Lecture5 digital marketing communications

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Changing Nature of Marketing Communications: Traditional Media & Interactive MC Marketing Communications MSc Marketing Management (Lecture 5) Dr Elvira Bolat C113, Christchurch House, Talbot campus ebolat@bournemouth.ac.uk Marke&ng Communica&ons 2016, Faculty of Management, BU

Source: h*p://www.internetlivestats.com/internet-­‐users/

Source: h*p://www.internetlivestats.com/internet-­‐users/#byregion

Source: h*p://www.internetlivestats.com/total-­‐number-­‐of-­‐websites/

h*p://www.internetlivestats.com/ Â Â

Source: h*p://was-­‐gb.wascdn.net/wp-­‐content/uploads/2014/12/Screen-­‐ Shot-­‐2014-­‐12-­‐11-­‐at-­‐16.55.28.png

Stats for 2015

h*p://www.smarEnsights.com/social-­‐media-­‐markeEng/social-­‐media-­‐strategy/new-­‐ global-­‐social-­‐media-­‐research/

Source: h*p://www.dw.de/image/0,,17601162_401,00.gif

Source: h*p://cdn0.vox-­‐cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/1004870/ chartoLheday_2570_Most_popular_social_apps_among_millennials_n.0.jpg

Social Media Touchpoints

Source: Tuten and Solomon, 2015. Social media markeEng, p. 84.

The 43-­‐Hour Media Day

Source: Yahoo and OMD (2006).

Media -­‐ AcEve -­‐ Passive

-­‐ AdverEsing media -­‐ Digital media -­‐ PromoEonal media

-­‐ Electronic -­‐ Print

2 Core Metrics: -­‐ Influence -­‐ Engagement

Key trends: -­‐ Convergence of media -­‐ FragmentaEon -­‐ PersonalisaEon -­‐ Permission-­‐based MC -­‐ ROI measurability -­‐ Emergence of new capabiliEes

-­‐ TradiEonal -­‐ Non-­‐tradiEonal

Digi&sa&on Â

Digi&sa&on Impact on MC •  •  •  •  •  •  •

24/7 MulEmedia Ubiquity Global availability InteracEvity 1-­‐2-­‐1 and micromarkeEng IntegraEon

“digital marke&ng is dead”

“we are now in an era of ‘post-­‐ digital’ marke&ng”

(Friedlein 2014)

KEY for 2016! Social Media Op&misa&on Mobile (op&mising all plaUorms) Personalised Engagement – think E-­‐MAIL! Messaging Social Media Ads Video Content – Social Videos (i.e. Tweet TV) & Segmen&sing Video Content Storytelling (“key to customer’s heart”)

Changing nature of relaEonships

Control Â

Influence Model ! Convic&on



Crea&ng mutual value

Crea&ng presence

Crea&ng rela&onships


Digital Revolu8on: Implica8ons for Marke8ng

Digital Consumer & Customer

Read this report about the latest research on digitally engaged consumer: h*p:// www.markeEngresearch.org/alert-­‐magazine-­‐first-­‐quarter-­‐2014-­‐a-­‐4-­‐dimensional-­‐view-­‐of-­‐the-­‐ digitally-­‐engaged-­‐consumer

Rethinking Market Research •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

New Science Increase of accessibility to and amount of secondary data Relevant & Emely informaEon Low or Zero cost for access (Search engines, Google, Yahoo, Bing) Access inside consumer’s ‘mind’ (blogs, communiEes, SN) -­‐ UGC Primary data collecEon capability expansion (Speed & Cost efficiency) Digital means to conduct research: synchronous environment, real-­‐Eme chat room Measurement and EffecEve, relevant data Usage

Research plaUorms

Checking for influencers, blogs, pundits, new, trends …. – this informs your Content Plan!

haps://www.google.co.uk/alerts Â


Addictoma&c searches

hap:// www.socialbearing .com


Social Media

(Howie 2014)

It is not so new as we think ….

Evolving con&nuously

Global Fragmented

Highlights for businesses/brands

Social Media •  Business Models driven by interacEon rather than transacEon (dCRM touch points) •  CreaEon of brand advocates not just ads (Investment into social leadership) •  Listen, than engage •  Investment into tools and experEse (SRO) •  ROI – Return on Involvement •  Use of mulEple interfaces

Social Media: CREATIVITY

Social Media (cont): RELEVANCE

Social Media (cont): HASHTAG #StartsToday #putacanonit #tweenromtheseat #bareselfie

The Selfie Syndrome

The Selfie Syndrome “Ellen Oscar Selfie Officially Most Retweeted Photo Ever, 2.5 Million and CounEng” “Selfie trend pushing demand for plasEc surgery”

h*p://blog.marketo.com/2014/01/evoluEon-­‐of-­‐the-­‐selfie-­‐obsessed-­‐generaEon-­‐ infographic.html

h*p://campbellrowley.com/case_study/ loughborough-­‐university-­‐iamin-­‐campaign/

UGC – Par&cipa&on and co-­‐crea&on


h*ps://books.google.co.uk/books?id=X5wq8Oai37UC&pg=PA413&lpg=PA413&dq=user+generated +content+becker+2008&source=bl&ots=MRvyZOIYVH&sig=CJJi6VndGQUWAJcdhWnK-­‐ zPhJs&hl=en&sa=X&ei=ZPztVMD6JpKw7AaLt4DwCQ&ved=0CEEQ6AEwAw

UGC But you need: a CriEcal Mass – Community a Segmented Community a Purpose (communiEes with a purpose are more acEve)

Curate, seed, & CONTRIBUTE

BUT is it all good?

The Amateur Culture

The Long Tail

Guerilla & Experien8al Marke8ng •  Limited budget, effecEve message → Reach wider audience •  Key elements: CreaEvity, unexpectedness, ‘more with less’ •  Breaking rules

•  Focus on ConsumpEon •  Entertainment + Product (Service) + Climate + Context + ALer ‘care’ = Value ProposiEon (e.g., Starbucks)

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