with our missionaries
We praise the Lord that no one was hurt, but the airplane was damaged beyond repair. This was the airplane that we had waited so long for and which finally arrived in Lesotho in May of this year. The Lord gives and he takes away. In early October we sent a family back to the U.S. for medical reasons. Jason and Joselyn had been here for nearly a year when it became
apparent that they would need to return home for an indefinite time to seek healing. Our hearts are hurting with them in this time and it is our prayer that God would bring healing and return them to us in the near future. The Lord gives and he takes away. In the midst of our pain, God offers us hope: the promise of new life. Sebastian Malcolm Thiemann arrived on February 9 and another little one is expected to arrive in May. God is so good! May the name of the Lord be praised! Kari Peters
“The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised” (Job 1:21). The months before Christmas were very difficult for us as we seemed to be going through a time Everything seemed okay until of increased suffering. In a six-week period we experienced the death just prior to touch-down when of three Basotho friends. Two were former MAF employees and the third a gust of wind came up and was the YWAM Lesotho Director. played havoc with the controls. Melvin and Kari Peters (La Crete) These men were all dearly loved serve with Mission Aviation and will be greatly missed. Fellowship. We trust that God fulfilled his purposes in their lives and that it was time to call them to their eternal home. A number of us on the MAF Lesotho team have also been affected by the deaths of loved ones back home, including Melvin’s uncle Henry Siemens. The Lord gives and he takes away. An airplane crashed at Methaleneng, a challenging airstrip Martin Busa, former loader and fueller for MAF On September 23 we in Lesotho. The airplane was damaged beyond repair. Lesotho and a very dear friend of the Peters. experienced the dreaded “Mayday, Mayday” radio call as one of our pilots landed at Methalaneng, Planning for one of the most challenging airstrips EMC Youth Leaders’ Retreat in Lesotho. Everything seemed okay October 15-17, 2010 until just prior to touch-down when Wilderness Edge, Pinawa, Man. a gust of wind came up and played Registration deadline: Sept. 24, 2010 havoc with the controls.
TRU 2010?
Our 61 churches have about 250 to 300 adults in youth ministry, and only 20 per cent receive a salary We hope every church will plan to send its junior and senior youth leaders for: Training related to youth ministry, Refreshment for body, mind and soul, Unity as a team and with other church leaders. Melvin prepares for a normal Friday coffin run, bringing bodies back to their villages for burial.
THE MESSENGER | April 2010
Contact Gerald Reimer at 204-326-6401 or greimer@emconf.ca.
A season of suffering