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Safeguarding Policy SAFE GUARDING POLICY Flat Stan First Aid Limited is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people and this requires all staff, representatives and visitors to share this commitment. Signing in and out We understand different establishments have different policies and we may be required to sign in and out of the establishment and we may be issued with a visitors badge. We understand the badge will be worn at all times. Keeping everyone safe As we are working with children we will ensure all necessary safeguarding checks have been carried out including Enhanced DBS disclosure. We will always be a positive role model by behaving in a mature, respectful, fair, safe and considered manner. We will NOT photograph students or exchange emails, phone numbers or share your details. We will not have any physical contact with the children unless it is to demonstrate procedures and offer assistance. We will always ask the student if they agree to the contact. Our responsibility All those who come into contact with children through their work whilst representing Flat Stan First Aid Limited are responsible for their own actions and behaviour. We all have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils. If we hear, see or read anything which troubles us about a child we will not ignore it. Even the smallest thing can be an indication of a bigger problem and it is important that all concerns are passed on to the appropriate safeguarding team. What is abuse? Any form of neglect, physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment or lack of care that leads to harm or injury. It can happen to any child regardless of their age, gender, race or ability. If a child discloses to us we will not let the moment pass as we understand the child might not have the confidence to try again. We will listen, tell the student that we need to tell someone else and we will not promise confidentiality. We will make accurate notes of what has been said by the student and pass this immediately to the designated safeguarding lead / DSL.

Recording our concerns We will include : The nature of our concern, what evidence led to the concern, details of what the child said ( if anything ), what we did or said in response ( if anything ), the date and time of any disclosure. Concerns about a member of staff or volunteer. We will record the concerns as above and speak to a senior member of staff at the school, preferably the Headteacher and raise the concerns with Simon Ferris at Flat Stan First Aid Limited. Use of mobile phones We will follow the schools policy regarding the use of mobile phones. In any event we will not use mobile phones during any teaching sessions without the express permission of a supervising member of staff. No photographs using a mobile phone will be taken unless agreed in advance by the Headteacher or Safeguard Lead.

Flat Stan Reviews Dear Simon On behalf of The Community Enterprise Centre we would like to say a HUGE thank you for coming to do a Children's First Aid presentation to the children of Ridgeway Infants School, Littleover, Derby. They were thoroughly excited and well behaved to learn from what you delivered. Both teachers and helpers present learned something new that they could take back with them to apply in life. Your talks and practicals were both engaging and confidence building to all concerned. We hope we will be able to work with you in the near future, but in the mean time it just leaves me to say thank you once again for the superb input and making The Community Safety Day Event a two day success! Kind Regards Alma Greer The Community Enterprise Centre 3/4 April 2019 -----------------------------Hi Leanne I just wanted to drop you a line to say a massive thank you for the fantastic first aid course we took part in today. Simon was great and did a brilliant job of getting across important information in a relaxed, enjoyable way. The children absolutely LOVED it and they were all keen to go home and teach their parents!

Thank you so much, and hopefully we'll be seeing 'Flat Stan' again soon. Regards, Leeanna Sharpness Primary School, Berkeley, Gloucester. -----------------------------A HUGE THANK YOU On the 30th August 2019 while I had gone to the toilet leaving my 1 and 7 year old children for 2 minutes, my 1 year old son swallowed a 5p coin. Thanks to the amazing fast actions of Charlotte, his 7 year old sister he is absolutely fine. The hospital said she saved him from at least needing surgery, if not his life. When I told Charlotte what the hospital had said she said that she learnt it in "Flat Stanley first aid". I googled Flat Stanley First Aid and discovered Flat Stan First Aid. it comes up with you. Charlotte took part in a Flat Stan First Aid workshop when she was at infant school and I believe the skills she learnt saved her brothers life. I 100% agree with Simon from Flat Stan First Aid that children can be amazing in a crisis and with first aid knowledge can be little life savers. Well as Charlotte has proven this. I believe all primary school children should be taught First Aid and it is great to hear First Aid is going to form part of the school curriculum. I think everyone, regardless of age, should have basic first aid knowledge. I have done a variety of first aid courses myself going back to when I was young and it has stuck with me. Charlotte has been asking to go to another First Aid workshop again. I cannot thank Simon enough for what he and Flat Stan First Aid are doing. Rachael (Charlottes mum) -----------------------------We booked the Flat Stan first aid sessions as an activity for our 2017 science week. We were impressed by their helpful manner in organising what was the best programme for us and their positive attitude and professionalism. Our children from the foundation stage to year 6, including children with a variety of SEN experienced a session throughout the day. Simon had a lovely way with the children and listened to their comments and questions with real interest. Children reported to their teachers that they enjoyed the sessions and now know why they need "to make them cough when they are choking." (Year 1 child). Staff particularly liked the simple Flat Stan manikins that were used with the children. We felt that this put the children at ease. We had a super day with Flat Stan and would happily make it part of our science week again. Sue Evans - Science lead at Phoenix Primary School

-----------------------------We approached Flat Stan to deliver first aid training to all of our year two pupils in January 2017. Pupils and staff found the workshops really engaging and ageappropriate. Pupils developed a good understanding of different ways to respond in an emergency situation and the booklet they were provided with enabled them to share this with their families. Parents and carers were also really positive about the workshops and valued their child's develop, met of key skills in this area. We would definitely recommend Flat Stan first aid training to any school and will be adding this training to our core provision moving forwards. In a recent Ofsted inspection, inspectors were positive about the first aid training pupils received (report available on our school website). Michael Scott Deputy Head Teacher - Someries Infant and Nursery School – Luton, Beds.

-----------------------------Hi Simon, I thought I needed to email you before the day is over and as Keith is doing such an amazing job! ( Keith Mewes Snr) I haven't been able to stay for a session, but have seen the children afterwards and they have been so excited and couldn't wait to tell me what they had learnt. I think they now want to take this role on in school! The staff who have attended the sessions, cannot speak highly enough of Keith, how he has presented the teaching and learning, his style and manner with the children....a true professional. As an ex nurse, I feel these life skills are so important and we have several children within our school who are carers or share a caring role for their older siblings with medical conditions that are life threatening. This has been brilliant and thank you. Kind regards Liz Ginger - Deputy Headteacher - Swallow Dell Primary School

-----------------------------"Can I just say how engaging the sessions were. As you know this fitted in perfectly with our Emergency 999 topic in year 2. The children asked questions and shared their knowledge and really enjoyed the opportunity to practise their learnt first aid skills on each other when they applied bandages and slings. They worked collaboratively and supported each other. Sam was a fabulous trainer and we very much look forward to you working with us again."

Carol Rickleton - Brookland Infant and Nursery School - London

-----------------------------The end of term saw students participating in First Aid Workshop courtesy of Flat Stan, a company dedicated to introducing children everywhere to Essential Life Skills so that now or later on in life they will know what to do in an emergency so that they can help themselves and others – and all live happily ever after! We had a first aid event at school. I thought it was cool. I like first aid; we learnt how to do CPR. We also learnt how to deal with a cut and also how to bandage an arm. The guy who taught us was Sam, he was funny. I had already done first aid before this so it was just a refresher for me, but I thought it was good that other people were learning this stuf. By Jodie, Year 10

Elm Court School – Lambeth

-----------------------------Hi Rhona, May I once again take the opportunity to say Thank You for providing such a professional, fun and educational experience for our Rainbows. I have had a few of the parents contact myself saying what an impact the session has had on their daughters and them also. As discussed with Simon I have and will continue to promote this excellent service within Primary Schools in the Kirklees area where I provide supply cover. One School is already looking into funding to enable ‘Flat Stan First Aid’ implement the programme to their year 5 and 6 students, enabling them to make informed and effective decisions in First Aid Keep up the excellent service and assistance in saving lives. Yours in Guiding Lande Yolande Preston 5th Sowerby Bridge Rainbows

GDPR Policy Your data and our GDPR policy

Our policies and procedures relating to the data we hold and how we use the data we hold. What data do we hold and how long do we keep it? If you booked a course with us then we will hold your data and your companies, organisation or schools data. We are required to do this for a number of reasons: So we can send you the materials for the workshops, arrange for our instructors to attend, so we can contact after the workshops for feedback. If you have attended or booked an adult First Aid course we keep information on all courses we run and for a minimum of 5-years. Our policy will be to keep records for 6years unless awarding bodies or health and safety legislation require us to keep them longer. We also like to let you know when your company courses are due for renewal. We aim to let you know at least 1-month, but up to 6-months before a course is due for renewal. We will do this by email and or by calling you. We do not hold data relating to children who attend courses and this is in line with our safeguarding policy. You are an individual and have attended a course. If you attended a course with us, then you will have either attended an in house course, or a public course. Our policy will be to keep records for 6-years unless awarding bodies or health and safety legislation require us to keep them longer. The information we keep is as follows: In house course - we will have your name, the information on the course you attended along with whether you passed. For OFQUAL awarding body courses we will have your date of birth as well. If you are receiving this email we will also have your email address and phone number if you gave them to us in order that we may inform you of other courses and services. Public Course - we will have all the above, plus your address. You have ordered AED or First Aid Supplies. We have a policy to keep your data for the lifetime of the equipment we sent you. For AEDs it is our policy to keep your information, in case of any recalls or updates for your equipment. We will aim to let you know when AED Pad and Batteries are due for renewal. However it is your responsibility to maintain products and ensure items are replaced when they reach their expiry date. We accept no responsibility or liability regarding the expiration date of any products supplied by us.

We have purchased Business to Business Data in the past. Over the years we may have purchased some business to business data, to help us promote the services we offer. It is unlikely but there is a chance you receive our emails as a result of this.

What do we do with the data? There are a number of things we do with the data we hold: We use it to let you know when a qualification is due for renewal Keep it for statutory requirements linked to your qualification or product purchased. Let you know if there are any changes to legislation or best practice. We may let you know about any special offers. It will be used for the purpose of carriage, shipping and distributing certificates and or products to you. Let you know about public courses coming up. Let you know about any shows we are attending. Future newsletters In the event that we use newsletters they will be as follows: Monthly - remember your training videos - helpful reminders for elements of your training from a range of topics. There will be a different focus each month Monthly Offer of the Month Weekly - What in the news Weekly - Upcoming Public Courses Sale of data and sharing of data. We do NOT and will NOT sell personal data. We will only share data where necessary with awarding and statutory bodies for the purposes of certification, quality assurance and investigation. We keep all information secured. Only authorised and trained people will have access to the securely kept data. Freelance work and acting as your representative. If we are delivering training on your behalf, as your representative or as your agent we will not retain information of the attendees / your clients unless otherwise agreed. All original paperwork will be returned to you, unless otherwise agreed. We will not retain copies of original paperwork, information and or data unless otherwise agreed. We will only retain the following information: Title of course, date of course, venue, point of contact, contact information. As with all data this will be kept securely and not sold or shared without prior agreement. Any queries regarding our policies should be raised by email to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding. Our point of contact is Simon Ferris, info@flatstan-firstaid.co.uk Flat Stan First Aid Limited, GO1 Cromwell House, Elland Road, Brighouse, West Yorkshire, HD6 2RG


7SEP 2019

Flat Stan Life Saver by Simon Ferris | posted in: News | 0

On the 30th August 2019 7 year old Charlotte was at home when her mother left the room for a few minutes leaving Charlotte with her 1 year old brother. Charlotte realised her brother had put a 5 pence piece … Continued Share this:

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7SEP 2019

Summer News by Simon Ferris | posted in: News | 0

This summer has been a busy time for Flatstan. To find out more please read our summer news. Well where do we begin…For starters we have been named the UK’s Best Primary school First Aid Training Provider and we are … Continued Share this:

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children save lives, first aid, first aid for children, first aid for kids, flat stan, flatstan, ghana, lebanon, nigeria, QA Education Magazine, save lives, volunteer

6MAR 2019

Flat Stan and MedboX SAL by Simon Ferris | posted in: News | 0

We are proud to announce MedboX SAL are now delivering Flat Stan First Aid workshops across Lebanon. On the 20th February 2019 we visited the British Embassy in Beirut and announced our plans to introduce Children across Lebanon to First … Continued Share this:

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5JAN 2019

Flat Stan and 2019 by Simon Ferris | posted in: News | 0

Following on from a busy 2018 which saw the number of children that have taken part in our workshops exceed 45,000 across the UK we are ready to work with more children across the UK, Ghana and the Middle East … Continued Share this:

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children save lives, first aid, first aid for children, first aid for kids, flat stan, flatstan, QA Education Magazine, save lives, terstimonials, volunteer

17AUG 2018

See For Yourself! by Simon Ferris | posted in: News | 0

Please watch our first video that shows just what Flatstan is all about and how we teach kids the essentials of first aid. Share this:

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children save lives, first aid, first aid for children, first aid for kids, flat stan, flatstan, ghana, QA Education Magazine, save lives, terstimonials, volunteer

28APR 2018

Making A Difference In Ghana by Simon Ferris | posted in: News | 0

In April 2018 we visited the Cape Coast region of Ghana where we had the privilege of introducing almost 1,200 children to basic First Aid. This was a fantastic experience for everyone involved and in a region where there is … Continued Share this:

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29JAN 2018

I would highly recommend Flat Stan First Aid workshops to any school and any age group by Simon Ferris | posted in: News | 0

Someries Infant School has been working with Flat Stan First Aid Ltd. since 2016 Flat Stan First Aid deliver annual first aid workshops to our year two pupils. Pupils find the workshops extremely engaging due to their hand-on nature and … Continued Share this:

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29JAN 2018

The Workshops were Engaging and Purposeful by Simon Ferris | posted in: News | 0

May I take this opportunity to thank you for delivering the Flat Stan First Aid workshops to all our children at All Saints’ last week. You certainly created a ‘buzz’ around school and the children and their families have since … Continued Share this:

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11JAN 2018

One of reasons why children should be introduced to First Aid by Simon Ferris | posted in: News | 0

One of reasons why children should be introduced to First Aid As part of our school’s drive to safeguard children and their families, following on from Serious Case Reviews of parental deaths in the family home in other local authorities, … Continued Share this:

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20NOV 2017

Primary school pupils should be trained in first aid, says charity

by Simon Ferris | posted in: News | 0

A charity is calling for all primary school children in Scotland to be given first aid training in the hope of saving lives. St Andrew’s First Aid wants youngsters to learn vital skills such as how to put someone in … Continued Share this:

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   We are the UK's Best Primary School First Aid Training provider. Flat Stan First Aid Workshops introduce children to essential life skills, First Aid and CPR and approximately 70k children have taken part in workshops across the UK. Our partners include : MedboX SAL who deliver workshops in Lebanon. Servicore Limited who deliver workshops in Nigeria. First Intervention Ghana who deliver workshops in Ghana. Childrens University Trust (UK Charity) Cardiac Science. We are speaking about our projects, holistic approach and our goals at the GESS Education summit in Lagos on the 29th October 2019. # hashtag#firstaidtraining hashtag#firstaid hashtag#holisticapproach hashtag#educate hashtag#lebanon hashtag#nigeria hashtag#ghana hashtag#makeadifference hashtag#MedboXSAL hashtag#Servicore hashtag#FIG # hashtag#70kchildren

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