Fredericton Chamber of Commerce - Insight July/August 2015

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CONTRIBUTORS Stephen Hill Krista Ross Stacey Murray Morgan Peters Janet Moser Christine Little Nick McCarthy Lynn Thier


OPERATIONS & COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER Wendy Morrell EVENT MANAGER Stacey Murray Director/Directrice, the Hive / la Ruche Business Immigrant Mentorship Program / Programme de mentorat pour entrepreneurs immigrants Intercultural Business Incubator / Incubateur d'entreprises intercultural Janet Moser


President’s Message


CEO’s Message


Chamber Welcomes New Members




Advocacy Update


Canada’s Resource Cities


Riverview Ford: Performance Excellence


Let Us Help You Expand Your Business Network


FCC Membership Bene�its


Cancer Health Coach - Lynn Thier


The Buzz

Insight is published by Emerge Designs. All content, copyright © 2015, Fredericton Chamber of Commerce. All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced, all or in part without written consent from the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all content in this publication, however, the publisher nor the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce will be held responsible for omissions or errors. Please address all editorial and advertising inquiries to the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce, 364 York Street, Fredericton, NB, E3B 3P7, Canada. The Fredericton Chamber of Commerce is not held responsible for the loss, damage or any other injury to unsolicited material (including but not limited to manuscripts, artwork, photographs and advertisements). Unsolicited material must be included with self-addressed, overnight-delivery return envelope, postage prepaid. The Fredericton Chamber of Commerce will not give, nor rent your name, mailing address, or other contact information to third parties. Printed in Canada. Printed by KKP - Kwik Kopy Printing. Fredericton Chamber of Commerce 364 York Street, Fredericton, NB E3B 3P7 Tel: (506) 458-8006 Fax: (506) 451-1119 Twitter - @fton_chamber Facebook –

285 Canada Street, 3rd Floor, Fredericton, NB, Canada E3A 4A3 Ph: 506.999.3332


Stephen Hill, President


hroughout the past eight years, I have been afforded the privilege to see how the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce functions and makes a difference in our local and regional communities; be it from serving on one of the many committees, the board of directors or the executive of the chamber. You have a motivated, engaged, successful and strong chamber and I am humbled to have the opportunity to accept the role of president for the 2015-2016 term. The continued success and notoriety of the chamber is contingent on recruiting and retaining top-notch talent; at its core, this starts with the always-passionate, always-outgoing, and always-ready-to-work CEO, Krista Ross. Since joining the chamber in 2011, Krista has worked tirelessly to retain and assemble the invaluable team representing the chamber and you, the members, day in and day out. Throughout the course of the next 12 months, it is my goal that the chamber continue to be a leader in providing superior networking events, member benefits, education sessions, community events and advocacy work. To ensure we continue to provide value to our members we intend to continue working, presenting, and educating on natural resource matters. We will focus on the value of exporting goods, services, and perhaps more importantly, the knowledge and intelligence of our members and overall business community to other regions; and continue our efforts on physician recruitment.



July - August 2015

We will increase the work we do with our collaborative partners to ensure we are maximizing and taking advantage of the strengths of these groups and organizations. The upcoming year will also see the development of the chamber’s new strategic plan and will see significant planning for the upcoming 2017 Canadian Chamber Conference, which we are excited to be hosting here in Fredericton, NB. Congrats and job well done to Krista, Karen Grant and their entire committee on a successful bid! There can be no doubt that the strength and success of the chamber is the direct result of a cohesive and energetic team and I look forward to working with the incoming board. “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them” (Einstein). I say this as it is going to take organizations such as the chamber to help right and further the course of our region and I look forward to the insights and ideas that will be generated around our boardroom table. I also give a heartfelt thanks to all outgoing board members completing their respective terms. Their contributions to the chamber, our city and our region have made it a better place for business and for our members; it has been a pleasure working with you all. I would like to extend a special thank you to our past president, Chris Johnston, for his efforts on the chamber’s behalf and that of its members for many years. I also look forward to working with, learning from, and being guided by outgoing president, Joseph O’Donnell; he has led this organization reputedly and with strength and has positioned it well for future success. Lastly, I would reiterate that this is your chamber. Come out to events, take full advantage of what it has to offer and get motivated, get engaged. On that note, I leave you with a quote from one of my daughter’s favorite movies “unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it’s not” (Dr. Seuss, The Lorax).


s we come to the end of another eventful chamber year, it is a great time to reflect on the successes and accomplishments of the year. But first, I have to say a huge shout out to Joseph O’Donnell - a dedicated and hard-working president of the board of directors who has certainly gone above and beyond the call of duty! His commitment and the time that he has given to the betterment of our business community and your organization has been second-to-none. Joseph and the board and committees did an amazing job of working on issues and topics of concern to the business community and being excellent leaders of your organization. Their work was supported by the chamber team consisting of Morgan Peters, Wendy Morrell, Stacey Murray, Christine Little, Brianne Phillips, Janet Moser and myself. I can’t imagine a more enthusiastic and hard working team than my colleagues here at the chamber and I thank them for their hard work and dedication. Recently in the news, our chamber is proud and excited to have been chosen as the host chamber and city for the Canadian Chamber of Commerce conference in 2017. Many thanks to the team who put our bid package together several months ago led by board member Karen Grant and supported by Meetings Matter representatives Wendy Bradley (City of Fredericton Tourism) and Betty Blanchard (Fredericton Convention Centre), along with our team members Christine Little and Stacey Murray. We are excited about this opportunity to showcase our community - and you, our member businesses! Some highlights of the year include our advocacy work on: physician recruitment and primary care, Drug Plan for Uninsured New Brunswickers, Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation, provincial election and budget - including our annual brief to NB’s finance minister, federal budget, natural resources, property and small business tax, Opportunities NB, the Province’s Engage NB process and immigration. Additionally, we met with a large number of foreign delegates and dignitaries as well as several federal ministers on topics of importance to the business community. Federal Ministers include: Chris Alexander, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration; Maxime Bernier, Minister of State for Small

Krista Ross, CEO

Business & Tourism; Rob Moore, Minister of State for ACOA; Kevin Sorenson, Minister of State for Finance; Greg Rickford, Minister of Natural Resources; and Kellie Leitch, Minister of Labour and Minister responsible for the Status of Women. Of course, we also met with our local MP Keith Ashfield on many issues of importance as well as all eight provincial representatives from our region. In terms of committee work, our committees continued to work for the betterment of our members but we were especially proud to launch a new policy committee which focuses on developing policy resolutions for the national chamber as well as developing and documenting the policy positions of the chamber. We continue to hold many excellent networking and educational events and activities with fantastic attendance. I am particularly excited about our recent performance excellence program with Symplicity Designs which saw 16 companies and organizations participate in an intensive program to improve their bottom lines through adjusting their focus and planning. The companies who participated are already seeing financial results and we are hopeful we can put this program on again in the fall with assistance and support from ACOA as with the first program. Our Business Immigrant Mentorship Program and HIVE program continue to succeed and grow in leaps and bounds. This year, the newcomers who participated in these programs were successful in starting eight new businesses! Janet Moser, the director of these programs continues to work closely with the Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour, our funder and the various immigration groups and stakeholders to ensure that we are providing top quality training and mentorship to our newcomers - we want them to come here, love it here, put down roots, and stay!

Continued on pg. 7



July - August 2015

New Members

Hello Newest to our

Fredericton Animal Hospital 1012 Prospect Street, Unit G Fredericton, NB E3B 3C1 Tel: (506) 455-1700 Email: Website: Main Contact: Ali Reid

WestJet Encore 2570 Route 102 Highway Lincoln, NB E3B 9G1 Tel: (506) 357-7030 Email: Website: Main Contact: Julie Smith

Frantically Atlantic Entertainment 21 Bridge Street Fredericton, NB E3A 4L3 Tel: (506) 454-1542 Email: Website: Main Contact: Don Rigley

Foundation Health Centre PC 264 Rookwood Avenue Fredericton, NB E3B 2M2 Tel: (506) 206-6866 Email: Website: Main Contact: Kelly Wicks

JEDI (Joint Economic Development Initiative) 150 Cliffe Street, Unit 11 Fredericton, NB E3A 0A1 Tel: (506) 455-5650 Email: Website: Main Contact: Mark Taylor

HotSpot Merchant Solutions 77 Westmorland St., Suite 500, Fredericton, NB E3B 6Z3 Email: Website: Main Contact: Phillip Curley

Idea Farm Innovation 548 Hanwell Road Fredericton, NB E3B 2R4 Tel: (506) 455-2830 Email: Main Contact: Hon Shing Chan

Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters - NB/PEI Division PO Box 416, Station A Fredericton, NB E3B 4Z9 Tel: (506) 259-0358 Email: Website: Main Contact: Joel Richardson



July - August 2015

Talent Edge 785 George Street Fredericton, NB E3B 1K6 Tel: (506) 440-8340 Email: Website: Main Contact: Robert Ogilvie

Fredericton’s Health Source 643 McLeod Avenue Fredericton, NB E3B 1V4 Tel: (506) 450-0900 Email: Website: Main Contact: Ryan Wilkie

Empowerment Massage Clinic Inc. 161 Northumberland Street Fredericton, NB E3B 3J2 Tel: (506) 454-5433 Email: Website: Main Contact: Liza Papazian

Servpro of Fredericton Inc. 123 Carman Avenue Fredericton, NB E3A 0E7 Tel: (506) 451-9000 Email: Website: Main Contact: Paul McCarthy

Emme Lyne Creative 57 McDougall Avenue Moncton, NB E1C 6B1 Tel: (506) 232-7536 Email: Main Contact: Emily Dugas

New Members

Members Dr. David Hickey Professional Corporation 565 Priestman Street, Suite 203 Fredericton, NB E3B 5X8 Tel: (506) 458-1801 Email: Website: Main Contact: Dr. David Hickey Centre International d’apprentissage du francais (CIAF) 77 rue Westmorland, piece 400 Fredericton, NB E3B 6Z2 Tel: (506) 336-3400 Email: Website: Main Contact: Caroline Hache

Continued from pg. 5 This past year, we gave away our very first scholarship to Alison Patterson a Leo Hayes graduate who attended Dalhousie University this past year. This has been a great way for our organization to give back and to encourage students who are continuing their studies! We added new benefits this year as well - from First Data and UPS. These, along with the large menu of benefits already offered to our members positions us to continue to serve our membership with tangible benefits that can save them money! We welcome ideas for other new benefits that might be of interest to our members! We received Accreditation with Distinction status from the Canadian chamber and were also chosen as one of Canada’s Resource Cities by the national organization. This culminated in us launching a report in May highlighting the opportunities for our business community in relation to the responsible development of natural resources. This report is on our website and if you have not seen it, I encourage you to review it! The importance of natural resource development to our local economy cannot be overstated!

Grimross Brewing Corporation 600 Bishop Drive, Unit 2 Fredericton, NB E3C 0B4 Tel: (506) 454-4810 Email: Website: Main Contact: Stephen Divon

We moved to a new location in August of 2014 - our new home is 364 York Street, Suite 200. We thank again the member companies who assisted us in this endeavour. Active Office, Covey Office Group, Hotchkiss Furniture and Office Interiors very generously helped us to outfit our new office with lovely modern furniture to suit our new space. Shout out to our landlords Arnold and Mitchell Budovich as well for looking after us and making sure that the space exactly suited our needs!

Atlantic Trading Post Inc. 30 Knowlege Park, Suite 150 Fredericton, NB E3C 2R2 Tel: (506) 470-5617 Email: Website: Main Contact: Brian Lee

I’m proud to tell you that our membership is growing and we are experiencing better retention rates of members than in the past three years! We are proud to be the largest chamber of commerce in the province of New Brunswick and strive to meet your needs to continue in that capacity. This fall, our board and team will be participating in the creation of a new strategic plan, one that will keep us on track to work with and for our members in helping you to be successful and grow your businesses and organizations through the support that we provide. As always, I welcome your input and feedback. Have a wonderful summer!



July - August 2015


by Janet Moser


he Fredericton Business Immigrant Mentorship Program celebrated the completion of cohort twelve with a celebration event, which took place on June 11 at Planet Hatch. Year six was an exciting one for the program and all participants. With over 25 registered mentees, the cohort began business training in the fall of 2014 and continued until spring of 2015. Immigrant business investors from around the world continue to stream into the province with their families. The obvious challenges are language and cultural barriers. The hidden challenges are learning the systems, regulatory bodies, Canadian best practice, social and business etiquette, and how Canadians think, act, conduct themselves, consume and all other aspects of day to day living.

June 2015 also saw the completion of the pilot year of the new Hive Incubator Program which saw the move of the programs from within the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce office to Knowledge Park, where clients are completely immersed in the business ecosystem of the Fredericton startup community. The Hive has ten business clients from around the world. The incubator is a hub of business activity that allows it’s clients a place of business, and an office to come to each day as opposed to the isolation of trying to discover business opportunities in the isolation of their new homes with little to no network of support.

Business training includes introduction to Canadian business with training in Business and Franchise Law, Accounting and Bookkeeping, City Planning and Zoning, Business Basics, Canadian Banking Systems, Import and Export, Revenue Canada, Insurance, Real Estate, Canadian Business Basics, Food Safety Training, Workplace Health and Safety and more. The Fredericton “BIMP” offers the clients a look into Canadian culture and our business culture. The myths surrounding immigration are many, our role however is to dispel these myths with truths. Canada is one of the most selective countries to enter and the criteria surrounding the hiring of an immigrant is a long tedious process for employers who are not able to fill positions with local employees. With immigrant investment, our newcomers are coming in with dollars to spend on new or existing business purchase or development. The old idea of “Immigrants come here and take our jobs” is so outdated and unwarranted that we need to strike that from our vocabulary. Instead we need to be saying, lets open our doors and shout that New Brunswick is open for business and we will support and aid you if you invest in our province, our population growth and our economic prosperity.



July - August 2015

Our population in New Brunswick is in a spiraling free fall. We not only need immigration, we MUST have it. Provincial nominees in NB are coming with money to do business with, we must support, encourage and open our doors of encouragement wide and with a smile. The success of our newcomers will be the success to all in the province with capital injection and global perspectives and the opportunity to explore and navigate new foreign trade possibilities. If you would like to know more about how to become involved and learn more about the BIM or HIVE programs please contact us at Thank you to the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce and Province of New Brunswick for their continued support of the Business Immigrant and Hive Programs.


by Morgan Peters

Canadian Chamber of Commerce Annual Conference to be Held in Fredericton in 2017

The big news in this month’s edition of Insight Magazine is the announcement by Canadian Chamber of Commerce Chairperson Michael McMullen that Fredericton has been chosen as the host for the 2017 CCC AGM and conference. The conference brings together business executives and chamber staff members from across the country - about 400 delegates in all. The economic impact on the location economy is expected to be nearly one million dollars. The announcement is also a recognition of the quality of work that the Fredericton chamber has been doing on the national stage and the great relationship we have built with the national chamber. More details will be coming in the months ahead.

Municipal Brief Given to Fredericton City Council

The Fredericton chamber’s municipal Government Affairs Committee submitted its annual position brief to City Council on June 1, 2015. The brief provides some commentary on progress made on our 2014 from our perspective and introduces some new ideas for 2015. Overall the brief is quite positive and we have tried to make our suggestions for improvement specific and actionable. The brief can be viewed on our website (

Natural Resources Task Force

The Fredericton chamber took part in an announcement on May 26, 2015 to launch the region’s natural resource task force, lead by Ignite Fredericton. The task force brings the community’s strategic partners operating in or around the natural resources sector together to best prepare the Fredericton region to harness the economic opportunities associated with near and long term natural resource projects. This is accomplished through project proponents communicating updates and needs to the task force, who can then plan their services and program offerings accordingly to best prepare the region’s people and business to skill up for jobs, connect with supply chains, create a clustering environment to attract foreign direct investment to the region and spur growth of new startups. The Fredericton chamber is a proud founding member of the task force, which aligns with our resource development policy.

Canadian Chamber of Commerce 2015 Federal Election Platform

On May 26, 2015 the Canadian chamber released its 2015 election platform, titled “A Canada That Wins.” The platform focuses on four key areas: (1) access to a powerful workforce; (2) access to capital; (3) access to technology and innovation; and (4) access to markets. The document (and the chamber) is calling on Canadian business to increase their ‘compete’ level and for the government to provide the tools to facilitate a more competitive Canada. As Canadian chamber chairperson Michael McMullen succinctly put it: The world needs stuff, not necessarily our stuff - we need to compete. The full platform can be found on the Canadian chamber website:

Atlantic Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting

In late May, the Atlantic Chamber of Commerce held its 2015 annual general meeting in St. John’s, NL. A mix of staff members and board members from chambers in all four provinces were represented to discuss policy development at the regional and national level. Debra Feltham of Feltham & Associates replaced Barry Zwicker of Smart Tower Energy as chairperson, with Barry moving into the past-chair role.



July - August 2015

Natural Resources


atural resource development has been fueling New Brunswick’s economy for centuries. While much of the raw material extraction occurs in our rural areas, our cities play a complementary and equally important role in developing these resources. Our urban centres provide much of the skilled workforce, professional support and business expertise that make natural resource development possible. At a news conference in late May, the Fredericton Region was named one of “Canada’s Resource Cities” by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. The chambers also produced an infographic booklet that visually demonstrates some of the various ways that Fredericton both contributes to and benefits from natural resource development in our area. You can view the infographic on our website ( or contact our office for a printed copy. As a centre for innovation, post-secondary education, and entrepreneurship, Fredericton is uniquely positioned to contribute to natural resource development in a variety of ways. The University of New Brunswick (including five research chairs and six research institutes in the natural resources sector), New Brunswick Community College, and the Atlantic Forestry Centre amongst others produce world-class talent and ideas to support current and future projects. With a supportive business environment and local government, we have the people, skills, knowledge and entrepreneurial spirit to contribute to modern, innovative and dynamic natural resource industries in our province today and tomorrow.



July - August 2015

The City of Fredericton has acknowledged the importance of responsibly developing our natural resources through its Vision 2020 strategic plan as well as Ignite Fredericton’s Natural Resources Task Force, officially announced at the same news conference. The Fredericton Chamber of Commerce is a founding member of the task force and we are looking forward to sharing information about potential projects and helping the business community prepare for any opportunities that may arise in the near- and medium-terms. The Fredericton chamber has been focused on responsible natural resource development in a number of ways. We are supportive of shale gas exploration and have encouraged the provincial government to attempt to satisfy the conditions of the moratorium as expediently as responsibly possible. Our Economic Development Committee has been hosting a series of monthly presentations regarding natural resource development in the area, including the Sisson Partnership, Forest NB, TransCanada Pipeline, Real Food Connections and Enbridge NB. We plan to continue this series in the fall. Natural resources already contribute $600 million to Fredericton’s GDP and employ 5,000 people within the city.

Natural Resources SYNERGY

We also participated in a program hosted by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce to experience an in-depth series of meetings, information sessions and tours from the Alberta government, energy companies, businesses supporting the supply chain and other stakeholders in the oilsands. The highlight of the tour was the sheer volume of opportunities that the oilsands have created in that province and think that we should be working to have some of those same benefits in New Brunswick - not just benefitting from Alberta’s productivity. New Brunswick currently has 26 companies that provide supply chain support directly to the Alberta oilsands. Imagine the impact that projects closer to home could have on our local economy. Projects like the Energy East Pipeline, the Sisson Brook Mine or the development of shale gas could be game changers for the region. As projects move forward, we want to be sure that we have the right people with the right skills to take advantage of any opportunities. Of course, any support we provide for natural resource development, or any particular project presupposes that environmental responsibly takes precedence. In 2015 in Canada, it is impossible to separate a business plan from environmental or safety concerns. Without a sound, responsible plan, there is no business case. Companies know this and act accordingly - they don’t necessarily invest heavily in protecting the environment because of altruism - they do it because it makes business sense. Rhetoric that suggests we have to choose between the environment and the economy is usually false. Every activity comes with risk, the question is how do we mitigate, regulate and manage that risk. As we continue to learn and innovate, we can make industries safer and safer - something that Fredericton is in a better position than most to accomplish.

Most Frederictonians don’t really think much about our role in developing natural resources. We tend to put our cities in easily-definable boxes - this can be seen even on a provincial level: Fredericton has government and universities, Moncton has retail, Saint John is industrial - but in reality, we all have all of those things and Fredericton’s interest and participation in natural resource development is well beyond perception. The role that urban centres play may be underappreciated, but being named one of Canada’s Resource Cities helps to highlight our role in this sector. Fredericton’s “Canada’s Resource Cities” infographic is available to view at

11 Insight July - August 2015

Performance Excellence

No Games.


Ask anyone at Riverview Ford Lincoln about ‘No Games’ and they’ll tell you it has little [V KV ^P[O H [HNSPUL VY H THYRL[PUN JHTWHPNU HUK L]LY`[OPUN [V KV ^P[O ÄUKPUN UL^ ways to eliminate stress and frustration for customers. Sneak a moment with owner Nick McCarthy and you also start to understand he’s on a mission to ‘make it easy’ for his team so that customers fully appreciate the ‘No Games’ experience. According to McCarthy, the power of a great idea only gets lost if it’s too complicated VY KPMÄJ\S[ [V PTWSLTLU[ ;OH[ ZHPK" L]LY` PKLH WYVJLZZ VY Z[YH[LN` PZ KLZPNULK ^P[O ZPTWSPJP[` PU TPUK /L HSZV ILSPL]LZ [OH[ JYLKPIPSP[` PZ ^VU ^OLU `V\ ÄUK [HUNPISL ^H`Z prove what you say. “We need to live our story every step of the way, especially when there are people in V\Y PUK\Z[Y` ^PSSPUN [V ZH` Q\Z[ HIV\[ HU`[OPUN [V THRL H ZHSL 0»T UL]LY ZH[PZÄLK \USLZZ we create processes and programs as tangible proof that what we say - is what we do”, states McCarthy. Programs like Trades at the Door, Option 36, On the Road Payments is evidence that ^HSRPUN [OL [HSR PZ HSP]L HUK ^LSS ;OLPY HWWYVHJO OHZ LHYULK H^HYKZ HUK Z\WWVY[ MYVT both the public and Ford of Canada, but McCarthy wants his team to be known for more than just being a Ford Lincoln Dealership. “Almost daily we see people buried in debt who are looking to sell their used vehicle. It drives me crazy that someone was more interested in making a sale than caring about [OLPY J\Z[VTLY»Z ÄUHUJPHS M\[\YL¹ ZH`Z 4J*HY[O` ZOHRPUN OPZ OLHK ¸[OH[»Z WHY[ VM [OL personal frustration and stress we plan to eliminate – because it’s totally unnecessary”.

It drives me crazy that someone was more interested in making a sale than caring about their customer’s financial future.”

;OH[ ZHPK HSYLHK` PU [OL ^VYRZ PZ [OL next phase of the ‘No Games’ brand – ‘We Back it Up’. “We have an incredible opportunity to help people out of bad credit situations, and ZPT\S[HULV\ZS` LSPTPUH[L [OL Z[YLZZ VM ÄUKPUN [OL YPNO[ \ZLK ]LOPJSL¹ Z[H[LZ <ZLK *HY Manager Chad Livingston. ‘We Back it Up’ is laser focused on creating a stress free buying experience when it JVTLZ [V V^UPUN H \ZLK ]LOPJSL HUK LSPTPUH[PUN [OL MY\Z[YH[PVU VM JVZ[S` ÄUHUJPUN options that leave customers swinging in the wind. At the end of the day it seems very simple, when a business makes a promise to help people - they actually have to care about people.




Let us help you expand your business network! by Stacey Murray


aking connections is what we do best! We host over 70 events each year to provide you with the environment to expand your contacts in the business community. We offer a wide range of events as we understand that networking is the number one reason many businesses and organizations join the chamber. Our monthly networking events are very popular with our membership. We offer a Business After Hours event on the first Thursday of every month at a member’s location. These events are from 4:30PM to 6:30PM and are always well attended. Due to the high demand of our Business After Hours events, in 2014 we started offering Business Over Breakfast events, to target those members who were unable to attend our evening events. The Business Over Breakfast events take place on the third Tuesday of every month at a member’s location, from 7:30AM to 9:00AM. We understand that going to these events alone can be intimidating, therefore, at both of these networking events we encourage our members to bring a friend with them. If the friend you bring to a networking event is not currently a member, you’ll receive a $5 gift card to a local coffee shop, as a small token of our appreciation for introducing a future member to the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce network. We also host eight annual events a year and all of them have a networking component. Our annual golf tournament and curling funspiel in particular, were designed with networking as the focus. These events encourage friendly play and allow members to network in a more casual setting. We also co-host on a rotating basis an annual Tri-City Chamber Business Expo with The Saint John Region Chamber and the Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce. This event allows our members to explore new provincial business opportunities and expand their networks. Our largest networking event of the year is the Summer Biz Bash, which brings upwards to 200 members out in June for a last evening networking event before summer.

Coming soon, on October 15, 2015 the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce will be introducing a Pecha Kucha Night to the Fredericton business community. This event will be co-hosted with Fusion Fredericton, the Oromocto & Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Mactaquac Country Chamber of Commerce. Pecha Kucha Night is a night of networking and highlights local businesses and their stories. Learn more about what a Pecha Kucha Night is by following the event promo on our social media feeds. #PechaKuchaFredericton ` What members are saying about our networking events! “Chamber events are great venues for meeting business people and generating new business leads. It's doing business the old fashioned way, face-to-face.” – Doug Daley, Kiers Marketing Group “People ask me what form of advertising I use. I tell them "networking". I wish I had known about this form of advertising when I was younger. I would have started my business much sooner, but I didn't think that I knew enough people. I now know that it is the easiest way to meet new people. The people you meet at a networking event may not be the person that needs your service, but they probably know someone who does. The employees at the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce make you feel welcome when you attend their networking events. It is one of the things that I recommend to all new business owners.” – Kelly Richard, Kelly A. Richard Bookkeeping Services Ltd. Check out our website, for our calendar of events, and register for a networking event today. Let us help you expand your contacts!

13 Insight July - August 2015


Fredericton Chamber of Commerce Membership Benefits by Christine Little

As a member of the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce you gain access to many benefits that can save you and your business money. You can recover the cost of your membership many times over just by taking advantage of these benefits: Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance Plan This is Canada’s leading plan in group benefits for organizations with 1 to 50 employees. Fully pooled benefits stabilize your organization’s rates to offer a one-stop shop for corporate insurance. Merchant Services Save money on services provided through First Data Merchant Services. Receive Visa, MasterCard, low Interac debit rates, preferred service rates and corporate credit services. Group Home and Auto Insurance Program Receive special group insurance discounts and savings on your home and auto insurance through the Fredericton chamber’s partnership with Aviva Traders and Wilson Insurance. Boardroom Rental The Fredericton chamber offers members the opportunity to rent our boardroom at a low rental cost. This room holds 20 - 25 comfortably and offers wi-fi service, overhead projector, whiteboard and more. Atlantic Payroll Company Atlantic Payroll Company is pleased to offer automated payroll services with a 15% discount on services to all members.

Insight 14 May June 2015 2015 July May - August -- June 2015

Growing Together Referral Program Refer a member to the chamber and receive a $50 gift certificate to one of our chamber member restaurants. Gasoline Discount Program Receive 3.5 cent per litre gasoline discount when using your commercial credit card at all Canadian Esso service stations. Progress Magazine Subscription Join the thousands of business leaders who keep up-to-date with Atlantic Canada’s business news by receiving a free one-year subscription to Progress Magazine. UPS Discounts of 30% on shipments within Canada and to worldwide destinations, 25% on imports into Canada and 75% (starting at) on freight shipments services with the UPS® Savings Program. M2M Discount Program Our M2M Program was created to encourage business to business relationships within the chamber membership. Receive special discounts and incentives towards products and services from fellow members. Car Rental Rent from Enterprise Rent-A-Car / National Car Rental anywhere in North America and receive discounted rates.

Fredericton Awarded 2017 Canadian Chamber of Commerce Annual Conference

On June 8, 2015 Canadian Chamber of Commerce Chairperson Michael McMullen announced that Fredericton has been selected to host its annual general meeting and conference in 2017. The conference brings together business executives and chamber staff members from across the country - about 400 delegates in all. The economic impact on the location economy is expected to be nearly one million dollars. The announcement is also a recognition of the quality of work that the Fredericton Chamber has been doing on the national stage and the great relationship we have built with the national chamber. Thank you to our bid committee - Karen Grant (chair), Kiers Marketing; Betty Blanchard, Fredericton Convention Centre; and Wendy Bradley, Fredericton Tourism.

Distinguished Citizen Awards Discontinued It is with sincere regret that Fredericton Chamber of Commerce announces that we have decided to discontinue hosting the annual Distinguished Citizen Awards. With many other events in the city, several of which are similar in nature, we have seen attendance and interest decline over the past several years. Given the chamber’s very busy schedule of 70+ events throughout the year we have concluded that our members would be best served by focusing our limited staff and volunteer resources on our other events. We sincerely thank those who have participated in this event over the past 39 years and congratulate the 111 recipients - your contributions to the community cannot be fully captured by an award ceremony.

Meeting with Natural Resources Minister

Recently, members of Ignite Fredericton's Natural Resources Task Force met with federal Natural Resource Minister Greg Rickford to discuss New Brunswick's growing potential in the sector and what role the federal government can play. Pictured are Fredericton MP, Hon. Keith Ashfield; Laurie Guthrie, Ignite Fredericton; Joel Richardson, Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters; Andrew McLeod, APEGNB; Jeff Earle, Dillon Consulting; Minister Rickford; Mike Legere, Forest NB; Larry Shaw, Ignite Fredericton; Krista Ross, Fredericton Chamber of Commerce.

15 Insight July - August 2015

Cancer Health Coach



esearchers worldwide agree that at least half of all cancers and cancer-related deaths are preventable. In 2015, an estimated 1.6 million deaths will be attributed to cancer –Yes, you can live a healthy life and still get sick but every expert will confirm that you dramatically reduce your risk of cancer and other disease by simply…changing your diet, reducing your toxic load & living a healthy lifestyle. Certified professional cancer coaches are practitioners from various health disciplines. We are endorsed and strongly represent an experienced, ethical and professional group of coaches who give their best to improve the lives of their clients with cancer. They are available to work with both you and your physician, to achieve the best results possible. How can a certified cancer coach help? Cancer coaches offer you the best one on one support OR group coaching following your diagnosis with cancer. We perform a full assessment of your nutritional, hormonal, lifestyle and environmental health. With the results of your assessment, we develop a protocol for you on understanding your cancer, and treating this disease through complimentary modalities including a healthy lifestyle and nutritional resources. Your program will be expertly designed for your particular cancer and it can be used in combination with allopathic diagnostic (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation) treatment options. If you choose a holistic alternative to surgery, chemo and radiation, we have the best resources available for your journey. Certified cancer coaches provide integrative oncology, we specialise in cancer nutrition, optimal lifestyle or psycho-social health for cancer patients. This is our speciality. We show you how to reactivate your body's amazing ability to heal through diet, lifestyle and mind/body healing with or without conventional therapy. There is so much you can do to lower your risk for cancer. But please don't wait until you get the diagnosis—you have to take preventative steps NOW. It's much easier to prevent cancer than to treat it, once it takes hold. Cancer coaches work with anyone wishing to prevent disease as well as those who wish to prevent a recurrence of cancer!



July - August 2015

The right food choices can greatly increase the odds of beating cancer and nature offers a multitude of foods which have intrinsic cancer fighting and immune boosting properties. Here are just some of the very best cancer fighting and immune boosting superstars: Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and kale are among the most powerful cancer fighting foods to be found. High in fiber, vitamins, minerals and important antioxidants such as beta carotene and the sulforaphane compound. Cruciferous vegetables contain isothiocyanates; phytochemicals which help break down potential carcinogens. They also contain indole-3-carbidol (I3C), which help prevent estrogen driven cancers. Tumeric, curcumin, the major ingredient of the spice turmeric, has been a rising star against cancer in recent years. Numerous studies have reported it’s cancer fighting and prevention abilities, including one study which found that curcumin helps prevent lung cancer for tobacco smokers. Garlic, as well as onions, leeks and chives, have immune-enhancing compounds that increase the immune cell activity. Garlic boosts immunity & helps prevent the initiation, promotion & recurrence of many cancers. Studies have linked garlic to lowering the risk of stomach and colon cancer. Flax contains lignans, compounds which block or suppress cancerous changes in cells. Flax is also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which protect against colon and other cancers. Notably, flax & flax oil is part of the famous and highly successful Budwig Cancer Diet. Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, turnip greens and other cancer fighting dark green leafy vegetables are rich in folic acid. Folic acid helps maintain the cell’s genetic code and regulate normal cell division. Dark seeded grapes contain powerful bioflavonoid antioxidants that work as cancer preventatives. Grapes are also a rich source of resveratrol and ellagic acid, a compound that slows the growth of tumors by blocking enzymes needed by cancer cells. Eat the entire grape, seeds and all. ...Continued on pg. 17

Other powerful cancer fighting foods are: * Sea vegetables * Green and black tea * Fermented organic soy * Tomatoes & carrots * Blueberries, green apples & raspberries * Extra virgin olive oil * Sweet potatoes Your body is the only home you have to live in so treat it well. Never stop learning about ways to prevent, fight, and survive cancer. Lynn has been working in the wellness Industry for more than 18 years and has a magical way of inspiring others to embrace healthy, balanced lifestyles and relish in living their best life! She has had several family members and friends afflicted with cancer and other degenerative diseases. Her goal is to educate and inform others. We believe knowledge is a powerful tool. Being informed about your disease, treatment options and expectations will empower you to take control of the process. This can affect your recovery and personal experience in a positive way.

Chamber CEO Krista Ross was pleased to be on hand as emcee of the announcement of chamber member Kingswood Ventures new water theme park and four star resort. Photo includes Krista Ross, Brian Johnson, President of Kingswood Ventures and Fredericton MP Keith Ashfield.

Lynn is a proud member of the National Association of Professional Cancer Coaches. To reach Cancer Health Coach, Lynn Thier, please visit or call 506-999-3554

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July - August 2015

The Buzz

A RECAP OF EVENTS IN APRIL AND MAY - April Business After Hours with FreddyLink - Opportunities New Brunswick, A New Vision Luncheon - Tri-City Chamber Business Expo - Human Movement Seminar - 2015 Federal Economic Action Plan Luncheon - Coaching & Mentoring - How to provide impactful feedback - HR Forum - The Top 5 Human Resources Related Risks You Need to Know - May Business After Hours at the Blue Door - Lunch & Learn - Twitter - Presentation Day - Real Food Connections - Smart Skills For A Smarter Canada - May Business Over Breakfast at Xpert Office Products - Ignite Fredericton Special Announcement: Natural Resources

Insight 18 July - August 2015

The Buzz


On Thursday, August 27, 2015 Join us at Kingswood Golf Course for our 26th annual golf tournament. You won't want to miss this fun day of golfing, activities, networking, great food and great prizes! Only 144 spots available, don’t be disappointed, book your spot today. On Thursday, October 15, 2015 Pecha Kucha Night is coming to Fredericton! Brought to you by the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce, Fusion Fredericton, Oromocto & Area Chamber of Commerce and the Mactaquac Country Chamber of Commerce. Local businesses will share their stories using a Pecha Kucha style presentation. This is a networking event you won’t want to miss! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more event details @PechaKuchaFredericton. On Thursday, October 22, 2015 Join us for the 32nd annual Business Excellence Awards held at the Delta Fredericton Hotel. We’ll be recognizing a business in each of these seven categories: Small Business Award, Large Business Award, Not-For-Profit Organization Award, Community Leadership Through Business Award, Start-up Award, Business Person of the Year Award and the Resilience Award. For the first time ever, nominations for these awards were open to ALL businesses in the Fredericton area.

19 Insight July - August 2015






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