Understanding & Segmen/ng Your Customer – Part II GeCng the Right Customer For Your Marke<ng Message
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Know Your Customer Types
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
The Resistant Customer Mindset: Hates your company and holds deep resentment for your brand Ø Behavior: – Will spread nega<ve word of mouth wherever possible – Took their experience with your brand personally and is looking for revenge – Will defect to your compe<tor first chance they get Ø Loyalty: Zero Ø Possibility of Defec/on: Extremely High (you can’t save this group) Ø
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
The Indifferent Customer Mindset: Sees your company/product/ service as nothing more than a commodity Ø Behavior – Will always try to get lower prices to the point of near zero margin – They will promise volume or future business, but see li"le unique value in your offering – Always willing to walk away from the sale because they have other op<ons available Ø Loyalty: One Ø Possibility for Defec/on: Very High Ø
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
The Acceptant Customer Mindset: Expects your customer to provide the maximum of what’s asked and nothing more Ø Behavior: – Doesn’t think of your brand un<l absolutely necessary – Comes to you because you have become a habit or more convenient choice – Maybe aware of other, be"er op<ons, but simply hasn’t made the effort to pursue them Ø Loyalty: Two Ø Possibility for Defec/on: High – Customer expecta<ons can outpace what you provide Ø
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
The Preferen<al Customer Mindset: Has grown to like your brand and tends to understand the unique value that you provide Ø Behavior: – Most of us make the mistake of making this customer type the top of our customer pyramid – When given a choice, they will probably con<nue to use your brand – Very aware of industry trends and can surprise by defec<ng if you have not given them benefits or raised the bar on service or innova<on Ø Loyalty: Three Ø Possibility for Defec/on: Somewhat High Ø
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
The Evangelist Mindset: The pinnacle of the customer rela<onship and would buy anything you offer Ø Behavior: – They tell everyone they know about your company – Men<ons how sa<sfied they are even in casual conversa<ons – Your brand has become part of their life – Finds personal meaning with your brand – Worth their weight in gold because they do more to grow your business than any ad campaign Ø Loyalty: Four Ø Possibility for Defec/on: None Ø
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
The Customer Profile Who is my target customer?
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
When we talk about profiling customers, we start with the basics – or what is know as the old way….
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Old Way Standard Demographics Age, Race, Income, Educa<on, Family Size, Employment
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Now this way has given marketers a great deal of informa<on over the decades, it has not improved the marke<ng performance of our ac<vi<es and campaigns
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
The standard demographics are a very general way of looking at a customer – it gives us insights but not details which we need to drive our marke<ng
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Rs. 200,000+
Master’s Degree
Business Owner
Family of 2
Middle Eastern
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
This is the limita<on of the old way of marke<ng segmenta<on
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
New Way – Audience Segmenta/on GeCng to the root of your customer
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
When you use a audience segmenta<on method, you are be"er able to break down your customer into clear sets of detail that allow you to target them more effec<vely h"p://emagine-‐group.com
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Is audience segmenta<on just about behaviors?
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
When we work with this method, we start from a different point than the tradi<onal demographics
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Where do you think we start in this method?
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Life Roles are the different things that we are that make up our buying decisions.
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
When marketers start with life roles, we are be"er able to define our customer because different behaviors fall into the different roles we carry in life.
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
When you define someone’s life roles, you are be"er able to define their – behaviors, habits, interests and purchasing decisions
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Understanding Market Segmenta/on Learning How to Break Down Your Customer’s Into Groups
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Market segmenta/on is the process that companies use to divide large markets into small markets that can be reached more efficiently and effec<vely with products and services that match their unique needs h"p://emagine-‐group.com
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Market Segmenta<on
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Market Segmenta<on Divides the market into different geographical units such as na<ons, regions, states, coun<es, or ci<es
Divides buyers into different groups based on social class, lifestyle, or personality traits
Geographic segmenta/on
Psychographic segmenta/on
Demographic segmenta/on
Behavioral segmenta/on
Divides the market into groups based on variables such as age, gender, family size, income, occupa<on and educa<on
Divides buyers into groups based on their knowledge, aCtudes, uses, or responses to a product
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
How Do We Market To These Segments?
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Marke<ng Segmenta<on All
New vs. Returning
4 Key Products
8 Major Markets
16 Visitor Personas
100% of visitors
100% of visitors
1 segment = all
16 segments = all
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Market Targe<ng Mass
Undifferen<ated Marke<ng
Differen<ated Marke<ng
Concentrated Marke<ng
Targets the whole market with one offer Mass marke<ng Focuses on common needs rather than what’s different
Targets several different market segments and designs separate offers for each to achieve higher sales and stronger posi<on
Targets a small share of a large market Limited company resources Knowledge of the market More effec<ve and efficient
Prac<ce of tailoring products and marke<ng programs to suit the tastes of specific individuals and loca<ons
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Results from Mass Marke<ng Price
Direct Sales
Fill by ad networks
Volume h"p://emagine-‐group.com
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Results from Market Segmenta<on Price
Direct Sales
Audience-‐based selling
New Revenue
Fill by ad networks Volume h"p://emagine-‐group.com
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled
Results from Audience Targe<ng Price
Direct Sales
Audience-‐based selling
New Revenue Fill by ad networks
Brand Focused, Socially Ac<ve, Digitally Enabled