Iaan express 1 15 april 2016

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्य २.००


Editor-in-Chief Anuj Garg




1-15 अप्​्ैल 2016

मूल्य : 2 र्पये

Associate Editor Vandana Singh Student Editor Akshay Raina Editorial Team Anjali Priya Amit Kumar Jha Rehan Ahmed Samyantak Malhotra Rahul Khandalkar Indranil Nandi Aarzoo Aggarwal Shubranghi Goel Design & Distribution Management MediaGovernor

खबरों की 15 दिन की सतं​ंा ....

IAAN EXPRESS Team & Day with Guest

खबरों की १५ दिनों की सतं​ंा में भारत के सभी अखबारों ने पादकसं​ंान टीम का पठानकोट िौरा और बाि में पादकसं​ंान का इस हमले में शादमल होने से इंकार , चीन का भारत के साथ धोखा हो या केजरीवाल का इवन ओड ये सब चचंा​ा में रहे वही िूसरी और दवजय मालंया और उन पर कसता दशकंजा चचंा​ा में रहा तो मोिी और भाजपा का िदलत पंमंे भी उजागर हुआ। कुछ अखबारों की सुदख ं या ा रही लाखो की लूट तो कुछ की रही दबहार की शराबबंिी की िासं​ंान। ख़बरें कुछ और भी हो सकती थी पर उस पर अखबारों की पैनी नजर गयी नहीं या डाली नहीं गयी जैसे की सूखा और उस पर दसयासत। खैर जो भी बच गया उस पर हमारी नजर तो बनी ही रहेगी।

डब्लू सी एफ 2016- एक राजनीतिक पहलू...

संपादक : रेहान अहमद

ववशाि अस्थाई स्रि े का वनम्ाण ष वकया गया, वह 7 एकड़्के फैिाव था िो वक 2.5 गुना फीफा श्​्ी श्​्ी रववशंकर की संस्था आर्ष ऑफ के मैदान के बराबर है,और इसे 1000 से अविक विववंग की ओर से आयोवित ववश्​्सांसक ् वृ तक मज्दरू ो्के द्​्ारा तैयार वकया गया था महोत्सव 2016 का रवववार 13 मार्षको समापन विस कारणवश इसे वगनीि बुक हो गया। यह आयोिन श्ी् श्​्ी की संसथ ् ा के 35 ऑफ वल्डष्वरकॉड्षमे शावमि वर्ष पूरे होने की खुशी मे् आयोवित वकया गया करने की सम्भावना है ष का केद् ्बने इसी था। विसमे्155 देशो्ने अपनी भागीदारी दी थी आकर्ण े पर ववश्​् भर से और इस समारोह मे्िगभग 35 िाख से अविक स्रि िोग सम्ममवित हुए थे। आर्ष ऑफ विववंग का आये िोगो्के द्ा्रा ् वु्त का संगम यह महोत्सव 11 मार्षसे 13 मार्षके बीर यमुना प्स की तिहरी पर वकया गया, विसका शुभारम्भ एक ही मंर पर को माननीय प्​्िानमंत्ी नरे्द् मोदी के कर कमिो् देखने द्​्ारा वकया गया । ववश्​् सांस्कृवतक महोत्सव वमिा । भारत 2016 के नाम से आयोवित यह समारोह िहाँ की रािनीवत मे् रािनीवत के घेरे मे्खड़ा हुआ। वही्इसने ववश्​् अमूमन यह देखने के कई कीव्तषमान अपनी झोिी मे डािे इस को वमिा है,वक महोत्सव को आयोवित करने के विए विस भव्य िब कभी कोई

भी व्यम्तत ववशेर या कोई संस्था वकसी भी माध्यम से देश के वहत के विए कुछ करना राहता है, तो कही्ना कही् उस पर रोक िगाने की पूरी कोवशश की िाती है, और यही हुआ श्​्ी श्​्ी के काय्षक्म ववश्​् सांस्कृवतक महोत्सव मे... दरअसि यमुना के खादर पर रि रहे इस वनिी संस्कृवत आयोिन मे सेना के उपयोग करने को िेकर राज्यसभा मे िमकर हंगामा वकया गया और ववपक्​् का कहना था वक काय्क ष म् के द्​्ारा यमुना के तर एवं बाढ्की द्व्​्ि से सम्वदे नशीि खादर मे आयोिन करना एक पय्ावष रण आपदा के समान है। नेशनि ग्​्ीन व्​्िब्यूनि के द्​्ारा श्​्ी श्​्ी के ऊपर यह

काय्क ष म् करने के विए िुमा्नष ा भी िगाया गया, विस पर कड़ा र्ख्करते हुए श्​्ी श्​्ी ने कहा वक "मै् िेि िाना पसंद करूग् ा िेवकन हि्ानष े की एक पाई भी नही दूँगा" इनके इस बयान पर NGT द्ा्रा वरप्पणी की गई वक "श्​्ी श्​्ी िैसे ऊूरे कद वािे िोगो्पर ऐसी बाते्शोभा नही देती यवद कोई भी व्यम्तत व्​्िब्यनू ि के वखिाफ्या उसकी छवव को रोर पहुँराने की कोवशश करेगा तो उसके वखिाफ् सख्त से सख्त काय्षवाही की िायगी। इसके तत्पश्​्ात आर्षऑफ विववंग की ओर से यमुना डूब इिाके मे क्​्वत करने के विए िुम्ाषना रावश िमा की गई वही् दूसरी ओर ववत्म् तं ्ी अर्ण िेरिी द्​्ारा उस िगह का दौरा वकया गया विसे देख उन्हो्ने ववरोि कर रहे िोगो् की वनंदा करते हुए कहा वक "इस काय्क ष म् को रोकने का तो बहुत प्य् ास वकया गया परंतु यहाँ आकर मुझे आभास हुआ वक यहाँ का पय्ावष रण

तो बहुत सुदं र है। यमुना के वकनारे रि रहे इस महोत्सव को श्​्ी श्​्ी रववशंकर ने संस्कृवत का ओिम्मपक तक करार वदया और देश की राि​िानी मे आयोवित इस समारोह की रर्ाष केवि देश के भीतर ही सीवमत न थी अवपतु इसकी रर्ाष ववदेशो्मे भी हुई। इस भव्य समारोह के अंत मे रववशंकर के द्​्ारा एक साक्​्ात्कर मे कहा गया वक इसको आयोवित करने का अनुरोि ऑस्िव्ेिया एवं मेमत् सको से आया इसके साथ यह भी कहा वक इस सम्पण ू ष् आयोिन के दौरान वकसी भी प्क ् ार की पय्ावष रण को क्व्त नही् पहुर ँ ी और न ही कोई छोरा पेड़्तक काँरा गया अन्त भिा तो सब भिा यही आिम था 13 मार्ष को समाप्त आर्ष ऑफ विववंग की ओर से…….. आयोवित ववश्​्सांसक ् वृ तक महोत्सव 2016 का िैसे ही इस आयोिन का समापन हुआ साथ ही िोगो्की आशंकाओ्एवं ववरोिो्का भी समापन हो गया

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Campus अखाड़ा

1-15 अप्​्ैल 2016

Political turmoil in Uttrakhand The political turmoil in the Uttrakhand from past few days led to the central government imposing President rule in the state under article 356 of the Indian Constitution. Uttrakhand congress government is facing the same type of crisis that it faced in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. Chief Minister Harish Rawat had to prove his majority in the house of legislative assembly on March 28 but a day before he could prove his majority president rule was imposed. It is shocking that before Harish Rawat could prove his majority on the floor of house of the assembly, the central government imposed Presidents rule in Uttrakhand. The political crisis happened due to an internal rift in the congress party, 9 MLAs of congress withdrew their support to CM Harish Rawat. All this political havoc started when few congress MLAs challenged the

majority of the ruling congress government inside the house. During the budget session of the Uttrakhand Legislative Assembly, the ruling congress government passed the Money Amendment Bill relating to the budget with the sound majority. 9 MLAs of congress were against passing of bill by sound majority and also they were not in favor of the bill. The final decision regarding the passed amendment bill is with the speaker of the house and his decision cannot be challenged. The members of the Legislative Assembly have the full right to challenge the majority of the ruling government in the state. Therefore some of the rebel congress MLAs with their opposition MLAs went to the governor and complained to him that the ruling government does not have the required number to run the government, so they requested the governor to dismiss the Congress government. Governor considering their request had given the time till 28th march to Harish Rawat to prove his majority. The recent happenings in the Uttrakhand and the failure of government

उतंरं ाखंड में राजदनदतक उथल पुथल...

अरुणाचल प्​्देश के बाद भािपा ने उत्​्राखंड मे् कांग्ेस के अन्दर्नी किह को भुिाकर राज्य मे् उसकी सरकार वगरा दी है। इससे कांग्ेस की अ न्द र्नी क म िो री तो सामने आ ई

ही,भािपा एवम के्द् सरकार की भूवमका से पुरे ऑपरेशन पर सवाि भी खड़े हुए है। उत्​्राखंड मे् राष्​्पवत शासन िगाकर भािपा ने भिे ही कांग्ेस की एक सरकार और कम कर दी हो,िेवकन सदन मे् शम्तत पवरक्ण ् से पहिे ही राष्प् वत शासन िगाने के फैसिे पर सवाि खड़े हो गए है। राज्यपाि की सहमवत से बहुमत सावबत करने के विए २८ मार्ष का समय तय वकया गया था,िेवकन एक वदन पहिे ही राष्प् वत शासन िगा वदया गया,िहाँ पूरे ऑपरेशन मे् राज्य के ववरष्​् नेताओ् को भरोसे मे् िेने को िेकर भािपा मे् ही सवाि उठ रहे है वही अगर इस पुरे प्​्करण पर निर डािे तो गिवतयां उत्​्राखंड की रािनीवत मे् मावहर माने िाने वािे मुख्यमंत्ी हरीश रावत से हुई है। वास्​्व मे् हरीश रावत वविायक की बगावत एवम उसके कारण िगे राष्​्पवत शासन को

रािने मे् बार बार रूक करते रहे,और तो और वविायको् की ख री द

फ रो ख्त का दाग भी आपने ऊपर िगा बैठे। रावत से पहिी रूक उस समय हुई िब वे अपने िुर ववरोिी सतपाि महराि के कांग्ेस से रिे िाने और बहुगुणा के ज्यादातर राज्य से बाहर रहने को समझ नही्सके। साथ ही अपने ही साथी वविायको् द्ा्रा ववरोि के बाविूद कुछ दागी अफसरो् को तैनाती भी उनके वखिाफ असंतोर का कारण बनी। मुखय् मंत्ी की कुस्ी संभािने के बाद वे असंतुि् वविायको् को मनाकर बहुगुणा को परखनी दे सकते थे। परन्तु,वह यह भी रूक गए। सबसे बड़ी रूक वे

बागी वविायको् के असंतोर एवम,भािपा की तैयावरयाँ को भाँपने मे्कर गए। इसका अंदािा उन्हे्१८ मार्षसे पहिे तक नही्िगा। अब उत्​्राखंड मे् राष्​्पवत शासन िगाने के फैसिे को कांगस ्े अदाित मे्तो रुनौती देगी परन्तु संवविान ववशेरज्​् सुभार कश्यप के अनुसार उत्​्राखंड मे् राष्​्पवत शासन िगाने मे् के्द् सरकार की ओर से कोई असैविावनक काय्ष नही् हुआ है। सवाि यह था की हरीश रावत के पास बहुमत का

समथ्षन था या नही्। वववनयोग वविेयक पर सरकार समथ्नष खो रुकी थी,िेवकन स्पीकर ने मत ववभािन मांगने के

वाबिूद उसे ध्ववनमत से पावरत करा वदया। संवविान राष्​्पवत को यह अविकार देता है की राज्य मे् संवविान के अनुसार सरकार न रिने की म्सथवत मे् हस्​्क्ेप को। िहां तक यह सवाि है की राज्यपाि ने रावत को बहुमत सावबत करने का समय त्यो् वदया और िब वदया तो वफर राष्प् वत "राष्प् वत शासन" की वसफावरस त्यो्वक ? इसका िवाब है वक स्पीकर ने सत्​्को २८ मार्षतक स्थवगत वकया था। और इसविए उन्हो्ने बहुमत के विये भी उस वदन तक समय दे वदया। िेवकन राज्यपाि िाँर िारी रख सकता है। और राियपाि ने पाया होगा वक िो भी समथ्षन िुराया िायेगा वह ईमानदार नही् हो गा । इ स वि ए इ स के आिार पर राज्यपाि ने अपनी वरपोर्ष पर राष्​्प वत से मंिूरी िे िी। अब यहाँ पर तक राष्​्पवत शासन के फैसिे को रुनौती देने का मामिा है तो यह उनका अविकार है। देखने वािी बात यह है वक माननीय सव्​्ोच्​् न्यािय इस पर त्या वनण्षय िेता है ?

अनुज गग्ग

in the state led the President Pranab Mukerjee to impose the article 356 of the constitution. Harish Rawat would now challenge this decision in the Uttrakhand high court. Under the anti defection law, the speaker Govind kumar disqualified the 9 rebel congress MLAs from the house. This disqualification came after the 9 rebel congress MLAs failed to respond to the notices issued to them under anti defection law. With 9 MLAs of congress being disqualified, the current strength of house has come down to 61 and now the mark for majority to form government is 31. In the current scenario Harish Rawat has support of 27 MLAs and 6 MLAs are also supporting him 2 from BSP, 1 from Uttrakhand Kranti Dal and 3 independent, while BJP has its 28 MLAs. While the numbers are in favor of Harish Rawat, it will be interesting to see who will form the government finally in Uttrakhand.

Akshay Raina

गलत कर रहा है इंसान, बहुत हो रहा है पर्ा​ावरण को नुकसान।

फूि सबसे प्यारी रीज है ि​िसे भगवान ने बनाया है, पर उसमे्आत्मा (ि​ि) डािना भूि गया मनुष्य, मतिबी हो गया है मनुष्य मकान बनाने की िजद मे्, ि​िसके ि​िए िदन पर िदन हो रहा है वृक्ो् का सव्षनाश, खुद से ही कर रहा है यह कैसा अंविवश्​्ास। ऐसा ही कुछ हाि हो गया है मेरे राज्य उत्​्राखंड का। वहाँ का पय्ाषवरण िबखरता नजर आ रहा है। आँखे नम हो िाती है्, अगर उत्​्राखंड के वपवत्​्ि​ि और मंडुओ के खेत की रोरी को कहीँ खोि नही्पाती हूँ मै्। आिखर कहाँ गई खेत-वखिहान मे्दौड़ती वहरयािी, कहाँ गई बगीरो् मे् रे्गती ितवतियाँ, कहाँ गई उत्​्राखंड के मौसम की रौनक, त्यो् गंभीर बन गइ बािरश, त्या मनुष्य पेड़ कारने से पहिे एक बार भी उसको दोगुना िगाने के िवरय मे्गहराई से सोरता है। केदारनाथ पर हुई वह भयानक आपबीती को भिे ही तीन साि हो गए हो् िेिकन उस घरना को याद करके न िाने िकतनो् के कदम उस प्​्ारीन तीथ्षस्थि पर िाने के ि​िए पीछे की ओर थम िाते है्, न िाने यहाँ मिबे के नीरे िकतने वपरवार िबछड़ गए है्, िाने आि भी िकतने सवािो्का इंतजार कर रहे है्। सैिाब मे्बही थी हजारो् िजम्नदगयाँ हजारो् है् िापता । दूसरी तरफ देखा िाए तो आबादी तो मानो आसमां छू रही है। वो यातायात के सािनो् को अपनाती है िो प्​्दूरण िैसी दूिरत बीमारी को बढावा देता है। कैसी नजर िग गई मेरे देवभूिम कहे िाने वािे इस उत्​्राखंड राज्य को। त्या आपको अच्छा िगेगा अगर कि को आपके वपरवार मे्िन्म िेने वािा मासूम बच्​्ा अस्थमा, डावयरया आिद बीमारी से पीिड़त हो? नही्न, तो बैिठए मत, िािगए, सोिरए और कुछ िवशेर कदम उठाइए । सरकार आि भी पय्ाषवरण से िुड़े िनयमो को सख्त करने मे् काफी हद तक असफि नजर आ रही है। उनकी यह असफिता मन मे्िं रन्ता बढाती है। इन सब के पीछे िछपा हुआ मनुष्य ही है, इंसान पय्ाषवरण मे्रहने वािा उसका मुख्य अंग है, तो इसको सुिारने के ि​िए ठोस कदम तो आप और हम ही उठा सकते है्। िैसे एक पंछी एक पंख से उड़ान नही्भर सकता, वैसे ही अकेिा इंसान पूरी तरह दुिनया को सुिार नही् सकता । सरकार को नई और िुझार् नीितयाँ अपनानी रािहए। अभी तक तो न िाने ि कतनी मासूम िाने् रिी गई। अगर पय्ाषवरण की इस अिस्थरता को रोका नही् गया तो समाि मे् कि िकतने वपरवार िकसी आपदा या बाढ का िशकार हो सकते है्।

बंदिशों में फंसी पापा की परी

अब तक रही थी वो छाओ पर स्नेह भरी छाओ्के बीर ना हुआ कभी उसे यह एहसास वक आि िगाई िाएगी बंवदशो्उस पर कुछ खास ना कभी सोरा था उसने इतना ज्यादा हर पहिू पर वक उसकी जिन्दगी वक डोर पर तानाकशी करते हुए उसे कमिोर करे्गे रन्द िोग इज्जत्आवृ का हवािा देते हुए दी सपनो्को तोड़ने वक कवायद


अवभव की आिादी को मवहिा ही कहकर हर पि है छीना बस एक ममता भरा हाय कब तक करेगा मेरे आत्म सम्मान का रक्​्ण रोई है अब हर पि मै्खुद वक पहरान के विए पता ना था यहां वमिता है सम्मान वसफ्फखुदगि्​्ी का पर करती रहूंगी हमेशा राहा इस बात बंवदशे खत्म हो यहां हर बात की Pooja Gaur

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Campus अखाड़ा

1-15 अप्​्ैल 2016

माँभारती केलाल

‘फांसी के बाद मै् वाड्ष की तरफ आया और फूर-फूर कर रोने िगा। अपनी तीस साि की नौकरी मे् मै्ने बहुत सी फांवसयां देखी थी्, िेवकन वकसी को भी हंसतेमुस्कराते सूिी पर रढ्ते नही् देखा था, िैसा वक उन तीनो्ने वकया था। ’ये शब्द है् भगत वसंह रािगुर् और सुखदेव की फांसी के समय िेि के वाड्षन रहे ‘रतर वसंह’ के। भारतीय इवतहास के उस स्वव्णषम पि को याद करते हुए रतर वसंह ने कहा है, ‘‘फांसी के तख्त पर रढने से पहिे मै् भगत वसंह के कान मे् कहा था, वाहे गुर्से प्​्ाथ्षना कर िे। वे हंसे और कहा, मै्ने पूरी विंदगी मे् भगवान को कभी याद नही् वकया, बम्लक दुखो्और गरीबो्की विह से कोसा िर्र हूं। अगर अब मै्उनसे माफी मांगगू ा तो वे कहे्गे वक यह डरपोक है िो माफी राहता है त्यो्वक इसका अंत करीब आ गया है। िेि की घड़ी मे् साढ्े छह बि रहे थे। कैवदयो् ने थोड़ी दूरी पर, भारी िूतो् की आवाि और िाने-पहराने गीत,

'सरफरोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे वदि मे् है' की आवाि सुनी। उन्हो्ने एक और गीत गाना शुर् कर वदया, 'मेरा रंग दे मेरा बसंती रोिा' और इसके बाद वहां 'इंकिाब विंदाबाद' और 'वहंदस ु ्ान आिाद हो' के नारे िगने िगे।

सभी कैदी भी िोर-िोर से नारे िगाने िगे। तीनो् के हाथ बंिे थे और वे संतवरयो्के पीछे एक-दूसरे से वठठोिी करते हुए सूिी की तरफ बढ्रहे थे। उन्हो्ने वफर गाना शुर् कर वदया-'कभी वो वदन भी आएगा वक िब आिाद हम हो्गे,

Brussels Terror Attacks

Attack on humanity

Once again Europe suffered a major terrorist attack, this time it was in the heart of Europe that is in Brussels in Belgium. Terrorist linked with ISIS attacked the capital city of B elgium Brussels, they carried out bomb explosions and fired on the people at the airport and in metro train killing at least 35 people and wounding more than hundred. Now this is the wakeup call not only for Belgium

but for the whole world to join hands together to fight common enemies of humanity. With the deadliest and devastating attacks that has left many people in distress in recent times in Europe, many questions have arised or are being raised that is how did this happen, how was the terrorist plan carried out? Who supported them in this violent activity? What lessons we have learnt from these

attacks? There are many questions which needs an answer. As the investigations would continue, we would be able to get more information and answers to some of these questions. A counter terrorism efforts and advanced system of co-operation and coordination needs to be carried out amongst the nations which have been threatened or are directly or indirectly affected by it. One of the

इच्छा पूछी गई तो भगत वसंह ने कहा वे आवखरी बार दोनो्सावथयो् से गिे िगना राहते है् और ऐसा ही हुआ। वफर तीनो् ने रस्सी को रूमा और अपने गिे मे् खुद पहन विए। वफर उनके हाथपैर बांि वदए गए। िल्िाद ने ठीक शाम 7:33 बिे रस्सी खी्र दी और उनके पैरो् के नीरे से तख्ती हरा दी गई। उनके दुब्षि शरीर काफी देर तक सूिी पर िरकते रहे वफर उन्हे्नीरे उतारा और िांर के बाद डॉत्ररो्ने उन्हे्मृत घोवरत कर वदया।’’ देश पर कुब्ाषन हो िाने की ऐसी दास्​्ाँ इवतहास शायद ही कभी सुनेगा। इन क्​्ावं तकावरयो्के भीतर देशप्म्े की ि​िकती ज्वािा और इनके प्​्वत आम भारतवावसयो् के प्​्ेम का ही पवरणाम था वक फांसी के विए मुकर्ष वदन से ये अपनी ही िमी् होगी ये अपना एक वदन पहिे ही अंग्ेिी सरकार आसमां होगा। शहीदो्की वरताओ् ने इन्हे्फांसी पर रढा वदया। भगत पर िगे्गे हर बरस मेिे, वतन पर वसंह का यह शेर उनके देश के प्​्वत वमरने वािो् का बाकी यही नाम- समप्ण ष को दश्ातष ा है वक ‘उसे यह ओ-वनशां होगा।' तीनो् को फांसी व्फक्​्है हरदम नया तज्-्े ज्फा त्या के तख्ते तक िे िाया गया। भगत है, हमे यह शौक्है देखे्वसतम की वसंह बीर मे् थे। तीनो् से आवखरी इन्तहां त्या है।’ significant steps that Belgium government has to take is raise the level of security and safety in Belgium. It must be raised to a very far higher standard. Belgium is the main center of activities of European Union but it is also becoming the hub of Islamic radicalism in Europe. Belgium if compared with other European nations is one of the largest per capita providers of fighters to Syria. The terrorists that attacked Paris in November, most of amongst them were from Belgium. Major changes in security, policing and investigation practices needs to be carried out or needs to be implemented with very high standards. These changes should be done keeping in minds the

rights of people and law. People from all over the world have condemned the recent attacks on Brussels and have responded to this brutal act with harmony and unity in grief and resolve to carry on. The administration must do everything that they can do to arrest the perpetrators and to guard the people against such brutal acts in future. In this difficult time every country should support Belgium and that support should be strong and visible in nature. The beckon of ISIS is rising international security crisis and crucial steps should be taken to stop this menace. Akshay Raina Student Editor IAAN Express

Be a part of the solution,not the pollution

Every other day in the National Daily we talk about the rise in the pollution level in the National Capital Region but does that actually create any kind of impact on the people . Are they talking any measure to control the level of Pollution? Delhi is jointly administered by the central and the State Government . The health problem have been increasing because of the air and water pollution. During the last 10 years , it has been taken several steps to reduce the level of air pollution . Vehicular

pollution is an important contributor to air pollution in Delhi . There was various forms of Pollution which includes noise pollution, air pollution, water pollution and soil contamination. Apart from this radioactive hazard are

also there around us . We should not led our future go up in smoke. According to a survey done, it has been found that the average Total Suspended Particulate level in Delhi was approximately 5 times the World Health Organization‘s annual

average standard .About 3000 metric tons of air pollution were emitted in Delhi everday with major contribution from coal based thermal power plant and vehicular pollution . Delhi has the largest cluster of small scale industries in India that contribute to 12% of air v pollutant along with the other industrial units .A report by Ministry of Environment and Forest , in India reviewed the environmental situation in Delhi over concerns of Deteriorating condition . Air pollution

was one of the main areas of behind it. Now-a-days Delhi known as the most populous polluted , unsanitary and bacterially unsafe city Earth. The national Green Tribunal banned diesel vehicles which are over ten years old in Delhi and also the throwing of waste into the Hindol Canal Because its pollution is a matter of serious Concern . Clean and decent environment should be provided to the residents living along the canal. Vishal gaurav



In past few years Child Labour has become one of the biggest social evils in India. Childhood is one of the happiest period of one’s life, it is the most unforgettable and memorable phase of one’s life which every child has right to live happily. Children have their full right to play, go to school, feel the love a n d care o f

their parents. In m a n y developing countries like India, child labour has become very existence of widespread due to high level of poverty and lack of proper education. Child labour is the crime against humanity which has become a threat for the society. It involves regular or improper working of children in their childhood. Many children against their will are forced to work hard for long hours and are paid very less for their hard work. It’s the time when they should study and play but unluckily or unfortunately they are forced to work against their will. According to official reports there are around 12 million child workers in India. Presence of harmful chemical and loud noise makes the condition of these children venerable to many health problems. This kind of situation should not be allowed to continue as child labour is against national and international laws. Those people who are engaged in it should be severely punished. Children are known to be an important asset for their country but some selfish people are destroying the future of the country for their selfish need by engaging children in harsh labour. Protecting children from child labour is the need of the hour and it’s the responsibility of each & every one of us to protect the future of these children. Child labour is destroying the health of the children physically, mentally, socially and intellectually. Rich people should contribute or help poor people so that their children too can get necessary things in their childhood. In order to curb this social menace government should implement laws & regulation very strictly. There is a need of more effective and strict laws against child labour to be made in order to stop children from working in hazardous conditions. Social awareness should be created to educate the masses about the impact of child labour on society and also on the lives of children. Owners of industries and business organizations should take a pledge not to involve children in any type of labour. Akshay Raina

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1-15 अप्​्ैल 2016

बेरंगो् मे् भरिे रंग

िशकों पुरानी परमंपराओं को तोडंते हुए इस बार वृनिं ावन में गोपीनाथ मंदिर में सैकडंों दवधवाओं ने होली खेली । इन दवधवाओं ने भगवान शं​ंी कृषंण को समदंपात पं​ंाचीन गोपीनाथ मंदिर में शंखनाि दकया और सूखे फूलों और रंगों से अनुज गग्ग होली खेली । वृनंिावन की दवधवाओं के साथ वाराणासी की दवधवाओं ने भी होली खेल एक िूसरे को रंग लगाए । यह पहला मौका था जब उनंहें वृनिं ावन के दकसी मंदिर के अंिर होली खेलने का मौका दमला । अपने पदरवारों दं​ंारा तंयाग िी गई इन दवधवाओं के बेरगं जीवन में इस तरह से रंग भर गए । सभी ने बहुत आननंि का अनुभव दकया । जाने माने समाज सुधारक एवं सुलभ इनंटरनेशनल के संसथं ापक दवंिश े रं पाठक भी होली के इस जशंन में शरीक हुए । पाठक िेश में दवधवा दवरोधी मानंयताओँ के दवरोध में अदभयान चलाने के दलए जाने जाते है । इन दवधवाओं की होली में बडंी संखंया में संसंकृत के दवदं​ंाथं​ंी एवं दवदं​ंान भी शादमल हुए । सुलभ इनंटरनेशनल दं​ंारा सनं 2012 में माननीय सवं​ंोचं​ं नंयायालय दं​ंारा दवधवाओं की खराब िशा के चलते हुए िी गई दटपंपणी के मदंनंे जर 1200 से भी अदधक दवधवाओं की वृनिं ावन एवं वाराणासी में िेख रेख कर रहा है । सुलभ में दवधवाओं को करीब 3 साल पहले दवधवा आशंमं में होली आयोजन पं​ंारंभ दकया था । परनंतु इस बार यह खास होली थी कंयोंदक यह एक सामादजक संवीकृदत िेने के उदंशंे यं से एक लोकदं​ंपय मंदिर में आयोदजत की गई थी । गंलोबलाइजेशन एवं बढंती तकनीदक के युग में जहां अब लडंके एवं लडंकी में कोई मतभेि नहीं बचा है वहां पुरानी रंढंीवािी परमंपराओं को तोडंते हुए दवधवाओं के बेरगं जीवन में रंग भरने का यह वासंवं में एक सराहनीय पंयं ास माना जा रहा है ।

Ghazal –the end of an era! “Hosh walo ko khabar kya bekudhi kya cheech hain” these are the famous lines of Jagjit Singh famous song from the movie sarfarosh.It was a classical ghazal of that time and was widely popular,how good the lyrics is of this song. It was so melodious that you can listen it again and again if you are a ghazal fan. “Tum itna zo muskura rahe ho kya ghum hai jisko chupa rahe ho” again the lyrics says it all, how meaningful it is.As a poetic expression of pain or loss and the beauty of love inspie of pain. But the important question arises what is ghazal?It is a poetic foam in which urdu poetry is used.It can be understood it can touch your heart and make you cry,There was a time when the nawab’s use to listen the

ghazal it was so popular in Indian subcontinent. But the question arises is Why the popularity has been declined? Why Ghulam Ali doesn’t sing new ghazals? Where is Pankaj Udhas the famous indian ghazal singer? Why ghazal singer’s like Ghulam Ali is so restricted? The questions are many but nobody have the answer of these questions. Nowadays you see mostly romantic songs, sad songs, rap song and meaningless songs which are quiet a trend in Bollywood. You hardly see or listen a soulful song that touches your heart. Nowadays songs with bad language are more used and are so called hit or superhit. I mean what is the reason behind this?may be the people

don’t like ghazal’s anymore or we d o n ’ t have the talent to write a ghazal or we don’t have new ghazal singers. But we have Ghulam Ali, Pankaj Udhas and m a n y other talented singers who are also very good ghazal singers. We have also legends like Gulzar,Javed Akthar and Irshad Kamil which are great lyricist and poet in Bollywood industry. May be our industry has become like a “masala movie” were


popular at one time are now you hardly see in a album or movie. Ghazal is not just a song it is a meaningful poetry which touches your heart and the Urdu words which mesmerized you is ghazal. it’s look like we need another Jagjit Singh and we need it badly. Harsh lohani

For the last few decades there has been lot of change in india in terms of religion, technology and caste.If you see the youth there belief in religion and god is dying. What is the reason behind this? The main reason behind this is that now a days parent’s doesn’t have a time for there kids both mother and father are now a days very busy in there own work.They cannot teach the value to there daughter or son because of lack of time.They just give there children internet and just think that there job is done.But the reality is very different. Internet is a source of many good thing and bad thing it depends that how you are using it.Nowdays for the youth mobile phones are there best friends and even bigger than there parents because most of there time they are involved in mobile phone doing chatting and using social networking site such as facebook twitter.The parents have no idea what there children are doing which website they are delightful and exciting. They had rain dance opening.But this is not the only change which is with the Dj arrangement on the holi songs hapenning. The biggest change is the lack of with all the staffs and employies of iaan respect towards elders,towards teachers it is campus. We had a full on grand celebration decreasing day by day which is not a good on the occasion of the festival of different example at all.Nobody can stop the change shades. when its the time of celebrating because change is the rule of this world like said holi the country turns festive . market in Bhagwat Geeta. But if we talk about moral places gets abuzz with lots of activity . the values, atticate, behaviour and respect we can festival is asociated with lots of legends . the teach this. It is also important to take this matter eve is celebrating in victory of good over seriously because it is all about our youth and evil . there is a night before holi know for youth are the future of this country. We are holika bonfire (holika dahan ). holi got its great time in playing a deligtful holi . known for our discipline, our respect towards The day after the full moon in march elders, our culture.We cannot give up and name "festival of colours " from lord krishna a reincarnation of lord vishnu , every year . the festival take place a day influence with so called western culture because who play planks with the girls on his village earlier in wet bengal and odisha . the rituals in reality we are not learning from them.We are of holi perform a special puja , people sing hipocrate people,on one side we are adapting and dance around the fire , and walk around there culture and the other side we cannot keep it three times. holi is a carefree festival our city clean,there is no freedom of thats great fun to participate without expression.We are just making a mockry of minding geting wet and dirty . ourself.we cannot become a hipocrate people as all we know our own managing because it is in our hand to change our director is from mathura vrindavan ( here country.Yes, it is true that our country is 40 days before the main holi day the changing,technology is changing,we should also celebration begins ). mathura is where the change,but by taking forward our culture and lord krishna were born . "TESHU " flower beliefs in a positive manner there should not be famous in mathura and vrindavan which we any hypocrsy.As a parents, as a teacher or even also experienced in our campus by the as a elder it is our duty to teach our juniors,our by drenching colours and waters. the pleasure of anuj sir which brought the children good things.They should know what is celebration of holi in iaan was same as the flower and made us play holi with it . right what is wrong,what is our values our overall we had a huge great time in the culture because at the end of the day they are the era of histrory . the celebration turns totally joyfull when some of the students celebration . wish that the next holi come future of that change which we cannot ignore. around the campus had a prank with the soon Harsh Lohani egg and the tomoto holi . The campus has a Anjali Priya


The Holi is the festival of color and joy. It is the day when the bright colors of Holi diminish all the discriminations of caste and creed in society. The colors of Holi also bring along with themselves the spirit of joy, naughtiness, passion and enthusiasm. The festival in itself is the celebrations of the divine love of Radha and Krishna as well as the commemoration of the fact that Goodness always triumphs over evil. Let the colors of Holi spread the message of peace and happiness. But this thought we has a decided to spreed happiness . On 21st Holi celebration was arranged in iaan campus by all the courtesy of own managing director. THE celebration was made mesmerizing with full colorful flowers and gulalal. There were arrangements of proper foodie stuff like “thandhai gujia's namkins mathri papri . All the students were being invited to attend the celebration from 3:00 _ 5:00 pm. students had made the celebration

money is everything and forget about meaningful song’s and ghazal. Just like we Indian love masala food. Ghazal which was v e r y

FEB-11-2016_Layout 1 19-04-2016 01:11 Page 5

Special रपट

1-15 अप्​्ैल 2016

तनरंजन की फेसबुक दीवार से

तय करते है्...संसद मे् िाकर िोकसभा की काय्षवाही देखने का यह पहिा मौका था और इत्​्ेफाक ही कहा िाएगा वक इस सरकार मे् अब तक शोरगुि और हंगामे के कारण रर्ाष मे् रहने वािी संसद मे् शांवतपूण्ष तरीके से रर्ाष हो रही थी। िब हम पहुंरे उस समय 'वरयि एस्रेर रेन्युिेशन एन्ड डेविपमे्र वबि' पर बहस हो रही थी और शांवतपूण्ष बहस का आि उस भारतीय िोकतंत्के मंवदर मे् कारण यह था वक इसे ववपक्​्ी पाव्रियो्का भी िाने का सौभान्य वमिा िहाँ 125 करोड़ की समथ्षन प्​्ाप्तथा...िोकसभा या राज्यसभा आबादी के प्​्वतवनवि देश की दशा और वदशा रीवी देखते हुए हमे् वही निर आता है िो

वदखाया िाता है। यहाँ िाकर हमने िो देखा उससे यही िगा वक अगर गम्ाषगम्ष बहस ना हो तो आिी से ज्यादा सीरे् खािी होती है् और िो होते है् उनमे से भी आिे या तो उबासी िे रहे होते है्या गप्पेबािी मे् मशगूि होते है्...हािाँवक हीरो और वविेन दोनो्अनुपम्सथत थे िेवकन दो नजारे अिीब िगे, एक पप्पू यादव की सुसपु त् ावस्था (सोए हुए) की छवव और दूसरा यह वक एक पास बैठकर भी पहाड़ सदृश काया के स्वामी

सदन मे्कांग्ेस नेता और कांग्ेस की माताश्​्ी ने एक घंरे के बीर एक बार भी ना ही एक दूसरे की तरफ देखा और ना ही बा त री त की . . . बा ह र वनकिते हुए एक छोरी सी भे्रवात्ाष मे् िम्षशािा से सांसद अनुराग ठाकुर िी ने मेरे यह कहने पर वक हमेशा संसद की काय्षवाही ऐसी ही शांवतपूण्ष होनी रावहए, कहा वक 'गम्ाषगम्षबहस और तीखी रर्ाष भी िर्री है।' कुि वमिाकर संसदीय काय्षवाही देखने का अच्छा अनुभव रहा... हमे् यह मौका उपिब्ि कराने के विए अनुि सर का बहुत बहुत िन्यवाद... निरंजि नमशु​ुा

100,102- ऐसे नंबरों से दमलेगा छुटकारा । अब कोई इमरिे्सी हो तो अब आपको ज्यादा फोन नंबर वो भी अिग अिग ववभाग का याद

रखने की कोई िर्रत नही् है, त्यो्की अब आप तीन संख्या का एक नंबर डायि करे्गे आपका

A 33 year old lady, Dr. Sangeeta has come a really long way in life, not by age but by her experiences. She is basically from Manipur and staying here in Delhi from the last 15 years. She always dreamt of being a film maker and after working in many north eastern movies, she has finally made her own movie. Which means “I have given my heart”. And two more movies are in progress. She is a writer too. She is also running a NGO naming “Fight- you are not alone” whose owner is Mr. Rahul. If it is a 5 year old NGO and before this she was the chairperson of an NGO – “Fight for yourself”. She is a professional fashion Designer, event manager and has also done computer Textile. She loves and appreciate things that are connected with art. She got best designer Award in Delhi in 2003 from Yash Chopra. If we talk about her personal life, then we would come to know how amazing personality she is. She is a perfect wife, a perfect mother, a perfect daughter and a very kind social worker. She used to live in Kotla mubarakpur, New Delhi. In her college days when she was fashion Designing. And from that she noticed the discrimination the

प्​्ॉब्िम समाप्त। पहिे हमे्कोई भी इमरिे्सी पड़ती थी राहे पुविस हो,अम्ननशामक दि हो या अस्पताि या कोई भी इमरिे्सी ववभाग को संपक्फकरना हो तो हमे् अिग अिग ववभाग के विए वभन्न-वभन्न नंबर डायि करना पड़ता था, िेवकन अब आप आसानी से कर पाएंगे। िैसे पहिे हमे्पुविस के विए-१००, एम्बि ु स े् के विए-१०२, आपातकािीन म्सथवत मे् वडिास्रर मैनेिमे्र के

विए अिग-अिग नंबर पे कॉि कॉि से्रर भी शुर् वकये िाये्गे करना होता था, िेवकंन एक खबर विससे यूिर िो कॉि करे्गे उस के अनुसार ऐसा अब डेरा पर काम वकया इन सब नंबरो् पे िा ये गा , वफ र कॉि वबिकुि भी उस सुरना के नही् करना आिार पर पड़ेगा। वकसी स म् बं वि त भी इमरिे्सी वडपार्षमे्र को ववभाग को सौ्प वदया सम्पक्फ करने िायेगा और उस पर तुरंत के विए वसफ्फ ११२ डायि करना एत्शन विया िायेगा। पूजा परमार होगा। इसविए वववभन्न राज्यो् मे्


north eastern India used to face in other parts of India. She always had a soft corner for those people in her heart. Q. What inspired you for Movies? Do you have any technical Qualification in film making? Ans. It is something which I have always dreamt of. I am a art loving person and I love everything related to it, whether is fashion, movies, music etc. I always wanted to be a film maker and after working in some movies, I made one of my own as a film maker and two are in process. I have experience in this field but not any specific technical qualification in film making. Q. What are the basic concepts of your movies? Can you tell us about one of your movies messege and plot etc. Ans. My memories are of north eastern states like Manipur, in which we show their culture and traditions. You can say sometimes it is based on women’s issues too.

In one of my movie, I showed how an individual is so much scared of the system and culture that they can’t take any step according to their own thoughts and beliefs. Q. Are the movies doing good business in north-east? Ans. Yes they are working quite good because the people of north-east hardly understand the Hindi language in which all the Bollywood movies are made and those are ban too so these movies are very popular amongst them all. Q. Have you noticed any change in north-eastern states society? Ans. Yes, after so many years, we can notice change in our states and especially after Narendra Modi , we people are getting more attention. He also stated that “you can not get more tasty pineapple in the world other than Manipur. He is providing us good facilities and making the other states know about our states too. Q. What provoked you for starting the NGO? Is their any



Sometimes called All Fools' Day, is one of the most light-hearted days of the year. Some see it as a celebration related to the turn of the seasons, while others believe it stems from the adoption of a new calendar. April Fools' Day is observed throughout the Western world. Practices include sending someone on a "fool's errand," looking for things that don't exist; else celebrating the new session of calendar more day is being enjoyed by playing pranks ; and trying to get people to believe ridiculous things. Although the day, also know for Fools’ Day, has been celebrated for several centuries by different cultures, its exact origins remain a mystery. Some historians speculate that April Fools’ Day dates back to 1582, when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, as called for by the Council of Trent in 1563. People who were slow to get the news or failed to recognize that the start of the New Year had moved to January 1 and continued to celebrate it during the last week of March through April 1 became the butt of jokes and hoaxes. All these included having paper fish placed on their backs and being referred to as “poison d’avril” (April fish), said to symbolize a young , easily caught fish and a gullible person . There’s also a speculation that April Fools’ Day was tied to celebrate the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, people have gone to great lengths to create and elaborate April Fools’ Day prank . Newspapers, radio and TV stations and Web sites have also participated in the April 1 tradition of reporting outrageous fictional claims that have fooled their audiences. In about year 1957, the BBC reported that Swiss farmers were experiencing a record spaghetti crop and showed footage of people harvesting noodles from trees; numerous viewers were fooled. and after few more years in 1998, after Burger King advertised a “Left-Handed Whopper,” scores of clueless customers requested the fake sandwich. in view of our country this day explained that the India was ruled by British for around 150 years, who followed the accounting period of April to March after the adoption of Gregorian Calendar System of accounting. The East India Company which first came to rule India is observed to have well done their groundwork before entering the host country, India . The April 1, coincided with the Hindi festival of Vaisakha that is the Hindi new year, hence the company tactfully decided to match it's financial year with the Hindi calendar to ease out financial transactions. on the day People who believe April Fools' Day ends at noon will contend that prank victims are only "fools" if they fall for a trick early in the day. After that, the fools become those who try to carry out pranks. it is not a religious holiday. It does, however, trace its origins to a pope. The day began, most believe, in 1582, when Pope Gregory XIII decreed the adoption of the “Gregorian calendar” named after himself which moved New Year's Day from the end of March to Jan. 1. so allover we celebrate this day in beginning of the new year of accounting and also by sharing the happiness of new year by playing planks and jokes to make the company around rightful .Anjali Priya

incident which shocked you enough to that you changed your profession completely from fashion designer to a social worker? Ans. I always had a soft corner in my heart for my north eastern people who always being discriminated in other states and also some cases which we notice everyday. First incident which made me feel that I should do something for my people was of a girl, a 12-13 year old girl who was brought from her home. In order to be a Maid in somebody’s house. But she was not treated properly and they used to beat her up badly and also they don’t give her proper food. So she ran away from that house. Those people filed a complaint in Police station that she ran away with a boy which is may be not possible for a kid of 12-13 years. The police couldn’t find that girl but one day I saw her eating food from dustbin and she was in very bad condition. I took that girl to my home and took care of her for 3 days but I didn’t Asked anything from her because she was very much disturbed. It seemed like she is being physically tortured too. After that we took her to the police station because started noticing us and then they

shifted her to an Ashram. Now she is 16 years old and wants to live with me but the court said she can’t make any decision until she is 18. So I will keep her after 2 years if she wants me to. Q. Do you get support of Delhi Police? Ans. her to the police station because started noticing us and then they shifted her to an Ashram. Now she is 16 years old and wants to live with me but the court said she can’t make any decision until she is 18. So I will keep her after 2 years if she wants me to. Q. Do you get support of Delhi Police? Ans. Yes, I get total support of Delhi Police. Whenever there is any incident of the people of north-east, they use to contact us and let us help in the case. This made our work very easy. Q. How many cases you have solved? Ans. There are nearly 45 registered solved cases and much other because some of the girls don’t want to let their family know about the incident and want to keep it hidden. So we do not file those ones. Shivani, Husna, Aarti BMEFT

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Special रपट

1-15 अप्​्ैल 2016

Dreams about owning your own house New Bill, New Hopes, New Aspirations

With lots of expectations and believes, finally the Real Estate regulatory and development bill 2015 was passed in Rajya Sabha in the present budget session of parliament. With the passing of this bill it has raised the expectations of people who from past few years wanted to have their own house. This bill would have been passed last year but due to the uproar and disturbances caused by the opposition in the house of parliament it could not be able to get passed but now finally when it has been passed it is being seen as the bill for defense of flat and house buyers. It is the bill which would protect the rights of individual flat buyers. The Real Estate Regulatory and Development bill would provide more transparency in the real estate

sector. Now more and more investors and customers would get attracted towards it. Earlier it had become difficult for the common man to get the possession of his home, builders and brokers used to trap the people making false promises and also used to delay the project. People had to wait and watch to get final possession of their house; they also had to go to courts and government offices to complain about the developers. Many cases related to cheating in real estate sector are pending in various courts across the country. Builders and developers have filled their pockets with huge amounts of money by making false promises to the customers. Many flats and villas which are ready to move are lying vacant due to their huge costs or

some other reasons. In India, currently more than 1 lakh flats and villas are lying vacant. It had also become important to pass this bill from point of view that lots of black money was being used in real estate sector or it was becoming income for some of the people. According to this bill an organization committee for real estate sector would be established which would deal with the problems of customers and real estate developers. It would keep a check on projects that are running and that are upcoming, it would act as a regulating body for real estate sector. It was in the year 2013 that first time real estate bill came in parliament but it took 3 years to pass it. Apart from making of this regulatory body for real estate sector there are many features and strict

laws in this bill which would act as a boon for customers wanting to buy a flat or house from builders or brokers. Builders would now have to provide the possession of the house on time they have promised the possession, if they are unable to provide it, they would have to return the money of customers that too with interest on that money. Also builders now would have to deposit the 70% of money of customers in a different account and that money would be used only to develop the flats or house for which it was taken. From now onwards the promises made in advertisements by builders or developers would be accepted as the part of the project and non fulfillment of those promises would lead to high penalty and imprisonment up to 3 years in jail. It would now become necessary and important for builders or developers

to register their every project that they are building on. Without registration flats and houses would not be sold. Every one dreams of having his own home, where he would not only live but spend one of the most memorable days of his life. People invest lots of their hard earned money in buying or making their home and this bill would now make it easy for them to own their own house. The bill would also help in boosting the infrastructure and economy. Currently real estate sector accounts for around 9% of GDP and more than 50,000 companies are involved in it directly or indirectly. Over all this Real Estate Regulatory and Development Bill would provide more transparency and accountability. It would lead to an atmosphere of trust between customers and developers. Akshay Raina

छातं​ंावास का जीवन आरजू की जुबानी ... घर से दू र ,पवरवार से दू र , रहना आसान तो नही् ,पर अपने उज्​्व ि भववस्य की कामना करने वािे छात्ो्​् को छात्​्ावास मे् रहना ही पड़ता है । माता- वपता,भाई-बहन सब याद तो बहु त आते है , पर सखी-सहे वियो् के हॅ सीमिाक और सं ग त छात्​्ावास के िीवन मे् कु छ रं ग घोि दे ती है ।

छात्ा्वास का िीवन अगर अत्यं त कवठनाईयो् से भरा है तो अत्यं त रोरक भी है । सखी-सहे वियो् के साथ बै ठ कर पढाई करना,आपने उज्व ि भववष्य की बाते् करना ,घं रो हॅ सी मिाक करना, साथ भोिन करना,और वकसी एक के भी िन्म वदन होने पर सब के रे ह रे पर मु स्कान आ िाना ,और सबका साथ वमि के

िन्म वदन मनाना,ये सब मानो् छात्​्ावास के कवठनाइयो् भरे िीवन मे् आनं द भर दे ती है । छात्​्ावास मे् कु छ मस्​्ी मिाक से िीवन आसान बे श क हो िाता है ,पर वपने का पानी खराब आना ,नहाने िोने का पानी खराब आना, इन् सबकी की विह से छात्​्ावास मे् रह रहे छात्​्ो् की तबयत बे श क

खराब हो िाती है , पर इसके वाबिू द भी हम छात्​्ा "छात्​्ावास" मे् इसविए रहते है त्यो् की हमारा ध्यान अपने भववष्य पर के्व्द त रहता है । इसविए हम अपने घर पवरवार से इतने दू र रहते है तावक हमारा भी समाि मे् एक पहरान बने्। तावक िब भी कोई हमारे घर का सदस्य बाहर वनकिे तो िोग उन्हे् हमारे नाम से िाने्।

इन सब कवठनाईयो् के बाद भी वकसी भी छात्​्ा को छात्​्ावास मे् रहने से पीछे नही् हरना रावहए,, त्यो्वक कठनाइयां हमे् विं द गी के हर माहौि और बहु त हद तक जिं द गी के सर से भी अवगत करवा दे ती है । हम इतने सक्​्म हो िाते है की खु द को वकसी भी माहौि मे् ढाि सकते है्। आरजू अगु ु वाल

In this race of becoming an ultimate patriot Does Ram Avtar beats us all..?

In the heart of Delhi,where people gathers in a huge amount and the crowd swells in a wink,there is also a catchy spot that conceites the shoulder of Indians,a 207ft tall Tricolour at Connaught place is surmounted in the central park.Many of the young men comes to loiter around the park and use to clicks their pictures with this Tricolour & conceives a feeling of true patriot,In this very time when issue is tried to be given a communal colour,incidents are being hiked in the name of caste,demand for freedom of speech has been clamoured to improve the law or to make new endeavours to abolish the stereotypes and anti nationals.From leftists to communists all the political parties are in the race to grab the top-notch of Patriotism but who could be more patriotic than Ram Avtar who serves half of his day in guarding the 207-ft tall Flag.A man of 25 years of age from Damoh(Madhya Pradesh) came with his 3 siblings-(2 sisters & 1-brother)& parents to Delhi 2 years ago in search of a better life.His job is to stay vigil all the time.According to him,he has to keep eye on the flag.The moment he spots a damage in the flag,he immediately has to dial his boss,owner of the firm that has been appointed for the security of this flag. Soon, a maintenance team is alerted and a van carrying half a dozen people arrives with a new flag. Next, the lock

at the bottom of the flag mast is opened. Levers are unwound. Metallic chords are moved up and down. And the flag is lowered. We can say that his job is too sensitive as it is not easy to replace a 60×90-ft flag as it becomes a parachute when one tries to lowers it down. As someone whose job it is to guard the 207-foot-tall ‘monumental flag’ at Central Park in Delhi’s Connaught Place, he takes his job — and the symbolism attached to the flag — very seriously. Which is why he is worried about the approaching summer. “There are hot and gusty winds in Delhi during the summer months. Heavy winds tear the flag. If a torn flag flies in the sky, it is an insult to our nation. We don’t let that happen. So the moment he notices any damage, he immediately replace the flag,” It is said that Last June, the flag was been replaced 11 times within a span of 30 days.At any given time, the Flag Foundation of India, former Congress MP and industrialist Naveen Jindal’s organisation which installed the flag at Connaught Place, keeps three flags on standby. If we take the words of commander KV Singh, CEO, Flag Foundation Of India, says each polyester silk flag costs Rs 65,000 and the average monthly maintenance cost for the Central Park flag is around Rs 1 lakh. “Installing a 207-foot-high flag mast costs

Rs 45 lakh, but the one at Connaught Place costs us around Rs 1.5 crore.” The Foundation has installed 64 ‘monumental flags’ so far — 30 of 207-foot-tall and 34 100-ft ones — across the country with the help of state governments and institutions. “His organisation has installed a flag in the Himalayas, at Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh, at an altitude of 14,200 ft above sea level. But it’s not about how tall they are. What matters most is whether they are well maintained. Many people have installed tall flags, but they are finding it very difficult to maintain. So it could be easier to figure out how Ram serves his duty hours sitting under the shade of a pump house in a corner of the park. On further asking him about his personal life,he said, it was two years ago that he came to Delhi from Damoh in Madhya Pradesh. He worked as a security guard till he landed this job a few months after the flag came up on March 7, 2014. The eldest of four siblings, he started doing odd jobs soon after completing his Class XII, because his father, a daily wage worker, was finding it difficult to support the family. But he managed to complete his graduation in between jobs. A day off would

mean a deduction of Rs 300 from his monthly salary.He is guarding the flag for almost a year, but he never had to take anyone to the police post outside the park. Earlier, It was even harder for him to guard as there was no railing around the flag and love-struck couples would scribble their hearts on the pole. Now a railing has been installed so that people don’t get too close to the pole and deface it. As dusk falls and the eight 1,000watt bulbs switch on to light up the flag, there is a sudden rush of visitors into the park. Young and old, Indians and foreign tourists, all throng the park, the flashes from their phones lighting up the space. As the crowd swells, Ram Avatar is on his toes. “This place is sensitive. You have a Metro station underneath you, a sprawling market around. Besides, this park is always brimming with people. So, one has to be extra careful here. Around 7 pm, as entry to the park is shut, it’s time for Ram Avatar to call it a day. His night-shift colleague will arrive anytime now and he will head home, where food, books and TV is waiting for him. “There is a lot of talk about nationalism nowadays on TV. If after clicking pictures with the flag makes the people a patriot or installing a tri-colour over your roof makes a patriot.What about Ram Avtar..? Who spends his 12 hours under the tri-colour and guards it...? samyantak malhotra

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1-15 अप्​्ैल 2016


3G इंटरनेट फ्​्ी पाना हुआ आसान... जैसे- हमें मेल भेजना हो, दकसी कंपनी दं​ंारा अपॉइंटमेंट लेटर पं​ंापंत करना हो तो हम मेल के आिान पं​ंिान से पं​ंापंत कर लेते है

इस महगाई भरी दुवनया मे् फ्​्ी कुछ भी वमि िाये तो हम उसे छोड़ते नही्है और उसमे्भी अगर इंररनेर वमि िाये तो उससे हम कैसे छोड़े्गे। आि कि इंररनेर हर इंसान की िर्रत बन गई है और वाकई मे्हम इंररनेर से हर काम सेकंड से पहिे कर सकते है विससे हमारा समय भी बर िाता है। िैसेहमे् मेि भेिना हो, वकसी कंपनी द् ्ा रा अ पॉ इं र मे्र िेरर प्​्ाप्त करना हो तो हम मेि के आदान प्​्दान से प्​्ाप्त कर िेते है साथ ही अगर हमारे फोन मे् बैिे्स ना हो और हमे् वकसी से बात करना हो तो हम इंररनेर से सारी रीजे शेयर कर िेते है विससे हम एक दूसरे के बातो् को अच्छे से समझ िेते है वो भी इंररनेर से डाउनिोड वकया हुआ एक ऐप ही होता है उसके विए भी हमे् इंररनेर रावहए तो आइये आि मै् आपको कुछ वरप्स बताता हुँ विससे आप 3G

Make in india Launched on 25 september 2014, it was Modi,s brain child to make India the world,s next manufacturing destination and attract FDI.

Make in India is an initiative of the government of India to encourage multi-national, as well as domestic companies to manufacture their products in India .Make in India compaign aims to convince global and Indian

manufacturers that India is a business paradise. Launched on 25 september 2014, it was Modi,s brain child to make India the world,s next manufacturing destination and attract FDI. Twenty five sectors were identified with focus on Job creation and skill enhancement. These include automobiles chemicals,It pharmaceuticals, textiles,

ports,aviation, leather, tourism,hospitality and wellness, railways auto components design manufacturing renewable energy, mining, bio-technology , defence and electronics among others.

१. सबसे पहले अपने फ़ोन में दवदपएन डाउनलोड करने के दलए अपने हैंडसेट के पंले संटोर पर जाये। २. अब पंले संटोर पे जा के इसे डाउनलोड कर ले। अब वोडाफोन 3G कॉनंफ़िगरेशन फाइल को भी डाउनलोड कर ले। ४. अब इस कॉनंफ़िगरेशन को दवदपएन में मूव कर िीदजए। ५. अब दवदपएन को रन कर िीदजए और इंटरनेट को कनेकंट कर लीदजए। बस वफर त्या इस महगाई भरी दुवनया मे्फ्​्ी इंररनेर वो भी 3G के स्पीड से इस्​्ेमाि कीविए। अनमत कुमार झा

अब बल्ब की रोशनी से साफ हो सके्गे कपडे ...

has been impressive since the launch of this compaign, according to the latest economic survey.But even October 2014 and June2015, there was an almost 40% increase in FDI inflows. The FDI inflows under the approval route saw a growth of 87%

during 2014-15 with inflow of US$2.22 Billion. T h e s e indicators a r e Since its launch the govrnment has taken several steps to make it easier for companies to do busines in the country.And FDI has been allozured in sectors . It is estimated that through this initiative , India will be the top destination globally for foreign direct investment surpassing china as well as USA. The growth in FDI

इंररनेर वबिकुि मुफ्त मे् रिा सकते है:विसमे्हम आपको आि वोडाफोन 3G इंररनेर के बारे मे्बताते है

encouraging and shows confidence of investors in the resurgent India. With its moto of ear of doing Business the Make in India programme has led to improvement of business environment still lot is required to bedone to gain investors confidence to turn this vision into a reality. Dr.Mahmood Alam

िी हाँ आपने वबिकुि सही पढा है बल्ब के अगर उसमें से हम कपडे धोने रोशनी से साफ हो सकता है। आपका कपडा विससे के काम को दनकाल िे तो कपडे को साफ रखने के विए उसे िोने की उनका काफी समय बच सकता आवश्यकता खत्म हो िायेगा। ये खबर वसडनी से है । शोधकतं ा​ाओं ने एक ऐसी खाश कर मवहिाओ् के विए है िहां आमतौर पर मवहिाओ्का ज्यादा से ज्याद वक्त घर के कामो्मे् तकनीक दनकाला है दजससे ही वनकि िाता है। अगर उसमे् से हम कपडे िोने कपड़ो को ६ दमनट तक बलंब के काम को वनकाि दे तो उनका काफी समय बर की रोशनी या धुप में रख दिया सकता है। शोिकत्ाषओ् ने एक ऐसी तकनीक वनकािा है विससे कपड़ो को ६ वमनर तक बल्ब की जाये तो कपडे आपने आप ही साफ हो जायेंगे। रोशनी या िुप मे् रख वदया िाये तो कपडे आपने आप ही साफ हो िायेग् ।े बताया िाता है की मेिबन्ष के आरएमआईरी ववश्​्ववद्​्ािय के शोिकत्ाषओ्ने एक ववशेर नैनो तकनीक से एक कपडा तैयार वकया िो की रोशनी मे्आपने आप साफ हो िाता है। एक भारतीय भी इस शोिकत्ाषओ् के दि मे् शावमि है। शोिकत्ाष रािेश रमनथम ने बताया की "हािांवक ये अभी दूर है की आप आपने वावशंग मशीन को गुड बाय कहे पर भववष्य मे्इस खोि से खुद साफ होने वािे कपडे तैयार वकए िा सकते है। एक खबर के मुतावबक शोिकत्ाषओ्ने ये कपडा रांदी और ताम्बा आिावरत नैनोसंररना के इस्​्ेमाि से बनाया है। ये प्​्काश को सोखने के क्​्मता के विए प्​्वसद्​् है। िब इन नैनोसंररना मे् प्​्काश डािा िाता है विससे इनमे् गम्ष इिेत्ि्ान वनकिते है, और ये गम्ष इिेत्ि्ान ढेर सारी ऊि्ाष प्​्दान करते है,विससे कपडा िूि वमट्​्ी (काब्वष नक पदाथ्ष) को हरा देते है। अब देखना ये है की शोिकत्ाष कब तक इसे आम आदमी अनमत कुमार झा के इस्​्ेमाि के विए बनाते है।

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संवामी , मुदंक , पं​ंकाशक अनुज गगंा के दलए एच एस दं​ंपनंटसंा, कूचा चेलान, िदरयागंज, नई दिलंली -११०००२ से मुदंदत और २८ भारत नगर, नंयू फ्ंडंस कॉलोनी , नई दिलंली -२५ से पं​ंकादशत.

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