A Compliance Act for Business
CAN SPAM ACT: A Compliance Act for Business
Don't use false or misleading header information
Don't use deceptive subject lines (if you're using trickery to try and get your emails opened, it's probably NOT okay
Identify the message as an ad.
Chances are, this is the one requirement that is slipping by. Simply a small line of text indicating that your message is an advertisement, how they were added to your list, the email address from which they subscribed, and possibly even the IP from which they subscribed (Several of our clients are doing this very well).
Tell recipients where you are located. You must have a physical address in your messages (PO Boxes are OK).
Tell recipients how to opt out of future email.
Tell recipients where you are located. You must have a physical address in your messages (PO Boxes are OK).
Honor opt-out requests promptly. (See #4)
Monitor what others are doing with your brand.