Briefing session for the assessment "A Digital Marketing Communication Campaign" & TCP
Digital (Interactive) Marketing (Lecture 1.2) Elvira Bolat
Learning Outcomes • To understand the coursework assessment for the DIM • To learn about TCP (Time-Constrained Paper)
Digital Interactive Marketing Assessment • Coursework – 50% (ILOs 3 and 4) • Exam – 50% (ILOs 1 and 2)
Digital Interactive Marketing Assessment Coursework A case
a DIM communication campaign
Deliverable A written report
A case • Key Theme -
• The client -
• You -
your local council
the Marketing Manager of the creative digital agency
The DIM Communication Campaign: Overview • Main goal - raise awareness of food poverty among the residents and community groups within your local city/town • Plan has to be linked to ONLY one of three directions: 1. Community Food Centre 2. Community Gardens 3. Home Grown •. You are to choose segment and characterise it •. Plan’s length – max 12 months •. Budget - £15000
The DIM Communication Campaign: Overview (cont.)
MC Plan’s Structure
Follow SOSTAC model
• Situational analysis or background information of the key external factors that may influence the success or otherwise of the digital campaign; • Clearly written SMART Objectives outlining the main aim and objectives of the digital campaign; • Identification of the segment that the digital campaign will be aimed at; • The digital marketing communication Strategy to be utilised to ensure the successful implementation of the campaign and meet the objectives; • The digital marketing communication Tools to be considered in line with the objectives and strategy; • Actions including the campaign schedule and campaign budget; • Evaluation /Control techniques to measure the success or otherwise of the digital campaign
Deliverable – a written report • Word count - 2000 words excl. appendices, references and tables, 10% flexibility) • Deadline - by 12 noon on 15th May 2015 • How to submit – online, via myBU, Turnitin submission box/folder
Deliverable – a written report (cont.) Marking Scheme (see assignment brief) First/High First (70%+)
Upper Second (60-69%)
Lower Second (50-59%)
Third – Pass (40-49%)
Fail (0-39%)
% weighting
Integration of theory. Work should show a good understanding of academic theory. Relevant theoretical principles, models and frameworks need to be identified and applied to underpin the key decisions and recommendations that are made.
Demonstrate the use of variety of theoretical principles, models and framework with competent and confident application that is clearly evident in the key decisions and recommendations that are made.
Demonstrate the use of theoretical principles, models and framework with sound application that is clearly evident in the key decisions and recommendations that are made.
Demonstrate the use of theoretical models, principles and framework with a reasonable application that is evident in the key decisions and recommendations that are made.
Theoretical models, principles and framework are used with little understanding in applying academic theory to provide appropriate responses to a given problem.
Little or no evidence of reading/research and ability to relate theory to practice.
Level of analysis, critical judgement. Work should show an appropriate application of critical judgement and analysis using different areas of knowledge.
Demonstrate very high level of critical appraisal and judgement in analysis, evaluation and synthesis of material. Demonstrate an ability to diagnose and apply appropriate and selective conceptual knowledge to a practical problem/situation in order to produce valid, creative/original solutions which are logical, meaningful and effective.
Critical judgement and analysis are present. Students interrogate the literature with good application of conceptual knowledge supporting coherent arguments and informing the whole study. The conceptual knowledge is used to develop and support ideas; thus evidence of strong logic and debate is clear.
Work shows basic level of critical judgement and analysis. Work shows a reasonable understanding and application of the key conceptual knowledge that relates to the area under investigation. The conceptual knowledge is partially used to support ideas.
Work is descriptive with little evidence of debate but shows basic level of analysis. Work shows little or no understanding and application of the key conceptual knowledge that relates to the area under investigation.
Work is descriptive and shows little or no evidence of analysis.
Quality of recommendations. Assignment with insightful and imaginative objectives, ideas and approaches will be rewarded.
Highly developed critical insight has informed the digital marketing communication campaign. An excellent campaign which can be clearly implemented.
Students provide critical insight into issues informing the digital marketing communication campaign. The campaign is realistic and implementable.
Students are able to draw conclusions from analysis informing the digital marketing communication campaign. The campaign is well justified but may need further thought with regard to implementation.
Students demonstrate only a basic ability to analyse the information. Appropriate responses may not have been formulated to a given problem. The digital marketing communication campaign seems arbitrary or abstract.
No conclusions from analysis are evident with unsupported generalisations made.
Structure and presentation of work. Quality of supporting evidences and creative materials. You will be penalised for spelling and grammatical errors. Failure to use the BU Harvard system for referencing will also be penalised.
Excellent report which contains a tightly structured, rigorous argument showing flow and progression. Presentation and organisation of work is of a very high standard, likely to be highly stimulating. Supporting evidences and creative materials are well selected, collated, presented and support decisions and recommendations that are made.
Good report with clear structure. Introduction explains context and introduces key ideas. These are then systematically developed in a logical order. Key issues are sign-posted. Conclusions are logical. Supporting evidences and creative materials are support well the decisions and recommendations that are made.
Report demonstrates reasonable structure. Contains introduction and develops arguments, with a summary and conclusion. Work is easy to read and has a logical order. Supporting evidences and creative materials reasonably support the decisions and recommendations that are made.
Report’s structure is inconsistent and lacking in sequential development. Little supporting evidences and creative materials are used. Where it is, no link is evident with the decisions and recommendations that are made.
Report’s structure is weak or lacking. Materials are incoherent. Supporting evidences and creative materials are used inconsistently.
Digital Interactive Marketing Assessment – Examination (TCP) • 50% (ILOs 1 and 2) • 1st June 2015 • Two timeframes to choose - 9am (TCP1) and 6pm (TCP2) • It is an open-book examination • You will be provided with one task with set of questions • You are required to answer All questions • TCP1 and TCP2 contain different tasks and sets of questions
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