SEA ANIMALS by: Lur, Ander, Urt, Julen, Jon L. and Adel (4B)
COMMON GOBY (pomatoschistus msicrop) Common goby are fish, they live in Basque country: Bay Biscay. They have 10cm long, some 30; transparent brightly colored; long body, rounded tail; large or nearly invisible eyes. They are carnivores(meat-eaters); insects, larvae, eggs, mussels and plankton. Females lay eggs on rocks, shells or corals; male guards eggs.They can change gender (transform from females into males and vice versa) They can survive from 1 to 10 years.
LUGWORM (arenicola marina) They are worms. They live in beaches all around the world They have up to 22cm long, ringed body, dark red head, fatter and lighter body, thinner yellowish red tail, hairs on the outside of their bodies. They eat dead organic matter and sand. Lugworms lay eggs Their other name is sandworm. They make the tubes of sand that we see on a beach at low tide. They are hermaphroditic; i.e., functional reproductive organs of both sexes occur in the same individual.
CUVIER’S BEAKED WHALE (Ziphius cavirostris) These animals are mammals. They live in all oceans except in polar regions and seas. Dark-grey to red-brown colour rotund body (up to 7 m); oval scars caused by parasites or predators. They eat squid and fish. They have one baby at a time. The most common of the “rare” beaked whales. Can remain under water as long as half an hour. The deepest diving mammal in the world, able to dive at a depth of 3000 metres. Longest known underwater.
Sleeps at the top of the water so that the blowhole of the animal is above the sea surface.
PURPLE SEA URCHIN (paracentrotus lividus) Purple sea urchin are echimmoderms. They live in rock pools (most common in the western mediterranean, the coast of Portugal and the bay of Biscay). They have circular, flattened greenish shell (diameter of up to 7 cm), sharpy pointed spines; usually purple; occasionally other colours including dark brown, light brown and olive green; six pairs of pores; tube feet in groups of 5 or 6 arranged in small arcs.
PURPLE SEA URCHIN (paracentrotus lividus) They eat brown and red algae, kelp, and decaying plant and animal matter. They lay eggs. In lagoons and rock pools, smaller than in the open sea. Either male or female, but hermaphroditisn has been obsesved - each individual producen both eggs and spern. When they lose a spine, a new one grows.
PILOT WHALE (Globicephala melas and Globicephala macrorhynchus). Pilot Whales are mammals. They live in the oceans all over the world. The color is dark, gray or black in colors a fin, a tail and two flippers, very large. They eat squid, octopuses, herring and various small fishes. They have one baby 3 to 5 years. Only the killer whale is bigger than they are. Is very social. They live in groups of 10-30.
BOTTLENOSE DOLPHIN (Tursiops truncatus) Bottlenose Dolphins are mammals. They live in warm seas all over the world, YOU CAN SEE IT IN THE BASQUE COUNTRY!!! They have a TORPEDO-shaped body with a pair of front flippers, a curved dorsal fin and horizontal flukes (the tail fin), bottle-shaped snout, a blowhole -through witch the dolphin breathes - at the top of the head.
BOTTLENOSE DOLPHIN (Tursiops truncatus) They eat fishes, squids and shrimps They have one baby every 3 to 6 years . They can live 45-50 years send message to one another Very social and playful. Like to surf in the waves. when the common Bottlenose Dolphin sleeps, one said of its brain stays awake This allows the animal to continue swiming and coming to the surface to breathe. 1998-2004 Pakito lived in Donostia Kontxa Bay, until he left with other dolphins.