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3353 Cleveland Ave 1630 Morse Road 2161 Eakin Road 2474 Stringtown Road 1585 Georgesville Square Drive 3600 Saldano Boulevard 5800 W Broad Street 2525 Rome Hilliard Road Columbus OH, USA • 4/18 Septiembre, 2015 • Año 4 • No.119


Columbus OH, USA • September 4/18, 2015 • Year 4 • #119



¿Acosada o acusada? You “bully me with misleading, manipulative and malicious “ads” Pag. 3 Ramona R. Reyes. Columbus Board of Education

Photo: El Sol de Ohio Ramona Reyes, miembro del Columbus Board of Education, reaccion con insultos contra el Director de El Sol de Ohio por las crÌticas y cuestionamientos que le ha hecho el periódico. “Ramona Reyes, member of the Columbus Board of Education, responded with insults to the inquiries on her performance from the publisher of El Sol de Ohio.”

Photo: Columbus City School wwebsite



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El Sol de Ohio | 4/18 Septiembre, 2015


The Sun of Ohio | September 4/18, 2015

El Sol de Ohio solicita Informe oficial a Ramona Reyes en Junta de Educación El Sol de Ohio Redacción Central

trabajo en beneficio de los estudiantes hispanos.

Ramona Reyes lleva seis años y nueve meses en la Junta de Directores del Columbus City School y durante ese largo período la inmensa mayoría de los hispanos en Columbus, incluyendo este periódico, desconoce cuál ha sido su

Por tal motivo El Sol de Ohio le solicitó de manera oficial, a través del envío de correspondencia a su oficina en la Junta de Directores, rinda un informe de cuál ha sido su gestión en beneficio de los estudiantes hispanos.

El Sol de Ohio ha recibido mensajes de madres hispanas que se quejan porque no han recibido apoyo de parte de la señora Reyes cuando lo han solicitado. Columbus, OH

La carta se publica junto a esta nota.

September 1, 2015

Ramona R. Reyes Columbus Board of Education 270 East State Street Columbus, OH 43215 Dear Ms. Reyes,

El Sol de Ohio Requests Official Report to Ramona Reyes at Board of Education Ramona Reyes has six years and nine months on the Board of Directors of Columbus City Schools and in all that time the vast majority of Hispanics in Columbus, including this newspaper, does not know how she has benefited Hispanic students. For that reason, El Sol de Ohio submitted her a mailed formal request for a report indicating what have been her efforts to benefit Hispanic students.

news and the city of Columbus. Our continuous publication in newspaper with 5 years of unity. comm o Latin our El Sol de Ohio is a Latino of s right zed by a defense of the civil editorial policy is characteri Education is to work for the of the Columbus Board of have another nsibility as at-large member we also understand that you ever, We understand that your respo How ols. Scho City s g. served by Columbu benefit of all the children h you belong or say to belon whic to s, mbu Colu of o community responsibility with the Latin our duty to ask the following gs to our community, it is to... authority that really belon Columbus Board of Education the at ce servi of If you are indeed a political years ns have you taken during your question: What action or actio from bullying? 1. Protect Latino children ? nancies among Latino girls the language barrier? 2. Prevent premature preg their education because of do not face any obstacles in ren child o Latin that re 3. Ensu ts? gran nt stude from fit ren bene 4. Make sure that Latino child Columbus City Schools? 5. Employ more Latinos in the Board’s reputation? ting 6. Address the scandals affec We appreciate your valuable


Wilson Hernández Publisher El Sol de Ohio

El Sol de Ohio has received messages from Hispanic mothers complaining that they have not received support from Mrs. Reyes when they requested it. We publish the letter along with this note. 8 #20, Columbus. Ohio. 4322 3770 West Broad St. Suite mail.com email: elsoldeohionews@g 0294 245 614) Fax: Tel. (614) 572 2754 www.elsoldeohio.com

Ramona Reyes acusa a El Sol de Ohio de cometer contra ella “bullying” (acoso) Ramona Reyes Accuses El Sol de Ohio of Bullying El Sol de Ohio Redacción Central

Durante un intercambio de mensajes que se produjo el pasado 30 de agosto en la cuenta de Facebook del pastor John T. Coats II, la dirigente de la Junta de Educación de Columbus, Ramona Reyes dijo sentir acoso por los anuncios y mensajes que publica El Sol de Ohio en los que se le solicita informe ¿Qué ha hecho por los estudiantes hispanos? “You set the example and you are an authority on bullying demonstrated by your continued attempts to bully me with misleading, manipulative and malicious “ads” mentioning my name, but I forgive you”, dice .

El Director de El Sol de Ohio respondió “Ramona Reyes is a Hispanic political but she only work for herself and her little group. The Hispanic community need authentic leaders!” A seguidas Reyes hizo copia de la discussion a un pequeño grupo de sus seguidores, copia que borró pocos minutos después. Hernández entonces repicó “El Sol De Ohio has 5 years fighting for the Hispanic community rights in Columbus. Ramona Reyes is a member of the Board of Education. We have the responsibility to question her: “What Ramona Reyes does for the Hispanic community?”.

During a message exchange on August 30 in the Facebook account of Pastor John T. Coats II, the head of the Columbus Board of Education, Ramona Reyes, claimed to have been bullied by the ads and messages published by El Sol de Ohio requesting her to inform on her work in favor of Hispanic students. “You set the example and you are an authority on bullying demonstrated by your continued attempts to bully me with misleading, manipulative and malicious “ads” mentioning my name, but I forgive you,” she stated. El Sol de Ohio publisher Wilson Hernández res-

ponded, “Ramona Reyes is a Hispanic politician but she only works for herself and her small group. The Hispanic community needs authentic leaders.” Following that, Reyes copied the discussion to a small number of her followers, which was deleted minutes later. Hernández then replied, “El Sol de Ohio has been fighting for the rights of Columbus’ Hispanic community for 5 years now. Ramona Reyes is a member of the Board of Education. We have the responsibility to ask what Ramona Reyes has done for the Hispanic community.”



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El Sol de Ohio | 4/18 Septiembre, 2015




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The Sun of Ohio | September 4/18, 2015


Murieron en un año 360 mexicanos en accidentes laborales en EUA El Sol de Ohio Special Report

Un total de 360 mexicanos murieron en accidentes laborales en Estados Unidos en 2013, lo que muestra un aumento respecto del número de incidentes fatales en el lugar de trabajo en los dos años previos, revelaron hoy cifras oficiales. Las cifras apuntan a que los mexicanos son los trabajadores extranjeros que sufren mayores accidentes fatales en el trabajo en Estados Unidos, y en 2013 contaron por 41 por ciento de los 879 inmigrantes que perdieron la vida mientras desempeñaban su labor. El grado de peligro en las condiciones de trabajo aumenta cada vez más para los mexicanos, pese a que el número total de personas que mueren en Estados Unidos en accidentes laborales descendió de

2010 a 2013, de cuatro mil 690 a cuatro mil 628. En contraste y de acuerdo con las cifras de la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales (BLS), murieron 321 trabajadores mexicanos en accidentes laborales en 2012, y 337 en 2011, comparados con los 360 registrados en 2013. Las industrias que suponen los mayores peligros son construcción; transporte y almacenamiento, así como

las actividades agrícolas, forestales, de pesca y de caza, según BLS. Dina Cortez, directora de área de la Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (OSHA, por sus siglas en inglés), espera que la cifra de mexicanos que perdieron la vida en 2014 en accidentes laborales sea incluso más alta que la de 2013. Durante el lanzamiento de la Semana de Derechos

Laborales en el Consulado de México en Nueva York, un esfuerzo para crear consciencia sobre las prerrogativas que tienen los empleados inmigrantes en Estados Unidos, Cortez indicó que también aumenta la muerte de los trabajadores latinos en general. “El principal motivo de las muertes de los trabajadores latinos en Estados Unidos es que muchos tienen temor a reportar las

situaciones peligrosas en el empleo porque tienen temor a perder su trabajo”, consideró. En entrevista con Notimex, la funcionaria apuntó que es preciso que los trabajadores, independientemente de su situación laboral, reporten las condiciones peligrosas de su lugar de trabajo a fin de reducir los accidentes fatales en Estados Unidos. “Muchos trabajadores no conocen sus derechos y muchos trabajadores indocumentados no creen que tienen derechos. Es lo que encontramos cada vez que salimos a hablar con trabajadores latinos”, puntualizó Cortez. En ese sentido, la cónsul general de México en Nueva York, Sandra Fuentes Berain, dijo que esfuerzos como la Semana de Derechos Laborales, organizada este año en su séptima edición, busca

también convencer a los inmigrantes para que denuncien los riesgos en sus empleos. “Para esto, el consulado realiza un esfuerzo enorme para organizar talleres y campañas. Además, mediante los consulados sobre ruedas, en que accedemos a granjas en zonas rurales, recordamos a los connacionales de todos los derechos que tienen, independientemente de su condición migratoria”, afirmó. Fuentes Berain también lamentó que muchos empleadores en Estados Unidos violen los derechos de sus empleados sin documentos y se aprovechan de su extrema vulnerabilidad. “Por eso tan importante que los trabajadores denuncien”, enfatizó la diplomática.

Ohio ex-attorney charged with hypnotizing, sexually abusing female clients El Sol de Ohio Special Report

Autoridades buscan a líder santero por muerte de mujer en Los Ángeles El Sol de Ohio Special Report

Autoridades policiales de Los Ángeles buscan al líder santero Pablo Pinto Mata, de 46 años, tras el hallazgo de restos óseos de una mujer desaparecida hace seis años. Pinto Mata, declarado prófugo, es considerado responsable de la muerte de María del Refugio Chávez, de 40 años, residente de El Monte, cuyos restos fueron encontrados el pasado 7 de agosto en la parte trasera de una casa ubicada en el valle de San Gabriel. Voceros del Departamento del Sheriff de Los Ángeles (LASD) indicaron que Pinto Mata, de origen salvadoreño, tenía un negocio donde ofrecía remedios

espirituales y sanación a creyentes de la santería en la ciudad de Montebello, al este de Los Ángeles. Pinto Mata, quien está casado y tiene hijos, habría procreado también una niña con Chávez, que fue declarada desaparecida en mayo de 2009, cuando la menor tenía cuatro años. A principios de este mes, el hombre fue acusado de cometer un asalto sexual contra una menor de 16 años, cuando le practicó en su negocio un ritual de sanación en 2013. Desde ese año, Pinto Mata, quien también es conocido como “El Padrino” y “Juan Diego”, se encuentra evadido de las autoridades policiales, que sospechan su implicación en más abusos sexuales.

A former Ohio attorney arrested on charges of hypnotizing and sexually abusing a number of his female clients has been released on $300,000 bond, a defense attorney said. Michael Fine was charged last week with multiple felonies including kidnapping, rape and illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material or performance, but his attorney, Robert Housel, said he had not yet seen the evidence against his client. Up to 25 women who were formerly clients of Fine have complained about being hypnotized and sexually abused, the ABC TV station in Cleveland reported, citing an attorney

for the Lorain County Bar Association. Fine’s next scheduled hearing in a Lorain County courthouse, about 30 miles west of Cleveland, is Thursday. A spokesman for the Lorain County prosecutor’s office could not be reached for comment. Fine had practiced law since 1981, according to court records, but lost his license to practice in November after the Lorain

County Bar Association filed a motion with the Ohio Supreme Court. According to the filing by the bar association, the former Sheffield, Ohiobased attorney “utilized hypnotic therapy to facilitate the impairment of and sexual exploitation of his clients.” The Sheffield Village Police Department began its investigation in 2014 after a female client of Fine found after a number

of meetings with him that her undergarments were disheveled and she could not recall what had occurred, the filing said. After contacting police, the former client began tape-recording her conversations with Fine and after a short legal discussion, Fine “began to use ‘code’ words that induced (her) to enter a trance-like stage,” according to the bar association filing. Sheffield police referred the case to the Lorain County prosecutor’s office in October and police listened in on one of his client meetings where he used hypnosis techniques again, according to the filing. (Reporting by Kim Palmer; Editing By Ben Klayman and Peter Cooney). Credit: Reuter

6Th Annual Tie-Tying Ceremony The Sheriff Zach Scott (left) addresses the Sheriff’s Office participation in the 6th Annual Tie-Tying Ceremony organized by the Columbus City Preparatory School for Boys. Every year the school invites community leaders to tie the ties of students. Photo: Columbus City School


El Sol de Ohio Special Report

El Sol de Ohio | 4/18 Septiembre, 2015



Dr Luis F. Clemente luisf.clemente@me.com

No nos callarán “Os digo que si éstos callan, las piedras clamarán” Lucas 19:40

Hard Times Ahead for Latin American Economies?

El Sol de Ohio ha recibido advertencias, amenazas, rechazos y hasta expulsión en su labor denunciar el narcotráfico y la corrupción política en Columbus. Pero, no nos callarán Desde el primer día que salimos a la calle lo hicimos con la pasión de luchar junto a los inmigrantes hispanos de Columbus, a los indocumentados y a los legales, a los obreros y a los empresarios, a los cristianos y a los no creyentes, a los jóvenes y a los ancianos, a las mujeres y los hombres de nuestra comunidad. No nos callarán. El crimen y la corrupción nos tendrán de frente. Y la lucha apenas ha comenzado! “I say to you that if these will be silent, the stones will cry out.” Luke 19:40

We Will Not Be Silenced “I say to you that if these will be silent, the stones will cry out” (Luke 19:40). El Sol de Ohio has received warnings and threats, and been subject to rejection and even expulsion while doing its job to denounce drug trafficking and political corruption in Columbus. But we will not be silenced. Since the first day, we have had the passion of fighting alongside the Hispanic immigrants of Columbus, both undocumented and legal; workers and entrepreneurs; Christians and non-believers; the young and the old; and the men and women of our community. We will not be silenced. We will stand up to crime and corruption. And the struggle is just beginning.

El Sol de Ohio Fundado el 12 de Octubre de 2010 2427 Blue Rock Blvd Grove City, Ohio. 43123 (614) 572 2754 Fax: (614) 604 8630 www.elsoldeohio.com elsoldeohionews@gmail.com redaccion@elsoldeohio.com publicidad@elsoldeohio.com Conoceréis la verdad y la verdad os hará libres Juan 8:32

The most elementary principles of physics tell us everything that goes up must come down. The same thing happens with the economy, with its moments of boom and bust. Latin American countries are no exception. Between 2003 and 2008, Latin American economies grew considerably thanks to trade with China, especially of raw materials. Chinese demand for Venezuelan oil, Brazilian iron ore and other goods grew so much that their world prices increased, and exporting countries got richer. Now, Chinese demand for Latin American raw materials has subsided, resulting in a lowering of their prices and less profits for exporting countries. To make matters worse, it is expected that the ongoing teetering of the Chinese stock market will have repercussions in a region that has depended so much on Chinese trade and where its economy, according to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, is calculated to grow by only 1% by the end of this year.

The effect of the Chinese economic slowdown will be more pronounced on those Latin American countries that export raw materials than on the rest, but the fact is that more than half of the region’s economies will grow at rates lower than 4% annually, which is too slow a pace for the expectations of a budding middle class and a large mass of lowerclass citizens who do not even have anything to eat. Governability is a weak point in Latin America and management of the economy plays a role in it; therefore, if governments give the impression that they are not hitting the mark, those social sectors that are the most affected by economic fluctuations will become, sooner or later, a headache for Latin American heads of state. And to the chagrin of Dilma Rousseff and Rafael Correa, that panorama of economic malaise is making their fellow citizens less patient with corruption and oil extraction inside indigenous lands, respectively. And yet we have seen this before. Once upon a

time, Latin America was the provider of raw materials for Western European economies, creating a climate of opulence that was suddenly altered by the Great Depression of the 1930s, the ancillary drop in global demand for Latin American goods and the domestic economic collapse that ensued. Although a similar collapse is not on the forecast this time, neither is the shortterm outlook enthusiastic. Granted that the region withstood the global recession of 2008 with few complications thanks to prudent macroeconomic policies implemented during the boom years, having placed a huge bet on Chinese appetite for Latin American raw materials, without even realizing that it would not last, could have been a miscalculation and an act of ignorance of its own economic history. In other words, we have to ask ourselves if the region made a mistake by not having foresight being and forgetting the most elementary physics.

Fundador - Presidente - Editor Wilson Hernandez Staff Ejecutivo: Joan Hernandez Vicepresidente - Sub Editor Albert Hernandez Vicepresidente Administrativo Nicole Hernandez Vicepresidenta de Marketing y Relaciones Públicas

Columnistas Abril Trigo Luis F. Clemente Eva Atunga Telésforo Isaac Enrique Infante Nancy Striker Mons. José H. Gómez

Director de Diseño Freddy Reynoso Director de Operaciones Eduardo Bermúdez Webmaster Irving Reynoso

Las opiniones o informaciones emitidas por los columnistas y anunciantes son independientes de la opinión de El Sol de Ohio. The opinión expresed by the columnists and advertisers are their own and do not necessary reflect the opinion of El Sol de Ohio. Servicios Internacionales: Notimex y agencias colaboradoras

Periodismo de Verdad

The Sun of Ohio | September 4/18, 2015

Stephen R. Kelly The Washington Post

In a scene that would have given Donald Trump heart palpitations, 200 flagwaving Mexican troops breached the U.S. border outside Laredo, Tex., 10 years ago and advanced unopposed up Interstate 35 to San Antonio. It was the first time a Mexican army had marched on San Antonio since 1836 when Gen. Santa Ana massacred besieged Texas independence fighters at the Alamo. This time, however, the Mexican soldiers were on a relief mission to feed tens of thousands of homeless and hungry Americans displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Setting up camp at a former Air Force base outside San Antonio, they distributed potable water, medical supplies and 7,000 hot meals a day for the next three weeks. If this doesn’t sound like the Mexico you’ve been hearing about lately — the one that has been ripping America off, the one that sends rapists and criminals across the border — you might want to consider this little-known gesture of humanity from our abused southern neighbor as you think about Katrina 10 years later.

When Mexicans crossed our border to feed Americans in need

I was serving as the No. 2 at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City in August 2005 when Katrina made landfall on the Gulf Coast. The storm’s track posed no danger to Mexico, and we followed events like most expatriate Americans — aghast, but at a distance. But not Mexicans. They were watching the same scenes of floating corpses and botched relief efforts in New Orleans.

My chief contact at Mexico’sForeign Ministry called to say the Mexican army had two field kitchens that could feed storm victims who had made their way to Texas, he said, and the navy had two ships that could help with cleanup efforts in New Orleans. I told my contact the offer was very generous, noted that many countries had offered assistance, and added that the State De-

partment and the Federal Emergency Management Agency would decide which offers to accept. He said it was too late for that. The convoy had already left Mexico City on its way to the border, and the ships were ready to steam from Veracruz. To put this in context, the United States likes to think of itself as the country that does the helping, as we had done when Mexico City was struck

Methodological Challenges for Political Science

Dereck Negrón-Torres

Estudiante de Ciencias Políticas The Ohio State University

As my mother said, “never give up although the challenge is bigger than you; you are bigger than any challenge ... you do not know, try”. In recent days, I have found that some of the challenges we’ve faced using some research methods in political science is use the methodology combined with political science. Just to refresh must remember that the methodology is the rational process we use to reach a conclusion and politics is an ordained task that is directed to the common good ... or something! The aim is to show that, often, the focus on a single

type of method prevents a substantial advance in the explanatory scope of our research. The sophistication of the statistical method, for example, although it has allowed the implementation of multilevel modeling to capture various general or contextual dimensions of the cases studied, is insufficient to give detailed answers to seemingly paradoxical situations or that go against the hypothesis theoretically expected. Probably in such situations the use of

additional methods may be required, including the historical comparatives. As such, this paper describes the framework of methodological options in political science realizing the limitations and strengths of each of its methods. My presentation focuses basically on comparative research strategies and the problems commonly faced discipline. The work is divided into four parts, which I will be discussing

in future writings. In this paper, I will be discussing the first two parts that show some general methodological issues, but with particular emphasis on the definition and use of concepts methodological issues. To illustrate, I turn to the concepts of institutionalization of party systems and party identification. I conclude that while it is true that the institutionalization helps strengthen democracy (quality of democracy), to not so with party identification, even

OPINIÓN Documento

by a devastating earthquake in 1985. But few had contemplated the possibility that Mexico would be coming to help us. The next 48 hours were a mad scramble to get Washington to say yes, to figure out how to admit more than 200 military personal without passports or visas, and to recognize that the Mexican army, traditionally one of the most nationalistic and anti-American elements in the Mexican government, was making an extraordinary gesture. It worked. The 45-vehicle convoy crossed the border at Laredo at dawn on Sept. 8 and arrived in San Antonio later that day. The only glitch was that the USDA would not allow the Mexicans to serve the beef they had brought because they couldn’t prove it had been produced in a mad-cowfree facility. Undeterred — and un-insulted — the Mexicans bought their beef locally. By the time their mission in San Antonio ended Sept. 25, the Mexicans had served 170,000 meals, helped distribute more than 184,000 tons of supplies and conducted more than 500 medical consultations. Mexican sailors also assisted with clearing downed branches and other storm

debris in Biloxi, Miss., where they posed for photos with President George W. Bush, who thanked them for their help. Nobody was more surprised by this humanitarian mission than the Mexican military itself. Perhaps pumped up by its unexpected display of competence and compassion, even for a normally haughty northern neighbor, the Mexican army became far less defensive , and more willing to cooperate with its U.S. counterpart. Disasters such as Hurricane Katrina, or the spectacle of U.S. presidential politics, often force to the surface the true character of the players. The Mexicans proved they were neighbors we can count on. One can only speculate how Trump would have handled the Mexican invasion had he been president. Would he have considered the visa-free Mexican soldiers illegal immigrants? Would he dispatch rape kits to San Antonio-area hospitals? We should try to answer those questions soon. Because hurricane season is again upon us. And you never know when you are going to need a friendly neighbor, and a hot meal.

though it is part of the index of institutionalization. I suggest that this dissonance occurs because, at least in Latin America, we have not defined the identification by the variety of existing countries. Party identification is measured through surveys and in terms of a percentage but has made no progress in the possible types of identification. I suggest that party identification is the program that is more associated with institutionalized party systems and contexts of the high quality of democracy compared to non-identification program characterized by higher doses of patronage and personalization. This section then briefly reviews the challenges of conceptualization and progress towards the creation of any typology.

That is, the combination of both methods to optimize and refine explanations causality aside, certainly the sterile division between “quantitativists” and “qualitative researchers”. I argue that the siding some of these alleged trends (“quantitative” and “qualitative”) limits the framework of possible explanations for a phenomenon. Often, researchers are inclined a priori to a “quantitative” and “qualitative” option without the research question have previously defined or have found a reasonable theoretical problem. Following King et al. (2000) There is no difference between “quantitative” and “qualitative” when establishing a logical inference. Other than support this idea and considered stale and untimely division between “qualitative” and “quantitative” I show you some ways that can be followed to combine case studies and variable-oriented. Although the central difference between the two methods is in the number of cases to consider, there is reason enough to treat them as radically different or irreconcilable families. Remember, never quit!

The second part shows the two great families of the comparative method proposed by Ragin (1987 and 2004). By that I mean variable-oriented studies and case-oriented. Here we discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of each, suggesting that mixed approaches may be the most appropriate way (see Brady and Collier, 2004; Lieberman, 2005).


El Sol de Ohio | 4/18 Septiembre, 2015

Migrant crisis:

Five obstacles to an EU deal The European Commission urged EU governments to accept a mandatory “distribution key” to resettle 40,000 Syrian and Eritrean refugees.

Europe is struggling with its biggest migration crisis since World War Two, with unprecedented numbers of refugees and other migrants seeking asylum in the EU. El Sol de Ohio

By Laurence Peter BBC News

The 28 EU interior ministers will hold an emergency meeting on the crisis on 14 September. July was a record month, with more than 100,000 reaching the EU’s borders. But it is proving difficult to get agreement on joint action, as migration pressure varies from country to country. What are the biggest obstacles to a solution? The EU core principle of free movement - embodied in the passport-free Schengen area - is in dispute. UK Home Secretary Theresa May called the EU migration system “broken”, saying the Schengen system had “exacerbated” the problem of large-scale irregular migration. The UK and Ireland are not in Schengen, but nearly all of their EU partners are, as well as some nonEU countries. Nationalists across Europe, such as the National Front (FN) in France and Italy’s Northern League, also blame Schengen for the ease with which many migrants have travelled from southern to northern Europe. But the governments in France and Germany are among those who value Schengen for its contribution to the European eco-

nomy. Schengen makes it easier for firms to hire workers from other EU countries, or to post workers abroad. The principle of free movement also has huge symbolic value for the EU. East Europeans embraced it eagerly after decades of communism, when travel to the West was impossible for most ordinary citizens. But Schengen members can re-impose border controls temporarily for national security reasons, for example if they face an extraordinary surge of migrants. There is pressure in the EU now to give authorities more discretion to do that. Why do Europe’s political leaders seem unable to act? Despite being in the Schengen zone Hungary has built a 175km (110mile) razor-wire fence 4m (13ft) high along its border with Serbia. The barrier will be strengthened in the coming weeks, but it is highly controversial. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius criticised it, in remarks rejected by the Hungarian government as “shocking and groundless”. In the first quarter of 2015 Hungary became a new migration hotspot, as thousands of asylum seekers saw it as an easier gateway to northern Europe. Of the 32,810 asylum

applicants in Hungary in that period 70% were from Kosovo. Most Kosovans are fleeing dire poverty, rather than political or religious persecution, so in most cases their asylum claims are rejected. But now, many of those reaching the fence have fled the war in Syria and have legitimate asylum claims. Trainloads of migrants are heading for Austria and Germany from Budapest and Hungary’s neighbours worry that it has merely shifted the problem on to them. Bulgaria - not in Schengen - has also put up a razorwire fence on its border with Turkey, to keep migrants out. Spain’s small territories of Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa are similarly fenced off. The UK’s investment in extra border security at Calais, in northern France, is less controversial, as the UK is not in Schengen and migrants have been risking their lives jumping on to lorries and trains. But it suggests a growing “fortress Europe” attitude in the EU, contradicting the liberal values on which the EU was founded. Many Europeans cherish their hard-won democratic freedoms, and oppose the creation of new border fences. Many also argue that, instead of erecting barriers, the EU should do more to tackle the people-traffickers who make huge profits from migrants’ misery. EU ministers have rejected binding quotas for the distribution of refugees, despite the difficulties faced by Greece, Italy and Hun-

gary. They are the main entry points for migrants crossing the Mediterranean and the Balkans. The European Commission urged EU governments to accept a mandatory “distribution key” to resettle 40,000 Syrian and Eritrean refugees. Instead, they agreed to accept 32,500 on a voluntary basis. The UK has opted out of any quota system, amid a widespread hardening of attitudes towards immigration. There are tensions in the EU over the whole European asylum policy, because of the disproportionate burden faced by some countries. The EU is trying to adapt the rules to deal with the crisis, but politicians want to see rapid progress, not just long-term plans. The controversial Dublin Regulation is under review, and Germany has stopped abiding by it. Under Dublin, the EU country where an asylum seeker first arrives has a duty to process their claim. So if that migrant moves elsewhere in the EU he/she can be sent back to where they first arrived. Extra EU help has been promised for the countries most in need. Of the €2.4bn (£1.7bn; $2.7bn) approved for the next six years, Italy is to get nearly €560m and Greece €473m. The UK, France and Germany have called for mi-

grants to be fingerprinted and registered when they arrive in Italy and Greece. But the migration hotspots need more EU help, as their reception centres are overcrowded. Burden-sharing is a divisive topic. Germany accepted by far the largest number of asylum claims last year and expects to see as many as 800,000 this year. Sweden had the secondhighest number, yet it has a far smaller population than the UK, which accepted fewer asylum seekers. There are calls for eastern European countries to take in more asylum seekers. Slovakia argues that most migrants will still move to richer countries, where wages and welfare are better. Arguments over conflict zones Many Europeans are calling for much greater EU efforts to end the conflicts in Syria, Libya, the Horn of Africa and Afghanistan that are fuelling the exodus of refugees. The UK says it is contributing generously to refugee welfare in countries bordering on Syria, which are housing far more Syrian refugees than the EU. Most refugees, it is argued, want to go home as soon as peace and stability are restored. And projects to ease poverty in sub-Saharan Africa can help to stem the considerable exodus from there.

But critics of the UK stance say those are longer-term goals, whereas the crisis demands urgent action and co-operation among all 28 member states. Improving the economic prospects of young people in the Western Balkans still recovering from war - could help stem the migrant surge from there. Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama says the EU should do much more to raise living standards in poor Balkan countries, which are negotiating to join the EU. Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina and Kosovo are all experiencing an outflow of frustrated citizens seeking a better life in the EU. But EU countries cannot agree on the amount of aid those countries should get. There are fears that corruption could undermine aid projects - something that has bedevilled Kosovo. Nationalist parties and movements have played a big role in hardening attitudes towards immigration. Far-right Jobbik won 20% of the vote in Hungary’s 2014 parliamentary elections, making it the most successful anti-immigration party in Europe. But even in the powerful, long-standing EU member states many mainstream politicians have taken a tough stance towards migrants. The UK Conservatives are urging new EU rules to limit migrants’ access to welfare benefits. The UK Independence Party, demanding strict border controls and exit from the EU, also has a strong following. France’s National Front has wooed many voters away from right and left. Meanwhile, ruling coalitions have done deals with the far-right Freedom Party (PVV) in the Netherlands and the Danish People’s Party (DPP) in Denmark. In Finland, the nationalist Finns have entered government. In neighbouring Sweden, which has an open-door policy towards Syrian refugees, support for the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats has soared to almost 20%. Even in Germany - seen as profoundly loyal to EU values - nationalists and Eurosceptics have staged anti-immigrant marches, under the banner of Pegida, and have been elected to regional assemblies. Insecurity about migrants is widespread in a Europe blighted by unemployment and welfare cuts. So politicians are anxious not to appear “soft” on immigration. It means less hospitality towards migrants, even genuine refugees.

The Sun of Ohio | September 4/18, 2015



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Zach Scott calls for Columbus The Top 40 High Crash Intersections to join Chicago in suing Redflex Las 40 Intersecciones viales donde suceden más accidentes

El Sol de Ohio Special Report

Zach Scott, Mayoral candidate for Columbus, challenged the City of Columbus to join the City of Chicago in suing Redflex Traffic Systems. “Current city leadership has allowed fraud to be perpetrated upon the people,” said Scott. Much of the current administration, including Pre-

sident Andrew Ginther, is alleged to be under federal investigation around bribery charges from former Redflex CEO, Karen Finley. Though Columbus has already cancelled the contract with Redflex, no announcement has been made regarding any request for damages. The Chicago suit is demanding $300 million in

damages for fees incurred by the city. Zach Scott is recommending the city research the amount lost in fees and administrative costs to request in damages. Scott is also calling to use the funds gained from the lawsuit to keep our children safe in school zones and potentially return money to defrauded taxpayers.

The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) has released its Top 40 Regional HighCrash Intersections list for 2012-2014. The top 40 intersections are ranked based on a formula that considers number of crashes, traffic volume and severity. The top ten intersections include: 1. E Livingston Avenue@Hamilton Rd/SR 317 2. Broad Street/SR 16 @James Road

3. Dublin Granville Road/SR 161 @ Maple Canyon Drive 4. Cleveland Avenue @ Dublin Granville Rd/SR 161 5. Morse Road @ Northtowne Blvd/Walford Street 6. Cleveland Avenue @ Morse Road 7. Broad Street/US 40 @ N Wilson Road 8. Hard Road @ Sawmill Road 9. S Central Avenue/ Harrisburg Pike @ W Mound Street

10. Cleveland Avenue @ Weber Road “While our analysis looks at the number of crashes that occur at each intersection, it focuses its ranking on the severity of crashes and how many crashes occur in relation to the amount of traffic that travels through a particular location,” says Kerstin Carr, MORPC Director of Planning & Environment.



El Sol de Ohio | 4/18 Septiembre, 2015



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The Sun of Ohio | September 4/18, 2015



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El Sol de Ohio | 4/18 Septiembre, 2015

Ronquidos, antesala de infartos o enfermedad cerebro vascular El Sol de Ohio Special Report

El ronquido es un aviso del cuerpo de que existe un problema respiratorio que en caso de no atenderse puede provocar infartos o enfermedad cerebro vascular, advirtió el director del Instituto Mexicano de Medicina Integral de Sueño, Reyes Haro Valencia. Los ronquidos son una vibración que se produce en los tejidos que conforman la garganta, de manera específica en la zona de la orofaringe y son el resultado de la relajación que todos tenemos al dormir, explicó en un comunicado Haro Valencia. Al perder tono muscular, añadió, estos tejidos obstruyen el paso del aire por lo que este pasa con dificultad y se genera un sonido estridente, debido a que ocurre en una parte acústica del cuerpo en donde se genera la voz. Los ronquidos se originan por un problema anatómico, es decir las personas que roncan lo hacen porque tienen crecidos alguno o varios tejidos de esa zona: la úvula o campanilla, las amígdalas también conocidas como anginas y el velo del paladar (los arcos que están alrededor de ambas estructuras), así

como los pilares posteriores. También la lengua puede estar crecida (macroglosia) y contribuir a la presencia del ronquido; con menor frecuencia el ronquido se origina por un problema anatómico en la nariz, puntualizó Haro Valencia. No se ronca cuando las personas están despiertas porque dichas estructuras necesitan estar relajadas para que al paso del aire vibren. “Es por eso que roncamos sólo al dormir”, dijo el especialista. Añadió que un indicador de que el problema evolucionó es el tiempo que dura la persona roncando,

además de su intensidad. “Al principio puede ser sólo un ronquido leve que paulatinamente aumenta en intensidad o frecuencia, hasta llegar a molestar a la pareja o a otros miembros de la familia, debido al sonido intenso que llegan a alcanzar los ronquidos”, mencionó. Dijo que si se deja avanzar el problema del ronquido, se puede desarrollar una enfermedad del sueño conocida como Síndrome de Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño (SAOS). Apnea, significa dejar de respirar; Obstructiva, porque se obstruye el paso del aire; y del Sueño, debido a que sólo pasa cuando

Limpia tus arterias coronarias rápidamente con estos 3 ingredientes. El Sol de Ohio Special Report

Si sufres de las arterias coronarias bloqueadas, hay tres ingredientes muy eficaces que pueden reducir o eliminar el problema de las arterias bloqueadas y al mismo tiempo eliminar la grasa mala de la sangre. Las arterias son responsables del transporte de nutrientes y oxígeno al corazón y otros órganos importantes del cuerpo. Para preservar su salud, las arterias deben mantenerse limpios en todo momento. Los alimentos ricos en grasas malas, los productos químicos, las toxinas y los productos altamente procesados causan estragos en el sistema cardiovascular y con el tiempo, esto puede conducir a problemas graves del corazón. Esta bebida saludable puede solucionar el problema de las arterias coronarias bloqueadas, regu-

lar la grasa corporal para proteger el cuerpo contra la gripe y los resfriados, mejorar el sistema inmunológico, limpiar el hígado y destruir los radicales libre y las infecciones que interfieren con el flujo sanguíneo. Esta es la receta que te ayudará a limpiar las arterias coronarias: Ingredientes: - 1 diente de ajo - 1 limón - 2.1 cm de jengibre - 50 ml de agua Preparación: En primer lugar, lava el

limón y cortalo en trozos. Pon el ajo pelado y el jengibre, limón, y 50 ml de agua en una licuadora. Licua la mezcla hasta que quede suave. Consume 25cl de esta bebida con el estómago vacío, dos horas antes de las comidas, durante al menos una semana. Trata de hacer actividades físicas por lo menos tres veces a la semana, ya que esto no sólo facilitará la limpieza de las arterias, sino también mejorará tu salud en general.

la gente está dormida. En casos severos, una persona puede dejar de respirar más de 500 veces en una noche, detalló. Algunos indicadores diurnos de que una persona ronca y tiene SAOS son: cansancio durante el día, sensación de falta de descanso al despertar, problemas de atención, de memoria, quedarse dormido en cualquier situación durante el día, disminución de la libido o problemas con el desempeño sexual, entre otros. Sin embargo, el doctor Reyes Harfo dijo que hay una estrategia como poner un dispositivo de avance mandibular que reduce el

ronquido en casos leves o moderados. Este dispositivo, que lo coloca un odontólogo en las clínicas de trastorno del sueño, se usa para dormir y abre un espacio que evita el choque con los tejidos que favorecen el ronquido. “Si es moderado significa que se deja de respirar hasta 25 veces por cada hora que la persona está dormida y en esos casos, el tratamiento quirúrgico puede corregir el problema”, dijo. “Esta técnica se conoce como uvulopalatofaringoplastia (UPFP), y lo que se hace es reducir el volumen de las estructuras para evi-

tar el colapso y por ende, el ronquido”, mencionó Haro Valencia. Añadió que en los casos severos en donde el paciente presenta más de 30 pausas respiratorias por cada hora que duerme, debe utilizarse un equipo generador de presión positiva de aire conocido como CPAP. El problema lo puede tratar el médico familiar, pero si ya hay síntomas claros como fatiga, somnolencia, se quedan dormidos en el trabajo y parecen desinteresados, afectación de su productividad y de su vida sexual, son indicadores de que el problema es más severo, por lo que el paciente debe acudir a una clínica de trastornos de sueño. El especialista dijo que roncar es un aviso del cuerpo de que hay una falla respiratoria al dormir, la cual debe atenderse de manera oportuna debido a que lleva al desarrollo del SAOS el cual afecta la calidad de vida de las personas y sus familiares. Subrayó que los infartos y la enfermedad cerebro vascular son frecuentes en pacientes con SAOS severo no atendido. Fuente: Notimex.


The Sun of Ohio | September 4/18, 2015


Drinking water doesn’t prevent a hangover El Sol de Ohio Special Report

Raiding the fridge or downing glasses of water after a night of heavy drinking won’t improve your sore head the next day, Dutch research suggests. Instead, a study concluded, the only way to prevent a hangover is to drink less alcohol. More than 800 students were asked how they tried to relieve hangover symptoms, but neither food nor water was found to have any positive effect. The findings are being presented at a conference in Amsterdam. A team of international researchers from the Netherlands and Canada surveyed students’ drinking habits to find out whether hangovers could be eased

or if some people were immune to them. Among 826 Dutch students, 54% ate food after drinking alcohol, including fatty food and heavy breakfasts, in the hope of staving off a hangover.

With the same aim, more than two-thirds drank water while drinking alcohol and more than half drank water before going to bed. Although these groups showed a slight impro-

vement in how they felt compared with those who hadn’t drunk water, there was no real difference in the severity of their hangovers. Previous research suggests that about 25% of

drinkers claim never to get hangovers. So the researchers questioned 789 Canadian students about their drinking in the previous month and the hangovers they experienced, finding that those who didn’t get a hangover simply consumed “too little alcohol to develop a hangover in the first place”. Of those students who drank heavily, with an estimated blood alcohol concentration of more than 0.2%, almost no-one was immune to hangovers. According to lead author Dr Joris Verster, from Utrecht University, the relationship was pretty straightforward. “The more you drink, the more likely you are to get a hangover. “Drinking water may help against thirst and a dry mouth, but it will not take away the misery, the headache and the nausea.” Dr Verster said part of the

problem was that scientists still do not know what causes a hangover. “Research has concluded that it’s not simply dehydration - we know the immune system is involved, but before we know what causes it, it’s very unlikely we’ll find an effective cure.” He said the next step was to carry out more controlled trials on hangovers. Dr Michael Bloomfield, from University College, London, said the economic costs of alcohol abuse ran into hundreds of billions of euros every year. “It’s therefore very important to answer simple questions like, ‘How do you avoid a hangover?’ “Whilst further research is needed, this new research tells us that the answer is simple - drink less.” The paper is presented at the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology conference. BBC News.

Suicide-risk behaviour patterns Thousands of identified - study microbes found

in house dust

El Sol de Ohio Special Report

Depressed people who display “risky behaviour”, agitation and impulsivity are at least 50% more likely to attempt suicide, a study has found. Research by the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) concluded that the behaviour patterns “precede many suicide attempts”. The study said effective prevention measures were “urgently needed”. The World Health Organisation estimates that there were more than 800,000 suicides worldwide in 2012. The ECNP study evaluated 2,811 patients suffering from depression, of whom 628 had previously attempted suicide. Researchers “looked especially at the characteristics and behaviours of those who had attempted suicide”, and found that “certain patterns recur” before attempts. They said the risk of an attempt was “at least 50% higher” if a depressed patient displayed: • “risky behaviour” such as reckless driving or promiscuous behaviour • “psychomotor agitation” such as pacing around

rooms or wringing their hands • impulsivity - defined by the researchers as acting with “little or no forethought, reflection, or consideration of the consequences” Dr Dina Popovic, one of the report’s authors, added: “We found that ‘depressive mixed states’ often preceded suicide attempts. “A depressive mixed state is where a patient is depressed, but also has symptoms of ‘excitation’, or mania.” Michael Mansfield QC, whose daughter Anna took her own life earlier

this year, said her death came “out of the blue”. He said she had two children and a successful career, and no one suspected she was at risk of suicide. Speaking about the new research, he said: “We want to know more. We want somebody to correlate all this and make sense of what seems like a senseless situation. “So I would welcome anybody who’s spent the time and bothered to assemble the pattern of behaviour because in Anna’s case there was a pattern of behaviour and I for one didn’t really spot it.” Paul Farmer, of mental

health charity Mind, said 6,000 UK people a year take their own lives - and “we don’t know enough about why that happens”. He said the ENCP research had an “important message” about the “indicators that people should look out for” if they are worried about someone. Factors already established included people being very withdrawn or very anxious, he said. The study’s findings are being presented at the ENCP conference in Amsterdam on Sunday. BBC news.

The dust in our homes contains an average of 9,000 different species of microbes, a study suggests. Researchers from the University of Colorado at Boulder analysed the dust found in 1,200 households across the United States. They discovered that the types of bacteria and fungi varied depending on where the home was located, who lived there and whether pets were present. The research is published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Dr Noah Fierer, associate professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, who carried out the study, said: “This is really basic natural history we are investigating here. “We have known for a long time that microbes live in our homes. What we are doing is now is old-fashioned science, to see how they vary across space.” The study is part of a citizen science project called The Wild Life of Our Homes Volunteers from 1,200 homes across the United States sent dust samples to the researchers.

They scooped up the detritus from the ledges above doorways - a spot, the scientists say, that is often overlooked while cleaning. A genetic analysis of the house dust revealed a menagerie of microscopic creatures. The researchers found that the average household had more than 2,000 different types of fungi. These included wellknown moulds such as Aspergillus, Penicillium, Alternaria andFusarium. However, the exact makeup of the fungal ecosystem depended on the home’s location. “Most of the fungi we are seeing in the home appears to be coming from outside the home,” said Dr Fierer. “They enter the home on our clothing, or through open windows or through doors. “Therefore the best predictor of what types of fungi are in your home is where your home is located.” The researchers also discovered an average of 7,000 different types of bacteria per household. BBC News.



El Sol de Ohio | 4/18 Septiembre, 2015

James Rodríguez encabeza el Power Ranking de los mejores jugadores El Sol de Ohio Special Report

Después de la jornada del fin de semana, los editoriales de ESPN FC alrededor del mundo nominarán a sus 10 mejores jugadores y los resultados serán comparados y se ingresaran a la lista final del Power Rankings de los mejores jugadores Haznos saber lo que piensas de nuestra lista comentando en la parte inferior del portal o en Twitter utilizando #ESPNFCrankings.

1. James Rodríguez (Real Madrid) Con dos goles y una asistencia en el triunfo de su equipo por 5-0 ante Real Betis, James Rodríguez, fue la estrella del partido. El colombiano cosechó 13 goles y 13 asistencias en su primera temporada en la Liga y parece perfilarse para ser el hombre clave en la revolución de Rafa Benítez en el Bernabéu.

2. Andre Ayew (Swansea)

¿La contratación del verano? En la actualidad es difícil argumentar en contra de Ayew, especialmente después de que inspiró a Swansea a conseguir la remontada en la victoria que tuvieron frente al Manchester United. Con su equipo perdiendo por 1-0, Ayew, empató a través de un remate de cabeza antes de que Bafetimbi Gomis marcara el tanto de la victoria.

3. Bakary Sako (Crystal Palace) Una semana después de anotar el gol del triunfo en su debut, Sako, fue decisivo de nueva cuenta para el Palace, que sorprendió al Chelsea. El jugador fue quien logró adelantar a su equipo en el marcador, luego el Chelsea empató, y Joel Ward se encargó de anotar el tanto de la victoria para el Palace. Es justo decir que Sako ha causado una buena impresión en Selhurst Park desde su llegada procedente de los Wolves este verano.

4. Edinson Cavani (Paris Saint-Germain) PSG domina en Francia y Cavani se convirtió en el líder de su equipo en la última victoria por 3-0 en Mónaco. El uruguayo abrió el marcador con un cabezazo para cerrar con broche de oro un espectacular y “delicioso” pase de Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Él uruguayo podría ser criticado por no marcar en los partidos importantes, pero la producción global de Cavani no puede ser cuestionada.

5. Nabil Fekir (Lyon) Después de haberse establecido como uno de los mejores delanteros con 15 goles en la Ligue 1 la temporada pasada, Fekir, sigue dando de qué hablar. El ariete de 22 años de edad, anotó un ‘hat trick’ en la victoria por 4-0 del Lyon en Caen, anotando los tres goles con marca perfecta, porque los consiguió al realizar tres disparos al marco. Si su club quiere luchar por el título de nuevo, Fekir, debe mantener su racha goleadora.

6. Raheem Sterling (Manchester City) Si las 49 millones de libras que costó le han añadido presión, Sterling, está haciendo un muy buen trabajo al no demostrarla. El jugador de 20 años de edad, anotó su primer gol con el Manchester City el sábado para que los líderes de la Premier League, consiguieran su cuarta victoria en fila en su arranque de temporada.

7. Thomas Müller (Bayern Múnich) Con cinco goles en tres partidos, Muller, ha empezado la temporada de la Bundesliga de forma sensacional. Su última exhibición cosechó una gran actuación al marcar dos goles en su partido número 200 en la Bundesliga, sin embargo, dejó pasar la oportunidad de un ‘hat trick’ al permitir que Arjen Robben cobrara un penal. ¡Qué buen compañero!

8. Gareth Bale (Real Madrid) El “jurado” aún se encuentra deliberando sobre si Bale puede desempeñar con eficacia como el “10”, pero, en contra de la modesta y relativamente oposición proporcionada por el Betis, el galés causó una buena impresión al marcar dos goles y dar una asistencia. Repetidamente vinculado con un millonario traspaso al Manchester United, pero ¿no es más probable que Bale logre establecerse como el hombre principal de Madrid esta temporada?

9. Gonzalo Higuaín (Napoli) La temporada pasada tuvo un final terrible para Higuaín, cuyo penalti fallado frente Lazio puso fin al sueño de participar en la Champions League. El argentino reencontró su olfato goleador el domingo, anotando en la primera mitad del compromiso liguero ante la Sampdoria, aunque Napoli no logró mantener su ventaja de 20 y tuvo que conformarse con un punto.

10. Luiz Adriano (AC Milan) Después de una semana en la que gran parte de la atención estuvo centrada en el regreso de Mario Balotelli al club, Adriano, eligió un tiempo oportuno para registrar su primer gol con el equipo de rojo y negro. El brasileño, que anotó nueve goles en la Champions League con el Shakhtar Donetsk la pasada temporada, marcó en la victoria del Milán ante Empoli.

Manchester United striker Javier Hernandez has joined Bayer Leverkusen for $11.2 m The Mexico international, 27, was on the bench for Sunday’s 2-1 defeat at Swansea City but has not started a Premier League match for a year. He has signed a three-year contract. Meanwhile, United’s Belgian midfielder Adnan Januzaj, 20, has joined Borussia Dortmund on loan. Goalkeeper Anders Lindegaard, 31, has signed a

two-year deal with West Brom. Hernandez scored 59 goals in 156 appearances for United after joiningfrom hometown club Chivas de Guadalajara in 2010. He spent most of last season on loan at Real Madrid. Januzaj has scored five goals in 60 United appearances. He has started two of United’s four league ga-

mes this season, scoring the winner at Aston Villa on 14 August. “Borussia Dortmund are a great club, the fans here are supposed to be really incredible. I want to achieve great things with the team,” said Januzaj. Denmark international Lindegaard, 31, has made 29 United appearances since joining in 2011.


The Sun of Ohio | September 4/18, 2015

1. Scooby Wright, Arizona, LB. There are probably several guys who NFL folks like more, but nobody made more plays—or even close to it--than Two-Star Scooby did last year for the Pac-12 South champs: 163 tackles, 29 tackles for loss, six forced fumbles and 14 sacks. That’s staggering. 2. Nick Chubb, Georgia, RB. Former Georgia offensive coordinator Mike Bobo gushed about Chubb’s character and how his attitude pushed Todd Gurley to be better just by how the freshman worked and approached the game. Chubb is also a special athlete and was pretty amazing filling in for Gurley, averaging 165 rushing yards in Georgia’s final eight games. He also has good hands. 3. Joey Bosa, Ohio State, DL. The Big Ten’s 2014 Defensive Player of the Year, Bosa had 21 tackles for loss, 13.5 sacks and four forced fumbles. He will miss OSU’s opener at Virginia Tech while serving a one-game suspension for a violation of team policy. 4. Ronnie Stanley, Notre Dame, LT. Irish coaches compare the 6-6, 320-pounder to one of their former stars from their Central Michigan days, Pro Bowler

Ranking college football’s best players

Joe Staley. That’s saying something. So’s this: Stanley only allowed one sack last season despite going up against six guys who were taken in the top four rounds of the 2015 NFL Draft, including No. 6 overall pick Leonard Williams. 5. Ezekiel Elliott, Ohio State, RB.

A big, fast back running behind the nation’s best O-line, Elliott was unstoppable in the postseason last year, running for an eye-popping 232 yards per game vs. Wisconsin, Alabama and Oregonto spark the Buckeyes’ title run. 6. Kendall Fuller, Virginia Tech, CB.

The best player on a terrific Hokies defense, Fuller is probably the best of the four Fuller brothers who have played at Tech. The other three have all played in the NFL, and Kyle was a first-rounder with the Bears in 2014. 7. Vernon Hargreaves III, Florida, CB. He just turned 20 and has

already been named firstteam All-SEC twice. Hargreaves led the SEC with 13 pass breakups last season and added three interceptions. 8. Jalen Ramsey, Florida State, DB. Opposing coaches have nightmares about his freaky length and athleticism. Ramsey’s do-


everything performance against Miami last season was one of the best games anyone had in college football in 2014. 9. Trevone Boykin, TCU, QB. The most improved player in college football in 2014, the speedy Boykin went from a 7-to-7 TDINT ratio in 2013 to 33-to10. Coach Gary Patterson said that reflects how well he takes care of the ball and makes decisions, and those attributes, coupled with his ability to lengthen plays, are what make Boykin so special. “Nobody’s better at making something out of nothing,” Patterson said. 10. Adoree’ Jackson, USC, CB/WR/KR. A spectacular talent, Jackson — the Pac-12’s long jump champ — has been amazing in practice while displaying his jaw-dropping potential on offense. Last season, he scored three touchdowns on just 11 offensive touches while working mostly as a defensive back and return man. Two of his 23 kick returns also went for TDs. On defense, Jackson had 49 tackles with 10 pass deflections, four TFLs, one forced fumble and one fumble recovery. Credit: Fox sports.

Shaq: Kobe and I are ‘most dominant one-two punch in Laker history’

Ultimate Fighter: Team McGregor vs. Team Faber full cast announced The new cast of ‘The Ultimate Fighter’ has been revealed with 32 competitors joining the show from the United States and Europe for the opportunity to earn a contract with the UFC. The newest installment of the show will debut on Sept. 9 on FOX Sports 1 with the competition being whittled down to 16 fighters who will then move into ‘The Ultimate Fighter’ house with Faber coaching the American team while McGregor will lead the Europeans. For Faber this will be his second stint as ‘Ultimate

Fighter’ coach after working opposite long-time rival Dominick Cruz during the only live season of the show. McGregor will be on ‘The Ultimate Fighter’ for the first time after defeating Faber’s teammate Chad Mendes at UFC 189 for his interim featherweight title in July. McGregor is currently preparing for his UFC 194 showdown with featherweight champion Jose Aldo in December after coaching on the newest season of the reality show.

It’s the stuff of dreams for NBA fans: Shaquille O’Neal. Kobe Bryant. One room. One (or possibly more) microphone(s). And one on-the-record conversation that clears the air, puts all the relevant details out there and buries the hatchet one final time between the former Los Angeles Lakersteammates. Quotes from Bryant’s appearance on O’Neal’s podcast started to sneak out last week, but the full interview is now available, and it’s a fun one. It starts with a number of quotes from both players in 2004 -- quotes which O’Neal promises his co-hosts he does not remember uttering. Then, before Bryant comes on, O’Neal makes one thing very clear: There was never any hate between the two, he says. Finally, as Bryant comes on the air, O’Neal introduces him as “the greatest Laker ever,” then gets down to business, reiterating the lack of hate between the two:

“I just want people to know that I don’t hate you. I know you don’t hate me. I call it today a ‘work beef,’ is what we had. I was young, you was young. But then as I look at it, we won three [titles] out of four, so I don’t really think a lot was done wrong. So I just wanted to clear the air and let everybody know that, no, I don’t hate you. We had a lot of disagreements, we had a lot of arguments. But I think it fueled us both.” Bryant was quick to agree, and he went a step further -- what made the disagreements between the two “special” was the fact they were saying things to each other’s face. There

was no (or little, anyway) whispering going on behind each other’s backs. Their altercations were out in the open, for better and for worse. Bryant went on to pay a bit of homage to O’Neal by pointing out that in his estimation, the NBA isn’t the most physical basketball in the world anymore. He says that used to be the case, but now the Olympics are much more physically imposing: “When we play in the Olympics, the physicality in the Olympics is actually -- they’re more physical than the NBA is,” Bryant said. “It’s the silliest thing in the world. The NBA used to be the

toughest, strongest league in the world, and now it’s not that. And I don’t know what happened to all the seven-footers. I don’t know if they’re just not growing anymore or what.” It was music to Shaq’s ears, of course. And it helped pave the way for O’Neal’s parting words to his former alpha dog that will likely spur some arguments in Laker-land: “Kobe, I just want to say I love you brother, and I miss you. I enjoyed the times we played together, wish we could’ve got to seven championships, but it is what it is. We’re still the most respected, the most dominant one-two punch in Laker history. I know they’re going to be talking about this, yes, we are the most dominant one-two punch in Laker history. I don’t care what nobody else says. And I love you brother, and I miss you, and good luck this year.”. Credit: Fox Sport



El Sol de Ohio | 4/18 Septiembre, 2015

Church Life

Send events information or any opinion to: elsoldeohionews@gmail.com

Illinois diocese: New policy tells families what to expect from Catholic schools El Sol de Ohio Special Report

Cooperation, not exclusion, is the goal of a new parental agreement for students in Catholic schools run by the Diocese of Springfield, Ill., an official with the diocese has said. “We have been and remain committed to partnering with any parents who desire their children to be educated and formed in our schools,” Jonathan F. Sullivan, Director of Catechetical Services for the Springfield diocese, told CNA Aug. 27. “In those cases where a family may be living in a way contrary to Church teaching, we want to ensure that they understand the education and formation they are requesting from a Catholic school so that they can make a fully informed decision about what is best for their child.” “The agreement does not target any couples, persons, or sins,” he added. The diocese’s Family School Agreement has

drawn coverage from some national news outlets like Buzzfeed, which suggested that it was targeting same-sex couples after one such couple attempted to enroll their children at a Catholic school in the diocese. Buzzfeed cited dissenting Catholic groups which criticized the policy and claimed it was intended to drive away divorced and gay parents. Sullivan rejected this idea, saying that the children

of the couple reported to be at the center of the story “have enrolled in the school and began classes last week.” He said the diocese’s policy is that “the moral situation of a parent, on its own, should not affect the enrollment status of a student.” “It is our hope that all families would use this as an opportunity to examine how they can more closely conform their lives to the example of Jesus Christ

and continue to answer his call to holiness,” he said. In a letter to church and school officials, Springfield’s Bishop Thomas Paprocki explained that while the policy was prompted by the samesex couple, “the policy as actually developed will not single out same-sex couples.” “Rather, it will be used for all parents to indicate that they understand and agree that children in the school will be taught the

teachings of the Catholic Church in their fullness.” He noted that the Catholic Church objects not only to homosexual activity, but also to heterosexual couples cohabiting without marriage and those divorced and remarried without an annulment. “The implementation of this policy is premised on the hope we have for repentance and turning away from a sinful way of life, even if that may be years down the road.” The family agreement is modeled after one in the Diocese of Wichita. The agreement asks parents to acknowledge that they understand and agree that their children will be taught the full teachings of the Catholic Church, “even if we are living a way of life that is contrary to those teachings.” It says parents understand that if they don’t live in accord with Church teaching they will be expected to speak with the parish pastor to discuss “ways in which we could.” Sullivan said that Bishop Paprocki promulgated the family agreement in July, but it does not apply to

families who have already registered their children. All families will be expected to sign the agreement when they register for the 2016-2017 school year. The agreement could be revised, Sullivan said. In the form, parents pledge their “full cooperation with the school and parish to prepare our child(ren) to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.” The agreement also discusses expected Mass attendance, tithing, and “active witness to the Catholic faith.” Sullivan described the agreement as “the ideal we hope to work toward in discipleship and stewardship.” “We do not expect anyone to live this perfectly today but rather to be working toward that goal. We are all sinners in need of God’s forgiveness,” he said. The agreement also states the parish’s obligation to help parents in nurturing their children. “We will make our best effort to form your child(ren) as a disciple of Jesus Christ,” it says. Credit: CAN.

La “profecía” de un Cardenal africano sobre el futuro de la Iglesia El Sol de Ohio Special Report

Ha decidido estar en Benin, en uno de los países de su África natal, el Cardenal originario de Guinea Conakry Robert Sarah, quien sirve actualmente como Prefecto de la Congregación para el Culto Divino y la Disciplina de los Sacramentos, durante los días en los que en la capital italiana se ha presentado su libro-entrevista “Dios o nada”. “Tengo confianza absoluta en la cultura africana, tengo una fe absoluta en la fe africana y estoy seguro que África salvará a la familia, África salvará a la Iglesia. África ha salvado la Sagrada Familia (NDR: Huida a Egipto) y en estos tiempos modernos salvará también a la familia humana”, afirmó el Purpurado en declara-

ciones al diario La Croix de Benin el pasado 19 de agosto durante su visita en ocasión de la peregrinación nacional mariana de Dassa-Zoumè. “Dieu o rien” es el nombre original del libro en

el que aparece la extensa entrevista realizada por el periodista francés Nicolas Diat, quien también ha escrito un libro sobre Benedicto XVI. Los temas del libro son variados y no excluyen

algunos polémicos como los abusos sexuales de algunos miembros del clero, y la enérgica y decisiva reacción de Juan Pablo II, Benedicto XVI y Francisco con su política de tolerancia cero; además de las grandes preguntas del mundo posmoderno que vive al margen de Dios. Hay páginas también que tratan algunos asuntos de la política: “¿la democracia es una invención del cristianismo? Incontestablemente existe una concepción cristiana de la igualdad entre los hombres”, afirma y precisa que “una democracia que contribuye al desarrollo integral del hombre no puede subsistir sin Dios”. Sobre los divorciados vueltos a casar, el Cardenal Sarah señala que “se encuentran en una situación que contraviene

objetivamente a la ley de Dios”. A la familia le dedica un capítulo entero titulado “Las piedras angulares y los falsos valores” en donde trata diversos desafíos pastorales como la defensa de la vida, el matrimonio y la santidad de la institución familiar. Sobre la ideología de género el Cardenal resalta que “no veo ningún progreso posible para tal fraude. Mi inquietud se debe más al hecho de que algunos estados y organizaciones internacionales intentan imponer de cualquier modo, a veces de modo forzado, esta filosofía”. El Cardenal Sarah fue ordenado sacerdote en 1969 y fue consagrado obispo en 1979, convirtiéndose en el más joven del mundo. En el año 2001 fue convocado a Roma por el Papa Juan Pablo II para

servir como Secretario de la Evangelización de los Pueblos. Benedicto XVI lo eligió como presidente del Pontificio Consejo Cor Unum en el 2010 y en el año 2014 el Papa Francisco lo nombró Presidente del dicasterio vaticano que se ocupa de la liturgia. El Purpurado comenta que también le es cercana la figura del Papa Pío XII, a quien África le debe mucho como la institución de los sacerdotes Fidei donum, que tienen como una de sus misiones servir en los países donde la Iglesia es más joven en el continente africano. Cuando Nicolás Diat le pide “resumir” la eternidad en tres palabras, el Cardenal contesta con sencillez: “la vida, el amor y la comunión”. Fuente: ACI Prensa

The Sun of Ohio | September 4/18, 2015

Nutrición para el alma nancy@yahvefoundation.org

En gran manera me gozaré en el SEÑOR, mi alma se regocijará en mi Dios; porque Él me ha vestido de ropas de salvación, me ha envuelto en manto de justicia como el novio se engalana con una corona, como la novia se adorna con sus joyas “Isaías 61:10.” Bien aventurado aquel que ha podido aceptar la invitación de nuestro señor Jesús y aceptar el gran reto de llevar su nombre con gran orgullo por todas las naciones. El que ha aceptado esta invitación no puede olvidar que la salvación constó todo un sacrificio de sangre para que su pueblo sea redimido, justificado y por su-

Nancy Striker Vicepresidenta del Ministerio de Damas Iglesia Apostólica La Gracia de Jesucristo

puesto vestido de lino fino y limpio. No obstante, el que aceptó esta invitación y aceptó seguirle tenga en cuenta que para llegar al final de la jornada necesitamos mantener la corona de salvación que Él nos ha dado. Gocémonos y alegrémonos y démosle gloria; porque han llegado las bodas del Cordero, y su esposa se ha preparado. Y a ella se le ha concedido que se vista de lino fino, limpio y resplandeciente; porque el lino fino es las acciones justas de los santos. Y el ángel me dijo: Escribe: Bienaventurados los que son llamados a la cena de las bodas del Cordero. Y me dijo: Estas son

palabras verdaderas de Dios “Apocalipsis 19: 7 – 9.” Pueblo redimido, y justiciado alégrese y siga dándole la gloria al Rey porque usted ha sido invitado a la gran boda y por su dedicación, cuidado y respecto puede decir que estará disfrutando del día especial que Dios tiene para todo aquel que sabe que la salvación tuvo un precio y que por lo mismo el precio de mantener la salvación cuesta Amor, y Respecto por aquel que se lo merece, aquel que dio su vida para que usted y yo podamos disfrutar de llegar hasta el final. ¡No olvides, que de ti depende si llegas a la boda del cordero o no!

Pareja gay son ministros de alabanza en Iglesia Hillsong de Nueva York

Ohio Pro-Lifers Expect Down Syndrome Abortion Ban to Pass Pro-life advocates in Ohio have worked since the spring to pass legislation banning abortion for babies diagnosed with Down syndrome. The bill passed out of the state House committee in June and likely will garner majority support this fall, said Katie Franklin, a spokeswoman for Ohio Right to Life (ORTL). The bill bans abortionists from killing unborn babies diagnosed with Down syndrome. About 90 percent of babies with the diagnosis are aborted. The bill holds the abortionists, not the mother, accountable for violating the law. Violations are punishable by six to 18 months in prison and the revocation of the abortionist’s medical license. “Ohio Right to Life is trying to build a more inclusive society where every child is cherished no matter how many chromosomes they have,” Franklin said. “This legislation is going very far in accomplishing that mission.”

El Sol de Ohio Special Report

La Iglesia Hillsong se hizo famosa en todo el mundo sobre todo por su ministerio de alabanza. Decenas de canciones son cantadas en los servicios religiosos de todo el mundo, tanto en inglés como en español. The New York Hillsong –una de sus iglesias en Nueva York– atrae a más de 7.000 personas a la semana. Su pastor, Carl

Lentz, tiene un aspecto ‘informal’ y ha sido visto con varias celebridades del cine y el deporte. Fue él, por ejemplo, que bautizó a Justin Bieber. La Iglesia Hillsong se ha abstenido de hablar acerca del matrimonio homosexual, un tema ampliamente discutido en los EE.UU. desde su legalización. Después de todo, hay una fuerte presión para que las iglesias lo acepten para no tener problemas con la ley.

Mientras que antes evitaban hablar de ello, como muchas denominaciones americanas, ahora se ha conocido que Hillsong Nueva York ha ordenado como parte del ministerio de alabanza a una pareja abiertamente gay. Josh Canfield y Reed Kelly, se hicieron famosos por su participación en el reality show de la cadena CBS “Survivor en San Juan del Sur de Nicaragua”, actualmente están “casados”.

Presentadora de Telemundo, Rashel Díaz, entrega su vida a Jesús El Sol de Ohio Special Report

La copresentadora de TV de Un Nuevo Día de Telemundo, Rashel Díaz, y su novio Carlos García se bautizaron en las aguas. Díaz compartió en las redes sociales la noticia junto a varias fotos que evidencian el momento. “No fue de un día para otro, ni por impulso, ni por tendencia. Ha sido un recorrido maravilloso desde que

me convertí en cristiana hace un año hasta el día de hoy de mi bautizo”. “Un camino donde el Señor ha ido transformándome, donde ha ido mostrándome su amor, donde ha ido creciendo mi fe, mi necesidad de conocerlo más, donde he puesto cada área de mi vida en sus manos porque todo lo que tuve, tengo y tendré se lo debo a Él. Donde las partes infértiles de mi vida las ha bendeci-

do, donde he comprendido que la oración es poderosa! Por todo eso y porque quiero que mi relación con nuestro Señor Jesucristo siga creciendo cada día más hoy me bauticé!!! Qué bueno mi amor @carlos_garcia0782 que la decisión la tomamos juntos, que la familia y amigos estuvieron ahí para nosotros !!! Hoy empezamos una nueva vida y no estamos solos!!!”, compartió en las redes sociales la Díaz.


Ohio’s House of Representatives will vote on the bill once it returns to session in September. The state legislature is strongly pro-life, and Franklin expects the Senate to pass the bill as well. Ohio Gov. John Kasich hasn’t said whether he will sign the bill if passed. But his pro-life track record suggests his likely approval: He has signed 14 pieces of pro-life legislation during the past four years, and the abortion rate in Ohio has dropped under his leadership, Franklin said. Kasich is running for

the Republican presidential nomination. The law would make Ohio the second state to ban abortions based on a Down syndrome diagnosis. North Dakota passed a similar ban in 2013, prohibiting abortions for fetal abnormalities. Abortion advocates in the state claim the bill would violate the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision guaranteeing a woman’s right to abort her child up to the point of viability. Others claim the bill is unenforceable. The law would require abortionists to verify on an abortion report they had no knowledge a woman sought an abortion due to a Down syndrome diagnosis. “They’re trying to encroach on the right to abortion, step by step, and turn a woman’s healthcare decision into an issue of discrimination against the fetus,” Sara Ainsworth, director of legal advocacy at the National Advocates for Pregnant Women, told The New York Times. “I can’t imagine how any of these laws would be enforceable.” But most regulations in the medical field trust medical professionals to adhere to established standards and report truthfully, said ORTL President Mike Gonidakis. The cost of losing a medical license should sufficiently deter abortionists from violating the law, he said. Credit: Chistian Headlines.com


CHURCHES SERVICES / SERVICIOS DE IGLESIAS Christ the King (Catholic Church) (Servicio en español) 2777 E. Livingston Ave. Columbus, OH 43209 (614) 237-0401 English (614) 237- 0414 Español Mass Times Horario de Misa Weekend Mass Saturday 4:00 PM English 6:00 PM Spanish Sunday 8:00 AM English 10:00 AM English 12:30 PM Spanish Rhema Christian Center (614) 471-9673 2100 Agler Road Columbus, Ohio 43224 Service Times: Saturday Service 6:00 PM Sunday Service 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM Vineyard Church at Tuttle Crossing 5400 Avery Rd. Dublin. OH. 43016 Phone: 614.876.0258 Service Times We meet Sundays at 10:30AM. Free coffee and free Timbits are served every morning! We have dynamic worship, great teaching and personal ministry. Full childcare is available as well as programming for children during the service. We love and welcome your children. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church 30 West Woodruff Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43210 on the campus of The Ohio State University 614-294-3749 Sunday Worship Schedule: 8:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist (no music) 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist with music 6:00 p.m. Campus Worship community St. Mark’s United Methodist Church 5200 Sullivant Ave. Columbus, OH 43228 Office: 614-878-6520 Worship times: Sunday (English) 10:30 am Saturday (Spanish) 7:00 pm Worthington SeventhDay Adventist Church 385 E. Dublin-Granville Rd. Worthington, OH 43085 Phone: 614-885-7812 Service Times: First Service: Contemporary 9:00 am Sabbath School: Adult and children of all ages: 10:15 am Second Service: Traditional 11:20 am The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 2400 Red Rock Blvd, Grove City, OH 43123 (614) 875-8490



Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo recuperan a la nieta 117 robada en Argentina

Las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo anunciaron que encontraron a la nieta 117 de los cerca de 500 menores que fueron robados por los represores durante la última dictadura militar (1976-1983), en su mayoría luego de nacer en cárceles clandestinas. Estela de Carlotto, presidenta de la organización que es un ícono internacional en la defensa de los derechos humanos, encabezó este lunes una rueda de prensa en la que contó la historia de la nueva nieta recuperada, que ahora tiene 37 años. De acuerdo con las investigaciones, la mujer que recién se enteró el sábado pasado de su verdadera identidad nació a principios de 1978 y es hija de Walter Hernán Domínguez y de Gladys Cristina Castro, quienes eran estudiantes universitarios y militaban en organizaciones políticas. El 9 de diciembre de 1977, un grupo de represores llegó a la casa de la pareja que, en ese momento ya esperaba a su primer hijo, pero se los llevó a ambos y desde entonces están desaparecidos. La madre del joven, María Domínguez, se dedicó desde entonces a buscar a su hijo, a su nuera y a su nieto, y se convirtió en una de las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo de la provincia de Mendoza, en donde ocurrieron los hechos. El sábado, después de 37 años de búsqueda, logró encontrar a su nieta, cuya identidad por ahora se mantiene en reserva debido al shock que enfrentan los nietos recuperados que, de un día para el otro, se enteran de que han vivido engañados.

Now at 3353 Cleveland Ave 1630 Morse Road 2161 Eakin Road 2474 Stringtown Road 1585 Georgesville Square Drive 3600 Saldano Boulevard 5800 W Broad Street 2525 Rome Hilliard Road

El Sol de Ohio | 4/18 Septiembre, 2015

Alemania tiene como prioridad resolver la crisis migratoria El Sol de Ohio Special Report

La canciller federal alemana Angela Merkel sostuvo la víspera una reunión que se prolongó cuatro horas y media, con los líderes de la Unión Demócrata Cristiana (CDU) y de la Unión Socialcristiana (CSU) para abordar la crisis migratoria que enfrenta Europa. La incesante llegada de refugiados y los ataques a los albergues donde son acogidos que se produjeron en los últimos días centraron buena parte de las conversaciones. El ejecutivo alemán discutió también los próximos pasos a seguir de cara a gestionar una crisis que se ha convertido en el principal reto no solo de Alemania, sino de toda Europa. En Berlín, fuentes cercanas al gobierno, insisten en que no puede volver a repetir un caso como el Heidenau, donde neonazis y miembros de la extrema derecha atacaron con gran violencia un centro de refugiados.

Desde entonces, se refuerza la colaboración entre las fuerzas policiales con el objetivo de garantizar la seguridad de los refugiados y defender la democracia contra los extremistas de derecha. Este domingo, durante la jornada de puertas abiertas de la Cancillería Federal, Merkel se pronunció a favor de agilizar la expulsión de aquellos solicitan-

tes de asilo cuya solicitud no sea aceptada. “Para ayudar a quienes están en una situación de emergencia tenemos que decirles a los demás que no están en esa situación, que no se pueden quedar aquí”, declaró la canciller alemana en clara alusión a los inmigrantes procedentes de los Balcanes que buscan en Alemania el acceso a una vida mejor.

Según Merkel, el proceso de expulsión debe llevarse a cabo de modo rápido, antes de que los solicitantes de asilo se establezcan y los niños empiecen a ir al colegio porque, de no ser así, recalcó, los procesos se vuelven mas lentos y “es mucho más difícil enviarlos de vuelta a casa”.

Santos garantiza a deportados “facilitarles sus vidas y su futuro” El Sol de Ohio Special Report

El presidente Juan Manuel Santos, en su última visita a la frontera con Venezuela, garantizó facilitar a los deportados “sus vidas y futuro” en Colombia, informó la Casa de Nariño. “Vamos a facilitarles su vida y sobre todo su futuro”, dijo el presidente Santos a los colombianos recientemente deportados desde Venezuela. Santos dijo a los deportados en la Frontera: “Como les he dicho, no están solos. Aquí tienen a 48 millones de colombianos que los acompañan, que están detrás de ustedes”. “Toda la actividad del Gobierno, toda la actividad del Estado estará pendiente de ustedes para que ustedes tengan la oportunidad de rehacer sus vidas de la mejor forma posible”, indicó. El jefe del Estado informó que se acelerará el proceso de vinculación de los connacionales deportados desde Venezuela al programa de empleo y subsidios de arriendo impulsados por su administración. Indicó que el propósito del Gobierno es “acelerar que

las personas que están en los albergues salgan de los albergues y entren en el procedimiento para poder tener un empleo, poder beneficiarse del subsidio de arrendamiento y poder rehacer sus vidas donde ellos lo consideren”. Garantizó “un subsidio de arrendamiento para que puedan irse al sitio donde quieran, si se quieren

ir a sus lugares de origen les pagamos, eso es muy importante, todo el transporte”. “Está garantizada la gasolina subsidiada para que no haya ningún tipo de escasez. Y es un mensaje que quiero dar, porque hay gente que está diciendo que se va a acabar la gasolina (...). Va a haber gasolina sin ninguna res-

tricción para que nadie tenga que hacer ninguna cola”, puntualizó el mandatario. Según el reporte oficial, desde el 22 de agosto, hasta la fecha, Venezuela ha deportado a cerca de mil 100 colombianos, y otros seis mil han salido del vecino país por temor a las represalias de la Guardia Venezolana.

The Sun of Ohio | September 4/18, 2015



Specialists seek cardiovascular risk ICE takes down alleged online prostitution ring, factors in the Mexican population CEO arrested El Sol de Ohio Special Report

A group of Mexican specialists are investigating the genetic markers that lead to the development of the coronary artery disease in the Mexican population and its connection with cardiovascular risk factors. Mexican researchers Carlos Posadas Romero and Gilberto Vargas Alarcon from the INC, and Maria Teresa Villarreal Molina, from the National Institute of Genomic Medicine (INMEGEN, for its acronym in Spanish), initiated in 2009, the project called Genetics of atherosclerotic disease (GEA, for its acronym in Spanish). In an interview with the News Agency of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT, for its acronym in Spanish), the research managers ensure that this is one of the largest projects in Mexico. The International studies warn that deaths from cardiovascular diseases will rise between 15 and 20 percent in the next five years, and for a period of 15 years the deaths will

rise to 23 million 300 thousand people, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Despite knowing the cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, smoking and physical inactivity, among others, the frequency of these diseases has not been successfully reduced; on the contrary, they are on the rise, said the researcher Gilberto Vargas Alarcón. The deputy director of Basic and Technological Research of the National Institute of Cardiology (INC, for its acronym in

Spanish), Ignacio Chávez said that such problems lead researchers to look for etiological factors that cause the development of these diseases such as the genetics. According to the head of the Genomics laboratory of Cardiovascular Diseases under the INMEGEN, María Teresa Villarreal Molina, there are more than 50 genes involved in the susceptibility of the coronary artery disease. “However, the variants that confer susceptibility are not always the same in different populations,” said the specialist.

In Caucasian and Asian populations, for example, genetic markers that influence the development of the coronary heart disease were identified, but this information does not apply in the Mexican population due to the genetic differences as an ethnic group. Several studies show that the Mexican mestizo is constituted by a mix of Caucasian, indigenous and African genes, explained Vargas Alarcon, who is also a researcher in Medical Sciences of INC.

Hispanic woman acknowledges drowning twin sons El Sol de Ohio Special Report

An Arizona woman told investigators that she drowned her 2-year-old twin sons and tried to kill her 3-year-old stepbrother in the same way because she didn’t want them to live with the difficulties she faces. Court records released Monday say 22-year-old Mireya Alejandra Lopez told investigators that she takes medication for depression, schizophrenia and psychosis. Still, investigators say it’s unknown whether her mental condition was linked to the deaths or whether the difficulties she cited were psychological issues. Lopez offered several reasons for the attacks, including that her kids were bullied and that her stepbrother rarely ate and was anti-social. She also said she and her twins weren’t loved, investigators said in court records.

She is accused of drowning her sons Sunday in a bathtub at her stucco house in suburban Avondale and then wrapping them in a blanket. Police also said she stuck a pen in the neck of one of her sons to ensure that he would die. The deaths were discovered by Lopez’s mother,

who thought the twins were asleep but eventually noticed they weren’t breathing. The grandmother yelled for help and, along with someone else who was at the home, tried unsuccessfully to resuscitate them. While the lifesaving measures were made, poli-

ce said the grandmother could hear Lopez in the bathroom, where Lopez was found trying to drown her stepbrother. Lopez’s mother managed to pull the boy to safety. The 3year-old wasn’t injured. Lopez was arrested on suspicion of first-degree murder and attempted first-degree murder. Her bail was set at $2 million. It’s not yet known whether Lopez has a lawyer. The boy’s father, Samuel Avitia, declined to comment. During a brief court appearance early Monday, Lopez spoke in a quiet voice when asked to provide her name and date of birth. She is scheduled for a court hearing Friday. Lopez had three children, according to court records. Police declined to release the names of the three boys involved in Sunday’s attack.

The CEO of a purported online male escort service and six current or former employees were arrested for allegedly operating an international online prostitution ring. The arrests follow an investigation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). Jeffrey Hurant, CEO of Rentboy.com, and six others were charged by criminal complaint, unsealed Tuesday in Brooklyn federal court, with conspiring to violate the Travel Act by promoting prostitution. The charges were announced by acting U.S. Attorney Kelly T. Currie of the Eastern District of New York, acting Special Agent in Charge Glenn Sorge of HSI New York, and Commissioner William J. Bratton of the New York City Police Department. As alleged in the complaint, Rentboy.com is a

male escort advertising site founded in 1997 that hosts thousands of paid advertisements. While the site has disclaimers stating that the advertisements are for companionship and not sexual services, Rentboy.com is designed primarily for advertising illegal prostitution. The website charges subscribers a minimum monthly fee of $59.95 and up to several hundred dollars to advertise sexual services. Once the fee is paid, subscribers can select from a number of categories created by Rentboy.com, the sexual services they are willing to perform, and the price charged. Subscribers can also include their physical descriptions and provide links to another website where their sexual services are rated by prior customers. Between 2010 and 2015, Rentboy.com had over $10 million in gross proceeds.

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El Sol de Ohio | 4/18 Septiembre, 2015

YouTube as you know it is about to change dramatically El Sol de Ohio Micah Singleton The Verge

The way you experience YouTube may be dramatically different before the end of the year. According to multiple sources, the world’s largest videosharing site is preparing to launch its two separate subscription services before the end of 2015 — Music Key, which has been in beta since last November, and another unnamed service targeting YouTube’s premium content creators, which will come with a paywall. Taken together, YouTube will be a mix of free, ad-supported content and premium videos that sit behind a paywall. With the exception of a few video rentals, YouTube has always been a free, ad-supported service. But the company is about to get serious about subscription services, offering new ways for the users that create videos to make money. While two subscription offerings for the same service might seem odd to some — with one music industry source calling it “strange on top of strange” — YouTube’s thinking was likened to that of a cable company offering different packa-

ges for sports and movies. “Strange on top of strange.” With over 1 billion users, YouTube is large enough to support multiple streaming services, but reaction within the music industry — which enjoys a mutually beneficial, yet strained relationship with YouTube — is mixed. The music labels are split on the idea of multiple subscription services, with some believing that YouTube won’t properly market Music Key. They point to a lack of advertising around Google Play Music All Access as a prime example of Google’s lack of commit-

ment to pushing its music services. While one music industry source stated that they do like Music Key, they questioned the “strategic priority” of the music subscription service for YouTube and Google. Given the fact that some of YouTube’s deals with the major record labels are expiring in 2016 and the multiple delays of Music Key, which was announced last November, the source believes that YouTube is just attempting to appease the labels before negotiations begin, noting that “this feels very much [like] too little too late.”

There are questions about YouTube’s commitment to Music Key Bickering between the labels and YouTube has gone on for years and is showing no sign of abating. The labels complain that YouTube doesn’t pay them enough for their music, which makes up a substantial amount of YouTube’s traffic, while YouTube says it has paid billions to the labels over the past few years. The labels are eager to push users away from free, adsupported offerings over to paid subscriptions, which are more lucrative.

Despite the corporate squabbling, the biggest change for most YouTube users will be the music that inevitably finds its way behind the upcoming paywall. Despite Spotify’s growth, YouTube is still the largest music streaming platform in the world — 45 out of the 50 most-viewed YouTube videos of all time are music videos — and still the place where teens get the majority of their music. The labels have begun early discussions about how to best capitalize on the paywall, but no firm decisions have been made. One option being floated is keeping the music free for a certain amount of time before pulling it behind the paywall — like after an album release — but sources were quick to caution that it’s still early and nothing has been decided as of yet. There could be other subscription offerings from YouTube down the road As The Verge reported back in April, the unnamed subscription service is aimed at YouTube’s most popular creators and their audiences, and will offer ad-free videos and the ability to save videos

offline, as well as access to premium content behind a paywall. If all goes well, there may be more category-specific subscription services on the platform. Music Key — which already offers offline access and ad-free streaming — could be joined by subscriptions targeted at children’s programming or gamers in the future. With two upcoming subscription services, YouTube, which pulled in $4 billion in revenue in 2014, could be on the path to finally turning a profit. But it will need to tread carefully in the transition away from a model where most everything has been free. YouTube suffered through a major backlash after it tried to sign up indie artists for Music Key last year, and threatened those who didn’t with the loss of their revenue-generating tools. The repeated delays around that service highlight the struggle YouTube has had launching even one subscription service, never mind a package of offerings across multiple kinds of content. Universal Music, Sony Music, and Warner Music declined to comment. YouTube also declined to comment.

Lawsuit claims teacher was fired for having black boyfriend El Sol de Ohio Special Report

A former Orange County, Florida, schoolteacher believes her choice in mate, music and friends is the reason she was fired from her job and has filed a lawsuit seeking justice. According to WESH, Audrey Dudek, a former math teacher at Edgewater High School, believes that she was fired in 2013 after school officials learned that her then boyfriend, now husband, is black. “This isn’t about sending a message,” Suzanne Tzuanos, an Orlando attorney whose firm is handling Dudek’s case, told the news station. “This is about getting justice for a teacher that was terminated unlawfully.” According to lawsuit viewed by WESH, school officials were “shocked

and offended” after learning that Dudek’s husband, Stacey Cobb, is black and that she associated with black faculty members. The lawsuit also alleges that some faculty didn’t like Dudek played “black music” in her classroom and some students had dubbed her classroom, “Club Audrey.” “The assistant principal complained to her to her face, talking to, and I quote, those people referring to black members of the faculty and staff,” Tzuanos told WESH. The lawsuit also claims that during her tenure white faculty allegedly performed a racially charged skit wearing “black face, Afro wigs, gold teeth and baggy clothing.” Dudek claims that her performance evaluations suffered but the school district told the news station that the teacher’s con-

tract was not renewed due to budget cuts. “The budget didn’t go down in that period of time. Ms. Dudek is a math teacher. There’s a critical need for math teachers at Orange County Public Schools, so the district’s explanation does not hold water,” Tzuanos told WESH. The Florida Commission on Human Rights investigated Dudek’s claims and found reason to believe Dudek was “treated differently based on her gender and race association.” The school district “denies all allegations of discrimination by Ms. Dudek” noting they “will not comment any further due to pending litigation,” WESH reports. According to the news station, Dudek is seeking “unspecified damages for pain, suffering and loss of dignity.” Credit: The Root

The Sun of Ohio | September 4/18, 2015





Democrats unveil bill to make college free El Sol de Ohio Special Report

A team of congressional Democrats last Wednesday introduced a bill that would make community college free for two years and help cover the costs of a four-year degree at minority-serving institutions, pushing forward the free-college proposal that President Barack Obama unveiled in January. [This is an article from The Chronicle of Higher Education, America’s leading higher education publication. It is presented here under an agreement with University World News.] But with a US$90-billion price tag over 10 years for the federal government, the measure is about US$30 billion more expensive than Obama’s proposal, and so far it does not have the backing of any Republican lawmakers. Still, its sponsors called it a crucial step toward de-

fraying costs and ensuring college access for low-income, minority and firstgeneration students who would otherwise take out large loans to finance their education. “We know that education is extremely important. We know that it’s important to our ability to compete on an international basis and a global economy,” said Robert C Scott of Virginia, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives’ education committee, at a news conference on 8 July.

About 60 representatives and 10 senators sponsored the measure, which is known as the America’s College Promise Act of 2015. They said it could benefit as many as nine million students, saving a full-time student about US$3,800 in tuition each year. It would also make credits transferable between community colleges and four-year institutions or occupational training programmes. Students at minority-serving institutions could use Pell Grants to help cover

their remaining living expenses and other costs of attendance, Scott said. States would have to agree to certain reforms to participate in the programme, he added, and students would have to “maintain satisfactory academic progress”. States would pay for about 25% of the programme’s costs, Scott said. The Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said in a conference call on Wednesday that the bill would “require everyone to step up, have skin in the game,

and do their part”. “This legislation represents a huge step forward and builds on the momentum we’re seeing to reduce the cost of college and expand college affordability,” he said. Representative GK Butterfield, a Democrat from North Carolina and chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, said at the news conference last Wednesday that the bill would be a boon to historically black institutions. “We must fight to support HBCUs [historically black colleges and universities] before the rug is pulled from under them,” he said. The bill’s introduction also comes as several Democratic presidential candidates have spoken in support of a debt-free higher education. Martin J O’Malley, a former governor of Maryland, introduced a debt-free-college plan last week. Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont proposed making

four-year public colleges free for all students, at a cost of about US$70 billion. Representative Linda T Sanchez, chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, said that as one of seven children born to immigrant parents, she knew that education was always a top priority in her family, because her parents recognised it as key to their eventual success. But Sanchez, a Democrat from California, said at the news conference that college “wasn’t always an easy path”, as she took on large loans and continued to pay them off years after graduation. “Many Latino and firstgeneration students simply are priced out of a four-year education,” she said. “I owe my success to education, there’s no doubt about that. Let’s give our students the tools they need.”

Nearly 5 percent of University of Kentucky students sexually assaulted: survey Nearly 5 percent of students at the University of Kentucky say they were sexually assaulted in the past year, but most of the cases went unreported, according to a survey conducted by the college. The White House has declared sex crimes an “epidemic” on U.S. college campuses, with one in five students falling victim to sexual assault during their college years. Officials across the country have placed greater focus on sexual assaults of college students, especially as a number of cases involving college athletes have been investigated

or prosecuted in the last year. In the University of Kentucky survey, released on Monday, the school asked students about unwanted experiences, using fede-

rally defined guidelines to include voluntary or involuntary incapacitation due to drugs or alcohol and the threat of physical force or harm. Using that criteria, 1,053 students reported

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such incidents, with most taking place away from the school’s Lexington campus. More than 24,000 students responded to the survey, including about 21,500 to the question about whether they were sexually assaulted, the school said. University of Kentucky said it had more than 30,000 students enrolled in the most recent school year. Of those who could identify their assailant, nearly three-quarters of the attackers were fellow students and another 3 percent were university employees. Of all the cases that

either took place at the school or involved another university individual, only 30 cases were reported to either campus or Lexington police officers, and 114 were reported to other university agencies. According to the U.S. Department of Education, the university reported 13 forcible sexual offense cases in 2013, compared with just one in the year prior and five in 2011. The survey is part of a five-year plan by University President Eli Capilouto to assess safety on the campus and promote schoolwide change regarding student violence and

abuse. It also will help the school present more accurate crime-reporting data to federal officials. Capilouto said the school has already taken steps to improve procedures in reporting and introduce programs to combat sexual assaults. “Because we surveyed the entire student population, we have a clearer understanding of our strengths and areas where we need to improve,” he said. (Reporting by Steve Bittenbender in Louisville, Kentucky; Editing by Ben Klayman and Jeffrey Benkoe)

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El Sol de Ohio | 4/18 Septiembre, 2015

The Sun of Ohio | September 4/18, 2015





El Sol de Ohio | 4/18 Septiembre, 2015



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