IAC 2014 Brand Manual

Page 1


CONTENTS 1.0 Logo 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Main Logo Display Logo Small Application Logo Violations

2.0 Color

2.1 Primary Brand Colors

3.0 Typography 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

Creative Design Use Internal office use Neutraface 2 text Scala Verdana

4.0 Graphic Standards 4.1 Emphasis Bars 4.2 Halftone effects

5.0 Collateral 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

Business cards Letterhead Envelope Folio Standard Folio

1.0 logo 1.1 Main Logo cmyk 4-colour Logo_main_CMYK.eps

primary logotype

The International Astronautical Congress 2014 logo is designed to be distinct from past and future congresses. It is a bold, confident, and contemporary icon that distinguishes it from past iac marks. since IAC 2014 is specific to its date, this information is always displayed in the logo to differentiate it from previous congresses. The logo is comprised of two parts: the primary logotype (graphic) and the secondary wordmark (text). The main use of the logo utilizes both of these components. The logo comes in four colour configurations for print (as shown), and an RGB colour configuration for screen (Logo_main_RGB.eps) (not displayed).

secondary wordmark

PMS coated


PMS Uncoated




1.0 logo 1.2 Display Logo standard version


There may be cases where the logo will need to be displayed as an identifying icon for the event. In these instances, the primary logotype is used solely as a graphic element. The secondary wordmark is excluded because the textual information will be too difficult to read or will be clarified elsewhere in the applied collateral. Examples of this would be on the front of the business card, the projected animation, and the animated GIF for web applications. When applied as a knockout on top of a background, be sure to choose a portion of the graphic that allows the Toronto 2014 text to always be readable.

knockout version on background Logo_display_knockout_CMYK.eps

incorrect usage of knockout version

Toronto 2012 is illegible

1.0 logo 1.3 Small Application Logo stacked composition (Preferred) Logo_small_stacked_CMYK.eps


For print applications, when the primary logotype is between 1 and 1.5 inches, the small configuration must be used. For web and screen applications, the small logo must be used when the logotype is between 72 and 108 pixels. At these sizes, the Toronto 2014 portion of the logotype becomes too difficult to read and is therefore removed. The circle in the center is also filled in to balance the logo’s density. The minimum size of the logotypes is 1 inch for printed collateral or 72 pixels for screen/web. The wordmark must always accompany the small logo in order to maintain its informational integrity  — since IAC 2014 is specific to its date, it is essential to have this information shown with the logo to differentiate it from previous congresses.

1.5” 2” vertical composition Logo_small_vertical_CMYK.eps



Parts of the logo blend into the background and become illegible

1.4 logo violations 2014.ca


Do not add elements to the logo, as this will alter it.

Do not substitute or replace wordmark with other fonts

Never skew or distort the logo

Do not alter the color or tint of the logo or use a drop shadow Logotype is larger than 1.5�

Do not outline any part of the logo Do not use the small logo for large applications

Do not remove the wordmark from the small logo

2.0 Brand colour Maintenance of the integrity of the IAC 2014 brand through consistent use of brand colours is integral across all applications. The brand is built on two primary colours using tint and opacity variants. These two colours are used for the logo, full background floods, and solid graphic treatments.

2.1 Primary Brand Colours Always use these exact Pantone Matching System (PMS) colours where applicable. Where needed, the CMYK, RGB, web hexadecimal and paint equivalents should be used.

uncoated Paper Pantone 116 U Coated Paper Pantone 130 C

4-colour process C 00% M 30% Y 100% K 00%

4-colour process C 15% M 15% Y 10% K 75%

on-screen/RGB R 252 G 184 B 19 Hexidecimal code # fc b 813

on-screen/RGB R 76 G 76 B 78 Hexidecimal code #4 c4 c4 e

Note: For use on-screen, colour perception is affected by the luminosity and calibration of the monitor. When printing on coated paper PMS Coated must be specified for use. When printing on uncoated paper PMS Uncoated must be specified for use. When printing the logo in 4-colour publications the CYMK specified colours should be used. When used on the web or on-screen the RGB or Hexidecimal specified colours should be used where applicable.

3.0 TYPOGRAPHY These typefaces should be used as specified for all significant brand communication pieces. There are two standard typefaces for Creative Design Use — Neutraface 2 Text and Scala, and one for Internal Office Use and e-mail communications — Verdana. PLEASE ADHERE TO THE RECOMMENDED STYLE GUIDELINES IN THIS SECTION.

3.1 Creative Design Use

Neutraface 2 Text Headers, Sub-Headers, Block Quotations, Captions, Contact Information

Scala OT Body text — all body text should be set at 9.5 points with the spacing set to 12 points

3.2 Internal Office Use

Verdana Internal Use — Letterhead, electronic communication (fax, memo, etc) and e-mail

3.0 TYPOGRAPHY 3.3 Neutraface 2 Text light

light ITALIC


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ R STU V WXYZ&!?12 34567 8 90 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ&! ?123 4 5678 90 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

This family comes in four weights and their accompanying italics.


book italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ&!?1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ&!?1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


Demi italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ&!?1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ&!?1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ&!?1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

bold italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ&!?1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Used for headers, sub-headers, block quotations, captions, labels, contact information. For details for specific uses please refer to the specific use guidelines below. Please refer to font licensing for usage on the House Industries website at <http://www.houseind.com/fonts/licensing/ eula>

Specific Use Guidelines Main Headers: All main headers should be set in Neutraface 2 Text Demi Small Caps and placed within a yellow bar (see section 4.1). Sub-headers: All sub headers should be set in Neutraface 2 Text Demi. Labels: All labels should be set in Neutraface 2 Text Bold Small Caps, tracking set to 20. Captions: Captions should be set in Neutraface 2 Text Book Contact Information: All contact information should be set in Neutraface 2 Text Book Small Caps.

3.0 TYPOGRAPHY 3.4 Scala OT regular


Scala ot

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ&!?1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ&!?1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

This family comes in two weights with accompanying italics.


bold italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ&!?1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUV W X YZ&!?1234567890 abcdef ghijklmnopqrstuv wxyz

Used for Body Text — All body text should be 9.5pt size with the spacing set at 12 points. Please refer to font licensing for usage on the Font Shop website at <http://www.fontshop.com/licenses/fontfont/>

3.5 Verdana regular






abcdefghijklmnopqrstu vwxyz


Verdana For IAC 2014 only two weights of Verdana should be used. Used for Internal use, letter head, electronic communications (memo, fax) and e-mail communications All body text should be 9pt size with the spacing set to exactly 14 points

4.0 Graphic Standards 4.1 Emphasis Bars Emphasis bars

xxGraphic Standards x

Solid coloured bars are used to add emphasis to headers. The colour of the bar is always the yellow colour specified in the Brand Colours section (Section 2.1). All type set within the bar should be set according to the specific use guidelines found in Section 3.3. Emphasis bars can be set aligned left or right and must bleed off the page from side of origin.

Graphic Standards xx x

Type within the emphasis bars is to be placed according to x-height of header text. the bounding box is to be placed 1 x-height from the bottom of the bar and 1.5 x-height from the edge of the bar

4.0 Graphic Standards 4.2 Halftone Effects A


instructions to apply halftone effect



1. Be sure to resize the image to how large you need it to be. 2. Change the image mode (A) to “Grayscale”: Image > Mode > Grayscale. 3. Navigate to the Filter Gallery: Filter > Filter Gallery... (B) 4. Under the Sketch folder, choose “Halftone Pattern”. In the right panel, change the values as indicated in (C): Size: 3 Contrast: 27 Pattern Type: Dot 5. Navigate to the Levels window: Image > Adjustments > Levels... 6. Change the value for the black output level to 20.

5.0 Collateral GUidelines 5.1 Business Cards

100 % SCALE


Name Neutraface 2 Text Demi • small caps • 10 pt


2 0 14

geoffrey languedoc General Manager

to r


65 th international astronautical congress 29 seP – 3 oct 2014

geoffrey@casi.ca iac2014.org office: +1 (613) 591 8787 mobile: +1 (613) 882 4434

Info Neutraface 2 Text Book • Title Case • 10 pt

Title Neutraface 2 Text Demi • Title Case • 10 pt

5.0 Collateral GUidelines 5.2 Letterhead

65 % SCALE

letterhead.indd letterhead.dot

Second Sheet 1˝

Display Logotype With secondary wordmark


Etiam eleifend commodo risus, at aliquam nibh tempor sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed id mi dolor, quis eleifend justo. Aliquam feugiat, elit vitae mollis interdum, dui nulla condimentum mauris, ut feugiat metus ligula sed orci. Suspendisse semper tristique condimentum. Phasellus consequat, risus vel dignissim laoreet, sapien ante rutrum turpis, vitae consectetur lacus ipsum gravida felis. Nam id enim dui, a egestas risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sodales, urna ut tempor mattis, est nulla condimentum felis, egestas pharetra urna dui ac ligula. Ut vel diam a eros porttitor posuere. Suspendisse lorem metus, malesuada et porta sit amet, dignissim vel lorem. Vestibulum eget lectus lacus, sed mattis augue. Duis id risus id est iaculis elementum ac eu odio.

April 21st, 2013

Suspendisse eu posuere ipsum. Praesent in bibendum ligula. Cras dignissim, felis et vehicula dictum, lacus orci sollicitudin nibh, quis fringilla eros sapien ut magna. Cras a sem a quam porta blandit vitae non ligula. Nullam ut nulla justo. Morbi lectus diam, tristique placerat tempor sed, mollis ut massa. In rhoncus eleifend tortor, mollis adipiscing tellus tincidunt in. Vestibulum sodales facilisis porta. Morbi fermentum dui et neque congue tempus. In ut turpis orci, pharetra sodales lacus. Phasellus euismod sem vitae est posuere accumsan. Nullam consequat, ipsum in mollis rutrum, elit metus lobortis elit, ultrices pulvinar est purus hendrerit quam. Morbi eros quam, luctus scelerisque facilisis eu, pharetra eget nibh. Donec facilisis dolor bibendum tellus pellentesque adipiscing. Sed vel elit at lorem pharetra scelerisque in at nunc. Praesent adipiscing consequat posuere.tor dictum nisl, a pulvinar eros porta.

Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute 350 Terry Fox Drive, Suite 104 Kanata, Ontario K2K 2W5 CANADA

Dear Sir,

Etiam eleifend commodo risus, at aliquam nibh tempor sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed id mi dolor, quis eleifend justo. Aliquam feugiat, elit vitae mollis interdum, dui nulla condimentum mauris, ut feugiat metus ligula sed orci. Suspendisse semper tristique condimentum. Phasellus consequat, risus vel dignissim laoreet, sapien ante rutrum turpis, vitae consectetur lacus ipsum gravida felis. Nam id enim dui, a egestas risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sodales, urna ut tempor mattis, est nulla condimentum felis, egestas pharetra urna dui ac ligula. Ut vel diam a eros porttitor posuere. Suspendisse lorem metus, malesuada et porta sit amet, dignissim vel lorem. Vestibulum eget lectus lacus, sed mattis augue. Duis id risus id est iaculis elementum ac eu odio.

Suspendisse eu posuere ipsum. Praesent in bibendum ligula. Cras dignissim, felis et vehicula dictum, lacus orci sollicitudin nibh, quis fringilla eros sapien ut magna. Cras a sem a quam porta blandit vitae non ligula. Nullam ut nulla justo. Morbi lectus diam, tristique placerat tempor sed, mollis ut massa. In rhoncus eleifend tortor, mollis adipiscing tellus tincidunt in. Vestibulum sodales facilisis porta. Morbi fermentum dui et neque congue tempus. In ut turpis orci, pharetra sodales lacus. Phasellus euismod sem vitae est posuere accumsan. Nullam consequat, ipsum in mollis rutrum, elit metus lobortis elit, ultrices pulvinar est purus hendrerit quam. Morbi eros quam, luctus scelerisque facilisis eu, pharetra eget nibh. Donec facilisis dolor bibendum tellus pellentesque adipiscing. Sed vel elit at lorem pharetra scelerisque in at nunc. Praesent adipiscing consequat posuere.tor dictum nisl, a pulvinar eros porta.

Suspendisse eu posuere ipsum. Praesent in bibendum ligula. Cras dignissim, felis et vehicula dictum, lacus orci sollicitudin nibh, quis fringilla eros sapien ut magna. Cras a sem a quam porta blandit vitae non ligula. Nullam ut nulla justo. Morbi lectus diam, tristique placerat tempor sed, mollis ut massa. In rhoncus eleifend tortor, mollis adipiscing tellus tincidunt in. Vestibulum sodales facilisis porta. Morbi fermentum dui et neque congue tempus. In ut turpis orci, pharetra sodales lacus. Phasellus euismod sem vitae est posuere accumsan. Nullam consequat, ipsum in mollis rutrum, elit metus lobortis elit, ultrices pulvinar est purus hendrerit quam. Morbi eros quam, luctus scelerisque facilisis eu, pharetra eget nibh. Donec facilisis dolor bibendum tellus pellentesque adipiscing. Sed vel elit at lorem pharetra scelerisque in at nunc. Praesent adipiscing consequat posuere.tor dictum nisl, a pulvinar eros porta.

Body Copy Scala • Regular • 9.5/12 pt

Suspendisse eu posuere ipsum. Praesent in bibendum ligula. Cras dignissim, felis et vehicula dictum, lacus orci sollicitudin nibh, quis fringilla eros sapien ut magna. Cras a sem a quam porta blandit vitae non ligula. Nullam ut nulla justo. Morbi lectus diam, tristique placerat tempor sed, mollis ut massa. In rhoncus eleifend tortor, mollis adipiscing tellus tincidunt in. Vestibulum sodales facilisis porta. Morbi fermentum dui et neque congue tempus. In ut turpis orci, pharetra sodales lacus. Phasellus euismod sem vitae est posuere accumsan. Nullam consequat, ipsum in mollis rutrum, elit metus lobortis elit, ultrices pulvinar est purus hendrerit quam. Morbi eros quam, luctus scelerisque facilisis eu, pharetra eget nibh. Sincerely,

Sincerely, John Doe

John Doe

Additional Info Scala • Regular • 9 pt



office: +1 (905) 790 4466

office: +1 (905) 790 4466

mobile: +1 (416) 895 3341

mobile: +1 (416) 895 3341

There are both InDesign and Microsoft Word templates for the letterheads. Use Scala for body copy and when not available use Verdana. If more information needs to be added, add in yellow bars at left bottom.

5.0 Collateral GUidelines 5.3 Envelopes

60 % SCALE


To be printed on a #10 envelope.

Display Logotype

CASI/IAC Address Neutraface 2 Text • Book Small Caps • 9.5 pt • In bars

1.75˝ 350 Terry Fox Drive, SuiTe 104 KanaTa, onTario K2K 2W5 CanaDa

JoHn Doe 2 - 1395 WeST 11 ave vanCouver, BC v5T 2B9



Address Neutraface 2 Text • Book Small Caps • 11/13 pt

5.0 Collateral GUidelines 5.4 Folio

30 % SCALE



April 21st, 2013

Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute 350 Terry Fox Drive, Suite 104 Kanata, Ontario K2K 2W5 CANADA

Dear Sir, Etiam eleifend commodo risus, at aliquam nibh tempor sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed id mi dolor, quis eleifend justo. Aliquam feugiat, elit vitae mollis interdum, dui nulla condimentum mauris, ut feugiat metus ligula sed orci. Suspendisse semper tristique condimentum. Phasellus consequat, risus vel dignissim laoreet, sapien ante rutrum turpis, vitae consectetur lacus ipsum gravida felis. Nam id enim dui, a egestas risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sodales, urna ut tempor mattis, est nulla condimentum felis, egestas pharetra urna dui ac ligula. Ut vel diam a eros porttitor posuere. Suspendisse lorem metus, malesuada et porta sit amet, dignissim vel lorem. Vestibulum eget lectus lacus, sed mattis augue. Duis id risus id est iaculis elementum ac eu odio. Suspendisse eu posuere ipsum. Praesent in bibendum ligula. Cras dignissim, felis et vehicula dictum, lacus orci sollicitudin nibh, quis fringilla eros sapien ut magna. Cras a sem a quam porta blandit vitae non ligula. Nullam ut nulla justo. Morbi lectus diam, tristique placerat tempor sed, mollis ut massa. In rhoncus eleifend tortor, mollis adipiscing tellus tincidunt in. Vestibulum sodales facilisis porta. Morbi fermentum dui et neque congue tempus. In ut turpis orci, pharetra sodales lacus. Phasellus euismod sem vitae est posuere accumsan. Nullam consequat, ipsum in mollis rutrum, elit metus lobortis elit, ultrices pulvinar est purus hendrerit quam. Morbi eros quam, luctus scelerisque facilisis eu, pharetra eget nibh. Donec facilisis dolor bibendum tellus pellentesque adipiscing. Sed vel elit at lorem pharetra scelerisque in at nunc. Praesent adipiscing consequat posuere.tor dictum nisl, a pulvinar eros porta a.



John Doe

casi.ca/iac-2014 office mobile


5.0 Collateral GUidelines 5.5 Standard Folio

40 % SCALE

Standard_folio.ai Standard_folio.pdf


Use a standard 9˝x 12˝ folder size if not able to use the folio die-cut provided in 5.4.

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