As an interaction and information design student, I want to work on the shape and the content of the “shop window of tomorrow”, because the actual store front needs to be adapted to the global changes of the business environment. Through this essay, I firstly explain this mutation which includes the increase of the NICT (New Information and Communication Technologies), with Internet, e-commerce, smartphones… Secondly, thanks to a consumer study, I observe that the store is not dead, but it needs to be adapted to the “cross-channel” behavior of the client 2.0. This is how new selling techniques are born and how the retail becomes the “digitail”, digital in retail. The goal is to reach the “omnicanality”, which means the end of the barrier between the different distribution channels, for a more fluid customer experience. Thirdly, I focus on the big data, which allows, in my opinion, to link the virtual world and the physical world. The store front is the interface between these two wo...