Lecture2 1 briefing on assessment

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Briefing session for the coursework / assignment "Food is a Right, Not a Privilege" – the client/company briefing

Marketing Communications MSc Marketing Management (Lecture 2.1) Elvira Bolat C113, Christchurch House, Talbot campus ebolat@bournemouth.ac.uk

Marketing Communications 2015, Business School, BU

Marketing Communications Assessment / Assignment A case

A marketing communication plan

Individual report

A group work / presentation

A case • Key Theme –

• The client – finally • You

Individual report 60% of the final mark • You as individual – Marketing manager @ A/B/O • MC plan (word count - 2500 words excl. appendices, references and tables, 10% flexibility) • Deadline - by 12 noon on 1st June 2015 • How to submit – online, via myBU, Assessment tab, Turnitin submission box/folder • ILOs 1, 3-5

Individual report (cont.) • Main goal - raise awareness of food poverty among residents of the Bournemouth and Poole region • Plan has to be linked to ONLY one of three current B&PSFCP projects housed under the ‘Food Poverty’ theme: 1. Community Food Centre 2. Community Gardens 3. Home Grown •. You are to choose segment and characterise it •. Plan’s length – max 12 months •. Budget - £15000

Individual report (cont.) MC Plan’s Structure Follow SOSTAC model (topic will be covered at next week’s lecture, Lecture 3) • Summary of the situational analysis conducted as a group, presented as a visual content, i.e. infographic, chart, table; • Clearly written SMART objectives; • The segment that the plan will be aimed at (its characteristics and justification); • The marketing communication strategy to be utilised (links to situational analysis, objectives – evaluation and justification of the decisions made); • The marketing communication tools (to be considered in line with the objectives and strategy, the schedule and budget - evaluation and justification of the decisions made); • Evaluation techniques to measure the success or otherwise of the plan (links to all above listed elements).

Individual report (cont.) Marking Scheme (assignment brief, p. 4)

A group work / presentation 40% of the final mark • You as a group – Marketing Team at A/B/O assign yourselves to a team of 4-5 individuals by the end of next week (w/c 16th Feb 2015), post on myBU

• Main goal - raise awareness of food poverty among residents of the Bournemouth and Poole region • ILOs 2-4 • Group grade given by tutors BUT individual mark is assigned (moderation of the group grade by the SPA)

A group work / presentation (cont. ) SOSTAC Conduct the situational audit around the Food Poverty theme present the following: 1. Market Insights (Key Issues and Findings from your market intelligence) - should be based on market data [primary research is REQUIRED!]; 2. Understanding of the client’s situation, including the stakeholder and competitive analysis; 3. Key challenges and issues of implementing a plan that raises awareness of the food poverty among residents of the Bournemouth and Poole region; 4. Illustration of how marketing communications can solve identified issues and challenges by including: a) your ‘big idea’ (campaign theme); b) creative direction of the campaign (recommended marketing communication strategy and tools); c) example customer journey.

A group work / presentation (cont. ) • The group presentation timing - 15-20 minutes, with another 10 minutes for the Q&A • All group members to present and participate in the Q&A session • Presentations will take place in teaching week 13/45 (18th May 2015 in your timetable!) • The presentation schedule will be put up on MyBU later on in the term • Please note, as a group you are REQUIRED to provide 3 hard copies of the presentation slides/handouts on the day of the presentation and email electronic version of the presentation together with the evidences of primary research/analysis at ebolat@bournemouth.ac.uk by 22nd May 2015

A group work / presentation (cont. ) Marking Scheme (assignment brief, p. 6)


Submit SPA form individually online via myBU by 12 noon on 22nd May 2015 Individuals who fail to complete/submit the SPA form will be penalised, deducted 5% of the group presentation mark given by the tutors

Self- • Award yourself a mark out of 10 • Reflect on both the quality and quantity of your input: 8 out of 10 I made an outstanding contribution to the assignment 7 out of 10 My contribution was greater than most members of the group 6 out of 10 My contribution was about the same as other members of the group 5 out of 10 I contributed a little less than most members of the group 4 out of 10 I contributed much less than most other members of the group less than 4 I contributed little, if anything, to the assignment

Peer• Award a mark out of 10 to each other member of the assignment group • Reflect on both the quality and quantity of each individual’s input:

8 out of 10Student X made an outstanding contribution to the assignment 7 out of 10Student X’s contribution was greater than most members of the group 6 out of 10Student X’s contribution was about the same as other members of the group 5 out of 10Student X contributed a little less than most members of the group 4 out of 10Student X contributed much less than most other members of the group less than 4 Student X contributed little, if anything, to the assignment

Demonstration of GR mark adjustment

Please NOTE Rules! ‼ Marks are relative, not absolute! ‼ Marks will be used to modify the overall group mark upwards or downwards to arrive at final individual marks. ‼ Tutors reserve the right to make appropriate and reasonable adjustments on the basis of academic judgement; tutors reserve the right to require any group or individual to justify marks. ‼ Any student wishing to award a mark of less than 4 or more than 8 must speak to tutors. ‼ Any student(s) suspected of abusing this system will be required to meet with tutors to explain.

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