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Research Questions
Research Scope
European University Institute (EUI)
Consortium members:
Deep Blue
Is it possible to develop a structured methodology to help assess legal implications of higher levels of automation in ATM? Are the current liability regimes at national and international levels suited to accommodate the introduction of new technologies? ALIAS addresses the topic �Legal Aspects of Paradigm Shift�, focusing on the legal implications of automation in socio-technical systems. ALIAS produced two main outputs: the Network of Legal Research in ATM and the Legal Case methodology. The methodology includes a variety of supporting tools, such as tables to specify levels of automation and identify tasks and duties; flow diagrams to guide the assessment process; maps to classify failures, identify possible liabilities and analyse their legal grounds together with tables and reports to embed the results. The Legal Case is a methodological tool that identifies the legal aspects which should be taken into consideration at the various stages of the design development and deployment of the new technologies in highly automated scenarios. The Legal Case is the core of the project and comprises a novel methodology to address legal issues of automated technologies for ATM during the design process. By means of the methodology the need for changes in the allocation of legal liabilities can be identified at the project development stage, and legal problems can be addressed before deployment, through convenient technological adaptations or legal arrangements.
Research Results
The Network of Legal Research is a virtual online community, sharing digital materials and addressing themes of liability attribution in automated contexts. It is supported by a dedicated platform available at with a forum for discussion and a digital library of shared materials. ALIAS II will take the Legal Case concept, apply it and consolidate it in order to provide the ATM community with a Legal Case self-standing methodology, to be used by the ATM stakeholders. Furthermore, ALIAS II will continue developing the virtual community Network of Legal research experts and expand them towards projects that deal with topics like liability attribution and legal issues.