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The Lo’ Down

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It was a Saturday evening in December, the end of a long week. My kids were both little and, for once, we were event-free—no events, no parties, nothing. The boys had just taken baths and were curled up with me in my room to watch some random animated movie. The dog was balled up at the foot of the bed. My husband joined in, squishing our two little monsters in between us, causing adjustments and then giggles. Once we had settled, I heard a happy sigh from my youngest, and I felt this “pause”—like in the movies, when one character is moving while everything else is frozen. I realized just then how bubbly I felt in that simple moment.

This was at a time in my life when I was completely focused on “my ultimate five year plan.” The end goals were surely the pinnacle of happiness and success, and I was in the zone! Health, family, career, finances, travel; you name it, I had it in there, all working like a myriad of clockwork gears. So many moving pieces. So many parts. So overwhelming.

While there is nothing wrong with challenging yourself and pushing each day to reach your goals, when that becomes all that matters, life is bland. It didn’t take long for me to realize that the little bubbles of joy along the way are worth just as much. Everything I ever wanted was right there that night, on that one mattress.

Over time and with the wisdom of age (insert laughter), I have tried to capture more of these blips of joy. I’ve tried gratitude journaling and amateur photography, but one started to feel like homework, and the other, while I love it, made it too easy to hide behind the lens instead of being in the moment. Instead, I find gratitude and joy in the “pause.” It is in those rare seconds when I take a quick inventory of people, place, and activity, that I find my deepest appreciation for the bigs and littles of my life. No one said it better than Brené Brown: “I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness—it’s right in front of me, if I’m paying attention.”

Happy Reading,

Nicole Soulsby, Editor

Editor’s Endorsement: Apples

As an upstate NY girl, I felt it was my duty to try them all. My favorite changes with my moods, but I’m a Fuji Apple fan all the way.

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