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The violent events occurred in some places of Caracas and other three municipalities of Venezuela from 12 February, have so far caused unfortunate number of victims, among them: anti-government protesters, non-protesters citizens such as workers and parents who were trying to get home, as well as several government supporters who died without participating in any demonstration. Without prejudging the results of the researches undertaken by the Attorney General's Office, as well as of the decisions to be taken by judges of the Republic, the circumstances by which these Venezuelans died can then be described, with a view to managing appropriately information and to tackling the disinformation and distortion campaign of the events that have been broadcast by the media and social networks.

12 February  (1) Bassil Alejandro DaCosta and Juan Montoya, 24 and 50 years old respectively, died after being shot at the centre of Caracas, within the framework of the violent demonstrations, when small groups of people with a violent attitude tried to assault the Attorney General's Office headquarters, vandalizing it and burning facilities of the building. There are images and pictures testifying the presence of armed civil groups, as well as of police officers belonging to a State security force who were not authorised to intervene in the control of citizen security during that violent riot. These police officers and civilians are currently detained, waiting for a judgement. The Attorney General's Office has specifically arrested three officials of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (SEBIN, in Spanish), who were allegedly involved in these crimes, among them: Melvin 2

Collazos who was brought before the Court of Control. He was reproached for misuse of firearm and violation of international conventions and covenants. The other two persons deprived of liberty are: Anyosua Aspe López and Jonathan José Rodríguez Duarte, who presented themselves before the Body of Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations (CICPC, in Spanish).  (3) Roberto Redman, 26 years old, died after being shot in a guarimba [Barricade and street clashes], in the Municipality of Chacao, State of Miranda, within the framework of the violent demonstrations.

17 February  (4) José Méndez died after being run over by a car trying reportedly to pass through a guarimba in the State of Sucre. The driver expressed that he was threatened by a group of protesters. There were already signs that quite a few official cars have been burned and he was driving an official vehicle. 18 February  (5) Génesis Carmona, a 22-year-old model, died in the city of Valencia, State of Carabobo, after being shot. She was protesting at the sector, within the framework of the violent guarimbas. According to the trajectory of the bullet (the bullet entered the rear of the model), it is assumed that the shot was performed by a citizen who was in the opposition demonstration.


20 February  (6) Asdrúbal Rodríguez, 26 years old, died in odd circumstances. Witnesses state that he was detained by police officers of the Municipal police of Chacao. Reportedly, the victim was released and forced to run; nevertheless he died when falling from a bridge during his withdrawal. As a result, 2 Police officers of Chacao, Jean Carlos Cáceres Saavedra and Yeimer Alexander Yánez Mara, are detained for aggravated homicide for futile reasons in degree of complicity, unwarranted use of firearm, illegal detention and failure to provide assistance. The case is under investigation, led by Attorney 126 of Caracas.  (7) Julio González Pinto, 45 years old, died allegedly in an accident occurred after trying to avoid a guarimba, in Caracas.  (8) Arturo Martínez, 58 years old, from Lara State, brother of a PSUV deputy. He died in the State of Lara. He was shot when trying to remove some obstacles in the way in order for him to be able to cross the street. It is important to point out that those obstacles were used to restrict the free access to public ways. Findings would seem to indicate that the victim was attacked by protesters in the sector.

21 February  (9) Elvis Durán de las Rosas, 29 years old, died by decapitation. The incident took place on Rómulo Gallegos Avenue, in the Municipality of Sucre, State of Miranda, when the victim was returning home and passed through a guarimba. What he did not know was that protesters had


installed on both sides of the track a galvanised steel wire at the exact height to behead any motorcyclist. Elvis was a sport leader, pro-Chavez supporter, motorcyclist and member of an organised group of motorcyclists (cooperative).  (10) Doris Elena Lobo Arias, 40 years old, resident of Mérida State, died as a consequence of the serious injuries she received when the motorcycle where she was travelling with one of her sons passed through a barbed-wire trap prepared by extremist groups to block the circulation of motorcycles. 22 February  (11) Geraldine Moreno, 23 years old, died because of the impact of a pellet to her face. She was in the site where an opposition demonstration was taking place. According to some witnesses, an official of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB, in Spanish) was responsible for the deed; nevertheless, there is no evidence yet.

23 February  (12) José Alejandro Márquez, 45 years old, died from a traumatic head injury at the La Candelaria Parish in Caracas, within the framework of the violent demonstrations. Videos show the moment when this citizen ran due to the presence of police officers. He fell to the ground knocking violently his head against the sidewalk.  (13) Danny Joel Melgarejo Vargas, 20 years old, died from stab wounds in the sector Las Tinajas, State of Táchira, when trying to pass through a guarimba.


For this action, a teenager has been arrested on charges of intentional homicide. The case is under investigation, conducted by Attorneys 4 and 19 of Táchira State.

24 February  (14) Jimmy Vargas, 32 years old, died from trauma when falling from the roof of a house within the framework of a violent demonstration. Even if the officials of the Bolivarian National Guard are accused of throwing teargas bombs at the inside of the house, the CNN videos show clearly the moment when the citizen tried to come down but he slipped and fell.  (15) Wilmer Carballo, 43 years old. According to neighbours of the Cagua sector, a group of inhabitants were demonstrating when, at approximately 10 am, some motorcyclists burst in the streets with stones and guns. Reportedly, they began shooting in the air and the victim was trapped in the shoot-out.  (16) Antonio José Valbuena Morales, 32 years old, died from a gunshot to the head during the demonstrations that took place in Maracaibo. Antonio was in a group of motorcycles that left the shantytown of El Marite. They were removing the debris placed by the protestors to put up a barricade. When the group of motorcycles approached the shantytown of Francisco de Miranda, a hooded person started shooting.


25 February  (17) Eduardo Ramón Anzona Carmona, 29 years old, died in the road Naguanagua, Valencia, State of Carabobo, while driving a motorcycle. He tried to dodge a barricade but crashed into it. The case is under investigation, conducted by Attorney 5 of The State of Carabobo.  (18) Johan Gabriel Quintero Carrasco, 33 years old, died as a result of the wounds caused by bullets of firearms (12 shootings), in the parking lots of the establishment Super Lider in the location of El Limón, Aragua State.

28 February  (19) Giovanni Pantoja, 28 years old, a Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) official, died after being hit by a bullet in the eye. Bolivarian National Guard officials were ambushed while removing debris of the barricades put up by the demonstrators, in the residential area of El Trigal, north of Valencia, Carabobo State. The case is in the phase of investigation, under the direction of attorneys 24 (national level) and 25 (State of Carabobo). 04 March  (20) Luis Alejandro Gutiérrez Camargo, 23 years old, died in the municipality of Junín, town of Rubio, Táchira State, while trying to avoid a stone and debris. He crashed into a pole and his car collided.


06 March  (19) Acner Isaac López Lyon, 29 years old, a Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) official, and (20) José Gregorio Amaris Castillo, 25, a motorcycle taxi driver, died from bullet impacts while removing debris of the barricades put up by the demonstrators, in the eastern residential area of Los Ruices, Caracas. 07 March  (19) Giovanni Pantoja, 28 years old, a Bolivarian National Guard (GNB), died after being hit by a bullet in the eye. Bolivarian National Guard officials were ambushed while removing debris of the barricades put up by the demonstrators, in the residential area of El Trigal, north of Valencia, Carabobo State.

08 March  (24) Jonathan Martínez García, 30 years old, died in Avenue 16, Goajira, Ziruma Area, Maracaibo, as a result of multiple traumas, after the collapse of a metallic structure (billboard) allegedly demolished by protestors.

09 March  (25) Gisella Rubilar Figueroa, 46 years old, a Chilean woman, received a bullet impact on the eye, while removing a barricade put up by the demonstrators, in Los Próceres Avenue, Libertador Municipality, Mérida State.


10 March  (26) Daniel Tinoco Carrillo, 24 years old, a student from Universidad del Táchira, died from a gunshot to the chest. He was at a vigil point in the intersection of Ferrero Tamayo and Carabobo avenues. According to the witnesses, at approximately 10 pm, there was a hounding from a group of motorists who shot from a parallel street towards that place.

12 March  (27) Ramso Ernesto Bracho Bravo, 36 years old, a Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) Captain, died in Mañongo, Municipality of Naguanagua, Carabobo State, from firearms wounds confronting violent groups.  (28) Jesús Enrique Acosta, 22 years old, died at noontime after being shot with a bullet to the head. The young man was a student at Universidad de Carabobo. He was near his house, located in the residential area of La Isabelica. According to witnesses he was not participating in the violent acts.  (29) Guillermo Sánchez, 42 years old, died from a gunshot to the chest after the violent acts occurred in La Isabelica, Carabobo State.


17 March  (30) Captain José Guillén, 34 years old, died at dawn on Monday in the State of Aragua, from a gunshot to the head. 19 March  (31) Francisco Madrid, 32 years old, a worker of the Service Corporation, Libertador City Hall, was murdered at dawn while removing a barricade in the residential area of Montalbán, Caracas.  (32) Jhon Rafael Castillo Castillo, 23 years old, Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) official, died during violent actions that took place outside Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada Nacional, headquarters of San Cristobal, State of San Cristóbal. 22 March  (33) Juan Labrador Castiblanco, 39 years old, died as a result of injuries caused by firearms, in the municipality of Libertador, Mérida State.

23 March  (34) Adriana Urquiola, 28 years old, died after receiving two bullet impacts from violent groups located near the residential area of Los Nuevos Teques, State of Miranda. There were barricades on the site put up by residents in the area, and there was no vehicles circulation to the downtown area.


24 March  (35) Miguel Parra, 42 years old, a Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) official, died from a gunshot, in El Campito, State of Mérida.

29 March  (36) Franklin Romero, 44 years old, who died electrocuted in Tachira state.  (37) Roberto Annese, 33 years old, who died in Zulia state, after the explosion of a mortar allegedly manipulated.



12 February:  Destruction of the façade of Attorney General's Office in Caracas.  Burning down of 4 cars of the CICPC (Body for Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations) and attack with stones upon private vehicles in the immediate vicinity the Attorney General's Office in Caracas.  Destruction of the fountain and benches of Parque Carabobo square in Caracas. 13 February:  Attack with stones by motorcyclists upon the buildings of VTV channel and Conatel (National Telecommunications Commission) in Caracas.  Dropping of 10 Molotov cocktails on the Department of Environmental Health and Sanitary Comptrollership, attached to the Ministry of People's Power for Health, in the state of Táchira. 15 February:  Attack with stones upon the Ministry of People's Power for Land Transportation.  Attack upon Chacao metro station.


 Attack with stones upon the facilities of banking entities (Banco Provincial - Banco de Venezuela) located in the municipality of Chacao. 16 February:  Another attack with stones and gunshots upon the Ministry of People’s Power for Land Transportation. 18 February:  Fire started in Moran telephonic central in the state of Lara, where 4 vehicles were burned down.  Burning down of a truck of Petróleo de Venezuela Gas Comunal, and theft of 120 litres of gas in San Cristobal city. 19 February:  Burning down of 22 vehicles of the National Electric Corporation, in Valencia city, in the state of Carabobo.  Burning down of 6 vehicles in the headquarters of CANTV in Barquisimeto city.  Attack with stones upon the trolley bus facilities in Mérida city during demonstrations.  Attack with incendiary bombs, stones and other hard objects upon the headquarters of the National Electoral Council (CNE) in the state of Lara.


 Material damage to the facilities of the National Electricity System (SEN) in the state of Anzoategui, specifically in Guanta substation. The control cables were cut, affecting electric service, mainly in the Los Cortijos de Oriente, in Barcelona city.  Burning down of power cables in Los Olivos substation, which supply electricity in the sector of Alta Vista, in Ciudad Guayana, in the state of Bolívar.

20 February:  Burning down of a truck of Mercal transporting 26 tonnes of meat in Maracaibo city.  Burning down of 5 vehicles of PDVAL network in the state of Carabobo.  Attack upon 2 Integral Diagnostic Centres (CDI): the CDI “Corito” in Maracaibo city, in the state of Zulia, and the CDI “El Recreo” in Cabudare, in the state of Lara. 21 February:  Attack upon the office of the Consulate General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Aruba.  Fire in the headquarters of the National Experimental University of the National Armed Forces (UNEFA) in Naguanagua, in the state of Carabobo.


22 February:  Burning down of a truck transporting food in the state of Carabobo.

23 February:  Burning down of 3 buses with Molotov cocktails in the operating base of the Capital District Service Corporation. 24 February:  Fire in the headquarters of the Táchira Tourism Corporation (COTATUR). 26 February:  Destruction of the bust of the Supreme Commander Hugo Chávez in the state of Táchira.  Attack upon 50 transport units of Metrobús and BusCCS service during all these days of demonstrations. 8 March:  Violent groups attacked headquarters of the National Integrated Customs and Tax (SENIAT) in the Chacao municipality of Miranda state.


9 March:  Burned Metrobus checkpoint located in Altamira, Chacao municipality of Miranda state, to made a barricade.

11 March:  Violent groups attacked the headquarters of the Bolivarian University of Venezuela (UBV) of San Cristobal, Tachira. 12 March:  Violent group attacks the British Tower, located in Altamira, Caracas, where public and private institutions work. In this attack were broken glasses office of the National Civil Aviation Institute (INAC).

18 March:  Violent opponents attacked the headquarters of National Experimental Polytechnic National University (UNEFA) Armed Forces in Tachira state, burning one of the buses and the library.


19 March:  Burned the National Experimental Polytechnic University of the Armed Forces (UNEFA) The core Teques, Miranda state, causing total damage to furniture and file loss. 20 March:  Fire “Barrio Adentro” module located in the La Ruezga, in Barquisimeto, Lara state.  MERCAL was attacked and slaughtered of meat despostadora located in the El Morro, the town of San Diego, Carabobo state. They took 26,900 Kg and 4,000 Kg of meat chicken, smashed facturadoras boxes, cellars and air conditioners.  They burned an official vehicle of the Telephone Company of Venezuela (CANTV) in the urbanization of the municipality of La Esmeralda San Diego of Carabobo state.  About 70 hooded men burned the headquarters of the Ministry of Environment in Tachira state. Computer equipment and all that was inside was taken. 23 March:  Stolen bust of the Liberator that was exhibited at the core of the UNEFA in San Cristobal, Tachira.  3 buses burned with Molotov cocktails operational base in the Capital District.


24 March:  It was burned headquarters Tachirense Tourism Corporation (Cotatur).  Contamination with oil reservoirs that supply water to the entire in the state of Mérida.  Three fires that destroyed over 25 hectares of Waraira Repano National Park in Caracas, Distrito Capital. 01 April:  Violent group attacks and burned the Ministry of Housing, located in Chacao, Caracas, while people where working inside. The fire was generated by petrol bombs.  Guarimberos attacked the headquarters of the Ministry of Housing, located in Chacao, where also is a preschool with 89 little kids "between 6 months and 3 years' old, but thanks to the intervention of firefighters Capital district and GNB was achieved "restore order". 05 April:  Violent groups attacked and burned the house Socialist Party of Venezuela United (PSUV), in Los Teques city, Miranda.  Violent groups attacked upon an Integral Diagnostic Centres (CDI), in Guarenas city, Miranda.









































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