SEAHORSE (hippocampus hippocampus) Seahorses are fish. They live in the oceans (seaweed, warm sea water) (in the basque country, Bay of Biscay, and in the Mediterranean). They are 200g (2-35cm). They have small spiny plates; a long, curled, flexible tail; a head like a horse; and no scales. To move forward through the water, seahorses use their dorsal fin ( back fin ). To move up and down, they adjust the volume of air in a tiny pocket inside their body, called a “swim bladder”. They eat small crustaceans and shrimps. They have babies. Seahorses can live in the wild for up to 3 years. They can swim 150cm per hour. A master of camouflage, they can grasp objects with the tail. They are named for the shape of their head. They swim vertically and very slowly.
LEATHERBACK SEA TURTLE (Dermochelys coriacea)
Leatherback sea turtles are reptiles. They live in oceans in tropical to subarctic latitudes. They travel thousands of kilometers to the Bay of Biscay to eat jellyfish. They can be up to 2.5 long (250+700 Kg). They are black with white dots all over the body, flippers and head; they have lighter underbelly with a pink coloration on the chin; they have no hard shell; they have leathery skin covering their baaks. They eat jelly fish.
BASKING SHARK (Cetorhinus maximus) Sharks are fish . They live in cold and temperate oceans all around the world (They can be seen in the Bay of Biscay ). They are large and have extended gill slits; a snout in the shape of a cone; many large gill rakers; an enormous mouth; small eyes; and hooked teeth. They are dark grey to almost black. They eat zooplankton (i.e.,small crustaceans, invertebrates, fish eggs and larvae). They lay eggs. The Basking shark is endangered. They can grow up to the length of 12 metres. Basking sharks are the second largest sharks in the world (after the whale shark ). They are also called the sunfish, the bone shark, the elephant shark, the sailfish shark and the big mouth shark.
FIN WHALE (Balaenoptera physalus) Fin whales are mammals. They live in oceans (can be seen very close to Basque coastlines in the summer). They have a long body, a blowhole, a fin, a broad tail and thin flippers. They eat krill, crabs, shrimp and lobsters. They have 1 baby at a time. The fin whale is endangered in the North Atlantic. They can swim very fast. They are also called Razorback Whale, Herring Whale, Finback Whale, Giant Minke Whale and Common Rorqual Whale. They can live for over 100 years.
🙉🙌😎👳👻😈DOLPHIN delphinus delphis 🐜🐘🌵 Dolphins are mammals. They live in the oceans {Mediterranean sea}. They can be seen in the Basque coastline in summer and winter. They are one of the smallest dolphins; They have a sharp fin that is almost triangular; small flippers and flukes; and a sharp beak. They eat fish, squid, jellyfish, shrimp and octopus. They have one baby every 1 to 6 years. They are near threatened. Dolphins travel in groups of a round 10-50, they are among the fastest swimming marine mammals. They are considerad one of the smartest animals on Earth.
MOON JELLYFISH (Aurelia Aurita)
Moon jellifish are invertebrates. They live in the inshore river mouths and harbors, across the temperate waters of the northern areas of Europe and America; off the eastern and western shows of the Atlantic Ocean. They have 25-40 cm in diameter; four prominent gonads that are shaped like horseshoes; no organ for respiration, circulation and excretion; a glass-like appearance and tentacles anchored to the base of the stomach. They eat fish, eggs, worms, comb, jellies, small crustaceans, plankton and mollusks. They put fertilized eggs inside the body.