/thoughts Autumn 08

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On tour from 18-28 November 2008

Fountains in the Dust Snapshots from the streets of South America


with Bridget Plass, Angela Murray, Nicki Rogers & Philippa Hanna

Tuesday 18 November – South London (with Nicki Rogers) Streatham Baptist Church, Lewin Road, SW16 6JR Wednesday 19 November – North London (with Philippa Hanna) Archway Methodist Church, Archway Close, N19 3TD Thursday 20 November – Bristol (with Philippa Hanna) Thornbury Baptist Church, Gillingstool, Thornbury, BS35 2EG Friday 21 November – Oxford (with Philippa Hanna) St. Andrew's Church, Linton Road, Oxford, OX2 6UG Saturday 22 November – Stoke (with Philippa Hanna) Swan Bank Methodist Church, Swan Square, Burslem, ST6 2AA

Tuesday 25 November – Dronfield (with Philippa Hanna) St. Andrew's Community Church, Pentland Road, Dronfield Woodhouse, S18 8ZQ Wednesday 26 November – Dudley (with Nicki Rogers) Upper Gornal Methodist Church, Spills Meadow, DY3 1YB Thursday 27 November – Milton Keynes (with Nicki Rogers) New Life Church North, The Ridgeway Centre, Featherstone Road, MK12 5TH Friday 28 November – Bournemouth (with Nicki Rogers) Bournemouth Vineyard, St Peter's Lower School, Holdenhurst Avenue, BH7 6RG

Tickets available now at www.faithtickets.com £6 adults; £4 concessions (buy 10 full price tickets, get the 11th free!) Available on-line at www.faithtickets.com or call 020 8781 1740 (office hours). Book in advance to avoid disappointment For maps and more info: www.sharejesusinternational.com Doors open at 7:00 pm, the evening starts at 7:30 pm and will finish by 9.45pm

This flier was produced on 100% recycled paper. 2 autumn 08


/autumn ’08 Welcome to



So it’s now Autumn and we’ve got to ask… where was our summer?? Oh well... it’s time for the leaves to start falling from the trees, for the football season to begin and for us to see a new exciting season here at Emerging Culture. This latest edition of /thoughts is full of great articles and stuff to get involved with. You’ll get to meet the new ec* team, and have a sneak peak at our awesome /afterthoughts website. Upload your articles, art, sound-tracks and more or see what other readers have been up to at www.emergingculture.co.uk/afterthoughts. See page 31. It’s good to share, so when you’ve read this issue, why not give your magazine to a friend?

Get your own! Did someone give you this magazine? If so, then get your own! Turn to page 29 and sign up to receive /thoughts magazines, and you’ll be in with a chance to win a RISE worldwide clothing pack worth over £65. autumn 08 3

/thoughts magazine

Good news!

Emerging Culture The Church, Tolverne Road, Raynes Park London SW20 8RA

Jesus brings good news! In my travels this summer, I have seen people discover freedom in Jesus; I have seen people get healed; I have seen people discover their God-calling. But when I read the papers and watch the news, all we hear of is the bad news.

020 8781 1734 thoughts@emergingculture.co.uk www.emergingculture.co.uk www.sharejesusinternational.com Editors: Andy Frost: andy@emergingculture.co.uk Dot Lees: dot@emergingculture.co.uk Lindsey Macfarlane: lindsey@emergingculture.co.uk John Rodgers: john@emergingculture.co.uk

I believe God is at work behind the scenes. Throughout history, we see God’s good news breaking through… When Moses and the Israelites, all looked finished. When Daniel was thrown to the lions, all looked finished. When Jesus was pronounced dead, all looked finished. But our God continues to turn bad news stories into good news.

Artwork Designer: Huw Tyler: huw@emergingculture.co.uk Proof Reading: Jeanne Claridge

In this year of ‘Hope’, it is important that we do not get overwhelmed by the bad news stories that bombard us, for there is good news. The good news is that our God is full of hope. He is alive. He is active. He has not given up. He is available. The question is, have you discovered the good news yet?

Advertising & Administration: David Somers: david@emergingculture.co.uk © Share Jesus International. Charity Number 1089784 All Rights Reserved. No part of this magazine may be

Andy Frost Director, Share Jesus International

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or any information storage retrieval system, without permission in writing from Share Jesus International.

Engage with words, engage with the world! 4 autumn 08

Content and opinions of the articles may not necessarily fully reflect those of Share Jesus International

Velvet Elvis Sometimes we can be so caught up in how we are supposed to live, and getting all the right answers. In the book ‘Velvet Elvis’, Rob Bell shows that we don’t always have the answers and won’t necessarily find them out in this life. Instead of being scared by religion, we should focus on what Jesus is like, how he lived on earth and let him be the anchor of our faith. Velvet Elvis is an awesome book which does what it says on the cover; ‘Repainting the Christian faith’. It’s well worth reading!

Facebook I tried, I held off signing up until my feeble spirit was crushed! ‘It’s a phase that will soon pass’ I said. But it’s not just a phase anymore; it seems to be a way of life for everybody I know. People are genuinely shocked if we don’t have facebook…almost as though we have a rhino on our head! Nevertheless it is an excellent social network and now I have yielded to its social dominance, I have really enjoyed it. Find emerging culture by searching for ec* on facebook, for photos / info / general facebook goodness!

Get down to the driving range Golf, most people hate it. It’s for old people, or a good way to ease into an afternoon nap on the sofa. But how naïve we have all been. It’s fun! That’s right FUN. Everybody can play; old, young, male and female. The acronym ‘Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden’ is dead. There’s nothing better than the sweet feeling of belting a golf ball 300 yards down the middle of an open range. Maybe time to pop down to the local driving range and enjoy.

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/Jesus t-shirts Christian Fashion. It’s almost an oxymoron using the two words in the same sentence. However, it’s a relatively new development which has been steadily growing and is on the verge of breaking out into the UK high street.

The Apostle Paul’s commendation to “ be in the world, but not of it...” has always stood, but in the region of fashion, we are neither in the world or of it Christendom as a whole is really an invisible blip on the giant screen of the fashion world.

continue on with passion and dignity. The clothing and the way that we have our visual presence in the market is our medium - but the fashion serves the purpose of reaching out to encourage a cynical and fearful world with a message of strength and hope.

The phrase “Christian clothing” conjures up images of cheesy slogans and mediocre design typically, but with a brain trust of commercial Christian designers and printers, this image is rapidly vanishing.

The world sometimes sees a weak and powerless Christianity - as the media presents us this way and we want to negate this by reaching out to those struggling in their lives and encouraging them to

At the helm of this movement into a mainstream fashion world lie a number of brands. Far from the slogan based Christian tees of old, these brands are pushing out into organic clothing, directional jackets (think GStar or Stussy) and bright colours seen more typically in the most cutting edge NY or London streetwear shops. As we caught up with the designers and brand owners, we began to catch their vision and inspiration. One of the

Ranui Samuels Ranui Samuels is involved in RISE clothing company, for more information get in touch via the website: www.rise-worldwide.com

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brand owners - Ranui Samuels of RISE Worldwide - talks about the concept of “retail evangelism” as a driving force behind his seasonal collections: “If we look around us, fashion is one of the strongest mediums for carrying a message; we want to tap into this medium to deliver a faith based discussion. You’d be surprised at how many people are open to spirituality when it’s presented through fashion…” Ranui is inspired from Micah 7:8 “Do not gloat over me, my enemy, for though I have fallen, I will RISE...” It speaks of a side of our faith that most of us don’t really talk about much. It speaks of the power resident in the life of a Christian - the power that Paul mentions in Phil 4:13 - “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Ranui is passionate about using fashion and clothing to awaken this belief and reliance on God in each individual it touches.

many examples of people introducing Christianity into all areas of society, whether that is school / music / art / fashion. It is not only about introducing Jesus into these areas, but also about doing it well.

Robin Fletcher of Saccloth Anashes shares his experiences in retailing to a young Christian market. “One of the most exciting things to see is the transfer of passion that extends from the brands to young people. The journey of faith that we contribute to in the lives of youth is the main reason that we have created Saccloth Anashes…” Far from being generic, the designs that these fashionistas are producing are piquing the interests of the secular fashion world also. This is one of the autumn 08 7

/lifestyle engage

/21st century temples These days the word ‘temple’ doesn’t really pop up that often... When it does we probably think of ancient places of worship in the Far East, or tourist attractions on a TV travel channel. In the Bible ‘temples’ are spoken of over and over again as “the place where God lived”: a place where people could come to get hold of Him; a big, visible reminder that God wanted to make Himself available to His people, and make sure everyone knew where to find Him. In modern terms you could liken the temple to a mall, a supermarket or a fast-food joint; each place visible with their neon signs and billboards, all claiming to have what you need to make you happy. Whether it be the golden arches, with their promise of a quick burger or a Happy Meal, a Nike ad, subtly suggesting that their latest high-tops are all you need to make that dunk, or another smooth iPod commercial, wooing you into a world of digital downloads. All with something on offer. All very visible. All available. Ask any young European today if they know where they can get a fast-food fix, find a packet of cigarettes, or buy a new pair of Chuck Taylors and they’ll point you in the right direction, but try getting them to give you directions to the nearest church or asking if they know where to find Jesus and the percentages drop dramatically. Thanks to media and 8 autumn 08

technology we have pretty much everything at our fingertips, yet God appears to be less and less visible. Less and less prominent. Less and less available. Recent surveys say that over 80% of European teenagers are interested in topics regarding religion and faith. Read that again! Over 80%! That means that young people today are out looking for something, and there’s more on the market to choose from than ever before. In the meantime, we Christians seem to be suffering from acute invisibility! Corinthians tells us that we are temples of the Holy Spirit. That means mobile, modern-day venues where God can dwell. Living neon signs displaying God’s name. Walking, talking billboards making God available to our generation in our schools, universities and workplaces. Every young person standing up for Jesus in their class is like a 21stcentury temple. A point-of-contact between heaven and earth. When John from Weston-super-Mare put up a poster of himself with the words ”I’m a Christian, ask me why!” in his college, he turned himself into a contact-point. When Lina from London stood up at assembly and announced that she was a Christian, or when girls from Nottingham put up hearts with Christian messages on them on Valentine’s Day, God didn’t just see a poster, a trembling girl, red pieces of cardboard…God saw temples!

By deciding to be visible you can join together with thousands of other young people across Europe who are giving Jesus the chance to reach a generation that He’s longing to touch. You can be the point-of-contact in your world and show your friends where to find God. You can help make God visible again.

Brad Hawkes Brad Hawkes is a globetrotting Australian skateboarder with a Swedish mum and a halfBolivian wife, a soft spot for good food and a thing for sneakers. He leads New Generation UK as International Coordinator www.newgeneration.co.uk

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/india picture diary

Janaki Devi and her family have built and recently opened a primary school in their village in the Andhra Pradesh region of Southern India. The school offers heavily subsidised places for children who would otherwise not be able to afford education. It has been open for 3 months and already has over 200 pupils.

She has established a leper colony for about 60 men, women and children. They live together in a Christian community where their suffering is overshadowed by their joy and faith in Christ. Were it not for Janaki, these people would be begging on the street, ostracised from society and without hope.

oversees 60 churches which are teaching faithfully to hundreds of people across her state.

Janaki has also taken 16 orphans into her care; she feeds them, houses them, educates them and loves them.

Through God’s grace, Janaki has introduced her entire family to Christ. She has proclaimed the gospel door-to-door in her village and those surrounding it. She has ignited the growth of local churches and

Photos & words by Fran Moffat

Spending time with Janaki I realised that there are no limits to what one person can do when they are working in God’s strength and for His glory.

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/regime – routine – grace I came across this idea of grace at a stage in my life where I was really concerned with do’s / don’ts and with rules. I was really good at getting up each morning and reading my chapter of the Bible (most of the time not really understanding it, or taking it in) and presenting Jesus with my shopping list of requests. I thought I was doing really well! I was convinced that this was what following Jesus was all about. I read a book called ‘What’s so Amazing about Grace’ by Phillip Yancey. It had me laughing out loud and reduced me to tears with its stories of people’s lives, true stories about people’s experiences and about God meeting them. Not only was there laughing and crying, but it also encouraged me to search my heart. It totally challenged my idea of routined and regimented Christianity. It gave me a much needed fresh perspective on Jesus and what it means to have a relationship with Him. It opened my eyes to what it means

to dwell with Jesus and to love Him as a Brother, a Father, a Saviour and a Lover. The theme of grace is so alien to our culture. Without Jesus, we cannot even conceive of it as a concept. Unconditional, everlasting, unchanging love and forgiveness from the Almighty creator of the universe! These are gifts, something that is given to us as we enter a relationship with Jesus. There is nothing we can do to make God love us any more than He already does. And likewise, there is nothing we can do to make Him love us any less.

Though we are called to exercise holiness, righteousness, blamelessness etc, we are not under any obligation or duty. We spend time with God because we want to. We serve God because it pleases Him. This is completely radical. It’s a new way of living and of being. It’s the way we were designed to be! The fact that Jesus came, died and rose again so that we could live in complete freedom and assurance, is completely revolutionary and will change your life – guaranteed!

God looks at us and sees us the same way He sees Jesus. Jesus is holy, Jesus is righteous, Jesus dwells with God, Jesus is blameless. If it’s true that God sees us like Jesus…then we are holy, we are righteous, we dwell with God, we are blameless…You are Holy, You are Righteous, You dwell with God, You are Blameless – FACT!

Dot Lees Dot is the all-new editor of this very magazine. She is very excited about the future of /thoughts and would love to hear from you with your own thoughts on the magazine: dot@emergingculture.co.uk Read more about what Dot is doing at Emerging Culture on page 21.

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/grace Romans 8 says...

If you belong to Christ Jesus, you won’t be punished. The Holy Spirit will give you life that comes from Christ Jesus and will set you free from sin and death. The Law of Moses cannot do this, because our selfish desires make the Law weak. But God set you free when He sent His own Son to be like us sinners and to be a sacrifice for our sin. God used Christ’s body to condemn sin. He did this, so that we would do what the Law commands by obeying the Spirit instead of our own desires. People who are ruled by their desires think only of themselves. Everyone who is ruled by the Holy Spirit thinks about spiritual things. If our minds are ruled by our desires, we will die. But if our minds are ruled by the Spirit, we will have life and peace. Our desires fight against God, because they do not and cannot obey God’s laws. If we follow our desires, we cannot please God. You are no longer ruled by your desires, but by God’s Spirit, who lives in you. People who don’t have the Spirit of Christ in them don’t belong to Him. But Christ lives in you. So you are alive because God has accepted you, even though your bodies must die because of your sins. Yet God raised Jesus to life! God’s Spirit now lives in you, and He will raise you to life by His Spirit…

…What can we say about all this? If God is on our side, can anyone be against us? God did not keep back His own Son, but He gave Him for us. If God did this, won’t He freely give us everything else? If God says His chosen ones are acceptable to Him, can anyone bring charges against them? Or can anyone condemn them? No indeed! Christ died and was raised to life, and now He is at God’s right side, speaking to Him for us. Can anything separate us from the love of Christ? Can trouble, suffering, and hard times, or hunger and nakedness, or danger and death?!...

…In everything we have won more than a victory because of Christ who loves us. I am sure that nothing can separate us from God’s love--not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, and not powers above or powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!…

If you want to check out any more about grace, why not have a look at Romans 5-8. autumn 08 13


/love is the greatest thing

If you ever get the feeling that you’re not good enough, not good looking enough or not as intelligent as you should be, well you are not alone. Low selfesteem is a big problem these days and I can relate to it big style. Since being little I have always tried to be someone else - tried to impress other people by pretending to be what I am not - and let me tell you, after many years of trying…it doesn’t work! I think that I, like a lot of people, try to be someone else because we think we can make more friends or impress the opposite sex, but in doing this we don’t see ourselves for who we really are. We focus on the outside when it’s the inside that really matters the most? Cheesy I know, but true! I have discovered that God made each one of us how He wanted to, perfect in His eyes – now and always – but I have found it quite hard accepting that this amazing God of ours loves me for who I am even 14 autumn 08

with all the baggage I have now collected. I used to find it weird that God would love little unimportant me, just your average girl, but now I am realising that to God every single person is important to Him and perfect in every way. I have found that He knows me (and you) better than we know ourselves and loves us for the people we are, not the people we are trying to become. I have also realised that God wants us to love ourselves in the same way as He loves and sees us. It has taken me a long time to realise this, to learn to love myself and fully accept who I am. It hasn’t been until the past year or so where I have actually started to do this. It has taken some awesome friends of mine and God’s help through the Holy Spirit to help me do that. It is hard to let people love you if you cannot love and accept yourself first. If you don’t accept who you are then others will not be able to either. God has been speaking to me about this a lot recently and things keep popping up that I seem to be noticing more. For example I am noticing things in films which I have never noticed before even when I’ve watched the film a dozen times. I am noticing random things in books and things the locals say in the pub where I worked. They’re all based on love.

The Christian gospel message has quite a lot to do with love. Take 1 Corinthians 13, it says “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not selfseeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” Now if we could all love and accept ourselves like this as well as loving others like this then I guess we would all be sorted…

Gail Jackson Gail Jackson likes to wear a long white coat and extract money from people … at the Yorkshire County Show! She has also been working with SJI this year during her gap year.


/by definition Are we defined by what we do Our jobs, our study, our sport, our adventures Or by who He is? Are we defined by the things we buy Our labels, our brands, our cars, our trainers Or by He who paid the price? Are we defined by what we think of ourselves Our failings, our successes, our dreams, our reflections Or by He who is Love? Are we defined by what we create Our music, our poetry, our art, our homes Or by He who spoke creation into existence? Are we defined by our relationships Our friends, our families, our partners, our loneliness Or by He who is Three-in-One? Are we defined by ‘am I’? Or are we defined by I AM

Andy Frost

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/a reason for hope This is a sneaky peak at one of the stories of hope in Andrew Swift’s new book ‘My Reason for Hope’. This book has many stories from many different people, who all have unique and personal reason for hope. ‘Risk! That would be such a risk!’ Those were the words pounding through my head all through the festival. For the first time in my twentytwo years I was contemplating the possibility that I might not always be a doctor. Heresies don’t come much bigger than that for a medical student. Some clues had been divulged the preceding summer that this would be the case. I’d spent six weeks working and learning in one of the most disgusting places on earth. All of the refuse created by Cairo’s twenty-eight million people ends up in a small area called Mokattam populated by twentyeight thousand people and a similar number of animals. Right in the rotting midst of this sickly, sweet and overwhelming place was the hospital that became my temporary home. I was being exposed to the reality of people in desperate need, and growing in my soul was a passion to communicate about it, and other social inequalities for that matter. 16 autumn 08

It was a summer when the volume knob was always at ‘ten’. Compared to before, pain was deeper, joy was broader and moments became experiences. So it was hardly a conscious decision to write songs. They had always been my exhaust pipe, after the combustion engine of heart and head had fired. I’d been given opportunities to spread this useful pollution to churches, events and bars. The songs seemed to challenge and bless, which was great, but surely it would always just be an entertaining sideline to having a ‘proper job’. Fast forward to the Greenbelt festival at the end of that summer, performing for Tearfund. I’d often wondered about the phrase ‘in the groove’. Something useful is miraculously produced because this small needle fits perfectly into a slightly larger space. That was just a concept to me until I actually felt it happen; pouring my heart out in song, seeing a crowd connect with both words and melody, and feeling the very breath of my Creator down the back of my neck. I couldn’t run from the question, ‘Is this what I’m made for?’ That feeling however was rubbing up against a pretty harsh reality. The next two years of my life would consist of ninety-hour weeks, studying like I’d never studied before and being woken continually during the night by a bleeper that would have no regard for my beauty sleep. Where on earth could music and communication fit into that lifestyle? And would I not be in danger of throwing everything away on the strength of a gut feeling?

At the end of the festival, I sit on damp grass praying with ten thousand others. The word ‘risk’ is still stopping all other constructive thought like an M25 pile-up. A lady, whose quilted Scottish accent I will never forget, draws all our prayers to a close with these words, ‘Lord God, may we be a people who take risks for you.’ A bell clangs so loudly in my head that I presume everyone else is hearing the headlines too. Risk? I think I’ll take it.

Andy Flannagan Andy Flannagan spends his time gigging, cricketing, politicking and worship leading. He is on the leadership team of church.co.uk. Andy has written several books including God 360º and Distinctive Worship.

A Reason for Hope In what often appear to be dark days, this book serves as a timely reminder of the hope we have. A hope that is more than just human hope; a hope that will last and cannot be defeated. For more stories: check out the rest of the book.


/the steels The Steels are an edgy Christian rock band hailing from Morpeth, Northumberland... Adam Carmichael (lead vocals, guitar), Simon Napper (bass) and Matthew Chambers (drums) are today considered one of the best gigging units on the British Christian scene. Their unmissable live sets have astounded music lovers at major festivals all over the UK and Europe, more recently performing on BBC’s ‘Songs of Praise’ and the ‘God Channel’s’ ‘GTV LIVE’. The band started young. They were originally a 4-piece called ‘Steel Machine’ and simply enjoyed learning their instruments and jamming together in Matt’s cellar. In the early days Adam was not

a Christian. Matt in particular recalls praying for Adam for 8 years, showing prayers are not always immediately answered but persistence is rewarded. At an event called NE1 in Newcastle, Adam finally understood what Jesus had done for him and gave his life to God. The band later became a threepiece reverted to their nickname ‘The Steels’ and came to the realisation that if God had given them gifts to play music then they should use them for his glory. Over the next 7 years The Steels began growing in size while developing their ministry. Adam explains, “It may seem strange to us Christians but so many young people in this world have no idea that Jesus loves them enough to die for them, and as a band we have a real passion to help them understand that Christianity is hip and cool…..not hip and replacement.” For this reason the bands aim is that people leave their gigs having had the time of their lives, and with all their preconceptions

of the Christian faith up in the air. Matt recalls an encouraging comment from a recent week working in a High School, “If a Christian band can play music like that, then I want to be a Christian!”. At first this seems like just another funny comment, but her eyes had been opened and a seed had been planted. The band have a real sense that God is putting things together for them. Commented Simon, “So many times we have felt things were going badly when actually we have been making a real impact in other ways. With God we can achieve so much more, but it is often so easy to think within our own constraints. For example last summer in Hastings, we had to organise an outdoor town centre gig in two days - it seemed impossible, but with God’s help it just happened. And hundreds of people emptied out the pubs and clubs to jump around to Christian music, it was unbelievable and completely God!” The band have just this summer all graduated from University and after careful prayer and consideration have taken the big step of faith to go full time. Adam is excited to see where God takes them over this coming year, “The band has got to the point where we have taken it as far as we can with other commitments. Hopefully being able to put all our effort into it will make it a success.” The group will start this new era by heading to America to play some shows including Shoutfest in Ohio alongside such acts as Relient K and Six Pence none the Richer.

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/having a passion for christ Have you ever thought about the word passion? The dictionary describes it as, “a powerful emotion, such as love, joy, hatred, or anger.” A few months ago I started thinking more about the things we wouldn’t normally do, if as Christians our word and how it related to my relationship with God. ultimate passion is Jesus, then that ultimate passion When I thought about how I get inspired in life by will push us to do great things for Him. others or why I volunteer for things at my church, I realised that it was normally because the person God passionately seeks out people to bring into who is getting me to volunteer or who is talking fellowship with Him. Several years ago I decided I to me is passionate about what they are doing. I didn’t just want to be passionate about God, but be see passion in what passionate for God and I they are doing and I realized that if I was going Let God be your reason for want to be part of it. It to be passionate for God everything and let everything else then I had to be passionate doesn’t just work with take care of itself. others, whenever I about the things that God have been preaching is passionate about. As this or encouraging people, I’ve found that the times I’ve truth became more real in my life I realized that one of made the best impact is when others see genuine God’s greatest passion’s next to His Kingdom is His passion in me. people. If we have passion for God we will ultimately have passion for His people. Passion is the thing I believe that if we understand what it that keeps us close to God and in doing so keeps us truly means to have real passion focused on His people and allows us to focus on the for Jesus, we will find that that greatest commandment (Matthew 22: 34-39). passion for Him will flow into the work and people around us. The problem is that at some point, we will lose Being passionate about our passion for God, we might not stop believing something allows us to do in Jesus but we will lose our passion for Him. 18 autumn 08

There are different reasons for the loss of passion, and what we must remember is that it happens to the best of us. We have to keep coming back to the realisation that our passion for Jesus needs to be continually renewed. To keep our passion for Jesus alive we need to keep falling in love with Him again and again. As Christians we can get so caught up in the politics and rules of the Church that we forget how we got there in the first place. It was through a love for Jesus Christ that we decided to serve the Church and support our neighbours. But in all the different things we do for Christ we must never forget Christ, as our work would all be done in vain (Matthew 7: 21-23). I believe that when you first become a Christian it’s not the last time, we need to keep rediscovering that first passion we had for Jesus in new and different ways. God is so big that we will never get bored of Him (Ephesians 3: 17-19); we will always discover new things about Him which means we will always keep discovering new ways to fall in love with Him. To keep our passion alive in Him we must first fall in


love with Him and the only way we do that is by knowing and rediscovering that awesome revelation that took place on a cross 2000 years ago. Our passion for Jesus can only come when we realise that His ultimate passion for us has given us life and set the example. My question for you is why do you do the things for God that you do? Do you do it because of your passion for Jesus and to see His kingdom come on earth? Or do you do them because of selfishness, a desire for the recognition from people or maybe you have just forgotten why you’re doing the things you do? I challenge you to step up and do the things for God out of a passion for Him and nothing else. Not to get stuck in tradition but to find new ways in being inspired in your passions and to keep falling in love with the most amazing guy in the world, Jesus Christ. Let God be your reason for everything and let everything else take care of itself.

Darren Quinnell Will you take the challenge that Darren sets? Turn over to read more about Darren and what he’s up to with us at Emerging Culture. autumn 08 19

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/meet the new ec* team We have a new, exciting team now working with EC*! Here’s a little bit about them… Darren has been involved in youth work and mission since 2001. He heads-up the local youth work that SJI is involved in. Alongside working for SJI, he is also studying for a Theology Degree at St Pauls School of Theology, London. He has a call to mission and evangelism and loves seeing young people meet Jesus for the first time.

Dot is a passionate, young evangelist who loves to laugh. She is dedicated to equipping young people to serve local church and to building up a generation of young evangelists everywhere. She loves chocolate frappachinos and chatting. She is getting married in October and is super excited.

Andy is a surf-obsessed, movie loving, bible reading, church planting, globe trotting Londoner. He pioneers stacks of projects, helps lead ‘be church’ and is author of ‘God on the Road’, ‘Pentecost’ and ‘Freestyle’. He is a regular speaker in different settings around the UK and overseas.

Carina has a passion for her family. Not only her immediate family but the family that often go unseen and unheard across the world. She heads up release:potential (the newly created youth stream of Release International), loves tropical fruit juice and enjoys wearing ridiculous trainers.

All 4 of us are available to come and speak at events, and run events for or with you. From fresh expressions ‘how to’ sessions for your church, to skate comps, to missions, to worship events. We’d love to come and work with you, so to find out more or discuss ideas, get in touch with us via the website: www.emergingculture.co.uk, or email team@emergingculture.co.uk. autumn 08 21


/restore peckham Fran Beckett tells us that there’s more to Peckham than Only Fools and Horses... I came to Peckham after many hours of deliberation about what to do next after university. I had no set career path and no desire just to get a job with money but of little consequence. I wanted to do something that mattered! What I find now, nearly a year on, is less about what I can do that matters and more about how Peckham matters to me! It has definitely been a year of dramatic change in my life from the cosy world of university to the ‘real’ world of inner city London. A great start to the journey... Peckham is a place full of both hope and desperation, both rich and very poor, British and international, literate and illiterate, t-totalers and alcoholics, big families, small families and gangs that act as families. The very genetics of Peckham are difference and diversity. There is much celebration here of culture and the variety of communities and yet there is also so much loneliness and separation. Peckham has become a place to me that speaks true of life in the inner city and although it’s no bed of roses, it is a very exciting place to be. 22 autumn 08

When I moved to Peckham I joined RESTORE to work on their Volunteer Programme. I’ve had loads of amazing opportunities and new experiences, working with young people, asylum seekers, homeless people, families and made friends at the local corner shop! I am starting to see what the Bible means about not just sharing the gospel, but sharing our lives as well. I’m being challenged to follow Jesus; meaning getting my hands dirty and being involved with people. Learning not to ‘help’ from afar but being credible by working with my neighbour. I am experiencing what I think it means to love incarnate, outside of the four walls of a church; to be seeking out justice, hope and peace right on my doorstep, and what I think it means to follow Jesus.

If you have a heart for urban mission, social justice or just being involved with communities and people I recommend you follow it. It won’t come without its challenges, but it does come highly recommended. There is plenty to get involved with and whatever your passions and skills there will be someone needing just what you’ve got! I’ve found that Peckham is a great place to come after leaving the comforts of such a social life at university, especially if you like the busyness of city life, it’s never without excitement and never without its rewards! Find out more by contacting fran@restore-peckham.org or visiting RESTORE’s website at www.restore-peckham.org


Ten top tips for starting Uni from Emerging Culture The new academic year has started and no doubt some of you maybe embarking on a whole new world! But don’t panic! Emerging Culture is here to help! Here are our Ten Top Tips if you are starting uni this year!









During the first week you will meet loads of people who are in exactly the same boat as you…so get to know them! People on your course, people in your halls, people … Make friends with a second or third year who goes to a church (maybe with an evening service). This will get you into a good community and also probably access to free meals. Take something useful for the kitchen that no one else will have thought of and make some speedy potato-peeler-borrowing-friends.


Get along to your Uni’s Christian Union – it’s a good place to chat, discuss, worship and hang out and generally have a laugh with some likeminded people.

Make sure you get to as much of fresher’s week as possible – you’ll meet people who aren’t in your halls or on your course and maybe a potential second year housemate. Swat up on three good recipes that you can cook for your mates on the cheap. You’ll soon be famous across campus, and then you can get them to cook for you.

Join a society – you won’t have time to go to five, so have a look at your options and choose your favourite. Don’t let them bully you into signing up to all of them at the fresher’s fair! Go shopping at 24 hours supermarket in fancy dress – nothing is better than a crazy outing and those snaps will look great on facebook.

Buy paper plates, it’s so much easier than washing up, and will save on any house tension because of dirty washing up. Not quite so great on the environment though, but you won’t be polluting it with washing up liquid!


Set the alarm and make sure you’re at your lectures – it’s the reason you’re there so make sure you make the most of it. It will definitely help with the essays and assignments!!

autumn 08 23


/no-one likes being told what to do. Whether you are being told to tidy your room, do your coursework, take out the rubbish or wash-up it’s not often you want to do that. Not right there. Not right then. But you have a choice. Of course there are consequences if you choose not to; your room will get messy, you may fail a course, the bin will overflow and eventually you will need to eat from disposable party plates. But you still have a choice. But imagine not having that choice. Imagine being in a place where you are not allowed to meet with certain people, sing gospel songs, read Christian books or even go to Church. And it’s not just your parents, flatmates or lecturers enforcing these rules but alongside them are the police, the government, people who could get you in a lot of trouble if you said no to them. The place you imagined could easily be Pakistan, Morocco, The Maldives, Mexico, Egypt or China and not hundreds of years ago, but today; in 2008. It’s hard to believe that places we often see as holiday destinations could have so much corruption going on behind the scenes. Here in the UK we are often not shown the whole story, and unless we do 24 autumn 08

our own research we only see what the governments and media want us to see. There are Christians your age that want young people over here in the UK to hear their story. That is why Release International has created release:potential, a brand new branch of their organisation that has been specifically created for young people. release:potential will provide up to date information on what is really happening to Christians around the world. It will run events, provide DVDs and downloads, suggest things you can do, connect your youth group to youth groups from persecuted areas plus much more!

/take action /thoughts magazine is all about engaging with words and engaging with the world. We don’t like to sit back and watch but want to be involved and we want you to be involved too... Release International work in some of the most hostile countries in order to free Christians who are being persecuted for their faith or for their actions. This is your opportunity to get involved and join Carina in her work. Fill in the form opposite and send it back to Release. Not only will you be showing your support but you will also receive updates and prayer alerts.

As an exciting launch of release:potential a group of Christians from the UK travelled out to Pakistan to meet with people from the persecuted Church. This diverse team of musicians, artists, speakers and leaders have created a DVD to show the experiences, people, struggles and faith they encountered on their trip. For more information on this and other resources please email cmorton@releaseinternational.org and keep an eye out for the brand new release:potential website.

Carina Morton Carina is the Development Officer for release:potential. She is a lover not a fighter and likes to put Peri-Peri sauce on most things.

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PO Box 54, Orpingt Release International, 491 BR5 9RT 01689 823 577

Registered Charity 280

Phone: Email: DOB:


autumn 08 25

/hippy church My fascination with the words above began when Jon, a friend of mine, used them jokingly to describe the more disorganized Churches in our area. “Well, I’m proud to be part of a hippie Church” I briskly retorted through a cheeky grin.

26 autumn 08


With the warmth he had uttered the words I sensed he was too, and I smiled inwardly at the realization that this succinct phrase neatly captured many of my recent stray thoughts. So, I confess, I’m hi-jacking the term, pushing it beyond Jon’s jovial definition into a ‘new and improved’ concept loaded with more than a few of my own musings (oh, and maybe one or two of others). “I wanna be a hippie for you Lord!!” are the words I found myself journaling not long after my chat with Jon and, under this, a thread of unpunctuated brain activity swiftly meandered its way across the pages. A certain flavour was brewing. I continued in ‘out the box’ thinking, the opposite spirit to the world, what it might really mean taking up our crosses daily, Jesus’ words “come follow me”, and tried not to become distracted by ‘buildings’. Not pausing for literary air, I continued with the voyages and expeditions undertaken in the Bible by our forefathers, the harmonious relationship Christians are called to have with each other, the ‘take it to the streets’ philosophy and all manner of dreams and visions …and I think

Caz Taylor Caz resides in sunny Preston where she is part of a team hoping to see 24-7 prayer impact the city and beyond. She loves people, writing, rock climbing and turkish delight and thinks the world might be a better place if Will Ferrell were President.

hippie!! Just like those flare wearing peace seekers of the 60’s, there’s something about this hippie church that revels in freedom and journey. But though I’d like to claim this Jesus hippiedom as a unique revelation, alas, my finger is upon no new pulse. It turns out God’s already been down this free love freeway with others. I’ve discovered that there was actually a major Christian element within the hippie counterculture of the 1960’s known as the Jesus Movement. Those who were part of it were called Jesus people or Jesus freaks and while they rejected the typical hippie lifestyle, they kept many of the mannerisms and styles of the hippies. My friend, Wikipedia, also informs me that it is thanks to these pioneers that the gospel message is heard through an array of musical genres that it previously never was e.g. Christian metal music. As many hippies and street musicians converted to Christianity, they used their personal styles to convey the gospel truths. While a ‘flower power’ generation we are not, I’m pretty sure that like them, we’re still called to channel our passions towards the one who put them there.

A mobile home; what a great way of looking at it I thought. Like a royal Volkswagen camper van perhaps in today’s auto climate? In my amusement I swiftly sent this idea in text format to a good friend with the addition of my approval that if it was good enough for God then hippies of the world unite! The reply? “Woo hoo, get on that hippie love train!!” Not a term God uses in His word I grant you, but isn’t His word full of journeying, on the move people? And isn’t a train going somewhere? Didn’t the dwelling of God in the tabernacle mean His manifest presence was on the move? And are we not now charged with tabernacle responsibility to take His presence out everywhere we go? I suspect my friend was more spot on than her quick witted reply had intended. For Jesus calls us to follow Him and if this means getting on board a metaphorical train of love steered by the Holy Spirit and filled with His presence, then not just me Lord but a whole commune carriage of us!

And so amidst all my recent hippie notions, imagine the smile on my face when I recently read that ‘the first dwelling place God designed for Himself was a mobile home (a tabernacle) because He wanted to be on the move with His people’. *Cole, N. (2005) Organic Church. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco

autumn 08 27

/next time... Reality hits Real life stories and testimonies are so powerful! The next issue of /thoughts will be full of testimonies of how people have become Christians, examples of how God has provided for people, examples of times when God has healed people and real life stories of God using people to do amazing stuff.



Fresh /thoughts


+ You...


We will have articles from some of the new members of the ec* team, and we will also have some articles from some of the people on our brand new and exciting FRESH course (see the back page for more info).

This is your mission, should you choose to accept it….send us an article on something that you’re passionate about / send us some of your artwork and photos that will inspire people. We may include them in future issues of /thoughts.


/support ec* Spreading the gospel in fresh and exciting ways is what Emerging Culture is all about. /thoughts magazine is just one project along with regular missions, practical training courses and the Pentecost Festival. We are passionate about equipping a rising generation who want to see Jesus represented in their schools, colleges, universities, workplaces; a generation who will step beyond the ordinary. There are many ways to be a part of this adventure. Sign up to receive more /thoughts and info on what we’re up to, pray for us, come and see us at one of our national events or support us financially.


/get your own! And be in with a chance of winning one of 4 RISE clothing packs worth over £65. How did you get this magazine? Did someone give it to you? If you like /thoughts and you would like to have it delivered directly to your door every three months for free, fill in the form below. Why not request several copies and give them to your friends, colleagues, youth group or CU. Name: Address:

For information or to donate, go to www.emergingculture.co.uk/joinus

Postcode: Phone Number: Email address: Date of birth: Where did you get this magazine? How many copies of future issues would you like to receive? 1 copy

15 copies

Other amount (we’ll be in touch)

Please do not send me updates from SJI

And you’re done! Tear out this form and send it to: Emerging Culture, The Church, Tolverne Road, Raynes Park, London, SW20 8RA

autumn 08 29

/creative Heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” - Matt 3: 16-17

Rob Dykes Rob is the newest member at Share Creative. He has recently graduated from Swansea Met and is working in our creative department. He loves football and white chocolate. More of Rob’s artwork can be seen on the /afterthoughts site... 30 autumn 08

/log on I’ve got to the end of the magazine, what do I do now?

/afterthoughts /afterthoughts is packed full of great stuff to help you get to know more of God and to help you express yourself. /afterthoughts is not a spectator sport; it is your page, where you can express your faith, where we can encourage one another and be a part of the /thoughts community. Join in the expression, the creativity, the vision. /afterthoughts is also your opportunity to publish your own stuff! Whether you’re a budding writer / an up and coming artist or you’re in a band, we’d like to hear from you! Click onto the submissions section to upload your work now!

Get involved! Be part of it!

autumn 08 31

LAST FEW PLACES AVAILABLE! Are you 15-21 and feel that God has big plans for you? Do you want to explore these further and receive teaching and practical guidance on how to shape ideas? FRESH is a new approach to leadership training for emerging Christian leaders and will include…. - Time to constructively explore your strengths, gifts and visions. - Teaching on kingdom values, visionary leadership & communication. - Practical experience of being involved in and leading missions and events. 32 autumn 08

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Training Weekend 1: 11 – 12 October 2008 Training Weekend 2: 22 – 23 November 2008 Training Weekend 3: 6 – 8 February 2009 Pentecost Festival: 29 – 31 May 2009 (Optional) Mission Programme: Summer 2009 (Optional) For more information and to apply visit www.emergingculture.co.uk/fresh or call 020 8944 5678

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