El sol de ohio march 18

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3353 Cleveland Ave 1630 Morse Road 2161 Eakin Road 2474 Stringtown Road 1585 Georgesville Square Drive 3600 Saldano Boulevard 5800 W Broad Street 2525 Rome Hilliard Road Columbus OH, USA • Marzo 18 /Abril 1, 2016 • Año 5 • No.132


Columbus OH, USA • March 18 & April 1, 2016 • Year 5 • #132



Semana Santa solidaria

Cientos de hispanos han mostrado su solidaridad con una madre hispana que falleció y deja a 4 hijos solos con su padre. Foto: Facebook.


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Hundreds of Hispanics have shown their solidarity with a Hispanic mother that died and leaves four children alone with their father. Photo: Facebook

Solidarity in Holy Week Pag. 2

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El Sol de Ohio | Marzo 18 /Abril 1, 2016

Hispanos muestran solidaridad frente a caso de madre fallecida Hispanics show solidarity in case of deceased mother El Sol de Ohio



Reporte Especial

ientos de hispanos han mostrado su pesar y solidaridad frente a la muerte de la señora Lucy, mexicana, quien falleció la pasada semana en Columbus, dejando en la horfandad a cuatro hijos, el más pequeño de tres meses, quienes ahora quedan bajo el cuidado del padre, Onofre Franco Chavez . Según informó a El Sol de Ohio, el señor Franco Chávez, su esposa falleció por complicaciones del asma, enfermedad que padecía. Dijo que a pesar de ser un hombre humilde sus hijos no quedarán desamparados. Cuando El Sol de Ohio se enteró del caso a través de Facebook de inmediato se puso en contacto con amigos de la famlia, y gracias a la señora Alicia Mendez, pudo obtener la dirección de la vivienda y entrevistar al señor Franco Chávez.

undreds of Hispanics have shown their sorrow and solidarity on the passing of Mrs. Lucy, a Mexican that died last week in Columbus leaving four children motherless, the youngest of whom is three months old. The children are now under the care of their father, Onofre Franco Chávez. Mr. Franco Chávez told El Sol de Ohio that his wife died of complications from asthma, an illness she had. He said that despite being a man of very modest means, his children will be taken care of.

El Sol de Ohio publicó la historia en su cuenta de Facebook y según muestra la gráfica unas 162 mil personas se informaron del suceso y más de 3 mil expresaron su solidaridad. Según comenta la amiga de la familia, la señora

Alicia Mendez, “ muchas gente ha hablado y ha tenido mucha ayuda de la comunidad latina” La familia ha distribuido en negocios de la ciudad cajas para recolectar ayuda económica.

Para ponerse en contacto con el viudo de la señora Lucy puden llamarlo al teléfono 614 -638-4245 o visitarlos en la 755 Stelzer Rd, Lote número 3143219, Columbus. Ohio.

When El Sol de Ohio knew about the case through Facebook, it contacted friends of the family immediately. Thanks to Mrs. Alicia Méndez, it could obtain Mrs. Lucy’s street address and interview Mr. Franco Chávez.

El Sol de Ohio made the story public on its Facebook account and, as the graphic shows, some 162,000 people were informed of the news and more than 3,000 expressed their solidarity. “A lot of people have spoken and we have received a lot of help from the Latino community,” commented Mrs. Méndez, a friend of the family. The family has distributed boxes in businesses throughout the city to collect economic assistance. To contact Mrs. Lucy’s widower, call 614 -638-4245 or visit him at 755 Stelzer Road, Lot no. 3143219, Columbus.

The Sun of Ohio | March 18 & April 1, 2016


TOP STORIES Publicidad

El Sol de Ohio | Marzo 18 /Abril 1, 2016

Ford is building the safest police car in history El Sol de Ohio

Reporte Especial

Late last week, Ford announced that it will now offer protection from armor-piercing rifle ammunition on its Police Interceptors. According to the automaker, this makes the Interceptor the first police cars in the US to offer protection from armor piercing .30 caliber rifle rounds which conforms to the Federal Government’s Type IV standard. The armor panels are composed of two layers. The outward-facing layer is made of ballistic-grade ceramic, which helps break up the bullet. The inward layer is made of a synthetic aramid fiber. Ford claims that its decision to offer the optional panels is a direct result of feedback from law enforcers.

“Officers globally told us they needed protection from armor piercing ammunition and we added increased ballistic protection to an already great product – that’s continuous innovation,” Ford Poli-

ce Interceptor chief engineer Arie Groeneveld said in a statement. According to Ford, lower level Type III standard panels which protect against rounds up to .30 caliber non-armor piercing rounds

are already in service with the police department around the country. The Ford currently offers its Interceptor series as both a sedan and an SUV called the “Utility”. The sedan variant is based on

the full-size Taurus while the Utility is based on the Explorer. Both feature upgraded drivetrains, suspensions and law enforcement-specific equipment. The sedan and the SUV variants of the Intercep-

tor come available with all-wheel-drive and a 365 horsepower, 3.0 liter, EcoBoost V6 engine. Credit: Business Insider.


La detienen con niña haitiana escondida en equipaje de mano

El Sol de Ohio

Reporte Especial

Una mujer fue detenida en el aeropuerto internacional de Roissy, afueras de París, por haber viajado desde Estambul, Turquía, en un vuelo de Air France con una niña de cuatro años escondida en su equipaje de mano, informaron fuentes policiales. El caso fue descubierto luego de que la niña, de cuatro años y presuntamente originaria de Haití, saliera de la maleta para ir al baño del avión, mo-

mento en el que fue percibida por los pasajeros y la tripulación del vuelo, que avisó a la policía. La mujer que la transportaba, una joven residente en Francia cuya identidad no fue facilitada, logró superar todos los controles del aeropuerto de Estambul e ingresar en el vuelo de Air France con la niña escondida con una manta en el equipaje de cabina. Según fuentes aeroportuarias la joven que transportó a la niña habría iniciado un proceso de adopción de la menor.

Habría escondido en la maleta a la pequeña porque las autoridades turcas le habían prohibido embarcar con ella por lo que cambió de vuelo. La mujer fue detenida pero la fiscalía de Bobigny, y decidió no presentar ningún cargo contra ella. La joven y la niña permanecían detenidas la víspera en la zona de espera del principal aeropuerto parisino a la espera de que las autoridades concluyeran la investigación sobre su caso.

The Sun of Ohio | March 18 & April 1, 2016


Trump boasts of newest supporter: Ohio hero Pete Rose By Justin Wm. Moyer


The Washington Post

ow, Republican front-runner Donald Trump and former Cincinnati Red Pete Rose seem to have joined forces. On Sunday night, less than 48 hours ahead of Ohio’s primary, Trump tweeted a photo of a baseball apparently signed by Rose, an Ohio native. “Mr. Trump,” the baseball read, “Please make America great again.” Rose was not immediately available to comment on whether the baseball was meant as a formal endorsement. But given Trump’s public support of Rose’s heretofore unsuccessful attempts to gain entry into the Hall of Fame, it seems a no-brainer for major league baseball’s disgraced all-time hit leader to support Trump. Meanwhile, in Ohio, where Rose is a saint and will be inducted into the Reds’ hall of fame later this year, a TrumpRose alliance is an obvious move for a candidate trying to deal a death blow to his rivals — including Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who’s getting last-minute support from Trump critic Mitt Romney amid recent polling showing a tight race in the state between Trump and Kasich. “Where he tends to run up the score is with 40-plus white men,” Mack Ma-

One owned casinos; one gambled on baseball, and has been exiled from the Hall of Fame as a result. One is an Ohio hero; on Tuesday, in the state’s Republican primary, one hopes to be. And older white men love them both.

riani, a Xavier University political science professor, toldCincinnati.com of Trump. “Those are people who grew up with Pete Rose. That’s a smart fit for Trump’s voters.” Trump’s support for Rose’s admission to the Hall of Fame is apparently as closely held as his beliefs about immigration. He’s tweeted his thoughts on Charlie Hustle at least twice before — including in December, when Rose’s lifetime ban from the Hall of Fame was upheld by MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred. “In short, Mr. Rose has not presented credible evidence of a reconfigured life either by an honest acceptance by him of his wrongdoing … or by a rigorous, self-aware and sustained program of avoidance by him of all

the circumstances that led to his permanent ineligibility in 1989,” Manfred wrotein his decision. Trump didn’t care much for this. “He’s paid the price,” Trump wrote. “So ridiculous — let him in!” Rose has repeatedly expressed contrition for his past misdeeds, offering an apology through tears at one point. “I’m a hardheaded guy,” he said at a 2010 roast — at a casino. “But I’m a lot better guy standing here tonight. … I guarantee everyone in this room I will never disrespect you again.” Ahead of the primary, Trump also unleashed pro-Rose rhetoric on the stump in Cincinnati. “We gotta let Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame,” Trump said Sunday to great cheers, as Cincinnati.com reported.

“I don’t know what Major League Baseball is doing.” Public statements from Rose about Trump are harder to find. “You’re wondering why I got a hat on,” Rose said in January. “There are two guys in the world with worse hair than me — Donald Trump and David Letterman.” Trump’s admiration for Rose may be rooted in the candidate’s history with the game. Last year, Rolling Stone reported he was scouted by the Philadelphia Phillies as a youth. “He thought he was Mr. America and the world revolved around him,” said Col. Ted Dobias, Trump’s former coach. He reported that he “had a lot of one-on-ones” with the 14year-old Trump. Dobias

added: “He was good-hit andgood-field: We had scouts from the Phillies to watch him, but he wanted to go to college and make real money.” Trump has told a similar story. “I was captain of the baseball team,” he told MTV in 2010. “I was supposed to be a professional baseball player. Fortunately, I decided to go into real estate instead. I played first base and I also played catcher. I was a good hitter. I just had a good time.” He added: “Now I play golf.” While Trump and Rose have not led parallel lives — Rose did five months for tax evasion while Trump was building up his casino empire — they have sometimes been linked in the public consciousness. In 1990, the Chicago Tribune noted: “In a survey of 3,000 joystick-crazed teenagers, VideoGames & Computer Entertainment magazine asked what intolerable person, behavior or thing most deserved getting ‘bonked.’ Despite his much-publicized love of children, sorry, Saddam Hussein, you ranked No. 1. Leading contenders were drugs and alcohol, Donald Trump, Roseanne Barr, Pete Rose, Exxon Corp., street gangs and acne.” In a column that presaged future events, sports commentator Howard Simon

mentioned Trump and Rose in the same sentence in 1989. “In the recent past, people have hailed Ollie North, Donald Trump and even Pete Rose as American heroes,” Simon wrote. “If those are the type of men our society would have as heroes, I think I’m moving to Canada.” Some have wondered whether Rose is getting the short end of the, um, bat in the Trump-Rose union. After all, the Constitution gives the commander in chief no power over the Baseball Hall of Fame. “I’m not surprised Trump takes this position,” Aaron Goldstein wrote in theAmerican Spectator in December. “He is after all in the gambling business and has been around that environment for decades…. Although I wonder how many Trump supporters who opposed Rose’s reinstatement now support it because The Donald said so? On the other hand, this is good politics on Trump’s part. Ohio is always an important state when it comes to presidential politics and the Buckeye state still loves Charlie Hustle. Who knows? If it’s Hillary vs. Trump and it comes down to Ohio, it could be going to bat for Pete Rose is what gets Trump into the White House.”

Nuevo repunte de niños migrantes centroamericanos en EUA El Sol de Ohio


Reporte Especial

l presidente del Comité de Seguridad Nacional del Senado, Ron Johnson, advirtió hoy sobre un nuevo repunte de niños migrantes centroamericanos a Estados Unidos en el nuevo año fiscal y estimó una cifra récord para 2016 de mantenerse la tendencia. Un total de 16 mil 438 menores procedentes en su mayoría de Honduras, El Salvador y Guatemala fueron detenidos entre el 1 de octubre de 2015 y enero 2016, comparado con los 11 mil 34 en mismo periodo del año fiscal 2014, cuando Estados Unidos confrontó la “crisis” de niños migrantes, según el senador. “Si mantenemos este ritmo, tendremos 77 mil

(menores no acompañados) en 2016”, advirtió el senador ante el Congreso durante la comparecencia del secretario de Seguridad Nacional, Jeh Johnson. Aunque el secretario de Seguridad Nacional dijo que las cifras no son exac-

tas, reconoció que se trata de un volumen de llegadas de menores no acompañados más alto de lo que desearía el gobierno federal, pero no tan elevado como en 2014. “No creo que eso sea verdad”, consideró el secretario Johnson en alusión a

la proyección de que 2016 será un año con más detenciones que 2014. Cifras del Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS) indicaron que un total de 23 mil 553 menores no acompañados han sido detenidos desde octubre de 2015 a enero

de 2016 en la frontera con México, tanto centroamericanos, como mexicanos y de otras nacionalidades. A diferencia de los menores mexicanos, que pueden ser deportados de inmediato por ser México un país contiguo a Estados Unidos, los niños centroamericanos deber pasar un proceso de audiencias migratorias para evaluar si tienen reclamos válidos de asilo, un proceso que puede demorar un mes. El secretario de Seguridad Nacional señaló en ese sentido que la situación de México en materia migratoria es totalmente diferente comparada con las circunstancias de hace varios años. “La economía es mejor, los factores que empujan a la migración no son los mismos, hay diferencias, México es un país muy di-

ferente al de hace 15 años, cuando los números de inmigrantes ilegales eran mayores”, detalló el funcionario estadunidense. “Creo que es notable que aún cuando nuestra economía está mejorando los números de detenciones en la frontera sur son solo una fracción de lo que eran, gracias en parte a las inversiones que hemos hecho con el Congreso en los últimos 15 años”, señaló el secretario. No obstante, reconoció que Estados Unidos está preocupado por otro repunte de niños centroamericanos no acompañados. “Absolutamente nadie está descorchando la champaña”, externó.



El Sol de Ohio | Marzo 18 /Abril 1, 2016

Para vivir


Lic. Eva Atunga Reynaga

Especialista en Educación

Holy Week is… sharing, helping, giving Holy Week is one of the most important times of the year for Christians. Almost all of the Hispanic community is Christian, in its diverse denominations. Some have more fervor and conviction than others, but almost everybody are Christian believers. For many, this special period is concentrated in religious activities, in getting closer with and a larger deepening of religious faith. El Sol de Ohio would like to remind our Hispanic community that Holy Week is a privileged time to share, give, and help our friends, neighbors, family relatives, and even any strangers. Holy Week reminds us of the time when Jesus was condemned to death in the cross for defending his beliefs, his teachings, which were none other than to love our brethren. To love one another. That immense experience is summarized in one sentence: there is no greater love than giving one’s life for others. No greater love than sacrificing for others.

Semana Santa es… Compartir, ayudar, dar El período de “Semana Santa” es una de las temporadas del año más importantes para los cristianos. La comunidad hispana es casi en su totalidad creyente de la doctrina cristiana, en sus diversas vertientes religiosas. Unos con más fervor y convicción que otros, pero casi todos son creyentes del cristianismo. Para muchos este período especial se concentra en actividades religiosas, en un mayor acercamiento y una mayor profundización de la fe religiosa. El Sol de Ohio quisiera recordar a nuestra comunidad hispana que la Semana Santa es un tiempo privilegiado para compartir, para dar, para ayudar a nuestros amigos, vecinos y familiaes, incluso, a cualquier desconocido. Semana Santa nos recuerda el tiempo en que Jesús fue condenado a muerte en la cruz por defender sus creencias, sus enseñanzas, que no eran otras que amar a nuestros semejantes, a nuestro prójimo. Aquella inmensa experiencia se resume en una expresión: No hay Amor más grande que el que DA la vida por los demás…que el que se sacrifica por los otros.

El Sol de Ohio Fundado el 12 de Octubre de 2010 2427 Blue Rock Blvd Grove City, Ohio. 43123 (614) 572 2754 Fax: (614) 604 8630 www.elsoldeohio.com elsoldeohionews@gmail.com redaccion@elsoldeohio.com publicidad@elsoldeohio.com Conoceréis la verdad y la verdad os hará libres Juan 8:32

Se fue un gran amigo E

speraba en la línea de pasajeros cuando vi un rostro familiar. Pensé con alegría “¡Néstor!”. Volví a la realidad, no podía ser él porqué él se nos anticipó, partió a la eternidad hace meses en un país lejano. Su voz se esfumó de la comunidad. La dolorosa llamada que recibí comunicándome “se fue un gran amigo” fue dolorosa. La nostalgia me hizo recordarlo una gran ser humano, un valioso amigo y sentí profundamente su ausencia. Si la honestidad, la humildad, la fortaleza y la preocupación por los demás tuvieran un rostro no dudaría que sería el suyo. Quiero compartirles que él era un periodista radial cuyas armas contundentes eran su block de notas, su lapicero, su grabadora, su voz y su gran corazón, preocupado por los más débiles y aguerrido con aquellos indiferentes frente al sufrimiento o quienes abusaban del poder. Dialogamos sobre lo mucho que había que hacer en nuestra ciudad, de la corrupción, de la intolerancia, del abuso de poder como también opciones por la anciana abandonada, la víctima de violencia, del niño maltratado, del amigo encarcelado, de los problemas de la comunidad y también de las palabras de canciones como aquella “Solo le pido a Dios” de Mercedes Sosa. Con él, el tiempo no contaba, su sonora carcajada se hacía sentir cuando celebraba un acierto o un triunfo o su solemne seriedad y su ceño fruncido mostrado cuando algo no iba bien. Recuerdo en una ocasión cuando estuve como presidenta de una comisión de evaluación y me sentía sola frente a lo que tenía que enfren-

tarme: el favoritismo y la indolencia de autoridades en ese centro con los cuales tenía que lidiar. Veía la tarea bastante difícil. Cuando lo vi como integrante de este comité tuve la certeza que con él desarrollaríamos un proceso transparente, así fue. Logramos que asumieran los puestos principales personas idóneas. Con él se cumplía mi sueño y mi confianza en la humanidad y en el principio “la unión hace la fuerza”. Su pan de cada día era el periodismo veraz, su amor profundo a su familia, su confianza en una sociedad diferente y su amor a Dios lo hacían diferente. ¿Por qué escribo acerca de Néstor? Porque lo extrañé mucho esa mañana. Fue un gran amigo.. Porque no tuve la oportunidad de despedirme de él y tampoco tuve la oportunidad de decirle lo gran persona que era. La muerte no se anunció. Y viendo las nubes desde el avión mis manos tomaron el lapicero para escribir acerca de él, de lo que significó su vida en su paso por la tierra, de su valiosa amistad tanto para mi vida como para la de muchas personas quienes tuvimos la suerte de compartir con él.

Extrañaré no escuchar de él, el Sermón de las 7 palabras en Semana Santa, de no verlo más caminando por las calles, recogiendo noticias, conversando con la gente; con su chaqueta de varios bolsillos unos grandes y otros pequeños, extrañaré no escuchar mas su voz, su programa y su diaria canción de despedida con un mensaje a la vida. Por él escribo esta vez y al pensar en él pienso en su familia querida, en los amigos que quedan en diferentes lugares, en lo valiosos que son. A través de Néstor recordé que no debo perder la oportunidad de decir a mis amigos que son maravillosos seres humanos siempre acogiendo, resolviendo, escuchando, tendiendo la mano, opinando y cuanto bien hacen en la sociedad con su existencia. Son esas personas que devuelven el rostro humano a una sociedad que se va desfigurando día a día y nunca pierden la esperanza. Se fue un gran amigo que nos dejó un gran legado: el compromiso con una vida digna. Para comentarios, sugerencias o preguntas escribir a eva.atunga@gmail. com Gracias

Fundador - Presidente - Editor Wilson Hernandez Staff Ejecutivo: Joan Hernandez Vicepresidente - Sub Editor Albert Hernandez Vicepresidente Administrativo Nicole Hernandez Vicepresidenta de Marketing y Relaciones Públicas

Columnistas Abril Trigo Luis F. Clemente Eva Atunga Telésforo Isaac Enrique Infante Nancy Striker Mons. José H. Gómez

Director de Diseño Freddy Reynoso Director de Operaciones Eduardo Bermúdez Webmaster Irving Reynoso

Las opiniones o informaciones emitidas por los columnistas y anunciantes son independientes de la opinión de El Sol de Ohio. The opinión expresed by the columnists and advertisers are their own and do not necessary reflect the opinion of El Sol de Ohio. Servicios Internacionales: Notimex y agencias colaboradoras

Periodismo de Verdad

The Sun of Ohio | March 18 & April 1, 2016



Valores para la vida “Nuestra dedicatoria al diario The Sun of Ohio, como portavoz de cada mensaje y reflexión de prevención al delito y motivación en el mejor actuar de todos sus lectores hispanos y en general toda la población”. Por Jorge Luis Gaviria Linares

Doctor en Ciencias Jurídicas


ctualmente las sociedades del mundo vivimos una vida dinámica, ajetreada, dado en el cumplimiento de nuestras responsabilidades económicas y en el aporte que queremos darles a nuestros familiares en particular a nuestros hijos; estos últimos, una nueva generación de acorde al avance de la ciencia, la tecnología. En las décadas pasadas era una eventualidad escuchar a los padres con el nacimiento de los hijos, expresar: “…Nació con los ojos abiertos…”. La mente humana se ha desarrollado y por ello, hoy celebramos el nacimiento con mayor comunicación con ellos, expresando el reconocimiento de la criatura desde su nacimiento hacia sus padres. Gozamos de una nueva generación que a corta edad manifiesta su deseo de jugar e interactuar con equipos electrónicos como tablet, celulares, computadoras en general, ya han


s difícil creer cómo muchas personas están utilizando su perfil en LinkedIn de la manera equivocada. Veo que la mayoría de la gente simplemente utiliza LinkedIn como un curriculum vitae en línea glorificado, dónde destacan en que escuela han ido, donde trabajan, y sus últimos logros. Pregunta: ¿De verdad creen que eso le importa a la gente? Tengo noticias para ti, realmente no les importa tanto como te gustaría creer. Lo que la gente realmente le preocupa son ellos mismos y el valor que le puedes añadir a sus vidas. Lo que esto significa es que tienes que reorientar, reutilizar, y replantear todo en tu perfil para responder a una pregunta básica para los que van a ver tu perfil. ¿Qué recursos puedo ofrecer para ayudarles a ser más exitosos y en última instancia, hacer más dinero. Si es posible todos los aspectos de tu perfil de LinkedIn deben tratar de lograr ese objetivo. ¿De qué manera lo que escriba o comparta en este momento ayudará a mis clientes? ¿Cómo resolver

quedado atrás los juegos y objetos tradicionales de niños y así, las creencias, fantasías, fábulas e incluso la atención a las enseñanzas religiosas y familiares. Es importante que las futuras generaciones se desarrollen a la par de la tecnología, realmente, ellos pertenecen a este espacio, nosotros los padres, debemos aprender de ellos y del actual momento en que vivimos, sin embargo, debemos de estar atentos todos, en sociedad, en familia y en

cada estado o país, como pobladores del mundo, estos momentos donde predominan las comunicaciones globales, los medios de comunicación en las redes, que como dice la letra de una de las conocidas canciones del cantautor panameño Ruben Blades, “…el deber de padres, nunca termina…”, por ello, la primera escuela de la vida es el Hogar, en ese mismo orden de ideas, los primeros maestros de la vida para todo niño, niña o adolescente, son sus pa-

dres, abuelos, hermanos, padrinos y en general… la familia. Entendemos como valores aquellos principios que orientan nuestro comportamiento para desarrollarnos como personas de buen proceder, ayudándonos apreciar con satisfacción y plenitud el bienestar de todos en comunidad; de ello debemos desarrollar los conceptos universales de manera que nuestra acción se plasme en todas las culturas y sociedades,

Negocios y Emprendedores Herschel E. Chalk III

President/CEO of Niche Marketing Strategies

Reforzar tu perfil en LinkedIn

alguno de sus problemas? ¿Cómo les hará la vida más fácil? ¿Cómo harán más dinero? Si realmente quieres llevar tu negocio al siguiente nivel y comenzar a cer-

rar más ofertas debes responder a las preguntas anteriores y seguir estos sencillos pasos. 1.Vuelve a escribir tu título profesional (el titular

en el perfil que va al lado de tu nombre) que explica en que industria / nicho trabajas y cómo puedes ayudar a los clientes o clientes en ese nicho. Importante: Antes de em-

inculcándolos en nuestra espiritualidad y exteriorizándolo en nuestro accionar rutinario en todos los escenarios donde participemos y hacer de ellos el paradigma a seguir por todos los niños y niñas en el mundo; es importante rescatar el valor de la palabra, enseñar que no siempre se la lleva el viento, el honor en el compromiso cumplido y el resguardo de sexo débil en el entendido del respeto a todos y en particular a la mujer.

pezar una buena idea sería utilizar la herramienta de búsqueda de LinkedIn para ver cuáles son las búsquedas más populares de palabras clave que están relacionadas con tu industria. ¿Cómo son las personas que encontrarán los productos o servicios específicos que tu ofreces? Qué términos de búsqueda están utilizando? Tienes que ponerte en los zapatos de tus clientes potenciales. Si yo estuviera en sus zapatos ¿qué es lo que estaría buscando? 2. Edita la información de contacto de los sitios web de tu área y blogs. En lugar de elegir “página web” o “blog” o una de las otras opciones preestablecidas que ofrece LinkedIn, selecciona “otro” y luego escribe una breve frase haciendo alusión a una necesidad a satisfacer, o un problema que resolver en el mercado. Di algo como: “Cómo te ayudaremos a conseguir más clientes” o “consejos de entrenamiento de blogs” y coloca un enlace de URL de una página en tu blog o alguna página web que haga exactamente eso. 3. Inicia sesión en el re-

Finalmente sigamos adelante con la preparación académica y tecnológica de nuestros hijos, sin olvidar que la mayor lección de vida por enseñar para reforzar sus futuros comportamientos son: La Honestidad, La Humildad, El Amor, El actuar en Paz y alejado de la Violencia, la Fe en Dios, sirviendo como herramientas de la vida diaria la dedicación y tiempo para ellos, el abrazo y afecto diario, sirviendo de valores para la vida humana y extendiendo su capacidad y sensibilidad hacia los demás componentes de la familia y de la sociedad en general. El mensaje y reflexión de vida a los padres, es la dedicación a la cual estamos vinculados para con nuestros hijos y solo así haremos un gran puente para mantener los lazos de fraternidad, amistad y unión entre todos los habitantes de la sociedad del mundo y de esta manera tendremos como resultado … Valores para la Vida… Nuestra dedicatoria al diario The Sun of the Ohio, como portavoz de cada mensaje y reflexión de prevención al delito y motivación en el mejor actuar de todos sus lectores hispanos y en general toda la población…

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El Sol de Ohio | Marzo 18 /Abril 1, 2016

Campaign 2016 is on a dangerous descent By Dan Balz

The Washington Post


riday was an ugly day on the campaign trail, perhaps the worst of the year. What erupted in St. Louis and fully boiled over later in Chicago, however, was no aberration. Donald Trump has built his candidacy on long-festering resentment and grievance. It is a poisonous combination, for the Republican Party and for the country. Trump’s slogan is Make America Great Again, but his campaign for president continues to call out dark forces that divide a polarized America. Fueled by acrimonious rhetoric, he has sparked an angry movement that has now created an angry backlash. Campaign 2016 is on a downward and dangerous descent. The videos of the conflicts ahead of Trump’s rally in Chicago on Friday evening triggered memories of the far-worse bloody clashes at the 1968 Democratic convention in the same city, when the United States was engulfed by violence and protests over the war in Vietnam. The flash points in today’s politics are more diffuse, but the political divisions are no less real. Trump seems unwilling to try to put the genie back in the bottle. Even if he were, it’s questionable that he could. Anger is the fuel that feeds his candidacy. Passions on both sides intensify by the week. Scattered protests at his rallies have escalated into terrifying confrontations. Violence is now more commonplace. Standing in the airplane hangar at Trump’s rally here in Ohio on Saturday morning was Tom McMurtry, 60, a community

college police officer and Iraq War veteran. He described himself as a former Republican who is now an undecided independent who wanted to hear what Trump had to say. He watched Friday’s melee in Chicago as he was eating dinner. Did he blame Trump for any of this? “He could certainly have done things to calm things down, but a lot of his appeal is that he gets people riled up. He stirs people up,” McMurtry said. “It’s hard to stir people up and then at the last possible instant tell them to stop. It’s a momentum heading toward violence, and last night it hit people moving in the other direction.” In the aftermath of his canceled rally in Chicago, Trump was unrepentant, even defiant, about his role. He was asked during phone interviews on cable

TV late Friday, as clips of the violence played on the screen, whether he regretted the kind of pugnacious rhetoric he has used that might have encouraged violence against protesters. He declined to offer any remorse. On Saturday morning, en route to his rally here in Ohio, he tweeted: “The organized group of people, many of them thugs, who shut down our First Amendment rights in Chicago, have totally energized America.” An hour later, as he opened his rally, where the crowd was so large that it filled the hangar and spilled onto the tarmac, Trump again defended himself and his followers. In Chicago, he said, his people came under an organized attack. “We cannot let our First Amendment rights be taken away from us,” he said. “We want to get along with everybody.” At one point during Saturday’s rally, someone jumped a barrier behind Trump and tried to get on the stage. Secret Service agents rushed to surround Trump and the threat was quickly subdued. “I was ready for him,” Trump said to the cheering crowd, “but it’s much easier if the cops do it.” There were other scattered protests, with the demonstrators led out of the hangar by law enforcement officers. “Get him out of

“The organized group of people, many of them thugs, who shut down our First Amendment rights in Chicago, have totally energized America.” here,” the candidate thundered into his microphone as one protester was escorted out. “Go home to mommy.” With each disruption, the atmosphere grew more intense, the audience cheering louder and louder, nearly drowning out the candidate’s voice. It was mild by Friday’s standards but indicative of what now envelops the Trump for president movement. The rallies are supercharged with energy and all that comes with it. There is no condoning the actions of those on either side of the violence that erupted on Friday or at other Trump events. No one is. But the Republican front-runner is in a minority position on the question of what has brought the presidential campaign to this moment. After all, it is Trump who, as protesters were led out of earlier rallies, stoked the anger of the crowd with crude comments about wishing he could punch out those who have disrupted his events. Friday’s events produced a change in tone among Trump’s Republican rivals, who are desperate to stop his march to the GOP nomination. Earlier this month, they stood on a

stage and said they would support him if he becomes the party’s nominee. After what took place Friday, they were quick to cast Trump as the enabler and facilitator of a climate of hate that now seems to surround his candidacy. Ohio Gov. John Kasich has long resisted direct engagement with Trump. Late Friday he issued a blunt statement, saying, “Tonight the seeds of division that Donald Trump has been sowing this whole campaign finally bore fruit, and it was ugly.” On Saturday morning, he talked of the “toxic environment” that has been created by Trump’s candidacy. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas did not excuse the protesters who disrupted Trump’s rallies but held little back in blaming Trump for what is happening. Trump, he said, “disrespects voters,” “affirmatively encourages violence,” and has a campaign “facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press.” In sum, he said, Trump has created an environment “that only encourages this sort of nasty violence.” As of yet, neither Cruz nor Kasich nor Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida is willing to renounce his pledge to

back the eventual nominee even if it is Trump, although Rubio said it gets harder by the day not to back away. That is their and their party’s dilemma. Trump is in a strong position to win that nomination and could be in an even stronger position after Tuesday’s primaries. Only a Kasich win Ohio and a Rubio victory in Florida on Tuesday would make his path significantly more difficult. Under most plausible scenarios, he will have more delegates than any of the other three remaining candidates by the time the primaries end in June. Republican Party leaders face the prospect of a convention in Cleveland riven by intraparty division over Trump’s candidacy and convulsed by what could be rounds of protests outside the arena. Things may seem toxic today. Imagine what they could be by then if he is on track to claim the nomination. Some Republicans believe there can be eventual accommodation to a Trump nomination and that he would mellow once he has won the battle. Those who believe that no doubt were heartened by Thursday’s debate in Miami, when he showed a more restrained demeanor and avoided insulting his opponents. But his candidacy already has so fractured the party and the country that the climate isn’t likely to change. Trump’s candidacy now is far more than a Republican Party issue. He defines and dominates the politics of 2016. He did not create the root causes of the anger and division in the country. All of that has been building for years, for all to see. The problems are real and difficult to address. There has been little effort to contain or restrain the disaffection, particularly in the Republican Party. More than anyone, however, Trump has exploited that anger. No one should underestimate the significance of the estrangement or disregard the implications of it. It was on full display Friday. Even worse could occur in the days and months ahead unless there is a collective and concerted effort to step back from this precipice.

The Sun of Ohio | March 18 & April 1, 2016




El Sol de Ohio | Marzo 18 /Abril 1, 2016

The Sun of Ohio | March 18 & April 1, 2016



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El Sol de Ohio | Marzo 18 /Abril 1, 2016

Más de 40 millones de mexicanos sufren de hígado graso El Sol de Ohio


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os casos de hígado graso van en aumento en México, ya que el 50 por ciento de las personas que padecen obesidad y sobrepeso -dos circunstancias comunes en el paíspresentan esta afección. A pesar de que no se cuentan con estadísticas que indiquen cuántas personas tienen hígado graso en México, dicho padecimiento crece a la par de la obesidad y la diabetes, aseguró el presidente del Colegio Mexicano de Bariatría, David Montalvo Castro. Y es que, el 70 por ciento de la población en México presenta problemas de sobrepeso u obesidad, además las personas menores de 40 años muestran un exceso de grasa visceral. El hígado graso también se puede presentar en niños a causa de la obesidad. “Si el 50 por ciento de las personas con obesidad y sobrepeso sufre de híga-

do graso y en México hay 120 millones de personas, de las cuales el 70 por ciento tiene sobrepeso u obesidad, significa que de 84 millones, 42 millones de personas en este país

tienen hígado graso, de manera aproximada 380 veces el estadio Azteca lleno al máximo”, afirmó el bariatra. La grasa visceral se localiza dentro de la cavidad ab-

dominal, la cual se infiltra en las vísceras de manera especial en el hígado, cuyo límite admisible en los adultos es de tres kilos de grasa máximo, cuando los pacientes sobrepasan el

límite permitido el hígado altera su funcionamiento. El órgano al no cumplir con todas las reacciones químicas y bioquímicas, la enfermedad podría avanzar hasta convertirse en

cirrosis hepática (no alcohólica), la cual inflama y volverá fibroso al hígado, por lo que dejará de funcionar de manera irreversible. “Desde nuestra casuística, hemos observado que la gran mayoría de los pacientes sufren de exceso de grasa visceral, mayormente infiltrada en el hígado”, mencionó el especialista. “Esto es grave, pues dicho órgano es la central bioquímica de todo el organismo y procesa todo lo que comemos”, agregó en un comunicado. Hasta ahora no existen opciones tecnológicas para atender el padecimiento, por lo que es un problema severo de salud, indicó Montalvo Castro. El bariatra invitó a las personas con hígado graso a realizar un tratamiento temprano para que el órgano no llegue a la siguiente etapa y para lograrlo recomendó acudir con el médico bariatra para que recomiende una dieta especial y personalizada.

En USA cada vez más médicos recetan deporte y no fármacos El Sol de Ohio


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uando la doctora Michelle Johnson escribe recetas, el siguiente paso para muchos pacientes es ir al gimnasio, no a la farmacia. Los médicos que tratan problemas de salud crónicos prescriben cada vez más ejercicio a sus pacientes — y les animan a pensar en la actividad física como en su nueva medicación. En uno de estos programas gestionado por un centro sanitario en el vecindario de Roxbury, en Boston, doctores de atención primaria, internistas y psicólogos prescriben acceso a un gimnasio por 10 dólares al mes, que incluye servicios de guardería gratuito, clases y programas infantiles. Proporcionar acceso asequible al gimnasio para pacientes asegura que se cumpla, explica Gibbs Saunders de Healthworks Community Fitness, un gimnasio sin ánimo de lucho en Dorchester que

se ha asociado con varios centros de salud para ayudar a los residentes con bajos ingresos bajos a cumplir con el ejercicio que les ha recetado. Responsables del Whittier Street Health Center dicen que tener acceso a un gimnasio barato es importante, dado que los ingresos de muchos residentes son

bajos y el 70% de sus pacientes sufren problemas crónicos como obesidad, hipertensión, diabetes y depresión. La esperanza de vida en Roxbury es de 59 años — bastante por debajo de la media nacional, 78,8 años. “El ejercicio no es una nueva medicina. Realmen-

te es un remedio antiguo”, dijo Johnson, que receta ejercicio a sus pacientes en un centro de salud de Roxbury. “Pero creo que ahora estamos llegando al punto de entender lo importante que es”. A Monisha Long, que tiene obesidad mórbida y sufre hipertensión, su doctor le recetó hacer ejercicio y

dice que ha obtenido resultados visibles y drásticos tras más de dos años practicando deporte regularmente. “He perdido más de 68 kilos (150 libras) y he seguido manteniéndome estos dos últimos años”, dijo después de ejercitarse en una máquina elíptica en Healthworks. Y Long cita otros beneficios menos visibles. “Tengo más energía”, dijo. “En lo que respecta a mi energía, siento que soy más fuerte. Siento que estoy menos cansada. Siento que ahora puedo hacer casi cualquier cosa”. La gente que está físicamente activa tiende a vivir más tiempo y tiene menos riesgo de sufrir enfermedades del corazón, infartos cerebrales, diabetes de tipo 2, depresión y algunos tipos de cáncer, según los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades de Estados Unidos. Con todo, menos de uno de cada cuatro estadounidenses adultos se ejercita lo suficiente como para

beneficiarse de estas ventajas, apunta la agencia. Edward Phillips, un médico de Boston, está tan concienciado con la práctica deportiva que pedalea en una bici estática que está integrada en el escritorio de su despacho. Phillips sostiene que el deporte es “como tomar un poco de Prozac — un antidepresivo — y un poco de Ritalin, que es un estimulante”. “Nuestros cuerpos están pensados para moverse”, dijo. “Integrar el movimiento en nuestra rutina permite que el sistema trabaje de forma óptima”. La prescripción para hacer ejercicio es una ganga, dijo Stephanie Dennis, que corre en una cita para mantenerse en forma. “¿Qué son 10 dólares al mes? Dos dólares, o dos dólares y medio a la semana”, apunta. “Mucha gente paga eso cada día por un café. No es un gran sacrificio para algo que te da grandes recompensas”. Crédito: Agencia AP.


The Sun of Ohio | March 18 & April 1, 2016


‘Good’ cholesterol not always good, study suggests El Sol de Ohio

Servicios Internacionales


ome people with high levels of supposedly “good” cholesterol are at much greater risk of heart disease, a study suggests. A bloodstream tussle takes place between “bad” cholesterol dumping fatty material in the arteries and good cholesterol taking it away. But a Cambridge University study in the journal Science showed more good cholesterol was not always better. It is thought the findings may help find new ways to protect the heart. Eating olive oil, fish and nuts raises levels of highdensity lipoprotein (HDL) - which is more commonly known as good cholesterol. It is one of the things doctors test for when predicting your risk of a heart attack. However, repeated trials that raise HDL with drugs have flopped, leading doctors to think something else is going on.

Rare mutation Some insight has come from studying rare mutations that leave people with high levels of good cholesterol. Trials showed people with a mutation in a gene called SCARB1, which affects one-in-1,700 people, had very high levels of good cholesterol. But they also had an 80% increased risk of heart disease - that is roughly the same increased risk as for smoking.

Further experiments showed the mutation was preventing HDL from dumping the fat it had collected in the liver for processing. Prof Adam Butterworth, one of the researchers from the University of Cambridge, told the BBC News website: “This is significant because we had always believed that good cholesterol is associated with a lower risk of heart disease. “This is one of the first

studies to show that some people that have high levels of ‘good’ cholesterol actually have a higher risk of heart disease so it challenges our conventional wisdom about whether ‘good’ cholesterol is protecting people from heart disease or not.” There have been huge efforts put into drugs to raise HDL in the hope they have the same impact as statins, which lower the bad cholesterol. Prof Butterworth warned

that drugs aimed simply at “trying to raise HDL may not be that useful”. He said the size of different HDL particles or how good they are at transporting may be more important than the overall levels. And that may be a more productive avenue of research. While the researchers have questioned the importance of boosting levels of HDL cholesterol, they insist it still remains a valuable tool for predicting the risk of a heart attack. Although fellow researcher Dr Daniel Rader, from the University of Pennsylvania, added: “Eventually we may want to perform genetic testing in persons with high HDL to make sure they don’t have mutations, like this one, that raise HDL but don’t protect against, or may even increase, risk for heart disease.” Dr Tim Chico, a consultant cardiologist based at the University of Sheffield, said: “This important study adds to other results

showing it isn’t as simple as good and bad. “It is worth noting that exercise both increases HDL and reduces the risk of heart disease. “These results suggest that the beneficial effect of exercise is probably not caused by higher HDL levels, although more research is needed to fully understand the complex relationship between HDL and risk of heart disease.” Prof Peter Weissberg, the medical director at the British Heart Foundation, said: “This is an important study that sheds light on one of the major puzzles relating to cholesterol and heart disease. “These new findings suggest that the way in which HDL is handled by the body is more important in determining risk of a heart attack than the levels of HDL in the blood. “Only by understanding the underlying biology that links HDL-C with heart attacks can we develop new treatments to prevent them.”

The 3 most addictive drugs, according to addiction experts El Sol de Ohio


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easuring a drug’s potential for addiction can be as complicated as assessing whether a person is addicted to a drug. That’s because when a person first becomes dependent on a substance, it isn’t always obvious. Their diagnosis may come after a breakdown of relationships, a financial crisis, or a life-changing event that opens their eyes to the way their substance use has affected them. Predicting how a drug will affect people’s addiction risk is based on a similarly varied assessment of factors: How much the drug affects their brain’s pleasure centers; the severity of withdrawal symptoms; and the drug’s accessibility and cost. There is no single factor that indicates a drug’s overall potential for harm, but rather a combination of many different factors. Some researchers place more weight on chemical effects, claiming a drug that extensively activates

the brain’s dopamine system is more addictive than other substances. Consistently stimulating the dopamine system can decrease sensitivity, prompting users to take more of the substance each time to experience a high. Others say the blame is on habit and behavior, and advocate that the right way to treat addiction is to change patients’ feelings, relationships, and behavior rather than toning down the firing neurons in their brains. Given the varied opinions, Professor David Nutt, a psychiatrist and director of neuropsychopharma-

cology in the Division of Brain Sciences at Imperial College, London, decided to ask a panel of addiction experts to rank which drugs they believed were most addictive. The top three most addictive drugs, according to their collective feedback, are below. Perhaps the most stigmatized of all illicit substances, heroin topped the list of most addictive drugs. Fear over rising rates of heroin use and addiction are well-founded; heroin hits the addiction trifecta. The opioid causes dopamine levels in the brain to increase by up to 200 per-

cent in experimental animals, it has a cheap street value, and causes brutal withdrawal symptoms — like bones riddled with pain — capable of driving even those committed to recovery back into using. More than 8,200 people died of a heroin overdose in 2013, and heroin use has more than doubled in adults aged 18 to 24 in the last decade. Heroin is not only majorly addictive, but it rounds out its bid for most dangerous drug with a 1:5 effective-to-lethal dose ratio. In other words, it only takes a dose five times more than that required to get high in

order to cause death. By comparison, cocaine has a ratio of 1:10, and both marijuana and LSD have ratios of around 1:1,000. Legal in most countries worldwide, alcohol can be insidious in terms of addiction. It’s widely accepted as a way to loosen up, and binge drinking is common across most college campuses. Despite its ubiquity, the substance is capable of increasing dopamine levels in the brain by 40-360 percent, the researchers found. And the more experiment animals drank, the higher that level rose. Excessive alcohol use contributes to 88,000 deaths annually in the U.S., and almost 23 percent of those who use alcohol will become dependent at some point in their lives. Several experts have ranked alcohol as the most damaging drug in society, based on its harm to both users and others. Though movies sometimes portray cocaine as a “rich man’s drug,” used by models and Wall Street execs,

the drug’s effects are anything but glamorous. Powdered cocaine, along with its smokeable cousin, crack, work by directly interfering with the brain’s dopamine pathways, essentially making it impossible for the brain to turn dopamine signals off. This results in an “abnormal activation of the brain’s reward pathways,” wrote Eric Bowman, a lecturer in psychology and neuroscience at the University of St. Andrews, in The Conversation. In 2009, the cocaine market was worth about $75 billion, and catered to between 14 million and 20 million people worldwide. Similarly to alcohol, about 21 percent of people who try cocaine will end up addicted at some point in their lifetime. Though cocaine is a factor in many deaths, direct overdoses are an escalating issue — the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention reported a 12 percent increase in cocaine overdose deaths from 2012 to 2013. Credit: Medical Daily



El Sol de Ohio | Marzo 18 /Abril 1, 2016

La luchadora y estrella de la WWE,

Kaitlyn complace a sus fans El Sol de Ohio

Servicios Internacionales

Para todos los que siempre me han querido ver desnuda”, fue la dedicatoria hot que Kaitlyn, la

rica diosa de la WWE, les puso a dos fotelis que subió a su instagram, y con las cuales les cumplió el sueño a millones en todo el planeta. La ricura, cuyo nombre

real es Celeste Bonin, no sólo es una reconocida luchadora, sino que también retomó el fisicoculturismo y, de forma paralela, lanzó su marca de ropa deportiva: Celestial Bodiez.

Pero sabemos que a estas alturas lo único que quieres -igual que todos- es ver a la rica Kaitlyn tal como Diosito la echó al mundo. Fuente: La Cuarta.


The Sun of Ohio | March 18 & April 1, 2016


An openly gay player will make NCAA tournament history this week El Sol de Ohio


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lmost two years ago, Derrick Gordon made history by announcing that he is gay, in the process becoming the first openly gay male basketball player in the NCAA’s Division I. This week, he’ll make more history by becoming the first openly gay player to compete in the NCAA tournament. Gordon was playing at the University of Massachusetts when he came out and U-Mass. advanced to the tournament when he was a closeted gay man. Now he’s playing at Seton Hall, which won the Big East tournament Saturday and was awarded a six seed on Selection Sunday. They play Gonzaga on Thursday at approximately 9:57 p.m. on truTV. Gordon’s presence in the tournament may not make much of a ripple, though. Athletes are increasingly coming out of the closet since Jason Collins became the first openly gay active player in major men’s sports in North America

in April 2013. Brittney Griner, the former Baylor star who has said she was asked not to come out while she was still in college, announced that she is openly gay after her collegiate career ended. Michael Sam became the first openly gay player taken in the NFL draft in 2014. “For us, the fact that he’s gay is an old story,”

Seton Hall Coach Kevin Willardtold USA Today last summer. “These kids know about Derrick, they’re on social media and are very informed. This generation of athletes are much more educated on the gay athlete. I think the attention is brought on by adults. We make it a bigger deal. Some of these kids can teach us a lesson

on how to handle this type of stuff.” Gordon, who was immediately eligible to play for the Pirates as a graduate student after earning his degree at U-Mass., moved on from the story of his orientation, too, declining to discuss it during the season. During the transfer process, though, being gay was an issue.

“During the recruiting process, a number of schools didn’t want me because I’m gay,” Gordon told USA Today’s Scott Gleeson. “To me, that’s blatant homophobia. At the end of the day, no coaches will ever admit that they don’t want me because I’m gay and there’s baggage that comes with the attention. “Honestly, it caught me

off-guard. It really hurt. It had me stressing, crying. I was starting to lose hope. I felt like I was being treated like an outsider, like I didn’t belong in the NCAA. I couldn’t believe it because I’m a good player and they were looking at the opposite — something that doesn’t mean anything with my [sexuality]. … ‘Nah, not the gay guy.’ ” Gordon is averaging 7.9 points and 3.3 rebounds off the bench after averaging 9.8 points and 4.9 rebounds as a junior at UMass. Now, at Seton Hall, he’s a leader as well as a player. “He’s like an older brother,” sophomore Ismael Sanogo told Fox Sports. “He’s there to calm us down in troubling times. When the game is getting out of hand, he comes in and calms us down. Not even on the court [but] off the court and in the locker room, he has an older-brother presence that seems to calm us down.” Credit: The Washington Post

Bryant-Melo bond is as good as gold El Sol de Ohio

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obe Bryant and Carmelo Anthony were teammates at the London Olympics back in 2012 when the NBA regularseason schedule was released. That’s when the two friends first learned they’d be spending Christmas together. “We actually might win on Christmas Day for the first time ever,” Bryant said at the time, taking yet another dig at his helpless pal. For two weeks in London, Bryant was poking fun at Anthony at every turn, tweaking him about his playoff resume or teasing him about his weight. But in a quarterfinal game against Australia it was Anthony who seized the opportunity to go after Bryant, who had put up a giant goose egg in the first half. “I was on him the whole game,” Anthony said. “ ‘Wake up, you look sleepy out there.’ I guess I woke the Mamba up.”

Bryant went on to score 20 points and eventually the United States would win a second straight gold medal, and a lifelong friendship between two All-Stars was established. “It wasn’t forced,” Anthony said this week. “It happened organically, na-

turally. We had a chance to really connect on that USA team. A lot of close relationships start with that USA team and that was once of them.” Anthony and Bryant faced each other for the final time on Sunday at Staples Center, with the Knicks

winning 90-87 in what was an emotional game for Anthony, who outscored Bryant 26-14. They have a long history together, dating back to when the Lakers eliminated the Denver Nuggets twice — sweeping Anthony and Denver in the

first round in 2008 and beating them in the Western Conference finals the following year. In the series finale, Bryant scored 25 points in Game 6. “We thought we had a chance to beat them that year,” Anthony said. “But his greatness came out.” Bryant and Anthony nearly became teammates twice over the past five years. Before Anthony was traded to the Knicks, Los Angeles reportedly turned down a trade for Anthony that would have included Andrew Bynum being sent to the Nuggets. Two summers ago, Anthony visited the Lakers during free agency but he decided to re-sign with the Knicks. They are also forever linked by a Madison Square Garden scoring record. Two years ago, Anthony’s 62-point performance broke the previous record of 61 that was held by Bryant. “He is like a brother to me,” Bryant told Los Angeles reporters this week. “I love him.

“We spent a lot of time together. He was the one I was the closest with on the (USA) team.” According to Anthony, Bryant has been a friend that he can confide in, and he trusts his advice. “Everybody at this level needs somebody we can talk to and needs somebody we can relate to,” Anthony said. “We need somebody who can straight-up tell you how it is, whether you’re right or whether you’re wrong. We all need that. We all need those people. He was one of those guys.” Bryant is retiring at the end of what has been a dreadful season for the Lakers as one of the game’s all-time great players. But Sunday was a special occasion because he was bidding farewell to one of his best friends. “You guys won’t know it. You guys won’t see it,” Anthony said before the game. “But inside it will be an emotional day knowing this is the last time I’ll be able to compete against a guy like that.” Credit: Daily News



El Sol de Ohio | Marzo 18 /Abril 1, 2016

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ons. José Gómez, Arzobispo de Los Ángeles (Estados Unidos), cuestionó “una tentación grande” entre los fieles actualmente: hacer a Dios o la Iglesia “a nuestra imagen y semejanza”, algo propio de la cultura “obsesionada con la autoexpresión y con la realización personal”. En su columna titulada “El lugar de encuentro entre los deseos de Dios y los nuestros”, el Prelado señala que no se debe caer en esa tentación de la que se advierte y se debe buscar encontrar a Dios en la “forma correcta”. ¿Cómo hacer eso? El Arzobispo de Los Ángeles explicó que la educación religiosa es una de las claves para encontrar este camino porque con

Esto dice un Arzobispo desde Estados Unidos

ella uno se puede formar sobre la verdad, algo que ayuda a convertirse “a Cristo y en Cristo” y así

descubrir “el camino que Dios ha establecido” para la propia vida. “La conversión es la clave

de todo, una conversión que nos lleve a comprender que nuestras vidas tienen una dirección y un

plan; una conversión que conduzca a nuestra transformación espiritual en la imagen de Jesucristo”.

Estas verdades, prosigue el Prelado, “Dios las ha confiado a su Iglesia” y están en las “Escrituras, en la Tradición, en la liturgia y en Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica”. También precisa que “si nuestro encuentro con Cristo no nos lleva a la transformación personal, a cambiar nuestro comportamiento, nuestra forma de pensar, nuestra visión del mundo y manera de relacionarnos con los demás, entonces este encuentro no es verdadero”. “Si nuestro ‘encuentro’ con Cristo sólo confirma el camino que ya estamos recorriendo o nuestras propias preferencias y suposiciones, entonces hemos encontrado un ‘Cristo falso’ o un Cristo de nuestra propia fabricación o fabricado por alguien más”. Fuente: ACI Prensa.

Here are the faces of the nuns who were martyred in Yemen El Sol de Ohio

Special Report


ister Anslem, Sister Reginette, Sister Judith, and Sister Marguerite were serving as caretakers at the Missionaries of Charity’s convent and nursing home in Aden, Yemen. These sisters left their homes in India and Africa to serve the poor, elderly, and disabled in the war-torn country of Yemen. They worked together with volunteers at the convent’s home care center, where they served around sixty to eighty patients of all religions. “They were serving all poor people irrespective of their religion. Their duty was to help the poor,” a representative from the Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia told CNA. But on March 4, the convent was attacked by two gunmen who killed Sr. Anslem, Sr. Judith, Sr. Marguerite, and Sr. Reginette, along with sixteen other victims, including volunteers from Ethiopia and Yemen. Each victim was found handcuffed and shot in the head.

No residents of the nursing home were harmed. Pope Francis called the sisters “martyrs of today” who “gave their blood for the Church.” According to a statement from the Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia, Sr. Anslem was from Ranchi, India and would have turned 60 years old on May 8. Sr. Judith was from

Kenya and had just turned 41 years old on Feb. 2. Sr. Marguerite was from Rwanda and would have been 44 years old on April 29. The youngest nun, Sr. Reginette, was from Rwanda and would’ve turned 33 on June 29. Since the attack, the Missionaries of Charity’s nursing home has been relying on the aid of volunteers and government

support to continue their care of the elderly, which has lasted for 24 years in Aden. “Now, the local government is taking care of the elderly with the help of some volunteers, university students and young people,” the representative said. The convent’s superior, Sister Sally, was originally reported missing du-

ring the attack, but she has since been declared safe. “Sister Sally is safe and I think she will go to her regional superior’s house that is in Jordan,” the representative added. However, Salesian priest Father Tom Uzhunnalil is still missing after his reported abduction. Fr. Uzhunnalil is an Indian priest who had been staying with the sisters and

has not been found since the attack on March 4. No group has claimed responsibility for the onslaught against the Missionaries of Charity convent, but the country of Yemen is in the midst of a yearlong civil war which has claimed the lives of more than 6,000 people. Credit: CNA

The Sun of Ohio | March 18 & April 1, 2016

Bendeciré a Jehová que me aconseja; aun en las noches me enseña mi conciencia. A Jehová he puesto siempre delante de mí; porque está a mi diestra, no seré conmovido. Se alegró por tanto mi corazón, y se gozó mi alma; mi carne también reposará confiadamente “Salmos 16: 7-9.” Cada día tiene sus propios afanes, dificultades, tormentos, perturbaciones, y sobre todo confusiones, pero cuando dejamos que en medio de todas estas situaciones el Espíritu Santo nos corrija, entonces, podemos ser transformados El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

efending his endorsement of Donald Trump, Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. said, “God called King David a man after God’s own heart even though he was an adulterer and a murderer.” Falwell spoke to the student-run newspaper Liberty Champion to explain his decision in January to endorse the billionaire businessman. Jon Ward, political reporter at Yahoo News, tweeted Falwell’s remarks on Trump and King David in the Bible, and Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, retweeted it, adding his own comment that poked fun at Trump’s Bible gaffe when he previous said “two Corinthians”: “There’s a Psalm five-one, or something like that, somewhere, I’m told.” Falwell told the student newspaper he became Trump’s friend in 2012, after the real estate mogul came to speak at Liberty University. He also said he spent time on the campaign trail with

Nutrición para el alma nancy@yahvefoundation.org

cada día aun en medio de todo las dificultades que pueda traer ese día. Aprendamos cada día a alegrarnos, regocijarnos en nuestro Señor Jesucristo y sentiremos como hasta la carne reposara confiada cuando hayamos aprendido a tener gozo y confianza en él. Entraré al altar de Dios, al Dios de mi alegría

Nancy Striker Vicepresidenta del Ministerio de Damas Iglesia Apostólica La Gracia de Jesucristo

y de mi GOZO; y te alabaré con arpa, oh Dios, Dios mí “Salmos 43:4.” Por experiencia propia sé que no es fácil sentir gozo, paz, y tranquilidad en nuestro corazón, pero si estoy segura que cuando dejamos que Dios transforme nuestro corazón; aprendemos a recibir sus promesas. Sí, sientes que los problemas

te quitan la paz solo tienen que pedirle a Dios que te de la seguridad de que él tiene el control absoluto de tu vida y que el Dios que todo lo puede te llevara a otro nivel espiritual, ósea, que si confías en sus promesas y dejas que el actué; disfrutaras del gozo necesario para que tu corazón se sienta seguro y

Jerry Falwell Jr. compares Trump to Bible’s King David, ‘a man after God’s own heart;’ Russell Moore responds

Trump during the weekend of the Iowa Caucus, adding that he went with his family and Trump paid for it. Falwell said that Trump invited his family to sit up front with him and gave them a tour of the “big living room with this big screen TV,” the master bedroom, and let his son, who is a pilot, sit

in the cockpit during take off. “Then we sat there with him the whole time, just across the table,” he said. “He offered us food, … so he brought out Wendy’s cheeseburgers. He ate cheeseburgers, and we ate cheeseburgers. Then he put on a concert. He found out that when I

grew up in the 70s, I was an Elton John fan. So, he put the concert on the big screen. He was doing it all himself. He was the one serving the food. He was the one waiting on us. I thought it would be like caviar and something fancy, but it was cheeseburgers — Wendy’s cheeseburgers.”

CHURCH LIFE pueda transmití la paz que sobre abunda en Cristo Jesús. Pero alégrense todos los que en ti confían; den voces de júbilo para siempre, porque tú los defiendes; en ti se regocijen los que aman tu nombre. Porque tú, oh Jehová, bendecirás al justo; como con un escudo lo rodearás de tu favor “Salmos 5:11-12.” !Regocíjate, da gritos de júbilos y confía con todo tu corazón para que puedas recibir la bendición y el favor de sentir su escudo protector alrededor de ti! Falwell continued that he believes those criticizing Trump are career politicians scared of change. “I really believe that what you are seeing happening this week is the establishment is having a seizure. They’re going ballistic because they are scared to death that they’re going to lose power,” he asserted. “They’re scared to death of Trump because he’s the kind of guy that will walk into Washington, kick over the tables, kick over the chairs, throw the bums out, start over, and do things that a career politician would never do.” He continued: “He (Trump) doesn’t need the money. He’s paying for his own campaign. He’s not beholden to anybody like the rest of them are. He’s made a payroll with tens of thousands of employees, and nobody else on that debate stage has ever made a payroll and never will. They don’t understand it.” Falwell went on to say that Christians should’t attack other Christians “because they don’t support the same candidate or the candidate who they believe is the most righteous.” Credit: Christian news.

Realizan bautismo donde Estado Islámico decapitó a 21 cristianos El Sol de Ohio

Special Report


l misionero Shahid (nombre cambiado por razones de seguridad), es un ejemplo de cómo Dios está transformando vidas en las regiones más afectadas por el fundamentalismo islámico. La mayor parte de Oriente Medio y el Norte de África está habitada por las comunidades musulmanas. En una entrevista con el programa Leading The Way, presentado por el Dr.

Joseph Youssef, un ex musulmán que se convirtió en un pastor, Shahid dijo que

nació y se crio en Libia. Siempre fue un musulmán devoto y muy temprano

asistió a la escuela coránica. Se dedicó a estudiar incesantemente durante 14 años el Corán, se convirtió en un experto en jurisprudencia islámica. Sin embargo, admite que cuanto más se profundizó en las leyes musulmanas, más me quedé decepcionado con ellas. Poco a poco él fue tomado por las dudas serias y buscó el consejo con amigos y familiares. La mayoría simplemente le dijo que no cuestionara la fe. “Dijeron que existe un

verso en el Corán exigiéndole a los musulmanes no procurar buscar respuestas sobre algunas cuestiones. Ellos saben que estas cosas podrían hacerles daño”, recuerda. Después de preguntas sin respuesta, acabó abandonando el Islam y se convirtió en un ateo.


CHURCHES SERVICES / SERVICIOS DE IGLESIAS Christ the King (Catholic Church) (Servicio en español) 2777 E. Livingston Ave. Columbus, OH 43209 (614) 237-0401 English (614) 237- 0414 Español Mass Times Horario de Misa Weekend Mass Saturday 4:00 PM English 6:00 PM Spanish Sunday 8:00 AM English 10:00 AM English 12:30 PM Spanish Rhema Christian Center (614) 471-9673 2100 Agler Road Columbus, Ohio 43224 Service Times: Saturday Service 6:00 PM Sunday Service 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM Vineyard Church at Tuttle Crossing 5400 Avery Rd. Dublin. OH. 43016 Phone: 614.876.0258 Service Times We meet Sundays at 10:30AM. Free coffee and free Timbits are served every morning! We have dynamic worship, great teaching and personal ministry. Full childcare is available as well as programming for children during the service. We love and welcome your children. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church 30 West Woodruff Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43210 on the campus of The Ohio State University 614-294-3749 Sunday Worship Schedule: 8:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist (no music) 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist with music 6:00 p.m. Campus Worship community St. Mark’s United Methodist Church 5200 Sullivant Ave. Columbus, OH 43228 Office: 614-878-6520 Worship times: Sunday (English) 10:30 am Worthington SeventhDay Adventist Church 385 E. Dublin-Granville Rd. Worthington, OH 43085 Phone: 614-885-7812 Service Times: First Service: Contemporary 9:00 am Sabbath School: Adult and children of all ages: 10:15 am Second Service: Traditional 11:20 am The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 2400 Red Rock Blvd, Grove City, OH 43123 (614) 875-8490



El Sol de Ohio | Marzo 18 /Abril 1, 2016

Ocho de cada 10 latinos de EUA repudian a Donald Trump El Sol de Ohio

Special Report


Defienden 225 legisladores de EUA plan de Obama proinmigrantes U

n total de 225 legisladores, incluido los líderes de los demócratas en la Cámara de Representantes y del Senado, se solidarizaron hoy con las órdenes ejecutivas del presidente Barack Obama para dar alivio migratorio a millones de indocumentados, la mayoría mexicanos. En un documento de “Amigos de la Corte”, los legisladores consideraron que las acciones presidenciales son legales y apropiadas, conforme la Suprema Corte de Justicia se apresta a escuchar los argumentos orales del caso el próximo 18 de abril. “Las acciones ejecutivas del presidente Obama caen dentro del precedente establecido por cada presidente –demócrata y republicano– desde Eisenhower”, señalaron conjuntamente el líder demócrata senatorial Harry Reid y la lideresa de los demócratas en la Cámara baja, Nancy Pelosi. “De hecho, ante la inacción del Congreso, los presidentes Ronald Reagan y George H.W. Bush tomaron acción audaz por su cuenta para proteger a los cónyuges y niños de personas que recibieron estatus bajo la Ley de Reforma y Control de Inmigración de 1986”, mencionaron. Un total de 39 demócratas del Senado y 186 demócratas de la Cámara de Representantes suscribieron el documento solidario en momentos que el tema migratorio ocupa una lugar central en las campañas hacia las elecciones presidenciales del 8 de noviembre. Bajo la directiva ejecutiva de Obama, el gobierno buscó ampliar a partir de febrero pasado el DACA, que se estima beneficiaría a unos 300 mil jóvenes indocumentados adicionales a los 700 mil que han recibido suspensión de sus deportaciones y obtenido permisos de trabajo. Igualmente pondría en vigor una variante para adultos conocida como DAPA, y la cual buscaba beneficiar a más de cuatro millones de inmigrantes indocumentados, la mayoría mexicanos que son padres de menores ciudadanos estadunidenses o residentes permanentes. La Suprema Corte designó el 18 de abril para escuchar los argumentos orales en la demanda sobre la constitucionalidad de las órdenes ejecutivas del presidente para beneficiar a casi cinco millones de inmigrantes indocumentados, la mayoría mexicanos. El Departamento de Justicia apeló el fallo de la Corte del Quinto Circuito de Apelaciones que dejó en suspenso la ampliación del Programa de Acción Diferida para Llegados en la Infancia (DACA) y su versión para adultos (DAPA), impugnados por 26 estados del país, encabezados por Texas.


cho de cada 10 latinos en Estados Unidos desprecian al millonario estadunidense Donald Trump, en lo que lo convirtió en el aspirante presidencial más repudiado por los latinos de Estados Unidos, de acuerdo con un sondeo de Gallup. La encuesta, que se divulga en vísperas del crucial supermartes electoral III con elecciones primarias en estados clave como Florida y Ohio, muestra que 77 por ciento de los latinos tienen un imagen desfavorable de Trump, contra 12 por ciento favorable. “Por mucho, Trump tiene la imagen más negativa entre los hispanos que cualquiera de los otros precandidatos republicanos. También tiene una imagen mucho más negativa que los dos precandidatos demócratas”, señaló la firma de medición de la opinión pública. Gallup atribuyó el “déficit” de popularidad de Trump entre los latinos de Estados Unidos, la mayoría de los cuales son mexi-

canos, a sus comentarios iniciales donde comparó a los inmigrantes mexicanos con criminales y a su plan de construir un muro fronterizo. “Desde entonces, las fuertes y controvertidas posiciones de Trump contra los grupos de inmigrantes pudieron haber reforzado su mala imagen entre los hispanos”, señaló. La negativa imagen de Trump entre los latinos trasciende de hecho las líneas partidistas, pues es visto negativamente por un 50 por ciento de los latinos que se identifican como demócratas, así como por 23 por ciento que se declaran republicanos.

Por comparación, Hillary Clinton tiene el más alto nivel de popularidad entre los latinos con un 59 por ciento, mientras que 26 por ciento de los hispanos tienen un imagen desfavorable de la ex primera dama de Estados Unidos. Bernie Sanders, el senador socialista de Vermont, tiene una imagen positiva para el 35 por ciento de los latinos y un porcentaje negativo de apenas el 16 por ciento o 10 puntos porcentuales menos que Hillary Clinton. En el campo republicano, el senador cubanoamericano de Florida, Marco Rubio, tiene el más alto nivel de atractivo para los latinos que sus riva-

les conservadores (32 por ciento), pero por debajo del nivel de popularidad de los demócratas. En segundo lugar figura el otro senador cubanoamericano Ted Cruz, con el 26 por ciento del apoyo latino, seguido de John Kasich con el 15 por ciento y finalmente Donald Trump con apenas el 12 por ciento. Aunque Trump se mantiene en el sótano de popularidad entre los latinos, es la figura más conocida entre los hispanos, pues 89 por ciento reconocen su nombre, cuatro puntos porcentuales más que a Hillary Clinton.

Mujeres mueven mitad de remesas en el mundo: Western Union El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

as mujeres representan casi el 50 por ciento de los 247 millones de migrantes en todo el mundo y moverán la mitad de los 600 mil millones de dólares en remesas que crucen las fronteras en 2016, reveló hoy la compañía Western Union. En el marco del Día Internacional de la Mujer, la empresa de envíos de divisas resaltó que, a pesar de mover la misma cantidad de dinero que los hombres, las mujeres envían un mayor porcentaje de sus ingresos. En un comunicado, la compañía con sede en Estados Unidos destacó las contribuciones realizadas por la fuerza laboral femenina global en sus comunidades, tanto en su país de residencia, como en su patria. Agregó que ellas “son académicamente mejor educadas, con tres de cada 10 habiendo alcanzado

una educación universitaria, en comparación con aproximadamente dos de cada 10 de sus pares masculinos”. Además, señaló que “más del 75 por ciento de dichas remesas fluyen para los países en desarrollo, lo que sostiene un poderoso diálogo económico entre las familias de un lado del globo al otro”.

También reconoció a las economías desarrolladas y emergentes por allanar el camino para que las mujeres crucen sus fronteras y pidió un mayor reconocimiento e integración, en la medida en que las mujeres emergen como poderosos motores de las economías. “El Día Internacional de la Mujer nos brinda una

oportunidad para destacar los logros de las mujeres, especialmente los cientos de millones que cruzan las fronteras y son agentes de cambio económico para sus familias, sus países de origen, y sus naciones anfitrionas de todo el mundo”, dijo Hikmet Ersek, presidente de Western Union.

The Sun of Ohio | March 18 & April 1, 2016



Al-Qaida focuses attention on soft targets in West Africa El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

he attack on an Ivory Coast beach resort by an al-Qaida affiliate is the latest sign it is shifting its focus to soft targets associated with foreigners in an effort to destabilize economies and gain the group credibility among jihadis in its rivalry with the so-called Islamic State group. The three gunmen who burst into the Grand-Bassam beach resort and killed 18 people were part of al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, a group that grew out of the Algerian civil war in the 1990s and used to restrict itself to operations deep in the desert, hundreds of miles away. In recent months, however, it has carried out devastating attacks against luxury hotels frequented by foreigners: first in Mali in November, then in Burkina Faso in January, and now even farther south in an Ivorian resort popular with tourists and locals alike.

“They are essentially shifting their strategy from operating in northern Mali and southern Algeria and parts of Libya to much more commercially relevant areas,” said Robert Besseling, director of the Exx Africa risk advisory group. “Therefore it undermines the whole region’s economy and the business confidence surrounding these economies.”

Al-Qaida’s North Africa branch was once known for striking military posts in Algeria and neighboring countries, but such attacks were often difficult and made little impact internationally. The group has now taken its cue from other, more brutal organizations around the world and turned to civilian targets linked to its enemies —

principally the French. “They’ve realized how easy it is and how much fear you can spread by doing this,” said Sean Smith, the Africa analyst at Verisk-Maplecroft Risk Consultancy. “You can spread much more fear by attacking capital cities and tourist complexes than the Malian army.” The shift comes as AQIM is under unprecedented

pressure from the Frenchled Operation Barkhane, a wide ranging campaign in the Sahara that has killed a number of jihadi commanders. According to Andrew Lebovich, an expert on the group, one of its commanders said in a recent interview that all political and security partners of France and the West were now considered valid targets. The violence at the hotels also comes as one of the al-Qaida’s most feared commanders, Moktar Belmoktar, the architect of a 2013 attack on an Algerian gas plant, has rejoined the group with his followers and apparently expanded its capabilities dramatically. “It is a way of showing that they can and will strike far away from the areas that had previously been regarded as security threats, while still maintaining operations in northern Mali and central Mali in particular,” Lebovich said. The merger of al-Qaida splinters in this region also comes as the group is

under increasing pressure from the dramatic success of the Islamic State, which has carried out high-profile attacks in Libya and Tunisia and is in danger of peeling away al-Qaida followers. “They need publicity to counter the rise of the Islamic State and prove they are still here and capable of mounting spectacular operations,” said Djallil Lounnas, an expert on AQIM at Morocco’s AlAkhawayn University. “Moving south means they can strike anywhere and hit much softer and easier targets.” While there are fears that the group will set its sights next on close Western allies Ghana and Senegal, the attacks have put the whole region on the alert. In contrast to the long, drawn-out standoffs in the Mali and Burkina Faso attacks, Ivorian forces subdued the attackers in a matter of hours, suggesting that West Africa may be a more difficult target for al-Qaida. Credit: AP

Tattoo parlors emerge from the shadows of Cuba’s libertine past El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

ent in concentration beneath the vaulted ceiling of his Old Havana studio, Mauro Coca draws a tropical bird in blue ink down the length of Julivic Marquez’s arm. “That’s really good,” the 21-year-old art student says, and Coca presses his electric needle to her forearm. She winces as the needle buzzes across her skin, inking the first centimeters of what will take nine hours to become a red, blue and green quetzal, the brilliantly colored national bird of Guatemala. During the sinful heydays of the 1950s, tattoos were for the sailors prowling Havana’s waterfront and boozy tourists lurching from sex shows to gambling dens. The socialist revolution drove tattooing even further underground, with health inspectors and police raiding studios seen as health hazards and vestiges of capitalist immorality.

Now skin art is on the rebound in Cuba, with hundreds of tattoo parlors operating largely unmolested across the country. The studio where Coca works, La Marca, or The Brand, is the most salient example of Cuba’s new acceptance of tattooing. The studio sits on two floors of a refurbished colonial building in the middle of Old Havana, the government-restored heart of the city, giving it the clear if

tacit endorsement of the City Historian’s Office, the agency overseeing every aspect of development in Havana’s most important tourist attraction. La Marca opened a year ago on one of Old Havana’s busiest streets and has done some 600 tattoos for a mix of Cuban and foreign clients. It’s been used as a space for government-sponsored art events and its managers say they’ve never had any

trouble with the state despite their lack of a license explicitly permitting tattooing. Like so many other activities in Cuba, tattooing is neither illegal nor explicitly permitted and regulated, leaving it operating in the gray area Cubans refer to as “alegal,” meaning simply that something lacks any legal status, positive or negative. And like so many other goods, tattooing supplies can’t be

purchased from state businesses, meaning ink, needles and other goods must be imported in travelers’ luggage. “Tattooing remains in limbo,” said Leo Canosa, La Marca’s owner. In the middle of last year, state inspectors raided at least a half dozen Havana tattoo parlors, confiscating tattooing machines, needles and inks without providing a clear explanation. Alarmed, other parlor owners closed in order to avoid confiscation. In contrast to the past, when tattoo artists simply closed down in the face of official pressure, owners of the shuttered parlors called a meeting with government inspectors and pushed for a legal resolution. They were allowed to reopen soon after. “Tattoo artists, in reality, don’t have any official status, as artists or anything,” said Che Alejandro Pando, a tattooist who has been working in Havana for more than 20 years. “We’ve been fighting for them to accept us as artists

in Cuba, but we haven’t found success.” For much of the past halfcentury, ordinary Cubans associated tattoos with prisoners, who etched crude images on each other behind bars. That image began to soften by the early 2000s with the arrival of more tourists, some of them tattooed, and tattoo artists’ improved ability to get professional supplies as air travel to the island rose. Now tattoos of Cuban revolutionary figures, the Cuban flag, gods and goddess of the African-based Cuban religion Santeria, among other designs, can be found on Cubans of all ages and social status. Credit: New York Post. “Tattoos are a work of art,” said Alain Gomez, a 31-year-old self-employed worker with what he said was his Chinese Zodiac sign tattooed in black on one arm. “It’s not like before, when people looked down on someone with a tattoo.”



El Sol de Ohio | Marzo 18 /Abril 1, 2016



Woman, 93, gets diploma once denied because she was married mes about her mother. James said he read the letter and researched what happened. “I felt terrible for the way Mrs. Liggett was treated all of those years ago and wanted to do what we could to make it up to her,” James said. “To have invested 13 years in school, to have been a good student and still not receive a diploma because of that, was simply wrong.” Liggett and her late husband, John Huston, had run away to Kentucky to get married after he was called into the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II. Huston graduated from North High School two years earlier. The two

El Sol de Ohio

Special Report


93-year-old Ohio woman has received the high school diploma she was denied in 1942 because of rules that expelled married students. Dorothy Liggett was a few weeks from graduation from Akron’s North High School when officials discovered she was married. Akron Public Schools Superintendent David James hand-delivered the diploma to Liggett in a surprise ceremony Wednesday in suburban Fairlawn, The Akron Beacon Journal reported. Liggett’s daughter Janice Larkin had written to Ja-

had planned to have Liggett join her husband after she graduated. During one school day, Liggett forgot her gym attire and the teacher told her to go to study hall. Liggett said she replied, “No, I’m married. I’m going home.” The school then acted on its policy to ban married students. Superintendent James said they felt Ligget’s birthday was the perfect occasion to make amends. “While it may be an honor for Dorothy, for us it is a long overdue recognition,” James said. Credit: AP

How to overcome college application fears ymously in forums. Also, don’t be afraid to ask more than one person. You’ll gain a broader perspective and a better understanding of the reality of the situation.

El Sol de Ohio

Special Report


hat do werewolves, zombies and the college application process have in common? If you’re like a lot of people, all three of these things strike fear in your heart. Most applicants have at least some apprehension about applying, and some are absolutely frozen by anxiety. Face your fears and learn how to approach the college application process like a pro by following this easy five-step guide. 1. Keep some balance in your life Obsession tends to make us focus on the negative aspects of things, heightens anxiety and reduces our ability to think clearly. Be sure to maintain strong ties to family and friends. Not only are they your support system for the application process, they’ll remind you that applying to college isn’t the only thing happening in the world. As you create your college applications, make time for the people in your life and talk about things other than applying to college. If they bring it up, move the conversation

to a more casual topic. Finally, take time for your health. You’ll need sleep, nutrition and exercise to keep you feeling good throughout the process. 2. Make a plan Even if you’re crunched for time, make a plan about how you’re going to get everything done. Knowing when you’re going to do what can help quell fears and instill confidence. Also, involve others in your plan. Make a calendar so that your family knows when you’ll be working on what (resume, activities, essay,

etc.). This can help avoid conflicts, like not scheduling a family night out on the evening when you’ll be working on your essays, as well as allay your family’s concerns about how you’re doing with your applications. 3. Say what you really want Maybe you’ve been telling everyone that you want to be a doctor since you were five. Maybe your family has cute kiddie pictures of you with toy stethoscopes and a white coat. Maybe your family has been telling all of their friends

about you getting ready for a pre-med program in college. And maybe you really want to be an architect. Telling the people in your life that you’ve changed your mind can be terrifying, and it’s true that breaking the news might bring some initial disappointment and confusion to your friends, family, teachers and school counselor. However, it’s going to be all that much harder if you choose a school based on one goal and then have to transfer when you finally tell everyone about your true goals. Instead of hiding, bring the people

in your life on board with your new plan. 4. Ask! While there is such a thing in this world as healthy fear based on reason (e.g. not sticking your hand into a nest of wasps), most of the time we are afraid of things because we don’t really have all of the right information. Lack of information causes us to fill in the gaps with worst case scenarios. Conquer this fear by finding the answers that you need. If you’re embarrassed to ask a certain question, go online. You can ask anon-

5. The essays Undoubtedly, this is the most common fear that college applicants have. It’s human nature to avoid things that we fear, but those primal instincts can actually be counterproductive in our modern world and cause us more stress. Therefore, having a plan to tackle the essays can help you overcome your goals step-by-step. The thought of needing to produce a finalized essay can be horrifying. However, the thought of brainstorming or asking your friends and family for some help in finding relevant anecdotes isn’t frightening at all. Moreover, following a plan will help you be more confident about your essays. Essays completed in a hurry will likely have many mistakes. By giving each step in the essay writing process the attention that it deserves, you’ll know that you’ve turned in your best possible essay. Credit: USA Today.

The Sun of Ohio | March 18 & April 1, 2016





El Sol de Ohio | Marzo 18 /Abril 1, 2016

How Chita Rivera keeps dancing at 83, with 16 screws in her leg By Sarah L. Kaufman

The Washington Post


hen Broadway queen Chita Rivera was a hyperactive child growing up in Washington, D.C., she bounced around her living room so much that she broke the coffee table. Her mother marched her off to ballet classes. This weekend, Rivera returned to the Washington area to pay homage to the teacher who helped channel her energy into stardom: the late Doris Jones, who in 1941 opened the Jones-Haywood School, one of the nation’s first ballet schools for children of color. Jones taught “courage, focus, pride, humor,” Rivera, 83, said in a phone interview. “And most definitely to work really hard, ’cause you don’t get anything free. I don’t care who you are, you really have to work for it. And that’s stuck with me all these years.” Jones’s lessons in life, as well as art, served Rivera well even at her lowest moments. In 1986, the car she was driving was struck by a taxi, and the 10-time Tony-nominated actor-singer-dancer suffered a compound fracture in her left leg that required 16 screws and months of healing. “I don’t think I would’ve recovered had I not had the training that Miss Jones gave me,” Rivera said. “You have to have the lows in your life so you can deal with them,” she said. “That’s what Miss Jones taught. She was so elegant, and so strong at the same time. She took no excuses.”

Rivera received a “Legacy Award” at the March 13 event at Leisure World in Silver Spring, Md., as part of the Jones-Haywood School’s 75th-anniversary celebration. Jones died in 2006 at age 92. Her school

still operates out of the same modest gray house on Delafield Place in Northwest Washington, where Jones lived upstairs and taught in the single studio below. Along with Rivera, celebrated Jones-Ha-

ywood graduates include three-time Tony-winning actor Hinton Battle and ballet and film choreographer Louis Johnson. Jones’s training was so rigorous and sophisticated that word spread to New York’s most elite ballet institution. A talent scout from George Balanchine’s School of American Ballet–the training arm of the New York City Ballet– asked Johnson and Rivera to audition before the revered ballet master. While Rivera was rattled by that high-pressure scene, Jones took it in stride. “At New York City Ballet the girls were all very tall and very thin, and I got off the elevator and said, ‘Oh, Miss Jones, I’m short and Puerto Rican!’ ” Rivera recalls. “And she said, ‘Now, Conchita, you just stay in your lane and do

what I’ve taught you to do.’ ” That no-nonsense advice served Rivera well when she developed a blister on her heel during the audition. It finally burst and caused a bloodstain on her tights, which caught Balanchine’s eye. He reacted, she says, like “the sweetest, most gentle grandfather. He stopped and made me put my foot on his thigh,” Rivera says. He took off her shoe and sent out for scissors to cut away the bloody fabric. “Then he put a Band-Aid on my heel, put the shoe back on, and I got back on pointe again and finished the audition.” And she landed a scholarship. (So did Johnson.) As Rivera went on to Broadway fame–starring as Anita in “West Side Story” and as Velma in

“Chicago,” and in a long string of other musicals including “The Rink” and “The Visit”–she always invited Jones to her openings. But Jones never came, until “Kiss of the Spider Woman.” At the party afterwards, Rivera asked her teacher why she hadn’t attended her other shows. “She said, ‘Well, Conchita, I would love to have come, but I was too busy making other young girls into beautiful dancers.’ “And that was her,” said Rivera. “That was the way she thought and the way she taught.”

The Sun of Ohio | March 18 & April 1, 2016



La Semana Santa en Latinoamérica BRASIL La Semana Santa en Brasil se vive de manera diferente al resto del mundo y concretamente hay un lugar donde la representan de manera bastante real, ya que construyen un pueblo que representa Jerusalén para poder escenificar todo lo que pasó Jesús hasta su muerte. Este lugar es Brejo da Madre De Deu, que se encuentra en Pernambuco.

El Sol de Ohio Special Report

MÉXICO México es un país dónde la Semana Santa tiene mucha importancia y siendo también donde se realiza la famosa representación del Viacrucis en Iztapalapa. Durante el Sábado de Gloria se queman los Judas. También son famosas las procesiones de San Luis Potosí, Puebla, San Miguel de Allende entre otras

ARGENTINA El Vía Crucis más largo del mundo. En la provincia de Formosa, al noreste argentino, año tras año, se viene realizando el Via Crucis más largo del mundo, tal como fue consagrado por el Libro Guinness de los Records. El trayecto abarca 512 kilómetros, dura 3 días.

COLOMBIA En todo el país se celebran procesiones y demás fiestas litúrgicas, destacándose la celebración en el municipio de Piedecuesta Santander con la Hermandad de Jesus Nazareno Parroquia San Francisco Javier de Piedecuesta. También se destacan las celebraciones en Mompox, Pamplona, Tunja y Cali donde la más reconocida se celebra en el barrio Colseguros en la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro al sur de la ciudad con más de 23 pasos que recorren sus calles.

ECUADOR Algunas de las costumbres más populares entre los ecuatorianos por estas fechas son las de “tapar a los santos” y comer fanesca (sopa típica). En algunos pueblos de la costa los ciudadanos se visten de negro entero. En varios pueblos se realiza la ceremonia del “Descendimiento”, donde el cuerpo de Cristo crucificado es colocado en el “Santo Sepulcro” y llevado en procesión por las calles de las ciudades.

COSTA RICA Procesiones de Jesús Nazareno del Consuelo. En Santo Domingo de Heredia, donde los lugareños le rinden veneración a la Imagen tricentenaria de Jesús Nazareno del Consuelo.

BOLIVIA Peregrinación de 3 días. Los peregrinos que recorren los más de 150 kilómetros que hay de La Paz hasta Copacabana. La celebración dura tres días en los cuales miles de jóvenes y personas de todas las edades llegan al Santuario en peregrinación por devoción a la Virgen de Copacabana.

EL SALVADOR Jesús Nazareno de Sonsonate. Es considerada como una de las celebraciones más solemnes de todo El Salvador. La procesión tiene una duración de 14 horas saliendo el viernes a las 5:00 pm y regresando a Catedral de la Santísima Trinidad el día sábado a las 8:00 am aproximadamente.



El Sol de Ohio | Marzo 18 /Abril 1, 2016

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