Briefing session for the coursework/assignment "A Digital Marketing Communication Campaign for B&PSFP" – the client/company briefing
Digital (Interactive) Marketing (Lecture 1.2) Elvira Bolat C113, Christchurch House, Talbot campus @dimbsbu
Learning Outcomes • To understand the coursework assessment for the DIM • To meet and interact with the Client and the Creative Agency • To initiate the group work – groups forming, planning and goals
Digital Interactive Marketing Assessment • Coursework – 50% (ILOs 3 and 4) Group grade given by tutors BUT individual mark is assigned (moderation of the group grade by the SPA)
• Exam – 50% (ILOs 1 and 2)
Digital Interactive Marketing Assessment Coursework A case
a DIM communication campaign
Deliverable 1 (D1) A presentation
A Group Work
Deliverable 2 (D2) An e-portfolio
A case • The client –
• You
YOU You as a group – Digital Marketing Team at A/B/O assign yourselves to a team of 4-5 individuals by the end of next week (w/c 16th Feb 2015), post on myBU
You as an individual - required to take an active role in planning, developing, presenting and documenting the DIM communication campaign a group grade is given by tutors BUT individual mark is assigned (moderation of the group grade by the SPA)
The DIM Communication Campaign: Overview • Main goal of the DIM communication campaign - promote the B&PSFP with the purpose of marshaling troops and developing a food army • You are to choose segment among the following target groups: Community volunteers Businesses Institutions • You are to characterise the chosen segment • Plan’s length – max 12 months • Budget - £7,500
The DIM Communication Campaign: Overview (cont.)
MC Plan’s Structure
Follow SOSTAC model (topic will be covered at next week’s lectures, Lectures 2.1. and 2.2.)
• Situational analysis or background information of the key external factors that may influence the success or otherwise of the digital campaign; • Clearly written SMART Objectives outlining the main aim and objectives of the digital campaign; • Identification of the segment that the digital campaign will be aimed at; • The digital marketing communication Strategy to be utilised to ensure the successful implementation of the campaign and meet the objectives; • The digital marketing communication Tools to be considered in line with the objectives and strategy; • Actions including the campaign schedule and campaign budget; • Evaluation /Control techniques to measure the success or otherwise of the digital campaign
D1. A Group presentation 30% of the coursework mark You are to Pitch KEY ideas around the DIM communication campaign by completing the following TASKS: •
• • • • •
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Undertake a strategic audit (using tools such as PEST(EL), SWOT) and present a situational analysis / market insights (key issues and findings from your market intelligence including stakeholder analysis); Propose, profile and justify the segment that the digital campaign will be aimed at; Establish two SMART objectives that the digital campaign is aiming to achieve; Your ‘BIG idea’ (campaign theme); Name the digital marketing communication strategy to be utilised to meet the objectives; Creative direction of the campaign (recommended marketing communication tools, digital channels/platforms to be used providing justification for each tool against the objectives and strategy); Outline budget utilisation; Present the creative materials and supporting evidence to illustrate the ideas and decisions proposed.
D1. A Group presentation (cont.) • The group presentation timing - 15-20 minutes, with another 10 minutes for the Q&A • All group members to present and participate in the Q&A session • Presentations will take place in teaching week 10/42 (28th April 2015 in your timetable!) • The presentation schedule will be put up on MyBU later on in the term • Please note, as a group you are REQUIRED to provide 3 hard copies of the presentation slides/handouts on the day of the presentation and and incorporate electronic version of the presentation on to a group portfolio via Mahara
D1. A Group presentation (cont.)
Marking Scheme:
D1. A Group presentation (cont.)
Content •
Amount and quality of research conducted and strategic audit undertaken for the situational analysis; research into stakeholders
Amount and quality of research and analysis undertaken into the chosen segment
Clearly written SMART objectives
Quality and relevance of marketing communication strategy and tools based on proposed objectives
Level of critical analysis and deduction
Quality and appropriateness of creative inputs to a content and delivery of the presentation
Presentation / Delivery •
Clear professional communication
Use of additional presentation tools (i.e. PowerPoint, Prezi, PechaKucha, etc.) – overall quality of slides
Professionally presented content including using the BU Harvard system for referencing
Teamwork •
Evidence of collective teamwork for development of the content
Evidence of collective teamwork while presenting the outcomes
Ability to collectively handle questions
D2. A Group portfolio 70% of the coursework mark Portfolio’s Content / Structure (see Slide 8)
SOSTAC model
D2. A Group portfolio (cont.) • Mahara – portfolio interface • MC plan (word count – 2000 words excl. appendices, references and tables, 10% flexibility) • Deadline - by 12 noon on 15th May 2015 • How to submit – online, via myBU, Assessment tab, Turnitin submission box/folder (provide link to the Mahara Portfolio on MS Word file)
Individual report (cont.) Marking Scheme (assignment brief, D2)
ATTENTION! Submit SPA form individually online via myBU by 12 noon on 15th May 2015 Individuals who fail to complete/submit the SPA form will receive 0% for the coursework element of the unit’s assessment.
Self• Award yourself a mark out of 10 • Reflect on both the quality and quantity of your input: 8 and above out of 10 I made an outstanding contribution to the assignment 7 out of 10 My contribution was greater than most members of the group 6 out of 10 My contribution was about the same as other members of the group 5 out of 10 I contributed a little less than most members of the group 4 out of 10 I contributed much less than most other members of the group less than 4 I contributed little, if anything, to the assignment
Peer• Award a mark out of 10 to each other member of the assignment group • Reflect on both the quality and quantity of each individual’s input:
8 and above out of 10 Student X made an outstanding contribution to the assignment 7 out of 10Student X’s contribution was greater than most members of the group 6 out of 10Student X’s contribution was about the same as other members of the group 5 out of 10Student X contributed a little less than most members of the group 4 out of 10Student X contributed much less than most other members of the group less than 4 Student X contributed little, if anything, to the assignment
Demonstration of GROUP mark adjustment
Please NOTE Rules! ‼ Marks are relative, not absolute! ‼ Marks will be used to modify the overall group mark upwards or downwards to arrive at final individual marks. ‼ Tutors reserve the right to make appropriate and reasonable adjustments on the basis of academic judgement; tutors reserve the right to require any group or individual to justify marks. ‼ Any student wishing to award a mark of less than 4 or more than 8 must speak to tutors. ‼ Any student(s) suspected of abusing this system will be required to meet with tutors to explain.
Use the Discussion Forum & DIM Blog