El sol july 1

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Columbus OH, USA • Julio 1/15, 2016 • Año 5 • No.139



Columbus OH, USA • July 1/15, 2016 • Year 5 • #139


Ohio los condena por esclavizar niños Ohio condemns them for child slavery Retrato policial de los líderes de la banda de traficantes de personas Aroldo Castillo-Serrano y Ana Pedro Juan. Mug shots of human trafficking ringleaders Aroldo Castillo-Serrano and Ana Pedro Juan

Pags. 4


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El Sol de Ohio | Julio 1/15, 2016

The Sun of Ohio | July 1/15, 2016



TOP STORIES Publicidad

El Sol de Ohio | Julio 1/15, 2016

Man gets 15 years for human smuggling, virtual slave labor The Sun of Ohio Special Report


he ringleader of a scheme that smuggled teens into the U.S. and kept them as virtual slaves while forcing them to work at an egg farm and live in run-down trailers was sentenced to just over 15 years in prison Monday. Aroldo Castillo-Serrano, a Guatemalan who is in the U.S. illegally, will be deported once he’s served the prison term, a federal judge in Toledo said in sentencing the man. Many of the victims were teens - the youngest was 14 - and some were his relatives, prosecutors said. Investigators said Castillo-Serrano, 33, lured the boys and young men with promises of enrolling them in school and finding them good jobs. He made the victims’ families sign over deeds to their property in Guatemala to pay for transporting them while some were

plucked out of custody at the Mexican border, prosecutors said. The teens and young men were forced to work at the egg farm in central Ohio near Marion and had to

turn over most of their earnings, said prosecutors, who concluded there were about 35 victims in all. Federal agents in the investigation raided a dilapidated trailer park two

years ago where 10 young Guatemalans had been living with no heat and little food. Castillo-Serrano apologized before he was sentenced. He pleaded guilty

last year to forced labor conspiracy, forced labor, witness tampering and encouraging illegal entry into the country. “I give a big apology to the victims who are mem-

bers of my family, my neighbors and who are from my same town,” he said through a translator. One of the young men brought to the U.S. said at a court hearing in April that Castillo-Serrano threatened to kill his father after the teen complained about being forced to work. Trillium Farms, which produces more than 2 billion eggs per year at various farms around central Ohio, said it was unaware of what was happening at its farm. It hasn’t been charged. Ana Angelica Pedro Juan, 22, also was sentenced Monday by U.S. District Judge James Carr to 10 years in prison for her role in the smuggling operation. She pleaded guilty to forced labor earlier this year. Prosecutors said she helped recruit the teens, watched over them at the farm and controlled their paychecks. Four other defendants already had been sentenced.Credit: AP.

Obtienen tres mexicanos unos 300 mil dólares en sueldos robados en NY El Sol de Ohio


Obama designa primer monumento nacional en honor a movimiento gay El Sol de Ohio


Reporte Especial

l presidente estadunidense Barack Obama designó hoy un área de la ciudad de Nueva York, que fue escenario de violentas protestas hace casi medio siglo, como el primer monumento nacional en honor al movimiento LGBT. “Creo que nuestros parques nacionales deberían reflejar la historia completa de la riqueza y diversidad de nuestro país y, de manera única, el espíritu estadunidense que nos ha definido siempre: que somos más fuertes juntos, que de muchos, somos

uno”, dijo Obama. Un área de 3.1 hectáreas, en el barrio de Greenwich Village, en la parte sur de Manhattan, estará ahora bajo protección federal al quedar incorporado al sistema de parques nacionales. El área comprende una zona residencial de varias manzanas, un pequeño parque y el bar Stonewall Inn, que en 1966 fue escenario de violentas manifestaciones durante seis días, después de una redada de la policía contra ese establecimiento frecuentado por homosexuales. El bar, que continúa en operación, se convirtió desde entonces en un íco-

no del movimiento de los homosexuales, las lesbianas, los bisexuales y las personas transgénero. En su mensaje de video, Obama señaló que redadas como la de junio de 1966 no eran una novedad, “pero esta vez los clientes llegaron al límite, de manera que se levantaron e hicieron escuchar su voz”. “Los disturbios se convirtieron en protestas, las protestas se convirtieron en un movimiento y el movimiento se convirtió al final en una parte integral de Estados Unidos”, sentenció.

Reporte Especial

res inmigrantes mexicanos obtuvieron cada uno más de 90 mil dólares como compensación por los salarios que su empleador, un negocio de lavado de autos con establecimiento en la zona urbana de Nueva York, les robó durante varios años. El acuerdo logrado por los tres mexicanos, parte de un grupo de 18 trabajadores que interpuso una demanda en contra de la firma J.V. Car Wash, es el más cuantioso arreglo logrado por exempleados de negocios de lavados de autos en Nueva York. Los mexicanos beneficiados con el acuerdo, divulgado el martes, son Margarito Gallardo y Hugo Rivera, quienes obtuvieron una compensación de poco más de 107 mil dólares cada uno; en tanto que Braulio Flores recibió poco más de 90 mil dólares. De acuerdo con Steven Arenson, abogado de la firma Arenson Dittmar & Karban, que representó a los inmigrantes en su demanda contra J.V. Car Wash, las compensacio-

nes son en su totalidad para los extrabajadores. Los honorarios del despacho de abogados fueron pagados aparte. En entrevista con Notimex, Arenson indicó que los mexicanos trabajaron en establecimientos de J.V. Car Wash, en los estados de Nueva York y Nueva Jersey, en jornadas de 12 horas a cambio de 20 o 30 dólares por día. El salario mínimo en Nueva York es actualmente de nueve dólares por hora. Además del robo de sueldos, uno de los mexicanos compensados era obligado una vez a la semana a cubrir tres turnos consecutivos, que sumaban 36 horas de trabajo continuo. El

abogado explicó que tales situaciones se extendieron durante más de cinco años. “Este acuerdo manda la señal de que las leyes estadunidenses protegen a los trabajadores incluso si estas personas no cuentan con documentos de migración. Las leyes son muy clara en este caso: no necesitas papeles para exigir tus derechos”, afirmó. El abogado señaló que el caso relacionado con los establecimientos J.V. Car Wash es apenas uno de los muchos ejemplos de abusos laborales en contra de trabajadores inmigrantes sin documentos en Nueva York.

The Sun of Ohio | July 1/15, 2016



Más de 15 años de prisión para latino que esclavizó a menores en una granja de Ohio The Sun of Ohio Special Report


n juez federal sentenció este lunes a más de 15 años de prisión al líder latino de una organización que esclavizó a una decena de menores hispanos en Ohio, sometiéndolos a trabajos forzados en una granja avícola. El juez James Carr aseguró al leer la condena que los crímenes cometidos por Aroldo Castillo Serrano demuestran “una absoluta indiferencia moral”. “Creo honestamente que si esto hubiese pasado a su hijo de 14 años o de 18 años, usted estaría gritando de indignación”, agregó. Carr explicó que Castillo Serrano será deportado a su natal Guatemala una vez que finalice su conde-

na por traficar humanos y someterlos a trabajos forzados, pues se encontraba ilegalmente en Estados Unidos. Antes de ser sentenciado, el guatemalteco de

33 años se excusó con el juez y con las víctimas. Su abogado, David Klucas, dijo además que la adicción de Castillo Serrano al alcohol pudo haber contribuido con su conducta.

Desde marzo de 2014, Castillo Serrano habría iniciado el reclutamiento de menores en Guatemala, según se lee en el documento de la acusación. Luego, los trasladaba ile-

galmente a Estados Unidos con la promesa de que podrían estudiar. Pero la realidad era que los jóvenes eran forzados a trabajar en una granja productora de huevos en el centro de Ohio, sin recibir pago alguno. Solo se les daba una “pequeña suma de dinero”, se lee en el escrito, para su alimentación. En contraposición contraían altas deudas con la organización de Castillo Serrano correspondientes al pago de la renta y por su seguridad. Durante su estancia en el país, los jóvenes eran refugiados en casas rodantes –en malas condiciones– propiedad del acusado y sus colaboradores. Para que continuaran trabajando sin quejas, Castillo Serrano y su grupo

amenazaban a los menores y sus familias incluso de muerte. “Creaban un clima de pánico y desolación”, señala el documento de acusación. En abril pasado, el juez Carr pospuso la sentencia tras exigir al acusado que devolviera a los allegados de las víctimas las tierras que les había embargado en Guatemala como garantía de protección a los menores de edad. “No espere un poco de clemencia de mi parte si antes no devuelve esas propiedades”, le dijo entonces. Otra colaboradora de Castillo Serrano en la organización, Ana Angélica Pedro Juan, también fue sentenciada este lunes a 10 años de prisión.

Mexican authorities sexually torture women By Lucy Westcott



ailyn Wang was seven weeks pregnant when federal police broke into her house in Mexico City in 2014 without an arrest warrant. Wang, originally from Peru, was physically and sexually abused by federal authorities, miscarried inside the prosecutor’s office and was forced onto a plane bound for a federal prison in Tepic, in western Mexico. Despite her injuries, she was given no pain medication and “a few sheets of paper towel to stuff down her pants,” according to Amnesty International, whom she spoke with about her ordeal. When the plane landed, “the airline seat was drenched with blood.” Wang was accused of being part of a gang of kidnappers and was charged with organized crime. She remains in prison today and is still awaiting the outcome of her trial. Wang is one of 100 women who spoke with Amnesty International, which in a new report outlines the use of torture and sexual abuse against women by municipal, state or federal police officers in Mexico and members of the army or navy. To obtain forced confessions to crimes the women didn’t commit, such acts are often carried

out “by the security forces who want to secure confessions and boost figures in an attempt to show that they are tackling rampant organized crime,” according to the Amnesty report published on Tuesday. Mexican authorities, faced with an ongoing drug war that has resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people over the past several years, want to be seen as doing something, anything, that might show they’re making gains. Women like those who spoke with Amnesty “are seen as the weakest link in the trafficking chain by the authorities” and are considered “an easy target for arrest,” the report states. While it’s not clear if any of those who spoke with Amnesty were in fact working for drug cartels—many remain in prison and have not yet seen a judge—women are often made to perform the lowest and most dangerous

tasks for the gang and “are considered expendable if arrested,” Amnesty says. “In this report, we really wanted to understand how this war on drugs and organized crime is affecting women,” Madeleine Penman, Mexico researcher for the organization, tellsNewsweek. The large number of women who spoke about their torture, rape and abuse at the hands of authorities is “quite unprecedented,” she says. In many cases, Penman says, the women said they were arrested; forced into confessing to a crime, such as working with a drug cartel; and falsely presented to the media as criminals—all before going before a judge. Around one-third of the women said they were raped by authorities, while others say they faced sexual harassment; psychological abuse; and physical abuse, such as electric shoc-

ks to the b****** and g******* and being kicked in the head, stomach, legs and ears. “The face was deliberately excluded to avoid obvious injuries,” the report states. Incidents of rape that reportedly occurred while women were being held were highest among the navy authorities. According to the report, eight out of 10 women who were arrested by the navy said they were raped, while half of those arrested by the army reported being raped. Women make up around 7 percent of Mexico’s federal prison population, and the majority are firsttime offenders, says Amnesty. Of the 100 women interviewed by Amnesty, one-third had been accused of being part of an organized-crime group, nearly a quarter were accused of drug crimes, and 22 percent were accused of kidnapping. Nearly 15

percent were accused of illegal firearms possession. “A lot of the arrests that were carried out in this report were arbitrary arrests,” says Penman. “Arbitrary arrests often lead to torture.” The latest national figures show that in 2013 alone, there were 12,000 complaints of torture or ill treatment in Mexico’s prisons by both men and women. Between 3,000 and 4,000 of these complaints were from women, but this is the “tip of the iceberg,” says Penman. Between 2014 and 2015, criminal complaints of torture at the federal level doubled, but it’s unclear how many of these were from women, which “leaves the issue shrouded in a problem of secrecy,” says Penman. Such use of torture and violence in prisons is an open secret in Mexico. The issue was forced into the light earlier this year after a graphic video emerged of a woman being tortured by two soldiers and a federal police officer, who pulled her hair and put her head inside a plastic bag until she nearly suffocated. The video went viral, and the reaction to it was unprecedented in Mexico, says Penman. “We had simply not seen, visually before, these acts being carried out,” says Penman. “Torture was

always talked about, but in the collective consciousness it was something abstract, something people couldn’t envision.” Amnesty said in its report that it’s not aware of any criminal charges against officials who committed torture and abuse against arrested women. Law enforcement agencies in Mexico “still fail to investigate, prosecute and punish” rape and other serious sexual violence as forms of torture. President Enrique Peña Nieto should “publically recognize the problem of torture and ill-treatment in Mexico, particularly the use of sexual violence against women,” Amnesty says. He should also “send a clear message that these acts will no longer be tolerated.” Penman added that Amnesty representatives planned to meet with Mexican government officials on Monday afternoon to discuss the report and its findings. “The message to other women is that this could happen to anyone, at any time. Many of the women we talked to were simply coming home or were on the street, on their way to pick their kids up from school,” says Penman. “The message also for other women is the importance of making a complaint. Speaking out about these things is paramount.”


El Sol de Ohio | Julio 1/15, 2016



Dr Luis F. Clemente

Let’s move forward like the strong community we are We Columbus Hispanics should feel very proud of our community. It is an example of progress for other communities in the nation. When our community is mentioned in government or entrepreneurial meetings, we are recognized as hard-working and peaceful people who fight for the success of their families.


Hablando de mundofobia: “Brexit” y Donald Trump

We have no serious gang, drug trafficking or domestic violence problems. The cases that happen are worrisome, but also isolated. Our two biggest weaknesses, against which we must continue fighting, continue to be a consumption of alcohol that is excessive and out of control, especially among males; and the poor connection between youth and college education. We must decide between moving forward and not moving forward, between progress and to remain stuck for years in the same place. I think the majority will decide to move forward. We will enjoy alcohol more responsibly and battle with more intensity for our youth to enter college. In a few years, Columbus’ Hispanic community will be a model community for Ohio. And the United States.

Sigamos adelante Como la comunidad fuerte que somos Los hispanos de Columbus debemos sentirnos orgullosos de nuestra comunidad. Nuestra comunidad hispana es ejemplo de progreso para otras comunidades de la nación. Cuando se habla de nuestra comunidad en reuniones de gobierno o empresarios se nos reconoce como gente trabajadora, pacífica, que lucha por el éxito de sus familias. No tenemos problemas de pandillas, ni de narcotráfico, ni de violencia intrafamiliar graves. Los casos que existen siguen siendo preocupantes, pero son casos aislados. Dos siguen siendo aún nuestras grandes debilidades, contra las cuales debemos seguir luchando: El consumo excesivo y sin control de alcohol, sobre todo entre los hombres, y la pobre vinculación de los jóvenes con los estudios superiores y universitarios. Debemos decidir entre avanzar o no avanzar, entre seguir progresando o pasarnos años en el mismo lugar. Creo que avanzar será la decisión de la mayoría. Y vamos disfrutar de las bebidas alcohólicas con más control y lucharemos con más intensidad para que nuestros jóvenes asistan a la universidad. En pocos años la comunidad hispana de Columbus será una comunidad modelos en Ohio. Y en los EEUU.

El Sol de Ohio Fundado el 12 de Octubre de 2010 2427 Blue Rock Blvd Grove City, Ohio. 43123 (614) 572 2754 Fax: (614) 604 8630 www.elsoldeohio.com elsoldeohionews@gmail.com redaccion@elsoldeohio.com publicidad@elsoldeohio.com Conoceréis la verdad y la verdad os hará libres Juan 8:32


stos son tiempos extraños. En Estados Unidos, un multimillonario que ha dominado rápidamente las artes de la hipérbole política y la incapacidad intelectual está casi a punto de ser electo presidente. En el Reino Unido, los votantes han decidido separar a su país de la Unión Europea después de una campaña xenofóbica que incluso llegó al extremo del asesinato por motivos políticos de una parlamentaria. El multimillonario en cuestión ya le ha dado su visto bueno ese voto. Los más eruditos dirán que estos son ejemplos de ciudadanos o países asustados por el terrorismo islámico y la inmigración sin control, subrayando así un deseo de reclamar la muy mentada soberanía del estado como forma de tranquilizarse. Se dice que unas economías frágiles y el desempleo están avivando los ánimos. El tener una burocracia mastodóntica, distante y costosa de mantener no le ha ganado adeptos a la Unión Europea en el Reino Unido. Todo ello es comprensible.

Nadie está diciendo que no hay que preocuparse por el terrorismo islámico o que los países no pueden regular su inmigración. Pero detrás de la estrategia publicitaria de “indignación justa” sobre estos problemas y las fallas de la Unión Europea, tan hábilmente llevada a cabo por Donald Trump y el UKIP británico, está la idea de que la forma más efectiva de lidiar con un mundo difícil es rechazándolo. El Make America Great Again de Trump y el nombre del propio UKIP – United Kingdom Independence Party – representan eso de que el nacionalismo individualista tiene mayor legitimidad que el hecho de que ningún país ha sido una isla ni podrá serlo. Claro que el terrorismo internacional y tsunamis migratorios como el que todavía proviene de la destrozada Siria son dos razones que justifican no solo el que la globalización debe ser manejada mejor, sino que los estados soberanos todavía hacen falta para ello. Pero gritar estribillos de “Reino Unido primero” y “EEUU

primero” a todo pulmón no es lo mismo que formular políticas coherentes. La promesa de Trump de prohibir la inmigración de musulmanes y lo que ha dicho UKIP de que la política de fronteras abiertas de la Unión Europea está dejando entrar a extranjeros indeseables al Reino Unido, justificando el voto a favor del llamado “Brexit”, no son un ejercicio de soberanía, sino un cheque en blanco para su abuso. Benjamín Franklin dijo una vez que cuando la pasión gobierna no lo hace sabiamente. Y porque eso es así, el querer poner la reivindicación de la soberanía como pretexto para poner a Donald Trump como presidente o haber votado en contra de la permanencia del Reino Unido en la Unión Europea no puede ser visto sino como patrioterismo burdo y banal. Peor aún, no es una rabieta nacionalista que enmascara una fobia al mundo. Nada menos.

Fundador - Presidente - Editor Wilson Hernandez Staff Ejecutivo: Joan Hernandez Vicepresidente - Sub Editor Albert Hernandez Vicepresidente Administrativo Nicole Hernandez Vicepresidenta de Marketing y Relaciones Públicas

Columnistas Abril Trigo Luis F. Clemente Eva Atunga Telésforo Isaac Enrique Infante Nancy Striker Mons. José H. Gómez

Director de Diseño Freddy Reynoso Director de Operaciones Eduardo Bermúdez Webmaster Irving Reynoso

Las opiniones o informaciones emitidas por los columnistas y anunciantes son independientes de la opinión de El Sol de Ohio. The opinión expresed by the columnists and advertisers are their own and do not necessary reflect the opinion of El Sol de Ohio. Servicios Internacionales: Notimex y agencias colaboradoras

Periodismo de Verdad

The Sun of Ohio | July 1/15, 2016


Why Jorge Luis Borges matters 30 years after his death By Irene Caselli


BBC News

hey say he was one of the best writers of the last century but Jorge Luis Borges never won the Nobel prize for literature. He was famous for mixing the real and the fantastic but do the Argentinian’s works stand the test of time? Thirty years after his death, BBC News asked fellow Argentine authors to pick their favorite Borges quote and explain why we should keep reading Borges today. Mauro Libertella, author and journalist, born in 1983 • “One literature differs from another, prior or posterior, less because of the text than because of the way in which it is read: if I were granted the possibility of reading any present-day page - this one, for example - as it will be read in the year two thousand, I would know what the literature of the year two thousand will be like”- from the essay A Note on Bernard Shaw, translated by James E Irby

This sentence is extraordinary and I believe that it summarises everything that Borges has left us: not only a perfect prose, an exact and unequalled manner of saying things, but also a strong conviction that what matters is not the text in itself but how we approach that text. Borges is still so important because no one better has come after him, in the sense that no one has been able to produce prose as poignant. There has been no one that has thought about and restructured all the literature that came before him. There has been no one that has combined the elements that he combined, such as humour, absolute dedication to writing, and his will to do everything from journalism and scripts to prologues and anthologies. Finally, he was so important because he is one of the three writers, together with Joyce and Kafka, who defined the 20th Century.

I treasure above all his audacity with adjectives, how he finds the right verb, as if he were diving in the treasure of language. Juan Jose Becerra, novelist, born in 1965

Borges is Argentina’s most important writer, but he’s not the most read one. For years we got lost in ideological discussions about his politics and about what class he belonged to. His prose is unequalled, as unequalled as the worlds that he created through his prose. Carlos Gamerro, novelist, critic, translator, born in 1962

• “On the burning February morning Beatriz Viterbo died, after braving an agony that never for a single moment gave way to self-pity or fear, I noticed that the sidewalk bill-boards around Constitution Plaza were advertising some new brand or other of American cigarettes. The fact pained me, for I realized that the wide and ceaseless universe was already slipping away from her and that this slight change was the first of an endless series” - from the 1945 short story The Aleph, translated by Norman Thomas di Giovanni It’s as if that story had been written with six hands by the serious Borges, the repressed Borges that didn’t write about what he felt and the Borges that used to blend himself with [writer and friend] Adolfo Bioy Casares under the pseudonym Bustos Domecq. Borges’ books impregnate us with a Borgean conscience in the same way that the Bible leaves believers a Catholic conscience. It is here where you see the genius, the flashiness and the constraint of Borges. Luisa Valenzuela, novelist and short story writer, born in 1938

Silvia Hopenhayn, writer and journalist, born in 1966 • “God moves the player and he, the piece. What god behind God originates the scheme Of dust and time and dream and agony?” - from the poem Chess This condenses to the maximum level universal literature and even fictional literature with a flowing language of impeccable mastery. Claudia Pineiro, novelist and screenwriter, born in 1960

• “The story was unbelievable, yes—and yet it convinced everyone, because in substance it was true. Emma Zunz’s tone of voice was real, her shame was real, her hatred was real. The outrage that had been done to her was real, as well; all that was false were the circumstances, the time, and one or two proper names” - from the short story Emma Zunz, published in 1948 and translated by Andrew Hurley Borges represents a watershed in the literary universe, as if great literary tributaries such as Dante, Cervantes, Poe and Kafka converged in his work.

• “Does this Aleph exist in the heart of a stone? Did I see it there in the cellar when I saw all things, and have I now forgotten it? Our minds are porous and forgetfulness seeps in; I myself am distorting and losing, under the wearing away of the years, the face of Beatriz” - from The Aleph

• “The Aleph’s diameter was probably little more than an inch, but all space was there, actual and undiminished. Each thing (a mirror’s face, let us say) was infinite things, since I distinctly saw it from every angle of the universe” - from The Aleph Borges might not have been the greatest writer of the 20th Century, but he was certainly its greatest reader. He gave new life to the Western and much of the Eastern tradition by reading, experiencing and re-writing the classics from Homer and the Anglo-Saxons onwards. He made them come alive, making them into texts that seem to have been written yesterday, having us in mind as their readers. Borges was not a mystic, although he probably would have liked to be one. No mystic I have read has been able “to see a world in a grain of sand” as Borges has. Born in 1899 in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires, Jorge Luis Borges wrote short stories, poems, essays, articles and translations. Ricardo Piglia, one of Argentina’s foremost literary critics, argues his fictional worlds transformed the idea of fiction itself. But recognition of his work was not immediate. While he was awarded the first Prix International jointly with Samuel Beckett in 1961, he was never granted the Nobel. Argentine writer and essayist Maria Negroni says that Borges’ fame has grown since he died in 1986 because “one starts understanding him as time goes by”. Borges was fascinated by labyrinths, mirrors, reflections and time, something which was reflected in many of his stories, such as The Aleph. In The Aleph, the narrator describes a point in space from which he can observe everything in the universe simultaneously, which is typical of Borges’ interest in time and space.


El Sol de Ohio | Julio 1/15, 2016

Colombia Farc guerrillas prepare finally for peace The BBC’s Will Grant gained access to a Farc camp in Western Colombia

Tania signed up while still a teenager Daily life in the camp By Will Grant


Cuba correspondent, BBC News

s the speedboat navigates its way along the winding course of the Naya River in western Colombia, the signs soon start to appear that you have entered Farc territory. Banners have been posted every few kilometres, emblazoned with the faces of the leadership of Marxist guerrilla group the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - both past and present. They say: “52 years seeking peace,” citing the length of Colombia’s arduous civil war, one of the longest armed conflicts in the world. One of the bloodiest too: as many as 220,000 lives are thought to have been lost during those years of fighting, which only now look like drawing to a close as a peace deal with the government moves ever closer. We spend a couple of hot and muggy days in one of the riverside villages poking out among the banana and tropical cedar trees, killing time by drinking weak coffee and playing cards until our contact appears. Part of the rebel army’s civilian support network, he ushers us back on to a boat and takes us deeper into the jungle.

carrying their backpacks through the rain, all of them so good-looking A day later, a group of guerrillas are waiting for us at the bottom of a rocky brook, M-16’s slung over their shoulders. They guide us in a trek up along steep mountain paths and across streams until the camp of the 30th Front of the Farc’s Occidental Bloc emerges beneath the thick canopy. The camp commander, a wiry moustached man called Roque, welcomes us with the hospitality Colombians are famous for. While the Farc’s shameful history of kidnapping - including journalists shouldn’t be overlooked, it is also immediately clear that we are in no danger and that this isn’t the ill-advised trip that it might have been a number of years ago. The Naya River marks the dividing line between two of Colombia’s Pacific departments, Cauca and Valle de Cauca, and Roque explains the area has been calm for months. As someone who has spent the past 33 years at war, the quiet still makes him twitchy. Despite the historic agreement being reached in Havana, the local commander feels like the group is “effectively already in a bilateral ceasefire [with the military]”, he says

over a meal of white rice and a meat-less sancocho, a Colombian stew. “There’s such a great sensation of tranquillity that it almost makes you nervous,” he says. Farc: • Formed in 1964 as a peasant rebel army in response to aggression by the state, Farc has demanded agrarian reform and land redistribution ever since • In the early 1990s, it began to finance itself through the illegal drug trade. • About 220,000 people have been killed in the 52year civil war • During the presidency of Alvaro Uribe, the organisation was militarily pummelled as scores of combatants died in battles and skirmishes across Colombia. Others deserted under the intense pressure of the military. • Peace talks with the government of President Juan Manuel Santos, begun in Havana three years ago, have now entered the final stretch The Farc in the 21st Century is a strange beast. Gone is the bipolar vision of the Cold War, and gone too are most of its original intellectual architects, many killed in combat. Today, somewhat anchorless, the rebels continue Roque is the commander of the camp

The rebels go through drills several times a day

to go through motions of an armed insurgency - but they know a new future is beckoning. They remain primed for war; machine guns by their beds, handguns under their pillows, all night lookouts keeping watch for an enemy that no longer seems to be searching for them. Every day begins before dawn, with the first troop inspection at 05:00. After coffee and breakfast in the dark, daylight begins to break and the morning’s activities begin. Whereas once they might have carried out stealth missions to set bombs around military checkpoints or ambush an army patrol as it makes its way through the forest, now they hold “capacitation workshops” to discuss the latest developments in the peace process. The guerrilla army - of which this camp contains only a handful of combatants - is still largely made up of young men and women from poor rural backgrounds. At 27 years old, all Camilo has known his entire adult life is the jungle and the Farc. He admits that it shows up in some unlikely ways: he has never had a hot shower, for example, as he and his comrades bathe in the icy waters of a spring. Softly spoken and with a disarming smile, Camilo

hopes to put his guerrilla skills to good use once the peace is declared. But what would a Farc explosives expert do outside the jungles of Colombia? “Maybe a civil engineer,” he suggests. “In terms of carrying our arms, we’re still ready for war. But psychologically, we’re already at peace,” Camilo adds with an erudite turn of phrase that will serve him well in a future Farc political party. Like Camilo, Tania joined the organisation while still a teenager. She chose her nom de guerre after Tamara Bunke, Tania the Guerrilla, the East German revolutionary killed fighting alongside Che Guevara in Bolivia. She used to admire the Farc women who came through her village dressed in green fatigues “carrying their backpacks through the rain, all of them so good-looking”. They spoke to her about joining up when she was still a girl, and she doesn’t regret her decision to enlist but admits they left out the hardest detail: she would have to kill other Colombians. “It’s definitely not easy,” she says. “After all, we’re all brothers, all children of the same country. But that is just the way of the world.” Tania talks to us on the sidelines of an inter-camp football match, held in a jungle clearing the Farc has turned into a makeshift pitch. The women’s matches are as fiercely contested as the men’s, and Tania says she loathes the traditional gender roles of wider Colombian society. But the Farc bans women from having children in their ranks, and about 150 cases of allegedly forced abortions within the group are currently under investigation by the attorney general’s office.

“As a woman, I hope to have my own family one day, but not while we live in these conditions,” Tania says, referring to both life in the jungle and her uncertain future in a postconflict Colombia. Most guerrillas say their main fear is retribution from the country’s paramilitary groups and argue that the state must guarantee their security. After a deal is reached, many combatants will live in “concentration zones” or “encampments”, the exact details of which still aren’t clear. But given that the Farc is largely financed through drug trafficking, some doubt whether the rank and file will be able to quietly step away from the lucrative cocaine trade without another glance over their shoulders. Comandante Walter Mendoza, of the Occidental Bloc, insists his troops will comply with the order to disarm when he gives it. “They know what they must do,” he says. “We receive our orders from our superiors at the talks in Havana. We know we’re about to take a very important step.” Still, he clarifies that they will not hand their guns in to the state in a televised event. “That media show they want - of us suppliantly giving over our weapons - that show will not happen,” he says. As we leave the camp, we again speed past the Farc’s propaganda on the riverbanks. Over and over the words flash by: “52 years seeking peace.” Many Colombians reject such a one-sided description of the violent civil war. But, if its slogan is to be believed, the Farc is now tantalisingly close to finding it.

The Sun of Ohio | July 1/15, 2016



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El Sol de Ohio | Julio 1/15, 2016

Quiso hacer un favor a su hijo buscándole esposa y le humilló ante millones de personas El Sol de Ohio Reporte Especial

Se llama Baron Brooks, tiene 48 años y busca esposa. Pero eso no lo único que sabemos de él. De hecho, medio mundo tiene datos sobre su orientación política, cómo le gustan las mujeres, a qué se dedica… Y todo gracias a su padre (o por culpa de él), que con la mejor intención del mundo ha querido promocionar a su hijo a ver si así consigue casarlo de una vez. Su ‘brillante’ idea fue pagar 900 dólares y contratar una página entera de publicidad en un periódico local, sin que su hijo supiera nada. El anuncio, para desgracia del soltero, se ha hecho viral y ha sido visto por muchas más personas de las que jamás se habrían podido imaginar. Lo delicado de la pieza reside en las ‘exigencias’ del protagonista, que en boca de su padre deja bien claro lo que espera de una esposa. Y como era de esperar, se ha llevado un buen puñado de críticas en la red.

Al pobre le han acusado de machista porque quiere que su mujer sea “atractiva”, “con una altura y peso proporcionados” y “que se quede en casa si tienen hijos juntos”. Políticamente también tiene las ideas claras: “Debes ser conservadora. Si votaste a Obama o tienes pensado votar a Hillary, no eres para mí”. No menos controvertido es el hecho de que, supuestamente, esta persona haya recurrido a su padre

para que se encargue de filtrar candidatas. El anuncio describe perfectamente lo que debe hacer cada interesada para entrevistarse con él y ver si es la ‘afortunada’. Los usuarios más críticos afirman que en realidad el propio soltero está detrás de todo y ha usado a su padre como excusa. ¿Le ayudará todo el revuelo a conseguir esposa o precisamente le va a alejar de su objetivo? El tiempo lo dirá…

The Sun of Ohio | July 1/15, 2016

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El Sol de Ohio | Julio 1/15, 2016

The Sun of Ohio | July 1/15, 2016





El Sol de Ohio | Julio 1/15, 2016

El portero brasileño Helton deja el Oporto tras 11 temporadas en el club El Sol de Ohio


Servicios Internacionales

l portero brasileño Helton rescindió su contrato con el Oporto tras 11 temporadas vistiendo la camiseta del club portugués, según anunciaron hoy los “dragones”. “El portero Helton no integrará los trabajos de la plantilla de 2016/2017, decisión tomada de común acuerdo entre la administración del Oporto y el jugador”, puede leerse en un comunicado conjunto publicado en la página web del club. El brasileño, de 38 años, tenía contrato vigente con el Oporto hasta junio de 2017 y ya había dicho públicamente que este mes anunciaría su decisión sobre su futuro. La ausencia de Helton, que portaba el brazalete de capitán, fue lo más destacado del entrenamiento de hoy del Oporto, que volvió a los trabajos para preparar la próxima temporada.

Helton, formado en el Vasco da Gama brasileño, llegó al Oporto en la temporada 2005/2006 tras pasar por el União de Leiria luso. Un año después se ganó

la titularidad y acabó convirtiéndose en uno de los ídolos de los “dragones”, con quienes ha ganado siete Ligas, cuatro Copas de Portugal, seis Supercopas de Portugal y una Liga

Europa. El guardameta sufrió una grave lesión en el talón en marzo de 2014 y estuvo fuera de los terrenos de juego durante nueve meses.

La pasada temporada, el fichaje del español Iker Casillas acabó por relegarle al banquillo, aunque Helton jugó todos los partidos de Copa, incluida la final que el Oporto perdió

ante el Sporting de Braga en los penaltis (2-2). El portero ha sido además internacional con Brasil, con quien jugó 10 partidos. EFE

El fanático que paró las finales de la NBA en Cleveland

Cuando Diego también renunció a la Selección Argentina


l 10, después de perder la final del Mundial de Italia ‘90 contra Alemania, dijo la misma frase que Lionel Messi en la madrugada del lunes, tras la caída contra Chile: “Creo que no juego más en la Selección”. Más allá de que se haga un esfuerzo para separar las carreras de Lionel Messi y Diego Maradona, a veces, el pasado trae guiños, enlaces. Maradona estaba

destruido después de la derrota contra Alemania en la final del Mundial ‘90. Apenas salió de la cancha, se frenó con los micrófonos y, consultado sobre si era su último partido en la Selección, dijo: “Creo que sí”, como respondió el rosarino en Nueva Jersey, apenas concluyó el encuentro ante Chile.


The Sun of Ohio | July 1/15, 2016


Jose Reyes was a big hit with fans in his return to New York The Sun of Ohio


Special Report

he longtime Mets star received a warm welcome from the crowd and played errorless defense at a new position Sunday in his first minor league game since rejoining the organization. Reyes, a popular shortstop with the Mets from 200311, was hitless in three atbats for the Class A Brooklyn Cyclones against Hudson Valley. He batted leadoff and was removed after six innings at third base. The 33-year-old Reyes signed a minor league contract with New York on Saturday. He was released by the Colorado Rockies after serving a 59-day suspension earlier this season for violating Major League Baseball’s domestic violence policy. Some fans in the Coney Island crowd of 7,851 wore Mets jerseys with Reyes’ name on the back. The

switch-hitting speedster was cheered during pregame introductions and given a partial standing ovation the first time he came to bat. “It was amazing,” Reyes said. “I have to be honest with you guys, I was a little bit nervous there. A little emotional. I didn’t know what to expect, but it seemed like the people still love me. I know some

people out there, a lot of people, are going to be hard on me and I respect that. I understand I put myself in that situation. ... It was a terrible mistake.” A brief “Jo-se, Jo-se!” chant, heard often in Queens during his Mets tenure, broke out before Reyes flailed at a low changeup for strike three in the first inning. “He served his suspen-

sion. His wife seems to have stood by him. Nobody knows what goes on in somebody’s private life and if she can forgive him the fans should be able to forgive him,” said 30-yearold Nicole Giambarrese of Staten Island. “I’m not saying we should give him a bye and I’m not saying what he did was right, but I think he deserves a second chance.”

With Mets general manager Sandy Alderson in attendance, Reyes played his first competitive game in two weeks. He struck out, grounded softly to third and reached on a fielder’s choice when his high popup was misplayed by Renegades third baseman Jim Haley. In the field, Reyes caught two popups, one in foul ground, and ended the sixth by cleanly snagging a routine grounder. He had never played anywhere besides the middle infield during his professional career. The four-time All-Star primarily has played shortstop throughout his 13 years in the majors, but the Mets plan to use Reyes elsewhere on the diamond — perhaps even the outfield. With third baseman David Wright sidelined for what might be the remainder of the season following neck surgery, the 2011 NL bat-

ting champion could see significant time at the hot corner. “Today was good. Two popups, one groundball. I can’t complain,” Reyes said. “I don’t know about outfield because I haven’t played yet, but my body’s fine. When you’re coming home, it doesn’t matter what room you sleep in because you’re going to be comfortable because you’re home. It doesn’t matter what position I’m going to play here because I’m going to feel comfortable and I’m going to feel happy.” Reyes sported his familiar No. 7 and a blueand-orange Mets helmet in lieu of the double-flap model typically worn in the minors. The Cyclones said they sold 2,500 tickets in 24 hours after the Mets announced Reyes would debut Sunday in Brooklyn.

Akron honors LeBron with street named ‘King James Way’

Lionel Messi: Argentina forward retires from international football El Sol de Ohio

Servicios Internacionales

L El Sol de Ohio


Servicios Internacionales

ollowing a boisterous championship parade for the Cavaliers in Cleveland on Wednesday, LeBron James made his way home on Thursday to Akron, Ohio where a crowd of about 25,000 celebrated their native son. The event’s speakers included Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan who declared:

“Every king has a kingdom and every kingdom must have roads” as he unveiled an honorary blue “King James Way” sign. King James Way marks a section between Market and Exchange streets in Akron’s downtown. Later, James himself took the microphone and said of Cleveland’s 52-year championship drought: “It took a kid from Akron to end it.”

“King James Way” rolls off the tongue nicely but if he delivers more titles there’s so many additional options: LeBron Lane, LeBron Pass, LeBron Drive, Witness Way, Triple Double Cove... you get the idea. It’s really, really good to be King James right now. Credit: Fox Sports

ionel Messi has retired from international duty after missing in a penalty shootout as Argentina lost a fourth major final in nine years. “For me, the national team is over,” he said after defeat by Chile in the Copa America final. “I’ve done all I can. It hurts not to be a champion.” Messi, 29, has won eight La Liga titles and four Champions Leagues with Spanish side Barcelona. But his only major international honour is Olympic gold at the 2008 Games.

As well as losing two Copa America finals on penalties to Chile, Messi was in the Argentina side beaten 1-0 by Germany in the 2014 World Cup final. The forward, who was been awarded the Ballon d’Or five times, was also on the losing side against Brazil in the 2007 Copa America final. “It’s been four finals, I tried,” added Messi, who made his debut for Argentina in 2005 and has played 113 times for his country. “It was the thing I wanted the most, but I couldn’t get it, so I think it’s over. “I think this is best for everyone. First of all for

me, then for everyone. “I think there’s a lot of people who want this, who obviously are not satisfied, as we are not satisfied reaching a final and not winning it. “It’s very hard, but the decision is taken. Now I will not try more and there will be no going back.” Messi had scored five times at this year’s Copa America, including a superb free-kick in the semifinal win over hosts the USA. That goal made him his country’s record scorer with 55 goals, eclipsing the 54-goal mark of striker Gabriel Batistuta.



El Sol de Ohio | Julio 1/15, 2016

Church Life

Send events information or any opinion to: elsoldeohionews@gmail.com

Queman novena iglesia católica en el sur de Chile El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

l incendio, ocurrido en el sector de Limpeo a 581 kilómetros al sur de Santiago, comenzó a las 11:00 p.m. y arrasó también con el edificio colindante. Cuando Carabineros se dirigía al lugar fueron atacados por desconocidos con perdigones y como resultado un funcionario policial quedó herido con una esquirla de vidrio en el rostro. El P. Enrique Catalán, encargado de la capilla dijo que “lamentablemente, esto deja una herida muy grande en la gente. La iglesia no sólo sirve para el culto, en los lugares rurales sino también para reuniones de comunidades, actos solidarios”. “Las personas quieren sus capillas, sus comunidades quieren lo que ellos mismos han hecho con su propio esfuerzo”, afirmó

el sacerdote en declaraciones a ACI Prensa. El presbítero señaló luego que “cuando pasan estas cosas nunca se acercan las

autoridades a expresar la solidaridad a la gente, no se la juegan por la gente” y pidió oraciones por los fieles de la zona en donde

ya se han registrado otros atentados similares. En el lugar se encontraron consignas dirigidas al Estado chileno y la policía,

que podrían vincularse a grupos extremistas mapuches que exigen, entre otros, la reivindicación de tierras indígenas. La reivindicación histórica de tierras que busca el pueblo mapuche -por la que algunos grupos radicales han quemado iglesias, predios y maquinaria agrícola- se remonta a 1880 cuando se les confinó a reducciones en medio de diversas irregularidades en la repartición de las tierras. Respecto a los grupos radicalizados mapuches el director de la Oficina Nacional Asuntos Religiosos (ONAR), abogado Humberto Lagos, conversó con ACI Prensa y dijo que “lo peor que pueden hacer es este tipo de prácticas que lo único que hacen es despertar repudio en todos los sectores y provocan serias dificultades para avanzar en materia de justicia reparatoria para los pueblos originarios”.

El también doctor en Sociología por la Universidad Católica de Lovaina (Bélgica) calificó estas manifestaciones violentas como “actos de ignorancia gigantesca sobre la historia y una mala forma pedagógica de comunicar (la historia) a los hijos de mapuches”. Lagos, experto en materia de derechos humanos, recordó que los ataques afectan a un pueblo que se declara en su mayoría cristiano, siendo un 55% católicos y un 37% evangélico. “Soy un durísimo detractor de aquellos que usan la violencia para provocar situaciones de cambio o expresar actitudes que nada se condice con la solidaridad y la paz. Indudablemente, los mapuches son un pueblo de paz y en lo absoluto están de acuerdo con esta situaciones de violencia”, concluyó Lagos.

Pope says gays and others marginalized by the church deserve an apology El Sol de Ohio Special Report


ope Francis says gays – and all the other people the church has marginalized, such as the poor and the exploited – deserve an apology. Francis was asked on route home from Armenia if he agreed with one of his top advisers, German Cardinal Reinhard Marx, who told a conference in Dublin in the days after the deadly Orlando gay club attack that the church owes an apology to gays for having marginalized them. Francis responded with a variation of his famous “Who am I to judge?” comment and a repetition of church teaching that gays must not be discriminated against but treated with respect. He said some politicized behaviors of the homosexual community can be

condemned for being “a bit offensive for others.” But he said: “Someone who has this condition, who has good will and is searching for God, who are we to judge?”

“We must accompany them,” Francis said. “I think the church must not only apologize … to a gay person it offended, but we must apologize to the poor, to women who

have been exploited, to children forced into labor, apologize for having blessed so many weapons” and for having failed to accompany families who faced divorces or expe-

rienced other problems. Francis uttered his “Who am I to judge?” comment during his first airborne press conference in 2013, signaling a new era of acceptance and welcome for

gays in the church. Francis followed up by meeting with gay and transgender faithful, and most significantly, by responding to claims that he met with anti-gay marriage campaigner Kim Davis during his U.S. visit. He said the only personal meeting he held in Washington was with his gay former student and his partner. Despite such overtures, however, many gay Catholics are still waiting for progress after a two-year consultation of the church on family issues failed to chart concrete, new pastoral avenues for them. The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, told reporters after Francis’ press conference that the pope wasn’t referring to a medical “condition” when he spoke of gays, but rather a lifestyle situation. Credit: AP.

The Sun of Ohio | July 1/15, 2016


Por intentar fundar una iglesia 80 familias pierden sus casas lieron de la mezquita local después de sus oraciones del viernes, gritando: “De ninguna manera habrá una iglesia aquí”. Los cristianos son una minoría, que tienen que viajar a la aldea más cercana para asistir a los servicios porque no hay iglesias en Al-Baida. Enfurecidos por el conocimiento de los planes para abrir una iglesia, los islamistas irrumpieron en la casa de un cristiano llamado Naim Aziz, destruyeron todos los materia-

El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

n grupo de musulmanes radicales quemaron y saquearon las casas de 80 familias cristianas en el pueblo de Al-Baida, en Egipto. El objetivo era castigarlos por tratar de convertir uno de los edificios del pueblo en una iglesia. International Christian Concern, que monitorea la persecución de los cristianos de todo el mundo, informó que los hombres sa-

les de construcción, agredieron tanto al propietario de la residencia como a su primo, Mousa Zarif. No satisfechos con esto, saquearon y quemaron todas las casas y propiedades de las familias cristianas conocidas, obligando a 80 familias a huir del lugar.

Iglesias en Alemania recaudan más de 11 mil mdd en diezmo en 2015 El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

os dos iglesias cristianas en Alemania lograron recaudar el año pasado 11 mil 500 millones de euros (12 mil 975 millones de dólares) en diezmo, el cual se cobra de manera obligatoria en este país a quienes pertenecen a alguna de las iglesias. Del total, a la Iglesia Católica alemana correspondieron seis mil 11 millones de euros (seis mil 782 millones de dólares), y a la protestante cinco mil 400 millones de euros (seis mil 92 millones de dólares). La paradoja es que ambas iglesias cristianas en Alemania tienen cada vez menos fieles. La Oficina Federal de Estadística indicó que el vigoroso aumento en la recaudación del diezmo se debió al buen desarrollo del salario en Alemania,

que aumentó en términos reales porque la economía del país está floreciente, y quienes paga el diezmo le va bien. La información la dieron a conocer en diversas publicaciones la Iglesia Protestante de Alemania y la Asociación de Diócesis Alemanas. La Oficina Federal de Estadística en Wiesbaden pre-

cisó que la recaudación del diezmo en 2014 fue de 10 mil 800 millones de euros (unos 12 mil 185 millones de dólares). El fisco alemán recauda el diezmo en forma automática y obligatoria, al mismo tiempo que recaba los impuestos sobre el ingreso y las ganancias de los contribuyentes. El más rico de los arzo-

bispados (Iglesia Católica) fue el de Freising y Munich, que es de donde procede el Papa emérito Joseph Ratzinger. Ese arzobispado recaudó diezmo en 2015 por cinco mil 500 millones de euros (seis mil 205 millones de dólares). El monto del diezmo en Alemania varía según las regiones. En los estados de Bavaria y Baden Wür-

ttenberg es de 8.0 por ciento del ingreso gravable; mientras que en el resto de la federación alemana es de 9.0 por ciento. La recaudación fiscal del diezmo tuvo sus orígenes en el siglo XIX. Los soberanos de los distintos principados alemanes asumieron la obligación de mantener a los clérigos. En el transcurso de los años, los cambios políticos y sociales condujeron a establecer del diezmo o impuesto para la iglesia en la Constitución del Reino de Weimar en 1919. Desde la década de los años 70, se registra en Alemania una continua disminución del número de católicos y protestantes que se acreditan como tales. Quien no quiera seguir pagando el diezmo tiene que renunciar a la Iglesia Católica o Protestante ante un Tribunal Civil.

Church leaders and government urged to deal with porn epidemic El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

t a recent conference, church leaders and governments were urged to take action to stop the pornography epidemic. According to ChristianToday.com, the P Word conference was organized by two Christian groups, The Naked Truth and CARE, and took place in the Emmanual Center in Westminster. The groups said the conference’s purpose was to “educate and equip church leaders to resist the damaging culture of watching porn.”

Speakers at the conference urged governments to implement restrictions on porn websites and to put

other policies into practice to counter how easy it is for young people to access porn.

“The government sets the parameters in its duty to protect. They can signpost for things that need to be

done,” stated Nola Leach, CARE’s chief executive. Speakers also urged churches to address the issue with their congregations, instead of simply telling them that porn is bad and to stay away from it. Sex addiction expert Paula Hall stressed the addictive nature of porn: “What starts as a pursuit of pleasure then becomes a way of escaping pain,” she said. “It uses sex as a form of escape and not what it was created for.” Churches must open the discussion with their congregations if change is going to happen, Hall continues.


CHURCHES SERVICES / SERVICIOS DE IGLESIAS Christ the King (Catholic Church) (Servicio en español) 2777 E. Livingston Ave. Columbus, OH 43209 (614) 237-0401 English (614) 237- 0414 Español Mass Times Horario de Misa Weekend Mass Saturday 4:00 PM English 6:00 PM Spanish Sunday 8:00 AM English 10:00 AM English 12:30 PM Spanish Rhema Christian Center (614) 471-9673 2100 Agler Road Columbus, Ohio 43224 Service Times: Saturday Service 6:00 PM Sunday Service 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM Vineyard Church at Tuttle Crossing 5400 Avery Rd. Dublin. OH. 43016 Phone: 614.876.0258 Service Times We meet Sundays at 10:30AM. Free coffee and free Timbits are served every morning! We have dynamic worship, great teaching and personal ministry. Full childcare is available as well as programming for children during the service. We love and welcome your children. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church 30 West Woodruff Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43210 on the campus of The Ohio State University 614-294-3749 Sunday Worship Schedule: 8:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist (no music) 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist with music 6:00 p.m. Campus Worship community St. Mark’s United Methodist Church 5200 Sullivant Ave. Columbus, OH 43228 Office: 614-878-6520 Worship times: Sunday (English) 10:30 am Worthington SeventhDay Adventist Church 385 E. Dublin-Granville Rd. Worthington, OH 43085 Phone: 614-885-7812 Service Times: First Service: Contemporary 9:00 am Sabbath School: Adult and children of all ages: 10:15 am Second Service: Traditional 11:20 am The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 2400 Red Rock Blvd, Grove City, OH 43123 (614) 875-8490



El Sol de Ohio | Julio 1/15, 2016

Washington plantea a Venezuela tres “carriles” para resolver crisis El Sol de Ohio Special Report


Decisión sobre plan migratorio en EUA deja en peligro a migrantes El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

l fallo dividido de la Suprema Corte de Estados Unidos, que bloqueó los alivios migratorios propuestos por Barack Obama, deja a millones de migrantes indocumentados en constante peligro de sufrir abusos, apuntó Human Rights Watch (HRW). En un comunicado, el organismo humanitario indicó que la decisión de bloquear la expansión de beneficios a migrantes que ingresaron a Estados Unidos en su niñez, así como la propuesta de beneficiar a los padres de ciudadanos estadunidenses, aumenta los riesgos de abusos. El director de HRW, Antonio Ginatta, expresó que las acciones propuestas por Obama hubieran significado “una diferencia concreta, en el día a día, en la vida de millones de familias, pese a que hu-

bieran excluido a muchos otros migrantes que sufren de leyes injustas e inhumanas”. Añadió que la decisión sólo hace más urgente la necesidad de que el próximo presidente de Estados Unidos, así como el siguiente Congreso, tomen medidas para impulsar una reforma migratoria integral. “La inacción de la Suprema Corte no deja duda de que el presidente y el Congreso continúan teniendo responsabilidad por el sistema migratorio disfuncional y abusivo que ha deportado y detenido a un número récord de personas en los años recientes”, afirmó Ginatta. Otros grupos civiles también mostraron su decepción con el fallo. La organización Detention Watch Network (DWN) asentó que el veredicto afectará a millones de familias, que seguirán esperando una solución a su situación.


a solución a la crisis en Venezuela tiene tres carriles: el diálogo entre gobierno y oposición, referendo revocatorio y la invocación de la Carta Interamericana en la OEA, dijo el subsecretario de Estado para Asuntos Políticos, Thomas Shannon. El diplomático reveló que encontró un país “profundamente polarizado políticamente”, tras su visita a Caracas, donde se reunió con el presidente venezolano Nicolás Maduro, la canciller Delcy Rodríguez y varios miembros de la oposición y de la Asamblea Nacional. “Las narrativas del gobierno y de la oposición son tan distintas que uno se pregunta si están en el mismo país”, expuso durante una sesión informativa en el Departamento de Estado sobre los resultados de su visita a Venezuela.

Shannon confirmó que ni el gobierno del presidente Maduro ni la oposición han celebrado un diálogo directo, pese a un encuentro de acercamiento durante la Asamblea General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) en Santo Domingo. No obstante, consideró que el viaje fue positivo, aún cuando no derivó en anuncios específicos ni existe fecha para otro encuentro.

El subsecretario estadounidense dejó en claro que la meta inicial deWashington es fijar una estructura y una agenda para un diálogo entre gobierno y oposición, pero aún resta trabajo por hacer. Para Estados Unidos, añadió el diplomático, lo ideal es un proceso de diálogo que se lleve a cabo fuera de Venezuela y que continúen los procesos del referendo revocatorio y de la solicitud del secretario

general de la OEA, Luis Almagro de invocar la Carta Democrática de la OEA. “Vamos a continuar apoyando diferentes carriles de acción. El diálogo es muy importante porque es la única manera en que Venezuela va a construir los puentes necesarios de entendimiento para buscar una salida de sus múltiples crisis en una manera democrática, constitucional y pacífica”, dijo Shannon.

Se suicida en su celda profesor acusado de violar a 17 alumnas en Perú El Sol de Ohio Special Report


n profesor peruano que había sido capturado hace tres días acusado de violar al menos a 17 alumnas, apareció muerto el domingo tras ahorcarse en su celda con una camisa, informó el Instituto Nacional Penitenciario (Inpe). “Lo hallaron ahorcado con su camisa en la reja de su celda. Se le prestó los auxilios inmediatamente y luego se le trasladó al hospital regional de Cajamarca a donde llegó cadáver”, detalló el jefe del Inpe, Julio Magán, a la radio limeña RPP. El presunto suicidio del profesor Luis Vásquez Da Silva, de 66 años, ocurrió en la cárcel de Huancariz, en la ciudad de Cajamarca (norte), cuando uno de los custodios que lo vigilaba se retiró a desayunar, según las autoridades del centro penal. El caso del profesor dominaba las informaciones desde hace más de una semana, cuando la policía peruana desató una cacería en su búsqueda ofreciendo una recompensa para quien contribuyera a capturarlo.

Su muerte se produce luego de que un juez dictara prisión preventiva de 18 meses contra el profesor, quien temía por su vida ante posibles represalias dentro de la cárcel por parte de otros reclusos que suelen vengarse de los violadores de menores. La Policía halló a Vásquez da Silva el jueves en una vivienda rústica ubicada en el kilómetro 70 de la carretera Iquitos-Nauta de la región Loreto (noreste), en la selva de Perú. Un vecino llamó a la policía

alertando de su presencia. El gobierno peruano había ofrecido una recompensa de 5.900 dólares para capturar al profesor, acusado de violar a al menos 17 niñas de entre 9 y 12 años que estudiaban en el colegio donde Silva era profesor. Estaba en la lista de los más buscados por la Policía. Vásquez da Silva trabajaba como maestro de un colegio en la localidad de Cajabamba, sierra norte de Perú, desde hacía cinco años. El “monstruo

de Cajabamba”, como lo empezaron a llamar en la localidad, se fugó cuando fue descubierto. Según la prensa, además de violar a sus estudiantes, el profesor también las golpeaba, insultaba y amenazaba, de acuerdo con el testimonio de padres de familia que lo buscaron en compañía de comités de autodefensa integrados por campesinos, los cuales suelen aplicar sanciones extremas al margen de la ley. AFP.

The Sun of Ohio | July 1/15, 2016



Amid crisis, Rio gov. warns Olympics could be ‘big failure’ El Sol de Ohio


Reporte Especial

io de Janeiro’s acting governor warned Monday that the Olympic Games could be a “big failure,” because of budget shortfalls that threaten to compromise security and mobility during the games. In an interview with Rio’s O Globo daily, Francisco Dornelles said the state is still awaiting a 2.9 billion Brazilian real ($860 million) payout from the federal government aimed at shoring up state coffers ahead of the Aug. 5-21 event. The funds were allocated last week but have not yet reached the state, and Dornelles warned that without them, police patrols may grind to a halt by the end of the week, for lack of gas money. “How are people going to feel protected in a city without security,” Dornelles was quoted as asking. “I’m optimistic about the

games, but I have to show reality,” he said. “We can have a great Olympics, but if some steps aren’t taken, it can be a big failure.” Rio has been particularly hard-hit by the recession

besetting Brazil, which saw the economy shrink by around 4 percent last year and joblessness spike. The state is highly reliant on sinking oil royalties, and prior governments

awarded billions in tax exemptions that resulted in near-empty coffers. Another worrying issue for Dornelles is the metro line that was meant to ferry tourists to the main

Olympic venue in the farwestern Rio area of Barra da Tijuca. Promised for late last year, the metro is still not ready. A nearly 1 billion real ($290 million) federal loan aimed at finis-

hing the project has also not yet been released. “I’ve said that without security and without the metro there will be difficulties,” Dornelles was quoted as saying. He also called the situation in the state’s health care system “calamitous,” and said the policy of deferring or paying state workers’ salaries in installments “is a form of slave labor.” Formerly Rio’s vice governor, 81-year-old Dornelles was thrust into the hot seat after Rio Governor Luiz Fernando Pezao was diagnosed with nonHodgkin’s lymphoma and took medical leave earlier this year. Asked how it’s been to deal with the state’s financial crisis, Dornelles responded, “for me, it’s been a mess.”

Jewish man who stabbed Jerusalem Gay Pride marchers sentenced to life

Italy hails mafia killer’s arrest as historic

A El Sol de Ohio Special Report


n Israeli court on Sunday sentenced an ultra-Orthodox Jewish man to life in prison for killing a 16-year-old girl and wounding others during a stabbing spree at a Jerusalem Gay Pride parade. The Jerusalem District Court convicted Yishai

Schlissel in April of murder and six counts of attempted murder. The July 2015 stabbings had triggered harsh criticism of the police, with Schlissel having been released from prison only three weeks earlier after serving a 10-year sentence for a similar attack. They had also sparked an outpouring of grief for 16year-old Shira Banki, who was stabbed in the back

and died of her wounds a few days later. Led into the courtroom on Sunday with his hands and feet shackled, Schlissel was sentenced to life plus 31 years, a court statement said. He was also ordered to pay 2,064,000 shekels ($531,000, 478,000 euros). Prosecutors had requested life plus 60 years. “This guy showed no re-

morse,” Noam Eyal, 31 and one of the victims, told AFP outside the court. “In the last hearing before this he said that this is a religious war.” In addition to Schlissel having been released from prison only weeks before, he had also posted a letter on the Internet speaking of the “abomination” of a Gay Pride parade being held in the Holy City.

convicted killer who was one of Italy’s most wanted mafia bosses was arrested Sunday in an operation hailed by prosecutors as a historic breakthrough in the fight against organised crime. Ernesto Fazzalari, 46, a fugitive for 20 years, was captured in the early hours of the morning in an apartment in a remote part of the southern region of Calabria, home to the notorious ‘Ndrangheta network of criminal clans. Fazzalari was a leading figure in ‘Ndrangheta, now considered the most powerful of Italy’s crime syndicates. He was the second most-wanted mafia fugitive after “superboss” Matteo Messina Denaro, a suspected leader of the Sicilian mafia, Cosa Nostra. On the run since 1996, Fazzalari was convicted in absentia in 1999 of mafia association, kidnapping, illegal possession of weapons and a double homicide linked to a bloody 198991 feud which left 32 people dead in his home town of Taurianova. Federico Cafiero De Raho, Calabria’s chief anti-mafia prosecutor, said it was hugely significant that Fazzalari had been captured on home turf. “Taurianova is a place where the clans control every clod of earth,” he said.



El Sol de Ohio | Julio 1/15, 2016

Varones jóvenes con sobrepeso tienen alto riesgo de enfermedad hepática a largo plazo El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

ener sobrepeso entre los 18 y los 20 años anticiparía la aparición de enfermedad hepática grave varias décadas después, según un estudio a largo plazo realizado en Suecia. Los autores siguieron a más de 44.000 conscriptos en 1969 y 1970; aquellos con sobrepeso eran un 64 por ciento más propensos que sus pares con peso normal a padecer problemas hepáticos graves o morir por ese motivo en los siguientes 40 años. “Lo más probable es que esos adolescentes tuvieran hígado graso no alcohólico (HGNA) al inicio del estudio o que lo desarrollaran con los años”, dijo el autor principal, doctor Hannes Hagstrom, del Centro de Enfermedades Digestivas del Instituto

Karolinska, en Estocolmo. “Algunas personas c on HGNAdesarrollan enfermedad hepática grave”, agregó.

Su equipo analizó registros oficiales de 44.248 hombres suecos que prestaban servicio militar y monitoreó las historias

clínicas hasta el 2009. Entonces, 393 tenían enfermedad hepática grave, lo que incluyó desde disminución de la función renal

hasta cirrosis o muerte por causas hepáticas. Aquellos con sobrepeso en la adolescencia eran el grupo de más alto riesgo, aun tras considerar el consumo de alcohol y tabaco, según publican los autores en Journal of Hepatology. El 7 por ciento había tenido sobrepeso en la juventud, es decir un índice de masa corporal (IMC) entre 25 y 29,9. El IMC es una medición del peso en relación con la estatura. El factor de riesgo que más aumentó las posibilidades de padecer enfermedad hepática grave con los años fue el consumo de más de 3,5 botellas de vino por semana, según explicó Hagstrom. “Pero ya se sabe que el alcohol causa enfermedad hepática. La novedad es que el sobrepeso o la obesidad están asociados con un

aumento del riesgo”, sin importar el consumo de alcohol, precisó. “Otros factores de riesgo importantes fueron el tabaquismo, el uso de drogas, la percepción negativa del propio estado de salud, la baja aptitud cardiovascular y la hipertensión”, indicó Hagstrom. Los resultados, según comentó, se aplicarían a las mujeres, aunque eso no se estudió esta vez. Un estudio previo similar efectuado en Suecia, publicado en European Heart Journal, había determinado que los hombres jóvenes con un IMC en el umbral superior del rango normal (que va de 18,5 a 24,9) tendrían mayor riesgo de insuficiencia cardíaca con los años que aquellos con un IMC en el umbral inferior de ese rango.

Following prevention guidelines may reduce risk of cancer by up to two thirds El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

ating a healthier diet, increasing physical exercise, reducing alcohol consumption, and stopping smoking are all modifiable lifestyle choices that could help prevent up to two thirds of cancer suggests new research. Organizations such as the American Cancer Society (ACS) and the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research (WCRF/AICR) have set recommendations on diet and physical activity as part of their cancer prevention strategy. New research analyzed 12 prospective cohort studies published within the last ten years to look at the association between following these guidelines and cancer incidence and mortality. The research, which looked at mostly Caucasian participants aged from 25 to 79, compared studies with high levels of adherence to the guidelines with lower levels of adherence. Although levels of adherence to the guidelines varied across the studies, the team reported that consistent patterns emer-

ged, with results showing adherence to cancer prevention guidelines was associated with a 10 to 45 percent reduction in rates of all cancer incidence and a 14 to 61 percent reduction in rates of all cancer mortality. Other findings to come from the analysis included consistent reductions

in the incidence of breast cancer (19 to 60 percent), endometrial cancer (23 to 60 percent), and colorectal cancer (27 to 52 percent) in both men and women, although the results showed no significant associations with the incidence of ovarian or prostate cancer, and associations with lung cancer

varied depended on the study. The team also found that those with a high level of adherence to the guidelines, following more of the cancer prevention recommendations, benefited from an even bigger reduction in their risk of developing or dying from the disease. For exam-

ple, in one study, women who followed at least five of the recommendations were 60 percent less likely to develop breast cancer than those who met no recommendations at all, and for each additional recommendation met, the risk of breast cancer was reduced by a further 11 percent. Speaking on the findings,

Kohler, one of the authors of the study, commented that “Behaviors such as poor diet choices, physical inactivity, excess alcohol consumption and unhealthy body weight could account for more than 20 percent of cancer cases, and could, therefore, be prevented with lifestyle modifications.” She also added that when smoking is taken into account, these modifiable lifestyle choices are believed to be factors in two-thirds of US cancer deaths. However Kohler also noted that adhering to the guidelines did not eliminate the risk of developing or dying from cancer completely, with family history and environmental factors also playing a role, “However, following these recommendations will lead to healthier lives overall and, in turn, reduce the risk for many major diseases.” Kohler also added that the results of the review suggest that doctors and public health officials should continue to emphasize the importance of these cancer prevention recommendations and a healthier lifestyle to patients. Credit: AFP.

The Sun of Ohio | July 1/15, 2016





El Sol de Ohio | Julio 1/15, 2016

China ‘bans Lady Gaga’ after Dalai Lama meeting El Sol de Ohio


Special Report

ady Gaga has reportedly been added to a list of hostile foreign forces banned by China’s Communist party after she met with the Dalai Lama to discuss yoga. The American pop singer, who has sold more than 27m albums, met the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader on Sunday before a conference in Indianapolis. A video of the 19-minute encounter – in which the pair pondered issues such as meditation, mental health and how to detoxify humanity – was posted on the singer’s Facebook account. The meeting sparked an angry reaction from Beijing, which has attacked the spiritual leader as a “wolf in monk’s robes”. The Dalai Lama, who fled into exile in March 1959, insists he is merely seeking greater autonomy from Chinese rule for Tibetans. But China’s rulers consider him a separatist who they claim is conspiring to split the Himalayan region from China in order to establish theocratic rule there. Following Lady Gaga’s meeting, the Communist party’s mysterious propa-

ganda department issued “an important instruction” banning her entire repertoire from mainland China, Hong Kong’s prodemocracy newspaper Apple Daily reported on Monday. Chinese websites and media organisations were ordered to stop uploading or distributing her songs in a

sign of Beijing’s irritation, the newspaper said. The propaganda department also issued orders for party-controlled news outlets such as state broadcaster CCTV and newspapers the People’s Daily and the Global Times to condemn the meeting. Asked by a foreign reporter whether the tête-à-

tête would create a “bad romance” between Beijing and Lady Gaga, a spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry initially hinted that he was not familiar with the pop star’s Grammy-winning back catalogue. “Who?” Hong Lei said when asked for Beijing’s view on the singer’s meeting.

Hong went on to condemn the Dalai Lama’s global campaigning. “The purpose of his visits and activities in other countries is just to promote his proposal for Tibetan independence,” the spokesperson said, according to AP. “We hope that people from the international community can be

fully aware of his true colours and nature.” All mention of the Lady Gaga controversy appeared to have been purged from the official transcript of that press conference on Tuesday. China has previously banned artists and groups such as Maroon 5, Bjork and Oasis from performing in the country after they met with the Dalai Lama or spoke out in favour of him or Tibetan independence. Experts suggested the American singer would have gone into her meeting with the spiritual leader with her eyes wide open as to the consequences. “Lady Gaga knew how Beijing would react,” Bill Bishop, who runs the Sinocism newsletter,wrote on Twitter. “Good for her to show some courage, unlike most celebrities who are scared of bullying Beijing now.” Lady Gaga, whose career has survived previous bans in China, has yet to respond to China’s reported ban of her work. During her meeting with the Dalai Lama she said: “We have to cool the system down. It’s about less heat, more cooling, more relaxation but also [being] thoughtful and strategic.”

Remains of a mammoth uncovered near Mexico City El Sol de Ohio Special Report

Mexican experts say they are completing work on digging up fossilised bones of a mammoth found near Mexico City. They were found near the village of Tultepec while drains were being installed. The bones are believed to be about 14,000 years old and were scattered, suggesting the mammoth had been cut up by humans for its meat and pelt. Other remains have been found in the area which had been a shallow lake

where the heavy mammoths got stuck. Luis Cordoba, an archaeologist with the National Institute of Anthropology and History told French news agency AFP that the remains of more than 50 mammoths had been discovered in the area around the capital, Mexico City. He said the Tultepec mammoth had been found 2m beneath a street in the village. He said when alive it had been between the ages of 20 and 25, and the skeleton was almost complete and well-preserved with tusks still attached to its skull.

Scientists hope to eventually assemble the fossils and put them on display. Mammoth remains have been discovered in several regions of Mexico, in areas near lakes where herds congregated. Known as the Columbian Mammoth, they were a sub-species which lived across the United States and Central America. Remains of the mammoths have been uncovered across Mexico, Texas and as far west as the La Brea Tar Pits in California. Credit: BBC News.

The Sun of Ohio | July 1/15, 2016



El mundo celebra el




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El Sol de Ohio | Julio 1/15, 2016

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