PRESTIGE LINE When designing gning Prestige Line lamps we had a clear goal in mind: create objects which captivate with their sophistication n and stun with the mastery of form, whatever the cost and labor needed to produce them. Perfection ection in every detail and beauty of the finest particular are the defining feature of lamps in this range. Prestige stige Line means lamps which may be housed surrounded by authentic pieces of art.
PREMIUM LINE When designing Premiu Premium um L Line ine lamps we endeavored bjectss, ye et e conomical in form, with to develop sublime objects, yet economical shap shapes pes ffilled illed with natural harmony. Although their liness are moderate you may clearly feel an underneath energy rgy dormant in each of these lamps. Premium Line range ange e is an offer for those who strive to follow the most st re recent ecent trends in the world design.