48 Hours in Mumbai

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HourS IN

MUMBAI Squeezing Mumbai’s sights and scenes into just two days is a tall order. Upon first glance the city seems stubborn to slow you down – cabs crawl through traffic-clogged streets, straphangers lean out the doors of brimming local trains, and sidewalks, when present, are hectic to say the least. But with careful planning, it’s possible to get a full feel for the striking disparities that make Mumbai the ‘city of dreams’ for so many hopeful migrants from every corner of India. From garish to gritty, historic to heart-wrenching, here’s what to do during 48 hours in Mumbai. Words by Elspeth Velten.



Day One

7:30am Best visited early in the

morning, the Dadar Flower Market is one

1:00pm Head down into town and

of a staircase on an overpass, where row

splurge on a Mangalorean seafood lunch

upon row of laundry flying in the wind

at Mahesh Lunch Home in Fort. The small

make for a colourful photo-op. If you

restaurant’s menu is full of the familiar and

decide to venture down into the laundry

the less familiar – choose from tandoori and

labyrinth, beware of scammers requesting

various curry preparations of prawns, crab,

payment and remain sensitive and smart

lobster, squid and fish including surmai,

when taking photos. This is not only the

pomfret and bangda. Adventurous? Try the

Dhobi workplace, it’s also their home.

infamous fried ‘Bombay Duck’. It’s not duck at all but lizardfish, native to local waters.

7:00pm After a day of drooling

smelling – places. The colourful streets

2:30pm Switch into shopping

over tempting street food that seems like

mode and take a walk through the Chor

Karai Estate for a meal of street-style

around Dadar station brim with roses,

Bazaar at Mutton Street. Known as the

snacks in a trusted environment. This

marigolds, jasmine and more all day long,

‘thieves bazaar’, lore has it that stolen

buzzing eatery is popular with local

but the action peaks between 5am and 9am.

items from all over Mumbai end up on sale

families and it’s a great place to try street

10:00am Head north from

here. In reality, the bustling streets are

foods that, elsewhere, are usually unsafe

more reminiscent of London’s Portobello

for foreign stomachs. Try pani puri, a

Dadar to Dharavi. One of the largest

Road Market – everything from (fake)

crispy, hollow dough ball served with

slums in Asia, the area is home to over a

antiquities to Bollywood posters and

fillings and chutneys; or panki chatni,

million people in the space of just over

random remote controls are available,

paper-thin rice pancakes steamed in

two square-kilometres. Slum tours can

but don’t dare make a purchase without

banana leaves. Order several small

seem a polarising proposition, but a guided

haggling unapologetically first.

dishes at your own pace and wash it all

walk around Dharavi’s industrial and

4:30pm Grab a ride over to

down with a sweet sugarcane juice.

Walks led by young men from Reality Tours

people called ‘dhobis’ work full-time

drink (or two) at the InterContinental Hotel’s

of Mumbai’s most photogenic – and best

residential areas gives a true insight into how the majority of Mumbaikars live.

Dhobi Ghat at Mahalaxmi Station. Here,

forbidden fruit, head to Swati Snacks at

8:30pm See the day out with a

(realitytoursandtravel.com) meet at nearby

in a giant open-air laundromat to wash

Dome rooftop bar. The bar boasts panoramic

Mahim Station before heading into the slum

the clothes and linens from homes and

views over the Arabian Sea and the

and the company invests 80 per cent of

businesses all over Mumbai. A bird’s-eye

arching Marine Drive, a popular waterfront

profits back into the Dharavi community.

view of the area can be had from the top

hangout for Mumbaikars come nightfall.





Day TWO 9:00am Start the day with a meal

11:30am Before lunch, spend

3:30pm North of the train station,

stalwart that’s an historic and popular

exhibits of antiquities and art from India,

Mumbai’s most famous – it’s British-designed

hang-out for Indian and foreign tourists

China, Nepal and Tibet at the Prince of

and features friezes and fountains by John

alike. Aside from its age (144 years old)

Wales Museum. The gallery is housed

Lockwood Kipling, Rudyard Kipling’s father.

and atmosphere, the café is famous for

in an impressive building known for

The market is still active today and eager

extensive mention in Gregory David

its Indo-Saracenic architectural style

vendors sling everything from fresh produce

Roberts’ novel Shantaram (a favourite of

marked by Islamic, western and Hindu

to poultry and exotic pets.

travellers across India), and infamous

influences. This style was popular with

as one of the locations of the November

British architects in the early 1900s and

2008 Mumbai terror attacks.

is seen in various other buildings around

at local favourite, Persian Darbar. This

10:00am It’s time to knock

Mumbai from the colonial period.

unassuming joint in Byculla is known for

1:30pm A walk north to the

its mutton kepsa – a succulent preparation

beautiful, tree-lined Ballard Estate

enough biryani rice to feed four. To wash

on Colaba Causeway and then head

business area brings you to Britannia &

down the fall-off-the-bone meat, it does

around the corner to the Gateway of

Co. restaurant – a Mumbai favourite that’s

a particularly nice fresh lime soda.

India, a seaside monument built in the

been serving Parsi and Iranian food since

early 1900s to welcome British colonial

1923, and a sign of Mumbai’s flourishing

leaders arriving by sea. Cross the street

Zoroastrian migrant community. You’ll

city’s sites during a Mumbai by night

to admire the majestic and historic Taj

likely be greeted by the charming 92-year-

tour, offered by many tour companies

Mahal Palace hotel. This impressive

old Boman Kohinoor who inherited the

in the city, including the reliable

accommodation opened in 1903 and

restaurant from his father, Britannia & Co.’s

Reality Tours. Stops include Chowpatty

has since been a base for the city’s most

founder. He may even slowly scrawl down

Beach, where families gather to eat

elite visitors. Even if you can’t foot the

your order of mutton berry pulao – the

and socialise around sunset, a view of

bill for a stay, visitors can browse the

restaurant’s famous rice dish – and rose

Marine Drive from Malabar Hill, a drive

luxury shops on the ground floor or visit

raspberry soda himself. Afterwards, walk

past the Antilia building – a monstrous

for a meal or a drink. Finish in the area by

off the meal with a stroll past the nearby

27-storey home to one of the country’s

heading back up to the Oval Maidan playing

Mumbai General Post Office and the Victoria

wealthiest families – and a busy red

field where you can watch a cricket game

(Chhatrapati Shivaji) Terminus – two more

light district that’s sure to leave you with

and gaze at the impressive Bombay High

striking examples of colonial architecture

conflicting feelings about a city that’s

Court building.

built between the 1870s and 1920s.

characterised by glaring highs and lows.

at Leopold Café, the Colaba Causeway

historic – and touristy – Colaba off the to-do list. Stroll past the souvenir shops



an hour or two browsing thousands of

the crumbling Crawford Market is one of

5:00pm Have an early dinner

of spice-rubbed meat cutlet served with

7:00pm Tick off the rest of the

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