Lecture 2 2 briefing on assessment

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Briefing session for the Assignment 1 ”Driving Business Forward with Marketing Communications: Consulting KUDU CLOTHING" – the client/company briefing Marketing Communications MSc Marketing Management (Lecture 2.2) Dr Elvira Bolat C113, Christchurch House, Talbot campus ebolat@bournemouth.ac.uk Marke&ng Communica&ons 2016, Faculty of Management, BU

Learning Outcomes •  To understand the assessment for the MC unit

Marke&ng Communica&ons Assessment •  Group work (Assignment 1) – 40% (ILOs 1-­‐5) Group grade given by tutors BUT individual mark is assigned (moderaJon of the group grade by the SPA)

•  Individual wriMen report (Assignment 2) – 60% (ILOs 1-­‐4)

MarkeJng CommunicaJons Assessment / Assignment 1 A case

A markeJng communicaJon plan Deliverable

A group consultancy work / pitch (presentaJon)

A case •  Key Theme –

•  The client – finally •  You -­‐

Students must assign themselves to a team of 4-­‐5 individuals by end of Week 32 (w/c 15th Feb 2016) and post the team list on myBU. We will advise you of where to post via an announcement on myBU.

Brand Â



Place Â

Price -­‐ Target


£35-­‐56 £1000

YOU You as a group – CreaJve Agency

assign yourselves to a team of 4-­‐5 individuals by the end of next week (w/c 15th Feb 2015), post on myBU

You as an individual -­‐ required to take an acJve role in planning, developing, presenJng and documenJng the markeJng communicaJons plan a group grade is given by tutors BUT individual mark is assigned (moderaJon of the group grade by the SPA)

The marke&ng communica&ons plan: Overview •  Main goal of the markeJng communicaJons plan Ø  drive increased revenues, i.e. increase of online sales of KUDU Clothing product.

•  Budget – Limited! Year 1 (12 months): £3,600. The annual markeJng budget is set with plans to achieve an increase in sales of 100 units (of KUDU Clothing products) per month (25 units per week).

MC Plan’s Structure

Follow SOSTAC model (topic will be covered at next week’s lecture,

Lecture 3) •  Undertake a strategic audit (using tools such as PEST(EL), SWOT) and present a situaJonal analysis / market insights (key issues and findings from your market intelligence including stakeholder analysis and primary research); •  Propose, profile and jusJfy the segment that the campaign will be aimed at; •  Establish 2-­‐3 SMART objecJves that the campaign is aiming to achieve; •  Your ‘big idea’ (campaign theme); •  Name the markeJng communicaJon strategy to be uJlised to meet the objecJves; •  CreaJve direcJon of the campaign (recommended markeJng communicaJon tools, communicaJon channels/plagorms to be used providing jusJficaJon for each tool against the objecJves and strategy); •  Outline budget uJlisaJon; •  Present the creaJve materials and supporJng evidence to illustrate the ideas and decisions proposed.

A pitch (presenta&on) •  The group presentaJon Jming – 30 minutes, with another 10 minutes for the Q&A •  All group members to present and parJcipate in the Q&A session •  PresentaJons will take place in teaching week 11/43 (2nd May 2016 in your 6metable!) •  The presentaJon schedule will be put up on MyBU later on in the term •  Please note, as a group you are REQUIRED to provide 3 hard copies of the presentaJon slides/handouts on the day of the presentaJon and email electronic version of the presentaJon together with the evidences of primary research/analysis at ebolat@bournemouth.ac.uk by 6th May 2016

A pitch (presenta&on) (cont. ) Marking Scheme (assignment 1 brief) I. Business Exercise – Contents of the Campaign


• Amount and quality of research conducted and strategic audit • Amount and quality of analysis and research undertaken into the chosen segment • Clearly written SMART objectives • Creativity and originality of the campaign theme • Appropriateness and quality of the campaign theme • Relevance of marketing communication strategy • Quality and relevance of marketing communication tools • Level of critical analysis and deduction / quality of recommendations • Quality and appropriateness of creative inputs to a content and delivery of the presentation II. Business Exercise – Effective Pitching of the Campaign • Engagement • Organisation • Spoken delivery • Quality of slides • Group dynamics



Submit SPA form individually online via myBU by 12 noon on 6th May 2016 Individuals who fail to complete/submit the SPA form will be penalised, deducted 5% of the group presentation mark given by the tutors

Self-­‐ •  Award yourself a mark out of 10 •  Reflect on both the quality and quan.ty of your input: q 8 out of 10 I made an outstanding contribuJon to the assignment q 7 out of 10 My contribuJon was greater than most members of the group q 6 out of 10 My contribuJon was about the same as other members of the group q 5 out of 10 I contributed a liMle less than most members of the group q 4 out of 10 I contributed much less than most other members of the group q less than 4 I contributed liMle, if anything, to the assignment

Peer-­‐ •  •

Award a mark out of 10 to each other member of the assignment group Reflect on both the quality and quan.ty of each individual’s input: q  8 out of 10 Student X made an outstanding contribuJon to the assignment q  7 out of 10 Student X’s contribuJon was greater than most members of the group q  6 out of 10 Student X’s contribuJon was about the same as other members of the group q  5 out of 10 Student X contributed a liMle less than most members of the group q  4 out of 10 Student X contributed much less than most other members of the group q  less than 4 Student X contributed liMle, if anything, to the assignment

Demonstra&on of GR mark adjustment

Please NOTE Rules! ‼  Marks are relaJve, not absolute! ‼  Marks will be used to modify the overall group mark upwards or downwards to arrive at final individual marks. ‼  Tutors reserve the right to make appropriate and reasonable adjustments on the basis of academic judgement; tutors reserve the right to require any group or individual to jusJfy marks. ‼  Any student wishing to award a mark of less than 4 or more than 8 must speak to tutors. ‼  Any student(s) suspected of abusing this system will be required to meet with tutors to explain.

Marke&ng Communica&ons Assessment •  Group work (Assignment 1) – 40% (ILOs 1-­‐5) Group grade given by tutors BUT individual mark is assigned (moderaJon of the group grade by the SPA)

•  Individual wriMen report (Assignment 2) – 60% (ILOs 1-­‐4)

Assignment 2: What, when and how? •  Individual criJcal report: 3000 words •  One topic to choose: –  –  –  –

UnconvenJonal (i.e. street, ambient) markeJng communicaJons Word-­‐of-­‐mouth and digital media Brand image repair: the role of markeJng communicaJons Social persuasion through social influencer

•  Three tasks to complete:

–  Task 1: CriJcally evaluate the relevance and implicaJons of the chosen topic to the markeJng communicaJons theory and pracJce. –  Task 2: Discuss the challenges and issues that marketers face in relaJon to the chosen topic. –  Task 3: CriJcally discuss how these challenges and issues can impact on skills, competencies, aqtudes and aMributes of modern markeJng professionals. As part of this discussion you are tasked to submit your CV (maximum 2 A4 pages), highlighJng skills and competencies you have gained while working on Assignment 1.

Assignment 2: What, when and how? (cont) •  Electronic submission, TurniJn, myBU •  Deadline – 12pm 3rd June 2016


Does Not Yet Meet Expectations 0-49% Little or no evidence of engaging with academic literature (scholarly articles, books and monographs). Little or no evidence of discussing theoretical models, principles and framework in relation to the chosen topic.

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

50-69% Good use of academic literature (scholarly articles, books and monographs). Demonstrates the use of theoretical principles, models and framework with a good application to the chosen topic.

70-100% Exceptional use of academic literature (scholarly articles, books and monographs). Demonstrates the use of variety of theoretical principles, models and framework with critical application to the chosen topic.

Demonstrates very high level of critical appraisal and judgment in analysis, evaluation and synthesis of material. Demonstrates an ability to diagnose and apply appropriate and selective conceptual knowledge to a practical problem/situation in order to produce valid, creative/original arguments which are logical, meaningful and effective. Excellent report format which contains a tightly structured, rigorous argument showing flow and progression. Presentation and organisation of work is of a very high standard, likely to be highly stimulating. The report is professionally presented with full compliance with the BU Harvard Referencing. The CV acknowledges the soft skills the student has learnt and how they are used. The CV is relevant to the role or to the degree the student is on as well as to the discussion around contemporary changes within the marketing communications context.


Assignment 2: Assessment Criteria

Academic underpinning: Work should show a good understanding of academic literature. Relevant theoretical principles, models and frameworks need to be identified and discussed against contemporary professional practice.

Level of critical analysis and application of analytical knowledge: Work should show an appropriate application of critical analysis using different areas of knowledge.

Work is descriptive with little evidence of debate. Work shows little or no understanding and application of the key conceptual knowledge that relates to the topic under investigation. Where it is, the conceptual knowledge is not used to develop and/or support ideas.

Work shows clear evidence of analysis and critical analysis, to certain extent. Work shows clear evidence of analysis. Work shows a reasonable understanding and application of the key conceptual knowledge that relates to the chosen topic. The conceptual knowledge is used to support ideas.

Structure and presentation of work: Work should be structured and presented professionally.

Report is poorly structured and presented. There is little or no introduction, order of arguments confused, perhaps with repetition. Decisions and ideas are inconsistent. BU Harvard Referencing style is not used or used inconsistently.

Good report format with clear structure. The work is presented professionally and in compliance with the BU Harvard Referencing. Contains introduction and develops arguments, with a summary and conclusion. Work is easy to read and has a logical order.

The CV only lists their duties rather than the soft skills they have leant. There is no indication of relevance to the role or to the degree the student is on as well as to the discussion around contemporary changes within the marketing communications context.

The CV acknowledges the soft skills the student has learnt but does not explain how they are used. The CV is generic to any role and the link to the discussion around contemporary changes within the marketing communications context is evident.

Skills and competences (CV)





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