Ancient Man and his civilizations

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Ancient Man and His First Civilizations Etruria-2 Modern Italy

The Eurasian Invasion - the Latin's


When last we left Etruria, we were mystified by the Etruscan's policy of not helping each other when faced with a common threat. This incredible policy would of course, have devastating effects. Moving ahead to perhaps 1100 B.C. It is at about this time, that Albino people from the Eurasian plains now called "the Latin's" later known as the Romans migrate in. These Latins may have accompanied the Hellenes into Greece, and then continued on into Italy. The nature of the early contact between the two peoples, is unknown. But, the later relationship is well known to be one of violence. (Please remember that we are using the terms Latin's and Hellenes in reference to Eurasian Albinos as a convenience

Soon after the invasion of Whites from Eurasia began, a coalition of the original Black inhabitants of Italy, Greece and the Aegean area, formed a conglomeration called the "Sea People". They boarded ships with all of their belongings and fled the area. But those that stayed behind, still had to deal with the White newcomers. For more on the Sea People: Click here >>>

Etruscan settlements were frequently built on a hill—the steeper the better— and surrounded by thick walls. So according to Roman mythology, Rome may have actually have been built by Etruscans, they did so on the Palatine Hill according to the Etruscan model: that is, they began with a pomoerium or sacred ditch. Then, they proceeded to the walls.

Were the original Romans Black People?

ere the original Romans Black People? As we have shown on many pages, all of those marb atues and busts of "Supposed" White Greeks and Romans, that we find in museums today, a eally 1600-1800s fabrications. White history is so replete with lies and fake artifacts, that i would be impossible for this, or any other "Truth Seeking" publication, to investigate every ossibility. So for convenience, we will not delve into this founding of Rome, as documented the Aeneid. But rather, will work with the conventional story.

The Aeneid

Aeneid is a Latin epic poem written by Virgil in the late 1st century BC (70–19 B.C.) that tells the legendary story eneas, a Trojan who traveled to Italy, where he became the ancestor of the Romans. It is composed of roughly 000 lines in dactylic hexameter.

first six of the poem's twelve books tell the story of Aeneas's wanderings from Troy to Italy, and the poem's second tells of the Trojans' ultimately victorious war upon the Latins (Whites), under whose name Aeneas and his Troj wers are destined to be subsumed.

hero Aeneas was already known to Greco-Roman legend and myth, having been a character in the Iliad; Virgil took onnected tales of Aeneas' wanderings, his vague association with the foundation of Rome and a personage of no fixe acteristics other than a scrupulous piety, and fashioned this into a compelling founding myth or nationalist epic that e tied Rome to the legends of Troy, glorified traditional Roman virtues and legitimized the Julio-Claudian dynasty escendants of the founders, heroes and gods of Rome and Troy.

Entellus was a Trojan hero from whom the town of Entella in Sicily was believed to have received its name. He was a friend of the Trojan king Acestes. A boxing match between Entellus and Dares is described in Virgil's Aeneid.

The fight between Entellus and Dares, Roman mosaic, ca. 175 A.D.

e reason the poem is important, is because the Trojans were Phrygian's - and this is what t Phrygian king Midas looked like.

And this is how Etruscans depicted the Trojans (the guy on the ground).

ote: Although it was commissioned by the Emperor Augustus, the poem is more than early perial propaganda. It proclaims the divine mission of Aeneas to found Rome and the divine unction of the Romans to unite the world under a noble Emperor such as Augustus.

a logical matter then, why would the Romans tolerate, much less enthusiastically accept (th neid was very popular), a founding story that gives credit to Blacks for the nations creation, y (the elites), themselves were not Black?

e other inescapable conclusion, is that the Emperor Augustus was himself Black. In which e, we can chalk this statue up, to the same people as "The Dying Gaul" statue. With it being hing more than "Pure White fantasy" probably done in the 1600-1700s.

Augustus of Prima Porta

m Wiki

ustus of Prima Porta (Italian: Augusto di Prima Porta) is a 2.04m high marble statue of Augustus Caesar ch was discovered on April 20, 1863, in the Villa of Livia at Prima Porta, near Rome. Augustus Caesar's e, Livia Drusilla, retired to the villa after his death. The sculpture is now displayed in the Braccio Nuovo o Vatican Museums.

dating of the Primaporta piece is widely contested. It is thought to be a marble copy of a possible bronz inal. This original, along with other high honors, was devoted to Augustus by the Senate in 20 B.C, and s

n a public place. Up until this time Augustus had lived modestly, but the fact that the statue was found i widow's villa shows that he was thoroughly pleased with it.

s also contested that this particular sculpture is a reworking in marble of a bronze original, possibly a gif m Tiberius Caesar to his mother Livia (since it was found in her villa Ad Gallinas Albas in the vicinity of th h marker of the via Flaminia, and close to a late Imperial gate called Prima Porta) after Augustus' death in honor of the woman who had campaigned so long for him to become the next Caesar. This would lain the divine references to Augustus in the piece, notably his being barefoot, the standard representati ods or heroes in classical iconography. Also, the reliefs in the cuirass depict the retrieval of Crassus' ndards captured by the Parthians, an event in which the young Tiberius himself took a part, serving as rmediary with the Parthian king, in the act that is shown in the central scene of the armor, possibly his ndest service to his adopted father Augustus. With the introduction of Tiberius as the figure responsible retrieval of the standards, he associates himself with Augustus, the emperor and the new god, as Augus self had done previously with Julius Caesar. Under this hypothesis, the dating of the statue can be place ing the first years of Tiberius' reign as emperor (14 — 37 A.D.).

As a further demonstration of the problems Whites have with the actual rac of Augustus: there is the matter of this statue head "Supposedly" Discovere at Meroe in 1910 by J. Garstang. Based on accounts of the Roman wars wit Meroe in Strabo's Geography, circa 22 A.D. It was decided that it was the head from one of the many giant statues of Augustus, which were scattered all over Egypt. Aside from that absurdity, of which there is no evidence, the statue head of course, has no inscription.

Like Herodotus, Strabo wrote entertainment in the guise of history. His accounts of the wars is obviously fanciful, and to use that type of material make historical judgments, is a clear indication of the fragility of White history.

Click Here for some authentic and very reveling images of Roman Emperor Valerian: Click >>>

In time, the Romans had learned how to built cities, now there is great competition for power and territory. Wars rage, but the Etruscan cities fight alone, and the Romans can simply attack and annex each individual city;

divide and conquer was the order of the day. This disunity is further illustrated by the fact that the Romans concluded treaties with individual Etruscan city/states, rather than the whole. But the Etruscans reemerged as a local power during 800 - 700 B.C, spreading their trade to Corsica, Sardinia and Iberia and creating a powerful navy to guard their interests. The Phoenicians and Etruscans became trading partners and rivals, exchanging goods and opportunistic raids with each other. However the situation changed after the "Whites" of Greece, had consolidated power and began to expand into the Western Mediterranean at about 750 B.C.} In approximately 600 B.C, the Etruscans attacked and occupied the area of Latium and settled themselves in the city of Rome, from here the influence of Etruscan civilization and art made itself felt in the entire Latin sphere. But their expansion soon collided with that of the Greeks, especially in the sixth century B.C, when Phoceans (Greeks in Italy) founded colonies along the coast of France, Catalonia and Corsica. This led the Etruscans to ally themselves with the Carthaginians (Phoenicians), whose interests also collided with the Greeks. {Note: The Phoenicians had planted trading posts in Africa, Sicily, Sardinia and Iberia during 1100-900 B.C. while creating their trading monopoly. They had a relatively free hand during that period as other civilizations were suffering from a "Dark Age" during that period because of the invasion of Whites from Eurasia.

In 540 B.C, at the Battle of Alalia; which took place off the coast of Corsica, between Phocaeans and allied Etruscans and Carthaginians. The PunicEtruscan fleet of 120 ships defeated the Greek force of sixty ships and the nearby colony of Alalia (now AlĂŠria) was taken over by the Etruscans. Corsica was shared by the Carthaginians and Etruscans, and Carthage retained Sardinia. This led to a new distribution of power in the western Mediterranean Sea. Though the battle had no clear winner, Carthage managed to expand its sphere of influence at the expense of both the Etruscans and the Greeks, and Etruria saw itself relegated to the northern Tyrrhenian Sea. From the first half of the fifth century, the new international political situation meant the beginning of the Etruscan decline after losing their southern provinces.

As Caucasians kept coming in, Rome soon became a large city, similar to the powerful cities of southern Etruria, and it had also become predominately

Caucasian. Accordingly, it was a Caucasian uprising that drove the Etruscans from Rome in 509 B.C. In 480 B.C, Etruria's ally Carthage, was defeated by a coalition of Magna Graecia (the Greek colonized zone encompassing Sicily and Southern Italy) cities led by Syracuse. Later, it was a coalition of Caucasians - Latin’s and the "new" Greeks, that led to the Etruscans' withdrawal from the whole of Latium in 475 B.C. A year later, in 474 B.C, Syracuse's tyrant Hiero, defeated the Etruscans at the Battle of Cumae. Later, Etruria saw a Gallic (Celtic - see next page for more on the Gauls/Celts) invasion end its influence over the Po valley and the Adriatic coast. Meanwhile, Rome had started annexing Etruscan cities. This first led to the loss of their north provinces. The Etruscans continued to decline, until finally Etruria was incorporated into Rome. Over time the Etruscans ceased to exist as a separate people, and they along with their culture and technology were totally absorbed into Rome. However, it should be pointed out, that if Etruscan Tomb Paintings are any indication, absorption by the Latin's was not unduly traumatic.

Once again, we must as the question: "Were the original Romans and Greeks Black People?" Please consider: aside from the marble statues and busts (which we know to be 1600-1800s creations), which depict them as Whites. And the constant bombardment of White media; such as Books, Movies, and Television, which serves to "Condition" us to the concept - What evidence is there really that these people were White? Certainly there can be no argument that Whites eventually took over. The question is "Which" Whites, and When? When we cast aside all of those fake marble Statues and Busts, and rely on only the authentic artwork which was done by the people themselves, in their own ancient times, we see a very different story of ancient Greece and Rome. Below are pictures of authentic ancient artwork, and links to more: When we look at them, something very revealing is instantly apparent: the main subjects and owners of the tombs, were all Black people - as were the "Gods". If all of the wealthy "Elites" and Gods, were Black people, what does that tell us about the nature of these ancient societies?

Etruscan Tomb Painting

To see Etruscan Tomb Paintings Click Here>>

later history relates that some Etruscans lived in the Tuscus vicus, the “Etruscan quarter�, and that there was an Etruscan line of kings (albeit ones descended from a Greek, Demaratus the Corinthian) which succeeded kings of Latin and Sabine origin.

Pompeii The city of Pompeii is a partially buried Roman town-city near modern Naples in the Italian region of Campania, in the territory of the comune of Pompei. The name “Pompeii” in Latin is a second declension plural (Pompeii, -orum). According to Theodor Kraus, “The root of the word Pompeii would appear to be the Oscan word for the number five, pompe, which suggests that either the community consisted of five hamlets or, perhaps, it was settled by a family group (gens Pompeia).” Along with Herculaneum, its sister city, Pompeii was destroyed and completely buried during a long catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius spanning two days in 79 AD.

Erotic art in Pompeii and Herculaneum was discovered in the ancient cities around the bay of Naples (particularly of Pompeii and Herculaneum) after extensive excavations began in the 18th century. The city was found to be full of erotic art and frescoes, symbols, and inscriptions regarded by its excavators as pornographic.

Click Here for more Pompeii frescoes (Caution: some are of a pornographic nature). Click Here >>>

Pompeii Wall mural of Mercury/Priapus - between 89 B.C. and 79 A.D.

The Celts/Gaul's

By the end of the ancient era (B.C.), new invaders had migrated into western Europe from the east; and pushed the remaining indigenous peoples south. These new people were mainly Celts, who had been pushed out of their central European lands by the invading White Germanic tribes.

By now, the original people had accepted rule of the conquering Romans, though the acceptance was uneasy. As would be expected, there was almost constant warfare between these two peoples, the western Celts known as Gaul's, and the eastern Celts. But their hatred of each other was less than their hatred of Roman rule. There were many rebellions against Rome by both groups. As we can see from Julius Caesar's comments below; Gaul's and Celts were the same people. As with all the ancient people of Europe, modern racists have sought to portray them as White people. The famous marble statue "The Dying Gaul" is a fake, just as is the statue of Vercingetorix that was put up by Napoleon III in 1865. See photo below.

As we have said and demonstrated many times: modern Whites have institutionalized the falsification of history. Even their translations of ancient texts and historians, cannot be trusted. However, sometimes a bit from one place, coupled with a bit from another place, yields the truth. In "THE HISTORY OF COUNT ZOSIMUS" circa 500 A.D. Sextus Julius Saturninus (the governor of Syria) is described as a Moor. In other texts, he is described as a Gaul. Such interchangeability of description, would not be possible if Gaul's and Moors were not the same thing: Black People!

Strangely; the statue "The Dying Gaul" does seem to be in exact conformity with the "Supposed" description of "Diodorus Siculus" who is said to describe them as such: “The Gauls are tall in body, with rippling muscles... They are always washing their hair in limewater and pull it back from the forehead... , so that that they look like Satyrs and Pans; the treatment of their hair makes it so heavy and coarse that it looks like the mane of a horse... some of them shave the beard, but others let it grow a little. The nobles shave their cheeks but let the mustache grow until it covers the mouth". Click here for more "Supposed" ancient comments and their true worth.

Julius Caesar, in his book, Commentarii de Bello Gallico - ca. 50 B.C, comments: All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called Celts, in ours Gauls, the third. All these differ from each other in language, customs and laws. The Garonne River (roughly divides France and Spain) separates the Gauls from the Aquitani; the River Marne (runs east and southeast from Paris) and the River Seine separate them from the Belgae. Of all these, the Belgae are the bravest, because they are furthest from the civilisation and refinement of (our) Province, and merchants least frequently resort to them, and import those things which tend to effeminate the mind; and they are the nearest to the Germani, who dwell beyond the Rhine (runs north from eastern Switzerland through Germany and the Netherlands to its two-pronged outlet on the North Sea), with whom they are continually waging war. For which reason the Helvetii also surpass the rest of the Gaul's in valour, as they contend with the Germani in almost daily battles, when they either repel them from their own territories, or themselves wage war on their frontiers. One part of these, which it has been said that the Gauls occupy, takes its beginning at the River Rhone; it is bounded by the Garonne River, the Atlantic Ocean, and the territories of the Belgae; it borders, too, on the side of the Sequani and the Helvetii, upon the River Rhine, and stretches toward the north. The Belgae rises from the extreme frontier of Gaul, extend to the lower part of the River Rhine; and look toward the north and the rising sun. Aquitania extends from the Garonne to the Pyrenees and to that part of the Atlantic (Bay of Biscay) which is near Spain: it looks between the setting of the sun, and the north star. Note: The Helvetii, refers to a conglomeration of Celtic tribes formed by the Helvetian's of southern Germany and numbering in excess of 300,000, who decided to flee the invading White Germanic tribes.

Vercingetorix One of the last, or perhaps the last, of the original Black civilizations to be destroyed by the Whites, were the Arverni of southern France. They were an advanced culture who lived in cities and were wealthy in gold and silver, (as attested to by the huge booty taken from them by the Romans). Their demise came about because of a revolt against Rome by another Black Gaul city called "Carnutes". In early 52 B.C, Carnutes used the turmoil that accompanied the death of Publius Clodius Pulcher; a Roman politician, as an opportunity to rebell; they slaughtered all of the Romans in their territory. Seeing this, "Vercingetorix" a young nobleman of the Arvernian capital city of Gergovia, moved to join the rebellion. He was however rebuffed by the nobles of Gergovia, forcing him to raise an army in the countryside. He then returned to Gergovia and took the city, whereupon he was declared king. In most historical accounts, it is said that Vercingetorix unified ALL of the Gaul's under his command. In his campaign against Julius Caesar, Vercingetorix was at first successful, but over time, the tide began to turn. The end came at the Battle of Alesia, the capital city of another of the Black Gaul people, the Mandubii. At Alesia, Vercingetorix made his last stand. Caesar instead of making a direct assault, surrounded the city with fortifications in order to starve them out. When Vercingetorix sent for reinforcements, Caesar built another set of fortifications to his rear, to hold back the reinforcements. When the reinforcements arrived, they were of insufficient number to break through Caesars line. After many loosing battles to break out, Vercingetorix was forced to mount his horse, ride out and surrender to Caesar. Vercingetorix was taken prisoner and imprisoned in the Tullianum in Rome for five years, before being publicly displayed in Caesar's triumph in 46 B.C, after

which he was executed. Gergovia, Alesia, and all the other Black Gaullic cities were destroyed. It is estimated that one million persons died in the wars, and another million were sold into slavery; at the end, Caesar had effected an unprecedented genocide. The destruction was so complete, that at this time, the only known evidence of their existence is Roman coins, (such as the one above), and written Roman accounts.

Ancient references to the Celts/Gauls The first literary reference to the Celtic people, as (Κeltoi) is by the Greek historian Hecataeus of Miletus in 517 B.C; he locates the ''Keltoi'' tribe in Rhenania (West/Southwest Germany). The next Greek reference to the ''Keltoi'' is by Herodotus in the mid 5th century B.C. He says that "the river Ister (Danube) begins from the ''Keltoi'' and the city of Pyrene and so runs that it divides Europe in the midst (now the ''Keltoi'' are outside the Pillars of Heracles (Rock of Gibraltar) and border upon the Kynesians, who dwell furthest towards the sunset (West) of all those who have their dwelling in Europe)".

According to Greek mythology, (''Celtus'') was the son of Heracles and (''Keltine''), the daughter of (''Bretannus''). Celtus became the eponymous ancestor of Celts. In Latin ''Celta'' came in turn from Herodotus' word for the Gauls, ''Keltoi''. The Romans used ''Celtae'' to refer to continental Gauls, but apparently not to Insular Celts. The latter were long divided linguistically into Goidhels and Brythons, although other research provides a more complex picture. Another complication is that in the case of the Romans, Gaul (Latin Gallia) is a historical name used in the context of the Roman Empire in references to the region of Western Europe approximating present day France and Belgium, but also sometimes including the Po Valley, western Switzerland, and the parts of the Netherlands and Germany on the west bank of the River Rhine. In the third century B.C, Gauls immigrated from Thrace into the highlands of central Anatolia (modern Turkey). These people, called Galatians, later merged with the local population but retained many of their own traditions. The Galatia became its ruling caste in the 3rd century B.C. It has been called the "Gallia" of the East, Roman writers calling its inhabitants Galli. St. Jerome states that as of the fourth century A.D. their language was similar to that of the Treveri. This language is in fact German. (The Romans called all people

between the Pyrenees and the Rhine Gauls. The word 'Gaul' didn't imply a specific language). The German Celts were great warriors, respected by Greeks and Romans. They hired themselves out as mercenary soldiers, sometimes fighting on both sides in the great battles of the times. For years the chieftains and their war bands ravaged the western half of Asia Minor, as allies of one or other of the warring princes, without any serious check, until they sided with the renegade Seleucid prince Antiochus Hierax, who reigned in Asia Minor. Hierax tried to defeat king Attalus I of Pergamum (241–197 B.C.), but instead, the hellenised cities united under his banner, and his armies inflicted several severe defeats upon them, about 232 forcing them to settle permanently and to confine themselves to the region to which they had already given their name. The theme of the ''Dying Gaul'' (a famous statue displayed in Pergamon) remained a favorite in Hellenistic art for a generation. Their right to the district was formally recognized. The three Celtic tribes were settled where they afterwards remained, the Tectosages round Ancyra, the Tolistobogii round Pessinus, sacred to Cybele, and the Trocmi round Tavium. Diodorus Siculus and Strabo both suggest that the Celtic heartland was in southern France. The former says that the Gauls were to the north of the Celts but that the Romans referred to both as Gauls. Before the discoveries at Hallstatt and La Tene, it was generally considered that the Celtic heartland was southern France, see Encyclopedia Britannica for 1813. The Celts also expanded down the Danube river and its tributaries. One of the most influential tribes, the Scordisci , had established their capital at Singidunum in 3rd century BC, which is present-day Belgrade , Serbia . The concentration of hill-forts and cemeteries shows a density of population in the Tisza valley of modern-day Vojvodina , Serbia , Hungary and into Ukraine . Expansion into Romania was however blocked by the Dacians . Further south, Celts settled in Thrace ( Bulgaria ), which they ruled for over a century, and Anatolia , where they settled as the Galatians (see also: Gallic Invasion of Greece ) . Despite their geographical isolation from the rest of the Celtic world, the Galatians maintained their Celtic language for at least seven hundred years. St Jerome , who visited Ancyra (modern-day Ankara ) in 373 AD, likened their language to that of the Treveri of northern Gaul. The Boii tribe gave their name to Bohemia , Bologna and possibly Bavaria , and Celtic artefacts and cemeteries have been discovered further east in what is now Poland and Slovakia . A celtic coin ( Biatec ) from Bratislava 's mint is displayed on today's Slovak 5 crown coin. As there is no archaeological evidence for large scale invasions in some of the other areas, one current school of thought holds that Celtic language and culture spread to those areas by contact rather than invasion. However, the Celtic invasions of Italy and the expedition in Greece and western Anatolia , are well documented in Greek and Latin history. There are records of Celtic mercenaries in Egypt serving the Ptolemies. Thousands were employed in 283-

246 B.C. and they were also in service around 186 BC. They attempted to overthrow Ptolemy II. It had been known for long time that there was an early Celtic (Lepontic, sometimes called Cisalpine Celtic) presence in Northern Italy since inscriptions dated to the sixth century B.C. have been found there.

The site of Golasecca, where the Ticino exits from Lake Maggiore, was particularly suitable for long-distance exchanges, in which Golaseccans acted as intermediaries between Etruscans and the Halstatt culture of Austria, supported on the all-important trade in salt. In 391 B.C. Celts "who had their homes beyond the Alps streamed through the passes in great strength and seized the territory that lay between the Appennine mountains and the Alps" according to Diodorus Siculus. The Po Valley and the rest of northern Italy (known to the Romans as Cisalpine Gaul) was inhabited by Celtic-speakers who founded cities such as Milan. Later the Roman army was routed at the battle of Allia and Rome was sacked in 390 B.C. by the Senones. At the battle of Telamon in 225 B.C. a large Celtic army was trapped between two Roman forces and crushed. The defeat of the combined Samnite, Celtic and Etruscan alliance by the Romans in the Third Samnite War sounded the beginning of the end of the Celtic domination in mainland Europe, but it was not until 192 B.C. that the Roman armies conquered the last remaining independent Celtic kingdoms in Italy. The Celts settled much further south of the Po River than many maps show. Remnants in the town of Doccia, in the province of Emilia-Romagna, showcase Celtic houses in very good condition dating from about the 4th century B.C.

Rome would continue to grow, and in time it would come to absorb the classical Greek civilization as well. As Rome extended its influence and presence throughout the Mediterranean world, it encountered and absorbed deities and religious practices of those it encountered. Attempts were made periodically to suppress religions that seemed to threaten traditional morality and unity; the Dionysian mysteries provoked unseemly exhibitions of enthusiasm and wild behaviour, Christianity was superstition, or atheism, or both; and druidism was thought to employ human sacrifice. Judaism was merely tolerated. By late antiquity, numerous foreign cults had gained vast popularity in the farthest reaches of the Empire, including the mystery cult of the syncretized Egyptian goddess Isis, and deities of solar monism such as Mithras and Sol Invictus, found as far north as Roman Britain.

Roman myth is complicated by the early influence of Greek religion on the Italian peninsula during Rome's protohistory, and by the later self-conscious imitation of Greek literary models by Roman authors, who borrowed narratives of Greek deities reinterpreted as the counterparts of Rome's own pantheon. Rome's early myths and legends also have a dynamic relationship with Etruscan religion, less documented than that of the Greeks.

Some examples of Egyptian-to-Greek-to-Roman Mythology Egyptian





Jupiter ("Zeus pater")








Demeter (Io)








According to Greek myth Heracles was a divine hero, the son of Zeus and Alcmene, foster son of Amphitryon and great-grandson (and half-brother) of Perseus. He was the greatest of the Greek heroes, a paragon of masculinity, the ancestor of royal clans who claimed to be Heracleidae and a champion of the Olympian order against chthonic monsters. In Rome and the modern West, he is known as Hercules, with whom the later Roman Emperors, in particular Commodus and Maximian, often identified themselves. The Romans adopted the Greek version of his life and works essentially unchanged. Alcmene was born to Electryon, king of Mycenae and a son of Perseus. Her mother was either Anaxo, daughter of Alcaeus and Astydamia, or Lysidice, daughter of Pelops and Hippodameia. Hesiod describes Alcmene as the tallest, most beautiful woman with wisdom surpassed by no person born of mortal parents. It is said that her face and dark eyes were as charming as Aphrodite's, and that she honoured her husband like no woman before her. She was the great-granddaughter of Zeus.

According to Roman myth, Rome was founded by Romulus and his twin brother Remus, descendants of Aeneas, divinely fathered by Hercules on a virgin princess or priestess of Vesta, who was exposed to die, but saved by a series of miraculous interventions. They were eventually restored to their royal birthright but decided to found a new city for themselves and their followers. When they could not agree on its site, they used augury to seek the opinion of the gods. Romulus was sent the most favourable signs, and established a city on the Capitoline Hill, and created its sacred boundary; Remus insulted the new city and was killed. Romulus named the new city "Rome" after himself, appointed its first senate and organised its armies. Faced with a shortage of marriageable young women, he invented a religious festival, the Consualia, invited the neighbouring Sabines then kidnapped their daughters. Each of Rome's legendary or semi-legendary kings was associated with one or more of the religious institutions familiar to the later Republic. Tullus Hostilius and Ancus Marcius devised the fetial priests and their rites. The first "outsider" Etruscan king, Lucius Tarquinius Priscus founded a Capitoline temple to Jupiter, Juno and Minerva which served as a later model for the highest official cult throughout the Roman world. The benevolent, divinely fathered Servius Tullius established the Latin League and built its Aventine Temple to Diana, and instituted the Compitalia to mark his social reforms. His arrogant successor (and murderer) Tarquinius "the Proud" was expelled, and Rome became a Republic, run by annually appointed consuls.

Correction to the lies of the White Mans History Contrary to the racist revisionism of modern Whites: Rome, like Greece, was a multi-ethnic, multi-racial society. With many Black or mixed-race kings, Black Popes, Black Commanders, soldiers, sailors, and of course citizens. (Being mindful of the White mans propensity for manufacturing fake artifacts to show Whites, there is no guarantee that the following Busts are accurate). And of course, much of our current crop of Greek and Roman sculpture are 18th 19th century creations. We oftentimes compare Coins with Busts to ascertain the truth. But unfortunately, Whites are also expert at creating perfect fake coins, which look like ancient coins, so there is no guarantee there either. The one saving grace, is that with Black kings, the fabricators will sometimes leave a hint of Blackness in the image, rather than making it appear pure White. Thus from that hint, we can extrapolate.

Trajan Emperor Trajan (53–117 AD) was Roman Emperor from 98 A.D. until his death. Officially declared by the senate as optimus princeps ("the best ruler"), Trajan is remembered as a successful soldier-emperor who presided over the greatest military expansion in Roman history, leading the empire to attain its maximum territorial extent by the time of his death. He is also known for his philanthropic rule, overseeing extensive public building programs and implementing social welfare policies, which earned him his enduring reputation as the second of the Five Good Emperors who presided over an era of peace and prosperity in the Mediterranean world.

According to the Wiki article: "Plaster casts of the relief were taken in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. After a century of acid pollution, they are now more legible in some details than the original."

Implied in that statement, is that the first 1,800 years exposed to the elements did little damage, it was the last 100 years where the "Real" damage occurred. Therefore these plaster casts showing the Romans as Albino people are accurate! Of course those casts are typical Albino falsifications, the same as was done to almost every piece of historical artifact that they got their hands on. And as usual, they use a stupid lie, believable to only the most motivated fools, to cover it up.

Which Caracalla is the Fake???

From the full text of "The Scriptores historiae augustae

(The Historia Augusta) with an English translation". djvu.txt

VIII. Now when the confusion in the state was at its height, inasmuch as it was made known that there were three several emperors, Septimius Severus, Pescennius Niger, and Clodius Albinus, the priest of the Delphic Apollo was asked which of them as emperor would prove of most profit to the state, whereupon, it is said, he gave voice to a Greek verse as follows :

"Best is the Dark One, the African good, but the worst is the White One." PESCENNIUS NIGER VIII. 2 IX. And in this response it was clearly understood that Niger was meant by the Dark One, Severus by the African, and Albinus by the White One. Thereupon the curiosity of the questioners was aroused, and they asked who would really win the empire. To this the priest replied with further verses somewhat as follows : "Both of the Black and the White shall the life-blood be shed all untimely; Empire over the world shall be held by the native of Carthage." And then when the priest was asked who should succeed this man, he gave answer, it is said, with another Greek verse : "He whom the dwellers above have called by the surname of Pius." But this was altogether unintelligible until Bassianus took the name Antoninus, 1 which was Pius' true surname. And when finally they asked how long he

should rule, the priest is said to have replied in Greek as follows : "Surely with twice ten ships he will cleave the Italian waters, Only let one of his barques bound o'er the plain of the sea." From this they perceived that Severus would round out twenty years. 417


The Albino people of today, who are invaders from Central Asia in the modern era: Germanics, Slavs, and Turks; are degenerate fakers of history, so as to make it appear that they participated in the making of Western History. To this end they not only lie and make up false history, they also create fake artifacts of every kind. Here are some things to look out for with the Bronzes.

A perfect example of the difference between the White Mans History: and "Real" factual History!

The legend of Saint Maurice and the Theban legion (circa 250 A.D.) St. Maurice was an Egyptian from Thebes in Upper Egypt, and General (primicerius) of the Theban Legion. The Theban legend relates that the legion, composed entirely of Christians, had been called from Thebes in southern Egypt, to suppress a revolt of the Bagandae (also Christians) in Gaul (now Saint-Maurice Switzerland). After victory, the soldiers were ordered to sacrifice (Bagandae prisoners?) to the gods in thanksgiving by Roman Emperor Maximian Herculius. But at Maurice’s urging, they refused. Every tenth soldier was then killed (decimation). Another order to sacrifice and another refusal caused a second decimation, and then a general massacre of the Legion. (A Roman legion was typically composed of perhaps 6,000 soldiers, divided into "cohorts" and further divided into "centuries"). So reads the earliest account of their martyrdom, contained in the public letter of Eucherius, bishop of Lyon (434–450), addressed to his fellow bishop Salvius. Alternate versions have the legion refusing Maximian's orders only after discovering a town they had just destroyed had been inhabited by innocent Christians. And some have Maurice as a captain of the legion. This legend and its historical implications are a wonderful example of the pathetic racism and outrageous stupidity; of the nonsense Whites try to pass of as history. Lets deconstruct this nonsense for examination. First, Maurice is not an Egyptian name. Now lets look at the logistics of this: If Emperor Maximian was in Rome at the time he sent for Maurice, it would have taken a minimum of 32 days for the message to reach Maurice. It would have taken Maurice 15-30 days to gather up his 6,000 men and supplies for the journey. On his 80 day (armies travel slow) 2,000 mile journey to Switzerland he would have PASSED Rome. All told, 4-5 months have passed: the Bagandae couldn’t have been much of a threat, and Emperor Maximian must have been very weak militarily. So then, exactly who were the Roman troops with the strength to impose a decimation, and then a massacre, on Maurice’s 6,000 strong Army? Pure nonsense! Maurice is said to have the title of "Primicerius". But in the military, the use of the term was restricted to units associated with the imperial court, chiefly imperial guards. WHAT WOULD THE IMPERIAL GUARD BE DOING IN EGYPT? Worst yet logically - PERMANENTLY STATIONED THERE? Pure nonsense! Maurice died 287 A.D. Eucherius, Bishop of Lyon, discovered his story, and wrote about him in about 450 A.D. THEN about ONE THOUSAND years LATER: Whites SUDDENLY started making Statues and Paintings of Maurice in MEDIEVAL UNIFORM, not ROMAN UNIFORM! Pure nonsense! Why would Whites need to come up with such a ridicules story? Simple: they needed an explanation for the presence of a prominent Black man in Europe. There are just too many statues and paintings of him to hide or destroy, and replace with White depictions of him – as they usually do. So that ridiculous story was the only way to explain his presence in Europe. Take note that they were careful to place his origin in Africa. Because as we all know, that is the only place Blacks were found in those days – according to the nonsense of Whites.

So who was Maurice? Owing to the fact that he became the Patron saint of the Germany based, Holy Roman Empire: He was probably a Celt from what is now Germany. But to be clear - the images of Black knights commonly called Saint Maurice by Albino historians WERE REAL BLACK KNIGHTS of the medieval period! Research has revealed that the one above was Ulrich von Hutten (1488 – 1523) who was a German scholar, poet and reformer. He was an outspoken critic of the Roman Catholic Church and a bridge between the humanists and the Lutheran Reformation. He was a leader of the Imperial Knights of the Holy Roman Empire. Btw - It appears that in the medieval, ALL knights were Black, as there are few authentic images of Albino knights.

Roman Citizens

The next wave of Whites/Albinos from Central Asia

At the turn of the "modern Era" (year "0" A.D.) The Mongol Huns chased the Dravidian Albino Germanic's and Slav's out of Asia. We have no good single source to explain the expulsion of the Albino Germanic's and Slav's from Central Asia. Consequently several sources must be referenced:

See: The Roman historian Jordanes, his book on the history of the Goths, called "Getica" (circa 551 A.D.) See: The Byzantine historian Zosimus (491-518), his book "Historia Nova" See: The historian Priscus (circa 450 A.D.) See: Ammianus Marcellinus (325–391) a fourth-century Roman historian. Note: excerpts from those sources are in the "Eastern Europe" page (Main menu).

Six hundred years later, another group of Mongols chased the last of the Dravidian Albinos out of Asia - The Turks. We do not have a good single source for the expulsion of the Germanic's and Slav's, but the following is a good, not overly complicated, source for the Turks.

The Turks

The End of Europe's Middle Ages Origins of the Ottoman Empire

Pressured out of their homes in the Asian steppes by the Mongols, the Turkish tribes converted to Islam during the eighth and ninth centuries. By the tenth century, one of the Turkish tribes, the seljuk , had become a significant power in the Islamic world and had adopted a settled life that included Islamic orthodoxy, a central administration, and taxation. However, many other Turkish groups remained nomadic and, pursuing the gazi tradition, sought to conquer land for Islam and to acquire war booty for themselves. This led them into conflict with the Seljuk Turks, and to pacify the nomadic tribes, the Seljuks directed them to the eastern domain of the Byzantine Empire, Anatolia. The tribe known as the Ottomans arose from one of the smaller emirates established in northwestern Anatolia after 1071. The dynasty was named for Osman (1259-1326), who began to expand his kingdom into the Byzantine Empire in Asia Minor, moving his capital to Bursa in 1326.

The above passage is from the University of Calgary's tutorial "The End of Europe's Middle Ages" which is designed to assist those students engaged in Renaissance, Reformation and Early Modern studies who lack a background in medieval European history. Intended to provide a brief overview of the conditions at the end of Europe's Middle Ages, the tutorial is presented in a series of chapters that summarize the economic, political, religious and intellectual environment of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The main objective of the tutorial is to furnish a baseline against which the vast changes of the following centuries may be measured. In the main, the tutorial is

rudimentary, but the part on the Turks is quite good, that is why it is listed here. Access the Turks here:>> Access the Main page here:>>

The Germanic's and Slav's The point has been made in these pages, many times, that modern Whites are derived from Central Asian Albinos, who invaded Europe in the early modern era. And that modern Whites have little relationship to Ancient Europeans, Greeks or Romans. To make this point, we quote "Cornelius Tacitus" (who was likely a Celt, 56 - 117 A.D.) He was a senator, and a historian of the Roman Empire: We quote from his book, The Germania (Latin: De Origine et situ Germanorum, literally Concerning the Origin and Situation of the Germanics).

Cornelius Tacitus, Germany and its Tribes The Germans themselves I should regard as aboriginal, and not mixed at all with other races through immigration or intercourse. For, in former times, it was not by land but on shipboard that those who sought to emigrate would arrive; and the boundless and, so to speak, hostile ocean beyond us (the north Sea), is seldom entered by a sail from our world. And, beside the perils of rough and unknown seas, who would leave Asia, or Africa, or Italy for Germany, with its wild country, its inclement skies, its sullen manners and aspect, unless indeed it were his home? In their ancient songs, their only way of remembering or recording the past, they celebrate an earth-born god, Tuisco, and his son Mannus, as the origin of their race, as their founders. The name Germany, on the other hand, they say, is modern and newly introduced, from the fact that the tribes which first crossed the Rhine and drove out the Gauls, and are now called

Tungrians, were then called Germans. Thus what was the name of a tribe, and not of a race, gradually prevailed, till all called themselves by this self-invented name of Germans, which the conquerors had first employed to inspire terror. For my own part, I agree with those who think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of inter-marriages with foreign nations, and that they appear as a distinct, unmixed race, like none but themselves. Hence, too, the same physical peculiarities throughout so vast a population. All have fierce blue eyes, red hair, (classic Albinism), huge frames, fit only for a sudden exertion. They are less able to bear laborious work. Heat and thirst they cannot in the least endure; to cold and hunger their climate and their soil inure them.

Decline of the Roman Empire

When Constantine became the sole Roman Emperor in 324, Christianity became the leading religion of the empire. After the death of Constantine in 337, two of his sons, Constantius II and Constans took over the leadership of the empire. Constans, ruler of the western provinces, was like his father, a Christian. In 341, he decreed that all pre-Christian Graeco Roman worship and sacrifice should cease; warning those who still persisted in practising ancient Graeco-Roman polytheism with the threat of the death penalty. Lay Christians took advantage of new anti-Graeco-Roman polytheism laws by destroying and plundering the temples. Temples that survived were converted into Christian churches: the Pantheon is the most notable example, having once been a temple to all the gods and later, removing the statues of the socalled 'pagan' gods and replacing them with Christian saints, becoming a

church in honor of their own one god. Many of the buildings in the Roman Forum were similarly converted, preserving the structures if not their original intent. Later on, the emperor Julian the Apostate attempted to reverse the process of Christianization and bring back the native forms of polytheism, but his death in Persia caused the empire to once again fall under the power of Christian control, this time permanently.

The decline of the Roman Empire was a slow process, which occurred over a period of over 350 years. Beginning at about 100 A.D. and culminating on September 4, 476, when Romulus Augustus, the last Emperor of the Western Roman Empire, was deposed by Odoacer, a Germanic chieftain. Though by appearance, Odoacer was probably a Celt/Gaul: they being the original people of Germany. With the actual true (White) Germaic's following. Note that Odoacers hair stands straight up, White peoples hair cannot do that naturally. (Laugh at the example if you will, but the point still holds true, also note Vercingetorix's hair).

Today's descendants of the Germanic, Slav, and Turk Albinos from Central Asia, have so confused and obfuscated history with their false accounts and fake artifacts, that it is impossible at this time, to say definitively what the hierarchy of ancient western Rome was like, (from artifacts, we know that the Eastern Empire was ruled by Blacks). What little that we do have of artifactual evidence, suggests that like the Eastern Empire, the Western Empire was also ruled by Blacks. This painting of unknown provenance and period, may well be fanciful, but we feel that it accurately depicts the hierarchy of the Western Roman Empire.

Charlemagne Rome's replacement "The Holy Roman Empire" was a realm that existed for about a millennium in West and Central Europe: ruled by a Holy Roman Emperor. Charlemagne (meaning Charles the Great; possibly 742 – 28 January 814 - King of the Franks). He expanded the Frankish kingdom (France) into an empire that incorporated much of Western and Central Europe. During his reign, he conquered Italy and was crowned Imperator Augustus by Pope Leo III on 25 December 800 A.D. This temporarily made him a rival of the Byzantine Emperor in Constantinople. His rule is also associated with the Carolingian Renaissance, a revival of art, religion, and culture through the medium of the Catholic Church. Through his foreign conquests and internal reforms, Charlemagne helped define both Western Europe and the Middle Ages. He is numbered as Charles I in the regnal lists of Germany (where he is known as Karl der GroĂ&#x;e), the Holy Roman Empire, and France. He was crowned Emperor of the Romans in 800 A.D. and was then the forerunner of the Holy Roman Emperors, largely because he had inaugurated the tradition of imperial coronation by the Pope of the Catholic Church. This continued as a significant institution in the Holy Roman Empire until the 16th century. In a decree following the 1512 Diet of Cologne, the name was officially changed to Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. Charlemagne's policy of "renovatio Romanorum imperii" (reviving the Roman Empire) remained at least in theory, as the official position of the Empire until its end in 1806. Was Charlemagne a Black man? At this point there is no way to know - and that information is not likely to be forthcoming. But it appears that contrary to

what Whites say, the Franks were probably a "Native" NOT Germanic people. As such, Charlemagne would have indeed, probably been a Black man. But because Whites have so interwoven European history with lies, there are really no safe assumptions, and no safe place to start.

As to the false Coin: In 1861, Charlemagne's tomb was opened by scientists who reconstructed his skeleton and estimated it to be measured 74.9 inches (190 centimeters). A modern study based on the dimensions of his tibia estimate his height as 1.84 m. This puts him in the 99th percentile of tall people of his period given that average male height of his time was 1.69 m. The width of the bone suggest he was gracile not robust in body build. So at least one thing we know for sure: that COIN image is NOT of Charlemagne. But what's new, Whites routinely use fake artifacts to bolster their lies. Charlemagne was actively and personally involved in wars into distant lands throughout his 46 year reign - Fat guys don't get around like that! So whoever decided to falsely use that coin, didn't even know the history of the man. But there is no ambiguity about Charlemagne's successor as Holy Roman Emperor: Otto I, he was most certainly a Black man!

Holy Roman Emperor: Otto I

Note: Otto I is the Black Freising King on the "Coat of Arms" of the current Pope: Pope Benedict XVI, who is of German extraction.

Otto I, the Great (23 November 912 in Wallhausen – 7 May 973 in Memleben), son of Henry I the Fowler and Matilda of Ringelheim, was Duke of Saxony, King of Germany, King of Italy, and "the first of the Germans to be called the emperor of Italy" according to Arnulf of Milan. While Charlemagne had been crowned emperor in 800, his empire had been divided amongst his grandsons, and following the assassination of Berengar of Friuli in 924, the imperial title had lain vacant for nearly forty years. Otto succeeded his father as king of the Saxons in 936, on February 2, 962, Otto was crowned Emperor of what would later become the Holy Roman Empire.

Edith of England (910 – 26 January 946), also spelt Eadgyth or Ædgyth, was the daughter of Edward the Elder, King of England and Ælfflæd. Her paternal grandparents were Alfred the Great, King of Wessex, and his wife Ealhswith. (The obvious corollary is that Edith came from a long line of Black British royalty). Click Here for more on Black British Royalty: Click >>> In order to seal an alliance between two Saxon kingdoms, her halfbrother, King Athelstan of England, sent two of his sisters to Germany, instructing the Duke of Saxony (later Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor) to choose whichever one pleased him best. Otto chose Edith and married her in 929. The remaining sister Algiva or Adiva was married to a "king near the Jupiter mountains" (the Alps). The precise identity of this sister is debated. She may have been Eadgifu of England, who married King Charles III of France, or another sister otherwise unknown to history. As queen, Eadgyth undertook the usual state duties of a Queen: when she turns up in the records it is generally in connection with gifts to the state's favoured monasteries or memorials to female holy women and saints. In this respect she seems to have been more diligent than her now widowed and subsequently sainted mother-in-law Queen Matilda whose own charitable activities only achieve a single recorded mention from the period of Eadgyth's time as queen. There was probably rivalry between the Benedictine Monastery of St Maurice founded at Magdeburg by Otto and Eadgyth in 937, a year after coming to the throne and Matilda's foundation at Quedlinburg Abbey, intended by her as a memorial to her husband, the late King Henry I. Like her brother, Athelstan, Edith was devoted to the cult of Saint Oswald and was instrumental in introducing this cult into Germany after her marriage to the emperor. Her

lasting influence may have caused certain monasteries and churches in Saxony to be dedicated to this saint. Eadgyth died at a relatively young age. Her tomb is located in the Cathedral of Magdeburg, Germany. A lead coffin inside a stone sarcophagus with her name on it was found and opened in 2008 by archaeologists during work on the building. An inscription recorded that it was the body of Eadgyth, reburied in 1510. It was examined in 2009, then brought to Bristol, England, for tests in 2010. Professor Mark Horton of Bristol University said that "this may prove to be the oldest complete remains of an English royal." Edith and Otto's children were: 1. Liutgarde, married Conrad the Red, 2. Liudolf, Duke of Swabia (930-September 6 957)

Click Here for medieval Christian frescos from northern Greece: Click >>>

Click Here for histories and images of some of the first Christians: Click >>>

From the words of Cornelius Tacitus, and others: Herodotus, Xenophanes, it is clear that the ancient Romans and Greeks did NOT look like the White, Blue-eyed, Red haired Germaic's. And of course from modern studies, we know that aside from being Germaic, the modern populations also have significant Turk admixture. But just WHO were these White Germanic invaders?

Major Germanic Peoples: English, Norwegians, Danes/Denmark, Franks/France, Goths/Spain, Saxons, Finni, Flemish, Icelanders, Frisians, Gall, Batavians, Calucones, Dutch, Helisii, Ingvaeones (North Sea Germans), Irminones (Elbe Germans), Istvaeones (Rhine-Weser Germans), Jutes, Juthungi, Lombards or Langobardes, Ostrogoths, Teutons, Vagoth, Vandals, Vangiones, Vargiones, Varini, Varisci, Vinoviloth, Viruni, Visburgi, Visigoths, Vispi. (Pretty much all of Modern Europe, isn't it).

The European Dark Ages The "Dark Ages" is a term referring to the perceived period of both cultural and economic deterioration as well as disruption that took place in Western Europe following the decline of the Roman Empire: the phrase was first recorded in 1602. Originally, the term characterized the bulk of the Middle Ages as a period of intellectual darkness between the extinguishing of the light of Rome, and the Renaissance or rebirth from the 14th century onwards. The concept of a Dark Age originated with the Italian scholar Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca) in the 1330s, and was originally intended as a sweeping criticism of the character of Late Latin literature. Petrarch regarded the postRoman centuries as "dark" compared to the light of classical antiquity. Later

historians expanded the term to refer to the transitional period between Roman times and the High Middle Ages, including not only the lack of Latin literature, but also a lack of contemporary written history, general demographic decline, limited building activity and material cultural achievements in general. Popular culture has further expanded on the term as a vehicle to depict the Middle Ages as a time of backwardness, extending its pejorative use and expanding its scope.

The Problem! Just as the Hellenes and Romans were an illiterate nomadic people, when they first entered Black Europe over a thousand years earlier. And just as they struggled to learn the ways and technologies of civilization, so it was also for the Germanic's. And just as before, there was a "Dark Ages" of regression, while they learned the ways of civilization. But unlike the Hellenes, the Germanic's did NOT attribute their inheritance of civilization to the rightful benefactor (albeit an unwilling benefactor), the Black ancients. They perhaps ignorantly, perhaps racistly, attributed it to the Classical Greeks. Though somewhat eclipsed by technology today, the sense of a legacy was strongly felt by post-Renaissance European elite, who saw themselves as the spiritual heirs of Greece. As late as 1939 Will Durant could write "excepting machinery, there is hardly anything secular in our culture that does not come from Greece," and conversely "there is nothing in Greek civilization that doesn't illuminate our own". Had it remained just a sense of debt to the ancient Greeks, the world would have been a much better place today. But it did not, the Germanic's not having any history of their own, decided to make one up, with the Hellenes and Romans as the base. They decided that they were the descendants of the Hellenes and Romans, but since they were White skinned, Blue-eyed, Blond haired, and the Hellenes and Romans were not. They decided to create statues and other artifacts depicting Hellenes and Romans as such. Then, perhaps as a "Snowballing" effect, they decided that ALL ancient civilizations must be White like them also: soon White Egyptian artifacts began to appear (exclusive of the legitimate Greek and Roman period type). Then ancient Europeans, Mesopotamian's, Hebrews, and Persians became White. Then with their success in wars of expansion and colonization, they decided that because they were so great, then everyone previous of any consequence must also have been White - and the requisite artifacts thus appeared. (All this from a people who just a few hundred years earlier, couldn't figure out why it was a bad idea to shit in the same places that you took your drinking water from).

Under the heading "Better late than Never" mainstream White media, in the form of "The Guardian" known until 1959 as The Manchester Guardian (founded 1821), a British national daily newspaper: for reasons unknown, has decided to acknowledge the obvious: Greece and Rome were NOT Albino societies or cultures, and decided to do a newsstory on it, Thursday 11 July 2013.

The headline: Ancient Greece, the Middle East and an ancient cultural internet The ancient Greek world is being recast from an isolated entity to one of many hybrid cultures in Africa and in the East Click here for link to the original newsstory (Note: The pictures associated with the newsstory are often incorrect).

The Turks The next, and final wave of White Asians, the Turks, continued their migrations into Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia, well into the modern era. And just like the previous Whites, they were bent on conquest. And just like the Germanic's, having no history, they decided to create a place in history for themselves. Thus they became the descendants of the Berbers, Egyptians, Mesopotamian's, Persians, Phoenicians, and Arabs - and oh yes, the Hebrews, vis-Ă -vis the Khazar Turks. Interestingly though, Turks in Turkey proper, are taught something quite different. In the Turkish Nations creation myth (a modern country with a creation myth?). From tomes: a large or scholarly book, produced by the Ministry of Education in 1932; Turks are taught that at the dawn of history, their ancestors, led by a mythical gray she-wolf, started migrating outwards from the heart of Central Asia. As the numbers of their people swelled and droughts dried the traditional grazing lands on the steppe, some of them, they are told, even crossed the Bering Strait into the Americas. Presumably

becoming the American Indians. In his later years, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (the founder of the modern Turkey nation), himself adopted a creed known as the "Sun Theory", which depicts the Turks as the mother race of all mankind, and proposed that all human languages are descendants of one proto-Turkic primal language. (Note: though the theory may sound outlandish, there is justification, and anecdotal evidence, for believing that at least the "North American Indian" was a Turk mulatto). Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, taught that the Turks discovered the America's fifty years before Christopher Columbus. The proof of this assertion, he told journalist, was that the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean, had obviously been named by Turks, especially since their capital was called Grand Turk. (The islands are in fact named after a fez-shaped cactus). Under the heading "This is Backwards": Just as Albino media seems reconciled to the fact that the truth of Greece and Rome will get out. They seem determined to continue to pass-off the Turks and Turk mulattoes, of North Africa, Arabia, Middle-East, and West Asia, as original people: rather than the recent invaders that they are. Obviously this serves to continue the myth that the original people of those areas were other than Black Africans. But unfortunately for those purveyors of falsehood, many 19th century writers had already acknowledged, and wrote about the Turk conquest and rule over parts of Europe, Arabia, the Middle East, North Africa, etc. Needless to say, the primary subject matter of these books is of no interest to us, and may in fact be contrary to our position. Prince Michael's Kingdom: A Review of the Epochs of Creation, and of the Bible History by Charles R. Harvey (1880) Link to book The Christian Observer [Afterw.] the Christian Observer and Advocate by Anonymous Author (1867) Link to Book A chronological, geographical and historical view of the ancient and modern world, from the earliest period to 1850 (1851) Link to Book The Christian guardian - and Church of England magazine (1833) Link to Book

The Worlds Greatest Painter: Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni - 6 March 1475 – 18 February 1564.

Michelangelo left no documented self-portrait. The often fanciful portraits, said to have been done by his contemporary artists, are of course not accurate, or done by his contemporaries, except the Ghisi engraving. His contemporaries would have known exactly what he looked like, and there would not have been such variation in his appearance as depicted in the various portraits that now exist ( Whites do lie about these things). The description by the 16th century painter and art historian Giorgio Vasari is all there is. It seems that in reality, Michelangelo wasn't exactly a refined man, according to Vasari, "he wore stockings of dogskin constantly for months together, so that when he took them off the skin of the leg often came away with them."

The only known self-portrait of the artist, is scratched into the margin of one of Michelangelo's poems. It is said that the image is a sort of caricature of the artist, done during the years he was painting the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. The drawing is described as showing him with cartoon-like features including huge eyes and hair standing straight up on ends." Interestingly, no photograph of the drawing seems to exist.

Regardless, the anecdotal information like Ghisi's engraving, clearly indicates that Michelangelo was a Black man. And it is the Black man Michelangelo who shows us what a "Slave" really looked like in past times. Not surprisingly, it is completely opposite to what the Albino people say.

Wiki: The Dying Slave is a sculpture by the Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo. Created between 1513 and 1515, it was to serve with another figure, the Rebellious Slave, at the tomb of Pope Julius II. It is a marble figure 2.15 metres (7' 4") in height, and is held at the Louvre, Paris.

A painter must paint that which the customer demands. But the problem of reconciling the incongruities of the scene above - Black Parents, White Children - seems to be reflected in the faces of Jacob and Michelangelo.

Who are these modern White (Albino) Europeans? Through means and methods that we can still only guess at, these least of all humans, both numerically and otherwise, had managed to gain control over much of the world. Though that control is now waning, many, especially the uneducated, are still dependent on them to tell us exactly who they are. But even this simple task is complicated by the fact that these people once claimed to be native to Europe, and today, the uneducated still do. Therefore their researchers and educators tend to lie and double-talk as relates to the origins of the European Albinos.

The Germanics: This is particularly true of the Germanics: The basic ethnic stock in the composition of the modern peoples of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Northern Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, North and central France, Lowland Scotland, and England. When we go to the Encyclopedia to look-up Germanics, we are greeted with pure nonsense as to their origins. But when we use a lateral approach, such as looking up their former tormentors, the Huns, then we see more truthful entries.

Encyclopedia: The Huns The Huns occupied North China from the 3rd century until 581. Having swept across Asia, they invaded the lower Volga valley (Russia - see map) c.372 and advanced westward, pushing the Germanic Ostrogoths and Visigoths before them and thus precipitating the great waves of migrations (into Europe) that destroyed the Roman Empire and changed the face of Europe. Bibliography See T. Hodgkin, Italy and Her Invaders, Vol. I (rev. ed. 1892, repr. 1967); W. M. McGovern, Early Empires of Central Asia (1939); E. A. Thompson, A History of Attila and the Huns (1948); F. Teggart, China and Rome (1969, repr. 1983); J. D. Maenchen-Helfen, The World of the Huns (1973).

Writing Blacks out-of-History One of the great successes's of the Albino people, has been their success in writing Blacks out-of-History. As can clearly be seen from the preceding artifacts, not only are Blacks the original settlers of Europe, but all throughout history, at every step, they have been the preeminent people. Example: Greeks in the person of Alexander, took Egypt from the Persians who had conquered it, and ruled Egypt from 332 to 30 B.C. The Romans took it from them, and ruled from 30 B.C. to 640 A.D. at which point the Arabs took it from them. In Egypt, the Europeans buried their dead in Egyptian style, but in cemeteries exclusively for them. Typical of these European cemeteries are those at the Fayum/Faiyum Oasis, 62 miles southwest of Cairo. The Mummy Portraits at Fayum demonstrate that Greeks and Romans were Blacks and Whites, but in the main "Mulattoes".

As we can see from this portrait, almost a century after Benjamin Franklin's 1751 essay titled "America as a Land of Opportunity" (where he declared that all of Europe's people were of a "swarthy complexion") except the English and the Saxons: Europe was still full of "swarthy Complexion people" (Mulattoes ). But the constant killings and expulsions of European Blacks as a result of the English Civil War (1642), and the Thirty years Wars (1618–1648) in continental Europe: (which were really "Race" wars), left few Blacks in Europe for this type of person to mate with. The result has been an inexorable Whiting of Europe's population through inbreeding: and the associated shrinking of the European gene pool. Today, Europeans have the smallest genetic diversity of all, and the greatest risk of

inherited disease.

Click here for a link to the essay at the University of Houston

Closing thoughts: Let us end with a rather sad observation: As we have seen, the Albino peoples history is a totally made-up contrivance, devoid of much truth at all. Likewise is their definition of themselves: they steadfastly refuse to believe/acknowledge that they are Albinos, yet every honest study that they have ever done for themselves, clearly shows that they are indeed either Albinos, or the much more numerous and darker ones, those who are "derived" from Albinos, (through admixture with Black Europeans). By way of example, let us look at a 1997 study done by Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, who is an Italian population geneticist born in Genoa, who has been a professor at Stanford University since 1970 (now emeritus).

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