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embrace editor- in- chief Tiffany Tyson Assistant editor- in- chief Brittney Tyson creative director god assistant to editor-in-chief Rebecca Bolden sales The STARLITE Group contributing features April Tyson, Sports Ron E. Briggs, Music & Arts (South) Rolanda, Music & Arts (West Coast) Brittney Tyson, Hair & Fashion Tameka White, Embrace Escape12(West Coast) Doris Stokes-Knight, Black Pearls Valerie Brown, Inspirational Contributor

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Y e c N I r alo

T v b e S ART m eDE FAITH f hope a mil vision y empower


i n s p dreams ire VICTORY


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To you........

-I hope and pray that this magazine is encouraging & empowering for you................ This magazine is meant to inspire life full circle from fashion, music, faith, art, destinations, and everyday living..... I believe God is in everything we are.... He is in our ideas, creativity, dreams, and reality..... Sometimes recognizing God is as simple as who & what’s around you........ So, I challenge you to love, laugh, hope, dream, create, and cherish the everyday small things and celebrate the victories! ........Stop, breathe & EMBRACE the beautiful aspects of your life... :-) God Bless You,




The Key To Contentment

Many people unknowingly embark

on a never ending journey in life to find the keys to contentment. Countless individuals allow their source or level of contentment to be predicated upon the thoughts of others, material possessions, positions, status, wealth, fortune, and fame. When we allow our sense of joy, worth, and private approval to be based upon these things, we are setting ourselves up for personal failure. Self-love is one of the most important types of love we possess that we must nurture, cultivate, and nourish. Having healthy feelings toward and about ourselves, learning to accept the mistakes of our past, releasing all regrets and doubts that may be hidden, and channeling positive energy in thought and effort enables us to walk in a sense of mental and emotional wholeness. Too many people are depending on others for their happiness, their sense of self-worth, or their validation instead of embracing who they are and loving themselves unconditionally, completely, and totally. There are many decisions in my life that I have had to come to terms with. Forgiving ourselves is one of the keys to releasing us from the hurt and pain of our past, as well as opening amazing doors in our future. We must realize that we are the source of our contentment and that our joy must first come from within. We cannot expect others to bear the burden of making us happy and fulfilled.


However, when we learn to embrace, love, and accept ourselves, as well as identify our self-worth, we will soon see that life is so much bigger, better, and brighter than we could have ever imagined. Forgive yourself, accept that forgiveness, and rekindle the relationship of trust, love, worth, and importance with yourself. Your life of contentment can start immediately, but it must start from within. Remember, we cannot change ANY element of our past. We cannot sweep our past or painful events of our past under a rug or push those events in the back of our minds. We cannot ignore that certain things actually happened, that we were hurt, that we were wounded, that we made bad choices, that we made wrong decisions, or that we let the wrong people in our lives or handle our hearts. We cannot negate the fact that we ignored clear warning signs that indicated certain things weren’t the best idea or plan for our lives. Today we can choose whether we will live a purpose and destiny driven life equipped with the keys to contentment or if we will walk and live in the shadows of our past hurts, defeats, sorrows, and regrets. Choose with me today to snatch the power from your past, embrace the beauty of your present, and promote the promise of your future! Use every key available to unlock and unleash your contentment while enjoying a happy and joyous life.

Valerie Brown





William Standmire Saving money is something most people don’t do these days. Although it is easier said than done, saving money must become part of ones’ lifestyle and daily routine. Many embark on the journey to saving money and building wealth but then grow tired and discour aged.

1 For beginners, never set goals that are ridiculous and unachievable. Setting these types of goals will only lead you down a road of disappointment and failure. Know your spending habits and learn how to control them.

2 To successfully save money you must know your debt-to-income ratio (subtract

your expenses from your take-home income). How much is left? Once this is established, figure out how much you can afford to save per paycheck. Consider writing down your savings goals and monthly expenses. Create realistic goals and set a budget that can be followed through.

3 If there is absolutely no way for you to fit your savings goals into your budget,

then you need to assess your debt and see what things are less important. Maybe you need to put off buying that brand new car until next year, or perhaps consider buying a cash car. Maybe it’s time to stop renting from Rent-A-Center and Rent-A-Wheel. Again, assess you debt and figure out what expenses are wasteful.

4 Be persistent and don’t get discouraged. You may not think you can be financially stable and wealthy but to build wealth you must be aggressive and commit to your savings goals and stick to it. Without a vision your money will perish!



Natasha Stanley









2013 stellar awards pagination


Rachel Moore

Nashville, TN- The BIGGEST night Tamela Mann gave a rousing perforin Gospel Music was the night of Pastor Charles Jenkins, he all but swept the Stellar Awards. Pastor Jenkins took home 5 golden statues. Another big winner was Kierra Sheard taking home the Albertina Walker Vocalist of the Year Award, it was her first time winning that category, for her peformance on the multi-nominated album, FREE. Kurt Carr was awarded the James Cleveland Lifetime Acheivement Award for his unarguable contribution to music across the board. The night was hosted by Grammy Award winning artists, MARY MARY and Kirk Franklin, they did a great job. MARY MARY also performed. The Stellar Awards aired live for the first time in it’s 28 year history on The Gospel Music Channel (GMC) Don Jackson, President of Century City Productions & Founder of The Stellar Awards, stated earlier, that it would be a big undertaking but that he was very excited about the show. It was quite disappointing that Pastor Andrae’ Crouch did not win one Stellar, Journey was one of the best Gospel albums in the last 20 years. Let The Church Say Amen is one of the biggest Gospel singles of all time. He was very much deserving of any of the categories he was nominated in, but Pastor Crouch was ever gracious. Bishop Marvin Winans, electrified the audience with his legendary vocals, serenading with a medley including, Draw Me Close, Let the Church Say Amen and was later joined by Donnie McClurkin, whose mother has just passed prior to showtime. The late, great Inez Andrews received Ambassador Dr. Bobby Jones Award, Bishop T.D. Jakes was honored with The Thomas A. Dorsey Notable Acheivement Award. PHOTOS COURTESY OF STELLAR AWARDS/ AP PRESS

mance of her smash hit single, Take Me To The King, to a standing ovation. MARY MARY walked away with 5 awards that evening, they undoubtedly had another one of Gospel’s biggest hits „Go Get It, which was also inspired by their hit TV Show on WETV. Pastor Marvin Sapp won big as well, of course that was no surprise. It was a great night for Gospel music.

(Tina Campbell & Erica Campbell) MARY MARY, not only hosted but was one of the evening’s big winners

Pastor Charles Jenkins (AWESOME) won big as well. 17



why i love my hair by:Jazmin Bailey Love that you can weave it up or fro it out...... Love that you can dread it......braid it..... .........wave it......shave it......curl it.....twirl it .........dye it.......fry it......give that slow motion, shampoo bounce, or rock a sew in and show what you are about . Feeling presidential, maybe you’ll rock the bangs.....unapologetic with the Nia Long mane..... Ladies whatever you decide to do....let your soul glo, and have fun being you!

tell us why you love your hair! brittney@embracemagonline.com 19


How To Get Your Curls Rockin’

Get you curls kickin’ with bounce and texture! Natural hair is coming back with a vengeance! Here are some tips below to acheive easy curls with the 4 Step Twists 1) Start with hair that is clean and detangled. Your should be dry or damp. I prefer to twist on dry hair. Determine the size of the twists you want to do- fat/large, medium, small etc... 2) Part your hair based on how you want it to lay and begin twisting at the front. Use clips or pony tail holders to hold back the section of hair you are not working with. I usually part my hair into about 5 sections. 3) Apply the holding/styling product of your choice to your fingers. I like to use shea butter. 4) Take the hair you are getting ready to twists and divide it into 2 fairly even pieces. Cross one piece over the other, make sure the roots are tight to prevent puffiness.) Continue to do this until you finish all of the sections of hair.


The natural hair evolution is not always an easy one. Some easy methods of transition is to get hair styled in protective styles. Braids are a great option.

TIPS TO GREAT HAIR 1. Eat a healthy diet - We all know eating right, drinking plenty of water and getting exercise can help your body, but did you now it can help your hair, too? Eating fresh fruits and foods help nourish healthy hair. 2. Leave it alone - Believe it or not, the less you do to your hair, the more it will flourish. Your hair may look strong and thick, but it’s often much more fragile than it appears. 3. Shampoo less - Natural hair does best when you don’t shampoo on a daily basis. One to two times a week is ideal, because too much shampoo. 4. Trim regularly - Even if you’re trying to grow your hair longer and fuller, regularly trimming your dead and dry ends can help your hair stay healthy.

Olive Oil, Drugstores, $7.99



Eco Styler Gel, $3.99 (Good to control edges, twist out styles)

Target Natural Hair Products, $8.99

Natural Hair Curl Top Left: Jill Scott; Top Right: Solange Knowels Bottom Left: Corrine Bailey Rae; Bottom Right: Tanika Ray

Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Shampoo $10.99 21











embrace music

hot music alert The legendary Shirley Caesar is back! The gospel icon just released a new song called “God Will Make A Way,� written and produced by James Fortune. Her new album GOOD GOD presents the Queen of Gospel in a fresh sounding presentation, but she never loses the foundation of her sound.





Beverly Calhoun If your nightly refrain is how tired you and the kids are, perhaps your family is struggling with how to balance work, school, and activities. Here are some quick tips for juggling the various schedules and spend some quality time together: Create a family night. The solution is simple and can create memories to last a lifetime. Whether it’s movie night, take-out night (think pizza or Chinese, for example), game night, or a family walk night, the key is that a night each week is designated for together time. Relax...and talk with each other! You might be surprised the things you learn from your kids on your special night. Enjoy and interact with your child’s friends. Yes, really! Letting kids hang out at your place gives you valuable insight into what interests and motivates your own child as well as understanding the crowd

he or she is associating with. For younger kids, an hour or two with a friend can teach sharing, responsibility, taking turns, and other traits through actual learning and experiences. And don’t forget that many child experts indicate that free time for play and social interaction can be better for a child’s development than too many organized or structured activities. Encourage the all for one and one for all concept. A family who plays together, stays together is the message and encourage your kids to support each other’s activities and endeavors.

Family Home Activities

~Clean the house together. (Have a pick-up party.) ~Make a collage out of pictures from old magazines. ~Go for a bike ride together. ~Do yard work together

28 www.embracemagonline.com










Your Face

Want Bright, Luminecent Skin? VITAMIN C is the key to Healthy, Radiant Skin Dr. Wanda Lee, Dermatologist


itamin C helps promote healthy skin care. The best skin care means getting good nutrition into your diet. The asorbic acid contained in vitamin C can be effective in reducing wrinkles. A lot of skin creams contain a rich amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C can play a role in destroying free radicals. Vitamin C plays a natural role in boosting your immune system. It can also be a natural way to repair damaged skin, like scar tissue. Vitamin C also plays a role in the production of collagen as well. To improve your skin care, it’s best to eat more foods that contain vitamin C. There are a lot of skin creams out on the market. They may, or may not be effective. The best way to promote a healthy lifestyle is doing it naturally. A lot of what you eat, can have a role on skin care. Anti-

-aging is best done with diet and overall better health. It doesn’t matter what skin creams you take. If you can’t promote a healthy immune system, eventually you’ll suffer the consequences of poor health physically.

skin. Adding vitamin C to a culture of skin cells (fibroblasts) dramatically increases the synthesis of collagen. Secondly, vitamin C is an antioxidant and can help reduce skin damage caused by free radicals. So, when vitamin C is properly deVitamin C is one of the most wi- livered into skin cells, there is dely used skin care ingredients. a good chance to reduce wrinThe variety of skin rejuvenation kles and improve skin texture. / anti-wrinkle products with vitamin C is staggering. Do these products work? Do their claims have any substance? The situation is a little complicated. On one hand, vitamin C does possess definite, scientifically validated merits for wrinkle reduction and skin rejuvenation. On the other hand, many vitamin C products do not work. Potentially, vitamin C can benefit skin in two important ways. Firstly, vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen, a key structural protein of the

Avalon Organics Skin Nourishing Antioxidant Intensive VITAMIN C (Drugstore, $10.99) 14-21nov2012















button polo & 1969 boot cut jean 1969 boyfriend jean






pastor Linwood dillard Faith, Family & the future


One of this Generations Rising Leaders Pastor Linwood

Dillard , one of the Most Influential voices of our generation

Linwood Dillard is making a tremendous impact on the nation and the world. Having served as the International Youth President of the Churches Of God In Chirist for 4 years and has now been elevated to the 100+ year old, denomination, This is an amazing feat for a young man still in his 30’s. Driven by his unwanvering denotion to his call to minister to lost souls, Pastor Dillard is just getting started . Pastoring one of the fatest growing ministries in the city of Memphis, Tennessee, Citadel of Deliverance. He

is also a national recording artist, with his new release , Pastor Linwood Dillard & The Voices of Citadel, Presents Churchin With The Citadel. Pastor Dillard is clearly a man on a mission. He is a shining example of integrity, character, and man of valor. He is happily married to the lovely and most gracious Mrs. Stephanie Marie Dillard. They are the proud parents of two beautiful daughters-Faith Marie and Joy Marie; and one handsome son-Linwood, III., affectionately called , Trey.


Since the age of 15, the anointing on Pa-

stor Dillard’s life has affected many lives through his evangelistic, deliverance, and pastoral ministries. Countless souls have been saved, sick bodies have been healed, and lives have been changed. That ministry has transcended social, racial, economical, and denominational barriers. The relevant and timely message God has given him has been embraced by both the older and younger generations and he has been given the opportunity to be the guest speaker and lecturer at various colleges and social organizations. Pastor Dillard is also an anointed musician, author, administrator, businessman, director, and has been recognized for his leadership skills and organizational abilities in the religious and social communities. Since his teen years, Pastor Dillard has worked in almost every conceivable capacity in the church. Pastor Dillard holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering with Chemical and Environmental Concentrations from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. He has an extensive background in engineering, administration, and management. Pastor Dillard has served in local and regional chapter leadership elected roles in various social and community organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, National Society of Black Engineers, American Institute of Chemical Engineers and many more. Elder Dillard has received numerous awards, recognitions, and commendations for his academic, ministerial, and social involvement and accomplishments. In February 2006, he was selected by EBONY Magazine as one of 30 young leaders under the 45

age of 30 who are soaring to tremendous heights, giving back to the community, and making accomplishments in the areas of law, politics, religion, communications, academia, music, arts and entertainment. The future looks so bright for this up and coming voice of our generation. He is inspiring young people all across this nation and the world. If you were to observe him you will find out that he is not only a man after God’s heart and cares for his poeple, but he places his family in priority position. Stephanie Dillard is significant factor in the balance of faith, family and supportively embraces the journey that favor is taking their family on . He often affectionately referes to her as his wife, girlfriend and his babies’ mother., which is so encouraging to young people as proof that it is still a good thing to live holy through matrimony and you can definitely stay fresh in love.

Pastor Linwood & Lady Stephanie Dillard


Pastor Dillard successfully served as Youth Department President and Chairman of the Jurisdictional AIM Convention for the Tennessee Central Jurisdiction COGIC, under the leadership of the late Bishop W.L. Porter. Currently, he serves the jurisdiction as Executive Assistant to Bishop Brandon B. Porter. He faithfully served as a Regional Director and Executive Secretary of the Church of God in Christ International Youth Department (IYD) under two administrations. In 2006, the former Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ, the late Bishop G.E. Patterson, appointed Pastor Dillard as the Assistant Secretary of the COGIC National Tithing Fund Commission. In 2009, Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake appointed Pastor Linwood Dillard as the President of the International Youth DepartPastor Dillard successfully stepped into the role of President of the International Youth Department of the Church Of God In Christ in 2009. At the age of 29, he led the department with poise and integrity way beyond his years. Ironically it is not the International or National platform that is the most impressive quality of Dillard, it is observing him on his home turf as a Pastor, father, and husband. On a scorching late Summer August Sunday, pulling up to Citadel of Deliverance, ”I already knew I was about to walk into an exceptional worship experience.” Outside approaching the church you

ment of COGIC. Under the innovative leadership and extensive plan of Pastor Dillard, the department has taken a quantum leap into the 21st Century utilized technology, a contemporary organizational structure and a “team” strategy to meet the challenges of today’s youth. Pastor Dillard proposed and implemented the development of a strategic plan for the department as well as developed commissions to meet the ever changing environment that our youth deal with daily. Those commissions and ministries include Young Adult Ministries, Education, Juvenile Crime Prevention and Reduction, Recreation and Organized Sports, Information Technology, Spiritual Empowerment, College and Career Preparatory, College Campus Ministries, Youth Pastors Network, Young Preachers Network, and many others. can hear the echoes of congregational singing and the music jumping. The energy within the walls of the Citadel of Delieverance resound in freedom, faith, and restoration. ”He

personifies leadership & a spirit of excellence..”

Dr. Judith-Christie McAllister,

International Recording Artist & President of COGIC Department of Music, ~quoted during 2012 AIM Convention, Birmingham, AL 14-21nov2012




It is safe to forecast that the world will be impacted by the voice and message of Pastor Linwood Dillard. With a new CD on the way to stores across the nation, Pastor Dillard is clearly a man on a mission.

„Churchin’ With The Citadel” is going to bless nations! ”I did the project because there is a sound that comes out of Citdel that will bless so many, break yokes, and build hope in so many across this world” Pastor Dillard

With a love for God, his family, and the passion for ministry as a driving force, there is no limit to the positive impact we will witness through Pastor Dillard’s life. He is a young man, who is a exemplified example of what God can do in your life, if you are willing to embrace His will for you. If there is anything to learn of Pastor Dillard, it is to operate in integrity and be a servant. For the greatest among you, are servants. Story By: Tiffany Tyson







ell personally, I’d much rather

have favor over my life than money alone because favor can operate when there’s mo money present! It doesn’t cost any money to walk in favor. In fact, it’s more POWERFUL than money because the ministry of favor is a tool used as a driving vehicle to get you where The Lord intended for you to be all along. Favor is a grace that God extends at His will, quite often without any explanation. I do however believe, that ultimately it is linked to your obedience, reverence and relationship with Him. He honors obedience to His Word over and above all else because He understands the power that lies within it (His Word) to change any given situation whether the recipient understands everything that is going on or

not. Obeying Him in spite of having all the facts in advance is called operating in

”blind faith.” Faith is ultimately the KEY of what opens the door to favor in your life! When we treat others with integrity, that integrity can usually be reciprocated and causes a relationship to be cultivated. There are those that will do things specifically for YOU, just because of the connection you may have with them personally.

Sometimes that favor can

even spill over to close family members or dear friends...so relationship matters. The Bible declares in Hebrew 11:6 „But without faith, it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him.” So it is our FAITH that will move the hand of God on


our life and in our behalf. Favor is a part of the ”benefits package” that accompanies our willingness to believe and obey The Lord. The obedience piece of making favor work for us is also key because those with a „religious” spirit would have you believe that God only extends that blessing to those who are among the ”saved.” We’ll, I challenge that theory since there are those in the Bible who clearly benefitted from the favor of God and if judging by their lifestyle WERE NOT ”believers”. It was their OBEDIENCE in allowing God to use them (whether they knew it or not) that opened the door to: 1. Them ultimately becoming believers in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and... 2. To favor being poured over their life. For the sake of time, I invite you to read the story of Rahab, the harlot (aka a prostitute) in Joshua Chapter 2 (in the Bible) and review how she (and her family) clearly became recipients of FAVOR because

pagination fair. Maybe that’s because....it’s not! Again, it’s a sometimes unexplained extension of grace over our lives due to some type of relationship that someone established and respected. You may gain favor with a person or over a situation and NEVER know why it was given to you, but does it matter if the end result is that you were blessed? If you came home from work one day and checked your mailbox for the day’s mail but actually ended up finding a sealed envelope with $10,000 cash in it with NO EXPLANATION as to where it came from, besides being shocked, would you feel that you were a recipient of some type of grace?...favor?... blessing? Especially, if you were in need of a financial breakthrough of some kind. It could have been someone that owed a relative of yours money but the relative is no longer living so they looked up someone in his family to pay the debt back to. Would all that detail matter if your need was being met? What I love about favor? It’s origin is not always known, but it’s PRESENCE is usuall y always felt and always welcomed!

of the relationship and covenant that she established with the spies who sought to take over the City of Jericho. As I stated at the beginning of this piece,

So set your faith high for this year and believe for favor to fall over your life! -Doris


sometimes favor doesn’t ”appear” to be




1BELIEVEBelieve in the VOICE of God

in you! He is constantly speaking to our spirit to encourage our hearts in the direction we should go

2RECOGNIZE 3 GIVE Live everyday with an open perspective, so you can identify moments of divinity occuring

The power is not ever in the receiving of something , its always in the giving. The more you give, you create the flow if reaping


see through eyes of compassion, hear thru ears of earnest and speak with humility. Love conqueors all, be slow to anger, quick 2 LOVE

5EMBRACE the beauty of ur life...





April Tyson, Sports Editor

New Orleans- In the eyes of many fans

and odds maker’s, the San Francisco 49ers were the favorite to win their 6th Superbowl in 18 years, but the Baltimore Ravens would have a lot to say about that.

With the game underway, Ravens jumped out to a 14-0 lead, it seemed that everything was going the Ravens way with a half ending 21-6 lead. At halftime, both teams headed to the locker rooms with one thing on their mind, Ravens’ wanting to keep the momentum going, and the 49’s trying to figure how to post touchdowns on the scoreboard. New Orleans’ native, Jacoby Jones, one of the heroes in a double overtime play-off win at Denver, seemed to put the game away with a post season record of a 108 yard sprint at the open of 3rd quarter. Leading by 22 points with not so much of a flicker, it was lights out in the dome.

As the lights went out it seems they came on for the struggling 49ers offense. 49ers’ Quaterback, Colin Caepernick got it going almost immediately, with a touchdown reception. Caepernick, wasn’t done yet, he runs the ball in 15 yards for a touchdown making it the longest by a quarterback in Super Bowl history, taking the score to 31-29. Ray Lewis ends career with goal line stand. Flacco earns MVP going 22 -33, 287 yards, 3TDs. Only one other championship game ever ended with both teams scoring 30 or more points, that was in the 1979 Super Bowl Pittsburgh Steelers and Dallas Cowboys 35-32 (Pittsburgh) It was a night of firsts, power outage resulted in a 34 minute delay, the longest running Super Bowl in history 4:14 run time, longest punt return 108 yards. Flacco TD passes to Anquan Boldin, one for Dennis Pita, 56 yards to Jacoby Jones in the first half, tying a Super Bowl record. It was the 3rd most watched television program in history. There were over 24 million tweets, with a Twittplosion getting up to over 268,000 tweets per minute. This was a great year for football! We can only hope next season is as exciting as this year! ~April Tyson







If you can believe, all things are possible to those who believe. - Mark 9:23

What dreams in life would you have? if you knew you could not possiblyfail? What particular dream would bring purpose and fulfillment? Dr, Rasheeda Jones, Organizational Ph. D.


pagination re, that will capture Achievers your entire heart and are great at the deepest level, your spirit and soul dreamers. they the same What dre- (are by the way?). ams in life thing, Open your mind up would you to the awesome poof your creative have, if you wer imagination (the way knew you God speaks) to us, could not through our subconpossibly fail? scious minds, our or receiving What parti- Godgate from Superior/ cular dream station Infinite Intelligence”. would make Allow yourself the and freedom you happiest courage even “daydream” in fulfilling? tountil you get a vision,

a dream of what your life could one day stand for. Meditate deeply, pray, ask God, The Great Designer, what is your unique calling in life, your purpose...and you WILL eventually get the answer... from the still quiet voice within(or your Higher Self). Where do you find the vision? You could perhaps find it by looking for people who have hurts and human needs - as per the secret of success in business is finding a need and filling it. So find a human problem to solve through the awesome power Discover the a vision. God will Awesome Power of bless you, so that of a Dream. you in turn can bless A vision for the futu- others, through shaFirstly, Have total faith: in yourself and especially in God – a Higher Power, Supreme Being, Who cares deeply about you and really BELIEVE God, Life, Your Creator will ultimately ensure the outcome that’s best for you. I’ve lived these principles (even when my dream appeared shattered and my hope was at a very low ebb, learnt them from experience over many years and have applied them in every area of my personal life. I can vouch for the fact that they DO work!

ring your unique gifts. That way you are helping people, touching other lives and making a difference in the world.

Your dream must be backed by ACTION.

Achievers are dreamers and DOERS. Take small steps and you’ll find that one step leads to another, then the next.

Develop a God Consciousness’

TRUST, really trust God, the Spirit of the Universe for the successful outcome to your endeavours. It WILL happen, though not in your time-frame and according exactly to your expectations. But always remember, God’s dreams are far bigger than we could ever imagine ourselves. DEVELOP YOUR DESIRE to see the dream come to fruition. Work on your motivation daily. Allow your Dream to be at the fore-front of your life, the core of your being. It will motivate, inspire and energise you by giving you a SENSE OF PURPOSE - essential. Only

YOU have the power to kill your dream. Nothing is impossible to the person, whose vision becomes a dream and when that dream is allowed to

take control over your life. Like an obsession... but strive for.

Develop a Success Consciousness, that you will achieve your dream one day.

It’s a positive pattern of thinking, a great attitude/mind-set to have, which will propel you down the road to success. Think abundance and prosperity and not lack.... and you will draw it to yourself.

Don’t surrender to negative assumptions.

.”I’m too old, a woman, have no money, no resources, no contacts”. Challenge them. Nothing is impossible to the person who has the desire to succeed. As the proverb says,” where there’s a will, there’s a way”.

Just Believe





1. Prayer reminds us that we are not the solution to the challenges that grip our world but we have access to the one who transcends those challenges. 2. Prayer aligns us with God’s heart, purposes and blessings.

3. Prayer is an act of humility that precedes honor.

4. Prayer enlarges the heart beyond selfish motive.

5. Prayer provokes the heart to consider not only what is but what can be with God’s help.

6. Prayer is best prioritized when one asks God to change one’s own heart.

7. No matters of eternal value will be accomplished outside of prayer. 61


After completing this process you should have a wonderful meal, ready to serve!













Staying fashionable doesn’t necessarily mean investing lots of money. You just need to know a few tips and tricks that will make you look stylish with inexpensive clothes.

1. Pay attention to fabrics. You can add style to an outfit, but for this the quality of the fabric is essential. Regardless the cut of a clothing item, if it’s made from a cheap fabric this can be easily seen. In this case natural fabrics should be your choice. 2. Buy expensive accessories. Even if you decided to save money, you have to invest much more when it comes to shoes, handbags or belts. Every girl should have at least one leather bag and shoes. Optionally, you can wear a silk scarf or a good watch. 3. Don’t spend your money on basic items. There are a few classic pieces that are not worth spending on. Therefore, whenever going shopping, buy cheaper t-shirts, blouses, skirts or jeans. You can wear them with very stylish accessories and you can match them with other pieces in order to create a designer look. 4. Mix and match. It’s already known that all the money in the world couldn’t buy the sense of style. Therefore, even if you spend lots of money on branded clothes, it doesn’t mean that you are very well dressed.

5. Quality check. When shopping around look for high-quality items at a bargain. 6. Make changes. You can add a bit of glitz and glam to your wardrobe just by changing a few buttons on your shirts or your dresses. 7. Black is back. Black has always been the color of elegance and versatility. Besides this, it can be used for so many occasions from casual to formal. 8. Try thrift shops. You can find many cheap and high-quality pieces in thrift stores. Before buying check well to see if they are not ragged or they don’t have spots. You will certainly find a lot of good products. 9. Color matching. Your look should be in perfect balance from head to toe. If you mix all colors possible you’ll just obtain a ridiculous and cheap look. 10. Avoid the extremes. Try to not over exaggerate and always know the limits. Everything that is too short or too long will ruin your look. 67

www.embracemagonline.com EMBRACE Magazine is available online & print. A New Inspirational Lifestyle & Entertainment Publication


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