Content Development and Management: Social media and networks Digital (Interactive) Marketing (Lecture 6.1) Dr Elvira Bolat C113, Christchurch House, Talbot campus @dimbsbu
Learning Outcomes • To overview the founda4ons of the social media marke4ng: history, the four zones of social media, the no4on of social media footprint • To inves4gate the best prac4ce in the content development/management for social media across pla?orms/channels using 4 development/ management stages • To emphasise the role of consumer voice in digital marke4ng -‐ UGC • To understand the need for content planning – SmartInsights content planning template – Content matrix
It is not so new as we think ….
Evolving con4nuously
Global Fragmented
Social media Footprint Linked to social iden4ty – “the way we represent ourselves via text, images, sounds, and video to other who access the Web” Tuten and Solomon (2015, p. 82).
A social footprint is “the impression or mark that a person makes when he or she occupies digital”, social media space Tuten and Solomon (2015, p. 85).
Social Media Touchpoints
Source: Tuten and Solomon, 2015. Social media marke4ng, p. 84.
4 Zones of Social Media
Source: Tuten and Solomon, 2015. Social media marke4ng, p. 8.
4 zones of SM: brand applica4ons Social Community
Social Publishing
Building brand/consumer Rela4onships Promo4ng a presence Marke4ng research
Blogging Shared branded content Adver4sing / PR Re-‐sharing
SM Zones Social Commerce
Social Entertainment
Buying and selling Servicing
Enabling play Branded entertainment
Managing Conver4ng to transac4ons
SM Zones
2 Facebook profiles Tweet feed (@Elvira_Mlady) Instagram LinkedIn
Zone 1
Zone 4 Not ac4ve in this space
YouTube channel – Elvira Bolat Blog/website – Scoopit hTp://‐bolat-‐elvira-‐bolat Google+ profile Facebook page for PG unit DIM blog Periscope Vine
Zone 2
Zone 3 Aurasma: DrElviraBolat
Helps with Situa4onal analysis – internal audit and segmenta4on/targe4ng
4 Zones across Owned media, earned media, paid media
Na4ve adver4sing
Source: Tuten and Solomon, 2015. Social media marke4ng, p. 26.
Advice for your campaign! What are your business goals? What are your social media goals/objec4ves? -‐ are they pla?orm specific?
SM: content development and management – 4 stages
Create Engage Listen
Share & integrate
1. Listen
hTps:// hTp:// hTp:// hTp:// hTps:// hTp://
+ SNSs search: YouTube, TwiTer, Facebook, LinkedIn etc…
Checking for influencers, blogs, pundits, new, trends …. – this informs your Content Plan!
2. Engage
Share, contribute, comment ….
Na4ve adver4sing
3. Create your own content
Content / stories that s4cks …
What s4cks?
Who is Hero?
Consumers? Employees? Other Stakeholders?
Story … narra4ve large or small – all do it!
• Create value (i.e. informa4on, entertainment, assistance) • Call to ac4on • Concise • Use images and #
or this?
Is this GOOD example?
#LikeAGirl #PutACanOnIt #TweetFromTheSeat #MyCalvins #KFCCrisis #MeToo
Embrace Change!
Content Only? + INCENTIVE • Use tools to leverage rela4onships • LISTEN • Incen4ve = Exclusivity “Make the Offer They Cannot Refuse!”
Interac4ve & remarkable content
Check this: hTp://‐social-‐adver4sements/
Make it Viral
What do you need to do to make it Viral? Provoke Feeling – emo4on, aspira4on Make a connec4on
Content Value Ladder
Source: Tuten and Solomon, 2014. Social media marke4ng
4. Schedule, share and integrate
Facebook – Thursday and Friday 1pm – most shares, 3pm – most likes Twioer – B2B (Monday-‐Friday) B2C (Wednesday – Sunday) 5pm – highest retweets LinkedIn – Tuesday-‐ Thursday 7am-‐8am, 5pm-‐6pm Instagram – Monday, 3pm-‐4pm, off work hours
Check this! hop:// social4mes/best-‐4me-‐ to-‐post-‐social-‐media/ 504222
5 – 3 – 2 RULE (weekly ac4vity) Five social media posts based on informa4on from others that’s relevant to your audience. Three non-‐sales related posts based on your informa4on that’s relevant to your audience. Two personal posts that aren’t business-‐related and help humanize you and your brand.
Weinstein effect
Integrate tools: hop:// hop:// hops:// hops://
Don’t forget UGC Assump4on is CONTENT is CHEAP, RELEVANT CREATED for YOU
hops:// +content+becker+2008&source=bl&ots=MRvyZOIYVH&sig=CJJi6VndGQUWAJcdhW?K-‐ zPhJs&hl=en&sa=X&ei=ZPztVMD6JpKw7AaLt4DwCQ&ved=0CEEQ6AEwAw
UGC But you need: a Cri4cal Mass – Community a Segmented Community a Purpose (communi4es with a purpose are more ac4ve)
Brands need to curate, seed, & CONTRIBUTE
SM: content development and management -‐ NOT just THIS!
Measure Create Engage Listen
Share & integrate
Source: SmartInsights
Content planning 4meline
Source: SmartInsights