colossal sums mentioned shed doubt on the way those sums were accrued in the first place and the probity of 140 senior officials - many of whom are heads of state - from 50 countries. What can be considered as the “ biggest leak in the history of data journalism “ in the words of Edward Snowden, underscores the hypocrisy of many rulers

From David Cameron - whose father managed during 30 years an offshore holding in Panama as he was leading the fight against a Greek bailout in Brussels - to the family members of seven African head of states. From Mauricio Macri - elected president of Argentina three months ago on a political platform to fight corruption - to the rulers of some of the most authoritarian regimes in the Middle East and Asia. All have demonstrated the same blatant cynicism while exempting themselves from the fiscal rules they imposed on their subjects or electorate. Unfair propaganda? Most will deny any involvement and will claim instead to be the victim of an unfair propagan-

da from foreign forces to destabilise their country . However, it will be hard for Vladimir Putin to explain how his best friend, a musician, is at the centre of a billion-dollar offshore scheme . Similarly, it will be tough for authorities in China to explain why the names of family members of at least eight current or former members of the Communist Party’s elite Politburo Standing Committee - including Deng Jiagui, the brother-in-law of President Xi Jinping - can be found in the data leaked. Even if the state apparatus immediately tries to contain the spread of the information in both countries, the magnitude of the scandal will eventually force explanations. The argument of a foreign plot is hard to defend. First because the Panama Papers implicates and exposes political rivals. If Putin is presented as having hidden his wealth,

so is Ukraine’s President Petro Porochenko, one of Putin’s most vocal opponents. The leak implicates Bashar al-Assad through his cousin Rami Makhlouf at the same time as the rulers of several countries who pledged to bring him out of office. More importantly, the data analysis has been carried out simultaneously by 108 news agencies from 76 countries , all members of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) which has mainly been known until now for its work denouncing US lobbyists. The main takeaway from the Panama Papers leak is the confirmation that regardless of geopolitical interest, nationality or political affiliation, our world is plagued by the corruption of our political and economic elites who regularly ask everyday citizens to tighten their belts while they use offshore


evangelicals (he won 34 percent of their ballots) as among non-evangelicals (36 percent). In one sense, it is not surprising that the politics of white evangelicals are evolving. Their social issue frame and the most important institutions in their movement were created in the late 1970s and 1980s. But this year’s developments do suggest, as Elizabeth Bruenig (now of The Post) argued in the New Republic, that “the old-fashioned model of reaching evangelicals no longer appears functional.” Robert Jones, chief executive of the Public Religion Research Institute (and with whom I have collaborated), sees many evangelicals now as “nostalgia voters.” Writing in the Atlantic, he said they are animated less by “a checklist of culture war issues or an appeal to shared religious identity” and more by an anger and anxiety arising from a sense that the dominant culture is moving away from their values. A backlash around race, which led many white Southern evangelicals toward the Republicans in the 1960s even before the rise of the religious right, also appears to be at work. It is conjoined with opposition to immigration. And evangelicals, like other

Republicans, are split by class and their degree of religious engagement. Were Cruz to secure the Republican nomination, traditional patterns of white evangelical voting might well reassert themselves. But with Pope Francis lifting up what can be called social justice Christianity, cliches that religion lives largely on the right end of U.S. politics might finally be overturned. This view was already flawed, given, for example, the long-standing activism of African American Christians in the politics of economic and racial equity. Clinton especially has been engaged with black churches from the outset of the campaign. Her own deep commitment to her Methodist faith and its social demands is central to her identity. It could be the key to solving her much-discussed “authenticity” problem, because faith is a powerfully authentic part of who she is. In the meantime, a Jewish socialist presidential candidate will head off to the Vatican to make a case about climate change and social justice quite congenial to Francis’s outlook. In today’s American politics, religion is working in mysterious ways.

companies to perpetuate their lavish lifestyle.

On the other hand, reactions in more liberal democracies may jeopardise the political future of senior officials linked to tax evasion in Panama.

In this scenario, whistle blowers and the ICIJ are the only significant counter power shedding light on the abuse of dominant social casts. In a global society that remains dominated by a flawed nation state system in which rulers can perpetuate the legality of offshore financial schemes, albeit morally contestable, the resistance can only be a transnational popular movement of empowered individual citizens. Corrupt behaviour The political future of senior officials and head of state whose corrupt behaviour has been revealed in the Panama Papers will vary significantly from one country to the next. Putin will probably use these denunciations to his advantage, on the path to the upcoming presidential elections at the end of the year. His control over domestic media is such that he will portray himself as a rebellious scapegoat and his re-election remains very likely despite the developing economic recession.

Hundreds of protesters in Iceland swarmed the capital Reykjavik calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson . So far, David Cameron has declined to comment on the involvement of his father in these offshore schemes, but he will have to face heavy fire in Parliament and with media with a certain impact on the end of his time in office. Over the next couple of weeks, the Panama Papers will offer us a survey of the healthiness of domestic institutions in countries where elites have been compromised. From authoritarian regimes where the news will hardly be debated to vibrant democracies in which heads of state will be held accountable and might eventually have to step down.


El Sol de Ohio | Abril 15/ Mayo 6, 2016

The black people ‘erased from history’ By Arlene Gregorius


BBC News, Mexico

ore than a million people in Mexico are descended from African slaves and identify as “black”, “dark” or “Afro-Mexican” even if they don’t look black. But beyond the southern state of Oaxaca they are little-known and the community’s leaders are now warning of possible radical steps to achieve official recognition. “The police made me sing the national anthem three times, because they wouldn’t believe I was Mexican,” says Chogo el Bandeno, a black Mexican singer-songwriter. “I had to list the governors of five states too.” He was visiting the capital, Mexico City, hundreds

“It’s not only about skin colour, it’s also about how you feel,”

of miles from his home in southern Mexico, when the police stopped him on suspicion of being an illegal immigrant. Fortunately his rendition of the anthem and his knowledge of political leaders convinced the police to leave him alone, but other Afro-Mexicans have not been so fortunate. Clemente Jesus Lopez, who runs the government office in charge of AfroMexicans in Oaxaca state, recalls two separate cases, both involving women. “One was deported to Honduras and the other to Haiti because the police insisted that in Mexico there are no black people. Despite having Mexican ID, they were deported.” With the help of the Mexican consulates they were able to return but were offered no apology or compensation, Lopez says. Black Mexicans have been living in the Costa Chica

area, on the Pacific coast of Oaxaca, since their ancestors were brought from Africa as slaves in the 16th Century. Colonial Spanish cattle ranchers often used them as foremen, in charge of indigenous Mexican workers who were not used to animals the size of cows or horses. But outside the Costa Chica area there is little awareness of their existence. An interim census in 2015 indicated a black population of 1.4 million, or 1.2% of the Mexican population. Even in Oaxaca state they only account for 5% of the total. By comparison, indigenous peoples made up nearly 10% of Mexico’s population, as measured in the 2010 census. The appearance of those who identify as black Mexicans varies considerably. Some are hard to distinguish from indige-

nous Mexicans. “It’s not only about skin colour, it’s also about how you feel,” says Tulia Serrano Arellanes, a council worker. “You may have had a grandmother who was black and feel black, even if you don’t look it.” Much of their identity is based on where they live - if you live in a black town such as Santiago Llano Grande, as Chogo el Bandeno does, you are likely to think of yourself as black. But there is also a common culture. For example, there’s a distinctive style of music called the chilena, which was brought to the Costa Chica in the 19th Century by Chilean sailors on their way to the gold rush in California, which black musicians have adapted. They have added AfroMexican instruments such as the quijada, a dried out donkey’s jawbone with rattling molar teeth.

There’s also the bote, a friction drum - you rub a stick attached to the drum skin and it makes a kind of growling percussive noise. These sounds are a central part of Afro-Mexican musical life. There are also dances that hark back to the colonial ranching days, including the Dance of the Devils, performed around the Day of the Dead at the end of October and in early November. The dancers wear “devil” masks, and are led by the brash character “Pancho”, who plays the colonial ranch foreman. He struts around with a whip while his buxom “white” wife - played by a black man - flirts outrageously with the “devils” and even with the audience. In the towns of the Costa Chica, even nursery-age children learn steps of the

dance and are taught to take pride in their black heritage. But there is frustration here that the Afro-Mexicans are not more widely known in Mexico and are not officially recognised as a minority by the Mexican government. According to Humberto Hebert Silva Silva, head of the Bureau for AfroMexican Affairs in Oaxaca, this is because AfroMexicans speak Spanish, like most other Mexicans - they do not have their own language. “When we go and ask [for recognition as a minority], they come up with excuses, or say that we don’t have an indigenous mother tongue. Language is the real criterion,” he says. “We are being discriminated against.” If Afro-Mexicans were classified as a minority they would receive extra

funding for promotion of their culture and public health programmes. But activists including Israel Reyes, a teacher, want more than money, it’s also important to them that the existence of AfroMexicans is recognised at the level of the Mexican state. “The story of the black population has been ignored and erased from history,” he says. The activists’ efforts have born some fruit. The 2015 interim census for the first time gave respondents the option to identify themselves as black - negro in Spanish - though this is not a term used by all Afro-Mexicans, many of whom call themselves “dark” (moreno) or use other, local terms to describe themselves. But some Afro-Mexicans are impatient for more recognition. Humberto Hebert Silva Silva warns that the black community may end up emulating the indigenous uprising in Chiapas in the 1990s, known as the Zapatistas. “So far the black communities have endured discrimination and they have stuck to legal avenues, which they have now exhausted,” he says. “With the Zapatistas, the indigenous rose up, and it was an armed uprising, to claim their rights. And well, our community is thinking the same. It’s thinking, in the distant future, to rise up too,” he says. “It may be the only way to get the rights we’re entitled to. It can’t be right that the constitution of our country doesn’t recognise us. There’s a big gap between what the politicians say and what they do. We’ll have to take action to give them a warning.”

The Sun of Ohio | April 15/May 6, 2016




El Sol de Ohio | Abril 15/ Mayo 6, 2016

The Sun of Ohio | April 15/May 6, 2016



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El Sol de Ohio | Abril 15/ Mayo 6, 2016

Dublin City Schools presents awards to hispanic students The Sun of Ohio


Special Report

Abogados Malek apoyan premios

he Hispanic Leadership award ceremony took place on April 5, 2016, it was well attended and there was a crowd of more than 300 people. The Presenters (Hanna Herrera, Carlos Hernandez & Paulina Esguerra) were students from different Dublin Schools and they did an awesome job presenting in both English and Spanish. The night started off with an encouraging speech given by Superintendant Dr. Todd Hoadley. Hoadley thanked the students for being diligent and encouraged them to keep up the astonishing work, “Your hard work will pay off in the future” (Hoadley). Then a Key Note Speaker and former Dublin Student -Christian Peregrina (Web Communication Specialist at OSU) spoke to the students as well, about paving their future. To win this award students show leadership inside and outside the classroom, have an extraordinary character and also care about school and their community. Davis’s middle school orchestra played and they were exceptional. This year graduating class of 2015-2016 got a special recognition from Malek & Malek Law Firm and awarded them with a remarkable gift. Malek & Malek Law Firm is partnering with Dublin City Schools to promote the academic success of young Latino students.

Photo El Sol de Ohio

The Sun of Ohio | April 15/May 6, 2016



Escuela de Dublin entrega premios a estudiantes hispanos

Eric Bash, Vicepresidente de Junior State of America, en compañía de su madre, fue uno de los galardonados.

Lisbeth Moreno-Amaya, coordinadora del evento.

La joven Michell Campos exhibe su banda y medalla de premiación



El Sol de Ohio | Abril 15/ Mayo 6, 2016

Hace 15 años Randy Johnson fue el ‘mata palomas’ El Sol de Ohio


Servicios Internacionales

andy Johnson es uno de los más grandes pitchers que ha tenido MLB. Su inclusión en el Salón de la Fama del beisbol profesional no es una casualidad. Tuvo 4 mil 875 ponches y 303 victorias. Auténticamente un ídolo. Sin embargo, uno de sus momentos más ‘oscuros’ ocurrió el 24 de marzo de 2001 durante un juego de pretemporada ante los San Francisco Giants. El entonces pitcher de los Arizona Diamondbacks lanzó la pelota con su poderosa zurda y pulverizó a una paloma que se interpuso en el camino de la esférica y el tolete. Así de insólito como se cuenta fue ese momento. Johnson lucía desconcertado, al igual que sus compañeros y rivales. Parecía que no pasaría a mayores, pero lo increíble fue que sociedades protectoras de animales se fueron en contra del lanzador de Arizona.

Stephen Curry recibió el mejor regalo El Sol de Ohio

S Al principio parecía una broma, pero no lo era, Randy Johnson fue perseguido durante toda la temporada por activistas

Servicios Internacionales

tephen Curry es un hombre de familia y este lunes lo demostró. A través de las redes sociales, se publicó un video en el que Steph es felicitado por su pequeña y ya famosa hija Riley debido a su cumpleaños 28. Fue el primo de Curry quien en su cuenta de Instagram publicó el momento en el que Riley Curry le

que se presentaban en los parques con pancartas en las que lo acusaban de “asesino de aves”. Crédito: Fox Deportes.

canta el tradicional ‘Happy Birthday’ al tiempo de darle una rebanada de pastel. El jugador de los Golden State Warriors y MVP de la temporada 2015 lució verdaderamente emocionado por el gesto de su hija, disfrutó de la pequela fiesta y se alistó para el encuentro ante los New Orleans Pelicans que los Warriors disputaron este lunes.

‘Piojo’ Herrera no necesita a América y Peláez El Sol de Ohio


Radamel Falcao, “muy contento de volver a las canchas” cinco meses después El Sol de Ohio

Servicios Internacionales


l delantero internacional colombiano del Chelsea, Radamel Falcao García, mostró su satisfacción por volver a jugar un partido de fútbol cinco meses y medio después, y aseguró que está “muy contento” de regresar a las canchas. Falcao García, de 30 años, cedido en el conjunto inglés procedente del Mónaco, disputó los últimos 14 minutos del encuentro del pasado sábado frente al Swansea (derrota 1-0), correspondiente a la jornada 33 del campeonato inglés.

El internacional ‘cafetero’, que no jugaba desde el 31 de octubre de 2015, saltó al terreno de juego del Liberty Stadium en el minuto 76 como reemplazo del canterano Ruben Loftus-Cheek. “El resultado del partido no fue lo que esperábamos. Excelente apoyo de los hinchas. Muy contento de volver a las canchas”, escribió Falcao García en su cuenta en la red social Twitter. El delantero samario sufrió un desgarro muscular el 3 de noviembre del año pasado y posteriormente una recaída de esa misma lesión el 28 de diciembre.

El Chelsea tiene hasta el próximo 29 de abril para notificar al Mónaco si ejerce o no la opción de compra que tiene sobre Falcao García. Según un documento que se hizo público por la página Football Leaks, el Chelsea tendría que desembolsar 38 millones de libras (50 millones de euros) para hacerse con sus servicios. En una temporada marcada por las lesiones, el delantero de Santa Marta (norte de Colombia) sólo ha marcado un gol en sus doce encuentros con los ‘blues’. Crédito: Fox Deportes.

Servicios Internacionales

iguel Herrera siempre será noticia. Lo fue como jugador, como técnico de Atlante, Rayados, América, Selección Mexicana y no podía dejar de serlo ahora como estratega de Tijuana. El técnico fronterizo apenas aterrizó a la capital mexicana y se fue a los estudios de La Última Palabra a debatir con el equipo de Andre Marin, que le preguntó acerca de su paso exitoso en América y el desastre en el que terminó su proceso en el Tri así como el presente que tiene con Tijuana, conjunto que enfrentará justo al equipo que lo llevó a todos los reflectores: las Águilas que preside Ricardo Peláez. ‘Piojo’ no dudo en decir que espera ganarle a su ex equipo, pues si bien tiene gratos recuerdos del equipo con el que fue Campeón sobre Cruz Azul, es consciente de que una victoria en el Estadio Azteca lo puede catapultar a la Liguilla. Y en la Fiesta Grande “le podemos jugar de tú a tú a cualquiera”.

Sobre su proceso en América y su relación con Ricardo Peláez, presidente deportivo, aseguró que es “muy buena” pero reconoce que en este momento, los caminos de cada uno son distintos: “Yo estoy muy agradecido con él, me ayudó muchísimo a crecer, pero creo que ni Ricardo Peláez me

necesita, ni yo a él ahorita, porque él es muy exitoso, ha hecho cosas como presidente de América muy importantes. Me dio muchos consejos y acabamos muy bien. Tengo una gran amistad con él. Estoy agradecido con Ricardo y Yon de Luisa”. Crédito: Fox Deportes.


The Sun of Ohio | April 15/May 6, 2016


With Floyd Mayweather, Manny Pacquiao gone, boxing needs to find fresh faces of the sport El Sol de Ohio

Servicios Internacionales


anny Pacquiao waved goodbye to boxing Saturday night the way he said hello 15 years ago: Fists flying and with that trademark ear-to-ear smile. Pacquiao put the finishing touches on his Hall of Fame career with a workmanlike, if not spectacular, unanimous decision victory against Timothy Bradley before a partisan crowd at the MGM Grand. He knocked an athletic fighter known for staying on his feet down twice. Bradley has lost two fights in his career, both to Pacquiao. Most believe it should have been three. There were no excuses from Bradley. “I got beat by a legend,” he said. So boxing has lost its two biggest stars in a matter of nine months. Floyd Mayweather hung up his gloves in September, and now Pacquiao will fly back to the Philippines, very likely be elected Senator, and maybe a few years down the road run for president. If I were a betting man, I would put money down that neither man will stay retired. As Pacquiao’s Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach said Satur-

day night, boxing is a very difficult sport to quit. The fame, fortune and adulation, especially in the case of Mayweather and Pacquiao, who regularly earned $20-30 million per fight, or much more, is a hard thing to say no to. But Mayweather insists he’s happily retired, and Pacquiao said about coming back on Saturday night: “I don’t know because I might enjoy retired life. I’m not there yet so I don’t know what the feeling is. And I committed to my family and I

made my decision already, although if you ask me about the condition of my body, my body’s OK.” Does that sound like a man sure about his future? Boxing’s past is littered with great fighters who stuck around too long. Sugar Ray Robinson, Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard, Evander Holyfield, and (still fighting at 47) Roy Jones Jr. are a few who come to mind. Bernard Hopkins was fully capable of fighting at 50, so he doesn’t count. Ironically, both Maywea-

ther and Pacquiao retired, if not at the top of their games, then close to it. And with their faculties intact. They were two of the biggest pay-per-view attractions the sport has seen. Pacquiao has perhaps the greatest global following since Ali. Boxing can’t help but miss these superstars. Did they retire too early? Will they come back again, like so many others have done before them? Time will answer those questions. And time will answer the question of who is waiting

in the wings to replace them. If the sport could put an ad in the newspaper seeking a new legend it might read like this: Wanted: Budding superstar desperately needed to become new face of boxing. Must be confident, charismatic, charming; must possess power, passion and personality. High school education and grasp of English language a plus, but not required. Only qualified candidates need apply. Boxing has no shortage of qualified candidates. If you watched Showtime Saturday afternoon, you saw one in Anthony Joshua. The British heavyweight (16-0, 16 KOs) knocked out Charles Martin in less than two rounds to become the new IBF champ. He possesses all the attributes in the wantad. One word comes to mind with Joshua:Wow! And don’t forget another British heavyweight, new lineal champ Tyson Fury. He’s 6-9, undefeated and with a mouth that won’t quit. Another Top Rank prospect that has everything going for him is Puerto Rican star-in-the-making Felix Verdejo. There’s not much not to like with this kid.

In the heavyweight division, undefeated knockout artist Deontay Wilder of the Premier Boxing Champions oozes charisma and has a knockout punch heard round the world. The Alabaman is the great hope of the U.S. in a suddenly rich heavyweight division. Other PBC fighters include young former Olympian Errol Spence, WBA welterweight champ and knockout artist Keith Thurman and new WBC welterweight champion Danny Garcia, each of whom has skills, charisma and power. Omaha’s 140-pound champ Terence Crawford is a little on the quiet side but his skills are undeniable. The 2014 fighter of the year might be Top Rank’s biggest attraction with Pacquiao out of the picture. And don’t forget the last U.S. boxer to win an Olympic gold medal, Andre Ward (29-0, 15 KOs). He has been involved in a terrible contract squabble for a few years, but he handles himself well in and out of the ring. Credit: USAToday.

Both Junior Dos Santos & Ben Rothwell improve their standing in heavyweight division El Sol de Ohio


Servicios Internacionales

efore Sunday’s UFC: Zagreb main event, a question each for headlinersJunior Dos Santos and Ben Rothwell loomed large in my mind. As it turned out, both men were able to give solid answers. With Junior, I wondered if the former champion still had the reflexes and chin to deal with a dangerous top contender like Rothwell, after losing three out of his last five and taking a lot of damage from the likes of Cain Velasquez and Alistair Overeem. Compounding my concern was the idea that Dos Santos was fighting, again, too soon after getting knocked out by Overeem in December. Rothwell, after all, isn’t exactly the type of opponent you want to test your chin against after it was recently rattled. Dos Santos, now training with the American Top

Team, ended up looking phenomenal. The Brazilian fought smart, didn’t appear to get wobbled too badly by any of Rothwell’s big punches, and showed great foot- and handspeed.

He also showed the development of some rarelyused weapons of his like kicks and knees. “Cigano” seldom throws kicks or knees but when he does, he sure makes them count.

He waited to use strong push-kicks and side kicks to the body until Rothwell seemed a little off-balance. Dos Santos waited until late in the fight to surprise Rothwell with a well-timed knee as the Ke-

nosha Killer leaned over to his own left side, and he swung for the fences with a spinning heel kick the type of which dropped Mark Hunt. Those things and more which Dos Santos did so well lead us to Rothwell’s case. As scary as he’s been since 2013 in tearing up great heavyweights, I believed that fighting this particular former champ would reveal whether or not Rothwell was ready to compete at a championship level. Rothwell lost a decision to Dos Santos, but he still managed to prove that he’s among the best-of-thebest at heavyweight. Afterall, getting out-pointed in a competitive five-round fight to JDS is nothing to be ashamed of. Rothwell stood up to big punches from the division’s best boxer, deserved to win at least the first round (the fourth was

also close, in my opinion) and gave Dos Santos some awkward challenges to deal with, all fight long. Ben Rothwell was far from out-classed by Dos Santos, and managed to hurt him at times, remaining a KO threat for 25 minutes. As an admirer of both fighters, I still managed to come away from this fight happy for both of them, and convinced that both are poised to move on to greater things. Junior Dos Santos is once again ready for title-shot consideration. Before fighting JDS, Rothwell was starting to be considered worthy of getting a crack at the belt. After a fantastic five-round fight with a future hall-offamer, Big Ben deserves to stay firmly in title-shot territory. Credit: Elias Cepeda/ Fox Sports.



El Sol de Ohio | Abril 15/ Mayo 6, 2016

Church Life

Send events information or any opinion to: elsoldeohionews@gmail.com

US bishops: don’t rush in reading, interpreting Pope’s ‘love letter’ to families By Adelaide Mena CNA/EWTN News


he United States bishops are welcoming Pope Francis’s new apostolic exhortation,Amoris laetitia, praising the Pope’s call for careful encouragement and support of married life and engagement with families facing challenges. The bishops also echo the Holy Father’s call for a careful and considered reading of the text, urging understanding as Catholics seek to apply the Pope’s recommendations to their families and to society. “The Pope has given us a love letter – a love letter to families,” said Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, in a Friday press conference. The document, the archbishop said, challenges the faithful to grow in love and trust in God’s mercy in the face of difficulty. “Let us remember that no obstacle is too big for Christ to overcome.” Archbishop Kurtz also echoed the Pope’s own caution against “a rushed reading of the text” when turning to it for pastoral

guidance and understanding. “I really encourage each one of us to read and reflect carefully on the words of Pope Francis – how they can be applied to our lives, our families and our society.” Archbishop Kurtz was one of eight American participants in the two-year synod process that led up to the release. The process featured two meetings of bishops, or synods, hosted at the Vatican in 2014 and 2015, which culminated in the release of Amoris laetitia April 8. Bishop Richard J. Malone

of Buffalo, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth, said the letter is a “beautiful and stirring reflection on love and the family” that challenges pastoral ministry to be more “missionary” and to engage with the “concrete reality” of parishioners’ lives. He promised that the U.S. bishops “stand with families and seek to support those who are touched by poverty, trafficking, immigration challenges, domestic violence and pornography.”

“We also have room to grow and improve and we welcome the Pope’s encouragement of a renewed witness to the truth and beauty of marriage and a more tender closeness with couples and families who are experiencing real difficulties,” he commented. Bishop Malone also stressed to CNA that the first step for bishops and pastors in implementing the advice presented in Amoris laetitia is to take time to read and truly understand it. “We cannot rush our interpretation of what

we have here,” he emphasized. “We don’t want to be taking bits and piece of them without taking them in context.” While it is too early to know what the full impact of the exhortation will be, Bishop Malone said that American bishops and pastors will likely seek ways to strengthen marriage preparation and support for married couples – both topics Pope Francis emphasizes in the letter. Archbishop Kurtz agreed with his colleague, telling CNA that improvements to marriage preparation and support of couples after marriage “will probably be the largest impact” within the United States. Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, who also participated in the synod meetings in Rome, welcomed the document as a gift both to the Church and to “everyone who wants to understand what God really intends for our true happiness.” The archbishop said in a statement that while he is going to “read his reflections slowly and carefully,” he was encouraged by the Pope’s emphasis on marriage preparation and support of couples in their first years of marriage.

“I was also touched by our Holy Father’s call for all of us in the Church to reach out with compassion to wounded families and persons living in difficult situations,” the Archbishop commented. Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia stressed that while the document “changes no Church teaching or discipline, it does stress the importance of pastoral sensitivity in dealing with the difficult situations many married couples today face.” Archbishop Chaput also participated in the Synod meetings in Rome, and hosted the World Meeting of Families in Sept. 2015 in Philadelphia. Archbishop Chaput pointed to the letter’s large size – more than 250 pages – and praised the Holy Father’s advice to read Amoris laetitiacarefully and slowly, promising further thoughts of his own as he finished reading the exhortation. Meanwhile, he thanked the Pope for his thoughts and analysis of the “unique witness” of Christian marriage. “Nothing is more essential to any society than the health of marriage and the family,” he concluded.

Esto es lo que el Papa Francisco dice sobre el “matrimonio” gay en Amoris Laetitia El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

l Papa Francisco se pronunció sobre el mal llamado “matrimonio” gay en su reciente exhortación apostólica post-sinodal “Amoris laetitia”, advirtiendo que si bien las personas homosexuales deben ser acogidas con respetos no se puede equiparar sus uniones legales con el matrimonio. Amoris laetitia, sobre el amor en la familia, fue publicada hoy por la Santa Sede, como resultado de las reflexiones del Santo Padre a partir de los Sínodos de los Obispos sobre la Familia realizados en el Vaticano en 2014 y 2015.

El Santo Padre concluye, recogiendo las reflexiones de los Padres sinodales en la Relación final del Sínodo de 2015, que “no existe ningún fundamento para asimilar o establecer analogías, ni siquiera remotas, entre las uniones homosexuales y el designio de Dios sobre el matrimonio y la familia”. “Es inaceptable que las iglesias locales sufran presiones en esta materia y que los organismos internacionales condicionen la ayuda financiera a los países pobres a la introducción de leyes que instituyan el “matrimonio” entre personas del mismo sexo”, señaló.

Sin embargo, Francisco recordó que “la Iglesia hace suyo el comportamiento del Señor Jesús que en un amor ilimitado se ofrece a todas las personas sin excepción”, por lo que reiteró que “toda persona, independientemente de su tendencia sexual, ha de ser respetada en su dignidad y acogida con respeto” evitando toda forma de agresión y violencia. El Papa también alentó a los fieles a ayudar a las personas con tendencia homosexual a “comprender y realizar plenamente la voluntad de Dios en su vida”. Fuente: ACI Prensa.

The Sun of Ohio | April 15/May 6, 2016

Y diréis en aquel día: Cantad a Jehová, aclamad su nombre, haced célebres en los pueblos sus obras, recordad que su nombre es engrandecido.” Isaías 12:4 Para mi es más que un placer poder agradecer aquel que me dio un soplo de vida. Gracias mi Señor Jesucristo porque por tu gracia, amor y sacrificio puedo decir que tú te mereces toda mi dedicación, y amor. Quiero invitarte a que mantengas un agradecimiento puro y sincero

Nutrición para el alma nancy@yahvefoundation.org

por aquel que te ha escogido desde ante de tu creación. Mantén una actitud positiva por difícil que se sean los tiempos. Pon tu corazón y tu mente en las manos del Todopoderoso y podrás ver que la vida es

Nancy Striker Vicepresidenta del Ministerio de Damas Iglesia Apostólica La Gracia de Jesucristo

más linda cuando tenemos plena confianza en nuestro creador y confiamos en el por sobre todas las cosas negativas que podamos estar viviendo, cree en aquel que dejo su tumba vacía para que tú puedas

obtener la victoria más importante de tu vida. Te damos gracias, Señor Dios Todopoderoso, el que eres y que eras y que has de venir, porque has tomado tu gran poder, y has reinado “Apocalipsis

CHURCH LIFE 11:17.” Estamos en tiempo de celebración, agradecimiento, adoración, y sobre todo en tiempos de victoria porque el Rey de reyes y Señor de señores vive para siempre y él es digno de nuestra alabanza. Y saldrá de ellos acción de gracias, y voz de nación que está en regocijo, y los multiplicaré, y no serán disminuidos; los multiplicaré, y no serán menoscabados “Jeremías 30:19.” ¡Alábale porque Jesuscrito es digno de que su pueblo lo alabe!

Southern Baptist leaders urge american christians to respond to refugee crisis with faith, not fear El Sol de Ohio Special Report


eaders of the Southern Baptist Convention are urging Christians to respond to the refugee crisis with faith rather than fear. During the Southern Baptist Convention’s Great Commission Summit, a three day event which was held from March 29-31, leaders urged the American Christian community to welcome refugees because God welcomes those who are outcast. “I fear that most people in our churches and maybe even in this room are paying very little attention to this – or if we are paying attention to it, we are looking at it through political punditry and partisan debates regarding whether or not we should allow relatively few refugees into our land,” said David Platt, president of the SBC’s International Mission Board, speaking about the refugee crisis. Other leaders at the summit added that many Christian Americans’ approach to the refugee crisis is “far

more American than it is biblical.” “It is a sure sign of American self-centeredness that we would take the suffering of millions of people and turn it into an issue that is all about us,” said Platt. Leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention are urging Christians to respond to the refugee crisis with faith rather than fear. During the Southern Baptist Convention’s Great Commission Summit, a three day event which was held from March 29-31,

leaders urged the American Christian community to welcome refugees because God welcomes those who are outcast. “I fear that most people in our churches and maybe even in this room are paying very little attention to this – or if we are paying attention to it, we are looking at it through political punditry and partisan debates regarding whether or not we should allow relatively few refugees into our land,” said David Platt, president of the SBC’s International Mission Board,

speaking about the refugee crisis. Other leaders at the summit added that many Christian Americans’ approach to the refugee crisis is “far more American than it is biblical.” “It is a sure sign of American self-centeredness that we would take the suffering of millions of people and turn it into an issue that is all about us,” said Platt. “Whatever response is seen [in our churches] often seems to come from a foundation of fear, not of

faith, flowing from a view of the world that is far more American than it is biblical, and far more concerned with the preservation of our country than it is with the accomplishment of the Great Commission,” he said. John Klaassen, another Christian leader who spoke at the summit, added that “Most importantly, we teach them the gospel. We teach them the gospel by the things that we say and the things that we do.”

Asesinan pastor por predicar en autobús en El Salvador El Sol de Ohio Special Report


n pastor fue asesinado en el interior de un autobús de la Ruta – 304 cuando esta se conducía en el kilómetro 30 de la carretera Panamericana, a la altura de Santa Cruz Michapa. La víctima fue identificada como Carlos Carrio, de 48 años de edad. Según testigos él iba predicando la palabra de Dios cuando fue ultimado por un pasajero, quien “cansado de escuchar su predicación

le disparó con un arma de fuego”. Carrio vivía en San Martín y también era pastor de una iglesia, además se dedicaba a vender medicamentos dentro de las unidades de transporte. Familiares y amigos llegaron a la escena del asesinato. Cabe destacar que el pastor subió a la unidad de transporte para vender sus productos, sin embargo, después aprovechó para predicar la palabra de Dios El vehículo se dirigía desde la ciudad de La Unión hasta San Salvador, cuando

el pastor identificado como Carlos Carrio, de 40 años, abordó la máquina para vender medicamentos. En eso estaba un pasajero le pidió que se callara, pero el pastor no le hizo caso. Ante su negativa, el pasajero le dijo: “ya me tienes harto” y sacó un arma de fuego disparándole directamente en el pecho, relataron los testigos, según publica el diario El Publimetro de Chile. El presunto asesino fue un hombre de 70 años aproximadamente, se dio a la fuga y está siendo buscado por la policía.


CHURCHES SERVICES / SERVICIOS DE IGLESIAS Christ the King (Catholic Church) (Servicio en español) 2777 E. Livingston Ave. Columbus, OH 43209 (614) 237-0401 English (614) 237- 0414 Español Mass Times Horario de Misa Weekend Mass Saturday 4:00 PM English 6:00 PM Spanish Sunday 8:00 AM English 10:00 AM English 12:30 PM Spanish Rhema Christian Center (614) 471-9673 2100 Agler Road Columbus, Ohio 43224 Service Times: Saturday Service 6:00 PM Sunday Service 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM Vineyard Church at Tuttle Crossing 5400 Avery Rd. Dublin. OH. 43016 Phone: 614.876.0258 Service Times We meet Sundays at 10:30AM. Free coffee and free Timbits are served every morning! We have dynamic worship, great teaching and personal ministry. Full childcare is available as well as programming for children during the service. We love and welcome your children. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church 30 West Woodruff Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43210 on the campus of The Ohio State University 614-294-3749 Sunday Worship Schedule: 8:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist (no music) 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist with music 6:00 p.m. Campus Worship community St. Mark’s United Methodist Church 5200 Sullivant Ave. Columbus, OH 43228 Office: 614-878-6520 Worship times: Sunday (English) 10:30 am Worthington SeventhDay Adventist Church 385 E. Dublin-Granville Rd. Worthington, OH 43085 Phone: 614-885-7812 Service Times: First Service: Contemporary 9:00 am Sabbath School: Adult and children of all ages: 10:15 am Second Service: Traditional 11:20 am The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 2400 Red Rock Blvd, Grove City, OH 43123 (614) 875-8490



El Sol de Ohio | Abril 15/ Mayo 6, 2016

Diferencia de vida entre ricos y pobres de EUA aumenta a 15 años El Sol de Ohio

Special Report


Diálogos de paz entre ELN y gobierno colombiano iniciarán en mayo E

l gobierno colombiano y la guerrilla del Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), la segunda del país en importancia, anunciaron el inicio de un proceso formal de diálogos de paz. Las sesiones de la mesa se realizarán en Ecuador, Venezuela, Chile, Brasil y Cuba. Estos países, junto con Noruega, serán los garantes del proceso. El anuncio se realizó en la sede de la cancillería venezolana y, por parte del Gobierno, lo hizo el negociador de paz Frank Pearl, que ha participado en los diálogos con las FARC en La Habana y lidera los contactos con el ELN, la segunda guerrilla del país, de inspiración marxista-leninista. En junio de 2014, el Gobierno y el ELN anunciaron que en enero de ese año iniciaron los “contactos exploratorios” para abrir una negociación de paz y, dos meses después, el presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, reveló que su país había albergado esas reuniones. En los últimos meses, el jefe máximo del ELN, Nicolás Rodríguez Bautista, alias “Gabino”, manifestó en varias ocasiones que ese grupo estaba muy cerca de acordar una agenda de diálogos con el Gobierno. La agenda de negociación que las partes han discutido incluye seis puntos. Esos apartados son los de participación de la sociedad; democracia para la paz; víctimas; transformaciones para la paz; seguridad para la paz y dejación de las armas y garantías para el ejercicio de la acción política. El anuncio del inicio formal de los diálogos de paz con el ELN se produjo justo cuando las negociaciones del Gobierno con las FARC en Cuba están en una fase crítica por las diferencias entre las partes sobre los lugares de concentración de guerrilleros y su abandono de armas y desmovilización. Esas diferencias en el último punto de negociación impidieron llegar a un acuerdo definitivo el pasado 23 de marzo como estaba previsto. De igual manera, se produjo días después de que el ELN dejara en libertad al cabo del EjércitoJair de Jesús Villar y al administrador de empresas Ramón de Jesús Cabrales, a quienes mantenía secuestrados. La liberación de “todos los secuestrados” ha sido una condición del presidente colombiano,Juan Manuel Santos, para iniciar formalmente una negociación de paz con el ELN. En medio de la expectativa, el ELN abrió una cuenta de Twitter en la que informará sobre el proceso de paz.

a diferencia de vida entre los habitantes más ricos y más pobres de Estados Unidos aumentó en la última década, y ahora el 1.0 por ciento de los estadunidenses más acaudalados vive en promedio 15 años más que el 1.0 por ciento más pobre, señaló un studio publicado por The Journal of the American Medical Association, el informe destacó que entre 2001 y 2014 los estadunidenses que ganan más dinero en el país aumentaron sus expectativas de vida en tres años en tanto que sus paisanos más pobres se quedaron prácticamente estancados. El informe indicó que los hombres que pertenecen al 1.0 por ciento que percibe menos ingresos viven un promedio de 72.7 años, en tanto que los hombres con mayores ingresos alcanzan una vida de 87.3 años en promedio, una diferencia de 14.6 años. El documento concluyó además que las expectativas de vida cambian de manera significativa

dependiendo del lugar de residencia de los estadunidenses, y que el promedio de vida entre los habitantes más pobres varía 4.5 años entre aquellos con la más alta y la menor longevidad. Los pobres de algunas ciudades, como Nueva York y Los Angeles, tienen una longevidad similar a la de sus vecinos de la clase media, y han visto un aumento en sus expectativas de vida en el siglo XXI. No obstante, en otras parte del país la expectativas de vida para los habitantes más pobres es similar a la de países africanos como Ruanda, que tiene una longevidad promedio de

65 años, además de que siguen apuntando a la baja. El estudio destacó que las diferencias de vida entre individuos de los segmentos más pobres de la población están también relacionadas con sus hábitos de salud, como el consumo de cigarros, aunque no tienen un vínculo directo con su acceso a cuidados de salud o a factores ambientales. Raj Chetty, economista de la Universidad de Stanford quien encabezó la investigación, declaró al diario The New York Times que las políticas locales pueden ayudar a la población más pobre a adoptar y mantener hábitos de salud

que los ayuden a extender su vida. Estas políticas locales pueden ofrecer resultados positivos a la población más pobre, independientemente de lo que suceda con las tendencias en la desigualdad en los ingresos, precisó Chetty. “No quieres pensar solamente en las cosas que van mal para los pobres en Estados Unidos. Quieres pensar en específico en las cosas que van mal para los pobres en Tulsa y Detroit”, expresó Chetty, en referencia a las ciudades con los más bajos niveles de expectativa de vida para sus pobres.

Oposición venezolana insistirá en referéndum contra Maduro El Sol de Ohio

Special Report


a oposición al presidente Nicolás Maduro seguirá en las calles de Venezuela para presionar por un cambio constitucional, vía una enmienda o una reforma, a fin de acortar el periodo presidencial, dijeron dirigentes opositores. El diputado Freddy Guevara dijo a Notimex que el debate dentro de la oposición “no es si habrá cambio o no”, sino “cómo” lograr una salida constitucional del presidente Maduro. “Nosotros abogamos al cambio constitucional y pacífico y proponemos que el debate hoy es cómo nos vamos a organizar y cómo vamos a generar la presión en las calles de Venezuela para lograr ese cambio pacífico”, explicó Guevara. Numerosas encuestas ubican la popularidad de Maduro en torno al 20 por ciento, en medio de una profunda crisis económica, escasez e inflación,

que según la encuestadora DatinCorp ha causado que 72 por ciento de los electores apoye una salida anticipada del poder. Aunque en la oposición existe consenso sobre la necesidad de cambiar de presidente, todavía está por definirse la estrategia más adecuada entre una enmienda, una reforma, el referéndum revocatorio o una Asamblea Constituyente. Maduro advirtió que “ni una coma le van a cambiar a la Constitución”, por considerarla el mejor legado del fundador de la Revolución Bolivariana,

el exmandatario Hugo Chávez (1999-2013). El líder opositor y dos veces candidato presidencial Henrique Capriles Radonski impulsa una estrategia dual, que contemple un referéndum revocatorio mientras se avanza en una enmienda para recortar el mandato de Maduro. Guevara se mostró abierto a la posibilidad de un revocatorio, ya que es posible que el gobierno use al Poder Judicial -al que la oposición acusa de estar subordinado al Ejecutivopara obstruir cualquier posible modificación de la Constitución.

El diputado reconoció que el oficialismo tratará de “sabotear” cualquier propuesta opositora para lograr el cambio político, lo que hace importante mantener la “presión en la calle” para que el gobierno “acate” el veredicto popular. Guevara prometió que la oposición presentará una estrategia unitaria para lograr la salida “democrática, constitucional y pacífica” de Maduro para este año, “y él será el único responsable de lo que se genere ante la crisis”, recalcó.

The Sun of Ohio | April 15/May 6, 2016



Peru election: Keiko Fujimori leads in first round dit her father with defeating the country’s Maoist Shining Path rebel group. However, other Peruvians have said they would never support anyone associated with her father, who is currently serving 25 years in prison for ordering death squads to massacre civilians during his attempts to end the insurgency. The Shining Path rebel group was largely dismantled in the 1990s after a decade-long conflict that killed about 69,000 people. However, rebels estimated to number in the hundreds still control areas of jungle in a coca-growing region of the country and the Peruvian authorities say they

El Sol de Ohio


Reporte Especial

entre-right candidate Keiko Fujimori has a wide lead in the first round of Peru’s presidential election with more than 80% of votes counted. Ms Fujimori has 39.5% and looks set to face Pedro Kuczynski, a former World Bank economist, in a June run-off vote. Mr Kuczynski has 22% while leftist Veronika Mendoza has 18%, the National Electoral Processes Office said. Ms Fujimori, the daughter of former President Alberto Fujimori, says tackling crime is her priority. She is also supported by some Peruvians who cre-

have joined forces with drug gangs. Remnants of the group are thought to have been behind a deadly attack on a vehicle carrying election materials in a remote coca-growing region ahead of the election. Peru is one of the biggest coca leaf and cocaine producers in the world, according to the US authorities. Credit: BBC news.

Biden: ‘I would like to see a woman elected’

Somalia’s al-Shabab journalist Hassan Hanafi is executed El Sol de Ohio


El Sol de Ohio

Special Report


ice President Biden in a new interview stops short of endorsing Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton but says he’d like to see a woman elected president. Speaking to news website Mic, Biden made the remark while addressing Bernie Sanders’s comments last week that Clinton was unqualified for the presidency.

“Look, they’re both totally qualified to be president,” Biden said. “They both get in a fight, campaigns do this. It’s like saying, you know, ‘She’s dead wrong’ or her saying, ‘He’s dead wrong’ on an issue.” Biden then pushed back when asked whether Clinton faces more scrutiny because she is female. “This country is ready for a woman. There’s no problem, we’re going to be able to elect a woman in this country,” Biden said. “I would like to see a wo-

man elected.” Biden, who decided against his own challenge against Clinton last year after months of consideration, noted that he isn’t formally endorsing her with his remarks to Mic. He and President Obama have vowed not to endorse a candidate in the primary race, though Obama has recently defended Clinton, his former secretary of State, against attacks from the Sanders campaign. Credit: The Hill.

Special Report

Somali journalist who helped al-Shabab kill five fellow reporters has been executed by firing squad. Hassan Hanafi, once a respected broadcaster, was sentenced to death last month by a military court in the capital, Mogadishu. He assisted the Islamist

militant group by identifying possible targets amongst journalists between 2007 and 2011. He joined its armed wing after working for Radio Andalus, al-Shabab’s mouthpiece in Somalia. More than 25 journalists have been murdered in Somalia since 2007, the Committee to Protect Journalists says. While he was working for

Now at

al-Shabab, Hanafi would call up journalists and threaten them with death if they refused to join the militant group, the BBC Somali’s Mohammud Ali says. Al-Shabab frequently stages attacks in Mogadishu and other cities, and still controls many rural areas in southern Somalia.

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SALUD El Sol de Ohio

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e hemos dado muy mala reputación al amor. Nos hemos convencido de que es un sacrificio, que duele muchísimo (entre más, mejor) y que todo lo puede. Nos hemos atiborrado de boleros, novelas, películas -cuyo único resultado ha sido una indigestión tremenda, lágrimas y confusión-. Al amor le adjudicamos todo: es el causante de alegrías y tragedias desmedidas, puede sacar lo peor y lo mejor de nosotros, nos transforma por dentro, y de acuerdo con un estudio de la Universidad Metodista de Sur de Dallas, por fuera El informe siguió durante cuatro años a 169 parejas casadas. Monitorearon su satisfacción marital dos veces por año, lo cual determinó que las personas más satisfechas con su pareja no contemplaban abandonarla y engordaban más con el tiempo; por el contrario, los participantes menos contentos con sus relaciones reportaban un aumento menor de peso. Al no tener el deseo -o la presión- de buscar otra pareja, las personas comienzan a olvidarse de la báscula y este relajamiento se acompaña de ideas equivocadas: “deja de cuidarte, ya tienes pareja”, o “ahora ya puedes engordar”, “amar es engordar juntos”, “si están gordos, todo va bien”.

El Sol de Ohio | Abril 15/ Mayo 6, 2016

¿Engorda el amor?

Tener a alguien nos brinda seguridad e intimidad, pero también puede hacernos caer en un exceso de confort. Un análisis del sitio británico Diet Chef mostró que 60% de las personas suben de peso cuando están en un relación estable, 30% de las parejas aseguró que su actividad favorita era permanecer en casa para ver televisión, además 20% afirmó que salir a cenar era clave para su relación. La mayoría de las mujeres participantes añadió que en una relación suelen consumir porciones

tan grandes como las de su pareja; además, 52% aceptó comer tanto como su amor, mientras que 56% admitió engullir porciones más grandes de las que usualmente comería. Más ejercicio, menos peleas La psicóloga especializada en trastornos de la conducta alimentaria y directora del Colegio Mexicano de Trofología, María José Ortiz Osorio, opina que la insatisfacción en la dinámica de pareja y los antecedentes de maltrato o abuso, también pueden

ser causantes del sobrepeso u obesidad en las parejas. Explica que comer de más podría ser una conducta compensatoria que encubre la frustración ante realidades como que la pareja y la relación no son perfectas, así como la idea de que el amor va a completarnos y será fuente de satisfacción todo el tiempo. También podría deberse a pensar que “como ya soy de alguien, debo evitar que los demás me perciban deseable”. En resumen, aumentar de peso no significa que

la relación marcha sobre ruedas: el amor no engorda, sino los malos hábitos que cada uno lleva inconscientemente a la relación. Por ello, la especialista señala que ambas partes deben fijar objetivos que les permitan modificar sus hábitos; y la ayuda profesional puede ser de gran utilidad para cumplir sus metas, desarrollar nuevas rutinas y mejorar su alimentación. En caso de no optar por esa alternativa, Ortiz Osorio aconseja eliminar las harinas refinadas y el azú-

car, así como reducir el consumo de lácteos y carnes, hidratarse continuamente con agua natural y activarse físicamente. Por su parte, expertos del Método DiaproKal, tratamiento para la pérdida y mantenimiento de peso para pacientes diabéticos tipo dos, establecieron que realizar ejercicio en pareja ayuda a evitar discusiones y mejora el desempeño sexual; de igual forma, señala que cuando tenemos una relación queremos pasar el mayor tiempo posible juntos, por lo que una de las primeras actividades que se abandona es el ejercicio. Sin embargo, al combinar estos aspectos se rompe la monotonía, se refuerza el vínculo y hay mejoras tanto físicas como sexuales. El apoyo es fundamental, por lo que ambos deben darse ánimo, no culparse cuando fallen y no desalentarse cuando la pérdida de peso no es tan rápida. En cuanto al amor, debemos recordar que no hay relaciones perfectas, sin problemas y que el otro no está para completarnos ni resolvernos la vida o darle significado. La relación de pareja debe traernos felicidad y momentos de alegría, debe permitirnos compartir, crecer, cuidar de nosotros mismos y del otro; el amor no va, o no debería ir, en detrimento de la salud física, emocional y mental.

Población hispana de EEUU tiene alto riesgo de padecer insuficiencia cardíaca El Sol de Ohio

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n equipo analizó los estudios cardíacospor ultrasonido de más de 1.800 adultos hispanos/latinos de cuatro ciudades de Estados Unidos y halló que la mitad padecía una disfunción que eleva el riesgo de insuficiencia cardíaca, una enfermedad crónica que aparece cuando el corazón no puede bombear suficiente sangre. Pero menos de 1 de cada 20 de esos pacientes sabía que tenía un problema, según publican los autores en la revista Circulation: Heart Failure. Esto se debería, en parte, a la ausencia de síntomas, por lo menos inicialmente, según dijo Hardik Mehta, del Centro Médico Bautista de Wake Forest, en Winston-Salem, Carolina del Norte. Los hispanos son especialmente vulnerables a los trastornos de la función de bombeo

del corazón porque son más propensos que otros a tener factores de riesgo de insuficiencia cardíaca, como diabetes, obesidad e hipertensión, según publica el equipo de Mehta. “La prevalencia de los factores de riesgo es más alta, pero ahora sabemos

que la prevalencia de la disfunción cardíaca asintomática también es muy alta”, agregó Mehta. “Al compararla con la de otras etnias con altos factores de riesgo, como los afroamericanos no hispanos, los hispanos siguen reteniendo una mayor pre-

valencia de la disfunción cardíaca”, señaló. Su equipo estudió a un grupo de personas de entre 45 y 74 años de Nueva York, Chicago, Miami y San Diego. Los pacientes tenían 57 años en promedio y el 43 por ciento era hombre.

Un 32 por ciento era estadounidense cubano, un 20 por ciento era estadounidense mexicano, un 18 por ciento era dominicano, un 17 por ciento era portorriqueño, un 6 por ciento era centroamericano y otro 6 por ciento tenía ascendencia sudamericana.

La mitad vivía con una disfunción diastólica del ventrículo izquierdo, que es cuando la cámara inferior izquierda del corazón no logra recibir suficiente sangre entre los latidos. El 4 por ciento tenía una disfunción sistólica del mismo ventrículo, que aparece cuando la cámara cardíaca más grande no expulsa la sangre al cuerpo con la fuerza que debería. Los resultados sugieren que los pacientes hispanos/latinos se beneficiarían con la pesquisa de la diabetes y otros factores de riesgo para identificar los problemas antes de llegar a la insuficiencia cardíaca, opinó el doctor Andrew Krumerman, del Centro Einstein para la Atención Cardíaca y Vascular de Montefiore, en Nueva York, que no participó del estudio. Fuente: Heart Failure.


The Sun of Ohio | April 15/May 6, 2016


Sleep deprivation is the same as being drunk, study says

Zika virus ‘scarier than thought’ says US El Sol de Ohio


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he Zika virus is “scarier” than first thought and its impact on the US could be greater than predicted, public health officials have admitted. A wider range of birth defects has been linked to the virus, said Dr Anne Schuchat of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And the mosquitoes that carry the virus could travel to more US states than previously thought, she said. The current Zika outbreak began almost a year ago in Brazil.

It has been linked to thousands of birth defects in the Americas. “Most of what we’ve learned is not reassuring,” said Dr Schuchat at White House briefing on Monday. “Everything we know about this virus seems to be scarier than we initially thought.” Earlier this year, US President Obama asked the US Congress for $1.8bn (£1.25bn) in emergency funding to combat the virus. In the meantime it has been using money totalling $589m left over from the Ebola virus fund. That

was a temporary stopgap and inadequate to get the job done, said Dr Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health. The US now needs more money to fight the mosquitoes and to fund better research into vaccines and treatments, he said. “When the president asked for $1.9 billion, we needed $1.9 billion.” Without want to be alarmist, he said there had been recent discoveries about how destructive Zika appeared to be to foetal brains. Credit: BBC news.

El Sol de Ohio

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mericans just can’t sleep. Fifty to 70 million U.S. adults have a chronic sleep disorder and one in three adults get less than seven hours of sleep a night according to the CDC. Now, a new extensive sleep studyconducted in the UK by the University of Oxford and the Royal Society for Public Health is bringing to

light more health risks associated with skimping on Zs. It covers what groups of people are most prone to sleep disorders, how losing sleep connects with cancer, cardiovascular disease, mental health, and how sleep ties to obesity. One standout finding is that a lack of sleep affects the body the same way drinking alcohol does. Research found that after 17 hours without sleep, our alertness is similar to the effects of a blood alcohol

concentration of 0.05%, which according to U.S. law is considered “impaired” on the legally drunk scale. After 24 hours without sleeping, the body is in the same state it’d be in at a BAC of 0.1%–well beyond the 0.08% BAC that identifies someone as legally drunk. Basically, pulling all-nighters are just as bad for you as downing a couple of beers. Pick your poison. Or, you know, actually get some sleep.

Stress raises cholesterol Frog foam could deliver more than you think drug therapy El Sol de Ohio

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hristopher Edginton was taking medication and trying to improve his diet when his cholesterol shot up anyway four years ago. His doctor suggested a new approach. “He said you’ve got to get rid of some things you’re doing, some of the stresses in your life,” recalls Mr. Edginton, a professor at the University of Northern Iowa who regularly traveled internationally and had so many job titles that he had a four-sided folding business card. Mr. Edginton heeded the doctor’s advice. Now 69 years old, Mr. Edginton is down to one teaching job and some scaled-down responsibilities in professional organizations. His level of so-called bad

cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein (LDL), has dropped to 62 milligrams per deciliter from 121 mg/dL in 2012. (The latest cholesterol-treatment guidelines, from 2013, no longer set specific targets; his doctor says 50 to 70 is reasonable for Mr. Edginton, who had two previous heart attacks.) Of all the factors contributing to high cholesterol, many cardiologists say one often goes unmentioned in advice for patients: stress. Yet chronic stress from a tough job, a strained relationship or other anxietyproducing situations can play a role—along with poor diet, smoking and lack of exercise—in causing lipid concentrations to rise, they say. Cholesterol deposited by LDL can accumulate in the arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis, which can reduce blood flow.

“Stress will make your cholesterol go up,” says Stephen Kopecky, a preventive cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., who is treating Mr. Edginton. “Without a doubt, that has been underrecognized.” Understanding the effect of stress on cholesterol is becoming more important as people’s lives increasingly are crammed with obligations, and digital technology makes switching off harder than ever, cardiologists say. Nearly 28 percent of U.S. adults age 20 and older either have high total cholesterol or are on cholesterol-lowering drugs, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC defined high cholesterol as 240 mg/dL and above. Credit: The Wall Street Journal.

El Sol de Ohio


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oam made by miniature frogs to protect their eggs could offer a clever way to deliver healing drugs to burns patients, say scientists. Tough bubbles could trap and deliver medication while providing a protective barrier between the wound dressing and the damaged skin, they believe. The Strathclyde University researchers have begun making a synthetic version of foam. They are taking inspiration from the tiny Tungara frog from Trinidad. After mating, the 5cm-sized amphibians whip up a bubbly nest that protects the spawn for days from disease, predators and weather.

The foam is made of at least six proteins that retain the shape and strength of the nest. Dr Paul Hoskisson and his colleagues say they have worked out the composition of four of these proteins and have begun mixing their own recipe. When they loaded their synthetic foam with a dye as a test, they found it released it at a steady rate for up to seven days. Next they loaded it with an antibiotic drug called vancomycin and found the drug was released and worked as it should on infected laboratory samples, without damaging the health of cells. But they say they are still some way off creating a foam that is as stable as the one made by the frogs. Dr Hoskisson said: “I’d say we are about half way

there, to making a stable foam. Once we do that, we would then need to test it in patients, but that will take a few years yet.” While foams like these are a long way from hitting the clinic, they could eventually help patients with infected wounds and burns, by providing support and protection for healing tissue and delivering drugs at the same time, said Dr Hoskisson. The researchers are presenting their early work to the Microbiology Society’s Annual Conference taking place in Liverpool. Credit: BBC News.



El Sol de Ohio | Abril 15/ Mayo 6, 2016

Father’s labor of love puts 5 kids through Boston College

By Michael Levenson

The Boston Globe


t was past midnight, and all was quiet inside Robsham Theater, a sprawling performance space at Boston College. Fred Vautour sponged down sinks, scrubbed toilets, and polished mirrors. Pushing a yellow cart loaded with a mop, broom, and cleaning supplies, he moved onto the hallway, where he swept up paper scraps and cleaned the large windows looking onto campus. In the distance, the Gothic towers of Gasson Hall and Bapst Library faded into the dark sky. In a little more than 12 hours, Elizabeth Warren was coming to speak on income inequality. For the last 15 years of his long working life, Vautour, 62, has performed his painstaking rounds on the graveyard shift at Robsham Theater as if they were a calling. And, in a sense, they are. Next month, his youngest child will collect her nursing degree from BC, and Vautour’s triumph will be complete: The night-shift custodian will have put all five of his children — Amy, John, Michael, Thomas, and Alicia — through Boston College. “It kind of gives you the tingles,” Vautour said. “We became a big BC alumni family.” Vautour said he never could have afforded a college education for five children on his salary of $60,000 a year. His wife, Debra, was a homemaker

who now works the front desk at the Waltham Senior Center. But because Vautour is a BC employee, all five children were able to attend the college tuition-free, which knocked about $51,000 off of BC’s $66,000 annual price tag. After scholarships, Vautour said, each child’s college education cost him about $3,000 per year. Knowing that five college degrees were in reach kept him going, he said, night after night and year after year. “It gave me a reason to be here,” Vautour said. “I used to joke with the vice president that I’d actually work for nothing because my kids are here because of that perk. I could care less if they even gave me a raise because my kids came here.” Vautour’s children all lived on campus and would occasionally stop by and visit him while he cleaned Robsham Theater. Michael, a mortgage writer at Wells Fargo who graduated in 2009, recalled one night after a party sophomore year when he and some friends knocked on a window at the theater. Fred Vautour, broom and dustpan in hand, opened the door. “I told my buddy, ‘My dad works here, and it’s one of the reasons we can afford to go here,’ ” Michael said. The friend was so moved, he pulled Fred Vautour in for a hug. “I was like, ‘All right, buddy, calm down,’ ” Michael said. Alicia said she has expe-

rienced a similar reaction from friends. “When I tell people my dad is a custodian here, they are dumbfounded that all five of us were able to come here,” she said. “I definitely feel like I appreciate being here more than some of my friends do.” Still, when his children visited him at work, they weren’t always there to express their thanks. Usually, Vautour said, the boys dropped off laundry for him to take home. Now, when Vautour gets off his shift on Mondays at 7:30 a.m., he baby-sits for John’s 2year-old son, Adam. “People abuse me,” he said with a laugh. “They don’t think I need sleep.” But hard work has been part of his life since he was young. College was never in his plans. Vautour started washing dishes at Ritcey’s Seafood Kitchen in Waltham when he was 14. At 16, he was a full-time cook at Ritcey’s, turning out baked scrod, haddock, and Lazy Man’s lobster. He stayed at the restaurant until he was 41. That’s when he heard that BC was looking for a cook. In 1994, he landed the job, which gave him vacation and sick days for the first time in his life. He would bring his children for bacon and eggs before his shift started at Corcoran Commons. At lunchtime, students lined up for his barbecued chicken sandwiches and called him “Fred the Chicken Man.” It was not easy work. “I went from à la carte to cooking for 2,300 at a sitting,” Vautour said.

“You’re go-go-go. I started to get carpal tunnel, and my back was killing me.” So he became a nighttime custodian, which gave him better pay and allowed him to work alone, mopping,

vacuuming, and sweeping Robsham Theater, which includes a 567-seat main stage as well as classrooms, a black box theater, and a dance studio. “I felt like I had suddenly retired compared to cooking,” Vautour said. All five of his children wanted go to BC, he said. And all five excelled in sports and academics at Waltham High School. “Tommy was the only one I was worried about because he just ho-hummed it,” Vautour said. “The only other college he applied to was Bentley — and he got wait-listed.” BC spokesman Jack Dunn said employees’ children receive a discount but must gain admission based on their abilities. “The bottom line is that Fred had smart kids,” Dunn said. Every time a child was accepted at BC, the Vautours framed the letter and displayed it next to a maroonand-gold clock on the wall of their “BC room” by the kitchen.

Vautour recalled when Amy, his eldest, who graduated in 2002 and now works as a fund-raiser, got her letter in the mail. “I was coaching Little League with my sons, down at the park on South Street, and all of a sudden, my wife and daughter come in with a bunch of BC balloons, and there I am with the other coaches and the kids, and she starts crying, and I start crying,” Vautour said. “Then I’m laughing because everybody’s looking at me.” When Alicia became the last child to get her thick envelope, the whole family — including Brooke, a Maltese-Shih Tzu — dressed up in BC gear and surprised her with the news. “I think with each kid, he just got more and more proud,” Alicia said. “It will be interesting to see on graduation day. I’m sure he’s going to have tears of joy that we’ve all made it through.”

Ydalma contrae compromiso

Hassan Raja, de origen pakistaní, sorprendió a Ydalma Abreu presentándole el anillo de compromiso en medio de una actividad social de amigos y familiares. Fue una emocionante sorpresa para la reconocida empresaria dominicana. Fue un encuentro de inmensa alegría para todos sus acompañante. Foto: Fuente externa.

The Sun of Ohio | April 15/May 6, 2016



Estas son las chicas que calientan el ambiente en el fĂştbol mexicano



El Sol de Ohio | Abril 15/ Mayo 6, 2016

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