Diet And Weight Loss
Ph Miracle Diet Basics The latest path breaking invention to strike the world of nutrition and dieting is the pH Miracle Diet. Experts have noted that popular dieting plans seem to vary from time to time. For instance, the 90s marked lo-fat diets, and the last decade has focused on low-carbohydrate diets like Protein Power, South Beach diet, Sugar busters and Atkins. People begin to get frustrated with each new diet and start looking for newer options. The pH miracle has stolen the spotlight currently. This diet appeals to most people as it completely different from the usual high- protein, low carbohydrate diets that have ruled the last couple of years. The pH diet, also known as the Young Diet, named after its founder Dr. Robert Young, or the alkaline diet, has a unique approach towards the supply of nutrition. Many medical experts, nutritionists and doctors find this diet program as an extremely balanced approach to achieve nutrition that considers the true requirements of the body. Normally, our bodies have a slightly alkaline pH value. The principle is that as our body functions best at alkaline pH; our diet must be comprised of alkaline foods. The normal diet of an average American contains several acidic foods, including sugar caffeine, animal protein and packaged food. These acidic products disturb the pH level of the human body and thereby cause a myriad of problems. The principles of this diet claim that acidic foods hinder the benefits of alkaline minerals, including potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium, which make people vulnerable to chronic conditions. The real essence of the pH diet Nutrition and health experts have realized that the food which a person consumes as part of his diet has a distinct effect on his overall health pattern. Though the medical community has given special importance to a balanced, nutritional diet which includes fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy and meat items, the pH diet is a step ahead. It clearly indicates that acidic foods deprive the body of its essential minerals. People, who adopt the pH miracle diet, have learnt to avoid intake of food that causes disastrous effects to health. Most foods that we commonly consume are strictly forbidden in the pH diet. The most surprising of these restrictions is the removal of wheat products. Though the FDA suggests consumption
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