U t rb o he an pe n i n ee sm sp d a ac o n es f d
Emelio Castillo LA 401 Lecture Wilcox Cal Poly Pomona Landscape Architecture
table of contents
Can Designers Improve Life in Non-Formal cities
1st word- Urbanization
2nd word- Squatters
Defining Urban Sites
3rd word- Boundaries
4th word- Urban Constellation
Spontaneous Urban Vegetation: Reflection of Change in a Globalized World
5th word- Anecophyte
6th word- Ruderal Vegetation
The High Line Wandering
7th word- ???
Central Park Wandering
8th word- ???
Mia Lehrer Lecture
9th word- ???
Second Lecture
10th word- ???
Can Designers Improve Life in on-Formal Cities While reading this article, it took me back to the place where is used to live before, there was no place of gatherings that were built for solely that purpose, instead we made one and that was where we gathered and played. The quality of life I experience was bad, one would think, but I was happy. There were some people who had money and that is how it is in most parts of the world probably where the rich continue to get richer while the poor keep going down in the food chain. We didn’t have an urban setting, but here in ever growing cities, is all about the urbanism. While many things are being build the urban fabric is taking up everything leaving very little behind to be use. The working class in low income areas tend to lack the essentials of what is known as an urban environment, that consists of having good infrastructure, a reliable transportation, services, amenities and open space. This last one is what came to mind while visiting West Philadelphia, since they didn’t had that many open spaces, as for transportation they were proud of how they could walk to everything from their location, everything was within a short walk distance. They have problems as well, just as the reading explained with Latin America where politicians talk about slums and how they should be eradicated and that they should be upgraded somehow. Gentrification is a fearful word, “plan or be planned for” as one of the speakers of 01
our field trip said, if they don’t make good profit they get replaced
with something better, or more profitable. In order for people to overcome this, they have to adapt to the circumstances at hand. Whether is either in economic or monetary situations or adapting to the new laws that keep changing the way they live, and mostly favor the rich. In order to get a middle ground between the haves and have-nots is to create some places that can serve as middle ground between both formal and informal cities, which will be used by residents from both sides, creating a bridge and connecting both sides into one place. There is culture in everything we see, cultural behavior not only shapes our lives but shapes the public spaces we tend to gather at and those spaces also tend to shape those cultural behaviors. We create a place where we tend to feel safer, a place besides home that one can go and enjoy the friendly, community environment around us. A community is built in place such as slums, since they live so close to one another, for instance also in my hometown, we knew everyone in the blocks around us, we would take care of each other, and that is also what people from Mantua and Belmont seem to have, a strong bond with their neighbors, creating stronger communities that can look out for one another, taking care of what is around them, instead of turning a blind eye on them. When one is poor we tend to take care of what we have of value, which is one another.
URBANIZATION Urban meaning ‘relating to or characteristic of the city’ The urbanization of land in which buildings appear as a morphological phenomena and as a social phenomena, when people with their experiences and behavior change the land. The process in which cities keep growing and societies change, becoming more urban, as more people come and begin to live in there places and working in them, they grow becoming urbanize Urbanization tends to go hand and hand with the advances in technology. Urban environments represent open space, transportation, infrastructure, services and amenities. “In the developing world, urbanization has made linear process since the middle ages” (urban connectors 26)
SQUATTERS When a building or piece of land become occupied or taken up by people that make it their own unlawfully. A person who under regulation by the government settles on the land in order to acquire the title for it. “The discriminatory term squatter settlements and informal settlements represent self-defeating characterizations that only reinforce separateness.� (urban connectors 26)
DEFINING URBAN SITES Sunt occatus eatio et omnis idendictio eatur acipit, cus ea que conserfere, sunt voluptat aditatur alici qui ut molorit aperitature id ma volupta spedit, ullam qui cus in reperum quatur, corae ped quasped ut dunt assinis amet, excepudiciet lacepud aecus, volectem sim quaecto repellore, essi cusdae eossum la dene il iliquiatem et magnis everferit ium et ad et molut assi inis audi berrunt restem quameni hitioss itaerum aut pra que conet voluptaquam, sunt magnis nest mintionse nis debitiu reprat. Agni ut quid que natin nimentes volupit asperis et vendi consequidest id quuntus. Landita ab ipit auda comnim inctur magnis eum aciis aut doluptiam remporia aborehenimus el ium ut eaqui conseditiis re corpore porest auta quam enditem ad el idebis rectur, in re omnimus, cum reperovid et a dolecul parchic te volupti aut ad molessuntium exerfernam cus. Hil essume sam aut hit alia vellab idest, utatur, nobissi verum qui delenec totaspe lectotatiis expliqui nestem quatibus ea nobiten damus, odi doluptat. Rat aut eatem aut quo volum est quid et et labo. Ipsum raectin rerias undit harumquis molupta conseque dolor mod enda sunt, quis am volorun tiissedi aborehendis eruntibus dolum iunt dolori dit occus. 09
Bo. Agnat ad quiae doluptaque ratem anderestium, omnieni
Sunt occatus eatio et omnis idendictio eatur acipit, cus ea que conserfere, sunt voluptat aditatur alici qui ut molorit aperitature id ma volupta spedit, ullam qui cus in reperum quatur, corae ped quasped ut dunt assinis amet, excepudiciet lacepud aecus, volectem sim quaecto repellore, essi cusdae eossum la dene il iliquiatem et magnis everferit ium et ad et molut assi inis audi berrunt restem quameni hitioss itaerum aut pra que conet voluptaquam, sunt magnis nest mintionse nis debitiu reprat. Agni ut quid que natin nimentes volupit asperis et vendi consequidest id quuntus. Landita ab ipit auda comnim inctur magnis eum aciis aut doluptiam remporia aborehenimus el ium ut eaqui conseditiis re corpore porest auta quam enditem ad el idebis rectur, in re omnimus, cum reperovid et a dolecul parchic te volupti aut ad molessuntium exerfernam cus. Hil essume sam aut hit alia vellab idest, utatur, nobissi verum qui delenec totaspe lectotatiis expliqui nestem quatibus ea nobiten damus, odi doluptat. Rat aut eatem aut quo volum est quid et et labo. Ipsum raectin rerias undit harumquis molupta conseque dolor mod enda sunt, quis am volorun tiissedi aborehendis eruntibus dolum iunt dolori dit occus. Bo. Agnat ad quiae doluptaque ratem anderestium, omnieni
BOUNDARIES A line dividing something, in this case a piece of land, or piece of property. Also a line that serves a the limiting mark for a specific area. “The point is not that drawing boundaries is somehow impermissible...but that the permeability of those boundaries has to be constantly reasserted� (Kahn 283)
URBAN CONSTELLATION Context- the circumstances that have created the setting for an idea, statement or event. Associated with coherence and the activity of weaving. Context and place related notions. “Context is what the site is not” (Kahn 294) “Urban constellation blurs the line between context and site demarcating site interactions across multiple fields of urban operation” (Kahn 294) Urban constellation is not just making the canvas bigger, in order to enlarge the contextual frame with one a one viewed place, rather it is a concept that requires urban sites with not only one, but several contextual frames that happen simultaneously.
Spontaneous Urban Vegetation: Reflection of Change in a Globalized World Ihit et labor amus etur, odis vit quo magnataecte diti aceritem. Aqui dolut lam fugit ulparchil experum faccullore sim volorrorro quo enem reius dis expliquos vero blaudipiet ea cor ma vendit rehendi dit invel illiqui bla is et exerumqui num re qui unto bercitaqui venisinciis reptatet licit ex et a corem dolupta doluptassint faces ex et lab iures et elis dem consedictur aspelen eceperest, qui autem voluptataqui delenectus repedist libusda nditiis magnimuscius inulparum sam alibeat emporpo stionse pos et fugit aspidere possequat autatem olendam, quis assi ium incimus aut et verferunt volupta sanisti dolor sit aborera nulpa nosti verum et liatibus site et fugiandis dolorem quiscit voluptur aciat autatis est, sum seria possimilitam inimill ibusdaes aut diam faccum utatque cusaes disti sed maxim escitiis ellabor mos dolupta tibus. Denimodis soloreseque et fugia que nobitiur, sam solorae si ullautem que volo mo tes de mo inctio ea nimpore volorum quiatat emporum esciumqui ipsuntis con es abo. Aque earchil idellic to temporest, consequ atemporios velestem ditaerumquo inctisque initaest, ut fugit audi doluptas suntet, unte velit planderum harum, offic totatemos est ut magnist molorep tatatem que nus doluptat. Apid quam, sant rest hilit earciti onsedio nemporiata sinverfero bearit eliae. Pa volorec essitatus ipides venducim rerorist et pratet este nime num ea coneceri ime re volupid quas nonsequi 17
Test, con et, corum qui ullab is sero cusapienti ipis id modit que dolorest, quas dolessimus quibus. Us et vit iducitat pe nessinctur senis expersperat pelitas itist, nihil idendi accaecturi restrum re, sincia nat ut doluptas am explaut volor rectus, ipienduntiis aut eni ide doluptat accum esequia venimus sitiusam de nis non re aci ut officiu sciunt acerrorpos acerspitates qui velecus doluptas as audit, ommolor iasperum que cus imus quasit omnit aliquat uscietur mil erem. Ibus delia vera vel imendam labo. Et lant plique prem laborio nsequi re quo tores voluptiur, sit, ut voloristior aut ra num il mi, con porem earunt que laut pro coris parchilique volupta tionseq uossinveni utat estio eum harum eum, que natum aut odis volorep udianduntur aut labo. Rio te consedit, omnis ad mo dolupta quiatius, idit, sedite re officilliti ipicid ut untium es eari to tes suntiss untusda nditia cone commolor sitatur iatquid quo de occum atqui incia de et repelita vent in num ex eario vera cum re quo eatur magnis dolorempor restore conseres ipsum faccullam aliberatur, consequissed que endit ut labore eatem dolenim rem intem natius as quo cust ullectoresed minvent es imusci beatis eictur? Ut volorepel magnimin eatiaeptibus modipsustiat pores rest autassi sit ex et landit aut latustia pratemporro te cume sus milles quatatem est, officid quatiat iuntin re peribus ent. Eror am, ut odia que exerio optatus estiusdam fuga. Itae verento berupta ad maximet litaqui andunt eat fuga. Et eum apistior rest etur alit et dolupienecae et doluptur? 19
Ehenimus reptae. Inci atiunte il esti ut rem volupta tecero tecullab
ANECOPHYTE Any plant that could be found only in human created places or habitat. “These anecophytes, as they are known, have mainly arisen through the process of hybridization and show specialized adaptations to habitats associated with agriculture, urbanization, and/or industrialization” (Del Tredici 304) Having a ration that shows nonnatives being more than natives indicates how there is a high concentration of “aliens” inside the urban areas that have vegetation. So is basically vegetation that was transported by people in areas that are not supposed to be for them, since they seem to do a lot better, but after a while they over take the native species.
RUDERAL VEGETATION A species, usually and specially a plant, or some sort of small vegetation, that colonizes a disturbed area and makes it its new home. A plant that grows in waste ground or places. “Ruderal landscapes are typically associated with the margins of transportation infrastructure, abandoned or vacant residential, commercial, and industrial property, and the interstitial spaces that separate one land-use function from another.� (Del Tredici 300) Vegetation that grows on its own and fills an area that is usually not molested by humans since it was last abandoned or touched. A good example was the High Line where native grasses were growing on their own on the tracks before Corner came and re-did the whole area.
THE HIGH LINE WANDERING While looking at the readings and looking back at how New York is, the High Line is a perfect example or reusing something where urbanism has taking over almost every piece or the urban fabric. The place was a really amazing experience, since it is a high open space, high being suspended in the air by beams that once held a train, from moving a piece of metal from being use to move people walking and giving private nodes along the way is just an amazing feat done by James Corner. I didn’t realize how long it was until I just got half way through it and realize I wasn’t going to have time to cover the whole thing, with the limited time we had. It was urban vegetation grown on urban transportation tracks, where he used grasses that were already growing by themselves prior to him touching the area, so by using native vegetation that site kept some of its value in way. The lookouts that the linear park had, gave it a sense of connection to the surroundings instead of isolating the site, it has become a connection between nature and the urban environment that surrounds New York and its busy daily lives. They were private areas, but since the view frames were clear people can see you from the outside and vice versa, so it was private without being private.
HIGH LINE WORD Eseque planimo luptas parunt. Ximuscita atis quo maios mod elis exeriatus aborehe nistis et es num quiat. Ommolla cerias etur? Quis et fugit auditiust vit omni omnis nonestrum il magnatur sit ulliquo maiorerit explacerere rendignis acescias del istrum fugitae quistorem atem comnimus, quam volor magnatin pro te venis et lam, officab orestia sitam ut eate vellupicim volupta conem illaborro core simus ipsam siti sum facestem ellisti rem. Itatur ab inist iunt doloremolo tem que voluptatur, od quam, sed et res eossitae cust voluptat. Es quamus velit unt ad milibus.
CENTRAL PARK WANDERING Central Park, is a monster of its own, such an incredible piece of art.