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Research Questions


Consortium members:

Deep Blue

What added value can the combination of Enterprise Architecture (EA) with Resilience Engineering (RE) bring to measure the resilience potential of the ATM system? The objective of SCALES is to link Resilience Engineering and Enterprise Architecture principles into a framework (the "SCALES Framework") that enables a context driven analysis of resilience. This framework builds on harmonization to European ATM Architecture (EATMA) and latest developments on Resilience Engineering.

Research Scope

SCALES aims to identify indicators as early warnings signs and as measures to quantify the potential for the resilience of the ATM system. The purpose of the indicators is to provide actionable information to keep the system under control in case of perturbations demonstrating practical benefits in specific real ATM cases. Enterprise Architecture will offer the opportunity to model system of systems and to consider the system from different viewpoints (functional, communication, information and process view). For each viewpoint SCALES will identify appropriate resilience related indicators. SCALES is oriented both to the industry and also to the research community. For the former, it monitors the capacity to adapt and cope with disturbances and looks for proactive indicators and early warnings considering technical, operational and organizational aspects. For the latter, it provides a systemic approach and associated tool to represent and characterise resilience and its related indicators. The main result from the project will be the SCALES framework consisting of a web tool and guidelines that demonstrate how resilience related indicators can be identified and measured using different viewpoints of the ATM system. The project will aim at contributing to resilience analysis in context and use of advanced tools that support RE.

Research Results The verification and validation in realistic cases based on relevant technical and operational functions and typical future ATM infrastructure support, promote and facilitate the utilization of Enterprise Architecture and Resilience Engineering as way to improve the performance of the ATM system.


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