/thoughts Summer 09

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/summer ’09 Welcome to



Sun, cricket and holidays; it’s summer! It’s time to build sandcastles and eat loads of ice cream. It’s also time to apply for FRESH, our leadership course. Make sure you don’t miss out on an awesome opportunity for great teaching, training, activities and fun. See page 31. Emerging Culture will be scooting around the country this summer at festivals and events. Check out www.emergingculture.co.uk to see where we are! This issue of /thoughts is full of great articles, art and exclusive interviews; it’s the perfect summer read. So grab your ice cream, sit outside and enjoy!

Get your own! Did someone give you this magazine? If so, then get your own! Turn to page 30 and sign up to receive /thoughts magazines, and be entered into the best ever prize draw from Emerging Culture.

At this point there was a bit of panic in the office. In the end

This is an amazing course for people aged 15-21 who are

five pallets of magazines were driven, one at a time, at eight

passionate about being part of a generation of leaders

miles an hour, down the road on a fork-lift truck. Sorted.

that ready to stand up and be counted, in their schools, universities and communities. “Great teaching, great

When our team got to the campsite, it wasn’t quite as

speakers and great leaders, FRESH is really helpful and

sorted as we’d hoped. They found five car parking spaces

applicable for my life at home.” – FRESH Delegate 08-09

filled with /thoughts. ‘It’s ok’, Andy decides. ‘We’ll store them in my tent’. So he now has five pallets of magazines

We also love chattering. I might not like camping, but I

plus him in a four man tent. Having squeezed in the

really love to chatter. We love being part of the Emerging

last box, he settled down to sleep, surrounded mud to

Culture community with you guys and we’re passionate

canvas by magazines.

about getting involved with what you’re up to alongside sharing how you can join the Emerging Culture

After a tiring evening, dawn breaks. Andy wakes,

adventure. So come and Chatter with us either on

enjoying the sun on his face. ‘What?’ you may be asking,

facebook, twitter, e-updates or our blog. Check out the

‘The sun on his face? He’s in a tent!’

website for more info - www.emergingculture.co.uk

camping. I’m proud to say that I’ve never been camping in

What Andy had neglected to do, in the midst of all the

Have a great summer and if you’re camping, remember

my life, however I love listening to people’s funny stories!

drama, was to peg his tent to the ground. When he woke

to peg your tent to the ground!

MUD, TENTS AND PORTALOOS I have a confession to make: I really don’t like the idea of

up, he was lying on the ground, in his sleeping bag, Emerging Culture first went camping just after we had

surrounded by magazines and without a tent. Brilliant!

See you soon.

launched /thoughts. We’d organised to have about 20,000 magazines delivered ready to be given out at the

Life with Emerging Culture is always an adventure;

first of many summer festivals to a friend who lived in

whether we’re losing tents, mountain boarding at

Shepton Mallet. ‘Great’, we thought, ‘free storage!’

FRESH, chatting about Jesus with people queuing for

Dot Tyler

Wimbledon or twittering and blogging our funny office

Emerging Culture

Two minutes after the courier had left with a van full of

stories; we can definitely say we’re ready for anything!

boxes, the phone rang. Apparently our mate had moved out, he no longer lived there. So, we had five pallets of

We’d love you to get involved with Emerging Culture’s

/thoughts being delivered to someone we didn’t know.

adventures. One of our biggest adventures is FRESH.



Secret Believers


We live really sheltered lives in

This summer, save some pennies by making

Britain. We don’t really know

your own ice lollies. They’re healthier and

what goes on in the rest of the world. We don’t know about

cheaper than buying ice creams from the shop.

the hundreds of Muslims in the Middle East who are becoming

Get yourself some lolly moulds and fill them

Christians and being killed because of it. Secret Believers

with whatever you fancy; smoothies, squash,

is a book that tells us of some radical people who became Christians and had to leave their jobs, homes and families and risked being killed. Well worth a read.

fruit juice, milkshake, yoghurt... the possibilities are endless. Or why not get creative and make some with layers.

See page 30 What is your favourite ice lolly? Fab Twister Rounders

Calippo Feast

What a great game. Everyone loves a bit of rounders.

Mini Milk

Whether you can catch or hit a ball doesn’t matter, it’s just so much fun. Take a picnic and rounders set to the park

Tell us your favourite on the Emerging Culture Blog!

and make a day of it. But don’t forget your sun cream!



Jahaziel - ready to live... MOBO Award winner Jahaziel has exploded onto the music scene with his new album ‘Ready to Live’. In between gigs and events, Jahaziel spent time hanging out with /thoughts magazine and chatting about fame, albums and performing.


/t: Which do you prefer sunshine or snow?

was to use music as a tool to communicate my faith. I

J: Sunshine, definitely.

always had this in the back of my mind but the more disappointments that came along, the more I thought

/t: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would

‘you know what, I haven’t really got anything to lose, I’m

you go on holiday?

gonna really give myself to doing this.’

J: Either Jamaica to see my mum, Ghana to see the country that my ancestors are from, Brazil to be involved

/t: Who would you say influences you the most?

in mission or Atlanta because I’d love to move there.

J: I’m gonna give you the most clichéd answer, but it’s the honest truth and that’s the example of Jesus Christ.

/t: What was it like performing and working on music

He relegated himself to take on the form of a man. He

with people like Lemar and Craig David?

left a much better position; it would be the equivalent to

/thoughts: What’s your favourite colour?

J: It was a great opportunity and a chance to see if my

me bouncing from a great record deal to lowering myself

Jahaziel: It changes all the time, I like the whole rainbow!

musical talent could weigh up with the people I listened

for a greater purpose. That’s always been an inspiration

to on the radio, it’s kind of that transition from being a

to me that if He could do that, if He could step out of His

listener to an artist.

comfort zone as it were and come down here, not to be

/t: What’s your favourite ice cream flavour? J: Rum & Raisin.

applauded necessarily for doing what was right; I figure I /t: What made you decide to stop doing this and start

need to follow suit and stick to what I believe in, whether

/t: What was the last song you listened to?

producing your own albums?

people appreciate it or not.

J: A sneak peak of a friend’s song called ‘Can I Talk to You?’

J: I’d had a number of disappointments and relationships that were supposed to produce something

/t: What is the best thing about your job?

/t: What was the last book you read?

and didn’t. I was beginning to feel like maybe just going

J: The job satisfaction. I’ve done so many menial jobs

J: I tend to start books without ever finishing them, but the

with what you believe might be a better thing to do

in my life and I know what it’s like to feel like you’re just

last one was called ‘In the Grip of Grace’ by Max Lucado.

because at least I’ll get something done at the end of it,

working so that you can get paid. You have that feeling

rather than waiting and hoping for something that will

that you just want to hurry up and get the heck out

/t: What’s your favourite chocolate bar?

never come. More so than just that, I felt a conviction

of there, you don’t want to do a minute of overtime. I

J: Twix, you get more for your money!

that I needed to use my music for a greater purpose than

don’t have those thoughts about this at all, I happily do

just making people dance and making money, and that

overtime, I happily do unpaid work, I happily give more


of myself than necessary because it’s such a great feeling to know that someone is being blessed and their world is being changed for the better by what I’m doing. That’s invaluable to me. /t: On the flip side of that, what is the hardest thing about your job? J: Physically I can only do so much. I can only travel so far and I can only be in one place at one time. That’s probably the hardest thing. /t: What would you like to be remembered for? J: I would hope that by the time I leave, I will be remembered for investing in the growth and empowerment of the next generation of MC’s, really sowing and setting a pattern that they can follow and build off of. I want to be an example about how to be about God’s business.


Nike, Heinz and the Church They had to be Nike. Was it the swoosh logo? Was it the fact that my friends wore Nike? Was it the way that the trainers just looked so cool? Was it the fact that they could be pumped up? I needed new trainers and I wanted a pair of Nikes. I had been captured by the brand.

Andy Frost


One look at the price tag and my parents thought otherwise

Andy is the Director of SJI, an author, a church

and as a disenchanted 12 year old, I left the shop with an

planter and speaker. He is passionate about

unbranded pair of plain white trainers.

reconnecting Church with culture and loves pioneering new projects.

A brand is more than just an identifying logo; a brand has a set of perceived values. When we think of Nike it communicates more than trainers, it communicates values

Robert Capon argues that we need to re-discover the Good

like risk-taking and competition; and when we think of Heinz

News! He writes, ‘The critical issue today is dullness. We have

it communicates more than baked beans, it communicates

lost our astonishment. The Good News is no longer good

values like quality and consistency.

news, it is okay news. Christianity is no longer life changing, it is life enhancing. Jesus doesn’t change people into wide-

The Church also has a brand and therefore has perceived

eyed radicals anymore; He changes them into ‘nice people.’ ’

values. In Kinnaman’s book UnChristian, he looks at what the brand ‘Christianity’ communicates to 16 to 29 year olds in

To re-brand Christianity in the UK we do not need a PR

America. The findings are shocking. The young people and

exercise, we need to re-discover this Good News and we

young adults responded with words like, “anti-homosexual”

need to reconnect with the values that Jesus exemplified.

(91%), “judgemental” (87%) and “hypocritical” (85%) as the

Values like grace, passion and commitment. We need to

defining values of the Church.

demonstrate that the Church is not merely an old fashioned institution hidden away in historic buildings but that the

The UK context is different to that of the States and perhaps

Church is alive and active.

a different set of values might emerge if a similar study was done in the UK but the people I meet often perceive the

The average person may think they understand what we

Church as “old-fashioned”, “bigoted” and “irrelevant”.

believe but we must show them by the way that we live that Christianity is about “life and life in all its fullness”. And so as I

Are these the core values that we want to communicate? Are

ponder why I wanted Nike trainers so much, I hope and pray

these the values of Jesus?

that we will rediscover a Christian faith that is Good News!


Follow the leader

Debz Sankey


“I can’t speak for you! I’m too young!” (Jeremiah 1 v 6)

others are called to less public leadership. Both styles are

Debz is a student at Cardiff University studying

necessary, important and valuable.

Medicine. She loves travelling, SCUBA diving, music, dancing, friends, food and fun and genuinely can’t

It can be a terrifying prospect stepping into leadership.

Though the call to leadership isn’t a call to perfection, it

What will I say? How will I act? What will people think

is a huge responsibility which requires us to be examples

of me, especially if it all goes wrong? Am I capable or

for those around us. We need to be humble, recognising

Debz was part of the FRESH leadership course 08-09.

qualified to lead others? How can I be an example when

our weaknesses, but confident in God’s strength.

To find out how you could be part of FRESH 09-10

I know all the rubbish in my life? These are certainly

help being busy!

go to page 31.

all questions that have run through my head when

Albert Schweitzer said “Example is not the main thing

considering leadership, and I’m sure Jeremiah felt the

in influencing others, it is the only thing.” For me,

same when God called Him.

leadership has revealed my failings and inadequacies, it

So what are you waiting for? Age, gender and

has taught me not to rely on others, myself or physical

qualifications are all irrelevant, anyone can be a leader.

Taking a role in Leadership can be scary and definitely

things, but to rely completely on God; His awesome

Jeremiah was just a boy when he heard God’s calling to

challenging. It is often described as ‘putting your head

power, and His strength. Being a leader doesn’t require

become a leader (Jeremiah 1 v 4 -10) but God promised

above the parapet’, in other words sticking your head

any special skills; it just requires a heart ready to obey,

Jeremiah that He would be with him and provide

into the firing line. Take Moses for example, whenever

and faith to trust in God. God will provide the rest!

everything he needed. God will do the same with us if we

the Israelites had a problem, who got the blame? Moses.

choose to obey Him.

Not only that but suddenly your life is on view for people

Leadership is about taking on the responsibility to

to see, people watch how you behave and people look

guide, direct, go before and show the way. It may not

up to you. Frankly that terrifies me. Have I put you off

be glamorous or easy but it’s definitely rewarding.

yet? Bear with me...

One of the privileges of being a leader is being able to see people you lead and invest in, grow into leaders

Leadership can be defined with one word: influence.

themselves. Ultimately being a leader is not about

We all influence the people around us, whether that’s

glorifying yourself but about enabling others to grow

through our words or by our actions. We all influence

and encouraging them to go on to do greater things

people and therefore we all lead people. Some of us are

than you.

called to leadership that is at the front of a stage while






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Paul Stock


Paul is an intern with Share Creative, enjoys all aspects of design, throwing paper aeroplanes around the office and eating Toad in the Hole. To find out more about Viticus go to www.viticus.co.uk

When I was younger I was involved in some trouble with a gang which resulted in my friend being taken to hospital. Every time I see stories in the news about gang related violence or young people caught up with weapons it makes my heart sink. I decided that I wanted to try and do my part for this culture and a way I thought I could help was through my creativity, clothing and designs. If I can get a positive message out through clothing that appealed to the people in this culture then maybe it could help change it. Here is where Viticus began. I now have a website, an online shop and I am also partnering with other charities who are tackling knife, gun and gang culture. God has made me creative, so I’m using it for Him.

See page 30


God and Darwin

Perry Enever


Why does it still seem like confessing to a crime? Over

living things have evolved from very simple single celled

Perry has recently become the Development Officer

164 years ago the chief suspect first confessed this

organisms or that birds are a cute kind of dinosaur, is

for Christians in Science.

‘crime’ in a letter.

another matter all together.

Today he has achieved hero status, even being celebrated

It is true that some Christians were wary of Darwin’s ideas

on our bank notes. Yet many Christians think that this

at first, but then many scientists were too. For example,

is wrong and view with suspicion anyone who, like me,

the Natural History Museum’s Sir Richard Owen never

associates with him.

accepted evolution. Conversely, some Christians were

Yet how can both evolution and the Bible be true? As

among the first to acknowledge Darwinian evolution.

a Christian and a scientist, I believe that studying the

His name was Charles Darwin and his confession was

Asa Gray was the Professor of Botany at Harvard

physical world is reading the ‘book of God’s works’.

that species are not fixed, but can change. When I admit

University. He was privy to Darwin’s ideas before they

This leads to a real sense of awe and worship of God as

to some Christians that I believe the Bible and accept

became public and was a key ally, promoting evolution

I gain insight into how He upholds the world moment

evolution, I almost feel as though I’ve committed a crime.

in the USA. Asa Gray was also a Bible believing Christian.

by moment; or the mechanism by which living things

Christians in the UK took delight that evolution shed light

have come about. I also believe in the book of God’s

on how God created.

word, the Bible. I don’t think it has much to say about the

You can find out more about science and faith

Don’t get me wrong, there are a wide range of opinions

issues at www.cis.org.uk

on these matters among Christians. Indeed, even the most

mechanism by which God created, but it has everything

ardent ‘young earth creationist’ accepts that species can

to say about the meaning of creation. It leads me to

change in a manner that Darwin suggested. They simply

realise that I am made in God’s image, but most amazing

believe that change has limits, for example;

of all, it shows me that the Creator Himself became a

sparrows change into other sorts

human being, in the person of Jesus Christ. I can know

of sparrows. However,

the Creator!

the idea that all Today, most Christians involved in science believe that the data supporting Darwinian evolution make a pretty water-tight case. I would encourage you to find out for yourselves why Christians can celebrate Darwin’s ideas without having to feel it’s like confessing to a murder.

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Invisible Children

Ami Anderson


Ever wanted to make a difference in the world but didn’t know how? Ever felt that you’re just too small a fish in too big a pond and that whatever you do would go unnoticed?

We are storytellers, visionaries, humanitarians, artists,

Ami is the Events Co-ordinator for Invisible Children.

and entrepreneurs. We are part of a generation eager for

She loves road trips, movies, talking too much and

change and willing to pursue it.

laughing so much her face hurts! For more info email - london@invisiblechildren.com

Earlier this year, twelve passionate and dedicated

or call 020 7378 8888.

people travelled across the UK and Ireland as volunteer representatives of Invisible Children. They venture across the

Familiar with the thought: ‘I’m only one person, how can I

country in vans, taking on all the challenges and adventures

Our work extends beyond our borders, focussing on long-

make a difference?’ We know the feeling, but we also know

of life on the road, just to be able to share about huge issues

term development in conflict and post-conflict regions to

that incredible things can be achieved when like-minded

in Uganda today, for example the hundreds of children who

improve quality of life. We partner with communities in

people get together with a shared purpose. Here’s our story...

are abducted and forced to become soldiers. While some

northern Uganda to establish innovative education and

may think it is crazy to do what they do, we admire their

economic programmes to help individuals and institutions

In 2003, three young filmmakers travelled to Africa in search

reckless commitment because the people who are crazy

reach their full potential. We believe in making the

of a story. What started out as a filmmaking adventure

enough to think they

impossible possible. We believe in the power of youth and

transformed into much more when they discovered a

can change the

the underground. We believe that the louder we are, the

tragedy that disgusted and inspired them, where children

world are

harder we are to ignore. And most of all we believe that no

are both the weapons and the victims. The overwhelming

the ones

child should be invisible.

response was ‘How can I help?’ Invisible Children was born.

who do. This is a story of three guys who thought ‘how can I

Invisible Children transforms apathy into activism. By

help?’ and did something about it. What inspires you and

telling the stories of those living in regions of conflict

challenges you to want to do something or stand up for

and injustice, we hope to educate and inspire people

something? You might be only one person or just a group

throughout the world to use their unique voices for change. Our media inspires people to become part of a grassroots movement that responds intelligently to what is happening in the world.

of three people, but you can change the world and you can make a difference. Whatever your hope or dream, God will use you, so be reckless and take the risks.


Half an hour with Shane Claibourne


Shane Claiborne has led an extraordinary life so far, lived in a cathedral, served with Mother Teresa and set up ‘the simple way’. /thoughts had the pleasure of grabbing half an hour with Shane in the midst of his writing to ask a few questions and find out more.

/t: On a similar note, you have had some great experiences from serving with Mother Teresa to living in a cathedral. Which experience do you think had the biggest impact on your life? S: I don’t think I’ve really had a Damascus road experience. To me it’s been more of an unfolding journey and I’m really grateful for the landmarks along the way. St Edwards, the take-over of the cathedral was a big one, also being in Calcutta and then in Iraq. There have been significant times in my neighbourhood where we’ve had

/thoughts: You have met some amazing people, who

things happen where some have been really beautiful

do you think has influenced you most?

while others have been really tragic. These have really

Shane: I don’t know if there’s an easy answer to that,

marked my spiritual journey too.

there are a lot of folks who’ve influenced me. My mom’s one of my closest friends and a really big supporter. My

/t: In your book Irresistible Revolution you talk

dad died when I was young, so mom and I were really

about having to go outside of the church to really

close. I’d certainly say that she’s been a real pillar in

become a Christian. How would you define the idea of

my life.

‘Christianity’ and being a ‘Christian’? S: To me, being a Christian is joining the work of Jesus

And then of course Tony Campolo, who is sort of

in the world and following Him. I think the litmus test

like a spiritual dad and good friend. He writes me

for anything Christian is; does it look and feel like Jesus?

nagging emails like a father does. John Perkins is

The job of a Christian is to remind the world of Jesus and

another big influence and of course Mother Teresa.

Jesus’ love. None of us can be Christ alone, but I think

Then I’ve got neighbours and folks here like

all of us are Christ together, the body of Christ. So that’s

Sister Margaret who’s an eighty year-old

really the calling of the Christian; to be a part of the body

Catholic nun.

of Christ, alive in the world; Jesus’ hands and feet.


/t: At ‘the simple way’ you’re passionate about living in

/t: Do you think that we should all be living simply, or

economics, one sells everything he has and the other

community. What does this look like for you day-to-day?

is it something that just a few people are called to do?

sells half of everything. I think what’s important is

S: We get up each morning and have prayer together and

S: This is what I would say; I think there are certain

that we are conforming to the patterns of a different

then we do work in the neighbourhood, then most of us

distinctives that we can say are consistent in scripture.

kingdom, where the first are last, the last are first, the

have part time jobs that we do as well. There are different

For instance, the idea that we are to live close to those

poor are blessed and the peacemakers are the children

activities that we have from day-to-day; sometimes

who are poor and suffering. These are gospel mandates,

of God.

we give out food, sometimes we have a thrift store,

but Jesus doesn’t tell everyone the same thing when He

sometimes we help kids with their homework, do the

invites them to follow Him. To one person He says “be

So, some people may lose their jobs, others maybe

gardens and things like that. We really just try to be good

born again” to another He says “sell everything you have

redefine them, others will turn the systems on their head,

neighbours and be attentive to the needs around us.

and give it to the poor”. There is an unmistakable call in

but what we can say is that an encounter with Jesus will

scripture to not conform to the patterns of this world and

mess us up, it will transform who we are and then we

/t: What is the most difficult thing for you personally

just because we’re called to be nonconformist doesn’t

orient our lives around something different than just the

about living simply?

mean that we’re called to uniformity.

patterns of the culture around us.

S: I guess the most difficult thing about living simply is how complicated it is. In our vision and on our website

We’re all called to carry a cross but that doesn’t mean

(www.thesimpleway.org) we say that we’re trying to

that all the crosses look alike. Even for two tax collectors

dream big, live small. I think that is really difficult. There’s

in scripture, Matthew and Zacchaeus, their response

such a beautiful thing that’s happening in the church

to Jesus isn’t identical. It does affect both of their

and in the world right now and it’s difficult to balance the larger stuff with the everyday. In a real and concrete way; heroin addiction is huge in our neighborhood and it’s something we’re really struggling with now because we know a lot of the guys who traffic drugs, and many of them are really incredible people and they’re just in need of income. It’s difficult to tell kids “don’t deal drugs” if we don’t have another job or option for them.

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Dealing with Anorexia

Helen Smith


Learning to accept our bodies from the inside-out is

It wasn’t as though anorexia was an overnight decision,

Helen is a makeup artist with a passion for inner

a challenge many people struggle with and it’s often

it became my perspective, my method of coping, feeling

transformation. She loves singing, drama and

a breeding ground for eating disorders. Anorexia and

safe and staying in control. I was very obsessive about

anything that includes jazz hands!

bulimia are massive issues for people in the UK. They

where, what and how I would eat. When I didn’t eat, it

affect much more than just people’s weight; it’s also

numbed my emotions and I thought that controlling my

If you have been affected by these issues or would

about emotions, control and hope.

food would help me escape the problems around me.

like to chat with Helen about her experience then

Pinpointing the exact moment or incident my anorexia

Everyone around me thought that if I put the weight

began is like searching for a needle in a haystack. I was

back on then everything would be fine and the

an insecure young girl and I didn’t really know how to

problem would be solved but it’s not like that at all. My

deal with my emotions toward some really difficult issues

problem with food was a symptom of a much bigger

We’re all unique, with different families, friends, hopes,

within my family. I was labelled as ‘the beautiful one’,

internal problem.

dreams and problems. The behaviours are symptoms not

please get in touch - team@emergingculture.co.uk

whereas my brother was ‘the intelligent one’.

or go to www.b-eat.co.uk for more info.

the cause and they can affect anyone regardless of age, I ended up in hospital in 2002 where I began my road to

gender, race, weight or faith.

When I got to my teens I became fixated with looking

recovery. It was so hard because we are faced with food

beautiful and internalised every feeling about conflict

everyday. It’s as though someone tells you after years of

Eating disorders put a halt on your life and stop you doing

in my family. My appearance became a large part of my

brushing your teeth in one way, that now you need to

things you dream of. God is not angry with us when we

life and I was known among my friends as the one who

stick your toothbrush up your nose.

have problems, but wants us to trust that He has the best

always watched what she ate.

for us, no matter what. He asks us to trust him with all our

It wasn’t until university that things became really difficult. My

The things that really helped me were friends who

heart, letting go of our own need to control, promising us

supported me and enjoyed my company in spite of

that He will make our path straight (Proverbs 3:5-6).

my appearance. Practically, journaling became a new

parents started splitting

method of coping and being in control. The biggest

Recovery may mean seeking professional help and asking

up and I became

aspect for me was recognising that the things I had

the people closest to you to sit and pray for you. Facing

been telling myself were lies. I still have to fight the lies

an eating disorder takes stages of acceptance as well as

that were part of my life for so long, but now I know

learning to trust. There is hope and light for both sufferers

the truth.

and their friends. The key is walking in truth.

more and more isolated from my friends.


Reality Hits: Death Where is Your Sting?

Becky Hunter-Kelm

It was the morning of my GCSE Maths and History exams,

huge panic. Finally I managed to burst out of my statue

Becky lives in Leeds and works with young people. She

summer 2001. I’d been up the night before in my bedroom

like poise and screamed. I screamed for mum, I screamed

loves travelling, sunshine and tapas.

revising; I had posters up on the walls of simultaneous

to heaven, I can’t even remember what I screamed. Mum

equations and timelines. I woke up to the sound of my

came up the stairs two at a time and when she came

If you’ve been affected by these issues or would like to

parents’ alarm clock at 6am. It was ringing very loudly. I

in the room I saw something in her eyes. I think it was

chat with Becky, contact team@emergingculture.co.uk

grumpily turned over in my bed, waiting for someone to

acceptance. She already knew.

switch it off so I could enjoy my extra hours snooze. When the ambulance arrived, they moved my dad,

can keep dear ones close. With time some memories can

The alarm kept ringing. So I finally flung back my duvet

checked him over and pronounced him dead. His heart

fade and it helps to stimulate those memories sometimes.

and marched purposefully next door to my parents’

was a second-hand heart, having saved his life 12 years

I’ll look through old photos or just reminisce with my mum

room. Mum’s side of the bed was empty, she was

earlier by a heart transplant. The heart had finally had

or friends. As someone who follows Jesus, I believe my

downstairs spending the morning with God as she did

enough and the paramedics said he gently just slipped

experience of loss and bereavement was so precious. It

most mornings. Dad was lying on his back looking like

away. He looked so peaceful, it wasn’t freaky at all. I

hurt, and I wish it hadn’t happened but God carried me

he was in the peaceful realms of sleep. “DAD!” I yelled,

knew where he had gone. I even managed to smile as I

through in ways I cannot put into words. It’s as though

rather huffily. No response. After I shook him I realised

remembered that my beloved dad had gone ‘where the

He absorbed my pain and replaced it with hope. Death

my dad wasn’t moving. My heart literally skipped a beat.

praise is never ending’.

wasn’t goodbye, it was ‘see you later’. He works all things

You know in dreams sometimes, when you’re running

The next few weeks, months and years, were hard. I still

to comfort others. As Paul tells us in Corinthians, one day

away from something but your feet won’t move, that’s

miss him even now. Memories are so precious, they’re

we’ll see that death no longer has its sting.

what it felt like. Frozen. Stuck. But inside my soul was in a

God’s way of ingraining the past, on our hearts, so that we

together for good, and I know He will use my experience


Reality Hits: Heartbreak for the broken

Elijah Kirby

A few months ago I planted a church in the North East.

attacked her with a blood-filled syringe. She went to the

Elijah is the founder and pastor of ‘ Foundation of

Our mission statement is to ‘bring light to the nations’.

doctors and they informed her that she had contracted

Life Ministries’. He lives in the North East with his wife

As a church we realised that our town needed some

HIV. Through tears this lady went on to tell me of how

Jo, who is currently studying law. He plays for a local

Christians to break the mould so we started handing out

her father sexually abused her throughout her childhood

football team (who always seem to lose!) and has been

bottles of water throughout the nightclubs. While doing

and of how she watched as her mother burnt to death.

a bit depressed since Newcastle Utd were relegated.

this we experienced firsthand the hurt and deprivation in some people’s lives, so we met with council officials

As Christians we do not know all the answers, quite

and set up a partnership that feeds the most deprived

often we are lost for words but love speaks with much

When interpreted from Latin, extravagantly means ‘to

individuals and families throughout our town on a

more power than words ever could. I later chatted with

go beyond’. Let’s be a generation who are prepared to

regular basis. Some of the people’s stories that we have

this lady about a guy who had radically changed my

follow Jesus’ example. Who, in our villages, towns and

seen and heard are heartbreaking.

life when all seemed lost. I told her about Jesus and

cities needs to be loved extravagantly? Are we willing to

that when we put our trust in him, it will never come

go the extra mile and love these people as Jesus would?

One lady who regularly received our food parcels broke

back void.

down in tears and told me that she had HIV, Hepatitis B

Paul, in Romans 12:1-2 says, “Therefore, I urge you,

and Hepatitis C. She told me that she had been on drugs

When I think about loving extravagantly I am constantly

brothers in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as

for most of her life but one day decided that enough

brought back to the thought of Jesus sacrificing Himself

living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-This is your

was enough. She managed to kick the drugs and get

on the cross for all mankind. Jesus was prepared to

spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to

her life back on track; she even helped out at a prison as

endure hours of pain and humiliation to wipe our slates

the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the

an advice worker and all seemed to be going well. Then

clean and to show us how much He loves us.

renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test

one day as she was walking through town a random man

and approve what God’s will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will.”

More Reality Hits next time...


Politics, Planks and Expenses You might think politics doesn’t affect you, that you don’t need to vote. Are you really sure?


Gareth Wallace

But allow a word of warning about even those leaders

Gareth works as a freelance political researcher and

who claim to follow God. No one is perfect, we have

consultant. For four years he was the Westminster

all sinned. God called King David, one of the greatest

Parliamentary Officer for the Evangelical Alliance, and

politicians and rulers of all time, “a man after my own

was most recently Policy Manager at Faithworks.

One of my political heroes is Archbishop Desmond

heart.” Yet David sinned horribly, he committed adultery

Tutu. He campaigned tirelessly against Apartheid in

and murder. There must be room for grace when we

South Africa. Archbishop Tutu once quipped that he

judge our leaders, none of us are whiter than white.

was “puzzled which Bible people are reading when they

We must be careful that in holding our politicians to account we do not stumble into hypocrisy. As human

suggest that religion and politics don’t mix”. He also

Over the last few months it seems that there is a renewed

beings we are very skilled at avoiding the planks in our

commented that “we pray for God’s will to be done. But

interest in politics and in the way our politicians act. With

own eyes while carefully removing the speck of sawdust

if God’s will cannot be done in politics then whose will is

every passing day there seem to be fresh revelations

from others! My prayer is that the expenses scandal will

being done?”

about MP’s expenses. Everything from duck islands to

lead all of us, voters and politicians, to be more humble

moat cleaning has been the cause of anger and even

and examine our own hearts. We always need political

When you enter the world of Westminster you’d be

amusement in the news, but what about the people

leaders who will serve humbly and put honesty first.

amazed at how many Christians work there. There are

behind the headlines?

Could you be called to be a political leader of the future?

scores of MPs and a myriad of researchers and staff who are Christians and I attend a weekly prayer meeting

I have been privileged to work for an MP and on the one

which unites cleaners, cooks, MPs, researchers, police

hand, most politicians I have met have a sense of calling

and librarians!

to serve their country. However, the privileged position that politicians hold in Parliament can result in them

It seems that recently politics has ‘thawed’ towards

losing touch with normal life. The expenses scandal has

Christianity and likewise the Church has started

been a humbling experience for our politicians. Perhaps

encouraging its members to see politics as an

this is no bad thing. Honesty and greater accountability

honourable vocation. We need modern day Daniels

are uncomfortable things, but they are also vital Christian

who can develop principled God honouring careers as

principles. As one Christian MP I know said; “sunlight is

campaigners, civil servants and elected politicians.

the best disinfectant.”

Legacy are looking for passionate young people to join their growing team in South East Essex, UK

The pioneering youth congregation “Legacy” is at the forefront of skateboard and BMX ministry in the UK. Our current bases include a £¾ million Skatepark & Youth Centre, a drop-in Centre on Canvey Island & a centre in Rayleigh. You will work as part of our team of interns & youth workers

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For further details & an application pack contact: Revd Peter Hillman 01268 565650 pete@legacyweb.org www.legacyweb.org & www.legacyxs.com If you grab the chance to join the Legacy team you will live as part of our mixed gender residential community, a shared house whose life is centred around daily prayer for a minimum of 12 months. Your work will involve a minimum of 30 hours a week. In return you will receive food, accommodation and a “pocket money” allowance of £15 a week. Unlike other internships or “gap years“ there is no cost to you other than your time and energy. So, why not come and join in what God is doing here in Essex? We’d love to hear from you! (Age 18+)

knowing the word knowing the world 20-22 November 2009 Eastbourne youthworkconference.co,uk

Inspirational speakers include Jim Wallis, Maeve Sherlock, Jill Garrett, Jason Gardner, Pete Greig, Jenny Baker, Ruth Valerio, Ruth Hassall, Rachel Gardner and Worship from Ben Cantelon and Vicky Beeching.


Hope for Orphans In many ex-Soviet countries, hundreds of thousands of children are in orphanages. More often than not this is because of poverty and alcoholism. Literally thousands of children are on the streets where they risk starvation and hypothermia.

Euan Wooley


run on the coast of the Black Sea, provides a loving and

Euan is programme co-ordinator for Global Action

exciting retreat where children can come to escape from

UK. He lives in London with his wife, and they are

their problems.

expecting their first baby soon. Euan loves travel and food and enjoys the occasional hike.

Last year, I went to Ukraine to help with one of their camps. I wasn’t sure what to expect, or what difference a camp like this would make to the children, but I returned

Saying goodbye to the children at the end of the camp

convinced that this was a great ministry to be involved

was perhaps the saddest part of the trip. Many were in

in. The children I was working with were supposedly a

tears. However, one thing they now have is hope. Hope

Although state-run orphanages provide for the physical

rough bunch. They came from a centre for drug-addicts,

that things would get better and hope that with Christ

safety of children, sadly they are often under-funded

who were only 13 -15 years old. They all put on a tough

there could be fulfilling relationships and real love. This

and under-staffed, and cannot cater for the emotional

front at first but as they were surrounded by the love and

alone made the trip worthwhile.

needs of those in their care. Hard working staff in some

attention of the Hope Centre volunteers barriers began to

situations rely on budgets of less than a quarter of a penny

break down and we began to see how vulnerable these

Multiple ministries like these are happening around the

per child per day. This helps explain some of the shocking

children were.

world. To continue to meet children’s emotional and

statistics indicating that 70% of girls leaving care end up

spiritual needs they need your support. Could you bless

in some sort of prostitution while 60% of boys wind up in

Igor was one example. A 13 year old who was mad about

Igor and children like him by getting involved? It may

prison. I, like many people, was shocked and then angered

football but had many behavioural problems like acting

change someone’s life; it may change your own.

when the ‘Iron Curtain’ was rolled back and revealed the

out and getting into wild tantrums. After a couple of days

conditions of state orphanages. I really wanted to do

in the camp however, he decided to commit his life to

something about it.

Christ. The change was immediate and drastic; it was really amazing to see.

Global Action partners Andrei and Tanya Spigunov are working to bless children from extremely deprived backgrounds; children who have not had the chance to grow up like others their age. The Hope Centre they


Man up!

Sam Gibb


Sitting on cold, hard pews, singing love songs and drinking tea with old people are not things that many guys want to spend their Sunday mornings doing.

getting into

Sam lives in a small village called Quorn. He loves


lasagne, Asterix comics and Alan Shearer. He is currently

waters, being

writing a series of Bible studies for young men.

knocked about and sometimes even being thrown out

how to apply it to your lives. Tackle the relevant issues

It’s no wonder that so many young men drift away from

to sea. As Christian guys, this

that can often be missed out in church.

church. Some of us start working on Sundays; others

is what we want. Guys want discussion and debate; to head

join sports teams or go out until the early hours and as a

into dangerous waters and be knocked about. They want


result become immovable bed-bound objects until late

to be challenged and encouraged. Guys want to discuss the

Learn from each other and teach one another. Look

Sunday afternoon.

big issues, but more often than not end up talking about

at what the Bible says about language, relationships,

girls, cars, music, internet and football.

alcohol, drugs, sex, and the internet. Challenge and encourage one another.

About a year ago I started to notice a trend; I saw guys go to week-long summer festivals and leave with a real buzz about God and a will to find out more. But before long

So I started a guys group focusing on these three ideas: For me, Titus 2: 6-8 has been a fantastic encouragement…

the guys would drift away, sleep in, and not bother with


church. As guys we need to get together, pull ourselves

This might sound strange, but you can’t read Jesus’

Always set a good example for others. Be sincere and

together, learn from each other and ‘man up’ for God.

teaching without escaping the reality that food is

serious when you teach. Use clean language that no

integral to discipleship! Nothing’s changed today: the

one can criticize. Do this, and your enemies will be too

As a guy, you are probably in at least one of two camps:

best way to get guys together is around food. Invite

ashamed to say anything against you.”

you either need someone to learn from, or you need to

some guys from your church, youth group or CU, and

find someone to teach. Either way, you need to meet

get eating.

with other guys.


Jesus commanded us to be fishers of men. In Jesus’

Consider meeting regularly, to come together and share

day, being a fisherman didn’t mean sitting on the side

real ‘guy stuff’. Studying the Bible is the best place to

of a lake and waiting all day for a bite. Rather, it meant

start. Read through God’s word as a group and work out

“Tell the young men to have self-control in everything.

So, ‘man up’, get started in your walk with Christ, encourage other guys around you and strive to serve God in everything you do.







...HMM, NO.















Join Victor the Christian Vampire for the next year of /thoughts.



Siku is author of the Manga Bible and the Manga Jesus. In his spare time he dreams up Christian vampires, plans world domination(!), makes music and a mean pot of jollos rice.






What can we get away with? It was week three of the marketing course and the lesson was business ethics. We covered sweatshops, the environment and health. A wry smile played on the lips of the lecturer the whole time; “It’s a tricky one isn’t it”, she kept saying.

Jon Tearne


to children was a ‘dream job’ because they are so

Jon works at New Wine, plays the guitar, is a bit

impressionable! Hearing that made me feel a little sick;

of a computer novice and recently ran the Paris

where have we arrived when we freely talk about taking

Marathon on a whim.

advantage of the innocent? The more we talked the clearer it became that a moral foundation is imperative to everyday life. Without it you are at the mercy of the

His guidance in our lives, it also forces us to re-examine

marketer; robbed of your dignity as a human being you

whether or not we can truly experience fulfilment when

are relegated to the post of consumer.

we know it has come at the cost of another individual.

There were murmurings of ‘different people value

This is what ‘building a house on sand rather than rock’

How do we reconcile God, Primark, ethics and

different things’ and ‘everyone sees right and wrong

(Matthew 7:24-27) looks like; this is what ‘everyone doing

McDonalds? If we are passionate about God and people

differently’, as we discussed what we felt was acceptable

as they see fit’ looks like. Towards the end of the class I

then this would really affect our attitudes and our habits.

practice for organisations like Primark and BP.

asked the lecturer, “So, business ethics are what you can

Much as I love cheap clothes and cheap food, is it really

get away with?” A simple “Yes” was her reply.

worth it? Could I stand in front of the people who are

The most interesting observation was that the emphasis

suffering for me to eat my burger, wearing all the clothes

of the discussion was not working out whether

It was a rhetorical question, the real one being, ‘How can

in my wardrobe? If I can’t stand in front of people and if

sweatshops were right or wrong, but justifying our

we be satisfied with this?’ How can we be satisfied with

I can’t stand in front of Jesus then maybe I need to look

shopping habits. Everyone was looking for an excuse not

putting our wardrobe before the poor? What exactly are

at my habits and my response to the buy-one-get-one-

to change.

we achieving by surrounding ourselves with all this stuff

frees or the 50% sales.

that we don’t need to impress people we don’t like? Sweatshops are one of many iniquities perpetuated by a mindset that says morality is subjective. If this sort of

Everyone in the class knew that there was a dilemma

injustice is only considered wrong when it suits us then

to be debated, but if the sole foundation for this world

we will never reach a solution.

is ‘survival of the fittest’ then right and wrong are just opinions and we have no real reason to care about

The conversation continued and marketing as a

anyone but ourselves. The question of morality is not just

practice fell into question. We discussed how marketing

an argument for the existence of God and the need for

r e v ie w . . . 13 letters If you’re like me, you will know that a song can be packed with good messages but if it doesn’t have a beat to go with it, to be honest, it’s probably not gonna get air time! But this album uses deep beats and lyrics to explain books like Philemon and Hebrews! 116 Clique take you on a tour of the thirteen letters written in the New Testament. I’m one of those people

Exmoor, North Devon

• Schools • Youth groups • Corporate • Activity breaks With its dramatic location and modern facilities, The Beacon offers a unique setting for residential outdoor teaching and activity breaks. Ideal for schools, colleges, corporate activities and a wonderful environment for Church youth group holidays. Catering for parties of up to 41, The Beacon provides food, accommodation and a programme of exciting outdoor activities arranged in consultation with each group. These include climbing, crate stack, zip wire, mountain boarding, archery, and many more on our stunning coastal estate in Exmoor National Park. As a self-contained centre, The Beacon can be booked as a whole centre for school groups, youth groups and corporate training days. Our vision is to create an environment where young people can learn to stretch themselves physically, mentally and spiritually. The Beacon is staffed by a Christian Community.

who is not very good at memory verses, but since putting the album on my iPod, the new testament has


become relevant to me again.

es ca p

This is Bible study with a twist. For God’s word to affect

our lives, we’ve got to know it!


ou nt ain

bo ar di n



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