Your Northside 2015 Fall Edition

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Photo By Carol Randall

Chiropractic for Shoulder Pain? Chiropractic for Hip Pain? In short, YES! Shoulder and hip pain are common conditions that many people suffer from at various points in their life. The trouble with shoulder and hip pain is they can be due to various structures which means multiple conditions need to be considered such as muscle strains, ligament sprains, nerve irritation and arthritis to name a few; but shoulder or hip pain can also be caused by injuries to the neck or back. As a chiropractor we are experts in musculoskeletal disorders which includes the shoulder, hip and any joint in your body. During your first visit you and the chiropractor will figure out what is causing your pain and before treatment the chiropractor will explain what is going on and what the recommended treatment will be. We are trained in tools and techniques such as biomedical acupuncture, soft tissue therapy (focused massage), rehabilitation exercises and if needed the adjustment of one or more joints. Summary: • We will do an initial assessment including a history and physical exam to help identify the cause of your pain • In the report of findings we tell you what we found and what to expect as a course of treatment • Some common conditions that involve shoulder pain: shoulder impingement, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff strain, bursitis, A/C joint sprain • Some common conditions that involve hip pain: impingement, bursitis, osteoarthritis, snapping hip, groin strain, tight hip flexors • Our treatment: soft tissue therapy (focused massage), hip joint mobilizations, adjustment to the joints in the spine (if necessary), supervised rehabilitation exercises and you are sent home with exercises (that can come to your email to help you remember). For more information please visit our website at

If you suffer from shoulder or hip pain please call 506-452-1609 to book an appointment at Williams Chiropractic today!

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Word from the Wards Steve Hicks City Councillor Ward 5

Eric Megarity Deputy Mayor Ward 4

Hope everyone enjoyed a great summer and made some amazing memories along the way. Luckily, Marysville was somewhat spared from the busy construction season in and around Fredericton which made things much more bearable. With the kids now back in school it’s time to get back to business for most. There have been some changes in our community over the summer months. The Ville Cooperative was officially launched in the old AGMS School and we have seen additional paving take place along our beautiful trail system. The Marysville Y’s Men will again be offering their breakfasts every third Saturday starting in September.

As the summer is winding down, the fall will soon be upon us, our South Devon Ward has seen lots of summer activity. The new Francophone school on Neill Street will be opening this fall. Work on the York Arena continues and is scheduled to open again in December for all to use and enjoy. Major water and sewage infrastructure under Union Street is being replaced. The anticipated repurposing and opening of the old Roundhouse as a Picaroons brewery will save an important heritage building in the City. New public washrooms and a community room will be welcomed additions to Carleton Park. The commencement of the trail system up Cliffe Street has begun. A new face-lift to the Devon Park Plaza and the Provincial Government’s commitment to completing the Nashwaak Bridge resurfacing are all highlights this past summer.

For council, it has been business as usual but things really get busy every fall as we work towards developing our budgets for the following year. I would encourage you to contact me over the coming months to voice your concerns/suggestions for the budget moving forward. I can be reached at one of the following coordinates: Twitter @SteveHicksW5 Facebook: Steve Hicks or 458-1973

“Your” Main Street: A Main Street Urban Design Plan Update By Lori MacMullen Main Street Urban Design Plan Steering Committee, Chair And Business Fredericton North, Past President In the inaugural issue of Your Northside (Spring 2014) readers were introduced and encouraged to participate in the development of a new urban design plan for Main Street. In partnership with the City of Fredericton, Business Fredericton North (BFN) initiated the process to develop the urban design plan for the Main Street Business Improvement Area (BIA). As we near its completion we wanted to provide an update on the process and next steps. When complete the plan will set a bold new vision for the BIA, Main Street and the community it serves. This plan is a very important step and will help guide our future development efforts.

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The new urban design plan will set the stage for the reinvention of Main Street, from a service arterial to becoming one of the city’s primary business destinations. This vision and supporting framework will support the transition of Main Street from a suburban commercial corridor to a mixed use, multi-functional, resilient and engaging part of the city.


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Moving from what is now described as a “service arterial” to a primary business destination within our city will not be easy. This plan represents a bold new vision for Main Street and the broader BIA. There will be challenges however with a strong vision, bold, strong and decisive leadership and the support and buy-in of the businesses, organizations and residents of the BIA that will allow success in achieving that vision.


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Nasis’ Parks & Waterfront District



• New and contemporary designs reflecting the values and aspirations of our time and at the same time positioned to become the heritage of the future, • minimal and consistent building setbacks with low-rise buildings at the street edge to create a continuous street wall and narrow shop fronts aimed at bolstering the charm and appeal of Main Street, and: • Improvements to the public realm to support a more positive pedestrian experience.

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Study Area Expansion “Greater Main Street Area” Cedar Ave

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Other key components of the plan include the appropriate built form and densities required to provide a safe and comfortable pedestrian environment. More specifically, the plan encourages:











Maple St

The Urban Design Plan identifies and builds upon four distinct “character” areas within the BIA: • Stone Bridge District • Main Street Business District • City Bridge District • Nasis’ Parks and Waterfront District In addition to the character areas noted above the study also highlights how to best link Main Street with the adjacent established residential neighbourhoods that represent the critical mass needed to support Main Street’s successful transition.

Districts Main Street Urban Design Plan City of Fredericton

Building on Main Street’s assets, including the trail network and park system, the existing retail areas and the proximity of large residential areas from which to draw customers, the plan will identify areas for improvement and future development including better linkages to and from Main Street, opportunities for in-filling and the potential for additional mixed use (i.e. residential and commercial) development. The Plan also identifies a number of key areas in the BIA that have tremendous potential for new residential and mixed-use developments, key factors in creating and supporting a vibrant “Main Street.”

As we undertake the next steps in the process, we look forward to the continued commitment and contribution of all stakeholders including Business Fredericton North, the City of Fredericton, other levels of government and most importantly the businesses, property owners, developers, community organizations and area residents of Main Street. On behalf of the Main Street Urban Design Plan Steering Committee, I look forward to keeping Northsiders up to date on this exciting project. We look forward to presenting a finalized plan to area residents, Business Fredericton North and Fredericton’s City Council this fall.

For more information on the Main Street Urban Design Plan, please contact: Trina MacDonald, General Manager, Business Fredericton North (459-8689) Juan Estepa, Manager of Heritage & Urban Design, City of Fredericton (460-2062) Meredith Gilbert, Senior Planner, City of Fredericton (460-2100)

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WE desire to be the Preferred Choice for all your financial needs.

Northsiders Making A Difference

Written by Trina MacDonald

Garth Williams, the patriarch of the family, was born and raised on the Northside and still resides less than a mile from his birthplace. He grew up in Nashwaaksis and met his wife Gaynel Trail, a Marysville girl, in 1956. They married in ’57 and have been together in life and business for the past 58 years. They started their life together in an apartment in Devon where Garth worked 6 years delivering groceries for Urquhart’s Grocery and then working for 8 years at Campbell’s Shoe Store. They also started to grow their family during this time having 3 children, Kimberly, Steven sadly losing him at the age of 5 and Andy. Garth began working as an insurance adjuster and in 1969 he decided he should go to work for himself. They had moved to Douglas by this time and he opened his StateFarm Agency. Gaynel recall’s with a laugh, “When we first started we only had 1 file, ours.” Garth took care of the office in the morning, Gaynel would take care of it in the afternoon so Garth could do service calls. In time, Garth and Gaynel could not keep up with the home operation so they hired their first employee and opened an office on Main Street. They moved 3 times to accommodate their growing business but never left Main Street, finally purchasing the building at 132 Main. In 1999, Garth decided to retire and by this time he owned the largest StateFarm Insurance Agency in Canada. In 1980, Andy joined his parents working part time while attending STU. Andy like his father met and married a Marysville girl, Wendy Mundle in 1988. She began working in Garth’s office in ’86. Andy and Wendy, along with their two children, have also made their home in Douglas. In 1994, Andy opened his own agency on York Street and began growing his own business with Wendy. He was the first new StateFarm agent hired in NB in 25 years. Upon Garth’s retirement in 1999 he employed 12 people, his retirement provided Andy the opportunity to move back to Main Street and purchase the family building. Garth’s files were divided by StateFarm and given to 4 different agents one of which was Andy, leaving some clients unable to continue with the trusted Williams family. The family notes this was hard but they had no control over the distribution. Since then, Andy and Wendy have grown their own agency to the largest StateFarm agency in Canada. They attribute this success to the work of both generations in the community and their staff past and present. Both Garth and Andy are life time members of the StateFarm Presidents Club of which there are only 10 in Canada and Andy Williams Insurance is a Chamber Business Excellence Award winner.

The Williams Family In 2015, Andy and Wendy’s daughter Berni became the third generation Williams to begin working in the business. A recent graduate of UNB and on the Dean’s List, Berni has jumped in just like her parents and grandparents before, starting on the front desk learning all aspects of the operation. Their son Matt has chosen to follow a different career path, he graduated UNB with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College of Canada. Dr. Williams and his wife Dr. Sarah Warren, also a grad of CMCCC have returned to his Northside roots, opening Williams Chiropractic Health and Performance Center on Main Street in his parents building. The Williams family have had a major impact on Northside development. Garth, Andy and Wendy have all served as Presidents of BFN with unique projects during each of their terms. The development of the environmental walking trail adjacent to Nashwaaksis Memorial School was a key project during Garth’s term, trails were new to Fredericton and this was one of the catalysts for the system we have today. The widening of Main Street and establishment of a sidewalk on the Northside of the street was Andy’s focus. While securing funds and the construction of the Mitch Clarke Nasis’ Park was the major project during Wendy’s term. This involved ensuring funding was not lost after a change of government, soliciting corporate contributions and seeing the start of the park’s construction. Their community work has touched many lives over the past 50 years. Garth and Gaynel’s second home was the Nashwaaksis Arena. Garth refereed, coached hundreds of kids, operated and help finance the Northside Jr. B Caps and Gaynel volunteered in the canteen. Garth was a member of the Y’s Men Club and Y’s Men’s Century Club receiving a life service award from the Marysville and Nashwaaksis clubs. He was an original member of the Fredericton Sports Investment, receiving an award in the Builders category in 2002. Garth and Gaynel are long time members of the Douglas United Baptist church having served on various boards and committees. Andy and Wendy have been equally as involved. Andy has been on the board of Hockey NB for 16 years, coached for 32 years, he too has been a member of FSI and the Y Service Club. Wendy also volunteers with the Service Club and has managed multiple teams. The entire family has always been quick to volunteer whenever they are needed. What Garth and Gaynel started both in business and in community involvement, Andy and Wendy have continued. The family has always stood together in everything they do in life. They have set an example second to none for the third generation, who will no doubt carry on their family’s values continuing to make our community a better place. They are truly Northsiders Making a Difference.

Shingles - How to be prepared Shingles is becoming a more common infection among patients, especially those greater than 50 years old. It can be a very debilitating condition, which if not treated promptly, can lead to painful complications down the road.

What causes shingles?

Shingles (acute herpes zoster) is actually caused by the chickenpox virus. When you contract chickenpox, the virus infects mostly the skin region. At a later stage, it withdraws into the neural tissue (nerves, spine). By hiding in this area the virus is able to avoid detection by our immune system while quietly biding its time. Once the virus ascertains that the patient is becoming weak or compromised (most often from stress / illness), it strikes. The virus leaves the neural tissue, infects the skin and causes severe pain and rash. Shingles can progress very quickly and if not treated promptly with the correct medications, it can cause permanent pain (post-herpetic neuralgia). This type of pain is very challenging to treat and can lead to a lower quality of life.

Signs and Symptoms

The first signs of shingles is pain under the skin, followed by an itchy red rash of blisters. It can appear in many different areas, but most commonly along the back or sides of the upper body. If you suspect that you may have shingles, immediately go seek medical attention from a practitioner.

The sooner you receive anti-viral medications, the less likely you are to have permanent pain. It’s also important to reduce transmission of the virus to other patients by taking the following steps: • Cover the rash and keep the area clean • Wash your hands often and don’t touch the rash to reduce transmission • Monitor the area as sometimes bacterial infections can occur

Prevention and Reduction of Infection Severity

There’s also a vaccine called Zostavax, that is effective in reducing the severity and incidence of shingles. It is currently recommended for patients > 60 years old, but may be used effectively in those 50 years old. It can also help patients who’ve already had shingles reduce the severity of future outbreaks, although you should consult your pharmacist on when to receive it post-infection. In New Brunswick, pharmacists can prescribe and administer the Zostavax vaccination directly to patients. If you have questions about shingles, talk to your local pharmacist. Cheers, Alistair Bursey Pharmacist | Owner Jean Coutu Briggs Drugs Fredericton, NB


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better health begins here...

Word from the Wards Dan Keenan City Councillor Ward 1

Bruce Gandy City Councillor Ward 2

I hope you had a great summer and enjoyed the warm weather when it finally arrived!

It has been a busy summer in Ward 2 with a number of infrastructural renewal projects including the 3rd phase on Fulton Avenue and Calder Avenue and the beginning of phase 9 on Brookside Drive and the installation of water and sewer extension to the balance of McLeod Hill Road. I held a very well attended community meeting at the Brookside Mall and was able to address a number of issues in various neighborhoods. It is nice to see the redevelopment of the old Canadian Tire location on Main Street by Plaza Corp. I look forward to a number of new retail stores and various other developments sprouting up over the next year. On my radar is to have staff at City Hall to start a review of the space and storage requirements of the ever growing Seniors Workshop and Seniors Center on Johnson Avenue and continue my work with Business Fredericton North. Fall brings on Budget season at City Hall and I look forward to leading the Budget process for the last time before the Municipal election next May.

The big news for Ward 1 this summer was the approval of the license agreement with NB Nature Trust to become the caretakers of the natural space around the berry fields on Ferris Street. This is great news and will result in an enhanced natural area for residents to enjoy. If you would like to contribute to the preservation and enhancement efforts at this site you can contact the NB Nature Trust. They are hoping to raise $20,000 to facilitate improvements. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Renata Woodward of NB Nature Trust and the Friends of Ferris Street for their commitment to this project. Well done! Remember to slow down as children are back at school. Have a great Fall!

Jacklyne Weng

Jacklyne Weng was originally born in China, her family moved to Canada when she was three years old. They eventually settled in Fredericton when she was six. Jacklyne, her parents and younger sister made their home on the Northside when they arrived and she attended Park Street Elementary and Nashwaaksis Middle School before heading to Leo Hayes. In grade 9, Jacklyne joined a variety of clubs and groups looking to make new friends, develop her leadership skills and broaden her interests. Peer Mentors was one such club that Jacklyne remembers as being crucial in her transition from middle to high school; it was for that reason she felt compelled to be a peer mentor when she was in grade 11. She was very happy to be able to give back as a mentor in both grades 11 and 12 because it made her feel connected to students she otherwise may not have normally had the opportunity to engage with and those connections have resulted in new friendships. This year as a Renaissance Leader at Leo Hayes, she was responsible for the Renaissance BBQ to recognize students who had a 90% average through the year. She remembers that the challenge of planning and executing the event was exciting and the act of acknowledging the academic efforts of students was very fulfilling. Giving back is a key part of who Jacklyne Weng is. Jacklyne’s commitment to her academics is second to none and was acknowledged in 2015 when she received the Governor Generals Award for having the highest academic standing for grade 11 and 12. Jacklyne has been focused on academic excellence and has worked hard during her 4 years of high school. She will be leaving for McGill University to pursue a Bachelor of Science - Life sciences degree. This is just a stepping stone in her longer journey according to Jacklyne. Although not exactly sure what she wants to do long term, she is confident it will involve practicing medicine in some capacity. Outside of the classroom Jacklyne is the President of the youth group of the Chinese Cultural Association of NB, they provide activities and opportunities for multicultural students to be involved in the community. The group hosts monthly and special events to help newcomers learn about, integrate and assimilate into our community while maintaining their own culture. Jacklyne values the insight and experience this role has offered her even though it can be a daunting task. Jacklyne Weng is an exceptional young lady who embraces life. She has already left a lasting impact on those around her and will continue to be a force in the future as a positive role model and leader. Jake Stillwell article written by Gabriel Roy, Jacklyne Weng article written by Trina MacDonald.

Jake Stillwell

Born and raised on the Northside, Jake has been identified as a leader within the community. His outgoing and friendly personality, combined with his enthusiasm for community involvement has made him a perfect candidate for recognition as a Future Leader. He spent his years of schooling at McAdam Avenue Elementary, Nashwaaksis Middle School and from Leo Hayes High School as the valedictorian of his graduating class. With a positive future ahead of him, Jake has ambitious plans and goals that he wants to achieve. Jake is an only child who found enjoyment at a very young age in reading and writing. He is a self-proclaimed “book nerd”, and has achieved feats in his own writing as well. Impressively at age 9, he was able to have a piece of his very own recognized when a short story he wrote was published in a children’s anthology after winning a contest. His writing skills have progressed into speech writing. He has also notably been involved in, and won, provincial speech competitions in French, in both middle school and high school. With an already busy schedule, Jake has found time to remain very involved in a number of activities, sports and programs. At school, he volunteered his time to extracurricular activities by being a Grade 12 Representative on Student Council, a Peer Mentor, an Executive Member of the Best Buddies program, a Safe Grad Committee member, as well as a tutor in French and Physics. He also enjoys many different sports including hockey and kickboxing. Jake is an exceptionally bright young man with an even brighter future. His plans for his future include many more years of schooling and eventually making his way into studying medicine with the end goal of becoming an endocrinologist. An endocrinologist is someone who deals with disorders caused by hormonal imbalances and is a very prestigious and respected area of medicine. When Jake was asked what one person he looks up to for inspiration and guidance the most, Jake felt that was an unfair question, and commends everyone in his life for helping him. In particular, his very supportive family, teachers and friends, Jake would want all of them to be acknowledged for helping him become the person he is today and the person he will eventually become in the future.

Word from the Wards Marilyn Kerton City Councillor Ward 6

Mike O’Brien City Councillor Ward 3

Construction season is starting to wind down and I’m a motorist who will be glad to see the detour signs gone. I realize the infrastructure work needs to be done and the season to get it done is short…but it seems like whenever I found an alternative route to get to my destination, within a week another detour sign went up. I think that we are fortunate to be able to get as much accomplished as we have as some of our streets and our bridge (Nashwaak River Bridge) were riddled with potholes which ruined a lot of rims/tires and front end alignments.

A big "thank you" to everyone for your patience during this summer’s road and water/sewer construction work. We all know this work is necessary, but it is disruptive and often dusty and noisy.

Our nights are starting to get cooler, leaves are turning colours and fall is just around the corner. Summer vacation has ended for our children and they are returning to school. Please remember to help keep our children safe…do not pass school buses with flashing lights, be aware of children as they travel to school, yield to pedestrians and SLOW DOWN. The complaint I hear most from people throughout the city is that there are too many motorists speeding on our streets . Please slow down, be a safe and courteous driver…The life you save could be your own or someone you love!

I am chairing a group working to bring healthier meals, made from local foods, into the Park Street and Nashwaaksis Memorial school cafeterias. If we can put it off (to implement in September 2016) then more information will be made available to parents and residents later this coming school year. The city is changing the Ward boundaries for the May 2016 election. The change to Ward 3 is it will no longer represent North Devon and the areas below Maple Street. The new Ward boundaries will basically encompass (with some exceptions) all homes "below" the Ring Road between St. Mary's Street to the east and the Royal Road to the west and the southern boundary line of Maple St/MacFarlane Ave/Hawkins St to the south. The final Ward boundary lines will be published in late October. Lots of new homes to visit!

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