3 minute read
Consistent dye quality from one batch to the next
from Wool2Yarn Global
by Ely Torres
Consistent dye quality
Over the years a constant goal for most textile manufacturers has been to repeat the dyeing process by keeping the same batch result starting from the same bath recipe. Lawer has taken up this challenge by developing products capable of satisfying dyeing needs, becoming a worldwide leader in the production of automated color kitchens. Lawer has been a “reference point” in the global market since 1970. The company offers a range of products that ensures the repeatability of processes using both manual and robotized systems.
‘Safety is also guaranteed in compliance with the enforcement of the strictest European regulations. The Asian market, through many years of collaboration with Europeans, has understood the standards required by the biggest fashion labels and recognized Lawer as a reliable partner for quality achievements’, says Mr. Massimo Graziano, Area Sales Manager from Lawer Head Office in Italy. ‘Our systems are in constant demand thanks to the high level of automation, safety, sustainability and innovation in technologies.’

Consistent dye quality one batch to the next

The dyeing process has always required a large quantity of water, high consumption of energy, and chemicals and Lawer has developed systems to reduce such waste, gaining the worldwide recognized Green Label.
The single-pipe line employed in all systems guarantees contamination free, flexibility and reduction of water consumption thanks to customized and dedicated pipe sections, from the DN10 to the DN26.
The new generation of automated colour kitchens are making the processes safer and more environmentally sustainable, leading to a more responsible production cycle and remarkable reduction of costs.
Lawer supplies the industry with products, solutions and services to increase the reliability, safety and efficiency of dosing and dispensing operations for powders and liquids. Lawer takes a leading market position as a global products and solutions provider and it sets strong and high standards in all areas of its business via a worldwide presence. For more information about these systems please contact Mr. Massimo Graziano sales@lawer.com www.lawer.com
Buying & selling wool made easy online
Buying and selling wool is being made easier with the online platform - www.woolbuy.net This 24 hour interactive website is simple to use and free to all.
www.woolbuy.net now has over 3700 registered ‘users and features over 375 listings of wool, tops, and yarn from all over the world’, says Victor Chesky, CEO International Trade Publications (ITP). Simply log in and see what you can buy, or log-in and list your wool for sale. A Chinese version is also available - www.woolbuy.net ‘This website facilitates direct links between buyers and sellers. We are not a party to any financial transactions between buyers and sellers’, says Victor Chesky. ‘When you make an enquiry or buy wool you communicate directly with the seller, there are no other parties involved’. ITP is an independent publishing house. ‘We do not buy or sell wool, so users of this site can be assured that there is no conflict of interest.’ ITP also publishes a monthly online newsletter, www.woolnews.net, and international trade magazines including wool2yarn china.com and wool2yarnglobal.com
View us at www.woolbuy.net

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